What novel would you like to get video game adaption? Me? Finnegans Wake as a point and click adventure.
What novel would you like to get video game adaption? Me? Finnegans Wake as a point and click adventure
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Not vidya
I can't read
>Finnegans Wake as a point and click adventure.
Just browse for fart porn for a few hours and pretend that's a game.
does anyone here actually read books. why
They're fun.
for me it's To The Lighthouse as an action RPG
The Trial could be made into a pretty good low budget PC game
I want a new animorphs game
Star Wars Death Troopers and Red Harvest.
>finnegans wake
What's a matter? Too deep for you?
It's a formless and dull mass of phony folklore, a cold pudding of a book. Conventional and drab, redeemed from utter insipidity only by infrequent snatches of heavenly intonations. Detest it. A cancerous growth of fancy word-tissue hardly redeems the dreadful joviality of the folklore and the easy, too easy, allegory. Indifferent to it, as to all regional literature written in dialect. A tragic failure and a frightful bore.
Jesus fuck why so verbose you faggot
The stranger. Made as a character action game of course
Southern Reach Trilogy. Just use the setting, not the actual plot
What did you say about me you little bitch?
I'm mostly into 40k books and no one cares to make a good 40k game so I'm good
Either Divine Comedy or Don Quixote.
You're being memed by Yea Forums and the ghost of Nabokov.
Make it a Max Payne style game with bullet time.
Divine Comedy was already made as a God of War ripoff: