Its work tomorrow and we lost an hour on our two days off bros

its work tomorrow and we lost an hour on our two days off bros.

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remember to go to bed early wagies.

I have a 1500 word essay due on Wednesday but I can't get out of bed.

Should I end it all, lads?

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Hell nah it's spring break you wagecuck

Jokes on you I get paid £22k a year to sit at a computer for 8 hours straight

Jokes on you my work week starts today.
Oh wait

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Be nice to wagies or they won’t buy you any games to play

>debt slave trying to act superior

Jokes on you I wagecuck on sundays

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I work at a school and I have off next week for spring break.

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>worked my fucking ass off all year with an understaffed team alongside a disaster in terms of organaizatial structure
>this week is my performance review where all my efforts I've put in to get a raise, better bonus or promotion are in play
>will determine my career future
If they fuck me over then I'm looking for a new job stat
>t. IT

Make me feel better anons

I have a 3500 word essay due on wednesday.

Wjat the fuck

What's it on?

how op is a faggot and the systematic racism of indigenous faggots native to australia by op.

>only a week left until new semester starts

>mfw I want to wagecuck but I literally can’t find a job for the life of me
I’ve applied for every IT job in my small area over the past year (which is 50+ jobs) and didn’t even get a single response back from anyone.

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>midterms week coming up

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maybe your CV sucks

>go to work
>sit down at a pc
>come home
>sit down at a pc
Your brain can't tell the difference very well, so now you're miserable all the time instead of just half the time

A female marine biologist. It's difficult to find sources for it but I refused to write a paper on Richard Dawkins or Noam Chomsky so I have to do this one.

Why do I get banned when I create a out of topic thread and other anons don’t?

Maybe, but I honestly don’t care anymore. I’ve pretty much given up considering there’s hardly any jobs in my area in the first place.

its work today and I lost a precious hour of pre-work vidya.