AAA is over?
She's right, for most developers. I think AAA games will only be a thing for big publishers like Sony and maybe Rockstar, if they continue printing money like they're doing at the moment.
Well it's definitely not sustainable if you let Hennig waste millions of dollars on a project you have to scrap
I have suspected this for years, the fortnite generation don't care about big-budget experiences the way we did.
if they made good AAA titles, this wouldn't be a problem, instead we get boomer tier works like anthem
>oo future big flashy lights shoot laser pew pew die monster, the kids will love it
She mad because she got fired for being a useless woman writer
Amy Hennig is a hack "creative director" who is just angry that she got canned twice in a row for being shit at her job
>Amy Henning
Who cares what this washed up old cunt thinks?
Soul Reaver
You can't make a game with a budget like that unless you pander to the lcd.
Well yeah. They have massive production budgets and even bigger marketing budgets. They need to calm the fuck down and scale back a bit. Do graphics HAVE to become nose hair realistic? No. Do you have to use the same expensive VAs? No. Do you have to have a picture of Mungbean the Hero of Beanvile on soda cans? No.
Amy go home, your writing style is outdated and rusty
Read some novels and try to understand how to write a proper ending before running your mouth
They pandered to them and yet it still flopped.
stop wasting the majority of your budget on open world shit and marketing. make a good fucking game.
>make exclusively shitty movie games that require hundreds of millions to develop
>make them unappealing and a chore to play because cutscenes and social commentary take precedent
wtf video games are unsustainable, you should buy the latest looter and shooter we run as a service, goy
wow you're right look at all those extremely successful AAA games that aren't dumbed down for a mass audience like
Yeah I agree, too much GRAPHIX. Lets have less of that and more marketing, minority developers, women writers and celebrity voice acting.
when was the last time she had a project that wasnt shit-canned by her bosses? sounds like sour grapes
Devil May Cry 5
Isn't Square Enix the owner of the IP?
it's not surprising that both movies and games with big budgets are usually shit
>spend more and more developing each new game while seemingly putting in less effort and expecting it to make more than the last game
No shit it isn't sustainable
>defending corporate overlords
Tell that to Rockstar, stop doing bland AAA trash like EA and Ubishit.
Yeah they are and already tried to do something with it which resulted in a project cancelled after almost 3 years into full production and shit F2P Multiplayer game that died while still being in beta lmao. I love the series but I think the only way for it to come back is only an complete remake from ground up like recent Crash games for example. Crystal Dynamics wont make another LoK game thats for sure.
I didnt knew you posted on Yea Forums Neil but you should fuck off.
They have to because the older games have already set the precedent, so any other game would look like shit in comparison
>the way we did.
speak for yourself, zoomer. not everybody likes movies as much as you
Wasn't 2018 a banner year for AAA single player games? Why are all these articles popping back up?
>whines about aaa game development being unsustainable
>created uncharted and therefore contributed to the rise of expensive aaa cinematic gaming arms race
What ddi she mean by this?
witcher 3
metal gear
What does Crystal Dynamics do now? I almost said didn't one of their devs get nailed for CP, but then I realized that was Silicon Knights trying to make a Eternal Darkness sequel.
kek EA were the one who pulled the plug even though the game was well into development. And they insisted with the game using Frostbite even though it's a piece of shit for anything else but FPS.
The new Battlefield under-performed, and this was after a year of bad press for lootboxes getting so bad that it's most governments have gotten involved in video game regulations in a long time.
shes just bitter she wasn't made a successful game or anything at all really in over a decade
Nu-Tomb Raider.
She's right, most companies like rockstar and sony are just following hollywood, few projects but big and then market the hell out of them
Honestly, I find it hard to disagree with anything she has said. It is telling that companies that are doing the best with development are companies like Nintendo, which famously haveincredible employee working conditions. I think that one way or the other, something has to give as far as western AAA game development goes.
it isn't
Avengers game with another new Eidos studio opened last year solely for purpose of supporting them in that. That project is Squares ,,biggest project ever'' as their CEO said but rumours are they have development problems and It shows since they announced the game with teaser in 2016 and to this day we didnt even got anything more lol.
>single player
A broken clock is right twice a day
They only need to make GOOD games without the need to over-monetize and with a slightly smaller budget.
Why is that so hard to understand.
Wait, I thought Eidos Montreal was doing the Avengers game.
>development problems and It shows since they announced the game with teaser in 2016 and to this day we didnt even got anything more lol.
wew, I wonder if it's Square's fault, or Disney's fault
Hopefully. I mean, what was the last AAA game that took any risks? Horizon Zero Dawn? Uncharted 4? Both are as risky as Pixar or Marvel movies.
We need a flood of games that will try to impress us with originality first.
Yeah I missed the single-player part of that statement. Ignore my opinion because I'm an illiterate faggot.
