Find. A . Flaw.
Find. A . Flaw
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black people
nobody will post a torrent
Devil Breakers shouldn't break and you should be able to cycle through them. It also makes no sense to find random devil breakers in the overworld.
That is literally it, i otherwise love the game.
I think it's hideously ugly. I've played all the others but I'm not picking this up until a massive price drop. It's just not grabbed my attention. The others all at least looked decent/interesting too (yes, even DmC).
Missions system is gay because they are so short
Photorealistic western-pandering visuals.
Some ideas are kind of botched (the whole shared single play thing) and despite the 10 years dev time it still feels kind of rough at parts.
Kind of easy.
white people
No bums allowed >:(
Hey V
no bloody palace yet
I don't want to play as V, ever.
It ends just when things start getting juicy.
Other than that, it's perfect.
it might be dolphin porn
my waifu isn't playable
based and red orb pilled
Vergil's voice is dumb.
the lip sync just looks.. weird, not sure if it has to do with my graphical settings but it's probably based on japanese dialogue.
Level design is extremely meh in the last 10 missions. Otherwise it's great.
Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to let them break?
Needs more multiplayer opportunities.
Who would be a better mommy, Trish or Lady?
No Kyrie, game is trash.
I really hate the way they implemented devil breakers. Like really really hate the way they work. Neat idea but implemented poorly.
V's gameplay
Huh? Why?
I just wish you could switch.
Reddit likes it
No turbo
Bad Fov
Levels too linear still
No Lucia
Half the game is inside the fucking tree
No one seems concerned with the hundreds of thousands of people getting their blood sucked by an horrific demon plant
The fact they break and you cant switch severely limits their tactical usefulness. Especially that you cant switch. I have no fuckin clue why they dont let you. Maybe I dont wanna use my best breakers on the regular enemy huh game?
fuck you user i thought it'd be dolphins
now im seeding dog inseminating SEX.rar
How? Have you never played DMC 3 before?
i win regardless
The game doesn't give me a Lady GF irl. Loading screens are bad but nothing is perfect, the game is 10/10
Half of the game you're stuck using Nero and V, neither of whom are even remotely fun to use.
Can't buy it in my region, so pirate time
i dont like V's gameplay :/
Bloody Palace and DLC 1 & 2
DMC has always had a comic disregard for civilians, its a slasher
Too short and no playable Vergil. Again.
I've only just unlocked it so don't really have any experience with it but I'm not super into how Devil Sword Dante changes how Swordmaster mode works.
Forgot to mention that despite Dante being incredibly fun to use, most of the missions where he is playable happen to be among the weakest missions in the game. Though he does fight the best bosses.
It honestly has quite a bunch of them. I think people will start to give it more shit as the honeymoon phase passes
To name a few and without going into much detail
>V's play style doesnt really work in this series the way it's presented here, he feels barebones compared to nero and dante and just gimmicky overall
>the game is way too short and the enviroments are incredibly uninspired considering there is only like two locations
>also level design is straight out of the ps2 era. I dont want open world i just want the series to keep going forward and dont stagnate, dmc3 is not going anywhere
>Dante's weapons are a major letdown, cavaliere is a cool concept at least but the rest of them are just the same from past games and not really strong or fun to use honestly
>it lacks content and vergil is clearly cut from the game to milk some dollars people are so thankful the game is even real they are not giving capcom shit for this as would have hapened some years ago
>the story is shit. It's always been bad with dmc3 plot being the most decent but we are in 2019, the plot it's horrible
It's a fun game just not memorable or anything, it's more of the same with fancy graphics
Honestly, I find Devil Breakers to be a lot better if you cheat to get a ton of rorbs and max out your Breaker slots then buy a ton of Breakers. Having the leeway of eight slots and an infinite pool of breakers to replenish your magazine with lets you break them without worrying too much about it. You can only really feel how well it works once you max it out.
>laggy cutscenes
>neros arms are not swapable
>the Story is retarded and doesn't make sense
>vergil is a piece of shit
>Trish is ugly
>nico is ugly
Is the Japanese PS4 version completely uncensored ?
I'd appreciate your, anyone else's answer.
V looks like a tranny pornstar
I think the "break the arm for a super attack" idea is good but I think it's stupid the enemies can break them in one hit if you're hit anywhere near when using one.
Not THAT much of a big deal, just a mild annoyance but I wonder why they made it like that since it's not like it would be overpowered if you could use their regular non-charge ability without fear of breakage.
Honestly playable Vergil is never a given for vanilla DMC releases and we have three characters to start with
Who do you guys reckon was stronger between Urizen and Mundus
You just KNOW
Guise, how do I git gud at Dante? I just reached his first mission and he's so overwhelmingly advanced.
I have played all of the DMC, but I've always struggled with him post-DMC3 as there are so many styles and weapons to keep track of with different combos.
Should I just focus on one style? Right now I'm levelling swordslinger and got level 3.
I thought Kylo Ren. but now I'll be thinking of this
>Ebony&Ivory are shit and locked. The ONE gun I actually wanted to bench because of how worthless they are.
>The bikesword can't be used as a mount for extra mobility
>V was the most interesting character, then he turned out to be a non-character
>You kill the other good character with your own hands
>Sin DT is OP
>Dante the Sword is OP
>The entirety of Dante's flashback to the day the demons killed Eva was revealed in a trailer and didn't reveal anything new. It was neat but ultimately disappointing.
>Nero's DT looks kind of gay with the long hair
>No NicoXLady sex scene
I kind of like not being able to cycle through them without sacrificing the one I'm on. Forces me to use a variety of them. I probably would just use Buster all the time due to how familiar I am with those mechanics.
needs a fucking turbo mode
shits slow
The reason this bugs me is because he's always so tacked on.
>Play the Dante/Nero campaign with Vergil!
Ironically the only game that gave Vergil his own campaign is DmC
I'm honestly expecting a Lady and Trish Co-op DLC then a Vergil/Dante co-op DLC
That's not acceptable, dmc3 had no precedent of playable vergil so at least you had to make him from scratch. Dmc4 didnt have a vergil related plot, he didnt appear so it was ok but this time around there is no excuse
>turbo mode
>V's animal AI
>level design
>lack of innovations
>convoluted controls not improved a bit after a fucking decade
>bosses aren't that memorable except few fights
>not enough entertaining cutscenes
>Lady and Trish aren't playable or involved in the story
>loading loading loading loading
>15 June 15:03
>anime DT looks jarring in a game with supposedly realistic visuals
They covered Lady's butt in this scene.
>Can't fight all of the bosses with every character
Bloody Palace might change that but it isn't out yet so we don't know
Game is a bit monochromatic. Mainline DMC titles always had monochromatic backgrounds but the character models popped out of the stages in order to make action more readable. Important game dev lesson that was kind of lost here for the sake of following the whole cinematographic look they're going with.
Also the photoscanning in general seems very hit or miss. It's not as bad as it is in NRS titles because in those games the animations are also very bad, while in DMC5 there is something off just with faces.
I don't know how much a more cinematographic direction really fits the series tone, I guess it's not that bad for people to not mind? Otherwise people would've shat on it all over the internet on a daily basis.
>E&I locked
>he doesn't know
>nico is ugly
Kill yourself.
Probably Urizen, being that Dante is stronger than Mundus and Urizen is Dantes demonic twin and Urizen beats Dante for a good bit there
inb4 it's a pc version mod
>Mainline DMC titles always had monochromatic backgrounds but the character models popped out of the stages in order to make action more readable. Important game dev lesson that was kind of lost here for the sake of following the whole cinematographic look they're going with.
this was a big surprise for me, I expected from the start that the enemies blend in with the enviroment
If you beat the game on SoS or DMD, i don't remember correctly, you can remove E&I and Rebellion/DSD/Sparda
>wanting to see Nuyrie after what they've done to Trish
user, pls.
It would be awesome and I'm glad we'll probably get him in DLC but I can't possibly find myself upset over it
Seems like the most common complaint is the level design. Is it DMC4-tier levels of bad?
Only issue I have is some quality of life menu stuff, we know Bloody Palace is coming so that's fine. The game is fucking amazing, ignore anyone who says devil arms shouldn't break and you need to cycle, they're just shitters
V isn't very fun to play, especially against bosses who move around so much that your familiars have a hard time hitting them.
Dante's moveset in 4 is better, I honestly preferred playing Nero in this one.
Lots of weird random bugs
Still fantastic, I'm going to start my second playthrough
Nero's moves aren't as stylized as they were in 4.
The robot arm system is also kinda stupid.
V is nobrains.
Nico = Quiet = shitty, pointless character
no Bloody Palace mode
online aspects not fleshed out into a full-on coop campaign
can't pause cut scenes. Strat just insta-skips
no one looks cool any more aside from Dante
Not enough fights, difficulty or enemy variety (where's the equivalent of this game's Blitz?)
Million stab is annoying to do now
Kyrie is *totally there* though has no physical presence, nor even spoken dialogue
Virgil knows exactly who Nero for 2 entire games is yet in the ending seems to have no idea who he is. Major plot hole.
the "twins" are clearly no longer twins
>Free to play style revive system
It is just weird. You fall down and the game asks if you want to use red orbs or log in bonus orbs. If you are out of red orbs you can buy more on the store. Feels pretty manipulative. Just put me at the start of the last checkpoint
>Restarting and using the menus takes way too long
You have to go through multiple loading screens and cut scenes to actually restart the level, it is really annoying
This was Kyrie facemodel, but they didn't have a large budget so it was cut. if only they didn't get a different facemodel for identical twins
dont die then
Its great and anyone who's angry about any part of it is either mentally ill or the type of guy who judges things harshly 'on principle'
>A .
The face of the character.
>the Story is retarded and doesn't make sense
What specifically doesn't make sense?
>cutscene direction is severely lacking compared to dmc3's best in class cutscenes - a few flashes of greatness but mostly meh
>animations aren't as precise as dmc4 - for example, run forward and slash, notice how your character briefly slides forward during the animation? It's deliberate and I see why they did it but this and other things lend a feeling of imprecision to the gameplay
Also was "Ebony & Ivory" written on both guns before? Seems retarded to write both names on both guns instead of "Ebony" on Ebony and "Ivory" on Ivory.
Gold Orbs turned into Monster cans when?
I thoguht this releasing would mean the others would be on sale but they're not. Are we expecting a humble bundle or something? I want to get the HD collection as I haven't played 1-3 since the PS2 days.
just buy some red orbs goy
>and Urizen beats Dante for a good bit there
I don't think you can call that fight Urizen beating Dante. It'd be more accurate to say that Dante beat Dante, considering he rammed head-first at full speed into Urizen's Yamato barrier while trying to look cool doing a Tarantino dive.
Online is probably the worst idea. I never even see other people doing stuff and in the end they ask me to put STYLISH for them. For fucking what? I barely saw them playing. Not even sure if that's real time or pre-recorded gameplay of them. In that mission where you actually play together it's just a chaotic mess. Coop should've been optional feature for Bloody Palace not pointless annoying feature for main campaing. But I guess they really wanted Dark Souls element.
Based af
Find. SSS. Flaw.
its for dragons dogma 2
>Nero's moves aren't as stylized as they were in 4
Literally what the fuck are you talking about
>Dante's weapons are a major letdown, cavaliere is a cool concept at least but the rest of them are just the same from past games and not really strong or fun to use honestly
anyone that says this is automatically outed as retarded
Environments too samey (kills the adventure feeling)
Story is an absolute clusterfuck
You should be able to use any character on any mission once you beat the game
V isnt fun to play
Other than that, mastahpeec.
>Game has no color
>No idea what's going on
Imagine being colorbilnd and having to play this.
There you go. Any franchise going over 3 is automatically garbage and invalidates all previous titles.
>Environments too samey
What is this? They are not even wearing mocap suits
Dante is way too fun compared to V and Nero. V feels like a Dragon's Dogma vocation and Nero feels like sugar-free Dante
The story
Can't replay as Dante only
Ok, whatever you say i'm sorry for attacking ypur precious flawless game have fun using beowulf and sparda for the 25th time
No, because that was the only good thing DmC had going for it among an ocean of garbage.
>You should be able to use any character on any mission once you beat the game
Any chance for this happening down the road?
>Dante's weapons are a major letdown, cavaliere is a cool concept at least but the rest of them are just the same from past games and not really strong or fun to use honestly
>best gauntlets in the franchise with a ridiculously expansive moveset thanks to the punch/kick mode switch
>Cerberus, the best DMC3 weapon, but with charge attacks and actually interesting Swordmaster moves
>not really strong or fun to use
I mean, yeah, if you're comparing them to the pure cheese that is DS Dante I get it, but if you're using Sparda/Rebellion like a real man they're perfectly fine. What are you on about?
I hope they didn't spend too many resources implementing the online component, its so useless
Weak villain. Urizen didn't really feel present throughout the game despite appearing regularly, and Vergil wasn't built up, didn't seem to have any particular plan, and didn't act like a villain. Should have swapped Urizen with Mundus reborn, had V just be weakened Vergil, who would steal Mudnus' power in the last act. This would also act as more of an arc for Vergil, since Mundus had enslaved him in DMC 1, and would also give the final Dante/Vergil showdown more stakes. It would also make a nice subversion from DMC 3 when Nero stops the fight instead of Vergil falling to hell again.
Nero also didn't really have an arc until the last 30 minutes, he should have had more dialogue with V about how they had abandonment issues due to a lack of a family etc., which would also act as inadvertent father/son bonding, and motivate Nero to further stop Dante from killing Vergil.
For one, that move where he continually slams the sword into the ground. In 4 it starts of slow and crescendos in speed until the final hit that causes an explosion and a cone of AoE damage. It was ferocious. In 5 it's just slow with no special effects and does no extra damage on the final hit.
Also that ait combo move where he regains height for the juggle no longer creates a whirlwind effect around him. It's just boring now.
Video storyboard used as reference
You can't turn off style announcer despite them promising you can do it. Alternate announcers implementation is awful. Instead of picking a set you like you can only pick "random" so I can hear default and stupid Nico. I wanted Lady or Trish, maybe Kyrie? Or Vergil? Not fucking Nico. How did they fuck up such a simple idea? Fighting games often let you pick announcer from the whole cast but DMC can't?
I don't have enough fingers to play Nero at 100%
>movement with left thumb
>exceed with left index
>camera/gun charging with right thumb
>melee/breaker with right index
>lockon with right middle
>bringer knuckle with right ring
Breakers are supposed to be chuuni as hell, break them for big attacks, don't get hit, toss them away if you don't like the one you're on
A lot of people shy away from using Break Away to avoid damage, it's incredibly strong and nothing is more stylish than switching up your current Breaker
>Character Action
Fuck that.
I fucking hate game play that revolves around combos.
Oh,neat. Scratch that one then.
>blue and orange: the game
At least change up the fucking color palette NT, jesus.
>>vergil is a piece of shit
So, just like every game, he's in?
I mean thanks for confirming exactly what I said I guess, youre literally retarded if you think balrog even resembles beowulf in terms of gameplay
Balrog is the first unique fist weapon in the series since Ifrit
take your ritalin or grow up
dmc5's pace as dante is literally perfected
I unironically think you are right, the "starring DMC crew" message when in coop looks straight out of dragon dogma
Eh. Sometimes it's okay with multiple paths but sometimes it's also just corridors into arenas.
Needs some Lucia
>not watching all cutscenes in live action
>Can't cycle through breakers
>Can't unequip swords and pistols as Dante as far as I know
>Track selection is pointless because less than half the missions actually use them
>and Vergil wasn't built up, didn't seem to have any particular plan, and didn't act like a villain.
Vergil's plan was to get rid of his demon cancer so he didn't die miserably. It went wrong when his demon half went all I NEED MORE POWEEEEEER and fucked off to do it's own thing instead of recombining with his human half.
if bloody palace doesnt have a co-op mode i'lll be very disappointed
It's DmC2.0.
>v is a dynasty warriors character
>no playable vergil
>no turbo
>devil breakers are underwhelming
>day 1 dlc
>level design is probably the worst in the series
inb4 "muh barry"
V won't appear in another game. :(
Stop trying to justify this and call Matt about it already.
Agreed. I really hoped to see all those interactions with Vergil and the cast. Remember how we guess what will he do once he sees Trish? Will he be mad? Or maybe shocked? Well, it never happened in a game with both Vergil and Trish. Amazing fucking work.
>Starts at A
>Goes to S
That's how the ranking style works.
Anyone got the SSSHIT ON EVERYTHING DmC webm of the guy getting SSS in a single strike?
> Find a flaw
Appearance of Trish (from supernatural beauty to crackwhore), Lady (Manjaw mcGee) and Vergil (Somehow not a twin of Dante and looks like a chode).
You have to git gud just to hear music
Combo B is still stylized, just differently. In this game he looks like an angry gorrilla smashing the ground with a stick, I actually like this version more.
>no longer creates a whirlwind effect around him
But it does?
>nothing is more stylish than switching up your current Breaker
>actually switching Breakers
>his mag isn't just a bunch of Punchlines
i Break Away but only so I can explode into more kickflips
It's absurd how simple the bosses movesets are on Devil Hunter compared to SOS difficulty. That said, SOS is a lot of fun and fixing some of the issues I had previously.
Use your toes too.
>/gun charging with right thumb
So map the gun to a left trigger idiot
>pick Dante for M13 like literally everybody because they just gave you Faust right before
>play by yourself
That was extremely poorly designed. Why would they give me a cowboy hat and tell me it's a weapon and then expect me to pick Nero or V right after and not want to try the fucking cowboy hat gun?
Nero isn’t my boyfriend
>Should have swapped Urizen with Mundus reborn
I think Itsuno plan to use Mundus in 6 that's why he resurrect Vergil in this game.
based ugleh poster
What? I'm playing throught SoS now and don't see anything different.
