Armored car in Resident Evil 2

There is this strange black armored vehicle in the back alley of RPD. There are no markings on it, so its not police vehicle? Could it be USS vehicle, the one they used to arrive in the city, or failed extraction point?

Attached: 730.jpg (720x414, 14K)

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Could it be you will die penniless and utterly alone?

bro its meta commentary on the militarization of US police forces. deep AF not gonna lie

Raccoon swat vehicle you fucking dumbass and it's abandoned since zombies ate the retards quit trying to make this into that history channel conspiracy bullshit.

that's MR X's car

It's the truck that Mr X was delivered to Raccoon City in.

Is mr x undead or is he alive?

>Raccoon SWAT has at least three SWAT vans inside RPD, god knows how many in dem barrickades overrun by zeds
Jesus, how many cars only RPD SWAT uses?

Not enough to contain your autism yet here you are.

hes a human clone with a special T virus recipe

Nothing in RE is undead.

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Yeah that's probably the USS vehicle. I thought the rpd SWAT cars were the boxy ones.


Recently buried prisoners.

Not undead.

No those are armored cars that were well known in the 90's as you'd see them daily in the news tearing off doors and busting into the homes of well-known gangbangers. There was one during the police raid scene in straight outta compton.

Go to 1:58. There were used by the police alot back then. Also i think one gets wrecked in Die Hard.

For a small, 100,000 citizen town, RPD had impressive arsenal.
>For many years the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) had used 2 V-100s and used them for high risk warrant arrests. They pioneered the first SWAT teams and were the first to use the V-100 as a law enforcement vehicle. Typically a court issued warrant was required to use them, however the LAPD had deployed them outside of that requirement. On a moment's notice the LAPD Metropolitan Division could have a V-100 (nicknamed the "tank") in the field for shooting scenarios as well as officer assistance calls. Instead of outfitting these vehicles with guns the LAPD would attach a 10-foot (3.0 m) battering ram. LAPD has retired the V-100 vehicles.

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Yes but I mean if you were Japanese in the 90's and watched anything that was going on in America you'd assume that those things patrolled the streets of every American suburb with an armed escort of SWAT officers dressed in black wielding MP5s and M16s.


I fucking wish...

I wish...



They're gonna rescue the shit out of someone.

They must have retconned the 100,000 population number by now, considering the sheer numbers of zombies they show in some cinematics.

That's the norm for these places because of excess military surplus and a bored force that wants to be prepared for any "oh shit" scenarios In my "city" of 100,000 we have three or four of them in the police station's storage.

Is it just me or is RE net being shit right now

But its unmarked. Its not civilian unmarked car for detectives or somethin.

Not really. For example you saw those things all over the news in the early 90's in LA literally busting walls down and tearing out doors but the LAPD only had like two of them according to

After 9/11 and all the wars, mein neger, not forget that.

Its sweet 1998 in the game

Could be it just be an asset that was overlooked like many aaa games?

Shit you're right I forgot about it taking place in the 90s. There was still
Desert Storm surplus but I don't believe they had V-100 back then.
>Not really
>But they were all over the news in the 90s
Nah I'm just fucking with you faggot I got ya.

are people really wondering why a midwestern police force on umbrella's payroll would have such heavy equipment? they have like 50 different service weapons alone, logistics must be a fucking nightmare

>there is only one unique armored car in the entire game
>its shown in one of the early trailers
>you still forget the police markings

Nothing DIES down here

And why would you bury a prisoner?

>heavily armed police
>easily overrun
I thought that RPD was badly weakened by Irons from the start?

What caused the helicopter to crash in the remake?

It was hit by Tyrant pod in mid air.

they got caught off guard, and when shit was relatively under control, irons started fucking everyone over and massacring the station

plus whatever the fuck happened in that under construction room I guess

>one cray cray fatty wrecks entire police precinct
Was he superhuman or somethin?

Perhaps he's wondering why someone would kill a man and then bury him in a grave

infected pilot, I'd assume
he was probably the guy picking up people that you heard on the radio on the dude who got licker'd
nobody expects their boss to shoot them in the back in the absolute worst-case scenario, user

besides, he probably knew more about the zombies than anyone else and used it to his advantage

>nobody expects their boss to shoot them in the back in the absolute worst-case scenario

>t. NEET

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in a normal job, sure, but not when it's the chief of police and you're a cop

>police is not a normal job

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yeah user
what, you get to walk around with the power to arrest people and shoot dogs as a postal worker?