What would you have called games back in the ps2 days that got mainstream console releases, weren't huge big budget things, and were rather modestly made? Stuff like pic related comes to mind. What happened to mid-grade games?
When an AA game flops, it typically only leaves a dent, and it's onto the next project. If an AAA game flops, it's extremely risky and can result in the entire company going bankrupt. It's become riskier and riskier to make AAA games, and Anthem is the needle that's going to burst the bubble.
Because shareholders demand massive short-term growth so they can sell their stocks for more than they bought them.
Easily Square's, I mean, we have Spider-man to prove that Marvel is willing to be patient (delays) and give enough creative freedom with their IPs to make something good and their own.
I guess I'd call them B-games. But B-movies has too much of a negative rap.
Anthem is another cash grab from EA, let it burn.
>tfw devs will finally stop spending fuckloads of money on graphics and will again focus those funds on gameplay
fucking finally
Hope so.
I want more games that aren’t photo realistic and have unique art styles. I don’t just mean cartoony, but actually unique visuals. It would be way cheaper and we need variety,
And give us more no name voice actors, we are tired of hearing the same people.
This isn’t hard.
Especially true if they dont stop with their shitty SJW agenda pushing.
While I'm not too knowledgeable when it comes to stocks, wouldn't it be hard to sell stocks once they become way too expensive to buy?
I mean is there such a thing that making too much profit could result in the stocks becoming way too expensive to buy?
>Not AAA
Stop being stupid.
Druckmann you need to leave
>leaving existing employment to work at EA
Deserved anything she got desu
No because the average boomer will see a big green number and FOMO buy the stock
lol no they won't, they'll just hire more "diversity officers" and pink-haired writers to focus on the story
It's effectively a game of hot potato. It's fun until you're the one holding the stock when they market peaks and the bubble pops.
Eidos Montreal is and was helping/co-developing with them that Avengers game along with making Shadow of the Tomb Raider while Crystal Dynamics is fully focused on Avengers Project. I assume that Square opened that new studio so they will support CD with Avengers game development so Montreal divison will just focus on their own projects and series like Deus Ex and TR or another Marvel based game(rumors say they are already working on another fucking tomb raider I hope thats not true). They work on multiple Marvel games not only on Avengers project overall. Its complete clusterfuck over there as you can see three studios are working on multiple projects all the time and thats why game is having problems.
>Eidos Montreal
>kills Thief
>kills Deus Ex
>kills Tomb Raider
Those leaves are a bunch of hacks
Ace Combat 7
Kingdom Hearts 3
Red Dead Redemption 2
And that’s just the last 5 months
>spend millions making a game that only sells 10 million copies
>meanwhile little Tim in his basement is making 2 billions profit with his $2 budget phone game
Yeah, AAA is fucking dead but the cancer isn't over yet
Enjoy your lootboxes, DLC and other kinds of bullshit while you can because vidya will die pretty soon
She han't made a new game in fucking 8 years. She could have had her named attached to TLOU, a game bigger than BOTW. But instead she betrayed Sony and went to EA and was punished by god for it. Instead of crawling back to sony, she complains about the industry.
so they'll start producing visual novels or just pretentious low poly walking simulators?
All prove this to be false.
As long as low class plebs keep buying football games and WWII shooter number 3045 then it will never die.
What's with this anti-Hennig guy? Is it just shitposting?
>Games making more money than ever
No and anybody who thinks otherwise is legit fucking retarded. So like 99% of Yea Forums.
Hahaha yea youre right bro. These microtransactions are totally a money pit!
Is Amy retarded? Did she not see Red Dead 2 selling 17M in a week?
>make shovelware like Uncharted Cry Of Us Is Strange
>think your games will eventually fall off
Unsuprising. Make real games.
>way cheaper
dude you have no idea what you're talking about, realistic graphix are much, much easier to make because it's a streamlined pipeline, stylised shit with the same level of visual fidelity needs like 3 times more effort, just look at the spiderverse movie.
>So we said, ‘Thank God’ when DLC became a thing,
Stopped reading there. Get this anti-consumer hag out of the industry, we don't need her.
>tone down graphic advancement
>invest in creative artstyle
>tone down marketing
>reduce scope of games to AA
>release multiple financially viable fun video games instead of blowing your wad one gigantic pile of shit that will be financially succesful 90% of the time, while contributing to dumbing down video games as a medium
There's a timeline in which this happened
>we don't live in it
the japanese knew it
amerimutt devs only pumped money into aaa marketing. now they have no clue what they should do and shoehorn sjw bullshit into their games instead of investing and indoctrinate customers into believing its something new and worth buying lmao
Nah, GTA5 did just fine without Troy Baker
>I love the series but I think the only way for it to come back is only an complete remake from ground up like recent Crash games for example.
