What novel would you like to get video game adaption? Me? Finnegans Wake as a point and click adventure

What novel would you like to get video game adaption? Me? Finnegans Wake as a point and click adventure.

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Not vidya

I can't read

>Finnegans Wake as a point and click adventure.
Just browse for fart porn for a few hours and pretend that's a game.

does anyone here actually read books. why

They're fun.

for me it's To The Lighthouse as an action RPG

The Trial could be made into a pretty good low budget PC game

I want a new animorphs game

Star Wars Death Troopers and Red Harvest.


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>finnegans wake

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What's a matter? Too deep for you?

It's a formless and dull mass of phony folklore, a cold pudding of a book. Conventional and drab, redeemed from utter insipidity only by infrequent snatches of heavenly intonations. Detest it. A cancerous growth of fancy word-tissue hardly redeems the dreadful joviality of the folklore and the easy, too easy, allegory. Indifferent to it, as to all regional literature written in dialect. A tragic failure and a frightful bore.


Jesus fuck why so verbose you faggot

The stranger. Made as a character action game of course

Southern Reach Trilogy. Just use the setting, not the actual plot

What did you say about me you little bitch?

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I'm mostly into 40k books and no one cares to make a good 40k game so I'm good


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Either Divine Comedy or Don Quixote.

You're being memed by Yea Forums and the ghost of Nabokov.

Make it a Max Payne style game with bullet time.

Divine Comedy was already made as a God of War ripoff:
