Can videogames ever be considered kino?

Can videogames ever be considered kino?

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No. Any 'kino' video games is an interactive movie.

You have to precisely define kino before you can decide whether or not a video game can ever be it. There are a lot of memorable and enjoyable moments that stick with you from some games and there are aspects of games that are really impressive in the context of game design, but that might not really necessarily make them kino.

This. A true video game ‘kino’ isn’t determined the same way a kino film is

Yes but definitely not this one.

Videogames are dead

Just enjoy the trailers for this game it will be the best thing about it.

No, the bar is too low for video game stories.

OP here, what games are considered kino for you? This game is the closest example I could think of

Kojima is a hack fraud.

Mass Effect thread

Games like MGS 2, Silent Hill 2 and the first Deus Ex surpass many movies

WTF mod moved this and they let the thousand of Captain Marvel threads up.

>Kojima not worthy on Yea Forums


Today, I will remind them

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except that can't even surpass MGS3 with the shitty ending MGS2 had.

>you now remember STANDING threads
Where gás the time gone?

After 20 years of this shit, nah. Should have listened to those old dudes

For my money Uncharted 4

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Yeah since kino doesn't mean anything anymore and you can slap it on anything

fuck off bobby

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Meme answer: perhaps on the playstation
Actual answer: "No."

Silent Hill 2, MGS2, Majora's Mask, SotC, Deus Ex, Dark Souls, Mother 3, Persona 3, to name some of the obvious ones.

Death Stranding isn't out yet so I don't know how you've arrived at that conclusion.

What the fuck are you on about,MGS2 ending is what made it,the setting and ''missions'' were pretty bad(bomb disposal,escort,time backtracking part,nikita part),MGS3 was really good and it's the fan's favorite but there's not much to it meta wise

You did it Dee. You finally made DB a star.

why of course. They're Wario Land 1 and Tactics Ogre.

I don't watch movies. Sorry.

Only Rockstar games.

It angers me so much that GZ ended up having a much better atmosphere and tone than the actual game it was previewing

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>What the fuck are you on about,MGS2 ending is what made it
that acid trip with bad writing made nothing

>MGS3 was really good and it's the fan's favorite but there's not much to it meta wise
You don't need to be meta to tell a good story. Hell, MGS2 suddenly trying to be meta at the very end is what made it's story suck.

Can we lay the distinctions between Video Game Kino and Movie Kino, right here and now?

Just like The Last Of Us!

It's ludo, MGS2 is pure ludo.

This game is so SOULLESS it hurts.

Tell me how it was badly written.Usually what defines bad writting is references,foreshadowings that never get explained or non-sensical plot-twists,everything that happened in MGS2 has been explained only for MGS4 to retcon but that doesn't make MGS2 a bad game

>foreshadowings that never get explained

Patriot AI (they lie, so them telling you about themselves at the end could be nothing but bullshit, turns out it was bullshit)
Liquid Ocelot (you get no explanation)

What do you mean? Patriot AI going on about digital censorship and them wanting to control the flow of information was not bullshit. I don't think you understood it.

Of course they lied,they lied until Raiden completed the mission,after that there was no need to lie anymore,their objective is for the project to finish and they get the data necessary to reproduce it through the populace.

>Liquid Ocelot
But they did?Solidus told Ocelot that he got the best surgeons in the world and got him treated in Lyon and also got nanomachine therapy,Liquid's latent intellectual was stored in the nanomachines in his arm.
This was retconned when Big Boss said that Ocelot was basically just pretending to be Liquid to fool the Patriots

Even the teasers look like fucking movie posters
This is most definitely a movie game with 99+ metascore

>Of course they lied,they lied until Raiden completed the mission

and then still lied. The AI was NEVER truthful

People seem to be forgetting that they're touting some revolutionary gameplay mechanics here above all else. Like yeah the story is shown to us more than anything, but the gameplay is what's being hyped the most and kept under wraps. Coming from MGSV I expect great things too, V has some of the best gameplay I've played this gen.

MGS games usually have a good balance of gameplay and cutscenes.
Balance:MGS1,2 and3
More gameplay:MGSV
More cutscenes:MGS4

Death stranding could go any way but I feel like it will have more gameplay,kojima really cut on the cutscenes department when he hired hollywood actors to play his roles,it really goes to show how he sacrificed plot just to have some star power on it.Death Stranding doesn't have that big of hollywood stars so I can see him adding more cutscenes and keep a good level of gameplay too.
As far as meta goes I already have a general idea of where it's going to go,if you've played all of the mgs you start seeing some references here and there

how did you know they lied?where did they lie?

>where did they lie?
The entire fucking game.

They are an AI that is designed at the very core to lie and manipulate (which is a form of lying) to satisfy their "goals" which is a generic ass "RULE THE WORLD" goal

Exactly,how is that bad writing?