They could do a remake on the original concept of Soul Reaver, where the story ends and Kain gets killed. The optional areas in the first game weren't originally meant to be optional, much of the human city areas were meant to be starting area where you first fight vampire slave cultists and their human queen, Sun-spell area was originally meant to be part of Turels tower that spewed sun-blocking fumes everywhere. Original game was meant to expand 4 discs, with 4-6 different Soul Reavers.
I'd love to play that "what if Kain did not time-travel at all"-timeline version of the game with new graphics and updated controls. Then hire the guy who used to do a very good Tony Jay impression on new Reboot shows as the new Elder God.
Everybody keeps saying this and I keep seeing the numbers going up yet each year more and more indie/small studios close their doors and more and more people keep getting fired from AAA while the manangement changes constantly (Activision wasn't the only one to get a new president in the last few years) and all I hear is news of investors pissed off they ain't making their money. The truth is, it doesn't matter how much money you make if it don't take into account how much money you spent trying to make money. If it took 10 million dollars to make "Game 1" and you got 50 million back on sales, then you took 100 million to make "Game 2" and you got back 90 million, then Game 2 sold more than Game 1 but it was clearly a bad investment since you actually lost 10 millions bucks. This is what people talk about when they talk about AAA game sutaintability, the profits keep growing but the development costs are growing even faster and the expectations of people especially when new hardware comes out means they have to keep pushing the bar and it doesn't help a lot of executives think that if something is going wrong they should just throw more money on it. And all of this fucking mess is before you factor in marketing costs. On the long term, this just can't go on, and you are already seeing this with games like CoD Black Ops 4 outselling 99% of games out there and it still didn't meet the investors targets and game like Fallout 76 and Anthem outright floppping. The way AAA currently works just isn't worth it in the long run, even Sony has seen that, with their expressing their wishes to release less games, with higher quality, over longer periods of time, that is their plan to try and deal with the invitable collapse of the current AAA market.
>So we said, ‘Thank God’ when DLC became a thing,
Thats why I said Crash Bandicoot remake as an example which included deleted/unreleased content. I really like your idea user but I doubt they would went with that instead of doing very safe 1:1 remake because any alteration to original source material would cause autistic outrage from fanbase.
Most of autistic fanbase of first Soul Reaver wishes the original idea for the game was there because it was a way bigger game and did not have a disappointing sequel-bait as an ending. They could do that easy, only problem would be to fish the original design documents for the scrapped ideas and areas.
This pic. In fact, you can generalize even more and call that the lifecycle of any institution ever.
>the japanese knew it
>amerimutt devs only pumped money into aaa marketing. now they have no clue what they should do and shoehorn sjw bullshit into their games instead of investing and indoctrinate customers into believing its something new and worth buying lmao
>Sony, a Japanese company
The whole SJW thing is just their pitiful attempt at getting the female audience because they are desperate to make even more money.
>hey, dudes already buy our games, lets try to get girls
But what they don't understand is that all dudes and girls willing to buy games already buy games.
They keep inflating budgets while also thinking infinite growth is sustainable.
Niggers are about to tell you about california because they need to smear FUD about sony.
So what's the difference between an expansion pack and DLC? Is DLC automatically bad, or is it just something that is fine depending on how it is used?
Pretty much, diversity chiefs go to marketing and say "diversity and progressive values are chic and it'll appeal to the female demographic, increasing your market by 50%"
We hear all the time about devs underestimating the needs of HD development. Dev costs have become so bloated that only top tier studios can afford AAA games. You know how a handful of Hollywood Jews own every theatrical release? Get ready for a future owned by 2K, Sony, and Capcom.
AC7 is not a AAA game
DLC - content removed from base game and rereleased to make extra profit
Expansion pack of old - content created after the release of video game
Expansion packs are huge additions to the game that give you several more hours of playtime, and sometimes are so big they count as new games altogether. They were created AFTER the initial game was released, and do not use any content that was intended to be released in the original in most cases.
DLC is very small, might only last you an hour or two, and there's usually a fuckton of it. So much of DLC content can easily just be part of the main game for free, but they want more money out of you so they make it DLC. It's usually made during the game's production, or directly after the game comes out to squeeze more money out of people. DLC is automatically bad in almost every instance, and is singlehandedly one of the worst things to ever happen to AAA devs.
>AAA is over?
Gamers are pretty fucking dumb so there will always be a market for enormously marketed games with little merit that people who walk into GameStop or Walmart will snatch up. That being said I do think eventually only the biggest of the big studios will be able to afford doing so, and even then they'll layoff as many people as possible soon after launch. I feel empathy for those who go to the chopping block so shareholders can jerk off to infinite growth, but not enough to give them any money.
I'm hoping smaller studios will pick up the slack and make more niche games for passionate fan bases. My example of this is Warhorse Studio's Kingdom Come Deliverance. Obviously the game had some flaws but it was nuanced and different enough from Open World RPG #576 to sell better than expected. It was a far better game than a team that inexperienced and small should have put out, but that's what happens when you don't fellate casual gamers and the lowest common denominators at all times.
