Why do people hate the n64 controller? It's ergonomic as fuck and more logical than the neets can comprehend

Why do people hate the n64 controller? It's ergonomic as fuck and more logical than the neets can comprehend.

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>inb4 3hands.jpg

Because you can literally achieve all of this with a less retarded design

Why move your whole hand when you can reposition your thumb?

Well, I don't hate the controller. It worked fine and was honestly nice to hold.

The problem is that you can't access all buttons at once.

Are you asking why you cant use the dpad while holding on to the middle handle?

You can't really manipulate a dpad while reaching backwards your thumb like that.

>middle picture
Jesus fuck, no. The left picture is how you're supposed to play FPS' on the N64.

Horrible button quality. Worst analog stick in history. Creaky casing. Terrible dpad. Awkward ergonomics

First person controls are only giving you access to 2 buttons.

Garbage analog stick and a bad d-pad.

>First person controls

Was there any game that used that control scheme?

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>first person controls
>direct access to only 2 buttons

It's a shit design and you're shit for being a contrarian twat

And it was incredibly uncomfortable for over a decade. Nintendo had the right idea

Everyone held it like this. the other two are just fantasies

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Anyone up for some Mario Party?

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I don't think any game used that configuration. They just used the platformer configuration.

>classic 2D
Besides Tony Hawk 1, was there every a need for the D-Pad on the N64?

>fighting game controls

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splitting off the dpad made no sense and limited game design. i almost never used anything but the left grip in that picture and im sure that was most people's experience as well. there were a few games that used the right grip. the middle is nonsense.

But that's how you played Turok and it worked you dumb faggot.

What game used the middle pic? I can’t ever remember doing that.

Mischief Makers used the DPad primarily.

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Playing Perfect Dark/Goldeneye on the N64 controller was the best feel ever. That Z trigger was perfectly positioned.

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No it isn't. Turok's default controls were the middle picture.

>move with C-Buttons
>aim with stick
>shoot with Z
>switch weapons with A and B

some games like mischief makers and mortal kombat used the dpad grip.

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>middle picture
Left, rather.

No, you played Turok with the analogue stick for aiming and the C-buttons for movement.

nobody played those.

>when even 3rd party idiots have better sense of design than Nintendo

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God I remember renting Turok as a kid, could NOT get my brain to comprehend aiming/moving with the opposite hands.

the n64 controller was the epitome of control design desu

i wish they would bring it back with refined ergonomics and buttons


no it isn't

Because it's not a good design, the controller is fucking enormous, and having to shift holding position entirely when playing games instead of having a more ergonomic, compact design like the dualshock is just laughable. I don't personally like the asymmetrical stick layout but even it's better than the n64.

cant wait to hear the whining when they release the N64 mini

double controller goldeneye was sick

N64 mini will never happen. Games are too ugly by today's standards.

Screencap this.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

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the fuck are you talking about
Everyone called using the stick for look and C-buttons for movement Turok controls back then, even when playing shit like Goldeneye.

no, i had an n64 back then and i can freely admit that Sony's controller was much better in almost every way. n64 control stick was better when new but that is it. the n64 dpad would be better but it wasn't almost never used so irrelevant. even madcatz came out with better controller designs than the official one.

Wait, there were more than two Turok games? Were Turok 3 and Turok Wars any good?

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>there are 4 Turok games for the N64

Shit, if you'd asked me I'd've said there was 1.

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I remember getting a free glove from nintendo because of that class action lawsuit. Good times.

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>Turok mastered the FPS control scheme before GE even released
>GE fucks the default controls so badly despite having a clear reference to work off of
>GE is what everybody thinks when talking about FPS controls on the N64

Anybody else hold the controller like this? Using your left thumb and index finger to manipulate the 3D stick. Sorry for the shitty pic.

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>fps controls
Name one fucking game

i did

I don't wear a tardhelmet so no

3 is easily the worst of the N64 games. Rage Wars is basically Quake 3: Turok Edition even though it released before both UT and Q3, which is to say it's a great Multiplayer-only game.

Mischief Makers was my favorite N64 game and Marina should have gotten into Smash instead of Incineroar.

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das a gud game.

non plebs switched to 1.2 or whatever the turok scheme was called. mad men used the dual controller set up.

