

Attached: 1521394192186.png (1229x1160, 63K)

I reinstalled black ops 3 just to play the multiplayer and I've been having fun with it.

i think wojaks and frogs are better than oldfag """"memes""""

I'm getting suicidal thoughts every day of the week now. Not even weekends are safe.
I might really do it as soon as I make preparations

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I think I just broke up with my GF

I use quicksave regularly and then complain when it's too easy

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I've beaten Sonic 06

Catholicism is a pagan mystery religion, it's not christian.

I actually had fun playing watch_dogs

I jerk off to Roll once a week

I installed CoH but for the life of me can't figure out how to s top it from going windowed after laoding

Its fucking hard to me to play new games, I made a few exceptions if they cater to my autistic tastes

I only got to Ending A in Nier Automata and haven't touched it since

I even knew better I just got sidetracked by other games and haven't gotten back to it

i think op just made this thread as an excuse to post the follow up picture like on that screen cap from pol or something

I think dark souls series are the worst game ever made and you can't do anything to change my mind

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What's wrong in your life, user?
Don't do it. Death will happen soon enough anyway, we're frail creatures. Try to make the best of this life, it's all we have.

I'm in an interracial relationship. Also I'm gay

I enjoy playing Anthem also lolis

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And you can't be a true Christian unless you are also Jewish, what's your point?

I'm actually excited over the possibility of the MCC coming for PC soon despite being someone who always made fun of Halo back in the day for being a kiddie console shooter who set FPS standards much lower and made it more "accessible".

If only I knew how bad it would get with every game being a console simplified thing, trying to pull you into a live-service model with gambling and annual passes attached. By comparison getting to buy a co-op singleplayer game to play on my PC seems like a miracle compared to shit like Anthem and Division 2.

>Death will happen soon enough anyway
well I need it to happen even sooner

I'm gay

Don't feel guilty, automata is overrated and the combat is boring.

Me too. With a white guy.
He loves it and we freely joke around about how much he can't resist it.

I voted for trump just to spite liberals

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Nice. Mines is a black guy. also you guys sounds so cute. Good luck

I have DOAX3 Scarlet pre ordered for my switch



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No, you don't. And if you try to end your life, you'll realize how precious it is a few seconds before death takes you away, and it'll be too late. Sounds cheesy, but it's the truth. I know it.

i jack off to, and regularly draw vore and think about eating anons very often.

I fucking hate this website.

Thanks user, you too. For all the memeing a place like /pol/ does, I've never been happier or had a stabler life.

I'm in the "Normal Skill" dota bracket despite having 4k hours and spamming certain heroes

I find it difficult to just play a game, Also MGS2 is kicking my ass because I suck at stealth games

I unironically enjoy Umaru Chan and think its a great anime.

Also DMC Devil May Cry (Reboot game) is pretty fun.

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I've jacked off 9 times in the span of 2 days and I'm quite disappointing in myself tbqh

Same, I keep getting turned down in every job I try to apply for and I’m about to turn 21 and I’m a KHHV who’s never had a job. Will probably use an exit bag to end it all after my birthday.

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I can't get into the early Resident Evil games because I'm a completionist who feels the need to kill everything.

Sounds to me like I should at least attempt it to see if it'll bring my will to live back

Do a second run when you are familiar with the games for being a true "completionist". 100% kill runs are possible, just much harder and will likely take away from your first time playing. Consider your first run a practice run to become familiar with the game.

I enjoy the musical stylings of Skillet despite not being a christfag.

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I left my relationship of 7 years to be with a girl that lets me pee in her butt and won't talk to anybody i tell her not to

Nah, not worth the risk of actually dying, or staying alive in a vegetable state. Your life can get better without risking everything like that, work on it.

I still haven't beaten a Metroid game

I have unironically played through and enjoyed every game in both the Far Cry and assassins creed franchises

I'm in love with a videogame character. She kinda exists tho i think?

