What are some wholesome video games a Christian player can enjoy?

What are some wholesome video games a Christian player can enjoy?

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I mean, you can enjoy any game if you don't let your religion get in the way of your choosing. I don't mean to sound like I'm against religion, I just mean that it shouldn't be the reason you avoid stuff

People should redraw stonetoss shit as busty anime it would probably post him off

Super Mario Odyssey.

Not wholesome but if you are a Christian player you should play Faith 1, 2 and the demo for 2. Good references if you know about christianity


Stardew Valley


fiction games

devil may cry

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What's that site called again?

fucking kill yourself and take your shit comics with you you spamming dumbfuck

based as fuck

It's a sin to support games that teach bad values, like violence.

Their reviews are pretty based.

Christcenteredgamer. The only decent games journalists.

Diablo 3

>christian review site is in reality the best review site

how did this happen

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Prepubescent Boy 7
Prepubescent Girl 9: The Unlikely Impregnation

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Thanks, couldn't remember it for some reason. Not even a Christfag but I really like their reviews.

post him off

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Au contrare, the hand that holds the hand that smites is clean.

Hentai Crush

Dragon's Dogma is about playing as a messianic figure on a journey to defeat a giant red dragon that symbolizes the end of days, the dragon tries to tempt you, after defeating it you eventually ascend to the throne of God

Depends what type of Christian you are.
Catholic = Castlevania
Protestant = Call of Duty

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Sid Meier's Colonization or Civilization IV: Colonization
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri but only playing as the Lord's Believers

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You do realize that just because the worst of a group does something, doesn't mean everybody does?
It's the same as conflating all Muslims with terrorism, or all Jews with being greedy fucks. Sure, plenty are, but that doesn't make it right.

I want to lick her exhaust pipe

Honestly though, muslims living in muslim countries are fucking cunts.
They genuinely want to kill people for the horrible crimes such as not wanting to be a muslim, being attracted to same sex, driving while being female.
Not that christians don't suck, but they keep their suck limited. Some christian majority countries, like Greenland, manage to be mostly moral and don't go full poland.

t.turbo faggot

You have no idea what the word sin even means

t. grug

Do religiousfags unironically believe the ridiculous storybook shit that has a 0% chance of being real or is it not actually taken seriously in their communities?

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic

Christians are just naturally better at a lot of things than everyone else
Atheism has never produced anything of value and never will :^)

Shin Megami Tensei games when playing Law route.

what game is this


>Science has produced basically everything good

>Religion has produced genocides and dark ages effectively holding back all of humanity

At least you made some nice cathedrals, christcuck

Racism is bad
No it's not


>atheist worshiping "science" with no clear definition of it
>he's also claims that religion "holds back humanity" because his pastor told him he shouldn't shove bananas up his ass while watching porn
>he displays complete ignorance of why humanity follows religion in the first place
Hey at least you have black science man

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More than you

Athiesm has made science and christains make war and genocide.
We dont worship science we just under stand it

fuck off retardedtosser

Rune Factory 4


You do realize that a religious man came up with the Big Bang Theory correct? Even Egyptians and thier religion made them a great powerhouse in their day.

Life is Strange
Crusader Kings II

PS4 is unironically the Christian's platform of choice.
Because of Sony's new policies, games that might otherwise cause lust have their impact retarded. I might sell my GPU and get a PS4 for this reason.

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>you can enjoy any game if you don't let your religion get in the way of your choosing
Then why even have a religiĆ³n in the first place? Your post makes no sense

pretty much any smt law route

Hahaha another ill informed atheist falling into the "religion against science " trope...
1) Many scientists from the past were christians. Want exemples? Newton. Would You say he is stupid?
Lemaitre. This guy was a belgian monk and created the big bang theory we all align with today...
Grigori Mendeleev. Mendeleev!
2) The church financed scientific researches back then.
3) Really religious people know that crusades, witch hunts, the Question and priests abusing chikdren are against our values.

>yet another artist jumping on the reverse shilling popularized by shadman
I really wish it would stop.


Any lewds of female stonetoss?


Its actually Haydee

>Because of Sony's new policies, games that might otherwise cause lust have their impact retarded.
SJWs were the christtards all along
The horseshoe is closing into a circle, we were doomed from the start

The fact that you unironically use the phrase "dark ages" seriously makes me think you don't know anything about science

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Wrong, Nintendo is more christian friendly* than the competition, filled with violent shooters and skimpy outfits...
They censor lewd stuff, while gallons of blood & rolling heads are displayed without restraint.
(*Mortal Kombat 11 and other "mature" games are also on the Switch though)

Ay tone why they build the Rolla coasta in death camp

Nintendo censors lewd stuff less reliably than Sony does now, though.

Many games, just use discretion and don't be afraid to say no to a game that you don't think you can personally handle. Many platformer games like Kirby and Mario are usually pretty clean and straightforward.

They look at things very objectively and without bias as best as possible (Christ calls us to love one another equally, so you can't dock a game for low points because you didn't like the developer's latest tweet). Then they look at the game from a moral dilemma, which is smart because those are the two main things that should be considered when buying games as a Christ follower. Basically takes out all bias and then ranks it against content and separately against morals. That would be really valuable for other journalists to use as a frame, but I'm guessing their weight towards morals (in today's industry) is probably lower so it wouldn't matter to them as much. Not to say all Christain review sites are like this (I've heard people shun games because there are fantasy monsters in them for example), but generally that is why.

>We dont worship science we just under stand it
Yeah talking about how "religion holds back science" without any real explanation is understanding it better than the christ cucks

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>New Zelda promotes tranniegenda

your book teaches violence

>makes fun of trannies
>is promoting trannies
pick one

Shit's so bad you can't tell if something is parody

>Makes fun of
It clearly tries to promote it by forcing you to do it

Atheists are complete retards that don't even realize that their own religion is being angry about religion.

My books teaches about Jesus

You don't know what religion is. It's not a club, it's a psychological phenomenon.

I've never been a religious person but the mortal dread becomes very real in your late 20s in a way that you really understand why folks need it. I've tried hard to nurture my own perspective on death and afterlife but the idea of practicing a religion where you have external validation through others is appealing.
