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Man fuck EA and their greedy retardation.

They're redeeming themselves.

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Will it have the old cutscenes?

>0 effort money grabs


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the RTS market is all but dead. why would EA spend tens of millions of dollars making an RTS game that would be lucky to just break even?

Well I was going to post about this, has it been released yet?


so you prefer RTS genre to be dead and forgotten?

The last F2P game they were making like 10 years ago that people went mental at looked pretty good I thought. Better than anything from 3 onward at least.

>SUPPOSEDLY redeeming themselves
Important distinction user. Generals 2 was supposed to be a revival too and look what happened with that.
Never underestimate EA's ability to royally fuck everything up.

I'm so glad it isn't RA2, those first games are my all time favorites and generals.

not giving enough money

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Some user did a wish with a monkey paw

apparently the remaster game gonna use GlyphX the same engine as grey goo and forged battalion use, so it's not a cheap 2D remaster with more HD pixel art

>first result for googling C&C, EA's official site for the game
>these are all the games listed on the first page
Just look at this... It's disgusting
And for anyone who got hope thinking there's at least 1 decent game there, that's not the real RA3 but some weird cheap mobile knockoff.

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nah, they're too problematic for 2019 and you know it

>online only
>requires Origin(tm) account
>unbalanced matchmaking
>no/bugged private lobbies
>cosmetics and microtransactions
>shit performance on specific settings
>certain units remodeled and recasted with different voice actors
>paid DLC campaign mode with OC donut steal characters who embody everything /pol/ hates

what's this, a shitty mobile game?

>Niggers are the rivals of Asians
What the FUCK did they mean by this??!?!?!?

>EA's bringing back Frank
It's a start

Yes. They teased us with a new game after 8 years only for it to be a literal shit f2p mobile game that has no connection to real cnc gameplay.

"At least we have mods." And honestly, I don't mind it now, seeing what the alternative can be.

Buying EA games

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it's awful that it's f2p with pay 2 win elements but the fundamental mechanics of kiting/bodyblocking are in the game. It's surprisingly mechanically competent for a mobile game, obviously a huge disappointment but it's not as bad game as we all wish it is.

stop playing video games you fucking nerd, gamers are dead! Deal with it crybaby.

This game is going to be awesome!

that just means they're really creatively bankrupt

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this. remaster is the worst. imagine paying again for a game you already have. Fair enough if you release it for free but paying fuck off.