It's only non-sustainable because corporations are greedy.
They used to make 6 hour long single player games and that was that.
But when they discovered people would finish those and trade them in, they'd make no money on each subsequent sale that disc had.
So along comes DLC to pay for a few extra hours before it's traded in.
And now they just make games huge grindfest so that you're not able to finish them quickly and trade them in. All while charging for DLC and microtransactions at once in order to get more money out of those who continue to play.
But with this greed, games are also being released barely finished and are giving people no reason to buy them in the first place.
It took her this long to realize that? I mean, she's not wrong, but the writing was on the wall years ago.
>So what's the difference between an expansion pack and DLC?
The practice of expansion packs existed decades before DLC became a thing, and before online game sellers were a thing.
The difference is that expansion packs are substantial add-ons, that usually add both new content and new game mechanics/game modes, sometimes even the base game in terms of content,
The only definition of DLC is its name - downloadable content. It can be anything from a differently colored crosshair to an expansion pack of the days of old, though the latter is of course quite rare.
All eidos/CD need to do is bring back gex. Gex will save gaming lads
that'd be 100%
*sometimes even eclipsing the base game in terms of size of content
They also spend huge amounts of money on simply marketing each game, which may or may not contribute to their profits being lower.
Well that's too bad.
I don't plan to continue gaming after the PS5 anyway.
I have many other hobbies, playing music, reading... and I'll be 30 in 3 years. Will be time to move on I guess.
The reasons are: Fortnite generation shit, the less and less interesting solo game experiences, the social justice warriors and leftist politization of video games, the never coming back glory of Japan because the industry there is fucked aside from 2-3 publisher/dev. So yeah. It's probably the last 5 good years and after that It won't be the same anymore... the greedy bastards in suits want online only consoles and services... I will never deal with that shit ever, so I'll let the mindless zombie consumers take that part while I'll be elsewhere.
You are a consolecuck so you weren't part of real gaming in the first place.
Don't you fucking troll about Hennig, that woman's a national treasure
Well you're wrong because I used to be a PC gamer for a long time as far as 2013. After that I refused to upgrade my machine and the prices now for the parts are absolutely preposterous.
I played PC games but I was never part of you fatty, filthy, greasy community that's for sure.
Current AAA-market is in trouble because the market seriously can't be equally interested in too many live service games. People pick their favorites and leave all but few attempts to rot.
>After that I refused to upgrade my machine and the prices now for the parts are absolutely preposterous.
Both RAM and Geforce cards have had huge dips in prices. Upgrading everything in your PC costs around 500-800 euros if you already own a screen or a tv. Not bad at all considering the graphics arms race has slowed down drastically, my GTX 980 has run every new game just fine for years on max settings, only games with framerate issues are those which have some kind of physics engine in the game that prefers Radeon cards.
It still would be. These games have bloated budget and bloated marketing budgets. They have to sell a huge amount to make a profit. People have finite time so there is room for a few megahits per year.
Even if all companies involved release 10/10 games, people don't have the budget to buy them all and the time to play them all.
Microtransactions and DLC make this even worse. Instead of paying $60 for your game you probably pay $100. That's even less time and budget to go around for the other games.
Then to make a game that gets those kinds of sales regularly, you have to water it down and pander to the unwashed masses. How do you think CoD got so successful? It compressed the skill gap as much as possible. It was a game about running around like an idiot and waiting until you either got a good spawn behind someone or you managed to come up on someone who got a bad spawn.
The big publishers need to me more willing to settle for a good game with a strong audience that just isn't for everyone.
No shit bitch, you're part of the problem, a key player in their demise... is she fucking dafted?
Sell the game on gameplay, and not graphics. Also, git gud at art design. ZoE still looks amazing just rendered in 1080.
Prices are too high for games that have a lot of repetition in them. I doubt people would've called Anthem the disaster that it was if it would've cost only 10-20 bucks. People would've been much more merciful for Fallout 76 if it would've been released as F2P and "work in progress."
Many current F2P games rival or eclipse AAA retails in terms of content and quality because they have teams constantly working on updating the game. Good example Path of Exile which just got yet another huge content expansion. Their game is so fucking big with so much stuff to do because of years of developing new content into it, every new AA to AAA diablo-clone will feel lackluster in comparison because you're comparing a game with 8+ expansions to a vanilla game with no expansions. In a lot of cases especially in multiplayer, F2P has simply set the bar for expectation ridiculously high even for new games, you can't "release and forget" a multiplayer game anymore like you used to, unless you give mod tools and dedicated servers for players from the very start.