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I only buy 2 types of games nowadays and that's either Atelier or Senran Kagura beat em ups. For every other game I'm interested in, I either pirate it or watch it on youtube.

Lose weight, join the military. Does it suck, fuck yeah it does, especially the Navy, but it's a guaranteed job so you can get a foothold on life. That, or you get KiA because you got blown up by some durkas or fell down 40 feet down a trunk, but hey, you wanted to die anyway.

Oh they're fun! You should try em! Super Missile! Blam! Kaboosh!

Screw Attack! BZZT!

not worth the constant suffering

I got rejected from a job the day after the interview at fucking Wawa of all places, and I had a job for two years working at a FL supermarket. I'm 21 and KV too bro. And I got too much shit planned in the next 4 months and of course since this is murica I can't get time off. At least during that time I can play huge time sink games like pic related

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I actually enjoyed nuGoW

I think Yea Forums is 97% full of weebs and faggots.

debate me

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Samus Returns is easier than the other metroid games but still a bit challenging, I suggest you try that and then go for Zero Mission->Fusion->Super->Prime 1

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I can barely games because I think about them through the perspective of a Youtuber and see every game as a possibility for content and I don't know what to do next, although DS games are exempt from this

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well getting a job didn't help me because now I'm too unhappy with it and it drains me too much to enjoy anything in my '''''''''free'''''''''' time. Hopefully you do better, I'm too far gone unfortunately

If you die, think of all the good vidya you'll miss.

Also we'd miss you. Like actually. No matter if you're a troll shitposter or actually contributing, this place wouldn't be the same without you.

Love you, dog.

don't go user

I've only beaten sonic rush and heroes, tried to play the first game and couldn't get past the second level

Let me guess
>Minimum wage
>lives in shitty expensive big city
>probably lives with 3-4 roommates
Have you tried looking for something better? Or maybe moving?

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I don’t know how to ride a bike

My entire diet is pasta, pizza, and chicken tenders.

I voted trump

I've never had a squad to game with

Yeah I believe that’s the only option I really have at this point, although it’s just frustrating because I spent so much time and money on IT courses and nothing good has ever come of it.
Good luck brother, I love time sink games like the FF series as well becuase of how much time I have to spare to play through them.

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I only play video games ~4-5 hours a week

That sounds great

neither of those
>supposed average wage
>live outside of city (hooray for 2+ hours of daily commute)
>live with parents
I was making plans to get an apartment with a friend until the end of the year but I might not last that long. And he's already compromising that plan so fuck it

Same here user, I've applied to a shit ton of place and they never call back

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Gears of War? I liked 4 but 5 looks kinda shitty

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is my favourite game. Playing it for me is like that scene from Ratatouille where the critic eats the ratatouille and is taken back to his childhood.

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I hate fighting games except Smash Brothers and Mortal Kombat
I love DMC 3, 4 and 5, but hate 1
I love Detroit Become Human
I love every game in the God of War series
As I've gotten older, I find myself using guides, quick saves, and playing on easy more and more.
I'm totally okay with an increased emphasis on cinematic games
I love Far Cry 5

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So join the Air Force's IT shit. You'll do well user. Military life is easy.

>implying I even play vidya anymore

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Where you from? I don’t know if there is anywhere you can walk in and apply, but here in Alabama I applied to like 100 places and literally never had any luck but I walked in somewhere and spoke to the boss and she hired me on the spot.

I’ve never been much of a shipper but I degeneratly love Cordelia scoring with Chrom

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BOTW is my first zelda game and im 35 yo.

Only played Super mario world never finish it.

Never done any metroid

Never done Fzero, starfox kirby, pokemon and all nintendo shit.
my first console was the Atari Lynx, after i became a sega fanboy.

I buyed a switch lately.

i have a sexlife

im french

Are these 3x3 things supposed to be people’s favorite games? Does it matter what order you put them in?

i preordered the division 2 because i loved the division 1 and i cant wait to play it when it comes out

I know and realize I'm too old for this board that is now nostalgic for shit games like WoW, but I'm still too retarded to let go and leave this site.

