Other urls found in this thread:
That being said, games that address the player as a separate entity outside of the reality of the game is my jam and more developers should do this.
This is from reddit, right?
I just had an idea about characters thanking the player for having them do something they enjoy.
IDK my little sister (6 years old) sent it to me
breaking the fourth wall is such an overdone cliche at this point that I can't imagine a single scenario in which it can actually be funny or meaningful
When it's not expected. Link never breaks the fourth wall, which is why the OP works. Now replace Zelda with Deadpool on that comic and it becomes much less funny.
This image is objectively unfunny
good thing your tiny imagination isn't anyone's basis for humour then, huh faggot?
I more prefer Starcraft's approach (ex: Being called a Cerebrate during the Zerg campaign) but it's damn near the only game I can think of that does that. Advance Wars might have referred to the player as a separate party too? I suppose it only works in strategy and racing games
It happens in Baten Kaitos and is used to excellent effect.
It's probably the top post this week in r/gaming or some shit
Chrono Trigger does this
What makes Baten Kaitos pull it off so well is the fact that the big twist is that the player's mind got wiped so the only thing you can remember at the start of the game was telling the main character your name.
someone please reply i don't know if i'm supposed to like it or not
Breaking the fourth wall = scooby-doo tier writing
fuck off and die
The total war series does this. The advisor to you will call you "general" as will your troops when selecting them. Rome I and Warhammer are the best at changing what you are called based on faction played.
Bravely Default did this in a fun way
Jokes on you because Mystery Inc. had some pretty good writing.
Check out Baten Kaitos.
The name of the comic is written at the bottom moron.
>if it's reddit a good thing is now bad
You're a faggot either way
There are a good amount of RTS/Strategy games that directly address you as the commander. XCOM, Advanced Wars, Command&Conquer series, Starcraft, Fire Emblem, Panzer General off the top of my head.
You probably find deadpool funny
Monster Rancher and most puzzle games
That webm makes zero sense.
>Scooby Doo
>bad writing
This. 4th wall breaking and other meta-twists are made so many time now I can't stand them.
Imagine making a game but the plot is literally a character being self-aware. Just that. And then the "author" of this garbage claims he is challenging a "statu quo" lmao.
The best game does this.
There was a Sims game on the PSP and that was basically the keypoint of the story; how all of the sims couldn't explain the things that they did because they were never actually in control of themselves, including your own sim. There was also a dancing cow cult.
It makes sense within its set of axioms.
You only see conflict because you assume different starting point.
Get fucked, get fucked, get fucked. I hope you are destroyed. I want you to be raped, I hate you so much. Fuck you, with every fiber of my being fuck you. Stop posting like fucking girls on this board. Stop responding with one word comments like "yikes" or "oof." This shit is fucking infuriating and it's been going on for way to fucking long.
>"b-but I was just talking like a girl ironically"
Oh yeah, and I dressed your dad up in a wig and fucked him up the ass "ironically." Wow so funny am I right? What irony! Stop ruining this fucking board with this fucking yikes bullshit. Nobody is better for having read a single word comment just saying yikes. That bandwidth could have gone to something better, the net negative value of your comment is such that it is actively destroying the internet one bit at a time. Maybe those pixels that would have been used to say "yikes" on your screen could go to a more worthy cause, like reddit or a facebook group!
No stop right fucking there. I no you're going to comment back with "yikes," I know you just can't get enough of that retarded shit. I want you to know you're disappointing everybody right now with everything you say. Get fucked. Nobody comes here so they can see the word "yikes" unaccompanied by anything else. If that were the case, they could just get a marker and some paper and write "yikes" on their own time. Leave it by their computer maybe. Fuck you and your yikes.
>"please, st-stop being mean to me"
Then fix your life. Fix how you comment. Maybe fix what sites you go to. Stop with this yikes crap that's just fucking irritating.
Remember this: nobody wants, nobody likes, yikes yikes yikes
What the animator of this webm don't understand is that misogyny is just the end results of the thetans polluting the soul of men.
Scientology is the ultimate answer for the feminist dilemma, which means they should join forces.
