Fawful is the most soulful Mario RPG OC created.
Fawful is the most soulful Mario RPG OC created
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Soulless. The only Mario game with soul is the original 1981 arcade version of Donkey Kong. Everything after it is 100% soulless.
t. billy mitchell
That's not Bobbery, Bow or Booster.
he's good but probably not the most soulful.
Dude is literally a Wario clone, and Wario is a Mario clone.
le mustard of DOOM
don't you mean vivian?
I disagree.
And no, I'm not a waifu-fag.
Fawful being a living personification of t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m is exactly why we love him. His existence is a shitpost.
Fuck you
That's not what it is.
here's every soulful mario rpg character in one picture
All of those characters need to be replaced with Toads.
Fawful's dialogue seems like it was meant to appeal to pre-teens going through their "pancakes waffles lol I'm so random" phase on the Internet. I personally never cared for the character.
The entirety of Mario & Luigi's starting trilogy is filled with 100% pure fucking soul, it's hard to pick a villain I disliked.
Always struck me as more of a "let's get the Starfire fanbase" move to me.
You misspelled Rookie and Popple
That big guy with the mask seems familiar.
Super Paper Mario is pure trash.
I remember this nigga. Always had the chortles and shit.
high technical user
Maybe for you.
No it's not, it had some faults but it was still an enjoyable game with great parts.
It’s a good game with a great story.
What did he mean by this?
I couldn't play it recently, while I did play boith PM and PM TTYD and had a great time. SPM feels like a poor man's platforming game, and that's a pretty big issue when there are so many better platformers with Mario to play. It was a huge mistake to ditch the turn based system. Perhaps they could've made a tactical Paper Mario game where positioning was important or whatever, but their solution to a problem that never existed just made it extremely dull to play for me.
Your opinion is pure trash.
It's the evolution of Paper Mario's writing and characterisation.
The 3DS remake gave Dark Fawful a unique battle theme, something the original game was lacking.
A shame that this game released during the deathbed of the 3DS.