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i preordered sonic forces on the switch

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>I have a sexlife



The land of the affluent and bourgeoisie!

Yo-Kai Watch was like a breath of fresh air for me. Pokemon games in recent years have been underwhelming, and thought most of the monster designs aren't as good or memorable as Pokemon, I've had a lot of fun so far. I'm currently pirating Blasters and 3 and will play them in the mean time before 4 comes out.

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I defend trannies whenever possible even though I haven't met a single one in real life and have no idea what they're actually like.
I do it mostly because subhumans can't resist attacking "the LGBT agenda" so it's ezmode b8.

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What did you think of it? I recently played through it and found it bland but not a terrible experience. Never gonna play it again though.

i've been playing video games since i was a kid and i have never, to this day, beaten one.

Ever thought about doing freelance work?

Christ man, I hate to say this but I really think you should stay a little longer with the parents and save the money, maybe if any of us 18-25 dudes are lucky we could have another housing crisis and property values could go down the drain again.

>I have a sexlife
ramming a baguette up your ass isn't sex froggy

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I bought into VR meme and enjoy it

Fuck you.

Well shit it works

Whoa this looks like some Wind Waker art... Wind Wakers... evil ChuChu jellies...

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Why? Are you bad at them?

i think battlefield v is fun

also i have an autistic habit of talking to myself while playing vidya and pretending like i have an audience that actually cares about what i say

I'm straight, but the older I get, the more acceptable the possibility of becoming gay.

i have bad attention span and lose interest like 75% way through and move on to another game

Go back to discord, tranny

i unironically think BFV is a step in the right direction, outside of the cringe politics. its way more squad focused and i find more teamwork oriented than BF1. it's a shame they're wasting so much dev time on a BR mode nobody asked for instead of making new maps and content

i mean it was alright aside from the lack luster modern levels and bad classic physics the Music was the best part of the game and the Avatar creation was disappointing. i know i should of gave up on this franchise but i just can't

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Apply logic, you dump /pol/ie
If I was a discord tranny I couldn't say I never met a tranny

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>if any of us 18-25 dudes are lucky, we could have another housing crisis
Should happen in a year. Experts have talked about the signs of it happening, but engineering jobs haven't been hit yet (at least in the southwest), and those are the first ones to

same here, too much trap thread

Dude, listen to yourself, most of the suffering comes because you will it.

I want to fuck Merkabah

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I set up in intel rooms and jack off some times and get plenty of kills

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>Experts have talked about the signs of it happening
Got a source for that? If so this is somewhat great since right now no one is buying homes because they are so fucking expensive

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>think of all the good vidya you'll miss.
Not him, but this ties into my confession. My attention span is so low that I can't get myself to play vidya or watch anime anymore. I rather feel like shitposting over and over, despite rarely enjoying it.

>, most of the suffering comes because you will it.
that doesn't make sense to me, why would anyone want that? It comes because I'm in a situation where I'm forced to endure it and I'm not willing to pretend like everything's fine

I bought a PS4 around one month ago and I have 0 minutes of playtime on it

I play games for FUN

Shut the heck up PROTESTANT

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>most of the suffering comes because you will it.
>I willed being rejected by women and having to be deal with their cuntiness
>I willed to be unable to find a job despite having some experience
>I willed getting blackpilled on how fucked this world is
>I willed having a depression in my old Uni and almost went insane
Fucks sake man I believe in actions lead to consequences but there are just as many things that are just out of your control. Sometimes life fucks with you a lot

I find DMC5 devil hunter difficulty too hard, and yet human difficulty is way too easy to do anything fun

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why don't you gather all of your frogposting buddies,
you can go and drink all that sweet kool-aid together, nobody will miss you

Gay as fuck

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Catholics are basically the most normal form of Christianity


>celibate priests
>child rapist priests
>authoritarian ruling on religion instead of "just like, feel it man" and "I dunno but I bet God loves us!"
>idea that one dude can overrule any religious dogma
>fetuses are people
Catholicism is far from normal. It's pretty radical.

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not my fault a wojak picture represents my feelings so perfectly

>, maybe if any of us 18-25 dudes are lucky we could have another housing crisis and property values could go down the drain again.
not a burger so I don't think this will apply to me sadly

I'm not trying to say the shit you're in isn't necessarily your fault, but after being in pain for so long, you eventually conform because feeling sorry for yourself and telling yourself you are powerless lets you feel like there's no reason to bother, when a lot of the friction is in fact in your head.

>isn't necessarily your fault
Sorry, meant IS

Sorry but some issues stay with you for the rest of your life

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>I love Far Cry 5
I was just looking at it since it was on sale. Last one I played was 3 and was in the mood for that kind of game play. Why do you love the game?

I've become so obsessed with a shota video game character I've lost 15 pounds in a month because I can't focus on anything else but him. I'm spiraling. I want help, but at the same time I am enjoying every second.

Texas, I'm avoiding food jobs like the plague

Who are you talking about?

I feel very two sided about realizing i like girls with short hair, one side i am glad but on the other side it's a tranny that made me realize it which feels disgusting

My standards has risen after decades of video games. Any game that possibly is good the releases I have no interest in playing. All the games I like are ancient and there never coming back.

You are right, but not all of them. It's possible to live an overall good life despite carrying some lingering pain. Life will never be a breeze.

I love short haired girls but I observe and make sure that they are actual women, so no I'm not being a creeper, I'm legitmately and autisticly making sure you're not a disgusting trap

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I don't feel as bad as I could since I'm a girl

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I can't stand most nip developers. Japanese developed games always have one strong thing about them but then the rest of it is terrible. Pic related is usually said at one point while playing them.

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fuck off faggots

>I'm a girl
tits or gtfo, congrats on losing the weight regardless

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Tame as hell.
But if losing weight makes you happier because of it, so be it.

I long to be back enjoying gay ERP with my party leader again. He was psychotic but he made me leak cum every time

>calling others /pol/
>admits you defend trannies and shitpost others
Yeah whatever you say tranny.

I've grown to love AAA released games. Only because I'm getting older and work and responsibilities leave me drained. I can rely on AAA games to be easy as fuck for the masses to complete and I can finish them no problem

In what ways did he make you leak?

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I genuinely enjoyed the multiplayer of Doom 2016

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This is the only DMC game I've played.
It was fun.
Though I do plan on playing the others.

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I like videogames
I have a girlfriend who I love
I despise this unironic racist attitude that Yea Forums developed recently
I wish you all grew up and started to act with more kindness towards eachother and yourselves
I think videogames are growing better and better as time goes on, while most people here seem to think the contrary

And yes
The worst thing
I like feet

I didn't really need to lose it. I was never fat. At some point it's going to start interfering with my health if I don't get my act back together. I've already nearly passed out a few days ago because I didn't eat anything for a whole 4 days.
I'm happy because of how much I get to think about him. I've done nothing but neglect my body and health. Sure I've lost weight but I have barely slept or bathed

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You're going to get cucked with that attitude. Kill yourself

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That's not good, user.
You need to get a hold of yourself.

it was humiliation sex play ERP with a hint of daddy dom. I'd eventually take pics of myself wearing panties for him with my hard leaking cock pressing against the fabric. it was hot

I tried Jailbreak on CSGO for 10 minutes and immediately reinstalled CS:S to play the better version

I know, the feet part really is too much

But this is a confessional Father, you should not judge upon my testimony.

A friend bought me Monster Hunter World three weeks ago and I already have 130 hours in it

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>I wish you all grew up and started to act with more kindness towards eachother and yourselves
I unironically try to be nice to people who aren't shit to others.
Even the morons, as long as they keep their dumbness non-aggressive.