Resetera strawman. Like the joker/early clowns memes.
>guys look what my niece made at school
>image of shitty art project related to video games
Reddit is a blight
Fat princess did this.
Yea, no. It's retarded no matter how you look at it.
scooby doo has some good fucking writing, the fuck are you talking about
every fucking time
Don't get so angry user
Explain where do you see the conflict and I'll show why you see it.
>t. the guy who says yikes
Back to plebbit, fgt
So i'm guessing the ice cream thing is a metaphor for men oppressing women for a trillion years? How profoundly deep.
Why doesn't she just ask to get the next scoop
Because FUCKING WHITE MALES can't be reasoned with
Descendants of losers deserve to get everything for free. Descendants of winners deserve to be killed. This is your mind on marxism.
fuck you
The whole video. From beginning to the end.
The fact that he had the controller raised shows the intent to virtually kill, it's only a matter of time
pray to god I never get this dumb even on my 80s
The adorable beginning animation of small kids doing their best to get and slurp up ice cream REALLY REALLY REALLY doesn't connect well with the rest of unexpected politics garbage.
Such a wasted cute animation. I hate this.
You assume men aren't entitled.
The video assumes the opposite, then, with this assumption, shows a man being entitled.
The perceived conflict comes entirely from you assuming an opposite answer to the subjective question of men being entitled.
>You assume men aren't entitled.
And i'm saying you're a mouth breathing retard if you think women aren't just as capable of being entitled. It's mind boggling that someone would even try to pin such a trait on a one gender.
Good taste.
The video makes sense in its own context
You could argue that it doesn't match reality or something, but you no longer can claim it contradicts itself
oh shit a lion
The ramblings of a person thinking that they're being gang stalked also makes sense "in it's own context" but it doesn't make it any less nonsensical or retarded. You're trying too hard, nerd.
Any of you guys ever play consortium? that game had something about how the main menu was you up-linking to a satellite to send your consciousness into the future, you could actually tell a few characters about this and completely demolish the fourth wall as they start contemplating why you were sent there and there's this whole lore about it and everything
was great
>the matrix was a good movie
>hurr but paranoid rambling
If the ramblings were truly nonsensical, you could point out where they conflict themselves.
You can't do that with the video.
Checkmate christfags
>men get everything and women get nothing
i hate this meme, i dont know how many women i've met who've gotten tons of free shit from men; and in male dominated work fields they tend to have it easier getting a job since the employers want diversity points
You couldn't name ten games where "the plot is literally a character being self-aware. Just that."
who buys that much bread? he is killing his son ith all those empty calories
>You assume men aren't entitled.
We're not. When men want to accomplish something we work our asses off. The video is implying there's some higher being handing out free shit which isn't the case.
consider this my last (You).
you're obviously retarded if you need me to explicitly point out what's wrong with equating some magical ice cream machine with hundreds of years of history.
man this thread went to fucking shit real quick
No I can't but it wasn't my point, user. The fact that I can name one is, tho.
Fucking hell, I didn't expect it to turn into that.
Just how angry do you have to be to spend hours and hours on such shite? Literally "my head is massive"
Still not even a single example of a contradiction, spergcel.
Not every man works his ass off. Most work no harder than women.
Gas all nintendo subhumans.
>nonsensical means they have to say something conflicting
r u retarded? that's not what that means
For commies to be often Atheist, they surely are dumb enough to support an economic system that encourages the devolution of the human race, and also attack the economic system that creates an environment that prevent poor people that make poor decisions from spreading their genes.
that escalated quickly
God I fucking hate oof.
I guess Earthbound goes without saying.
It does you fucking retard.
If something isn't in conflict with established set of rules, it makes sense. It doesn't need to offer any new insights or any other undefined shit that you'd expect of it.
>Most work no harder than women.
Feminists don't. You see, feminism in modern western society is just the manifestation of insecurity of a minority of women who instead of trying put in work to accomplish their goals, they actively sabotage men on the job market with female quotas forcing employers not to hire the best suited applicant if he happens to be male. Feminists don't create new things, they change already existing things like male WW1 soldiers to female ones by force(if you don't like it you're a virgin blah blah) etc etc. That's why the majority of women don't take these nu-feminists serious.