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Because it's less comfortable.
Your thumb has a natural resting position that it is more comfortable in depending on the ergonomics of the controller.
Switching between the two by moving your thumb prioritizes one over the other, whereas having different grips for either control scheme can potentially satisfy both options in one controller with the tradeoff being a more clunky controller

>or whatever the turok scheme was called

yeah dumb people do that.

The joystick has the worst grip of any controller, other than that it's pretty good

I like how all of Treasure's N64 games make use of the d-pad.

battlezone used it for tacticool menu, hexen used it for movement or map control, depending on your config

n64 controller is leagues better than the garbage that is the gamecube controller

why 2 joystick? so you can spin twice as fast?

you must hate the dualshock if your thumb gets sore

The GC controller is overrated, but that's just fucking stupid.

Okay, this is probably bait, but the analogue stick is literally designed to degrade over time. It's the worst fucking design in fucking history and FPS is horrible to play.

your fucking stupid

gc controller is a slightly better version of the n64 controller though. they were still to stubborn to actually make it good though because sony had already nailed the basic design. nintendo had to be different which led to stupid shit like the c stick, one shoulder button and the tiny dpad.

Name ONE (1) function this controller doesn't serve. This right here is the ideal design.

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Most fighting games. Mace: The Dark Ages was cool as shit. The Arab and the Viking dudes were awesome. Probably one of my all time favorite fighters. Don't bully I'm not hardcore into fighting games.

pokemon stadium minigame where you aim and throw ekans at digglets


>gimmick control
So nothing got it

bought one of these years ago, pretty comfy and it feels like the stick gets the full range of motion. though i'm a manlet with small hands, so ymmv

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needs six face buttons, back paddles and gyro then it would be perfect.

It's the next best thing to M+KB.

How much was that to import? I saw some people using it in a Smash 64 tourny.

>3 out of 4 controllers have fucked up joysticks because people rub it in circles around the rug for Mario Party

they break from normal use

Was also the default control scheme for Duke Nukem 64, I also used that control scheme for Goldeneye. I think it was called Solitaire in Goldeneye

It's adequate and I do use it a lot since it's better than most other controllers but if I'm using the analog stick a lot I do prefer it in a different location.

It's definitely better than having to rely exclusively on the right analog stick which is pretty shit for fine camera control.

dont talk shit about gyro controls until you use them

i think i paid $80 for it, seems to go for $60-80 on ebay.

Right idea, bad execution

>asymmetrical analog sticks make your hands sit unevenly on the controller
>xboxhueg non-ergonomic brick
>shitty dpad worthless for fightans
absolute garbage, user

Any game that would need to rely on gyro I'm probably already using keyboard+mouse for anyway, because nothing will top that.

this. I love N64 games but the analog stick on those things is the single worst analog stick of any controller ever. they ALWAYS end up going wonky and loose.

You know how I know when I'm dealing with a stupid person? When they prefer symmetrical sticks.

You haven't used a Joycon, then. A speck of dust gets in there and it completely goes to shit. Also haven't had an Xbox or 360 controller that hasn't started to drift, but it took them much longer than the Joycon.

Have there been attempts to reinvent the controller?
Or is the design already stuck in it's current form like the layout of the steering wheel, gear stick, etc. in a car.

There's no reason to with how games are today. Anything else beyond gyro would just be an unnecessary gimmick

>need to multiple hand position to make all buttons accessible
>painful analog stick that turns to dust over time
>crappy little c-buttons
It's trash

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I see I'm late to the party

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If I had 3 hands for my N64 controller, would it be more comfortable to have two right hands or left hands?

Yeah you're late:

Yeah, just the default. You could switch to D-pad move / analog aim in the options menu for Turok.

>It's ergonomic as fuck

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WHOA! What the fuck. There was Turok 3? I knew and played the first three but when did 3 drop?

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>It's ergonomic as fuck and more logical than the neets can comprehend.
It's literally the worst video game controller of all time, and your opinion is fucking shit.

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Some games just don't have fully realized controls for mouse and keyboard and/or emphasize finer movement while also requiring finer aiming.

>Hands sit unevenly on the controller
Unless you're playing a 2D platformer your hands are on the left stick and face buttons which is even on asymmetrical sticks but not on symmetrical sticks.

If a big company tries it they will get ridiculed into changing it back on reaction because shareholders like their safe money and any good features that sneak their way in are likely to be ignored. Nintendo might be the only one to be able to rock the boat but they're not exactly the brightest when it comes to doing that.
If a small company tries it they likely won't gain any significant traction, their stuff is likely to lack support and is probably made poorly or is very expensive.

