
Attached: why.png (2695x713, 854K)

I need to get off this website.

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I've been trying for 15 years.

well you can only make 3 threads at a time. 6 if you count mobile as well. so i don't see the issue here.

I see 1 good thread, maybe 2 at most.
Can Yea Forums at least guess them right?

What's wrong with Hollow Knight?

>get new janitors
>boards like Yea Forums and Yea Forums still suffer from hours of spam before they intervene

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Triggered Yea Forums thread? LGTSS

You all just lost. Now go to bed/log off your computer/go exercise/actually play some vidya.

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>ywn be the faggot OP to make a 'hiro approved meta thread! xD'
Godbless, user.


Sounds like they didn't get a wide enough pool of jannies from different timezones, that's usually one of the main reasons a board has a lull in moderation.

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Yeah, enough with dmc threads

>call out obvious generals that violate Yea Forums rule 6

Eventually the wojack/frog spam will go away. But I am certain it will be replaced by something even worse. Its like were in 2007 all over again.

/vg/ has been pretty good lately. Most of the spammers moved on.

Half of /vg/ is mobile trash though. Entire genres have to be consolidated into one thread if they even want to hope to survive. The one general I visit manages to fend off tripfags and discord so its not all bad.

Starting today I'm not going to make a negative or inflammatory shitpost for a year. I'm just going to be nice to people and treat them how I would like to be treated

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I mean they are discussing games

I prefer this a million times over "He is in" threads

Its okay if Smash does it

Smash threads have been less common the past two months. The catalog was Hell from August to January.

I don't understand how this board has daily neptunia and senran threads and those don't get deleted. Is that not considered a general, especially when they're made multiple times throughout the day?

Because the mods are incompetent fags.

How is that a bad thing?

I like the bell curve threads, they expose people as absolute retards

Based Vergil

These threads aren't permanent and will go away eventually. This is nothing like before /vg/ where there was ALWAYS a LoL thread up to the point where they had their own culture and tripfags and shit. I don't really like DmC either but you'll have to wait it out like with Smash, or Sekiro in a week or two.

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Lol right under this thread on the front page was a DMC thread. Imagine being so braindead that you think your SSShitty hack n slash game needs ANOTHER blatant general. What are you gonna do? Sing the trailer song some more? Talk about their haircuts and who might actually be someone else? How much you hate Tameem? Go fuck yourselves and take this shit to

better fill the board with smash thread right

SSSeething DMCfags detected.

I don't understand explain please?

Any fucking spammed threads need to be culled. Smash was a disgusting cancer, and I wish it was never a game series. It’s literally just you as a 6 year old banging your toys together and making them “fight”.


I hope you have a great time, user! Don't falter in your efforts, and maybe you'll see the fruits of your labor.