I was thinking about it and being able to swap hinders the weight of decision making while in combat for a few reasons:
1.) Being able to freely swap means it’s much easier to build up style since different arms count towards variety
2.) There’s less reason to use the charged moves if you can swap since you can build up style easier from just freely swapping the arms’ basic attacks
3.) Destroying an arm goes from a thoughtful decision to merely a desperation move either using the self destruct break away technique to avoid damage or a strong move in the hopes of a breather since it lacks the weight of being the only way to swap to the next arm in the magazine
I picked Nero and proceeded to absolutely trash my entire mag of breakers trying to DT
Is Bloody Palace a confirmed thing that's coming? Why wasn't it baseline, how special are they planning to make it?
It's a game with a good foundation but it feels rough in certain aspects, especially as far as art direction go.
It's like the whole look of the game is kind of an afterthought. New ideas aren't properly implemented.
Not like in 4.
>Game is too slow. Needs a turbo mode.
>Bosses are weak (DMC tradition)
>Playing V isn't as fun as I thought it would be
>Color is fucking shit
>Level design is pretty bland (DMC tradition)
>No playable Vergil
It's a good game though.
I don't know what you're talking about man but okay.
I'm not sure if anyone ever really criticized the environments in DmC all that much, it was the best part of the game by far
Free DLC, there's a couple videos of it online.
I honestly feel like the Breakers aren't expendable enough. There should be more lying around as pickups, and you shouldn't have to pay red orbs to buy extras.
>Also the photoscanning in general seems very hit or miss. It's not as bad as it is in NRS titles because in those games the animations are also very bad
youre actually fucking retarded
Well I've only just got to mission 4, but Artemis in mission 3 did fuck all in Devil Hunter. I saw multiple attacks it never did in DH, such as the tracking ring, the laser, unless it bugged out like Bloodborne bosses did at launch on DH. Maybe she just died too quickly in DH but at least this time I got hit a few times.
free update in April supposedly
whats the difference between regular use megabuster arm and its charged version? isnt it the same thing but the charged destroys it?
also it becomes completelyy useless after the 1st playthrough
>Yea Forums now hates DMCV
reddit loves DMCV.
>Yea Forums is one person
Fucking legendary.
>Using Nero going from A to S to make a point
>Not using V getting SSS by pressing the devil trigger and summoning the golem
But V is half of one person...
Charged does more damage (more than DT buster) and has hyperarmor
Yeah, Punch Line is pretty sick
I would, but my muscle memory is incredibly rigid, I tried remapping it back in 2010 for DMC4 and never got used to it
Honestly this. Bloody palace multiplayer would make this game an 11/10
how do i ride punchline
Switchcucks seething
There isn't Vergil yet. That's the only flaw
Gravity is too low. I don't think most of the "casualizations" are bad, but this one bugs me a tad bit. Doesn't really affect much, it's just a personal nitpick.
Weird delay at the start of some cutscenes where you can't skip them.
Unskippable cutscene at the start of M16 boss. M19 has one, too, but it's less than a second long.
Restarting from a game over or restarting mission from the pause menu both take way too long.
No "restart mission" from ranking screen.
Failing to get S rank in M20 requires you to skip, like, 10 cutscenes, go back to the main main menu, back to the main menu, and then load the mission up again. It only takes like a minute or two, but that downtime can be an annoyance when you're going for high ranks.
Total ranking doesn't display every mission at once.
Lock on is wonky in a few areas, causing you to use a directional attack on someone behind you rather than the enemy in front of you. Only happens in a very small amount of areas, but it's still a flaw.
The loading is fine on my SSD, but seems pretty bad on console.
Cameo system is very underutilized, won't be an issue if BP ends up having MP.
SMs are really easy, which is mostly a good thing, but all the memorable ones in past games were the ones people hated.
Still no fragment counters for missions.
Dante had Rock fix the typo on E&I.
Patty's birthday gift is not knowing whether Dante is even alive for a month, then him peacing out to hell.
All pretty minor things minus the menu issues, but they're not the biggest deal because the rank requirements are so lenient.
I just finished the 2nd Urizen fight.
Please tell me I actually fight him and not a bullet hell crystal the third time.
His fight is not fun. I do not like having an untagettable zoner shoot at me while I hit a crystal that sometimes explodes.
Shit is dumb and not fun.
>listing flaws with the game
>this means you hate it
I can't fucking do the Devil Bringer punches help
Yeah more breakers in the environment would mean more thought into planning when to break certain ones for more style knowing a refill is around the corner as long as it’s a fixed drop location and arm type.
>No enough crazy compared DMC3 and 4
>Too realistic
>Every color is toned down
>Boring plot
The combat is fine.
Thank fucking god.
ugly generic grey demon levels
>not enough crazy
>balrog, faust, cav
>not crazy
you just aren't creative enough. wish i could record clips, these three weapons together are insanely stylish
This would have unironically fixed the plot and made it serviceable. Urizen doesnt have to be mundus but you need a fucking big baddy to have any stakes in the last few levels when vergil shows up because he is like "well i'm sorry guys lets kill this demon tree lol" after nero beats him and doesnt act evil or anything up to that point either. V should have been powerless vergil as you say, he would have taken the yamato to defeat urizen before he got powerful but he failed, got defeated and lost the yamato too. Last fight should have been nero, dante and vergil teaming up to finish ofd urizen
I'm talking about the cutscenes.
Please put DMC in the OP so I can filter it properly
Yeah, they always had the full name written on them even since DMC1. "Ebony and Ivory, for Tony Redgrave, by .45 Art Works". The lady's picture was always there too, that was a nice piece of consistency though I'm not sure that Dante's guns really needed an origin story.
I cant fuck Vergil/Dante/Sparda/Lady.
>No enough crazy compared DMC3 and 4
I think it was too crazy and self aware like DMC4 and didn't take itself serious enough. DMC3 had the perfect balance but that only worked because Dante was pretty young. I don't know why despite the events of DMC1 still being canon he still acts like a boomer.
V is super gay
The Devil never cried.
The autistic fanbase
Did you miss V crying?
I've done this mission multiple times but never once I met up with other players. why
nuro and the trailertrash
>Bad unremarkable soundtrack
>Nero is Donte 2.0
>V is gay and ruins the game
>Cringe cutscenes
>Nico is a Cindy ripoff
>Bad pacing overall
>Ugly graphics outside of a few closed quarter areas
>Devil Breaker system is retarded
>Combat quickly turns into a mess when more than 4 enemies appear due to poor camera
>Piss easy difficulty even on Sparda due to yellow and green orbs abundance and retarded AI
The only good thing to come out of this abomination is that Dante and Nero play as smooth as ever and chaining cool combos has never been easier. I like that the level design and art direction when it comes to demons is pretty faithful to the 1-3 games.
That one autist with a boomer Dante profile picture who replies to every negative review on steam.
levels are very repetitive and lack the variation of 4 or 3, after a while all levels feel the same especially inside the tree.
>Bad unremarkable soundtrack
*blocks your auditory path*
why does it use the same fucking font as mgsv what does it mean v has come to
>>Nero is Donte 2.0
>DMC5 is more repetitive than a game where you have to backtrack through all the levels
Camera is dumb sometimes
The loading screens between going into customization menu and leaving it before starting the mission
They are supposed to be bought with real money.
>built his sword by hand
come on now
>Those live action cutscenes
Nero did. He builded his revolver too
So it's another blunder just like RE2? Lmao just like I thought, that's what you get for hyping up crapcom trash. Sekiro will shit all over this.
Is DMC5 secretely an MGS game?
Based and redpilled.
This thread has been very civil and most people in here are saying they love the game despite having some flaws.
You are being an absolute faggot. Go away.
>v is clunky
>the gauntlet is a shitty feature
>no design variety
at least dante is fun
>The loading screens between going into customization menu and leaving it before starting the mission
What the fuck were they thinking? There's enough idle screen changes for the mission menus that the customisation menu could just stay on that menu
1) You know, I think only now I finally understand.
DmC has killed mainline DMC series for good. At least as far as Itsuno is at helm. He just managed to hit it right between the eyes, where it hurts the most, dead on. The main idea of DmC was 100% on the spot.
Everyone in DMC5 is a tryhard, conscious of his/her attempts to look cool. Donte is not a tryhard, Donte doesn't try to look cool, Donte is the actual real deal who just exists the way he does, completely indifferent as to whether someone happens to consider him either cool, obnoxious or whatever. Looking at all these clowns makes me appreciate what I didn't the first time around so much more, it's not even funny.
For fuck's sake, the entirety of DMC5's prologue sounds like gay melodrama would probably sound. That's facepalm material.
Tameem knew what he was talking about. Itsuno doesn't.
2) Calling it a bait would assume I am not being sincere. I actually am. What I see in DMC5 is utterly clueless and embarassing after what I saw in DmC. What I am witnessing is a bunch of poseurs.
In fact, that is exactly what DmC was. A deconstruction. It didn't leave a single stone unturned. There wasn't any point in going back. They just leveled everything in series that came beforehand, barring, possibly, DMC1.
