
>Kenshi Thread
Hows life in the mines working out for you, fellow slaves?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>focus on three main guys
>everyone else is a worker bee with shit stats
>main guys get fucking wrecked
>work bees flee to nearby town
>see my main guys chat bubbles crying for help as they close the horizon
Good lord.

Sexual mods when?

Yea Forums is talking about it

glad i never bothered trying it

>Not training your bees
>Not making a base with stockades, double gates, turret kill zones

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fuck being a slave
restarted as a holy nation citizen
whats a good way to earn some dosh so i can fucking eat?

Is it really as fun as Yea Forums shilling makes it out to be? I got it yesterday due to a major lack of any game to play but deleted it again because I'm a huge graphics whore and it looks like garbage

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your face looks like garbage lol

>step outside gates
>a pack of wolves attack me
>run back to gate
>massive rush of guards to combat the pack of wolves
>find a little pup outside the brawl
>haha time to kick your ass and eat you
>it fucking DESTROYS me
>knocked the fuck out
>guard rescues me
>throws me in prison
the fuck. at least they healed me

That 1k puppy just soloed six hungry bandits

the art style is neat. it's like exploring a lost space colony that went to shit so society devolved to the feudal age. they've lost contact for so long no one even remembers what happened or what the giant rusting structures are.

sounds like you mistook the neighbours dog for the wolves. if nothing else, getting your ass kicked makes you tougher.

boys im in trouble

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Mining and selling copper.

If you're planning on doing a Holy Nation run, remember that you'd want greenlanders only, and losing any limbs equals death since robotic limbs are Narko's work.

Where to get advanced research books

yeah but i lost my weapons out of this. now I'm even more worthless.

i just found a bunch of raw meat on a dead animal outside the gate. how do i cook this?

I've mined my way up to 3 at least fully geared people and can finally take out tiny groups of starving bandits. I think I may be ready to explore farther. I hope.

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Who needs weapons when you have fists

Any fireplace. Open its inventory and place the meat in it.

they're in a barrel you can just steal em back

>walking out in desert
>found a little bar with 3 guys inside
>decide to rob them
>they found me stealing so i have to fight
>turns out there were more people upstairs
>lose one leg and my freedom because of my autism
It was fun

great, im getting swole and tough , just like jaik irl
sometimes i go back in on purpose just for the training

Cut resistance is the best armor stat yeah?

There's already a bunch of nude mods on Nexus my dude

For some reason, slavers have never bothered me when running around. I stole the clothes off some dumb thug that picked a fight and I guess those scraps are enough not to look poor in this world.

Escape soon, brothers

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I think slavers will only bother you if you're knocked out already when they find you

I had half my group get knocked out by some dust bandits and I was waiting for them to heal up when a group of slavers came by and just grabbed them and walked off, left the ones who were awake alone though

Nah, sometimes when you're out on the road and look poor enough, slavers will attack you because they think you'd pass for a slave.

>take a stick from a dead peasant outside the gates
>guards throw me in jail for 50 hours
FUCK the police

I think they run some kind of check when you look shabby to decide whether or not to go for you. I've been ignored plenty, and then randomly without changing had one guy try pick a fight and enslave me.

Really? I haven't encountered that yet. Even at the start of my games they've usually only ever been helpful, they tend to fight bandits and wolves and what not who are attacking me

So it's a third person rimworld?

Rimworld mixed with Mount and Blade

Are there guns?

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I dont think so. Crossbows, though.

Thanks senpai, i'll look into it

slave start with strategies is souled gaming

If micromanaged, crossbows are extremely op.

Wheres a good place to get my ass kicked

>Get that eagle crossbow
>Losing friendly limbs left and right
Don't do that, train a lot with the shitty crossbows first

Moving north after the trip to The Hub proved to be a bust.

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that's a pretty busty picture

There's a mod that adds that one Japanese flint-lock musket. There are crossbows and special snowflake crossbows though.

Whats a balanced recruitment mod? My team just wiped all but one guy.

Do you want to keep recruiting shit-tier bandits and such? Just get a mod that adds more recruitable people at bars.

>that mad bouncing
In the grimdark of the future there are no bras?

If you want to level toughness you need less armor and clothing

Bags of sand abounds, though.

>you're just a normal guy (tm)
>you're actually the weakest being on the face of the earth
I fucking hate this shit, I like everything but the gameplay. You either toil for hours or abuse the broken shit.

The recruitable prisoners mod is ridiculously broken, especially if you have a really good assassin.

If only we could steal the Bugmaster's bug powers.

That’s the point of the game. There’s mods if you want to work around it.

But you are a normal guy, you can 1 v 1 untrained people at the start, it's just untrained people know they're untrained and thus travel in groups of 8 or more.

