>Hey Dante want to go out on a date?
Hey Dante want to go out on a date?
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no way slag
morrison, get me out of this.
>give me your demon dick or I’ll shoot it off
no way fag
Dante literally agreed to go to the Underworld so he could escaping this nagging bitch, how can Pattyfags ever recover?
They literally can't.
Someone says the moonspeak has the implication he's only doing it so he doesn't have to go to a big social event. Any truth to that?
The English says the same thing so idk. He says he really doesn't want to go to a birthday party
According to that novel summary
>While Dante doesn’t hate Patty, he shudders at the idea of spending time at a party with people even more ‘normal’ than she is.
So Dante just hates normies?
trully our guy
Dante met the wrong Patty.
As the anime is canon now Dante is fucking depressed all the time because nothing is fun for him anymore except styling on demons.
wow he's just like me!
How old would she be in 5 anyways? I think Dante lost his chance to hit that when she was still cute and interesting, now she’s a boring hag.
>parents dead
>only other family is his brother who abandoned him and everything else for power
>tried starting a new life but that didn't work
>didn't realize he actually cared about his brother until he was already gone
>years pass only "friends" are an informant that gets him work for his failing business and a grown woman with eternally unresolved daddy issues that's basically findoming him with arbitrary debt
>killing demons is still fun tho, wahoo crazy pizza party funtimes
>meets mysterious blonde woman that looks just like his dead mom
>actually a clone made by Mundus
>also your brother's been his bottom bitch combat gimp in hell for years now
>defeat him and now he's """dead""" for good as far as he knows
>at least he avenged his family, now time to go home to his shitty failing business except now he can paypig to TWO vicious harpies
>dawns on him that he will never have a real family ever again and that's all he ever wanted
>haha... killing demons is still fun tho... haha woo hoo... pizza crazy.. s-stylish fun times.... ha ha....
She rings up saying she's eighteen now when inviting Dante over to smash her her party
She was inviting him to her 18th birthday party
Are you illiterate?
It's not like it is a deep thing though, it is very common to feel detached from normies through some reason.
His love for strawberry sundaes might or might not be a substitute for alcohol.
>smash her
Holy fuck
>His love for strawberry sundaes might or might not be a substitute for alcohol.
The sweet flavor on his tongue is probably what having a happy family feels like. His family lasted about as long as a sundae too.
No like for censorship reasons, those sundaes might have been intended to be alcohol, instead they play it tongue in cheek.
The anime was from 2007 it was still anime wild west back then
I mean he drank a whole stein of beer on screen in the episode with that demon guy with healing powers. I'm sure it was tongue and cheek, but I doubt it was censorship.
Even it is a form of self-censorship it actually works better than alcohol would. Having Dante drink his depression is too serious for DMC. The more whimsical sundae suits the tone better. You achieve the metaphor while preserving the character.
Gotta pay his pizza tab somehow.
Why is there no porn of this little bitch?
That's why I said "might". What speaks for self censorship is that it might be to much heavy handed to have the wacky pizza man drinking away his depression.
How old is Dante?
>The more whimsical sundae suits the tone better. You achieve the metaphor while preserving the character.
Not to mention Dante's a gigantic man child that even now just wants his mother back. His two favorite foods are Pizza and Strawberry Sundaes both of which he gets from a family restaurant style diner that he sits in alone. His office is always a mess too and Trish was yelling at him when she found out that he's just eating pizza every day. She started working out of the office because Dante on a subconscious level literally just wants her to be his mom.
A strawberry sundae being his stand in for alcohol fits better than anything else could have done.
>Trish and Lady treat Dante like shit
>he had temporary solice with a cute loli
>she’s an adult now and gonna start abusing him
Dante couldn’t handle 3 women doing that to him, he’d literally rather spend eternity in a hellhole fighting his brother.
He has Vergil now and has been enjoying himself in hell with them fighting. Unironically the best couple
Real talk, if Dante for some reason had to settle down and make some little devils, who is the gal that he would most likely choose and in what order would it go if you include the rest.
Pretty sure it would be:
Some no-name peasant>>>Lady>>>Patty=Lucia>>>Trish
>would rather go to hell and spent time with his brother than fucking that prime 18 year old pussy.
got no way fag harder than Ashely
>Real talk, if Dante for some reason had to settle down and make some little devils
Because that worked out so well for literally everyone else. He's got his Nephew and his brother to fight in Hell forever. It's the closest he's ever gonna get to having a real family again. Just let the poor guy be happy for once.
>literally the worst part of vesperia
>tomato juice dante is now canon
That's why i'm saying if, dude.
>that third line of the greentext
Was Sparda's death really never explained? What are the chances of DMC 6 explaining that or just getting a DMC Origins sort of game where we play as Sparda and slay faggots left and right like usual?
Is it true that Dante doesn't drink?
He's a good boy.
No. He can't get drunk though.
It would probably be Lady
time to rewatch the animu i guess
There was plenty of violence, cursing, and alcohol in the anime
I really doubt it was censorship that had Dante like ice cream
Would alcohol even affect a demon?
Is the anime worth watching?
>we got los goblina es hebraico (el monstro ajudante clone) instead of this cutie
fuck you capcom
Yes, but don't expects super epic fights, Dante basically one-shots everything.
Personally I enjoyed it because all episodes were fun in their own and because of Patty
Morrison's Notes also state that Patty is a 10/10 hottie, and she's turned down every boy, saving herself for the DT.
There's like 2 or 3 pretty good episodes
Bros when is Dante going to make 1/4 devils with Patty? The wait is getting annoying.
Right after he makes a 3/4 birb demon with Lucia.
It seems I have found the specimen denominated "My fucking nigger".
I was pretty disappointed when she didn't appear. Is she even mentioned?
Even Vergil, for all his posturing, gets poon but Dante's is given the chance to jump freshly made 18-year old hump and he's all "I NEED AN EXCUSE".
Only in the novel, when Dante got the Balrog gauntlets.
Lucia is mildly tsundere and crushing hard on Dante.
Based and birdpilled
Did it really take them this long for both of them to realize they're better off fighting each other to make life interesting than without
Morrison is black now?
>As the anime is canon now
Does that mean the white guy becoming black is canon now too?
The ED for the anime literally has Dante sitting alone drinking Jack Daniels with a depressed look on his face
She's too old for Dante now, that's why he hangs up.
It's his Devil Nigger.