3) And my point is that looking cool and being cool are different things, and that DmC emphasizing on that exact difference lead to it now being apparent, that mainline DMC characters are not actually cool, they just try to be.
I don't like Euro raves.
It's the best dmc game. Only nostalgia cucks will think otherwise.
Shit gamu overcomplicated even more than fightings
Is it really a proper multiplayer? I feel like you play with someone else's ghost data cos every time I was matched with someone they just completely ignored me. That or I was matched with braindead idiots. I walked up to a Nero and tried getting his attention by taunting and jumping but he ran straight past me and jumped down a hole. I'll probably try to match with my mate later today to test it.
> where's the equivalent of this game's Blitz?
Fury or whatever it's called?
Why is Yea Forums always so negative? Literally impossible to please you fags. If DMC3 released now I bet you would shit on it also.
You can't pause during cutscenes I guess lmao
Puke inducing photorealistic graphics
Wake me up when someone makes a mod that replaces heads with paper bags
>It's the best dmc game.
Nero is a brash arrogant faggot in DMC5. He's not as vulgar as Donte but just as punchable. I call him Donte light, or Donte 2.0.
It's real. The first one was my friend's point of view when we were playing together.
you don't understand DMC for the same reasons DmC doesn't understand DMC
You're taking DMC more seriously than anyone at Capcom did while writing it. It's meant to be over the top and cheesy, it's the nipponese version of Mortal Kombat in that regard. Dante breaks down into a Michael Jackson bit after putting on a cowboy hat that shoots blood crystals at people. You think they wrote that in and said, "heh, yeah, this is hella cool. this is what cool people do." It's supposed to be like that, you're just too small-brained to appreciate its cheesiness. It's just a joke.
Man E&I feel like shit in this for some reason
Гaвнo eбaнoe для дayнoв.
yes you have to backtrack a forest, a castle in a icy mountain and a city, one very different form the other while DMC5 start just fine but once inside the tree there is barely any difference between levels and the reuse of assets is blatant.
Because DMC3 and 4 already exist, and DMC5 is technically inferior.
Zatknis nahuy.
Nigga, Nero has more natural mobility than any other character in the game, if you can't avoid getting hit and break them you're just playing the game like shit.
He has a triple jump for fuck's sake and the third jump gives him aerial mobility for dodging.
They fucked Donte up in DmC, should've had went with the piece of trash idea all the way, kept the smoking, and cranked the vulgarity further.
Oh awesome. If only the co-op parts were longer. Still hyped to try it out though.
Fuck off snownigger
>1) You know, I think only now I finally understand.
>DmC has killed mainline DMC series for good
You *finally* understand? Itsuno said it himself like 500 times. DmC is what inspired him to make another DMC game. In fact, he didn't even want to make 5. He wanted to make DmC2 but he couldn't so he just made DMC5 in the DmC style.
Here is the production version of Nero sporting the Donte cut.
Maть твoю eбaл, чмoхa бeз вкyca
Post your Bloody Palace room ideas
>one room has pic related return
should have let them overheat instead of straight-up breaking if they really wanted to push the changes
Remember when we thought DMC4SE Vergil had casual aircombos?
I don't know where to ask this, but as a newcomer to the series (Only played 1 but throught button smashing) how hard is to do combos in these games? I suck at doing them in fighting games since I can't remember the patterns and do them all the time, is doing combos on these games as hard as in a fighting game? Is it easy to learn for a newcomer?
>Nigga, Nero has more natural mobility than any other character in the game
Horseshit. Do you even know what Trickster style is, you clown?
It (DMC5 in particular) is overdesigned to hell and back, so, I guess, the joke is not that evident anymore. If it was ever a joke in the first place, might be you just misinterpreted it all along.
t. snownigra
Na sosach, bydlo.
Oh FUCK if they bring him back, my shit will be pushed in. I can only imagine he’d get buffed too.
Yeah, they had to make compromises since Itsuno decided to heavily interfere. Still, I think, the essentials of their vision fully made it in the actual released version of their game, Itsuno's meddling or not.
Жyй хyй, нигep
Way easier
The most comolex input in this game is back to forward + Triangle
It's all about timing and comboing
>D rank
Micro transactions and censorship
the story is mediocre, like the rest of the series. but that really doesn't matter if you have such god tier gameplay
It's not "over"designed, it's maximalist design which is in-line with the whole over-the-top and cheesy theme. Like I said, you just don't like it. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's bad, dude. I think you don't get it and think it's poorly designed based on what you THINK dmc is supposed to be, rather than what it actually is.
Try this then....
Not hard. It's something you can either grind out now in the void, or just learn as you play. just like fighting games it'll take time.
If this isn't bait, then let's talk. The appeal of the DMC characters is that they are literally too cool, nobody aspires to be like them, players just enjoy watching them and doing insane shit with them. With DmC, they tried to ground a heightened reality, while also keeping it heightened. Donte is someone's idea of what is genuinely cool, but that person is partially self inserting and partially out of touch because most modern people have at least some level of anti-media, fight the 1% attitude - they did before Trump, they've had these attitudes since the 1960s.
Making Donte a character who doesn't try to be cool, but is cool by not caring will also make so many people think he's a fucking shit character. Have you met people like him? They're just as unlikable, and nobody aspires to be them except retards like Tameem Antardes.
Basically your analysis is correct but your conclusion is stupid and if you want to play as an unlikable asshole and deal with hamfisted generations old sentiments, go for it. I'm gonna keep playing Power Rangers: the anime: the game
No playable Vergil when it’s pretty obvious he is ready to go
Then why did every one of the order knights have the same sword?
You're talking to someone with such a low IQ, they say say "builded".
DMC 5 feels like it takes itself way too seriously though, the "whacky" scenes are straight out of a serious shonen anime and overall the atmosphere and tone of the game contrasts with some of the scenes, it almost feels like the game is trying too hard to recreate DMC3.
Deviant Blitz.
>DmC is what inspired him to make another DMC game.
Except he doesn't understand DmC in the slighest, and he made another mainline DMC in DmC's guise.
Again, difference between being cool and trying to be cool. Being cool involves (as necessary, but not sufficient condition) genuinely not giving a fuck about whether you happen to look cool. No DMC5 character passes that, all of them are showoffs, Donte isn't.
it's the same concept. it's just muscle memory. if you don't practice or just play the game, you won't get good at it. you will suck at first but it should come naturally the more you keep at it.
There’s a weird gap between where final mission cutscenes end and the glass shatter happens that really bothers me.
Even with Trickster Dante can't really compare to triple jump, Nero's aerial taunt, Calibur, Split, Punch Line surfing, Table Hopper and Bringer related stuff he has all at once.
Please explain, why Michael Jackson dance don't fit well in DMC5, but the opera scene and
Only if you play on the SöyStation 4.
>one room has pic related with 3-6 of these fuckers
>DMC1 Flashbacks
>next room has 3 of them and your pic related working together
How fucked are we?
Double jump, fire off punchline, then hold your breaker button on the way down
What? Are you retarded? I literally said it DOES fit. That's the point you fucking retard. It fits because DMC is like that and over the top, it always has been. That's what I'm saying. Did you respond to the wrong person or is English not your first language?
>gets raped by Dante's charged assistant swords and double kalina ann
>loading screens between cutscenes, customization and mission menus and starts
>the one red ninja-like enemy that teleports around is a pain in the fucking ass
>devil sword dante doesnt look as good as rebellion, despite having a much more accessible moveset
>that gilgamesh boss sucks balls
thats about it really. Solid fucking game, been playing straight all weekend.
I’ll put down my controller if he returns. Because I’m not ready to get raped again by that asshole!!
They even include mind bending sigil rooms and Urizen's shattered memory place, surely each character could have stumbled into a full level in some creative new locale because o the reality fuckery that was going on? I liked the design of the city but the plants are a bit dull and the second half is all that.
>First I whip it out!
>Then I thrust it!
>With great force!
>Every angle!
>It penetrates!
>With great strength...
>I ram it in!
What did he mean by this?
>Dante absorbs the broken can tab
>Achieves SDT
"Ah, just like I remember it from DMC 2(TM)"
There are a bunch of complains that just don't make sense
>It's too easy
On Devil Hunter, maybe. Dante Must Die is probably the hardest one in the series aside from DMC3. They give you a lot of powers but holy shit do they up the ante on that one
>Devil Breakers should have been styles/not break/etc
No. Breakers are only so fucking strong because they break, if they were styles or didn't break, they couldn't balance out their powers via their scarcity. Also, planning your breaker lineup for replaying a mission is great, adds a layer of strategy before missions
>Bad FOV
You realize there's an option to increase in in the menus and even disable the "forced 3rd person" perspective, right?
There's a bunch of other meaningless complaints, too. Overall, the game is fantastic, easily the best action game of the generation. I just wish Nero's development was a bit more spread over the game but I'm not going to complain too much, the last four missions were amazing.