>Rimworld mixed with Mount and Blade
It's Rimworld mixed with The Sims and a Dash of Fallout Tactics. Get it right

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Fellow azur lane player?

Sheffield is aight, but Belfast is best maid.

>being a graphics whore

at least you admit that you're a faggot who is directly responsible for the continued ruining of games

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Why do you keep posting the same image unrelated to your posts? I don't get it.

Where do i get lots and lots of building material? Or can i make my own?

>walls cant intercept building
Awful. Maybe a mod fixes this

Bars in the hub have some. Yo can get lots from tool shops. You can make your own with a stone mine + stone refinery. Building something outside town makes it an outpost and attracts raids though.

Imagine having no thoughts or ideas that are your own.

I feel like I'd either love or hate this game

Poorly designed game:

Terrible Combat Mechanics,
Terrible Progression
Terrible Narrative/structure, basically a depopulated MMO

I've never seen a good counter argument, just this same "im a slave start" thread getting spammed.

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ur a faget

>clicks on a click for a game he hates
Apex Yea Forums

My guys are all stuck inside a house. They cannot leave for some reason. I highlight them and click outside of the house and they do not move, but they can walk freely inside up to the door.

anywhere famalam! just leave a medic somewhere safe, avoid carnivorous animals unless you want to RP as food.

It's a /vg/ thread on Yea Forums trying to advertise this terrible game. Just trying to warn any passersby thinking about buying this half developed singleplayer MMO

Should of played Rimworld or M&B :-)

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I love the atmosphere too. What would you call it anyways? Post post apocalypse?

might be blocking each other. have you tried moving them one at a time?

please explain the slave start tactics for me. I put shackles in my inventory till full to train strength right? How do I train other things?

In what way? And without saying it's basically x. I want to hear your actual reasoning for this. How is the progression bad when it rewards you for doing and failing all the same, with only a small pool of enemies actually finishing your characters off for good? How are the combat mechanics bad? How does it have a terrible narrative and structure when you go from a single person depending on your start with poor states into a fortified town in which you can make and export all the resources you used to struggle with easily, all the while using the new income to build an even bigger base? Explain, user.

So at night you want to be picking locks and moving around in stealth to up that shit. Fight with the guards every so often but be careful because if you pick a fight too soon after the last they can hit you hard enough to destroy your limbs and cut them off, sometimes they seem to glitch and leave you to die as well. Agility is trained by running around without heavy weight (if I recall) so I think ditch the shackles once you're done with them.

train Toughness by getting beat up by guards. train stealth/lockpick/thieving at night by breaking out, sneaking around and stealing food. train assassination and martial arts by fighting guards. drop your shackles and work for athletics/labouring levels.

I got a black kung fu master digging and selling copper while my stickboi scientist robs shops at night.

Meanwhile my main character and his human sidekick travel around with 4 shek doing mercenary work.

Life's fun.

Combat - Lack of player control and very little to do besides toggle Block. AI/animation exploits are treated as legitimate strategies (everyone leads enemies into town guards early game, everyone kites the shitty AI swing animations)

Progression - Creates very gamey gameplay cycles, not rewarding of normal play. Getting every bone in your body broken somehow makes you tougher? Just running around being a scavenger hardly helps your stats, everyone beats up cripples to skill up, everyone hauls metal rods for skill ups.

Narrative - Lack of NPC talking heads, lack of readable lore (what is there is good, but so little), lack of early/midlevel quests like even M&B had Guildmasters to give you basic escort/scouting quests to engage you early on and level you up some.

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Martial arts is fun.

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>tfw sitting by a cozy fire beating a dust bandit unconscious every hour for sick gains

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its so far past the apocalypse though. the closest thing it reminds me of is age of strife stuff from WH40k. feudal societies surrounded by decaying tech that nobody can remember anything about.

My char had hair when I made him I started as slave and he is bald now does it grow back?

>Lack of player control
Incorrect, placement is a big thing in battles, especially with large enemies that AOE automatically like Beak Things and big swing attacks hitting units who group up too much. Leaving it to go in cinematic mode is a guaranteed loss.
Progression - Creates very gamey gameplay cycles, not rewarding of normal play
"Normal play" What does that even mean?
>Getting every bone in your body broken somehow makes you
user-kun you know in real life they actually teach you to take punches to get tougher, right? Boxers take beatings and become more resistant to beatings, for example. That's not exactly, you know, unrealistic.
>Just running around being a scavenger hardly helps your stats
Actually it helps you with all the stats a speedy scavenger would need, agility and laboring for instance and strength when hauling shit back. Of course since you're a speedy scavenger your combat skills aren't going up because you aren't training them.
>Narrative - Lack of NPC talking heads, lack of readable lore (what is there is good, but so little),
You're condeming a game that specifically states it doesn't have a main story for the lack of talking heads? There are plenty of unique NPCs with dialogue as it is, I'm not sure why you'd condem it for the lack of voices. That's odd.
>lack of early/midlevel quests like even M&B had Guildmasters to give you basic escort/scouting quests to engage you early on and level you up some.
Mount and blades quests at mid level were pretty much just fetch quests for money. Take this letter to King Harban Flarban, go capture this bounty. But Kenshi has a bounty system, and you're already going to a city to sell your shit for the same money you'd make in M&B without the story reason of "this letter needs to be delivered" so I don't understand you. And as for scouting? Well you don't level up by completing a scouting mission you get stats up because you're running around scouting out areas and finding locations.