>Morrison permanently ascended to Morrison Negro
He leaves the Goodspring.
I’m sure kyrie would bully nero into inviting dante to dinner
>The ED
The what?
Ending theme
That pic makes me rembemer the Netflix Castlevania guys are making a DMC series next.
If its about Nero's adventures in between 4 and 5 I'd watch it.
I'd like some episodes dedicated to his younger days in Fortuna
Maybe some more focus on Credo and Stutter Nigger
>If it's about Nero-
No thanks, give me Dante, Nero is okay but only if he isn't the main focus.
No way fag
Maybe just make it an anthology show with each episode being a different story focusing on a different character at some point in the timeline, with a few simple "Dante's adventure of the week" eps sprinkled in
he loves beer
What would Dante say?
Before the anime Dante had a thing for strawberry milkshakes.
>Dude can barely afford pizza
>Harpies send him an enormous shopping bill for no reason
Lucia coming back when?
Do you know where is my beloved Beatrice, spirit?
when more than 5 people on the planet give a shit about her and her game
5 says that lady is full of issues so I doubt that even if they fuck it would last more than one night stands
Trish is his mother replacement and she is aware of that, no matter how much she wishes it wasn't like that
Lucia and Patty are legit the only two he would have a decent relationship
Lucia gets wet seeing how strong dante is
Patty fell in love with the good hearted pizza hobo
Honestly it would be better for the franchise if he tied the knot with Lucia, since you could explore some dmc2 points and have the kids as characters in later games
But it would be better for dante if he married the bombshell 18 year old who has money and loves him from the bottom of his heart
maybe Dante is turning down Patty cause he sees her more as a little sister
I want a party's birthday party episode
>Vergil has the 3 quarter human kid
>Dante has the 3 quarter Demon kid
would be pretty ironic.
More like his daughter
>In DMC 6 it's heavily implied Dante has been fucking Patty's mom for some time without anyone knowing.
> "What kind of power is this?!"
No I meant that he views patty as his surrogate kid
Just like he pretends he doesn't view Trish as his surrogate mother.
Imagine getting a call from the kid you see as your own kid yelling at you how she is 18 now and eagerly awaiting your devil cock.
It's probably why he jumped on the job so fast.
>Nero calls Kyrie in a final good bye
>Was resolved to dump her if it came down to choosing going back or dying
>Instant power up to above even the SDTs despite having no devil arms of any kind to draw power from, his own literal arm, or the weapons called such.
>Even Vergil wonders out loud as he struggles to comprehend that being VolCel > Demonhood as source of power.
>instead of a devil trigger Dante's kid gets a human trigger
Man, I wish bird boy and the crew didn't have to die
That would make Dante's kid more powerful than Nero a few years down the line right?
Yes, I know that's what you meant you Devil Nigger
>Imagine getting a call from the kid you see as your own kid yelling at you how she is 18 now and eagerly awaiting your devil cock.
I am now and it hurts knowing it will never happen to me.
>I'm finally 18 Dante. Get over here and mating press me right fucking now in front of my birthday guest
>no way fag
Dante was pretty based.
This is such a sincere virgil line
It's up there with "well I want yours too"
Patty paid for his bills in 5, she can easily stop paying again until dante agrees to go on a date with her
She waited 10 years to be legal, a few months is nothing for her, she is motivated to get that devil D
Where do you go to look at these again?
>thought they were turning evil or something, maybe plan to kill Vergil or some shit
>they actually purposely ended their lives to lessen Vergil's suffering
>Dante I just turned 18!
>proceed to get locked in a demon world
One job Dante. One fucking job.
They didn't, they just went to the underworld again. They are alright and back home.
Go on,
You know Home is always inside your soul
All the light to bless your way
Don't be afraid
And I'll be your home
>not fucking off to the demon world to escape paying taxes
Maybe she's petite. He can always manhandle her.
>no longer cute and funny
>now just some dried up roastie from a long line of demon sorcerers trying to secure some cuhrayzee cum to produce the ultimate demonic pet, a cute little baby.
>she can easily stop paying again until dante agrees to go on a date with her
>implying Patty won't force him to put babies inside her at the very least
So, did Vergil cause the Qliphoth to appear, or was he just there for the fruit?
he caused it to appear and killed million people just for a chance to fight
I want to watch DMC anime now.
How's the story? Is it canon now?
What about animation quality?
And should i watch it in English dub? Does it has same VA as games?
Im pretty sure that dante has more of a liking towards humanity so making a more demon hybrid would be out of the question for him
The library text claims the tree just appears every few thousand years, though was held along the rest of demon realm by Sparda's seal until events of 3. That sounds like it was coincidental.
>Is it canon now?
Looks so.
>Story/animation quality?
I didn't watch all of it, and what I did was years ago so I don't remember enough to say.
>And should i watch it in English dub? Does it has same VA as games?
If you've played the games in English, then yes, because yes it does at least have Langdon.
Story is slightly above average, very low stakes demon of the week format, it's more about human lives than demon bullshit.
Animation is so-so.
Reuben does voice Dante in the English dub, but he himself is not satisfied about it, they didn't allow him to have infinite takes, nor go crazy, it's more of a sterile dubbing over.
She's only making him pay up
He cares about her.
She's right here my dude.
>How's the story?
it's more like a paranormal detective show than anything like in a DMC game because it's about dantes "day" job where he's fighting absolute shitter demons the whole time
>What about animation quality?
it's got a good sense of direction and style but the faces are a little fucked up and it refuses to actually animate fighting on-screen (it does often do pretty stylish ways to avoid showing it though)
>And should i watch it in English dub? Does it has same VA as games?
absolutely. only dante keeps from the games but everyone else has their voice change constantly or isn't in it anyway
dante sounding like he's really tired fits the tone a lot more
not in a million years
This made me realize that DMC2 Dante is how he feels on the inside at all times after DMC3. He just stopped fronting for a bit.
A lot of people shit on it because it wasn't a cuhrayzee action anime, but I personally like it. It's basically 99% of Dante's other jobs where the demons causing shit are barely above random enemy spawns from the game, but it focuses more on world building for the series and gives a little more insight into Dante as a character.
Also the gambling episode was legit great. Basically it just wasn't what people would expect from a DMC anime, but it's still solid.
Did that user ever actually mail Tameme the wig with the "not in a million sales" note or did he bitch out?
damn didn't realize dante was so depressed bros this makes me sad
Dante and Patty's relationship remind me of this image.