Hennig gets tossed out of another company, and blames her failings on others. She's an idea man and that's it. I suppose it is a little unfair to her to say she was tossed out of Naughty Dog. She lost the battle for creative director and refused stepping down into a lower role. Drake's Deception is nothing short of character assassination. It had a bunch of cool set pieces, but all of the characters were wildly out of character and that is because Scherr and Druckmann weren't there to save her from her stupidity. I'm fucking happy that Scherr, Druckmann, and Nolan North got to finish Drake's story and end it properly.
>It had a bunch of cool set pieces, but all of the characters were wildly out of character and that is because Scherr and Druckmann weren't there to save her from her stupidity. I'm fucking happy that Scherr, Druckmann, and Nolan North got to finish Drake's story and end it properly.
you think this is how neil sees it? completely different from reality?
All relevant Snoy first party is not from japan
Druckmann is a jew who should be banned from videogame development.
Lots of people in this thread not knowing what "sustainable" means.
I could heat my house for the next hour by burning $10 bills without running out of money, but that doesn't mean it's a sustainable way to heat a house.
She's dead on. Somewhere in the last decade or so AAA development became more about pleasing investors over customers and now there's more and more pressure to "grow" year over year, meaning money needs to be squeezed out of customers faster and faster, which at the very least aggravates some of the more worrying trends in the industry at present. I can't speak as eloquently on the logistics as someone with as much experience as Amy can but yeah, something needs to give, this is absolutely not sustainable in the long term.
I applaud her honesty on that front, especially considering she seems to be mostly discussing the work environment for developers. It probably is less stressful on them to create content off the side from a major project post-launch than to shove it in there all at once. Not saying it isn't shit for consumers but it is in line with her observations, it probably was less stressful for devs.
Has she made anything worthwhile in the past 5 years? Seems like she's living on former glory, and hasn't contributed anything in a long time.
Scherr, Druckmann, and Nolan North were responsible for Uncharted being successful. Uncharted 2 and 4 are the best games in the series. The Last of Us is also a good game. Pretend that Hennig isn't game cancer all you want, but her manic depressive horseshit seems to keep her out of a job. Around five or so years ago a guy that was an intern at Naughty Dog talked about how hard she was to work with. She would throw literal temper tantrums like a child if she didn't get her way, and would steam roll over everyone and they were too scared of her to tell her that her idea sucked. Apparently Druckmann was one of the only people that would call her on her shit. That's why Naughty Dog split into two teams. Hennig made the worst Uncharted game. Druckmann made The Last of Us.
cope. Journos already all agreed to give TLoU2 GOTY.
Back when they were fucking colored squares on a screen, yeah. It doesn't matter anymore now. We've grown beyond that.
Can you idiotic zoomers develop some fucking standards?
>Druckmann made The Last of Us.
Congratulations on making a walking simulator about zombies right in the height of the zombie fad.
Might as well praise Epic for making a Battle Royale.
Sony owns the video game rights to Spidey, not Marvel.
Fuck you.
AA games. I've also seen them called middle-market games. That whole segment of gaming doesn't even exist anymore.
suuure, 400% profit is not enough, gotta make it 3000%.
Damn, just as good as MGSV.
Good thing nobody told Japan about it. Cant even remember the last good game i played that was released by a western publisher, they're creatively bankrupt
>I'd love to play that "what if Kain did not time-travel at all"-timeline version of the game with new graphics and updated controls. Then hire the guy who used to do a very good Tony Jay impression on new Reboot shows as the new Elder God.
Also, include an easter egg of Michael Bell reading the Raziel pudding copypasta.
You missed the point. Uncharted 3 was literally broken trash on launch. Hennig's story, the highlight of these types of games, was fucking abysmal. It out right ignored that it was part of a franchise. U3 was just a bunch of 'cool' and 'edgy' shit with no regard for the characters. It was fucking sabotage, and she tried to pull it again with Uncharted 4, because she decided she would make a game for her boyfriend to star in. Consequences be damned.
So basically, Uncharted 4 was destined to be two different flavors of garbage?
Should have shelved the franchise after 3.
>Get ready for a future owned by 2K, Sony, and Capcom.
What do you mean "future"? It's been that way since 7th gen.
>there are people in Yea Forums who actually, unironically like Uncharted and TLOU
Okay who the F deleted my posts? Fix this now. Censorship is not okay.
Should've included the increasing prices of the original games as well.
I miss Amy Hennig a lot.
I like them and you and there isn't shit you can do about it. I love video games of all types. Including 'movie games'. I'm not a stuck up elitist twat that only plays Diablo 2.
I reached the same conclusion during the last generation, except that I don't really have other hobbies. That's okay, though, because there are plenty of old games I still haven't played.
>haha look, I don't limit myself to good games, I also play absolute garbage, how dare you not do the same
It never was. Having 1000 people work on one game is absolutely idiotic and time/money wasting
>AAA is over?
You want to know what's not sustainable? Indie games, because it's flooded with complete garbage and recycled "gameplay.