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Just get a gym membership, if you're losing weight you might as well replace the fight with tight muscle.
I really like chicks with muscle

I'm not the father, just a normal guy giving you a warning

I enjoy Anthem

I'm not enjoying video games as much as I used to and it's depressing me. It's been a while since I played anything because of college and work, and now that I'll graduate soon, I'll probably have more free time for that, but I regret getting into video games so young. Especially now because it's an expensive hobby.

Gay as fuck. He wouldn't fuck an unclean one like you anyway.

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Only redditors hate frogposters

I hate this site but I keep coming back to it and don't know why.

I think your warning has no basis in reality and therefore is misguided.

But, I see you like chicks with muscle and that makes you a patrician in my eyes.
Through tomboys, brotherhood.

That's how it should be.
Being nice to people feels and can make people feel happy as well. I really see no reason not to act that way.

But if this site is ridden with underage people who are still in their edgy phase, I'm afraid we'll be a minority for a long time.

God I wish that was me. I had an ERP daddy that I did some raceplay buttmunching with but our relationship became too toxic to be worth it. What made you two split?

Sometimes I'm so grateful that my collection has gotten pretty large enough to offset the need to buy games, although it's best to wait for the price of games to down honestly

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*feels good, I fucked up

I bought DMC5, played two missions and got a refund because I could't get an S in combat so the music never revved up and I felt like shit

>But if this site is ridden with underage people who are still in their edgy phase, I'm afraid we'll be a minority for a long time.
There are also actual subhumans who never grow out of the edgy phase. And impressionable youngsters learn from those before they have a chance to understand what is going on.

Playing FF15, and I'm currently 6 hours in. Aside from gameplay (which isn't bad, just very medicore) it isn't as bad as people say it is. Maybe later it will be bad but rn I'm having lots of fun.

>tfw you randomly break down and cry
how much do I have left before I lose whatever little sanity I have left, lads

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I never cry in public, only my parents and sister see me cry

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Yes but calling them subhuman is not what we should do. The only thing that can be done is act nice towards them as well, it would be hypocritical of us to just treat people differently because they act in a certain way.

After all this is the net, even if they act agressive, it's not like they can do anything to us so there's no need to bite back.
Who knows, maybe they'll learn.

Also, there's nothing more satisfying than acting nice to someone who's clearly baiting you, they literally can't fight back.

r u grill?
If you are, it's not all that uncommon.
If you aren't, it's most likely chemistry.

Honestly, the most incurable shit isn't about feeling something, it's about not feeling where normies feel.

Fuck I would do the same if she is hot

as in ass eating? Hot

>What made you two split?
he became too controlling and wanted me to hate some of the friends that i had and still have. So i made excuses about why i wasn't around him as much and then eventually ceased all contact with him by the end.

I always thought the heart in this drawing was a strawberry

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Yes that's what I think too since I bought a lot of second-hand games I wanted for years, but at the same time the most recent console I have is my 3DSXL and I wish I could have more games for my PS2 and my GBA (games I wanted when they got released but I was too poor). So I'm still tempted to buy games that got expensive over the years. It's frustrating because I regret buying games I can't play yet, but I regret it when I avoid buying games I find second hand and I can't find them anymore or they're more expensive.

>The only thing that can be done is act nice towards them as well, it would be hypocritical of us to just treat people differently because they act in a certain way.
Game theory suggests we should act nice towards those who act nice (especially to us), but be dicks to those who are dicks until they learn.
It's not hypocrisy to shit on cunts, at least when replying to posts where they still are cunts. Don't have to tolerate intolerance

Though I usually just report the cunts. Replies only aggravate them, bans force them to learn.

I can barely play games anymore by themselves; always have to play music or some shit in the background.

In real life we can go full Karl Popper on them and tell them to fuck off, but this is a site in which we talk about videogames and not a political debate.

In this site what should be done is ignore bait threads (so "character is black", "character is woman", "feminist said X", "random twitter post with hot take and 3RTs and Likes") and respond normally to those people in normal threads.
Of course, if it's clear they just want to spark a racist or sexist rant, just ignore.