It is likely that Dante felt that way before 3. Seeing your mother get torn to shreds before your very eyes can do something to a man.
Though I am wondering if his fronting is costing him too much, considering how out-of-touch he appeared when dealing with the mass slaughter of the Qlithoth tree
The devil's greatest accomplishment is convincing the world that he doesn't exist. Dante simply had his own version of this demonic undertaking.
The whole show is about the adventures you don't see in the games, it's about humans dealing with the faceless mooks who get one shotted by Dante while he's on the way to fight the boss
if that interests you then go watch it
It might get better now that his brother won't be a complete douchebag all the time, just most of it.
But is not constantly fighting demons in Hell, even with his brother, just a way for Dante to continue ignoring his problems?
They'll get out eventually, and I imagine since they have nothing but time, they'll talk anyways.
Maybe. But it will take maturity on both Dante and Vergil’s part to initiate such discussions, maturity which they don’t really have as they are pretty much mentally permanently frozen as two scared little kids who are terribly coping with their problems by pretending that they do not exist (Dante) or trying to wipe such problems from existence (Vergil)
They did just get smacked around by one's son, so I imagine they're a bit humble in regards to each other now. Nero's speech had a bit of an impact, which is why Vergil went so willingly to do what needs to be done. Like Dante said, they've been fighting for ages now, so I can imagine them finally calming down with the fratricide and just sparring. Being overly emotional about their mother and feelings? Maybe not, but the days of them killing each other is likely done, and the story wants to move past that. They just needed a way to get Vergil living again.
>Ask for a Lucia redemption after the first announcement from Matt that DMC2 was before DMC5
>Fuck ton of people start agreeing & liking said tweet saying she deserves to pulled away from that shitty game & placed in a better one.
I know it's twitter, but I think there is enough.
shitposting aside, will Patty or Lucia win the Dantebowl?
>Patty's journal entry is pretty fucking obvious
>Lady/Trish are also possible but less likely
Is it possible that Sparda could come back?
>he knocks them all up
Is Dante cuh-ray-zee enough to do it AND get away with it?
Vergil got away with it, so why not him?
Morrison mentions she declines every one
She is literally saving herself for dante
Can't be a roastie if you are still a pure maiden
>yfw Lucia episode
>Patty's journal entry is pretty fucking obvious
What did it say?
>patty's literally been saving herself for Dante and rejected every single person that's come on to her
Vergil has good taste in poetry, desu
Does Lucia have at least a Journal entry?
see It's his fault in the end
It's been considered canon for years.
She's going to bust her way into hell just to get him at her birthday party, isn't she?
What a dork, i want to bully her.
Lol no
Dmc2 has even less time than the anime in the history of dmc video
Did anyone else get less excited about her when she said she's 18?
> burst into hell calling his name and hugging dante
> virgil looks at it and quotes dante "so you were young once too, huh"
He probably just waited for it to appear then decided to be an asshole while it did. But it's not against his character to murder troves of people just to fight Dante.
No because it clearly shows that she wanted to pull his devil trigger before and dante tried to avoid it by saying "maybe when you are over 18"
And the first thing she does when she is of age is calling him to come over and smash her
>Found out you have a nephew
>A new chance to have a family
>He thinks you're annoying
Bros... Dante had a hard life..
18 in dmc3
28 in dmc1
29 in the anime
29 - 30 in 2
30 - 32 in 4
39 - 40+ in 5
But the novel states that Nero felt like shit for losing Yamato because he thought he had betrayed Dante's trust in him
Is there any lewd fanart of this annoying little cunt?
are the novels even canon?
Stop that
Almost everything is canon now.
He drinks Jack Daniels when he's alone in his office all depressed.
>DMC has the same tone as Spongebob Squarepants
Based Warlock Dante.
Fuck. At least she got new art in the video & some significance in the novel.
Why do people think DT Nero is stronger than Sin DT Dante/Vergil?
Jesus, does anyone in this series not have daddy issues?
Because he bodies them both.
more like devil may run up on a niga amirite
It does though, just with more blood and cursing
>Dante dig his own grave 10 years ago
Same old autismo.
Maybe, but reminder that Nero is her ADOPTIVE BROTHER and she married him
Only after both are exhausted from fighting one another
>implying they took him seriously
Most people would settle down after someone pulls off an insane stunt and starts lecturing them.
>Next game is Vergil trying to somehow become 1/8th demon/human for power
They were both tired from fighting and had nothing to fight for going against Nero anyway?
See: Arkham/Jester bodying Vergil, Dante, and Lady
Because they're stupid enough to think that Dante/Vergil in that cutscene were in good condition and not barely standing after having beat the shit out of each other.
They spent 20 minutes beating the fuck out of each other before Nero showed up. I'm not going to deny his power, but they were a bit winded by that point of going all out.
no problem there. no blood relation
>Those eyes
>those lips
The makeup ruined her.
what does the title 'devil may cry' even mean?
is there a potentiality of demons being sad when i play this game?
Fighting is like sex for Dante. No it's even better than sex
She really has no art in general.
>DMC6 comes out
>new MC is a 14-15 year old girl who mysteriously has a devil trigger with blond hair and blue eyes
>when asked in an interview Itsuno only says that Dante would get cravings for pizza and sundaes every now and then in Hell
No, devils never cry.
>years pass only "friends" are an informant that gets him work for his failing business and a grown woman with eternally unresolved daddy issues that's basically findoming him with arbitrary debt
>at least he avenged his family, now time to go home to his shitty failing business except now he can paypig to TWO vicious harpies
Shit now I can see why he doesn't want to fuck Lady or Trish. When you put it that way, they're literal shit. I'd go to hell for a couple of years to style on demons too.
Imagine being 40 and having 18 year olds calling you to pop their cherries
The DMC series really is Alabama
>Dante's waifu had twins
>>gameplay consists of playing as both with both of them having their own styles and freely switching between them in combat
>Imagine being 40 virgin and having 18 year olds former loli that used to living in your house calling you to pop their cherries
Her parents turned into demonic beings and went nuts because they couldn't handle the power and tried to kill her but Credo killed them, he never told her those demons were their parents. He took that secret with him to the grave so Kyrie just thinks her parents just fucked off and died one day making her latch on the Credo and Nero more because they're all she had.