I think the solution is that some of these devs will have to grow and start making middleware games.
The indie scene is so fucked.
y'know what I miss? When we didn't know anything about the people that made video games. Sure you saw some Japanese names scroll across the screen, but that was it. Now I have to see the Twitter feed of the guy that cleans the bathroom at Bethesda. Somehow that shit is news now.
she's right
budgets are inflating so much that devs make like 3 games a year, which obviously isnt profitable enough so they pack them with microtransactions
that may have worked early on but EA and blizzard fucked it for everyone
Name one good AAA game that came out in 2 years.
You can't, because AAA games are controlled by producers and they know fucking shit about vidya.
So who cares?
It's not just budgets, workload is also inflating for some reason.
Look at Rockstar, during the 7th gen they released GTA 4, GTA 5, Midnight Club LA, Red Dead Redemption, Max Payne 3 and LA Noire.
What have they released during the 8th gen?
Uncharted creator is Neil Druckmann, though?
Shes a has-been who nearly ruined Uncharted and fucked up the Star Wars game completely
Devil May Cry 5, you're welcome
I prefer the burger analogy.
It made sense back when there was an obvious goal to aspire to. We could tell back then that there was a lot of room for improvement. However, we reached the "good enough" point back in the sixth generation. By that time, graphics were good enough to make believable, acceptable versions of pretty much anything. Improving the graphics isn't as necessary as it was before.
>ITT: Yea Forums gets confirmation bias for their hatred of AAA games.
jesus fuck what is with that compression
>wah stop liking what I don't like!
I'm sure that you like games that I don't, but the difference between us is: I don't go into threads and post about them. I do what a rational person does and I fucking forget they exist. But you? Can't go a day without shitting on something that other people like. Not everything is tailor fit for you.
Neither has the AAA market.
Yeah, there's always talentless hacks like Druckmann who make games that feel ashamed of being videogames.
And that's a good thing.
Well, if you get AAA quality for AAA price, that should get its audience and be sustainable. But more often than not, games titled AAA in reality are
>half assed A+ level design
>half assed AA story
>AAAAAA pricetag plus additional AAA day one DLC
Of course this isn't sustainable because people do not fall for that ponzi scheme anymore
She's right
I think they just trying to cut costs as far as they can. They released empty Red dead online which feels like reskin of late GTA online. I highly doubt that they couldn't release some initial content like missions, weapons, etc.
Reminds me of a fallout 76 where Bethesda decided to quickly make some money with lowest efforts. Eh.
I think that nowadays devs understood that people will buy any quality content. Who will pay more then?
>withcher 3
>not pandering to casuals
It's easier than skyrim man. Plus so much mature nudity to really appeal to those high schoolers.
It isn't sustainable how? These games have massive budgets, but end up making their money back and then some on launch day. When was the last 'AAA' game that was a failure? Hardmode: No Anthem or Andromeda.
It's not just that we know so much more about the people who make games. It's that those people seem to greatly enjoy attacking their audience. It's something that's happening across all media, really.
Fuck off Druckmann, you conniving jew.
AA games died with XBLA
How is he whining? She just made a statement about a theory she has on where game development is heading.
>when was last AAA failure? Btw you cant choose the biggest most recent failures
Fuck off. Also battlefield 5 and Marvel vs. Capcom infinite, one of the biggest vidya failures of all time.
Ahh console kiddies
>what is steam
It still exists, it's just been dwarfed by AAA games
You have to go to steam to find new games like this. Console players only want high budget or multiplayer games. Kinda wyy Sony said they will be focusing on those types of games from now on.
>Bethesda, Bungie, Blizzard and Bioware are dying
Yep, the state of AAA is perfectly fine, no doubt
I remember hearing gaming was going to die in the ps3 era
599 US dollars and all that, still waiting for gaming to die
>AAA is over?
These companies and developers take for granted their status and wonder why they aren't sustainable.
AAA will never be sustainable when you spit on your priory consumer base. Expansion isn't an issue but you can't consider it an expansion of the franchise when you weed out the primary consumer base for a smaller one.
AAA is sustainable because all the ingredients are there that other IPs will never have the "privilege" of enjoying.
AAA enjoys the following benefits
steady consumer base
guaranteed flow of income
regardless of marketing consumers are aware of the companies next project
A new IP wont have this especially from a company that isn't known. Doesn't mean a new IP that isn't AAA is gonna struggle. All it means is that getting that AAA means you have a standard you placed for yourself and your company.
There is a reason why people orbit around a company and it's 1st party IPs such as with Nintendo's Gamefreak, Intelligent Systems, etc, Sony's Insomniac, SCEA, etc, and Microsoft's Epic Games, Lionhead studios, etc
As well as 3rd parties.
If a game like minecraft can become the success it isn't that doesn't mean that Square-Enix is less profitable or less sustainable. It just means they don't have to meet said expectations AAA companies set for themselves.