5 is as good as 3 and 4 belongs in the trash
It's what he did to Lucia
That would be delicious. But post YFW this guy returns in Bloody Palace
>Teleport, be untouchable, shit talk my girl
>Makes me lose S rank
It's beat down time
It's too fun.
The writing is by far this game's biggest flaw.
So much wasted potential, V is supposed to be Vergil's redemption arc; but it's completely undercooked. Nero goes fullblown Mary Sue at the end and makes everyone get along and the ending just feels overly sugary sweet. The story could have been the best since DMC3, instead it's merely just ok.
Everything else is great.
Who do you crouch in this game? T-bag will be good.
Are you the Xcom daun? Stay mad, shitter.
>Implying anyone here knows who Phantom is
Most people here only pretend to have played DMC1.
Royal revenge/release on the red ninja niggas, also DSD looks fucking rad compared to standard all metal claymore with a skull
He should of been in the damn game and replaced Nightmare. If Griffon could be one of Vergil’s familiars despite not once interacting as Nelo Angelo, then there’s no excuse to leave him out.
is that quelaag?
It's only the story I don't give two shits about. Everything else, as an action game, is fantastic.
There's a time at the train station wehre both Nero and V meet. I remember beating up demons alongside someone else.
Why do people think anything will return in Bloody Palace? It's pretty obviously just gonna be the same V minions buffed in various patterns, might even get a stage with multiple's of V's summons but that'll be as different from base game as it'll go.
Even stuff like Nico's driving is played inconsistent. She's okay with flying it through the air as it barrel rolls through demons but then seems like she almost died of fright when it came too close to Nero or a cliff or whatever. But then in the next scene she drives the fucking thing up a colossal demon tree and they handwave how that happened. Is Nico and her driving a joke or not?
Ahh, I'm too much of a brainlet to even get RG down, guess I'll have to practice, they're easy as nero with ragtime at least.
I just dont like the hilt on DSD, the blade looks sick tho.
>Making Donte a character who doesn't try to be cool, but is cool by not caring will also make so many people think he's a fucking shit character.
You are missing the ACTUAL point of DmC.
It's not that Donte doesn't give a fuck. It's that he knows that whatever he does, someone will end up being offended, so he might just as well be himself and not give a fuck after all, and deal with consequences as they come. The, however, is, acting in accordance with your current conscience, in accordance with what you current moral system is. Donte is contrasted with Vorgil. Donte is a character with traumatic and partly a moral freak, in the sense he morals might just be skewed. Vorgil is and has always been well off, but he acts immorally and gets what he wants using whatever means at his disposal. Point is, both have their individual morals, skewed in their individual ways due to different pasts, but one of them, arguably in better condition too, doesn't even. And that makes him worse, that a freak, who actually tries to be a decent person, in accordance with his own warped delusional worldview. And such a freak is always better, than an immoral normie, because you actually talk to such freak, and persuade him, and show him the partial wrongness of his current ways, and genuinely change him provided you've got arguments. An immoral asshole, you can only defend or counterattack against.
DMC 4 and 5 are both cringecore due to all the LOL DANTE SO RANDOM AND WACKY moments. The series became a flanderized parody of itself
Level design is pretty shit. If they had more ruined city and Sparda estate sections, I'd probably be fine with it. But literally everything in the tree is so same-y that I wanted to just rush to Urizen to get it over with. Funnily enough it ended up feeling like the 'Dante stuck in hell' game we never got because of all those fucking tree sections.
Dante's new swords are too confusing.
V is easy.
It's still 10/10
If you dont have PS plus do you play alone? I remember playing those missions alone on my first run.
Bad game in a bad series
Basic punk shit not stylish enough
No turbo
>If you are out of red orbs you can buy more on the store. Feels pretty manipulative.
>ultimate moves cost 3mil orbs EACH
>you average about 35k orbs earned per mission
Oh, yes... Grind away, goy. It will only take you longer than you will even enjoy the game for.
Or, you could... you know...
*slow grin revealing pointy yellow teeth*
Voice acting (everyone is old and that shows, especially in Reuben, note his ROYALGUARD, JYB is not energetic as he was in 4 and Southworth just can't recreate his performance in 3)
Same orb pull for all characters, as a result you have barely enough even for basics for each character
Sameness of locations while in 4 you have jungle, snow castle, underground labs and city. An argument can be made that 3 was the same but I dunno, different parts of tower in 3 felt different, while here it is all the same bloodtreehellish landscape
Cutscenes are tame, there is nothing on the level of very first cutscene in 4 or tower jump in 3
You'll be playing with bots if you don't have Plus
I suggest you develop better taste
>typing all this shit out
Who gives a shit? DmC was trash and Donte was a horrible joke. Can we just forget it ever happened?
No turbo, shit story, bad character designs, boring levels, and the final boss was shit.
I will never understand people who can't enjoy cheese. Or why they would intentionally play a cheesy game.
I will also never understand why 90% of Yea Forums's discussion is story related and not gameplay related.
This is a sold out representation of punk ideology though, and I recommend you try out the book "Our Band Could Be Your Life" sometime soon if you can find it.
The section on the band Minutement really will make you see why Donte and that whole caricature is toothless.
I think you play with bots if there isn't anyone ready to join your mission. I don't have plus and played with a friend in a few missions
>The key, however, is in acting
>Donte is a character with traumatic past and partly a moral freak
>but one of them, arguably in better condition too, doesn't even try
>because you can actually talk
just keep it simple, itsuno knew this with the monster he created in DMC4 Dante so he tried to please both crowds by letting you adjust your loadout.
for my first playthrough I used everything to experiment but on subsequent I just run with Rebellion/Gauntlets/Cerb because the Bike is slow if I try weave it in.
Its extra annoying when you have fun with Vergil in DMC4SE because he can swap both ways through melee only. Dante having to press a button like 4-5 times just to switch actually limits his combo potential IMO because you have to run through the motions with weapons that are between your current and the one you're trying to get to, so that your enemy can remain airborne or whatever
too many cutscenes
>jungle, snow castle, underground labs and city
They were all trash. Just like everything in 4.
Your writing is atrocious. Is English your second language?
it crashes everytime i alt tab
Interesting. Thanks.
Is there a windowed mode?
This is my biggest complaint. Walk into a room. Bam! Cutscene. Walk into another room. BAM. Another fucking cutscene. This is why I can’t wait for bloody palace
Oh I’m ready for this bastard with my Cavilere!! Bring him on again so I can hit him with it + my shoryuken again!
>Kyrie is *totally there* though has no physical presence, nor even spoken dialogue
She has 2 lines of spoken dialogue during the scene where Vergil rips Nero's arm off
>Forced V segments
>No playable Vergil
>loading screens
>no jungle missions
The story is a bit of a letdown and while the final boss is great on its own merits, I would have preferred a properly new final boss. Also V gets the short end of the stick in terms of story and gameplay, he basically gets erased from the game and never gets a proper climax or any form of mechanical progression.
As far as devil breakers go, they work as intended, but having to constantly spend orbs to replenish your supply is a pain in the ass and makes me not want to play Nero (or play him naked since you can mostly get by once you have devil trigger).
Once you unlock Faust Level 3 (not 4,you lose too many orbs) you can do Mission 13 as Dante and replay the final fight after the statue on repeat. The second Faust technique on the list helps with this too.
Equip Faust and Gunslinger, tap B/circle to do an AOE Faust attack that nets you red orbs. Spam it until the room is empty. Reload the checkpoint, jump straight back down. You can do it with one finger and shitpost on here at the same time. If you want to net more, work on timing the hat catch technique.
I have Dante fully geared up except the 3mil taunt, which I don't care for.
> "Our Band Could Be Your Life"
Good read bro. And yeah Donte is a complete joke of a character since none of his writing is consistent, much like he DmC plot in general. Reminder, he ripped his heart out and said “sometimes I hurt myself deep to see if I’m still human” when he and the devs both in game and in interviews forget that he’s half angel and half demon. Hell, the angel shit gets dropped completely when you meet Vergil
>Can't cycle through them
I thought I was just retarded
>ultimate moves
They're taunts.
Dumb secondary.
I want this badly! Since we are getting 50+ BP rooms, I hope they add a lot of creativity into them. Shame that BP is timed though
The game hitches and freezes. I'm playing as Nero at the point where you confront Urizen again(?) and the game just crashed again and killed my display driver.
There's literally no reason for it to have the purchasable red orbs. It annoys me that they even exist, but it's incredibly ignorable, at least.
Also Vergil's face is weird, and he doesn't look enough like Dante.
>There's literally no reason for it to have the purchasable red orbs.
To make money.
>not just using DSD and the bike, and E&I and dual Kalinas
You suck man.