This franchise is just Daddy issues the series see
Trish's daddy being a dick
Lucia's daddy being a dick
Lady's daddy being a dick
Nero's daddy being a dick
Nico's daddy being a dick
I don't know anything about Patty but I bet her daddy was a dick,too and I suppose Sparda himself was a dick for leaving his family unprotected
>active character switching in a crazy game
Fuck that sounds amazing
It's a stylish pest control service title.
You have a pest (devil) problem, the punny local pest control store with a neon sign pops into your head immediately.
Devil May Cry is the devil equivalent of "No more Mr. Mice guy"
*to pop your cherry
are you ovulating?
>Trish gets added as a character in the DLC
>she has Alastor
is that cunny?
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Lucia? She didn't care about her creator, just the fact she was practically a doll in a line of manufactured beings. She quite literally was expendable.
I got hyped just typing it out I want it desperately
Dante isn't a virgin, he fucked whores multiple times when he was still hiding under the guise of Tony Redgrave, it's just he didn't get any romance because the girls would mock him for crying in his sleep, he was basically loving and leaving them
meanwhile he left such an impression on Lucia and Patty that they'll only accept him as their mate. Lucia so much that even now she's training harder to be strong enough to not hold Dante back in battle as she can't age
Well, Dante also has a daddy issue. It's funny how Vergil never has one but cause one instead.
>Dante has twins
>they're friendly bros instead of hateful rivals
I'd be OK with that
This part I never got, how are Vergil and Dante so young if Sparda was sealed centuries ago? the game makes it seem like everyone is starting to get forget when it was only like 40 years a go at this point.
if you read some of the game files. you find out lady is depressed and has a (small) alcohol problem. upset she can't get a man at her age (but then again besides dante who could keep up with her)
and trish is annoyed that dante without realising it himself views her more as a mother surrogate then a potential lover.
Lucia gets wet when she even thinks dante is near
and patty saved her virginity for dante and wants him bad.
>implying they're not just fem versions of Dante and Virgil
Wasn't Patty used as a pawn to trick demons into following & eventually killing her?
Vergil also has daddy issues, he does all of DMC3 for that
Astral Chain has potential to be exactly what you described
Her dad left/is dead iirc
Patty only has her mom, which is kidnapped and dante saves her
I desperately hope it is
sparda defeated Mundus and sealed the entrance to the underworld 2000 years ago.
he stayed in the human world during those 2000 years and only fell in love and maried eva at the end of his life.
they had twin sons, and sparda passed away the demons came for eva and the kids.
vergil was away at the time, and dante got hidden by eva. several years later when both twins are 18 vergil with arkham's help raises the ten-i-mu-gru tower to unlock the entrance to the underworld so he can retieve sparda's sword.
I still cant believe Virgil knocked a woman up, I cant imagine him containing his autism to have sex same for Nicos dad
Dante is pretty chill when it comes to Sparda. He takes all the demons wanting to kill him because of daddy-dearest in stride.
>Sins of the father, huh? Man, cut me some slack!
Every one has some strange incestual thing or family problems in this series
Hell, last thread anons were theorising that the hooded woman who checks virgil's ass in the intro cutscene of his dmc4se campaign is nero's mom
If you rip the model out and remove the hood she looks like an older kyrie
Implying that Nero is not fucking his adoptive sister, but his real blood related one
It's all fucked up
Yes he did, he clung to his father's power, he believed his human side was holding him back from his father's power. That's why he always said shit like "They will know this devil's power"
It' canon he judgment cummed
>calling you so you can lose your virginites to each other
Fixed that for the both of you.
Yeah, Trish is all made that Dante won't fuck her because of his mommy issues and your only vocal indication of that is "I'm not your mommy V" line.
So yeah, everyone has parent issues and all the chicks in the series just want to be mating pressed. Basically it's no wonder Nero is the only somewhat put together guy everyone else is sexually frustrated
the hooded figure is actually Nero's mom the camera zooms and focuses on her
it didint have to end like this.
That's what people though about Phoenix's Grape Juice addiction in AA4 yet AA6 lampshaded it.
It's called a judgment nut end, user
my bad hahaha
>and trish is annoyed that dante without realising it himself views her more as a mother surrogate then a potential lover
Nope. There's like one half decent episode with the fake genie.
Hooray for even more incest and family issues when nero chills out and comes home for the family dinner
considering V
it probably wouldnt be that hard to fuck a church girl whose sect worships your dad and read her some poetry either
>if you read some of the game files. you find out lady is depressed and has a (small) alcohol problem. upset she can't get a man at her age (but then again besides dante who could keep up with her)
>and trish is annoyed that dante without realising it himself views her more as a mother surrogate then a potential lover.
>so they take their issues and aggression out on Dante by bilking and siphoning any money he gets
Serves them right. I hope Patty wins the Dante bowl and uses her lawyers to take all of Lady and Trish's money.
Virgil, not nero
Fucked it up
i can find loads on google.
>literally fell in love with someone (who was even his adoptive sister) that looks just like his mother despite not knowing what his mother looks like
Does it just run in the family?
> trish
> money
That's rich
Why does Dante look so old and ugly now?
it might be just the local look of that area
Finding a lot and them actually being bearable to look at are separate matters.
Dante's looking pretty good for someone approaching 50
Sparda sealed his power not himself.
Nero has a line that he says he needs more Power to protect people
So yeah, it does, everything does
Lady & Trish will be the first DLC right? that "new job" cutscene definitly foreshadow that
>Trish has Alastor, Nevan, Luce & Ombra, unarmed moveset
>Lady has Kalina Ann 3 and Artemis
No one's winnning the Dante bowl but Dante, mate. He's keeping his wizard powers
What the fuck are you talking about.
He aged like a fine wine, his hobo beard and face full of dirt blood and sweat only make him better.
hes a demon he'll last a while
and a month has passed so dante hasnt had a chance to shave/cut hair
What happens when Dante or Virgil dies? Do they just respawn in the underworld?
>Vergil gets boosted by the fruit and all the other crazy shit he did for power
>Dante can keep up with him with his virgin wizard powers
Guys... I think we cracked the code
In the profile it's stated Dante ages faster during that month due to the tree buffing him for some reason, probably Rebellion's absorbing ability
>Lady and Trish's money.
How do you feel about the fact that lady will almost certainly be fucking half her age brown trailer trash in the next game?