BTW, in original, Raccoon SWAT/SPF was formed after the Arklay incident. Now its retconned that RPD had both STARS and SWAT?

Attached: Raccoon_SWAT_artwork.jpg (560x576, 54K)

when was it retconned?

most cops dont get to do any of that shit, it's mostly paperwork and dealing with drunks and backstabbing co-workers. you know, like any other job.

Don't you dare call them that again you limey fuck.

There was large motorpool of SWAT vans (at least 3, but there should be more on the streets, if they will remake RE3) and even armored car, it means there was large SWAT force behind it. But you cant hire and train so many muscleheads in just two months. So probably they were there from the start. (there was only one unit of SWAT in RE3 with only one van).

Attached: Vlcsnap-2018-06-12-21h02m15s177.png (540x360, 158K)

there were multiple SWAT vans in raccoon city, one in the parking lot, one in the blockade, and at least one around main street from outbreak

>doesn’t know what a postal inspector is.

best post of the week

ashford was fucking crazy, user

The movies, except for the animations, are non-canon.

Looks like a chaimite

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You mean this one? It differs from the stepvans that SWAT uses, it could be regular police van (carrier, for riot control situations etc). It also relates to stepvan in original RE2 ("RPD Dail 9-1-1") - there are no SWAT markings, it could be K9 unit van.

Attached: 855.jpg (526x283, 21K)

I dunno man, the RPD's wild
they had way too many cars to even fit in their garage in the opening of RE3 alone, much less the streets

At least they had parking lot in the back of RPD in addition to underground parking, remake lacks it.

Hardcore runners: I've made it to the sewers just before the crocodile and saved. I have used up and hour: Am I fucked in terms of speed running for 2:30?

No, you can go thru sewers and lab in one hour.

A 100,000 citizen town with a subway system, lavish university, and multiple sizable hospitals. Umbrella must have brought a LOT of money into Raccoon City.

What was Iron’s plan?

He was on umbrella payroll but did he really expect to escape?

In the original RE2 or the remake? In the remake it seems like he hoped to bargain Sherry's pendant for an evac. In the original he'd gone completely off the deep end and probably wasn't thinking that far ahead anymore.

And there must be other police precinct in the city. Or heliport to house at least 3 police helicopters.

if irons's "city" falls, then so does its inhabitants
that was his train of throught in RE2 at least

I have money but yes I will die alone.

In the OG he thought Umbrella destroyed Raccoon in purpose just to fuck with him

Yesterday I noticed that in his office there were all these other parking permits, did he stole them so that people would be locked up?

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Is there no limit to his evil?!

>front gate and backdoor to the garden are open

I love Sherry!


I thought the ‘find a way out’ was stupid. You could go out the front door and just run past the slow zombies

the irony

And those giant ass buildings you see in the menu video and intro after the car crash

>I thought the ‘find a way out’ in RE1 was stupid. You could go out the front door and just dodge the dumb zombie dogs

What music do you think Mr X plays in his car?

Definitely K9.
Higher roof to stack multiple cages.
I’ve seen these somewhere before, but I don’t recall where or when.

Interesting theory.

First, we know that Mr X arrived after the arrival of hero A, both Elliott and Marvin are alive. And he entered not from the frontgate (barricade), not from the backdoor (locked) and not through the parking lot - UNLESS Irons let him in.

So how he entered the RPD and when?

Have you tried that before? They kill you almost instantly

>So how he entered the RPD and when?
Mr X has always been.

There are a few broken windows, hwe could have hopped through one of them

Leon was wrong, he was RPD cop?

You can barricade all broken windows before Marvin turns.

Not the ones in the west wing on the second or third floor

I don't have the motivation to get through the police station in route b again. Staggering enemies to get past them and save ammo is annoying.

I mean mean, you should. Any serpentine tank running causes them to whiff their lunge

Yes because we all know a slightly barricaded window is going to stop a monster known for punching holes in concrete walls.

this was Rebecca's car

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How can a zombie drive a car?

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Welp - why said monster will be stopped by barricade or locked door, and start to show unusual to such heavy guy agility to crawl the wall to second floor broken window?

would rally

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Boarded windows are inpenetrable defence in the game

I'll penetrate you if you don't shut up.

Why are the zombies wearing pants???

do you think Jill ever brought her golden to work?

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Maybe he parachuted in through a window

Or maybe Mr X came in via a capsule just like his original entrance and we just didn't see it.


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