>That's why the majority of women don't take these nu-feminists serious.
Now they don't, but in 5 years all that "nu-feminist" shit will be the norm.
do i have to google what nonsensical means? or maybe you can do that on your own and prove yourself wrong? absolute brainlet
u mad
>but in 5 years all that "nu-feminist" shit will be the norm.
In your dreams loser. There would sooner be a Nazi uprising.
What does "E" even mean? Who uses that?
What if Blue Guy built and supplied the ice cream dispenser tho?
Jokes aside it isn't normal to have so much hatred and anger in your heart, these people are unwell.
>feminists hate tits
>suddenly it's faux pas to have tits everywhere in vidya
>feminists hate vidya with only male soldiers
>suddenly it's faux pas not to have mandatory estrogen contamination
>feminists hate it when women are rescued by men
It's a reddit born meme so basically it's unfunny as fuck. It's literally "so randum XD" humor mixed with ironic shitposting. And we all know how HILARIOUS ironic shitposting is.
its nice tho
If you're under 18 or autistic I can absolutely understand why you'd find it funny.
Why is that slut stealing that man ice cream?
Clearly you only ever heard of Undertale and DDLC
how the fuck is typing the letter E a reddit born meme
This animation only gets beter by the sheer amount of incels it triggers.
But what does it do?
We have our F which has a meaning, oof seems to come from a death sound of one of zoomer games, yikes brings up a mental image of a dumb slut being offended.
What's the rationale for E?
Because that's where it started? What don't you understand? I can walk your peanut brain through this if need be.
Because she knew she could get away with it.
Blueface is a beta cuck.
>le triggered incels xD
"But it triggers the people I dislike" is one of the worst rationale for pretty much anything.
Well for one you didn't even explain what typing the letter E means, you just said it's from Reddit. F is referencing CoD's paying respects. K is like saying "ok" or putting a quick end to a conversation.
t. incel
She thinks that this is a public ice cream making machine.
She doesn't know blueface is an autist who worked hard to make ice cream machine a reality.
He'd probably share readily if she asked, but she's a woman and so she believes she deserves it, just because.
>the matrix was a good movie
And proud
Fuck sluts, cucks and roasties
That's the thing, there is no background or rationale to it. As far I know it started off as a really low quality image (like JPG compression artifacts) of lord farquad with Markiplier's face with just an "E". That's it. That's the entire joke.
I just got the pic. Enjoy the laugh fellow redditors.
To be fair, Blue should've also invented a wall or a gun. Much easier to invent than an ice cream machine and will keep the ice cream machine safe.
The amount of replies shows how triggered Yea Forums is by this. Saying the creator wasted their time making it, yet if someone from here made something with the same amount of energy they'd claim it was "based".
You guys are pretty pathetic.
>no mention of OFF
What a weird way to attack a demographic
He will invent those, now that he knows his ice cream isn't safe.
No ice cream theft will happen after the day of the rope.
*blocks your path*
Well I'm glad he's learning but he really should've listened to the warnings. Ice cream is not protected by good will, a document, the concept of justice, or the deeds of your ancestors.
>yet if someone from here made something with the same amount of energy they'd claim it was "based".
I guess you don't know what you're talking about. I've not seen anyone here praise a strawman argument regardless of politics. It seems to me you're just upset that you personally agree with it but no one is on your side.
Cry harder, jigglypuff.
What makes Baten Kaitos pull it off so well is you forget about it because it's not often brought to your attention. Assuming you've played previous JRPGs it's very likely that you will be projecting onto Kalas since he's the one that moves when you move the control stick. That makes the Lava Caves scene that much more jarring.
I'll never get memes like this and big chungus. It's literally just a pic, you post it, other people recognize it as the meme, that's it, no potential for exploits or jokes or fuckall
>he really should've listened to the warnings
He was lied to and put his trust in wrong group.
