ITT: Games that trigger self insert fags

ITT: Games that trigger self insert fags

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What do you even mean?

I don’t understand.

same question, skyrim is the selfinserting game

The Witcher 3, of course.

>totally self-customizable character
>triggering self-insert players

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>can't make Asian
Shit game.

How? This game is incredible self-insert friendly. And when you take mods into consideration you can make it become almost another game entirely with crazy RP potential.

I'm self insert fag and love witcher. Self inserting is about decisions, not pretending to be the character himself, it's thinking "what would've I done?" sometimes to surprising results.

All the asian were eaten by Snek men plus others

Wood elves look asian to me

what is Dunmer?

Can anyone even fathom the meta narrative Skyrim had to tell?
I feel like most of these faggots were in high school and couldn't understand the nuance of the civil war and the main character with his messianic delusions (Aka the player)

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Yeah, I was thinking of Mary sue and the author being a cuck.

Dragon Age 2 really
Wait for Akavir game after theyre done with Tamriel

They're mostly Jewish with a lot more noticeable influences of other ME cultures. The full on Asians would be the akavir

also what
skyrim is THE normie self insert game. it's why TES is so popular
witcher on the other hand is much more narrative and geralt being an established character with a history and personality and he impedes your ability to self insert

That everything sucks now and isn’t good as it used to be. The empire, Skyrim, DB, Thieves guild, etc
Shit most of the Daedric quests involve restoring the artifact or something related.
Kinda fitting for a game made post recession.

The constant Draugr killing really drove in the point that TES is an empty husk of a franchise being kept alive by cabalistic jewish magic

Akavir niggas are eaten by sneks tho

Isn't the whole point of this game self inserting and having a power fantasy? If there's anything that triggers self insert fags its pic related and the fps genre in general because you can just get a cap busted in your ass on a moment's notice.

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posting before this thread becomes Spec Ops: The Line arguing again.

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I was gonna make a post on the spec ops the line thread and it got archived so i'll just do it here
>dropping white phosphorus on targets that are clearly coming out to get you
>they all get wiped
>only life signals you can see are a bunch of people clumped up where enemies were coming from
>they're not moving
>they didn't bother coming out to fight you during the firefight
>clearly not a second wave because they don't come out when the first wave dies
>characters act surprised when they see they were civies
"muh player did bad things" be dammed that was just outright retarded writing

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Self inserting is the biggest cancer in games and media, it's even more sad that most products features a self insert MC.

>replacing one self insert power fantasy with another
you should play a real shooter that shits on all the other brown and grey shooters with its deep satire, Spec Ops The Line

I'll admit this is perhaps cheating a bit but lets imagine if that were a cutscene rather than gameplay.

'Cutscene' Walker would of shot that shit without a 2nd thought, and only after learn of the civilians, like he did in game, but I really want to highlight the fact Walker as a character would not of had a single second of hesitation using the White Phosphorus in that instant. Perhaps instead we should look at that particular moment differently, as the moment where player sees the civs but Walker sees targets. When you as a player pull the trigger on what is *obviously* civs, you only see the white blobs and walkers face, and seeing a human on what is obviously a reference to Modern Warfare's ac130 segments is a horrifying remind of who causes things like this to happen: people.

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> the moment where player sees the civs but Walker sees targets.
The game devs slapped a combat vehicle with infinite ammunition on top of those civies so that there's zero alternative to shooting. There's no alternative because the game forces a scenario to happen in order to excuse for trash writing. Hell the entire positioning of the civies who were quarreled into a corner just bellow the vehicle made no sense either, they're just there because a bunch of civies had to die for a twist
>reference to Modern Warfare's ac130 segments is a horrifying remind of who causes things like this to happen: people.
Not only was the CoD segment trash but also delivered the point of the disconnect between the killer and the killed when the killing is done through a screen quite well. The reflection isn't bad but it's not adding anything to the discussion

fuck are you talking about? i jack off self inserting as the slutty bimbo i made in skyrim all the time.

Get cancer, corporate tool.

I wasnt talking about single player. Nobody plays that.

I agree sp is a self insert fantasy.

The MW1 campaign is loved by normies pal. Everyone jerks off over the nuke and Ghillie segments

>single player
No. The ultimate way to break a self insert fantasy is to gameify everything. Immersion is broken more by the point notifications, hitmatkers, killing spree announcements, people shouting on mic and dying to some other guys grenade launcher than some pretentious satire or message

this game just triggers me because it killed my favorite class in ES. sword and board battlemage. you want to use a spell better hit those menus to unequip your shield, then do it over and over again throughout any combat. equiping spells to a hand instead of a dedicated spell slot was the worst idea.