Well yeah, sure, but I mean in terms of game design. I'm glad the game doesn't push for you to buy them, and they don't even tell you it's there unless you go looking through the store, but it still bugs me a little. It did in 4SE, and it does in things like the Tales games, too.
if bloody palace has online coop it's insta buy for me on PC
>press a button
>Dante executes a 10 seconds long combo on his own
>hold the button and release
>Dante does a fucking minute long combo and automatically goes to SSS
>hold button and release
>thunderstorm wipes everything on screen
This weapon is a pure fanservice and it's hilarious that they made it so fucking overpowered after 3 where it was grossly underpowered
There's no shortage of gold orbs, and on Devil Hunter which is the max difficulty you can pick for the first play, the game is pretty easy. I must have found nearly 10 throughout, plus you can get more from other players. Even then you can use red orbs to revive yourself and its really fucking cheap, too. I was wondering why it was an option anyway until I found out you can actually buy red orbs. So they're just trying to get you to spend more on the game which is already full price. But I don't see why anyone would need to buy any red orbs seeing as how you get enough to revive yourself fully like 6-7 times just on the way to the boss.
That's all though.
the problem is that the enemies are not designed with his moveset in mind so when he is eventually playable he will either be stupidly broken like 4SE or incredibly tacked on like 3SE
V works well with regard to his two main familiars, but he def needs a greater movepool; the lack of moves for him with his cane alone hurts his variety in comboing enemies and dealing with stalemate status.
I don't know if I'd agree about the level design. All I want is cool rooms to fight shit in and that's exactly what I got here.
no you shittaste
the whole plot
why is vergil demonside so strong? why has v demon servants?
Yeah that got me worried, since I thought my game was going to crash after they were taking so long.
I thought the story was fine. It definitely gave me an ending for all the characters that I'm quite happy with. I wish Lady and Trish had more to do, though, and we're probably not going to get a playable side story with them, since Capcom said the only other thing they're adding to the game is Bloody Palace. I hope they're playable in that, at least.
Artstyle is fucking disgusting, everyone looks like a goblin
Every level is a straight line
Constantly saying "fuck" and "bitch"
Combat is fun tho
>Yea Forums hypes out a game for a year
>instantly turns on it the second it releases and gets good reviews from normalfags
Everytime. Fucking contrarians
Oh and also the entire game taking place in the tower was annoying, I hate being stuck in a bloody gross same-y looking environment for most of the game.
Why the fuck my back-forward input almost never works for Griffon? Did anyone even tested these controls? Not only he's very clunky but I can't even pull fucking moves.
>inb4 git gud
I have no problem doing Calibur and even that Shadow's attack with same input but for whatever reason stupid chicken just refuses to make lightning V.
not him but
>hey remember dmc3? let's do that again but vergil is alive because he is wesker of dmc
>dante has to power up yet again to face EL VERGILIO AZURRO making the umbalanced mess that was the general power scale even more stupid
>vergil is a literal mass murderer that kills half the city and nobody cares, nero has a convenient functioning telephone at the top of the demon tree to talk with disembodied kyrie about sex and gets his hormones going to turn into the strongest devil in the saga because dragonball
the next game will have to seriously nerf everyone to not be a clusterfuck
the torrent is taking too long and im broke as shit for the next few months perfect time to buy when DLC is out
>OP asks for a flaw
>act surprised when people give negative feedback
how could this happen!?
fucking contratians!
Vergil's demon-side is nearly all of his demonic power made flesh, not to mention it's using the Qlipoth to drench himself in blood 24/7 for max buffs. When he eats the fruit, that makes those buffs permanent. In V's case, he inherited the things that mattered to Vergil as a human. His nightmares of having had to be Nero Angelo, the demonic minions of Mundus, they're the tiny shred of demonic power he held onto because the demon side had no purpose for such memories. But they aren't meant to be strong or anything, V's pretty hard pushed as being only mid-tier as a demon hunter. He's far from on par with Dante or Nero. The plot explains this pretty well.
They would also screech about how Lady looked like trash and that it was an SJW game for having her be such a main character. Some people may legitimately just not like the game for one reason or another and it does have some real flaws, but it's clear that a lot of people have just become so bitter and jaded that they were going to hate this game regardless of how much fun it actually is.
DMC5 has legit problems and not a dream sequel we hoped for it to be. Still a good game though and I'll take it over DmC any day.
The faces in this game look better than any other. Vergil looks a bit goofy but in the actual game when you're playing, in motion, its fine.
>no boss rush mode (just let me fight Cavaliere Angelo when I want to, fss)
>menus, as cool as they, are slow as fuck; even cutscenes have loading screens
>jukebox isn't free and you can only select one battle theme for each character
>audio mixing is bad
>picking up a breaker replaces the current one, you can't cycle through breakers when one breaks
>V is clunky sometimes, esp. his teleport ability (just give it unlimited range and it's fixed)
>Nightmare is lame apart from the falling from the sky and breaking hidden walls stuff
>Dante has Balrog equipped by default, that should've been a boss fight
>too much fanservice, it's cringe
also, the story could've been so much better with minor rewrites, they played it too safe
I don't blame them though, they had a franchise to resurrect
it's a very well made game, just lacks the punch 3 had
on the flip side, it also lacks all the annoying shit the previous ones had, like insufferable enemies, levels or bad boss fights
god bless the nips they did well
Dante's literally never struggled against anyone but Vergil or Mundus. In 2 every fight was zero effort. In 3 every fight but Vergil was zero effort. In 4 every fight was zero effort. THe power levels don't really matter, he just does stylish shit and a one liner and the audience claps. Power levels don't matter worth a shit.
They look "realistic"
>Million stab is annoying to do now
I'm having serious problems with it, 80% of the time it works, the rest he just does the lunge and that's it, I don't know what's the fucking problem
game is great, wish I had a slightly better rig to run it on though, it pauses from time to time
god I wish that were pls
I always thought DmC levels were cool
but then again I played on PC with bloom turned off so...
>tfw just want the nunchuks 100% of the time
>the best basic enemies in the series, everyone is enjoyable to fight
>best bosses in the series, only competitors are the greats of DMC1 and the vergil fights in 3, again has zero bad bosses
>best gameplay mechanics in the series, best and most fleshed out systems for Dante/ Nero
>artstyle is back to DMC1/3 horror roots
Let's be real here, it's the dream sequel we all hoped it would be.
Is it normal that once you enter the tree, Devil Trigger stops sounding whenever I enter a battle with Nero?
What is going on?
>not a dream sequel
Literally as good as 3 unless you are retarded
You have to do the lunge and immediately let go of everything but the attack button which must be held down. When you see the million stab execute, then you can start rapidly pressing attack to get more hits.
Eat shit faggot, it's probably the first sequel in years that managed to exceed expectations.
Yes, yes, buy those red orbs if you keep dying and your devil breakers keep breaking.
and why did dante job against vergil first then was onpar with him at the top of the tree?
3 didn't have black people
Being forced to play as Nero for most of the game while Dante is literally right there again.
Aside that, yeah, great game.
The audio in all of my cutscenes is always off by around two seconds. Is there a way to fix this?
Which is why it's inferior.
Aight I loved 5 but that's the most shill fucking post I've ever seen. 3's bosses were far more entertaining than 5's. 3 also didn't have V levels. Dunno what you even mean by saying the art style has went back to horror roots, DMC1 and 3 were gothic, 5 only does that in the Sparda Estate sections. Everywhere else is a more Resident Evil style city or a Dante's Inferno style tree-hell with the final boss location basically being lifted from DmC.
>best bosses in the series
What? The only really great fights are The Cavaliere and Vergil fight and that last fight is still better in 3.
>best and most fleshed out systems for Dante/ Nero
Dante is STILL more fun to play in 3. Styles are STILL nerfed in 5, E&I are complete and absolute trash in 5, all missing moves didn't return, controls aren't reworked. It's pretty much same Dante from 4 with literally same problems.
>artstyle is back to DMC1/3 horror roots
Are you retarded? 5's style is awful. Everything is black and gray and sometimes it's hard to even see what's going on Even DMC3 was so much more enjoyable to explore because you had this feeling of actually progressing through the tower with different rooms and shit. 5 is just a mess with gray boring urban levels and some messy demon levels. You have literally no feel of a progress, you just go through some weird and boring looking locations. Let me not even start on how ugly some characters look with new artstyle.
In terms of its narrative, it's weaker than 3. But that's more the result of 3's being so good rather than 5 being particularly bad. It has some issues with the pacing of some of its developments, but the character interactions were completely on point from beginning to end.
In every other respect though, 5 is either as good or better than every other game in the series.
He was tired and wounded from fighting Urizen (Fruit Boosted), Vergil was at 100%. He recovered while heading up to fight Vergil again. Vergil even says "heal your wounds".
>3's bosses were far more entertaining than 5's.
You should replace Dante's battle theme with Devil Never Cry.
His new theme is fucking shit.
>Literally as good as 3
Literally not. 3 is still a king. 5 is on the same level as 4SE. Without backtracking but with awful colorless visuals.
fuuuuuuuuck thank you I thought I had to just press attack before the lunge connected, this makes much more sense thematically and now I can finally million stab point blank
Dante gets shitload of attention in second half and has some of the longest levels for himself.
In fact i wish they gave Nero one last big mission before the last fight with Vergil.
