Which asian country makes the best video games?

Which asian country makes the best video games?

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Japan, every other asian country is worthless

Damn Korean girl are perfect, I don't care if they are 50% plastic

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pretty chinese girls are the prize of the earth. shame the rest of chinks are subhuman



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I want a Mongol girlfriend so bad guys.

I can tell a /pol/tard made this, probably an incel too.

why did you even make this thread?


Duterte is left-wing

rolling for that cute [spoiler9][/spoiler]


gib waifu

Is there some reason why asian girls love white cock so much?

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White cock is best cock

Asian dicks are dark-skinned like a negro's. White cocks are pale, feminine and not-intimidating.

Only in western countries. Because they're besieging them.

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North Korea isn't anywhere near as bad as American propaganda makes people in the west think it is.

North Korea
>Guaranteed government job
>Your jobs pays better than most in America, as it will guarantee you a house, wife, and children, which is more than the majority of male American workers can afford.
>Strong communities and social bonds. IRL events and recreation are frequent and common, as no one is distracted by smartphones/internet
>No feminism, your wife can't just divorce you, steal your kids, take your house, and demand money, like they can in America
>Racially homogeneous, no blacks or hispanics or arabs
>Virtually no STDs, HIV doesn't exist
>Practically no homeless people, unlike in America with massive homeless populations
>Free healthcare, it might not be the best in the world but it's far better than most people know. They have antibiotics and can do almost everything a western hospital can. There is some terrible hospitals in America anyway, extremely likely to suffer malpractice, abuse, or be harmed in an American hospital

Literally the only negatives to North Korea I can think of is no internet or free access to digital media. That's it. I can't think of any other significant reason America is better.

Hello EurasianTiger my microdicked friend

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user, street interviews are cherrypicked. Every single one of them.

That ain't me. Just stating the truth. The baizuo is getting conquered from all sides.


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please not 9
please not 9

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2 is the cutest, but number 4's clothes and surroundings are /comfy/ af

Besides isn't it just CHYNA, Nippon, and Korea who make vidya? I've never heard of a Mongolian, Kyrgyzstan, or Vietnamese game.

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>no poo in loo girls

>Weekly Idol
Lmao they all have Korean boyfriends.


I wonder if their manlet twink-chink bfs know their girlfriends are getting DARIOED...?

1 or 2 please

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And this is a data from dating apps/websites primarily used in Western countries. Asians that live in Western countries obviously have white fever, but in actual Asian countries most of them are really conservative. Sure, they'll cover you with compliments, but that's it, just a lip service.

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I dunno, 9 is basically most of AAA games outsource their games. Tose is located in Ph, Studio 6, which helped in Killzone, Last of Us is in Ph, Ubisoft has an office in Ph.

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Feeling delusional today, Wong?

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Oddly, one of my better faps

He's right though. Just check the birth rates and African/Syrian migrant percentage in Germany for example. Completely swarmed in comparison to Asian countries that are not taking in white refugees from South Africa.

What games does he play?

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Nice nonsequitur Wong, but immigration is a government issue and has nothing to do with whether or not Asian women are hungry for white cock (they are, see )

Duterte was a failure.

He doesn't play games...

Its called I wanna buy a submarine even tho my
country dosent have rice to eat.

How can you differentiate them ? I don't see any difference between the chinese girl and the japanese one.

>immigration is a government issue
It isn't since you're the ones voting them in. Your cucked baizuo mentality is the issue.

>few street interviews
Doesn't change the stats senpai. You guys are still getting willfully erased and the entirety of the world is laughing at you while buying up the majority of your property.

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M8, we voted for Blumpf so he'd build a wall and that nigger hasn't even laid a stone down.

Voting literally doesn't matter at the national level.

Oh you're an Amerimutt? Why are you even feeling called out? You're not white.

>you'll never have a girlfriend
>you'll never have an ASIAN girlfriend

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Rape Day, of course

Sure thing, Asian cuck.


>Racially homogeneous, no blacks or hispanics or arabs
I'm confused as to why you think this is inherently a good thing, rather than saying "No crime or racism", which is what you're actually trying to say.


Taking in refugees from war torn countries has nothing to do with birthrates. Turkeys bithrates are completely fine and they took in even more refugees than any European country.

what is he eating? Looks good

Opioid addiction