Nah you gotta find a plastic surgeon to get it back. The Holy Nation shave your hair, and I think they cut off Shek Horns as well.

damn I really didn't think I could get into a video game again but this is fun

>Low effort shit means good games
What is this new reality i found myself in

>turning a person into a practice dummy

Why the fuck are Mongrel guards so stupid? I keep catching these idiots chasing Fog Men into their hangout spots and then they get caught by a small army and eaten. You'd think they'd learn after the first time

Happened to me once. Glad I had single dude free so he can pickup the stuck ones and dump them out to safety.

Fucking evil houses, man.

I love the stories that rise up from gameplay in this game

I just wish we had a journal thing that we can fill up optionally so I can remember what happened from the day I woke up naked and armless struggling to keep my vitals inside my chest, to becoming brothers/family with a hiver and a shek, falling inlove with a thief girl I can't marry 'cause she's already inlove with becoming the strongest martial artist alive (even had both her arms deliberately removed so she can done robot ones that hits like trucks) to becoming Big Boss, commanding an army to eradicate slavery and cannibalism.

I couldnt move any guys in or out of any bughouses, any of them. I tried hub and squim and one i made. I just imported my save and fixed it.

Rate my team brother. Legs and Busty died almost immediately, everyone else is doing ok so far.

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There is fucking nothing similar to Mountain Blade in this.

Regarding placement, it's not quick like dodging in an action game, and it's not an thought provoking like deciding how to use mana/limited grenades/etc. in turn based games. It is not engaging to me at all, just something to pause and check sometimes.

And normal play is pursuing objectives, exploring, trading... the FUN stuff in any game. Whenever you are waiting for a crippled enemy to wake up every few hours to beat him unconcious again to grind on him - that is NOT normal gameplay Yes boxers get tough by trading punches, they do not get stabbed with swords, bleed out, and lose limbs... your analogy only applies in a very minor way it's totally silly to have a character purposefully pursue two broken legs and a knife wound to "toughen up", ironically a 'level up' screen would be LESS gamey feeling.

For narrative I am condemning a lack of engaging interactions with the world. Nearly every tavern has a generic trader greeting and a generic drifter/merc to hire, and when the only detailed quest in major town is "kidnap the enemy king, thanks random person off the street!" that feels very gamey/dumb.

The small level low/midlevel quests encourage exploration/skilling up in fun ways not grinding on cripples. I like the bounty system, but there should have been some other missions similar to it.

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>Eradicating slavery
I find it kind of funny if you go that route you're replacing slavery with "encouraged laboring that isn't slavery since I won't shackle you but don't stop until I've made my millions from your work"

>total scrub
>travel out into the desert
>find a random bar along the road
>hang out inside for a bit
>hear a fight break out outside
>a group of bandits are attacking some random animal herd
>ninja bar guards join in
>stand back shooting crossbow bolts into the mix
>clean up loot afterwards, selling it all to the bartender
>this happens somewhat frequently
>copper mine nearby
i think i find my new home

Hub is great. Two cheap broken down shacks by the door, great for storing ore thats right outside.

>Regarding placement
Maybe but there is player involvement despite your claims there wasn't
>And normal play is pursuing objectives, exploring, trading... the FUN stuff in any game.
Exploring and trading are literally two of the BIGGEST elements of Kenshi, user.
>Whenever you are waiting for a crippled enemy to wake up every few hours to beat him unconcious again to grind on him - that is NOT normal gameplay
And entirely avoidable, you can easily spend your time learning other skills and survive in the world. If you want to learn how to fight, though, you gotta put the effort in.
>they do not get stabbed with swords, bleed out, and lose limbs
Neither do you since attacking people with bladed weapons 9 out of 10 times will kill you from blood loss if they don't save you ,thus why people suggest attacking people without bladed weapons who don't want to kill you. People with clubs, like bandits.
>For narrative I am condemning a lack of engaging interactions with the world
But you are also propping up Mount and Blade which also notoriously lacks engaging interactions, and was all about the story you crafted. The lords had generic dialogue, and offered generic randomly generated quests. It was what you did in this world that people enjoyed and told stories about, just like Kenshi.
>The small level low/midlevel quests encourage exploration/skilling up in fun ways not grinding on cripples
In fun ways? user it's literally the same, only without pre generated dialogue.