There are several decent things that could be added.
Dual stage triggers and additional rear facing buttons are pretty solid features. A trackpad also isn't the worst idea if there's some haptic feedback and thought put into its placement alongside face buttons.

Kirby 64 used the "Classic 2D Controls" setup

Default is what the majority plays, hence why everyone shits on Goldeneye's controls despite it having like 5+ options.

And you would be retarded to do so because you're now missing a whole two buttons unless you hyperextend your thumb backwards. Besides, the person who posted that clearly implied that those were either the default controls or how everyone played/

Tony Hawk 2 and 3

Elaborate. Use examples of its deficiencies in specific games.

Absolutely based and 100% true. The Gamecube controller was the worst feeling controller since the fucking NES and it boils my blood how people tout it as something good. Getting good at Melee is literally 95% trying to valiantly fight against the controllers' best attempts at being a useless piece of shit.

woah. youre delusional

Dancing games.

Because the analog stick sucked shit and you couldn't access both the D-pad and the analog stick at the same time, which forced games to use one or the other.

It was only loved because we didn't know any better. Nintendo didn't manage to make a good controller until the Switch Pro Controller, and that's only because it's very similar to the Xbox 360 controller.

2000. It mostly sucked but it had a few decent ideas, like giving you the option to choose the next Turok, Danielle or Joseph Fireseed, who have different weapons and paths in levels. They ruined Adon though. MP was okay, better than 2 but worse than Rage Wars.

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nice rebuttal coon

>GoldenEye 64 was supposed to be played like in the middle picture
>What the fuck
>What. The. Actual. Fuck ?

The middle method is pointless since the left one can accomplish the same controls with the C-buttons while maintaining quick access to A and B.

Why can't any company make a single fucking controller that serves every purpose well?

If it's ergonomic and good for 3D games, it's shit for 2D ones
If it's good for 2D games, it probably even lacks analogs or horns.
If it has everything, it's a cheap piece of shit and it will break within months.

There is no perfect controller. None. I own 17 of those fuckers. I don't understand what's so hard about "oh, we made an excellent controller for this and another one for that, let's just fucking combine them". Hori has a gamepad that is absolute perfection for fighting games, and they just don't add analog sticks. Spend 50 bucks and have to buy another gamepad for a different purpose. Fuck that shit.

I'm planning on grabbing the xbone controller but the fact that I'm not gonna have a pleasant experience with 2D games makes me wonder why don't I just stick with the 360 pad which is mostly good for anything -except- 2D games.

the layout was a pointless gimmick for a console that ended up hardly getting any 2d games at all.

Tiny hands detected.

No it wasn't.

Yeah youre just crazy. The idea that getting good at melee is largely struggling with the controller is just a bizarre out of touch argument. Like what do you even know about melee?

Miles ahead of the Colecovision.

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What are you talking about?

on top of having a retarded design the shitty stick grinds itself into dust in no time

That's not Nintendo's fault. The controller was supposed to be suitable for both the established 2D market and growing 3D market at the same time, it's just that everybody made 3D games for it instead.

Switch Pro is great. There's a really easy ten minute fix for the shitty D-Pad. Only thing it lacks analogue triggers.

I'd shake shake her

But the controller's basically fine for melee, same for all the Nintendo games that took the layout into account.
I don't understand how you'd have particular problems with it since all of the shortcomings have been worked around more or less.
Stick drift is the only issue I had with the GC controller.

>I'm planning on grabbing the xbone controller but the fact that I'm not gonna have a pleasant experience with 2D games
Why not? I play 2D just fine.

I honestly hate the stupid
>hurrr you needed 3 hands
Meme I see for it all the time, it was designed because 3D was a gamble at the time and the good D-pad was supposed to be a fall back, its not perfect by any means but it worked for the time and its hardly uncomfortable
What I really want to know is how that Brawler 64 controller turned out

it is nintendo's fault to some degree. they could have made more 2d games for it themselves, but they chose not to. alternatively, when it became clear that the n64 was pretty much going to be a 3d-only console, nintendo could have redesigned the controller to reflect that (while also fixing other flaws like the shitty analog stick).

The one reason I don't like the xbox one controller is where I rest my index fingers when using triggers, it feels weird because of these bumps

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>Have there been attempts to reinvent the controller?
Did you just start following video games yesterday?
There have been constant, non-stop attempts at creating new controllers.

