Post comfy scenes
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jill can feel the warm light from the lamp on her skin
Attached: saferoom_re1HD_002.jpg (1280x720, 95K)
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too bad the game itself sucks
just goes to show you comfiness =/= game quality
Attached: kirby_electronics.jpg (1350x774, 140K)
Attached: 1552235724969.jpg (1920x1080, 399K)
Attached: 1552235840029.jpg (3198x1612, 849K)
not that comfy
borderline comfy
not comfy
not comfy. hide UI.
not comfy
not comfy
The whole entire game really
Attached: Ristar Level 5.jpg (480x360, 26K)
Attached: 1514178119507.gif (640x480, 612K)
What game is this? Looks comfy AF
Attached: tallon.jpg (935x512, 87K)
Did they update the skyboxes recently? I don't remember the clouds looking that good in Cata.
Attached: snoboard_kids_town.gif (370x247, 1.96M)
Attached: yuminikki_0267.jpg (1366x768, 178K)
Attached: Living_room.jpg (640x363, 49K)
Looks comfy as fuck. Too bad it's a shit franchise.
stop. this game sucks dick.
yea i know. bad games can still be comfy, you clearly dont understand what comfy means
Attached: tomato.jpg (863x653, 97K)
Attached: Newtrogichighzone.jpg (684x836, 140K)
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Attached: jillremakehall64.jpg (1441x1048, 497K)
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Attached: burger54.jpg (1920x1080, 345K)
is this a creamy leek soup?
Attached: 1548096061501.jpg (480x452, 18K)
Attached: spyro.jpg (508x449, 65K)
I need to emulate this game again.
Attached: Need-for-Speed-High-Stakes-01.jpg (700x524, 60K)
wtf is wrong with his breathing animation? does he canonically have asthma?
Attached: ms.png (640x480, 608K)
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Attached: botique.jpg (974x594, 130K)
Club Titiboo was 100% comfy outside of the attic
Attached: club titiboo.png (768x768, 30K)
Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 33K)
Attached: The whole gang.png (1920x1080, 1.61M)
Attached: grove_street.jpg (1882x960, 268K)
The comfiest
Attached: 1-FFVIII_0346.jpg (640x480, 64K)
Attached: bedroomff.jpg (690x526, 89K)
Why is FFVIII so comfy, bros?
Attached: maxresdefault1.jpg (1920x1080, 195K)
Attached: TenchuZNinjaVillage.jpg (1273x567, 84K)
Attached: balamb_room.gif (480x336, 279K)