So fuck Amy Henning and fuck Uncharted for their stupidity. If you wanna to call it quits, go ahead no one is stopping you unless you signed a dumbass contract and your company went full retard.
Still find it hilarious that some major name companies are willing to spend millions on marketing despite them being so damn renowned. Literally who the fuck's attention are they trying to get at that point?
I'll give you Battlefield 5, but Capcom Infinite is not a 'AAA' game in no way shape or form.
>mixing publishers with developers
I can assure you that activision and bethesda will still be around in 10 years, bioware and bungie, probably not but dev teams are 100% expendable
*Shitty AAA Game Development Doesn't Feel Sustainable
Fixed that for you. MHW, RE2 and DMC5 are all incredibly expensive AAA products with tons of money poured into them; all of these games are incredibly successful and made Capcom a boatload of money, to the point where Capcom's CEO literally said at a party "Capcom is back!". Maybe if publishers let developers make really good video games and not fucking lootbox/microtransaction factories (Battlefront 2, Battlefield V, SPORTSSPORTSSPORTS, Black Ops 4, Fallout 76, Anthem, etc etc etc.) that people want to play past the first month of release then they'd have more successes on their hands and AAA wouldn't just be everybody chasing after the big payday. They're the ones that fucked everything up, so now they get to be the ones who deal with shareholders tearing their company apart because they set expectations so high.
DLC is much smaller and something most people stopping bothering with in terms of missions since they mentally check off the game once they beat the main story, it's why devs have switched back to expansion packs in the last few years.
Brainlet here. How long until all this images designed by algorithm crap gets to the point where we can remove half the cost of making graphics?
All it takes is one unsuccessfuly Rockstar game and the entirety of TakeTwo goes down in flames. They're literally putting all of their eggs in one basket with each release, while the other games from the publisher fail spectacularly.
No they don't. Only movie rights.
>boomer tier works like anthem
What did you even mean by that? You've got a head full of memes and a mouth full of shit, son.
You've got your timelines wrong there, bruv. It was after they fired her that the company started to go in that direction, I'm pretty sure that's why they fired her to begin with.
t.Bing bing wahoo gamer
How it was made by one of the biggest gaming companies there is
Fallout 76, titanfall 2.
so what's an AAA game? 12 hours long interactive movie like she's done so far?
Capcom's games are absolutely triple-A. More than 800 people worked on REsident Evil 2 remake.
For reference, Skryim was made by a team of ~70 people.
Are you retarded?
>online games that are essentially free gain hundreds of millions of players and can lure in whales to spend 100k
It's simple, you need to ban the internet and capitalism
he is trying to fit in
There's a retardera invasion, what did you expect
they usually fit that mold yes
where are the hights grossing first party studios located
MGSV was great so yeah it really fucking was
Why does attacking Amy Hennig automatically mean you're Niel Druckmann?
It was the Mass Effect 3 of the 8th gen.
Imagine resorting to off-site boogeyman-tier arguments over not being mature enough to handle different opinions.
Mass Effect 3 wishes it was 1/3 as fun as MGSV regardless of issues, even Kojima's less -than stellar efforts cockslap Bioware's SJW trash they shit out nowadays.
Stay seething.
deus ex was killed by square NA tho
Why does the industry act like Hennig is still relevant? She made two mediocre Indiana Jones ripoffs and had two subsequent projects canned.
They were fine, I never bothered playing any other cover shooters from the 6th gen so I guess they didn't immediately burn me out I enjoyed Amnesia too, just didn't like all the imitators that popped up.
>If I like it it isn't AAA, its AA
This. Uncharted is pure unadulterated kino.
she should stop trying to make movies then. games are going to just being games, last gen was the movie shit but people have lost interest
i'd like to see devs make ps2 style era games again, games that are just pure fun
Jesus Christ , could you make it any more obvious that you're a salty boomer?
Creating assets has become a time consuming process. All this 3d sculpting requires a shitload of lads doing this shit 24/7. And then they have to skin and animate them. Actual coding and audio work hasn't increased much since 2010.
I think you mean pure jank. Go back and play something besides the sacred cows.
because muh narrative
She had nothing to do with TLOU because she was starting work on Uncharted 4. She ended up leaving because TLoU was basically a "bet your career" move by Druckmann and it ended up blowing up into a huge game. There was some kind of power struggle, but everything I've just stated is basically just office gossip, I'm not that high level of an employee. Amy was always pretty friendly and usually pretty dedicated to her work, always showing up early and leaving late, so I dunno why you'd shit-talk her.
By the way, guys, if anyone on this retarded website claims they're a leaker and they start acting like they care about either the industry at large or about gaming as an artform, they're either lying or they're an unpaid intern *excited to work in video games!!!*.
Most of us are just 30-45 year olds and honestly, my favorite hobbies are bowling and painting warhammer figurines. And I don't have much time between that since I'm raising two kids.