A cool thing I've seen lately is in Hollow Knight threads. There's always the one guy who posts the screencap from a youtube video talking about Hornet's gender, clearly trying to get into a "DA SJWS" discussion going.
Most of the times, nobody even bothers responding, it's completely ignored.

That's how it should be done everywhere in this godforsaken site.

I play games on Normal so I can get through them quicker. I want to experience everything this medium has to offer. Just finished my 350th game (DMC V). My next target is Dreamcsst JRPGs, which will take time any way you play.

>Most of the times, nobody even bothers responding, it's completely ignored.
>That's how it should be done everywhere in this godforsaken site.
Ignoring and reporting shit is one of the most vital skill to gain on Yea Forums. It takes years to actually learn.

I try to inform the uninformed that they're being baited. Some learn, others just keep biting.
I guess it depends on maturity. Older, more niche boards and threads have figured it out and only need an occasional reminder, children keep ignoring it because they don't understand that replying to bait is a pure waste of time.

I think most people play games on normal, there's only a few games I think should be experienced on different difficulties like SHMUPS or some Action games like Bayo or DMC.

But still, nobody is forcing you, play games as you want and have fun

For some games it's no issue. KH though I play that shit on proud by default

Doing god's work user, you are a good person.

Yea Forums as a board is too big for its own good, sometimes I wish it was slower and less populated, conversations would certainly gain from it.
It's probably the reason I like /vg/ more, only vidya and less people.

I 100% completed Banjo-Kazooie Nuts and Bolts and I loved every second of it. It’s not as good as Tooie but definitely second place

Do UPS or FedEx?

>Yea Forums as a board is too big for its own good
Yeah, it's no longer a village where everyone keeps meeting the same people, it's a big city where you only met a person once and then disappear forever.
It's easier to be a cunt to faceless nobody who will despawn into the void as soon as you close the tab.

I should explain I dont just blaze through them. I'm a huge envirocuck so I spend a lot of time looking around and I explore the mechanics to the best of my ability. I just see so many IF YOU DONT PLAY ON NIGHTMARE WHY PLAY AT ALL JUST WATCH A MOVIE IF YOU DONT LIKE CHALLENGE (Until Dawn was excellent btw) posts in gaming communities.

And why do you care about those posts?
You're having fun right? So who cares about other people.

Really enjoyed kinect, got me to move a lot and never had any problems with it technical wise. I miss it and all the other motion gaming devices, and I am kinda sad that vr replaced them which seems to be less convenient and is way more expensive

There was something really spicy and controversia i wanted to say for these threads, but i forgot what it was.

the boomer meme was the only meme made laugh since a long time ago

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I don't even know what videogames are. Videos are obviously moving pictures, like youtube and all that. Games are sports and monopoly. How can those even be combined?

Somebody recently started working at my workplace and I'm crushing hard on him, I always find myself staring at him to the point where I think it's obvious and he knows

Something vidya related: I was told by multiple people, friends included, that a literal retard could homebrew a wii. I figured I'd give it a go. managed to brick the system.

I haven't platinumed Bloodborne because all i play on my PS4 are Batman and Spider-Man.

I hardly feel anything for women, and no I am not a faggot

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An original Wii is pretty fullproof... How did you do that?

I consider keeping your virginity past the age of 14 to be very hard and I am befuddled how you people do it.

>keeping your virginity past 14 to be very hard
only if you're female

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Sounds like you lost yours with a relative, right, Cletus?

>and considering your current situation, this seems more likely

How so? Only people with money and who enjoy life would jump from a plane with a parachute (not being a suicidal intent, of course).

I think Mike Koibe is a massive faggot. The idea that someone wastes their life on a single action game bothers me and makes me wish I was just as skilled but I don't have the time to dedicate myself to it.

GF's been in hospital for nearly a month now, vidya is like the main thing keeping me sane through all of it. I replayed Halo 3 this weekend and I forgot how weak the campaign was compared to Halo 2