The analog stick is absolute garbage, worst one hands down.

The right track pad on the steam controller is better than an analog stick for camera control.

The tiny C-stick and notched cutouts for the sticks are compete ass for playing shooters.

That would be the third one.

>having to move your hand to play different games

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I keep hearing the d-pad is not good at all. That it is an improvement on the 360 controller d-pad, but I have used bluetooth android gamepads with better d-pads than the 360 controller d-pad so that tells me absolute fuck all.

i can't believe it took until the ps4 for sony to bring back concave sticks

What do you need it good for? Platformers?

I grew up on the PS and I never liked these fucking controllers.

ya let me just cramp my hands together with one hand slightly above the other and fucking up my wrists

Didn't really stop them from pulling a PS1 rerelease.

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*flies in from outer space in your path*

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nintendo so innovative they invented a dpad no one used

try thinking, its not hard

What's so hard to understand?

Actually it's probably the only comfortable way to play. You move with the d-pad, in 8 directions just like you would with a keyboard. What would need analog controls is the camera, so the analog has to be used with the right hand.

gamecube controller is a good idea on paper but in terms of game variety most use more than 2 buttons, also only 3 shoulder buttons wtf

>Cord coming out the bottom
Someone needs to be slapped.

>asymmetrical sticks are bad
>shitty dpad
spotted the dualshockfag who has never used the xbone controller

I think PS1 games has aged better graphically but it's pretty subjective, they are both pretty shit when it comes to full 3d.

Because kids are stupid. Anyone that was an active gamer when the Nintendo 64 came out knows the magic behind that controller.

why are the 2d buttons and analog sticks asymmetrical?

>most analog games only use the thumbsticks and shoulder buttons
>most 2d platformers and fighting games that use buttons only use the dpad and buttons

>microsoft creates a controller that splits them so you're thumbs are always unaligned for every single fucking game

You can use two controllers for dual analog sticks, never tried it but i would if i still had the hardware.

Well it's a good thing that the c-stick isn't that important in melee and that melee is not a shooter.

Don't open this image.

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Anything 2D that's not isometric, but it is specially more pleasant to use on platformers. I won't be playing even modern stuff, like hollow knight, with an analog stick instead of a d-pad (and I would prefer the d-pad not to do things I don't want it to do).


There was a lawsuit? I think I may be entitled to compensation..

Yes, that's how my sisters used them.

I don't understand why females use the stick that way. I guess that's why men are better at handjobs.

Because modern games focus on stick controls and if at all only use the d-pad as more buttons. The right stick is lower because generally you press face buttons more frequently than you move the camera or whatever.

Regardless I always find this argument stupid because if you have trouble placing your thumb an inch away, you should probably see an orthopedist. That goes for any configuration.

weird looking dude

Aw geez

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what game are you pressing buttons more than moving a camera while using the other joystick?

>c-stick isn't that important in melee
what? its extremely important

the dreamcast controller felt like such a cheap piece of shit. i'm guessing 90% of the budget for those things went to the vmu.

They should have router the wire internally to come out the top where the slot is.

let me just move around in halo/cod while i press a b x y without aiming and having to move my fucking thumb in an awkward position


games where assymetrical thumb stick and buttons make sense:

>soul caliber?

My sister did that too

Modern games focus on 3D player and camera movement and place important funcions on the thumbsticks, bumpers and analog triggers.

Also it's not a matter of whether there's trouble reaching a button or two, it's that for long sessions you'd rather have something that's more comfortable to use. The two most important things about gamepads are them being comfortable to use and having fully functional controls. You could make your argument with the new google controller: your thumbs and index fingers can reach each function, specially if they are not that big. Doesn't mean they're comfortable.

Yeah but back then there was no standard, it was completely new.

You fuckers really like to say things can't age poorly but then backtrack the second it has to do with something outside of the video games themselves.

sony was literally coming out with an analog option shortly after nintendo did

>Shit flimsy d-pad with a lot of travel and annoying edges
>Analog triggers that scream at you if you press them a little hard
>Only one cheap analog stick
>Very average buttons
>Gigantic just for that

And to top it off

>Eventually they stop working and you have to fix the little board inside the console that holds all controller ports

>zoomer doesn't remember the analog/rumble wars

The keyword there is "after", though. They already had a controller and they were like "Shit what the fuck do we do, we need an analogue stick...no, TWO ANALOGUE STICKS" and just slapped them on and it was accidentally a revolution.

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If you do remember you're a boomer who should be euthanized

To be fair, Sony got that shit done well after a while. It's a shame their d-pads had a design that could easily hurt your thumbs and the dualshock 3 had the worst analog triggers of all time, even worse than whatever the fuck the gamecube gamepad used

Don't forget it feels like an empty husk of plastic in your hand

No wonder I like the playstation digital controller better

Why, you're a pedophile?

>dude Le zoomers only matter, we have le pewdiepie the biggest memester in the world and epic memes XD
Worst generation by far

It feels like the company who designed it was about to tap out of the console business, definitely

I do not, for the love of god, understand how they went from the saturn thing to that. Did they go bankrupt before releasing the saturn?

You're 100% correct. The only problem with this controller was the analogic breaking easily.

I had a friend who held it like that, but only because he had only one hand.

Says the boomer, aight

>sony builds a console with slow, deliberate, incremental upgrades
>psx is a good machine with cheap and plentiful memory cards and controllers and an affordable game medium the cd
>psx analog with rumble comes out deliberatly and is a straight upgrade

>nintendo launches early with a half assed console that has a good gpu but no memory and still uses cartidges
>have to buy a memory card/ram/rumble feature to play newer games
>has no games that can even use the fucking controller usefully

No game in the console's library ever require it, though. You only ever had your hands in position and the game's controls worked with them.

Even today, you never use all buttons on a controller. The DPad is relegated to menu controls.

There are hardware mods where you can swap it out with a GameCube stick.

Nintendo does that frequently. They decide to switch it up to a new thing, then they are required to use the gimmick but there's not enough good games that use it and then people go back to something more traditional. And at that point it doesn't even justify any other loss like the garbage hardware it uses.

However Sony shit the bed with Vita memory cards. Overpriced the Apple way.

Turok is again relevant here.
Z - shoot
A/B - switch weapons
Analog stick - aim
C-buttons - move
R - Jump
L - Toggle Map
D-pad - Toggle walk/run.
You're holding the middle prod with your left hand to aim and shoot, and occasionally moving it over to use the D-pad and L.

I learned this with the wii

>buy our motion controller
>also welp no one wants to make motion controller games that aren't gimmicks
>also you have to buy a nunchuk, and a normal controller to plug into the wiimote instead of using a gamecube controller for some dumbass reason

Get out of the way, children

left ring finger on Z

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some games like duke nukem zero hour used it to change weapons/inventory, ZH also uses L button to use item in inventory, and is also notably only game that makes use of all buttons of n64 controller(as far as I know).

yeah, they pushed really hard to keep it from the media, and I don't even remember how I heard about it, but I remember being invited to join in, the compensation was like $2.50 or a free medical grade glove with wrist brace, I chose the glove.

With the gamecube one they put the focus on 3D games and it was the closest thing resembling a functional gamepad for all of their games on a platform. Ever since the DS they tried hard to just build gimmicks into their shit. With 3DS/Wii U they did it more passively (3D can and should be disabled, a screen on your gamepad is a shitty gimmick that provides very little purpose and most games could be played without it) but they also fucked up hard. Even though I dislike the switch at least this time around they did a gimmick that doesn't require devs to do anything but tweak a game so it runs on a portable toaster.

I've used that hunk of shit alright. Makes me wonder why anyone would be mentally deficient enough to purchase an xbone at all

ara ara~

It is a shitty Dpad. I can do 360s no problem on a 360 controller but on a Xbone I cant do shit. I dont know why everyone has a hate boner for the 360 dpad. I love the fucking thing and I use either that or my stick for fighting games.

I was fucking pissed when Yoshi's story didn't use the d-pad

that's how my dad used it

That's because the 360 d-pad is round. Of course you can do 360s good. Now try switching from left to right several times without ever hitting the diagonals.

That's one of the things that I fucking despise about the 360 controller. A D-pad that could technically be made to be perfect. Everyone has the misconception that because it's round it's meant to be less precise but that's utterly wrong, as there are many round d-pads out there that work perfectly well.

The issue here is the 360 dpad is flimsy as all shit. It registers shit well, because it registers a lot. Even blowing on it will push the fucking d-pad in a direction. Of course it's excellent for fucking full, half and quarter circles. That's not the fucking point of it though. Use the 4 cardinal directions accurately without trying to ever hit the diagonals and it won't just fucking do it ok.