Are heaven or angels a thing in the dmc universe?
shit meant to
I recall it just increasing his hair growth but not aging
dante got a power up from absorbing both rebellion and sparda tho
On a scale of D to SSS how awkward will be the family dinner in the nero household when papa virgil comes to visit?
Doesn't Lady have a successful business of her own? And you can always liquidate their assets. They foisted her shopping bills on Dante at least once, so there's a good chance she had things to sell to keep up with the payments. Or she could pull a Dante and go to hell to chill with her relatives.
>Dante and Vergil have bro-time Jackpot shenanigans in hell
>Trish gets Mundus's leftovers
Not with that attitude. Intercrural still preserves virginity.
>Dante will never DT stinger between Patty's thighs as a belated birthday present in exchange for her paying his bills for a half a year.
>Patty is his paypiggy
Tbh they should get it out of the way and have Lady just get with Dante
or just go full fan service and have Dante just have a harem of Lady/Trish/Lucia
I guess the last story hook for the Sparda family is finding out what actually happened to him.
Dante is for Patty
it didn't say he aged faster. only that his hair and beard grew during the month he was knocked out. and that for some reason the tree wasn't draining him but instead feeding/making him stronger
agreed not a lot of good one's
I'm pretty certain demons saying Sparda is still alive and kicking is them just mistaking Dante for his father
is this some kind of hidden scene?
>family dinner with Kyrie, Nero's mother, and Trish
Vergil's going to be so fucking confused.
>hello there son, wow your girlfriend looks just like mother, how convenient
>implying Dante won't fuck some living being at some point to produce a son so we can get more DMC's in the future starring his son
It'll be mostly Virgil listing off the women he supposedly slept with and Nero telling him that no, that one's not his mom either.
Dante is the only returning character that looks good in this RE engine imo, he really nails the old man look while Virgil aged like shit
It ends in fire when he inadvertently insults Kyrie due to his autism, and Nero spends the rest of the night trying to beat him to pieces with his own arm
I have to say I absolutely love the look on Virgil's face when he realizes who Nero's mom is
Don't you unlock it by beating Urizen the first time you battle him with Nero in the prologue?
How the fuck do you get to see this cutscene?
>well this will be complicated
I didn't beat urizen...
> implying it won't end with
"Give me your kyrie"
"No way, you have your own"
"Well, I want yours too"
that's just what it's like when you're 40, women love a seasoned, grizzled man. A man's life really starts once he's over the hill. Aristotle wrote that the ideal age for a man to marry is 38, the ideal age for a woman is 19. Dante/Patty are close to that gap.
>I have to say I absolutely love the look on Virgil's face when he realizes who Nero's mom is
When does that happen?
It's not a cutscene, it's a random main menu background after you beat the game
After Dante fights Virgil, Virgil asks if it's true that Nero is his son and when Dante explains Virgil gets this look on his face as he goes "That was a long time ago"
>Dante would rather go to hell than to her birthday party
He's early forty at best, user.
Oh. Thanks, user. So they definitely get out of hell then.
Shh, let me dream.
Thanks for reminding me that Visceral is dead
They definitely do. But at that point Nero already has his arm regrown.
>Dante isn't a virgin, he fucked whores multiple times when he was still hiding under the guise of Tony Redgrave, it's just he didn't get any romance because the girls would mock him for crying in his sleep, he was basically loving and leaving them
t. Dante
novel explains it's more that he doesn't want to be around all the other even more normal then patty, people that will be there
he likes patty but doesn't care about the whole party group thing.
i'm more suprised patty doesn't just show up at his shop herself
Dante better tap that while she's still ripe, can't be a wizard forever. Virgil already beat him in not being one I guess and he's the last person I could see having sex
I mean Dante broke out of hell once with just a motorcycle. This time he has Vergil who has the Yamato. They're definitely getting out of there.
are those old novels/manga's of him as tony redgrave even canon anymore?
Also have to remember, at least in the time of the anime, Patty was a sort of local celebrity of being the kid at the DMC and so on. So I'm sure those there at the party would be a bit interested in Dante, and that's a headache, right?
>i'm more suprised patty doesn't just show up at his shop herself
That would mean another model to make. No way.
Bet her mom doesn't let her because she thinks dante is a bad influence on her
going by how her mom looks in the anime. 18 year old patty would indeed be a bombshell.
>but the game would give her a goblin face like trish and lady
Sorry i rather duel whit my brother to death.
>sparda got laid and got kids
>vergil managed to get laid and get a kid
>nero is obviously going to get kids with kyrie
>even that weirdo agnus got a kid
>trish and lady might get BLACKED
>turned away lucia who was lusting after his dick
>turned away an unironic bootycall from patty
dante can't keep doing this.
>i'm more suprised patty doesn't just show up at his shop herself
>Dante finally escapes hell
>first thing he sees when he returns is Patty on his desk with her legs spread
Why am I crying bros?
in the anime her mom had no problems with dante
and patty still whent to his shop to spend time with dante or clean up even after she moved in with her mother.
>Dante says it’s been a while since he’s gone all out and then devil triggers. He tells Urizen to make it quick as, while he’s a day late, he has someone’s birthday that he wants to celebrate.
Dante,Lady, Trish and Virgil all look old now.
He is after all a wizard
Who the fuck needs sex and kids when you can slash away at demons.
The joy of slaying demons left and right is probably better than sex.
>"I'm not leaving till you lucifer me and put a baby on me"
next three games patty is a background character that you see cleaning up the dmc office and dante has yet to fuck her
When are we getting playable Patty? Wasn’t her ancestor a powerful sorcerer or something?
See, that's why it's perfect. He missed the main party, but just enough to be able to celebrate it with her and the others at DMC together. Win-win.
or she jumps him the moment he walks through the door
>you are mine now dante! you are my birthday present because you didn't show up to my party!
>sexualizing morrison
Also it wouldn’t even be black’d because morrison is just in blackface
Cause you’re a dumb smelly weeb
i would love for this to happen
patty using a combination of magic spells/summons and guns
getting trained by dante or lady
It is canon that you can buy and sell magic artifacts and demonic weapons, maybe they can find a grimoire for her or something.
not surprised, most of the reason lesbians exist are daddy issues.