I mean, how could women just steal? Aren't they the beautiful sex? Why would someone beautiful need to commit crimes?
We all start misguided because all parents are wrong and all children are too stupid to find out how.
you've made a grave mistake by offending your god, faggot
your ass is mine bucko
The plot in this game is damn good
What a great game
Based as fuck. Based as FUCK
>scooby doo has some good fucking writing
Every episode was literally the fucking same
Why doesn’t he give her the ice creams and just slurp on her cunny?
what an ugly fucking duck
Oh shut up you diabetic fuck
Angry. Yes. Wrong? No.
why was this posted in a thread of fourth wall breaking?
>all those replies
>almost none of which are replied to
>the ones that have replies are likely by a different person than the one who posted the webm
ah so it was bait for (You)'s
This is the designated LOL thread, newfag
Judeo-Bolshevik scum.
This is like if someone went and only saw the MCU movies, and concluded that all films are nothing but two hour slug-fests with zero artistic merit.
What happens if you fail to destroy the towers
Don't fix what ain't broke.
This webm is the sole reason why we can't have Night in the Woods threads. I would be okay if it was just >furries, but it gets tiring seeing Yea Forums trying to fight the culture war.
Why does that webm derail those threads? Did the devs personally make that webm or something?
>Getting this buttblasted at a simple insult
The line between SJWs & Alt Right is so very thin
Contact is the only game that did this well
god tier post
>Thanks for playing!
i'm only able to see his moustache as a mouth opened in shock
IIRC the artist of the game made the webm. Leads to massive derailment, and /vpol/ curbing discussion.
What? How?
He's mad, but he speaks the truth.
>Zommer game
But I do agree "oof" is a zoomer meme.
the entity Lucca talks about is the player
the oof is actually from Chip's Challenge
repurposed for Roblox
>oof, yikes, sweetie, incel
>all stupid cringy buzzwords used by MUH ESSJAYDUBYAS
>nigg*r, f*ggot, d*ke, sh*tskin
>BASED BASED OMG SO BASED!!!!!!!1!!!!1!!
boomers on /vpol/ can get fuuuuucked
>censoring yourself
go back, nigger
>inb4 Yea Forumscels give this post 50+ (You)s and prove him right
nice try newfag, sweetie is a /pol/ meme so it's based and redpilled
>The narrator is replaced by an impostor while you were busy naming your character
>They show you a fake cutscene of the game's real hero as a monster, making you distrust them for most of the game
get raped by niggers tranny!
Seeing a new pasta being born is always a delight
name one game that does this
maybe you should stop taking things like internet memes so seriously friendo
>imagine seething this hard over a comment
Jesus Christ user, dare I say... yikes
heh, absolutely based
You don’t get to bring friends
No, the entity is the planet. Otherwise how is the player giving the cast a guided tour of everything Lavos touched and how it infected the planet? The player wouldn’t know any of this shit, the planet would.
4th wall breaking is something that happens poorly a lot. My personal favorite is in Bravely Second when Anne repeats her greeting to the player she gave in Bravely Default, knowing that you were the same person, doing it to rub salt in the wounds that she'd tricked you into helping her
genuinely makes you feel for the characters when they do it right
>how is the player giving the cast a guided tour of everything Lavos touched
by playing
only when it's done for the sake of comedy
You can't put a verb in the past tense with to do as the auxiliary temporal verb faget.
Absolute reddit thread
it's female fragility
most of the replies are just laughing about the "The matrix was a good movie" part
replies =/= outrage
They literally say the entity is the thing making the gates you buffoon.
which the player does by opening them and moving the story along
I'm the only guy not offended or clapping because of this video
I find the video funny
that's a "yikes" from me tbqh
Bravely Second used this well.
You say that, then it becomes popular and then it's everywhere, because the human race ia like a fat kid that can't stop eating.
Am I supposed to laugh? Cause I did.
user I don't disagree but are you alright?
because no "alt-righter" unironically acts like that, you frankenstein controlled braindead nigger ape
>newfags falling for ravioli
mamma mia
Pody hames that ghave odnie tirinht