I need a comic or animation of Mihaly appearing in Star Fox and violently shooting down Fox's crew while they beg for help
why do they call her brownie
She has incontinence during sex.
>downed mihaly in a F/A-18 with a golem emblem
That's for Brownie you piece of shit.
Is this true?
>crying for like two minutes straight instead of just ejecting
It's like I'm playing fucking AC5 again.
How do I save her, bros?
>You can't save everyone
I'm scared
>why isn't he shooting?
Why are women such prey animals?
Evolution. The one's that fought got killed by the conquering tribe. The ones that didn't got to live and expand the tribe.
Yeah ok that's quite good OP
Scrap Queen and Trigger fugged after the events of the game right?
why wont anyone here admit that 7s story was weak and almost garbage
I think it was too. There are some good moments to be sure, but the narrative does not allow a lot of good character build ups or interactions, because the squad Trigger gets grouped up with keeps changing every three missions. Quantity over quality. Also, fucking bullshit you can't save Brownie. Or knock up scrap queen at the end, making her bear many ubermensch fighter pilot offspring. Double also, a lot of the storytelling is frenetic, and a lot of it doesn't make sense or is unclear.
Yeah it could have been better but you know it was ok.
It took a page from 04, not 5 or 0. Expect better character building in 08, since the assets are going to be mostly done.
This is very true. I think the wingmen should have featured in actual cutscenes.
I agree it's not good but I wouldn't call it almost garbage.
See, I forgive most of it after I read what happened in development.
No, Scrap Queen and Princess are the only cannon couple and they don't share
never EVER
There's a layer in hell just for you
Give Star Fox to Project Aces
Fuck that. I want Ace Combat 8. Seems like in most series, the number 8 becomes a cult classic. They have almost everything they need to pump out a more perfect game within the next couple of years.