Next you're going to tell us that people who work in the games industry think console wars are retarded
>Uncharted Creator Amy Hennig Thinks AAA Game Development Doesn’t Feel Sustainable
Game devs apparently don't understand how business works. You don't dump millions of dollars into a game and hope it does good, you work on making a good game that sells millions so you'll have the money to try pushing the cutting edge in graphics or whatever.
Look at the music industry. They don't take everyone who walks in the door and give them international tours at massive venues. They float the songs to radio and see how well it does. If they do poorly, they usually get dropped. If they do OK, they might get booked at some smaller and mid sized venues. If they are a massive success, then they get multi-record deals and tour everywhere.
AAA-sized devs need to STOP treating every game idea they have as being a winner before it even ships. If sales of Rooty Tooty Point N Shooty 3 were lower than RTPNS 2, then throwing a larger budget at RTPNS 4 is fucking retarded.
>painting warhammer figurines
Based and redpilled
>How it was made by one of the biggest gaming companies there is
That doesn't mean anything, Capcom also makes games that don't cost them tens of millions to put out. AAA refers to the budget of a game not it's IP. Yeah it was an MvC game but it was also made on a shoestring budget.
I may disagree with you in some regards but you are 100% right about Drake's Deception. How you go from Among Thieves to that fucking trainwreck just boggles my mind.
I mean, they have their place. It's useful marketing, and most of the freedom we get to develop games, from what I've been told(and the studio heads aren't really forthcoming about business stuff) is because Sony generally leaves us alone with the simple directive of producing big AAA games. I mean, there's an Xbox in the staff room, along with a switch. It's just that 90% of the stuff there is freebies from sony. Big flat-screen tvs, PSpros, etc.
It's a fun job, making games look amazing on limited hardware, but I gotta say, I love it when a new console generation comes around and you get to see all kinds of cool things and there's all this potential to make the games run and look better.
But as far as it goes, my daughter has her iPad and my son has his switch, and when they're old enough I'll let them play a few of the games I worked on. (Uncharted 3/4 + others I can't talk about)
what faction do you paint
have you played strike team
I envy you bro. I'm too old now to start a career in that business. Keep it up!
'Nids is who I paint to play, but I have a fuckload of Imperial Guards because there's no wave like the human wave.
Strike team looks fun! I've been forbidden by the missus to purchase any more figurines until I finish painting my third, fourth and fifth carnifex.
>loser cinematic dev mad that she doesn't have a job anymore
Lmao what's next, a TELLTALE dev comes out and says "STOP MAKING GAMES YOU NEED TO BE MORE CINEMATIC"?
>milking your customers dry with the most barebone shit you're allowed to sell is not sustainable
Wait are you the guy who posts in the /wip/ threads on /tg/? Mark?
>Sony Gen x-er gets job in video games, loses interest, spends all time rolling balls down a hallway in a stinky, smoke-filled club and painting autistic toys
Nintendo Wins Again
do u seriously think anyone at nintendo plays video games outside of the splatoon guy
like, I know for a fact that miyamoto has some autistic hobby where he just measures everything he sees with a tape measure
>oh no people like thing I don't like
Oops, looks like the children have arrived. Off to paint!
probably 2050
Still unclear as to what the fuck you were even trying to communicate there, you retarded sack of shit.
Snoys gonna Snoy
Pretty sure the last one was made by Eidos Montreal.
Capcom is no longer considered AAA by actual AAA devs
>Skryim was made by a team of ~70 people
and only 5 of them were voice actors bazinga
then why Rockstar added same old gun from singleplayer to online after 3 months after launch? It is literally the same weapon, same animations.
I am not even going to mention that tools for creating become more powerful and less time consuming.
why do i see an increase in graphics from game to gmae but not an optimized, bugless, and physics etc?
>third-party publishers that release AAA titles on a yearly basis
really makes you think
Pretty much
It's kinda silly because companies like activision and EA are (or were) in a good position to make high quality games and still make money off the top with DLC but they're so greedy that 2-3 million sales isn't enough and they have to put out some shit every quarter to make the shareholders happy even if it's some shitty rushed game like anthem that just hurts the company's image in the long run.
>Only game I've enjoyed from the """AAA""" publishers in the last year or so is Siege.
AAA is a dirty term now. It just means
-Too much money is blown on marketing
-You never just get the game, you get the game, with a spiderweb of caveats attached
-You never shake the feeling that they're trying to squeeze you for extra money
-Every game feels made by committee and soul less
-Every game demands an obscene amount of hard drive space
I HOPE the AAA market collapses. Even when the games are free, like Modern Warfare on PSN, the experience feels hollow. They took a great title like MW, and managed to absolutely fuck it up by drowning it in microtransactions and lootboxes. This obsessive focus on short-term profits is going to kill these companies.