>she can make Devil Arms
I wish there were more focus on the sad clown that dante is
the only concern seems his brother, i expected him to just cry and say "please come back home, vergil" but he didn't and just went trying to wack him to death
Anyone else having any issues with the Preorder/Deluxe Edition content not showing up in your games? Something is wrong with the EBGames codes (They gave the the warning on the release night when I went 2 pick it up.) I've got the add-ons downloaded as the code does provide the content but half of it didn't show up in my game. Do I need to restart my console? Wait a few more days for a patch or Eb games to have the fixed codes? I'm missing from what I can tell:
>Cavalier R
>Alternate Style Rank Announcers
>Alternate Title Screen Announcers
>All alternate color costumes
Hopefully in the next game.
It's the rain
>patty starts stripping him then and there in the doorway while he tries to figure out how much force he has to exert to get her off him without snapping her like a twig.
>lady is horrified.
>trish is jealous.
>nero can't stop laughing.
>Vergil thinks its some weird fight and can't understand how dante's losing.
>he decides to challenge her himself later to discover what kind of power this is.
patty dlc when????
Which mission are you on?
Watch the anime
nero is too much of a pussy pure boy because of kyrie that he would turn around right away to avert his eyes, while blushing. nico would be the one laughing her ass off.
V's gameplay was pretty fun even if its button mashy, what if patty takes his role as summoner in the next game?
preferably with a more refined moveset.
if you want to see a depressed and bored out his mind dante that seems tired of living. then watch the anime serie
Is... was Eva a blonde Bayonetta?
>Vergil rips his suit a with sheer pure motivation and starts flexing
I finished the game on Devil Hunter already. Currently hunting for orbs, secret missions & getting abilities.
Fuck Netflix.
They don't respect the source material of Castlevania.
>morrison is in black face
where is this said, model viewer?
would be great specially with a expanded moveset. and with patty being able to do dmg herself besides just a finishing move.
what dmc demons would work as her summons [hard mode]not shadow, nightmare or griffon[hard mode]
>"If I beat her then by default I beat you, right dante?"
>removes all his clothes in a single motion.
>His face when.
Morrison in the anime is a white dude
can someone translate this?
Maybe that's what the Netflix series will address
Hopefully we can see patty in it
No little sister willingly does chores for even their brother or father.
Patty has been cleaning Dante's office for free for several years.
It's time Dante pays up.
Even Devils don't work for free.
>Dante will never have twins with ___ that are essential female versions of him and Virgil
Look up morrisons anime appearance
Dante doesn't want to spawn more daddy issues like 90% of characters in the series
I think that'd be one of the few times Dante would get serious. No way in hell he'd let Vergil touch his precious but annoying surrogate daughter. For Vergil's own sake Dante would take the fall.
Yeah, and the apparent cost that his "happy clown" persona is doing to his humanity. The fact that Dante seemed to be unconcerned with all the mass slaughter in the city was pretty spooky
>dante is fucking super hot badass women 24/7
>patty thinks he’ll ever go for her
>she does it for free
The Church is the core cause of the plot in the games; they just don't dwell on it very long.
>patty doesn't even pay attention to him, just keeps trying to get dante's pants off
go to sleep Patty, Dante doesn't like you
Will the new Netflix anime for DMC be good?
>Kyrie says that she wants to become a florist
>"i don't have all the skill in my power, but i'm motivated"
>vergil looks at nero
>nods once and smiles
DMC X Bayonetta crossover when?
>dante is fucking
>Dante has a son
>he looks like Donte
How mad would you be?
>>dante is fucking super hot badass women 24/7
Who are you talking about?
Even trish knows she has become a mother to dante and lady is super fucked up from having to kill her father that she uses the bottle to calm her down
Lucia is the only bottle into dante and God knows where that bird flew
The eventual Lady Trish spin off also should have Lucia. That way we have three characters instead of downgrading to two.
Then the girls can bitch about him playing with Lucia's heart when he comes back & we can have more bantz.
>Vergil not knowing was sex is
He has a son user.
Also hes a giant fucking bookworm nerd.
Probably reading all sorts of smut
>Divinity Statue made a female clone of Dante with all the red orbs Dante gave her over the years
There's your DMC6
See SMT Dx2
Well it's about time to hit the sack, guess i'll continue wacky woohoo pizza man adventure after work
I would love it, especially if old dante styles on him the whole game, not to mention cucking tameem out of his own self insert
5 states that lady friendzoned him (but is annoyed she can't get a man herself. probaly because she compared them all to dante) and trish is annoyed that dante views her without even realising it himself as more of a mother surogate then as a lover. so he friend/momzoned her
all that are remaining are patty and lucia
Dante already knows doppelganger since he was 18
If he wanted to fuck himself he would have done ages ago
>Combat is all about summoning.
>attacks by summoning guns and swords, uses a variety of daemons she controls with the style button like Bayonetta's daemon attacks but without getting naked first
>starting out with only one but gaining more as the game progresses and she beats her enemies into submission.
>devil trigger is to summon her current daemon in its entirety and ride it, allowing her to use its attacks.
Fund it capcom.
Even nocturne?
It has to be 1 basic enemy, one pocket version of a boss, and a monster.
I'd say
>An Angelo
>Final Form Argosax but made of light
I have seen the trish thing posted before but I read her file and didn’t see anything about that mentioned anywhere
I know DMC doesn't exactly follow stuff like Christian Lore.
But some fiction says Devils are fallen angels and using this logic, all Devils have daddy issues because their "daddy" kicked them out of Heaven.
Again, I'm not some researcher but it kinda makes sense that in a story about devils, daddy issues are popular.
Why not phantom and cerberus?
He knows what sex is from a purely physiological perspective but I seriously doubt his crippling demon autism would allow him to recognise the situation for what it was until someone spelled it out to him.
the trish momzoned thing is from the novel i think
and MVC and Viewtiful Joe.
Sorry was eating.
You never get the notif, but Cavaliere R should be in your customization menu with Dante, and for the alt calls, songs and what not, go to the main menu (the actual one, with the Nico van BG) and go to gallery and jukebox
Trish also says to v that she is not his mommy when she realises that he is virgil
Meaning that she is at least aware of her situation with dante
That kinda makes sense, but I don't think it applies to DMC. Dante and Nero do mention God at the end of 4 but demons seem more like just a type of creature that breeds normally than actual fallen angels.
>Dante's son is a cocky arrogant prick who thinks is the hot shit because superior sparda genes
>The first boss wrecks the shit out of him and grown up Nero has to save his ass
>His entire arc is going from Donte to a likeable character who stops being a prick and starts being funny by learning his limits and not acting like he owns the world
And that's it, fixed Donte into a good character.
cerberus could also work as a boss
>her ultimate dt move is to summon a shadow clone of dante
I don't get it. Why did Vergil fuck that chick. Even he seems confused about it.
