What would a Yea Forums fighting game look like? How would the different characters play? What would the tier list look like?
What would a Yea Forums fighting game look like? How would the different characters play...
I'd main Cracky-chan cause I'm a tier whore.
18 wojack clones
Wojack would be the fire emblem.
What would the falseflag king play like?
Moot, Reibear, Cracky, WRYYY, Nevada-tan
Snacks, Longcat, Waha
Osaka, Pepe, Pedobear, ISHYGDDT
I'd main DSFARGEG tbqh
Nevada-tan is my main.
BASED AND CUNNYPILLED. Suzuran Yamato is love.
Please nerf Pannen. His charge move is too OP.
>everyone sleeping on secret top-tier fgsfds tech
Shit, what was the black dude name? Googling for black guy grabbing boobs Yea Forums meme gives nothing but disgusting porn.
we called him back then "happy negro"
i never bothered to learn his real name
all i know is he grabs boobs
What was the blue dinosaur again, Raptor Jesus?
She is top tier!
Oh yeh fuck I remember now, I loved his bubbly eyes as he grabbing the boobs.
>have to grind as janny for thousands of hours before unlocking meido
Shit game
>tripfags as stage bosses
Top tier desu
Milhouse would be comfortably F-tier.