Also to top it off there's people who post fixes out there which makes matters worse. Put a round thin piece of plastic behind the d-pad and it's not loose anymore, but again it's too goddamn sensitive. In contrast the d-pad on dual shocks is the opposite, very easy to precisely push up, down, left or right, but not as easy (unless you have a mushier model) to push the diagonals. On a classic, well preserved dual shock 1 jumping forward is a fucking mess on street fighter.

You can use it to quickly use smash attacks but simultaneously hitting A and a direction on the stick will already let you throw out a smash attack.
It's at least a bit redundant so it's less important.
I have no idea how this differs at different levels of play.

Well, just like in some games you can bind a button to 3 kicks or 3 punches. You can do smash attacks independent of where the analog stick on the left is. It's much more useful to have that stick with characters like Peach, for instance. Definitely not the same.

Who's the cutie in the middle?

Couldn't you walk in Turok just by slightly nudging the stick? It still wouldn't change the fact that you weren't forced to use all three sides.

And even then, this would only be applicable to one series of 4 games amongst 230+ games.

>its not hard
Name 2 games that utilize it

Lena the Plug

One of the reasons I hated my Nintendo 64.

>muh 3 hands
Nintendo was unsure if the market was going to accept the transition from d-pads to joysticks and did not want to invest in a design that would lock the decision in. The resulting N64 controller is fantastic for being a compromise and helped pave the way for modern console controllers. But at the time it was a gamble on novel hardware, which you should be familiar with if you've followed Nintendo at all for the past 2 decades.

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You can do all this with a less retarded design.

However, this design was good to introduce people raised on 2 generations of 2D games to analog and 3D environments by forcing them to use it.

>[The N64 controller is] ergonomic as fuck and more logical
This is the single most autistic thing I've ever seen on any chan

I vastly prefer the N64 to the original analog-less Playstation controller. I dug it out recently to play Starfox 64 and I still think it'd a good controller.

its versatility is difficult to switch between on the fly, whereas modern controllers can do all that while not changing the position of the hands

for as much as you autists complain about asymmetrical thumb positions, asymmetrical hand positions was about a billion times worse

handlets when will they learn

The stick is for aiming, "nudging the stick" would only change where your gun is pointed.

The people who hate the N64 controller are the same people who hate tank controls.

>moving with a stick

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>Why do people hate the n64 controller?
Because the joystick gets ruined from regular use.

It was a good controller but the stick sucked. It hurt after a while and apparently they had a knack for breaking. Mine that came with the console still works, but apparently they were prone to breaking.

It's a very good controller for that game. It has the most comfortable claw grip and many games depend on the accuracy no other stick can provide.

Jesus fuck it's been decades. Every single other controller made after the N64 can be held the same for any kind of buttom use on any game. How is that not a huge advantage over the N64, making it obsolete?
I had one as a kid and I don't fucking miss it. Same with all the rectangular controllers before that, they all suck.

Mia Kahlifa aka baloney nipples

ps3 best controller

Only shitty thing about it is the analog triggers but who uses those

PS3 controller is pretty shit desu. It feels flimsy and the flat triggers means it's more likely for your fingers to slide off them. PS4 controller is an upgrade in almost every way.

control mouse on pc or play rts games or dungeon hack and slash or literally any game that needs a mouse.

Yeah, and it was a massive failure.

Because sony can't into retro shit

SNES classic at least took some effort. The PS classic was literally a cheap crappy board with a badly put together menu, some open source emulator with the wrong settings by default and PAL releases included. It was a flop because it was a poor product and it would definitely have sold better if they actually put more than 5 minutes into it.

Wasn't the analog on the n64 actually better than modern analogs in some way or another?

Gamecube is the best controller. Period, fag.

No extra functions. Would be cool if at least it had one or two more buttons to bind to anything.

No, dude, one analog was the choice at the time because it was cheaper for them but 2 analogs is the way to go. The DualShock and the fucking Duke are more comfortable than Nintendo's retarded design. They redeemed themselves with the GC controller, tho.

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You know, what I found about this gamepad: For every single person that says that the d-pad is shit, there is another person that says it's great. It's the most divisive d-pad opinion I've seen. 360 one is almost universally accepted as shit.

I got out of school work for a week my hand was so fucked from that game. I didn't realize I had a massive blister until it was too late.