>some fiction
Canonically, demons are fallen angels. There's no distinction between the two just as there's no distinction between pagan gods or demons. Names are only useful when you want to make them different in your work.
Do cross-promotions ever really interact with each other though?
Teenage lust
Capcom going full retard with Motion Capture and shit, just to cater to the West.
Dante should not look this old. He's a demon.
With this logic, Vegil should look as old as Dante and Vergil actually experiences much more stress and life issues than Dante.
Dante never hurt his body and soul and mind on purpose but Vergil literally splits himself in half so if there is anybody who should look like an old and tired 40 year old man, it should be Vergil.
Yet Vergil looks like a late 20 year old man with spiky hair compared to Dante. Doesn't make sense.
But then she follows it up with this. So she's fully aware of her giving off mommy vibes.
Seeing dante and vergil together in the van after the ending was so heartwarming
She probably told him it would give him more power.
Is Dante and Vergil sparring all the time their way to show affection? kinda like puppies or kitties. Sparda must have been that sensitive guy everyone bullied.
I took that as a tongue-in-cheek acknowledgement of, since she looks like Dante's mother, she looks like Vergil's mother, and instead of the human part of Vergil talking with her like she's his actual mother she was recommending he get up and do what the sons of Sparda do best: kick ass.
I didn't think it was a passive aggressive jab at her being momzoned.
The brown chick is clearly into Dante just like her grandmother.
Look how shy she was when greeting Dante.
Why do people think Dante and Vergil are stuck in the underworld?
She knew that from birth though didn’t she? I don’t think that’s from dante momzoning her, moondust literally made her to look like dantes mom
dante ages like a human.
he would slow down aging or stop aging if he constantly stayed in devil form instead of his human form.
>Trish will never step on you while saying this
Hold the fuck up. I just realized Lucifer and Nero's DT ghost is almost 1:1, including the shoulder and arms
because the closed the entrance behind them
>Dante should not look this old. He's a demon
source that says being half demon makes you live longer or preserve your youth?
>Yet Vergil looks like a late 20 year old man with spiky hair compared to Dante
One covers his face, doesn't shave and doesn't give a shit about appearance.
>reddit spacing
You have to go back, faggot.
She stayed on her island to protect it apparently, still carrying a torch for Dante though.
Honestly, I'm convinced she jumped him in an alley for that Sparda Seed.
>calling me a big boy
>instead of mocking my average penis
>yfw DMC6 stars Dante’s daughter
>yfw Patty is the mother
Smaller Greyon
An infested helicopter
>try to take his business while he's on Vacation in hell with a man who can cut through realities
Thank god for based morrison
I’m still mad they didn’t show Patty, just a voice cameo. There better be a DLC where she hires Lady to go hunt Dante down and drag his ass to her party.
>demons are fallen angels
Wait, does this mean that demons can possibly revert back into being angles? If so, can human-demon hybrids like Dante revert back as well?
> live your whole life hearing from this super mega cult that sparda is the shit
> one day this needy guy reading poems tells you he is sparda's kid
Yeah I can see her jumping on his dick
>This picture is now 100% canon after they get out of hell
>names him pinocchio
>tfw no Trish mommy
Nah His daughter just poofed into existence. Dante's breeding instinct couldnt handle not being acted on so it decided to just poof a daughter into existence for him.
Pretty sure Morrison hiring Lady and Trish will have something to do with Patty. They hired a face model, so she'll definitely appear.
Nice job almost-Satan.
I'm so bad at playing Dante. I wish the game didn't force you to use him for the final stretch of the game.
Np. I checked those spots earlier (I know where their supposed to be) & they weren't their. However I just restarted my PS4 & nothing is still their :(. Looked through Dante's customization & CalvaireR wasn't there either (Is it a hidden pickup or are you supposed to just get it at the same time?) Thanks for the help though, here's a post # song for the effort. Hopefully a update or EB fixed codes come in soon enough.
>245. Yellow Taxi Madisen – ward and the mama bear
>They hired a face model, so she'll definitely appear.
Would play
>"Teach me your grappling technique. It appears powerful."
What face model?
>You're a big boy.
For you.
I feel kinda silly about this part, because I didn't realize that the location was just an illusion and was wondering what the fuck was happening when it started to shatter. I though Vergil was cutting through reality or something.
>all these pattyfags
Pretty disgusting desu
>I though Vergil was cutting through reality or something.
Judgement cut end sort of reminded me of that with that cool shattered glass thing
Now that DMC2 was retconned to be set before DMC4, why did Dante have a brooding edgy phase?
No clue, someone posted a photo a few threads back. Kinda cute.
Killing Vergil
He cheered up after knowing Vergil's kid exist
Is sparda dead or is he just stuck in the demon world?
>Dante and Vergil just getting SSS ranks in hell and they run into sparda
>Lucia hears that Dante is in hell again
>Starts going to his office again
>Morrison demands that she start working if she's gonna keep showing up here
I wonder if he'd get away with it, Lucia has it bad for Dante and by her mother's admission there are no good men on the island they're all either old, dead or stupid.
I still find it funny that she's all sad she wasn't any help against balog and that Dante was leaving but as soon as Dante calls her name she just forgets it all. Why does bird girl love that chod so much he just told her devils never cry. What kind of a pick up line is that?
He just stop pretending he was ok for a whole game
It's the only cute girl (true) we have
1. Knowing he'd "killed" Vergil
2. Being bored with life since nothing after Mallet Island has really excited him
3. Almost failing in the Anime because he acted like a fucking idiot
Take your pick. Or all of the above combined into one.
It kinda makes sense, from DMC1 to the anime to 2 he just got more and more depressed since all of his family was gone completely, but then in 4 he found Nero and so had a family member to mess around with and relate to again. 2 was just his lowest point emotionally when he was too powerful to have much fun fighting anything and had no one who really understood him anymore.
he was cool and handsome and helped her out (kinda) during her whole existential crisis over finding out her life was a lie i guess.
>No Grandpa Sparda bonding with Nero telling him about what a goof his dad and uncle were.
So what's the timeline now?
what sword would his kid even get? Rebellion is broke
Dante has the most basic sword, Virgil has a weeb katana and Nero had a motorsword
Now that the dust has settled, was Tameem right to say Dante was not cool?