The character interactions were trash though. Dante's a massive fucking dick in this game on level's completely opposite to anything he's been like before. He's still WACKY WOOHOO but there isn't a single time in the game he shows any amount of friendliness to anyone and his handling of anything awkward is pure dickery. Even his meeting with Nico was essentially him just looking at her with suspicion like she was some awkward leper that just came out of nowhere before having his little dance.
I think the average quality of 3's and 5's bosses is about equal, 5's are pretty good in general while 3 had some better bosses and some worse bosses. The enemies are a bit of a letdown in 5 though since they seem overly passive even on SoS. I hope they get better on DMD.
>3's bosses were far more entertaining than 5's
3 has quite a few garbage bosses and overall worse monster bosses than 5
>3 also didn't have V levels
So it was worse?
V is an extension of Nevan ideas and you're a moron if you dislike him.
>Literally as good as 3
dmc3 is a cocaine riddled shot of pure kino with stellar pacing, music and bosses, 5 gets close to that greatness in the last few missions and credits but nowhere near for the rest of the game
That's the only Gigapede tier boss in the whole game. Let's not also forget Leviathan's heart.
>DMCfags consider this fun
>V is an extension of Nevan ideas
Are you retarded by a chance?
"awful colorless visuals"
And 1,2,3 had colorful stages? fuck off retard.
Every boss in 3 is pretty damn well memorable. Nevan, Cerebrus, Doppelganger, even Beowulf to an extent was pretty amusing. That's IGNORING the Vergil fights. Ignoring the Vergil fights in 5, you've got what... Cerebrus I guess? Cavalier was pretty okay too. The rest didn't have much going for them. Artemis might've if she had any personality, fun gameplay wise but over so quick and so early that seeing her in V's boss rush was literally a 'oh yeah' moment. I can't even give Goliath any points since he's just Berial with a more interesting stage.
>Are you retarded by a chance?
No, unlike you, as it seems.
I kinda hate how you can't pick up new Devil Breakers if your stock is full, as opposed to just adding it to your inventory. They cost next to nothing to buy, so it doesn't really matter, but it still annoys me.
>being this mad
DMC3's stages had more color than 5's.
I always equip 2 Gerbera in the beginning so that I can get another 6 arms in the mission.
He was eassy as fuck and wasn't even boring.
monetizing the death mechanic for ultracasual whales
No single-character campaigns(yet)
no playable vergil (yet)
It had color, go replay it. And more importantnly, it had variety. Each room in Temen-ni-gru was different and interesting while 5 lacks even basic sense of going somewhere.
>hey, let's travel though the city, eh whatever let's go to the tree, ok I'm back to the city for a moment, now let's go back to the tree, let's go to the top, no I mean to the bottom
It's not extremely important since it's an action game after all but it's kinda boring compared to other games.
>heres a little bit of red
Lol and the roots don't add red to the level?
Using the shitty targeting system from 4 instead of the literally perfect system of 3. Still a 9/10 game though
How do you see Nevan in V? Just because of the bats and lightning can be extended to Shadow and Griffon? By that logic Cerebrus is also Nevan because it has lightning.
>monetizing the death mechanic for ultracasual whales
Doesn't affect 99% of players.
>No single-character campaigns(yet)
Coming with SE.
>no playable vergil (yet)
Coming with SE.
Artemis fight is extremely easy and boring. She's on the same level as Sanctus fight in the middle of DMC4.
>monetizing the death mechanic for ultracasual whales
I haven't even used money/red orbs/gold orbs once. If you are good enough why do you care how other people play the game?
The games have flaws but this is definitely isn't one of them.
>no naked Nero, Dante, Virgil
Change to DirectX11 on ini files.
>monetizing death mechanics for ultra causal whales
scamming dumbasses out of their money isn't a bad thing. Especially since it doesnt effect the rest of us.
Nero. Useless character that equates to nothing but training wheels Dante. His continued inclusion makes the series worse. At least V is unique but albeit simple. Nero is simple and not unique at all.
Nostalgia is a hell of a drug
V is literally the reincarnation of Chaos Legion's protagonist.
Yeah but some of 3's bosses are memorable for the wrong reasons, like Gigapede, Leviathan Heart, and Arkham. I thought King Cerberus, Cavalier Angelo, the chicken lady and the Vergil fights were all pretty memorable and great personally, while Gilgamesh and maybe Nidhogg were just lackluster (and nowhere near as bad as 3's worst imo). I just wish the game was harder and had turbo mode, that's pretty much the only thing I think the game is lacking other than the BP and Vergil which are basically already confirmed to be coming.
Not an argument.
>stellar pacing
Yeah I especially loved those parts where I had to constatly backtrack to get some shitty items in an action game
>stellar bosses
Now that's a good joke
Not really. Most of 3 was very gray with some occasional red or brown.
The setting was cool and it had better atmosphere than 5 I'd say, but it was just as colorless.
Why is Vergil so slow bros... what a disappointing boss.
Yikes desu
Because of the indirect aoe oriented fighting style in general that relies on getting familiars out first before attacking just like you needed to enter a special stance to execute Nevan's moves, Cerverus only has a single projectile attack that doesn't need a setup.
Nero is also a fucking clusterfuck once you unlock his Devil Trigger. Now you have to
>hold L1 for charging Blue Rose
>tap L2 for Exceed
>hold R1 for Lock-on
>tap R2 for additional Bringer hits \ hold R2 for Bringer hold
>hold O for Devil Breaker charge
Amazing, somehow they even topped DMC4 control mess.
everytime some newfag has no arguments he just shit out "le nostalgia"
newsflash I replayed 3 before 5 in preparation so I'm speaking from fresh memory when I say 3 is better in every way but PC controls
>beating on 1 enemy who doesn't fight back
Wow that's so impressive. Lmao Dmc3fags
Despite the annoying arm thing, the gameplay is super tight. Dante is just pure ridiculous.
DMC5 > DMC3SE with style changer mod > DMC4 SE > DMC3SE > DMC1 > DMC2
DMC3 > DMC1 > DMC5 > DMC4 > DMC2
DMC3 > DMC5 > DMC4 > DMC1 > DMC2
DMC3 > DMC4 > DMC1 > DMC5 > DMC2
>Environment / Level design
DMC3 > DMC5 > DMC1 > DMC4 > DMC2
Nero isn't real and he isn't using sweet surrender on me.
>Cheese through Devil Hunter because i want to get to harder modes
>use orbs
>feel dishonorable and fight Vergil like hes meant to be fought
GOD DAMN this fight is good. im never using orbs again
holding blue rose charge is almost pointless, the guns have been nerfed to hell and back, I just charge the breaker now
changing you battle music affects very few actual fights. I can understand not changing boss music, but there is absofuckinglutely NO EXCUSE for the music I paid extra for not to play during every single normal enemy encounter.
Also, Void should have included bosses.
as someone who played DMC3 before DMC5, I prefer DMC5.
DMC3 had a lot of bullshit and boring enemies (the chess, the spiders, ghosts, angels). And shitty boss fights, people really tend to overrate DMC3's bosses, there are some amazing ones but some shit ones.
DMC5 took everything from other games to make the most coherent and no frustration gameplay experience possible.
I liked the story as much as DMC3's, Nero's voice actor was on point.
Aren't any of you glad that they actually accept Patty as a canon character?
>he prefers 3's enemies to 5 when it has tons of gimmicky shit enemies that are never fun to fight in the slightest and who exist only to break the combat flow
Eat shit
Blue rose was dumb OP in DMC4.
>Nevan, Cerebrus, Doppelganger, even Beowulf
That's it? Then you have trash like Arkham, that centipede thing, Leviathan, that first boss that becomes a normal enemy later in the game because of dev laziness and Lady. Doppelganger is also a shit boss. The only good bosses are A&R, Cerberus, Nevan and Vergil.
Defend this.
What? You can still charge it 3 times and it's still fucking OP, it still embeds a small bomb into the enemy that will detonate later. Am I missing something?
i just play nero on auto tbdesu
it's still setting a really bad precedent for a full-price singleplayer game that already has DLC monetization that players generally view as acceptable.
monetizing any aspect of gameplay should be given the outrage it deserves. You have to kepe in mind that companies who create pay-for-convenience mechanics in games always end up sliding towards developing content around that monetization. what if the Next DMC had a '0 death' achievement where you get something valuyable or nice-looking as a reward, but buying for a rez didn't count towards death? these are the kind of shitty systems you will see in the future, with these mtx practices.
Just look at modern WoW. the entirety of their quality content is dripfed to their sub base, and the entire game past that is pointless timesinks at this part of its lifecycle.
My only real problem is the fact that game doesn't get me much time to enjoy the new stuff I unlock or expect me to master them already.
Like, the game throws me into Urizen bossfight just after I unlock Cerberus, little weird
Fuck the kikes, he did nothing wrong.
I also replayed 3 just before 5 and 5 is better.
I don't have to, see pic related
>people not appreciating DMC5's soundtrack
It's fucking great.
Could somebody tell me why Nevan is a good boss?
>5 is on the same level as 4SE.
