This is a Sony expert?

This is a Sony expert?
So its true what they say about them.

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you know how I can tell this is in canada?

>100 years ago this thing was eating sticks in Africa

>100 years ago
more like just last week

amazing how humans can become educated, huh?

now he is eating white pussy in america


He’s over hundred years old? No wonder blacks are superior than whites.


niggers are not human
they can be trained to emulate some human behavior but the jungle ain't leaving those creatures

>he thinks it's smart enough to access sticks
Try mud and cow menstruation dingus.

>implying i'd listen to the advice of a somalian
Somalians are the genetic waste of africa

>African slavery started 100 years ago
Is that what they teach in public schools?

Americans don’t have “schools” as we know it. They’re more like mosh pits and junk food dispensers.

how do i upload images from my Switch?

Because it's not a burning hellhole?

I don't get it, he looks like a respectable employee.

i like how all somalians have inbred face.

>dark skin
Niggers dont deserve respect
There animals with no sense of shame and will rob you blind so they can feed there drug addictions

Being a best buy employee does not make them a Sony expert. Don't believe their lies.

You mean sonygros?

why do nigger all have same low iq look?

This, it also includes Slavs, Anglos and Asians. Never trust a subhuman.

The only thing I think when I see this guy is that he is a massive Chad and chads sure as shit aren't playing Sony games.

You tell me. Only east Asians look intelligent. Maybe some nordic people but that's rare.

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Pretty sad how you achieved less in your life than millions of "non-humans"

Most people respect a normal black guy more than a pathetic incel who rants about minorities on an anime imageboard

Is it you in the picture?

>our Sony experts are imported straight from Sweden

one copy of Devil May Cry V please

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>popularity is the standard against which I measure everything

>there are sony bronies, probably on Yea Forums right now, who paid $100 to have a nigger plug a playstation into their tv

Your opinion is worthless, even if "people" like you would be the majority

>calls someone else an animal
>still confusing their/there/they’re

>he doesnt have the money to get a monkey to do the work for him


Don't expect a racist to have more than middle school education

Jimmy Nu-tron's black cousin?

Attached: jimmy-nu-tron-580fa882ecb92.jpg (960x960, 131K)

>feed there drug addictions
I see your intelligence is vastly superior.

This guy is clearly in his 20s , you dishonest racist Snake.

For your point of view, spelling and argumentation, you don't deserve respect either.

What is that even?

So what? If he knows his stuff he knows his stuff.