3 1 anime 2 4 5
Why not forge a new one for him?
or maybe have him start with a basic sword and then impale him with it to make it an actual demonic weapon.
3 > 1 > Anime > 2 > 4 > 5
Cheers lads.
>No Grampa Sparda telling his children off for being manchildren and teaching Nero how to be a true gentleman
yes but for the wrong reasons, dante isn't cool in a way that translates to traditional or contemporary standards in a real-world setting but that's an integral part of his charm
Depressed that Vergil was practically dead at the end of 1. Also as said, almost fucking up royally in the anime.
I want more to nero to have a kid and virgil trying to be a good grandad
Cool for what age group? Because donte is only cooler if you’re 13, before and after that dante is superior, although I would call him fun instead of cool
I'd say her mother telling her no matter where she came from she is her child did more.
>every DMC is just an episode of Always Sunny
yeah but matier isn't an edgy prettyboy (turned goofy boomer) who activates her nesting instinct
me too Dante, me too.
Does Dante want to fuck kids when he wears the hat?
It's too bad the most Dante could do for her is let Lucia know he remembers her name now. Actually, did he even forget Lucia like Matier?
If they ever had one of those 4koma manga for this series all jokes at Lucia's expense would be bird jokes and being forgotten
goodbye birb
>take in some orphan for a few months
>start to develop a good dynamic, may as well be daughter or niece
>her mom comes back outta nowhere and you're all alone again
What happened to it
> patty made nico make the hat so that she could score with dante
It all makes sense now
Dante sold it to pay for strawberry sundaes.
No, they didn't. There's nothing in the last big threads about a face/model for Patty. She doesn't even have a sketch associated with her.
Same thing that happened to the other weapons that didn't come back
Angels in DMC are a ruse of demons to deceive humans.
>She will be a great vessel for my successor, I am proud Nero
>Fuck off Vergil
>implying when they could go with a plot based off a line in the first game where dante says his son will be there to defeat mundus again.
Daughterfu/waifu fags are the worse.
>dude play this game it's awesome
>the reveal is epic
>you won't see it coming
>is it a tranny?
Does dmc2 take place before dmc4 now, how does that work?
He legitimately asked Dante how he is so strong, and when they fused afterwords, I think he may have taken that to heart after those fights.
Dante lost it while playing strip poker.
Original cerberus got destroyed though, or was it a mistranslation of the novel?
Is Vergil genuinely autistic?
Just repeated traumatized with out any treatment or support network
A rapier
And yet he somehow fathered a child.
She would be too old for Dante by anons logic
I'd say it's childhood trauma and never being able to move past his obsessions
*squawks forlornly*
Im calling it now, if Dante has a kid they get a gunsword
Nero's mother likely took advantage of him in a more vulnerable moment
>this is no longer crazy
>implying it wont be his daughter posing as a man
>Nero's mother was(is?) a seductress operative for the Order of the Sword
Neat, I like that idea.
I wonder if Nero's mother snu snu'd Vergil
>did he even forget Lucia
No just the old lady.
They talk about how she can't age and Dante asked her if he aged too much, as if he was worried of how he looked like.
That makes a scary amount of sense and would probably even further fuck with Nero's relationship with Vergil.
>Wearing Dante's outfit from the 3rd, with nothing but a leather strap over her a-cup barely existent breasts.
>mfw I look for dmc fanfics and find nicoxneroxkyrie smut
>I look for dmc fanfics
honestly why
>reverse trap
Now this, I like.
let me guess, nero's robo arm has a dildo feature
Dante only forgot Matiers name, not Lucia. Dante saying Lucia's name again, after not saying it their whole encounter I believe, was basically, to her, recognizing her as person in his life. She likely hoped he would whisk her away from the hellhole she lived in & maybe could be his partner only to be disappointed that he likely only thought of their reunion as just another job.
>Virgil gets taken advantage of by thirsty Sparda-fangirl desperate for that Sparda-essence
>It happens more than once with multiple women
H-Holy shit guys. Is this the DMC version of the loli van full of rock music?
Link please
Need more content, unfortunately it’s mostly self insert and gay incest, weird that a franchise with so much to work with has such shitty fan works
yeah, but that's actually canon
Are you implying that Vergil has a legion of illegitimate children around the world?
I like how everyone looked in 5 except Lady and Trish. Lady wasn't bad, but something was off with the capture for Trish in general.
archiveofourown org/works/18050600/chapters/42659018
I bet she's loud in bed. Waking all the orphans up.
Hey mister, come inside
We have POWER and MOTIVATION inside the van
Nero looks like Max Payne in this shot.
well as long as it's canon
I am merely positing that he was taken advantage of multiple times by multiple women promising him that judgement nutting up in their babyroom would give him more power than even his father. And technically, they were right since he was able to beat a Dante that was already stronger than Sparda.
i'm calling a pair of scimitars and red hair, but most likely it will be just Nero to keep the legacy going
It's literally referenced as Kyrie Breaker in exec file.
It's like crusading
a lucia/dante kid would just be emiya
Wait, who raised Dante and Vergil after Eva died?
She just wants Dante to see her as someone as special as she sees him. That might be even sadder than Patty whose waited 10 years to get Dante's dick, she probably bragged to all her friends about him,too.
I think Trish is silently stewing that Dante won't ever see her as a fuck because he's probably special to her,too as she just wanted to die and did, then Dante saved her and even entrusted her the sword of his father.
Dante sure knows how to break hearts I hope Nero takes notice of this and be ever grateful that the only girl into him is Kyrie
Yeah, Trish's hair was awful. Like extremely thin pasta strands. The human eye sees in mass, not individual strands and you can see every fucking strand on her.
I know, but atleast some of those unions must of have produced children other than Nero, right?
this needs a style meter
There's a standing theory that she was a Umbra Witch or whatever.
Of course. Catholic Nero being raised as a priest when?
What would a date with Dante even be like?
>Aristotle wrote that the ideal age for a man to marry is 38
he said the best age for intercourse is 38 man and 18 woman because the reproductive cycles would end togheter
he was also the first one to criticize roman's tendency to impregnate 13 year olds so he was the proto anti-pedo
A weeb like vergil had to have knocked up a Japanese girl for power
>muh samurai sword
>muh ronin lifestyle
>muh strict stoic familial relationships
>muh POWER