The only thing I wish this game had was a narative. I know it goes against the whole core selling point of the game but I would love to have a ton of "side quests" similar to New Vegas where you just interact with small towns/stories without having a large effect on the entire world. I love the freedom the game offers but some direction would be amazing.

Boy, it's either joining a proper functioning society where you can work and do your part for food, education, roof over your head, and the betterment of your nation, or being shackled and forced to expend the little remaining energy in you as you're starving, to mine out rocks that clearly doesn't go anywhere other than more slavery.

It's not even "my millions", it's for the people's new houses, new jobs, new defenses.

My men and I are equals. I've worked my ass off as they did, but I would never let my people suffer as I have. Our new world awaits, my brothers.

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So what even is this game?
Its been on my watch list for years and i still dont know.

I feel like that'd clash with the faction override shit, where you basically wipe out an entire faction and other ones move in to take their shit or ruin everything left standing. It'd mean you'd have to be reluctant to hit a faction since all the side quest givers would either be dead or somehow ok with the Rape Raiders moving in to the quiet town of NPC_Starter_Village_1

>doing a solo run, which is also my first one just to see how far i get
>get real into stealing things from people real quick
>eventually my tactic of sparking a fight outside, waiting for the guards to run off and then KO a storekeeper to hoist them over shoulder and rip everything off the walls falls flat
>sitting there having to pick the lock forever i fucking vow to myself ill take revenge on this whole town if its the last thing i do

i don't come back for a bit cause of the bounty i racked up escaping and beating my way out, but eventually i check in with a disguise

>decide to finally take a look at this one abandoned tower they have
>"don't go in there" some NPC said so it was picklocking time
>open the gates and start looting ancient books and other crafting shit. ez money real qu-
>an great white gorillo with 110 attack starts stampeding after me
>screeching like a freshly vaccinated sperg i power waddle my way back out
>manage to escape but i notice he's guarding the tower and wouldn't normally leave. by that point, realise...
>wait. this was it. this was going to be the crux of my retribution on these tech hunter fucks
>i start taunting the thing out by making myself out to be a defenseless white girl. with these stats i didnt take a lot of acting
>eventually chimp rushes out of bounds and starts chasing me down the ramp
>quickly sneak around the corner but already i hear him start to smash an entire caravan on his own already
>have the unique blood mod so the ground is a palette of various bodily fluids pasted across the sands of the entire town
>nothing can withstand getting pummeled by 110 gorilla dick dmg
>people are taking turns having to crawl their way out, trying to bandage their friends while watching their other comrades get freshly a harambe hammerin before their eyes
>eventually everyone gets wiped out and nothing's left alive to Mourne haha get it because thats the name of t

and this is all he took in terms of injuries

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HUD the i cant see shit captain interface the game

How it lived up there locked up in the tower for so long is anyon'es guess

How the fuck are you gonna train assassination on 0% or martial arts when you’ll get bodied by 3 superior fighters before even getting a swing in?

Does this game at least have interaction dialogue like Mount & Blade if it has no story stuff?

>that pic
haha I wonder what it tastes like hahaha

Assassination you train on the other prisoners tied to poles at night, since they won't run away or resist or fight back, seeing as how they're tied up. It also works on cages. I think you can pick fights with the other prisoners you release at night as well but I'm not sure, I never trained combat in my Revive Start just everything else to prepare me.

Interaction dialogue how? A bunch of generic "how is X" options or do you mean talk to kings and shit? You can talk to most village leaders, and most bartenders have shit to say about the area as well as a few other unique NPCs with shit to say about the world, but other than that all party dialogue is based on hidden personality trait checklists, and the unique NPCs have their own traits, that fire off in areas when you find new shit, meet new people or are just wandering along the wastes. You get some pretty lengthy conversations from your party members because of it which is cool.

I didn't mean to saying there is zero player control in combat, I'm trying to say there isn't enough. You can balance out your armor/weapons before combat too which is fun but overall that, placement, and toggling block/taunt just does not make for engaging combat in my experience.

>Exploring and trading are literally two of the BIGGEST elements of Kenshi, user.
Yes but your character will never be strong/great at much by just doing them. Only a decent runner which is why I am saying 'normal' gameplay is not well rewarded.
>And entirely avoidable, you can easily spend your time learning other skills and survive in the world. If you want to learn how to fight, though, you gotta put the effort in.
So you can learn to run away from combat OR you can grind on cripples. That's not a genuine choice all players will want their characters to at least be competent fighters. And still my point stands that the situation is rediculous that this is a major "strategy" to level combat. It points to an underlyiing problem with the game that players feel they must do this stuff.

