Bullshit in videogames

>healer leaves your party right before a difficult dungeon
Why do games still do this?

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>party member leaves
>rejoins later
>has worse equipment than when they left
>the gear they had is forever lost

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>it's an underwater escort mission

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>Tales of Vesperia
>Difficult dungeon

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>he doesn't play on the most challenging difficulty

basically half of FF12
>chest has a small chance to appear, desired item has an even smaller chance to actually be in the chest
>random chests with no connection to each other determine getting the best weapon
>character that has unique animation for "canon" weapon makes them take longer so they do less damage

Man, FF12 was such a shit game. I legit don't understand people who say it's a good game, it's probably one of the worst Final Fantasy games out there, after FFXV

Colonel, we managed to avoid drowning!

Tales of Vesperia is actually a pretty difficult game

I played on hard. Will do unknown if I ever replay it since you need to unlock it in the grade shop.

I still found it was easier than several other Tales games.

>game gives you a skill required to unlock side areas
>have to backtrack through all starting dungeons to unlock extra challenges

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>Forced stealth section

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You have both Karol and Flynn at that point, who are more than good enough at healing your party combined.

>Party member doing a solo mission without any notice beforehand
>The party member you don't use ever so they're underleveled and have horrible equipment

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Flynn and Karol are garbage though

Your loss.

>evil villain who slaughtered millions of innocent people
>win battle against him
>"No, if we kill him we'll just be as bad as him!"

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>game takes off the training wheels to see how you cope on your own
>not fucking good

>takes off training wheel
>50 hours into the game

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>character leaves your party
>meet him later as a boss
>he was in disguise all along
>defeat him
>"no wait, he traveled with us all this time, he was not a bad guy!"
>spare his life
>he sacrifices himself to save you
What the fuck am I playing

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>Half your party betrays you including your childhood friends

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>reach final boss
>oneshots you out of nowhere
>game forces you to run the entire dungeon again with your underleveled secondary character who has shit gear

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fuck off anime fag

I mained/only played her, so when she left i was like, shit, now i gotta learn how to play as someone else.

>Breath of the wild looks worse than a 10 year old game


>final boss is a 10 phase gauntlet
>the last 8 phases are all solo character fights with each of your party members
>the final phase has an attack that can combo you from full health to dead, making you start the entire fight all over

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You have to go back

>Forced stealth section
>in a game engine not designed for stealth

looking at you 358/2

Rogue Galaxy?

you got it
Also, out of those characters one of them is never forced into your party, so it's possible he still has his default equipment

I am glad I decided to keep everyone properly geared/skilled.

Most fights in that game were just "spam AoE skills"

>not having best boy heal arrow you to life

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karol and flynn can heal just fine. hell, yuri can also heal.

>Larvitar, Houndour, Slugma, Sneasel and Pikachu can only be caught towards the very end of the game, and well and truly after you have beaten the Elite Four
>Tyrogue off-limits until you have the first 8 gym badges

Always thought this was bullshit of the highest order

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You don't have Raven during that section in your party anyway

How can Yuri heal? If you mean that arte you get after obtaining Dein Nomos, you don't have it yet and even if that was it, it heals for literally nothing in a tiny as fuck AoE

>specific characters can do a special combined attack by standing next to each other
>game never tells you this
>you're unlikely to find this out by yourself, since the characters are redundant and the number of units you can deploy is limited

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>difficult dungeon
Nigga what?

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It's not hard, though. Flynn and Karol can heal plus there are two savepoints that will fully heal you in there.

The placement of some pokemon in gen 2 is odd, for sure.

I can only think of FF8 that makes you do the last dungeon with two parties

The final secret boss in Octopath Traveler has some bullshit mechanic where you need to fight a series of bosses in rapid succession (basically re-fight all the story bosses) and then you have to fight the final boss without saving between fights, and the final boss is divided in two very long and very hard phases where you need to evenly split your party between those two phases. And the game doesn't tell you that, so if you are unprepared and thought you did well on the first phase, and your backup characters aren't levelled up/a good setup, you will get fucked hard and will have to re-do the entire boss rush all over again.

It took me about ~3 hours of almost non-stop battles to clear it and it was NOT easy. But it was an awesome fight at least.

>stealth game
>forced combat section

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>One of your teammates betray you and kidnaps your healer
>Said character was also the character you dumped the most extra points into
>They also leave with your best equipment still on them

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>game throws a lot of enemy-avoiding/repelling items
>very scarce HP/MP healing resources
>makes it obvious that you shouldn't engage in battles during dungeons and just avoid enemies
>get to boss battle
>several levels above you
>party significantly underlevelled
>forced to grind for hours non-stop in the overworld so you can catch up

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