Why are they keep making retarded looking women.

It just feels lazily written that the game asspulls a "AN EVIL AI ALL CONTROLLING EVERYTHING ALONG" twist

Hideo Kinojima

Which was not that played out at the time?Sure nowadays that trope happens from time to time but back then it didn't

This is just wrong. Everything they say to Raiden at the end is the truth about their objectives and what not.

They are already more kino than modern Hollywood trash.

The AI isn't evil, it's just programmed to filter information and control. Whether you think that is morally wrong or not is a matter of perspective, but it's more complex than good and evil.

It's more of how MGS2 botched the execution.

You go from relatively normal spy flick to whatever the fuck Arsenal Gear was with like no ease of transition. It's like you get thrown into an entirely different game but at the same time it's still MGS2

>Everything they say to Raiden at the end is the truth
Except how do you know it's the truth? Considering the lying nature of the AI, NONE of it was the truth

Not that piece of shit for sure turbo fanboy

Honestly Kojimbo should just make a fucking movie already Sony would certainly invest in his project he also knows actors and Del Toro could coach him.

U said ir brother... This shit is not a Game but another cinemática experience abomination

>it's just programmed to filter information and control. Whether you think that is morally wrong or not is a matter of perspective

it's presented in an evil fashion.

Plus if the AI was a good thing, then why is most of MGS4 spent trying to stop them from causing the world to be in endless proxy wars run by the very same AI?

user.....her game was released almost 2 years ago.....

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>It's more of how MGS2 botched the execution.
>You go from relatively normal spy flick to whatever the fuck Arsenal Gear was with like no ease of transition. It's like you get thrown into an entirely different game but at the same time it's still MGS2
That's the point?Did you even play the game?The objective was the astound the player,the player has been playing a sequel to MGS and with that,the expectations of a good video game with upgraded graphics and a refreshing story,what he gets is a mirrored shadow moses event with dead cell members mirroring foxhound members and so on

>Except how do you know it's the truth?

First off all they do is reinforce and expand upon what you have already been told by the President and Emma, who tell you about the Patriots and their control over America and society at large. The president talks about being used specifically by this system and wanting to become apart of them but failing. Emma talks about their digital control goal to you. And then Solidus even says "The Patriots will deny us our place in history and extend their control to digital information."

So you have every character supporting those goals and ideas, also it's the end of the game and Raiden has fulfilled his purpose. The exercise was over and it was a success, there was no reason to lie anymore or hide the truth at the end. This isn't anything new, bad guys explaining their true intentions is something that happens a lot in media. Lastly you literally see it all first hand in MGS4 where war, the economy, digital information, soldiers, are all completely controlled by the system just as they talked about at the end of 2. Nothing they said was a lie there. The ending speech is more for the player than Raiden anyways so think of it like that if it helps.

>Did you even play the game?
I did

>what he gets is a mirrored shadow moses event
Yeah, the Solid Snake Simulation. They made a mediocre sequel feel like playing the same game and tried to justify it.

Man how can you miss the point of the game so hard


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>, there was no reason to lie anymore
and yet they still did.

They claim to be the will of America but it was founded by some British wanker

>Plus if the AI was a good thing, then why is most of MGS4 spent trying to stop them from causing the world to be in endless proxy wars run by the very same AI?

Because it's morally wrong, like I said. I don't think most people in the free world would advocate for censorship under any circumstances. But in the digital age the way ideas are spread, and people behave, and the possible manipulation it can hinder a society. You see this today in our world too. That's another discussion though and too big for a post I care to make. But digital censorship is an option that will be pondered at some point or another, the free world is vulnerable in this complete net freedom that's a fact.

>Yeah, the Solid Snake Simulation. They made a mediocre sequel feel like playing the same game and tried to justify it.
The point is that kojima never had the intention of making a sequel,he wanted to do a whole different game but due to death threats he got mad and made a video game that would absolutely make the fans angry(bring another main character that is more feminine,has the bosses be similar to mgs1,have foxdie mirror a computer virus,have another liquid(solidus) have escort missions,timed backtracking event,bomb disposal,bring cyborg ninja just to make him a girl and kill him off aswell,make you play Arsenal Gear and realize you were being directly deceived

user, taking a few words from my post and saying "NUH UH!" will never make you right.

>and realize you were being directly deceived
by an AI network.

says the guy defending a lying AI.

Fuck off retard

Kino doesn't preclude ludo, but ludo is the essence of games.

Is Kubrick the god of kinography?

Kojima said he wanted to make a ''ludo'' game so I don't know what he means by that,any Mario game is the perfect definition of ludo to me

>dude chiral cryptobiotic dooms lmao
The first couple of trailers looked kino enough, but it turned out to be a sci-fi flick.