>But you are also propping up Mount and Blade which also notoriously lacks engaging interactions, and was all about the story you crafted.
Yes. That's my point that M&B managed to fit in early/mid-level quests that introduced you to gameplay loops while engaged players enough and got them up to the point they could become a mercenary captain/minor lord.

Last I said:
>The small level low/midlevel quests encourage exploration/skilling up in fun ways not grinding on cripples
You said:
>In fun ways? user it's literally the same, only without pre generated dialogue.
It's NOT THE SAME. In M&B you fight looters, in Morrowind you fight weak bandits and win with even minor prep. These are COMPLETELY different experiences than watching a crippled guy lie unconscious and wait to give him another beating over and over for that sweet bump to melee.

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I guess I mean how do you interact with NPCs in the world and colonies/cities in a meaningful way, what is the main gameplay element or player goal that NPCs and towns can one way or another help with? The game is advertised as a very free open world game but how much can you do in the open world?

Scorchlanders are aight too as long they arent a wimmin

>You can balance out your armor/weapons before combat too which is fun but overall that, placement, and toggling block/taunt just does not make for engaging combat in my experience
But what are you exactly saying they add?
>Yes but your character will never be strong/great at much by just doing them
What? By doing them you will have enough money to hire the mercenaries to clean up any problem you could possibly encounter, as well as fund an entire heavily guarded fortress, which again you can stock with mercenary protection, or cannibal hunters depending on your area and foes.
>So you can learn to run away from combat OR you can grind on cripples
And in mount and blade you can learn to run away from armies or grind to save up enough cash to buy your own
>That's not a genuine choice all players will want their characters to at least be competent fighters
Nobody is going into this game thinking it's not going to be hard, the fucking store page emphasises this.
>That's my point that M&B managed to fit in early/mid-level quests that introduced you to gameplay loops
This seems like interesting wording to distance the comparison of the flaws the two games share, flaws you believe only exist in one game. They didn't "engage" the player, since again the dialogue was entirely generic and it always meant go to A, talk to X with generic dialogue, get paid, rinse and repeat forever. It's no different, it introduces nothing Kenshi doesn't with its questless grind.
>M&B you fight looters, in Morrowind you fight weak bandits and win with even minor prep
And in Kenshi you can find plenty of weak people not wandering in groups, in Mount and Blade you can stumble into a group far bigger than yours. Do you still engage?
>crippled guy beating over and over
You keep using this fucking example even though I said already you clearly don't have to do it, and the game won't punish you if you just want to run around trading and shit. Come fucking off it already.

Ahh turn it into a prison fight I never considered that. I think I’ll do a slave start some time. Now that there’s a few more things to try out and occupy myself.

>But Kenshi has a bounty system
Not him, but hunting bounties early game in Kenshi is practically impossible. Everyone has at least 30 in every stat and moves with a gang of ten or more. Only a small minority of them can be taken out through other means, and even then it's just Assassination and Stealth to kidnap the guy.

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>And in mount and blade you can learn to run away from armies or grind to save up enough cash to buy your own
Not him but here's where you're sucking Kenshi's farts too hard. In M&B you fight smaller bands of troops to work your way up to bigger boys. In Kenshi you rape a disabled man for 20 days so that you can do the real combat at all.

In town there are traders who sell shit to you, the bars usually have recruits of generic randomly generated variety and of unique recruits that show up in specific places. Some bars also have fixer guys who'll help you earn some reputation back with factions that want you dead, but it's generally not worth it once they reach a tipping point because the fixers cost so much for so little reputation gain. Some towns have faction leaders, generally the only guys with "Diplomatic Immunity" on them (if you hit them you tank your reputation) who you can talk to, though a lot of them don't like you by default unless you've got high reputation and'll just tell you to fuck off. You can entirely fuck over towns by kidnapping key members of a faction, or killing them, as other factions in the area (i.e the Flotsam Ninjas near the Holy Nation will take over Revive if you do as their leader suggests and kidnap / kill the Inquisitors) will use the confusion to try take over their shit, or destroy it outright in some factions cases.

Holy shit, just fuck already.

>joining a proper functioning society
Your single city hugging the edge of UC or HN territory for safety while barely evading taxes can hardly be called a society.

I never said it was an early game system. I said it has one.

And in Kenshi you start with the rebel farmers and starving bandits straying from their groups, to the wandering groups of rebel farms and starving bandits, to the higher tier men. It's not "sucking farts" its pointing out rampant fucking hypocrisy.
>You rape a disabled man
I thought you said you weren't him, why are you still using the same retarded analogy I already keep pointing out the GAME DOESN'T FORCE YOU TO USE. It's retarded.