Fucking how? 4 is a slog to play through. 5 blows it out of the water in almost every way. I can respect your opinion about 3 even though I think both 3 and 5 do different things better than the other; they're tied for the top spot in my mind.
This. 3 enemies are kinda trash.
The game force you to replay at least once. It literally only gives Nero's DT at the end.
V is boring to play.
No cycling Devil Breakers.
Having to skill double jump.
Weak Point gun side mission is back.
Everyone but Dante needs an uncomfortable amount of fingers on control to play at peak level.
Camera gets wonky in spots.
Some of the bosses (looking at every show-up of Urizen) are horrendous.
Also: Urizen - Your Reason. Horrid.
Overall still a solid 8.7.
It truly was CUHRAZEE
Yeah, I know, other DMC games never really did this, I get what they are going for, it's still really off-putting for me.
no japanese lady gf
at least it doesnt have those fucking plant things from 4 that randomly start slashing you when they should be stunned
Dante having 4 guns and 4 weapons is the best thing ever. I don't care about anything else.
His gameplay alone makes up for the shitty V's sections.
>nobody will post a torrent
Imagine being this dumb of a fuck in 2019
Call me a casual but I like her because she calls out her attacks and I can actually read her instead of being some crazy clusterfuck.
muh crazy xD
>4 is a slog to play through
Don't really see how. Backtracking is bad but so is traveling around boring gray environment in 5. I also enjoyed bosses with personality more. 5's kinda lacking in that department.
Those angel things in 3 can go fuck themselves. It's also funny that you are barely forced to fight them and can just run past most encounters. Makes me wonder why even put them into the game.
This. If anything, don't have them permanently break. Just have them recharge like the familiars that V summons when they get damaged. It's really the only glaring flaw.
Who likes Nico here?
She was retarded in the trailer but her ridiculous shit grew on me.
t. reddit
go watch, TV, faggot.
DMC4 is literally re*dit of dmc.
Her "Southern" accent is horrible and not Southern at all.
Also her voice depth matches that of someone who is 300lbs minimum.
The levels are DMC2 levels of straight forward. Too linear and kinda tedious. I miss the exploration from 1, 3 and 4.
The endgame felt rushed, Virgil is piss easy as Nero.
No playable Virgil after beating the game. (not yet anyways)
V's gameplay is interesting at first, but gets boring after 10 minutes.
Not enough Dante levels. Somehow less than DMC4.
Overal 8/10 game.
Oh, I can't wait for those retarded combo videos where every new attack is made with different weapon. So stylish! I miss DMC3 days.
>Having to skill double jump.
As opposed to...?
>watching Woolie vs dmc5
>Pat talks about how he's not used to breakers
>immediately afterwards, says the breakers strewn throughout the level are for if you "fuck up"
That comment says so much about why Pat's not getting used to breakers: he doesn't realize you're supposed to break them yourself. In his mind, the correct playstyle is to never use break ages.
Why even bother hiding the fact that the game is meant to be played multiple times?
The first playthrough is just training wheels.
I think I like the bosses better in DMD. At least starting from SOS mode, some of them have more movements.
The devil hunter is literally easy mode. Or maybe I just played DMC4 too much.
Not an argument 4bab
>being so large a faggot as to care about 2 washed up e-celebs
Why are you so mad? 3 sucked.
10 missions in here are my complaints
-boring as fuck levels with depressing grey scenery that's overly recycled
-V is boring as shit to play as
-Nico is annoying and the story still hasn't picked up at this point
-Combat animations aren't as nice as in DMC4
-Music is worse
Does it get better?
It's a pointless mechanic done to force players to replay levels to get to points not available without double jump.
It's artificial replayability designed to pad a game's gameplay clock.
>sold out
>outspokenly working class
I am having a creeping feeling I am wasting my time here.
On one hand, I don't like being played. I assumed DmC was genuine, yet, two people were immediately like "*click* that's basic punk tho". So, if what I considered being actual meat of the story was actually a bunch of references, and the actual meat of the story was some undercurrent I didn't manage to properly distinguish due to having been distracted by references I didn't get, and that undercurrent was actually some sort of manipulation, I wouldn't have liked after getting to the bottom of. Well, I wouldn't consider that being a good thing.
The way I see it, both me and DmC approach the question of individual morality from strictly individualistic, liberal at worst standpoint.
What I started to read about Minutemen already starts to noticeably reek of lefties. I don't like wasting my time on lefties and Le Societe Ineterstes. So I am starting to doubt as to whether I should proceed, or spend my time otherwise.
I liked the representation of Donte because Donte was his own person, at least from my, not-punk-educated standpoint. I don't like DMC5 characters, because they are a hodgepodge of whatever Itsuno considered cool person acts like. That is my crux of my problem with DMC5, the characters are inconsistent at the most fundamental levels imaginable. More like, any sort of concept of consistency doesn't even cross your mind, when you look on those... puppets. Donte is a depiction of an individual. Someone might consider that individual an asshole, absolutely. To a bigger or lesser extent. But at least there is something to discuss, a subject matter, a character. And that constitutes a difference between Donte and DMC5's characters.
absolute brainlet post
Dude. Why the fuck are you so salty?
It's not like everyone starts hating DMC3. I spent hundred of hours in DMC3 and am enjoying DMC5. Why can't I like both of them?
Yeah, DmC was the best))) Too bad incels didn't like it)))
>points not available without double jump.
No such thing
it's hard not to think of it that way when getting hit destroys the arm
the only indication that you're might want to be blowing through them at will is the massive style boost for breakage
>walk two feet
>bad lipsync cutscene
>kill a weak as shit enemy
>more cringy cutscenes
Ugh, I can't modern gaming.
Oh my, did I break you? You poor nostalgia cuck. DmC is garbage btw.
Exact my thoughts really. Yeah, it gets better. I absolutely hated V, now on SoS playthrough and I tolerate him more now.
>Combat animations aren't as nice as in DMC4
>game journos
Here, have a (You)
>not enjoying seeing people who are genuinely excited about a game enjoying themselves
>exactly like what the whole fucking point of dmc threads is
Cheer up, crew cut.
game look like shit
every screenshot I take turns into an abomination
Oh hey, Barry. Are you ok?
I just said I don't like combo videos where character pulls thousand devil arms out of his ass for each attack. DMC3 was much more focused and consistent and aesthetically it's the best in my opinion. Giving Dante more than 2/2 was a mistake. At least 5 lets you edit loadouts I guess.
Starring: The DMC Crew
>more options = bad
I don't remember DMC3fags being so retarded. What happened?
why do they love DmC so much
I think you're generally encouraged to be more risky in this game; consumables are now a good thing, Royal guard is buffed, and taking damage doesn't count against your score nearly as much as it used to.
>-Combat animations aren't as nice as in DMC4
i'm glad to hear this from someone else
nero's animation in dmc4 felt better, especially exceeded streaks
How do you make V's gameplay more fun?
So far there are two super big flaws:
- Whenever you use the attack that requires forward/backward, V actually moves too and it's retarded.
- Whenever he doge an attack, the panter goes back to his position and it takes a fucking long while for the panther to teleport back to the enemy.
I can tolerate the charge-dependent gameplay because I play on keyboard but fuck I hate the above two things.
More options isn't always better though.
no flaws for me.
Well I hate them too. They are not true combos anyway. But it's definitely not a flaw, it's just that casuals can abuse it easier to get more styles.
If I wanted to do a They Live/V for Vendetta double feature, then I would. Don't need a shitty video game for that.
>- Whenever you use the attack that requires forward/backward, V actually moves too and it's retarded.
Or maybe you're retarded for not rooting him in place with a taunt if you need it so much.
>- Whenever he doge an attack, the panter goes back to his position and it takes a fucking long while for the panther to teleport back to the enemy.
Which also allows you to get it out of danger so it's not a negative
>(((demons))) control the media and poison our food
Yeah, it's pretty redpilled
Why is Vergil so fucking ugly? He looks like he has double chin in some shots.
any pro churazy gameplay footage from jap aspies on yt yet?
>Or maybe you're retarded for not rooting him in place with a taunt if you need it so much.
So I just have to taunt every time I use such a move? That's acceptable but still retarded.
>Which also allows you to get it out of danger so it's not a negative
But it disrupts the combat.
>And IF that undercurrent ended up actually being some sort of manipulation, I wouldn't have liked after getting to the bottom of - well, I wouldn't consider missing out on it a good thing.
>generations old sentiments
I actually fail to see how what I wrote about adherence to the individual moral systems can ever be irrelevant in any generation ever. In my opinion, the understanding of that principle is absolutely vital for orienting yourself among people surrounding you, so that to gradually minimize the amounts of SUDDENLY UNEXPECTEDLY GETTING FIGURATIVELY FUCKED TO THE BACKSIDE to the minimum possible levels.
No amount of PUNK IS OLDASFUK is overthrowing the inherent validity of this observation - even if it's not exhaustive, no observation is - at least, in accordance with my own conclusions derived from my own individual experiences.
Lady isn't playable.