Why haven't you played Xenoblade 2 yet Yea Forums?
Why haven't you played Xenoblade 2 yet Yea Forums?
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Don't have much money to spend on games at the moment
not interested in generic anime garbage
I want to fuck Mythras tit pussy so bad.
I have never desired to fuck a womans cleavage so specifically and so fiercely as I've wanted to do so to Mythra's tit pussy.
because I don't want to
The cover should've excluded the two horribly designed characters. Completely ruined it.
Wow. This shy curvy blonde girl is so cute.
Come on, the titans are not that bad, and rex second outfit is ok.
for the same reason why i don't play fire emblem or neptunia.
None of the girls appeal to me
I already did 1.5 year ago
I didn't say the Titan looked bad.
He still has the retarded crotch window so no.
He was implying Pyra doesn't look retard. Which her outfit does.
Just let the thread die, retard.
no Switch
I did, and now I'm working through some backlog before I do Torna and NG+.
Too busy playing persona 5
annoying british accent
It runs like a 3ds game on portable mode
Waiting for them to make a Switch that doesn't suck fucking ass. I've had the collector's edition of this and BotW for years.
Waiting for it to be emulatable.
The better question is why they haven't ported X to Switch with no censoring and an "Elma mode" where you don't have to have your worthless create-a-character who doesn't matter and just clogs up the screen.
Finished it and replaying pic related.
2's ending made me want to replay it.
is this playable in yuzu yet?
>japanese game
Holy fuck kys
I can't believe we are still getting new daily fanart
how come Mythra is so completely inferior to Pyra?
Other things I need to fund at the moment. I would very much like to play Pyra's game tho, and could buy a Switch + XC2 and several other games in the future.
t. Crossette
Same reason I'm not listening to cringy german goth music anymore. I grew out of such garbage a decade ago.
I only experience mature forms of media for mature individuals such as myself. I tip my fedora to you, sir.
I am all kinds of okay with this.
Mythra is a huge cunt. Pyra is a keeper.
I just recently did after 130 hours , and nlw working to complete it, what s the fastest way to gain trust?
Do you have the DLC? If you do, do the love source DLC quest, it lets you farm a pouch item that gives 3k trust.
If not, spamming noponchos (item sold in the textiles shop in Fonsett, might have to do a merc mission to unlock them) is the best way.
If you have the DLC Love Source, otherwise spamming pouch items.
spam favorite pouch item
What are you talking about? Mythra's crit spam makes Pyra worthless
I have X and it plays like shitty MMO trash.
so this is gonna sound really gay, but I played through xenoblade 3d through the first few months of college, and I had terrible luck with women. The girls I'd talk to all either had no interest in me or turned out to be super weird. My friends for some reason, instead of blaming it on my incredibly average looks and social skills, were convinced it was all because of xenoblade, and were sure my time wasted playing it and talking about it were the reason why. I beat it in december, and started 2 over break. The first month back I had yet to meet any new girls, or have any more success then the ones I talked to previously. My friends sat me down and told me I needed to stop playing xenoblade 2, so I did. I then immediately met a really cute girl in my honors class, and we have been talking the last few weeks. Basically I stopped playing xenoblade 2 to because I want to get laid.
Favorite pouch items don't actually increase a blades' trust faster.
Who said I haven't already?
dont own a switch.
artbook scans fucking WHEN?
>attune rex with my first core crystal besides the tutorial one
roughly what are the odds of getting these unique blades? how do i go about changing a blade's owner if i roll a godly blade on the wrong character? should i use the beastly crystal on rex or give it to someone else? why is poppi the best character?
waiting yuzu emulator runs this one
>roughly what are the odds of getting these unique blades?
Varies. First few are rigged to come fast with a pity rate, rest have percentile chances or you get them from quests/story. Chances vary based on a random seed attached to your save file that also determines who your pity pool is.
>how do i go about changing a blade's owner if i roll a godly blade on the wrong character?
Overdrive Protocols are a rare item you can use to swap drivers. You get six in chests, rest are either given as part of the dlc or take lots of grinding.
Without spoiling much rex gets the ability to equip any blade in the party later on for mechanical reasons and as such you shouldn't put many on him. Give them to others, he can borrow any you want.
>should i use the beastly crystal on rex or give it to someone else?
He's a good choice but the fifth party member you can get is too.
>why is poppi the best character?
she's cute
>roughly what are the odds of getting these unique blades?
Depends on the drop rates the game gives you at the start. Early on, it's pretty easy to get them, but it gets obnoxious later on.
>how do i go about changing a blade's owner if i roll a godly blade on the wrong character?
By using items called overdrive protocols. There's 3 or 4 of them in chests throughout the game, and you can also get them by completing driver affinty charts and releasing 4 star common blades with S rank trust, but the last two are very lategame. Use the ones you get very carefully.
>should i use the beastly crystal on rex or give it to someone else?
Sure, it's good on him. People tend to recommend not giving Rex many rare blades at all because of all the shit he gets from the main story, but most of that is late game (as in, the last 20 hours). Just don't go overboard.
>why is poppi the best character?
Alpha by name, alpha by nature.
Around 18% to get a Rare Blade from the full pool.
If you get a Rare on the wrong Driver it doesn't really matter. You get a limited amount of Overdrives to transfer them from chests, but you can farm them late game and buy them in NG+. Rex later get the ability to use any Blade and Tora can't get any so you have a lot of flexibility regardless.
Beastly crystal is fine on Rex, although you might want to put an axe on him instead since it allows him to launch.
Sure are posting about it a lot for someone not interested.
Your first blades drop at a rigged rate to make sure everybody gets a few unique ones without trying too hard. You can work out what roll table you're on based on it, there's I think four different sets of roll rates to mix up replays.
>Your first blades drop at a rigged rate to make sure everybody gets a few unique ones without trying too hard. You can work out what roll table you're on based on it, there's I think four different sets of roll rates to mix up replays.
If he got Godfrey on the second core crystal he used, he wasn't one of the fixed rate rares. They're on a timer based on how many core crystals you've used without getting a rare.
But I already did thanks to the constant spamming of shitposting threads, and I'm glad I did pick it up. Excellent game. Thanks Yea Forums
I think you'll have to wait a long time, it's barely a Odyssey emulator. CEMU is still a BotW emulator.
thanks anons, i'll hold off on the beast crystal for now then. as for the axe i rolled a common axe user on rex after about 20 different healing commons, so that much is sorted out already.
i imagine the combat gets a lot more engaging once i get the ability to chain arts into each other, as is the topple damage bonus attack on axe feels worthless because of how slow it is to go off without the ability to chain the launch art
is there a rough recommendation for what weapons would work best on each of the members, rares aside?
if what you say is true i imagine i'll work it out quite soon, will help when deciding who to spam crystals on later i imagine
>mods deleting vidya threads