Fuck off you cunt, if you have nothing to contribute to a conversation then don't post. You aren't amusing anyone.

You can take out pretty much anyone but the big nations leaders with stealth and assassination and even a lot of the nobles are vulnerable while they sleep. A lot of the time though it's risky since if they catch you they're probably going to break all your limbs off

>recovery comma
wat do

>be me, a broke Scorchlander
>barely survive in the early game
>get lucky and manage to snag a leviathan pearl after it caused an entire UC town to aggro on it
>buy a high quality bow, enough food for about a week, and some solid light armor
>grind up my athletics and bow skills to get really good at hit and run tactics
>eventually decide to say fuck it and take on King Gurglyboo when both skills are aroubd 80
>sell off some loot I found on some ninjas that kept chasing me through the swamp and hire some bodyguards
>use them to draw all of the attention of the fishmen as I take on the king
>my bodyguards gave their lives so I could rip the head off of an overgrown mutant fish
>tfw no merchant and the entire game has enough cats to buy the head off of me
>tfw now everybody won’t shut up about how much I stink
>tfw even when you win, you lose

What a game.
But holy fuck is it engrossing

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Sell me on this game? I really like RPG mechanics and I like the sort of 'trade/plunder' economy in M&B Warband. What are the biggest hiccups to get over?
And is there a modding scene developing?

Here is my multipoint essay where I will refute everything you have ever said as well as your very existence while never admitting any of what you say may be valid in the least.
>you are gay and like dicks
>I am not gay and have but a modest appreciation of dicks
Wow what an engaging discourse.

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Again, fuck off. You aren't amusing anyone.

>I never said it was an early game system
Which is something Mount and Blade does better. Your only real early game system for Kenshi is to mine (which is slow training for strength and some money, not much else) or to do light trading (which will level Athletics and slightly increase money.) There's really no good way to jump from Fucknut the copper miner to Shithead the mercenary captain that doesn't involve exploits, though the path from Shithead the mercenary captain to Bigdick of Fuckcity, god-warrior and trader-lord supreme is mostly just gameplay loops. The only way you get to tolerable competence it in Kenshi is gameplay exploitation, as the other guy said. You kidnap some bandit that the guards fucked up and you keep him in your house until your skills get high, repeat for everyone else in your core band. That's nowhere near as fun as the gameworld actually accounting for this, by providing some real low level enemies that one or two guys could take and some bounties or quests that incentivize doing so.

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You don't do much with them. Towns are pretty static trade hubs with very few NPCs of note. See my comment chain for my criticisms of it. >But what are you exactly saying they add[for combaat]?
They aren't adding shit now, which is why I tell people not to buy the game. But recharging abilities like WoW or POE would be cool... or more significant impact from placement (highground benefits). Or they could have used a more action or turn based RPG style combat system from the start.

>What? By doing them you will have enough money to hire the mercenaries
By doing that you are simply avoiding the broken progression/leveling system I am criticizing. Your main character will always suck which again is not fun for the player.

>And in mount and blade you can learn to run away from armies or grind to save up enough cash to buy your own
In M&B you have fun and competitive combat all the time to level up. The fact you can run from fights in both games is NOT a problem.

>Nobody is going into this game thinking it's not going to be hard, the fucking store page emphasises this.
Not even addressing my point here.

>[lack of early quests] This seems like interesting wording to distance the comparison of the flaws the two games share, flaws you believe only exist in one game.
My point is M&B with a minimal system managed to do this in a sandbox friendly way, far superior to Kenshi. Neither games have great quests but M&B is miles above Kenshi in my opinion with minimal effort.

>And in Kenshi you can find plenty of weak people not wandering in groups, in Mount and Blade you can stumble into a group far bigger than yours. Do you still engage?
In M&B you can win without having to grind prior. That is my point.

Which is why I noted stealth and kidnapping. Which won't earn you anything but money mind, not precious combat stats.

There is a modding scene out there, yeah. The biggest hiccup and the one thing you're going to see people bring up constantly in every thread is this is a grinding game, you grind a lot. Be it the resources you want to sell or the stats you want to raise. Some people like that, some people take great issue with it.

>Big titty Shek decides to randomly join me because I told her sweet lies about standing up to impossible odds instead of running away
>She's both shorter and weaker than my human character
At least her face looks less gross and her tits less saggy than most of the human women.

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Some people call it a hiccup, but you know in stalker or mountain blade the early game hobo phase? Most of kenshi is that phase.
Lots of mods, devs released a creation kit.

We're getting spicy but I'm legitimately grateful to user it's really fun to see how different people can expereince a game like this.

To your last point - The "grind by beating cripples" is crucial to understand because as you say - if people don't engage with it they will be trapped as a wimpy trader forever. Having to hire muscle/run forever.

In real life people train through... training. Or actual fights. This is how gameplay should allow leveling up. But as we know all combat, even easy combat in Kenshi, is usually against a dozen hungry bandits at least.

>And in Kenshi you start with the rebel farmers and starving bandits straying from their groups
Punch them and their whole group will turn around after you.

I'm holding alt damnit steal something

Is that Ruka? I told her I'd run away because that's all I can fucking do it seems.
I just want to start making a town to automate the money making but I'm pretty sure I'll get fucked if I don't have at least 1 super guard.

It’s not a game for everybody, but if you’re a patient person, it really does feel like a win when you manage to make it out of a hellish fight, escape slavery, or get your hands on a lot of cats (In game currency.) It does take a while to get a good run going, but I suggest playing it in short bursts when you start out otherwise the unforgiving nature of the world itself might burn you out. But it’s fun and you can really play it however you want to as long as you hae a grasp on the mechanics and how to survive the early game. I usually end up bounty hunting a lot which involves a lot of travel and planning, but if you’re a fan of building up colonies and towns, that works too. I don’t know a lot of games out there where cannibalism, torture, and slavery are all fair game and to me that makes it a more authentic post apocalyptic experience. The modding scene seems to be picking up steam as well.

>recharging abilities like WoW or POE

Get rescued or slaved. Or just wait to gain critical health back to your ko point. Recovery means you’ll eventually wake up instead of dying.
Biggest hiccups is early game where you have to learn how to not be a waste of flesh and make some money. I just explored while being opportunistic early and eventually found a pretty good trade route that doubled my money till I hit ~25k cats then found some decent gear/cheap thugs to help me brave more dangerous areas. Lots of bumbling into death and needing to load when you first start out.

And in Mount and Blade there is no way to go from a guy with 5 farmers to a siege leader in a second. This is game progression.
>That's nowhere near as fun as the gameworld actually accounting for this, by providing some real low level enemies that one or two guys could take and some bounties or quests that incentivize doing so.
There are low level enemies that one or two guys can take, the rebel farmers and the starving bandits often seperate from their groups and you can find them wandering without a pack. The deserts around Sho-Battai is the best example of this, they'll constantly get cocky and try to solo you while you mine. But people never bring that up despite the common nature of them, no, they'll bring up how they tried to fight 8 starving bandits at once and lost. Why is that?

You aren't "avoiding" shit that's why the mercenaries are there, if you don't have the stats or don't want to grind them. You hire your problems away with money you make away from combat.
>not fun for the player
Not fun for you, you mean.
>In M&B
You fight raiders, other farmers and small squads of poorly armed men, seeing as how attacking people with gear will get you killed. Again. This is the progression these games offer.
And what is that point? You say "all players" without any actual factual proof "all players" want this game to have competent fighters. Even this thread has plenty of people who like the game how it is, that's not a point
>but M&B is miles above Kenshi in my opinion with minimal effort.
And that is very much your opinion, as this is mine. And it's becoming apparent we're going around in circles. I genuinely believe whether you intentionally mean it or not, you are being a massive hypocrite and trying to seperate the same flaws both games share to prove your point. And you believe I'm doing the same, probably. So whatever. In the end agree to disagree.

Yeah her name is Ruka. So she's one of the set companions, huh? I went to the swamp immediately after so we've both just been running away from blood spiders and swamp niggers, though I did get lucky and stumble onto a nice ruin and loot enough that I have around 40,000 cats.

Im trying so fucking hard to enjoy this game

>train my 3 guys (starter, Hobbs, and Kang) on dummies
>Have Dust Bandit armor (Im about 2hrs in, fuck you)
>Get fucking bodied by 2 goats

Kinda dont wanna dedicate anymore time when 3 armed men cant take down two small farm animals.

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Depends on where you are, some places the biggest threats to you can be fended off by paying taxes and shit, and then you just face minor annoyances like poorly armed bandits. But it really depends on where you're set up. A lot of the best places to set up also seem like the hardest to survive in, which I guess makes sense.

Get or make an exp multiplier. It takes the edge off the required magnitude of autism you need for this game.

How'd you lose to 2 goats? I've lost to a group of them without training, but they're not that strong on their own.

One easy way to fix the problems of no combat experience and no safe/non-exploitative way to level it would have been an arena/pit fight system. I imagine that in the cities of just about everyone except the nerds and the Holy Nation, pit fights would be a fun blood sport/diversion. Plus they should be really popular in prisons, guards love that kind of shit. So if your combat skills are low at the start you could just roll up to Squin or wherever and enroll in an arena and pick some legal fights to prove your big warrior dick. The chance to die/get crippled would still be there sure, but if it's all about fists and blunt weapons then you're way more likely to survive, and by default it could be 1v1 fights, way more reasonable than the massive gangs low level bandits travel in. It'd really close the gap between "I can't find shit" and "We can fight a gang hungry bandits" that currently exists.

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Players having problems with squad sizes can either turn down NPC squad size multiplier in the options or use a mod like this: which randomizes the number of NPCs roaming in a squad

>There are low level enemies that one or two guys can take
No there isn't. Hungry Bandits move in groups of at least 6 that I've seen. One or two guys even with 10 in combats stats, let alone the starting 1, will get immediately knocked out. You're almost never going to find a single Starving Bandit. I've seen one, all of once, and that guy had his legs broken by some Paladins and was dragging himself across Okran's Gulf 'following leader.' That's a very rare encounter, then, to see a single Hungry Bandit, which is about all you can take.

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Something magical just happened.

>got three strong characters and can't stand the holy nation so i do the most natural thing: go stir some shit up
>Go to stack and fight the entire garrison + the inquisitors
>see that the High inquisitor is there unconscious
>Kidnap him and bring him to base, will be useful for training right?
>as i travel back home i realize that i'd rather kill him just to mess with the HN
>thinking of some fun ways to end this cunt's life
>know that the fogmen are really close
>carry him into the fog and look for a patrol, the moment i see one i drop the Inquisitor in their path
>they pick him up
>giddy like a motherfucker cause im about to witness him being eaten alive
>"Retribuition of God" headed to your outpost
>fair enough, got a shitton of automatic harpoons anyways
>i had the fogman carrying the High Inquisitor clicked so i could know what he was gonna do next
>Attacking enemy
>some retarded bandit probably
>pan camera out
>20+ green and white numbers in the fog
>that's a lot of fucking bandits
>zoom camera on the numbers
>It wasn't bandits
>It was the Retribuition

I don't like the HN, but fuck. that was amazing

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That would be nice if the game combat were actually fleshed out and involved enough skill 1v1. But as it is it would be just another overly safe, exploitable gameplay loop.

>You aren't "avoiding" shit that's why the mercenaries are there
You're avoiding having to deal with any combat grind/progression mechanics. If the solution is to hire characters pre-leveled that points to an issue. Again to compare to M&B you fight looters with farmers, after engaging in this fun core gameplay you can immediately level up their combat stats to militia level for a small price, there is no wrestling with having to torture people or do obsurd feats to get basic competence in a core gameplay loop.

And yes, everything I say is my opinion. And no niether of us have "factual proof", but follow any Kenshi thread/guide/Let's Play and you'll see the 3 major problems I highlighted coming to the fore.

Either way I appreciate the conversation man, as someone who loves Dwarf Fortress and M&B I see how people can like Kenshi but I feel like it's being over-recommended to people.

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>No solutions work all things have to suck blah blah blah

Issue is mainly that it's an early game problem, whereas having big gangs is (most of the time) more desirable mid game.

what the hell boys I cant steal anything I hold down alt and nothing happens whats going on what am I doing wrong

An arena system like that would be great for some early gameplay, and allow you to experiment with tactics (what little Kenshi has...).

Imagine if you could place some bets on other fights two, like the game would generate 1 Dust Bandit vs 2 Hungry Bandits. Would be a nice little sidequest area.

Are you trying to say 1v1 combat in Kenshi has any major player skill/engagement?

Then your best bet is to use the mod because as it is, default squad sizes are closer to 10 NPCs minimum rather than less than 5.

>Are you trying to say 1v1 combat in Kenshi has any major player skill/engagement?
Unless you're autism babysitting your squads against more powerful enemies, there's not much in an auto-battle system that does take skill.

>with 10 in combat stats, let alone the starting 1, will get immediately knocked out
Hungry bandits have massive stat penalties because they spawn, you know, hungry. If you have any dodge at all you're going to avoid their crippled attacks.
>You're almost never going to find a single Starving Bandit
And yet I do, a lot, especially in the Great Desert. The only real threats come from Manhunters, who don't run very fast, and Skimmers, who don't have a very large aggro range and can be seen long before they rush you. Oh and the asshole Heroes if you're a non human, but they don't seem too common.

I agree with this

>just running around exploring
>discover unknown tower
>a fuckload of ninjas pop out from it
>they are some supposed to be famous gang ninjas with 20k bounty
>lol who cares I'll outrun them
>none is chasing me except one guy
>this guy chases after me the whole fucking map, no settlements nearby to get guards on his ass
>he has the exact same amount of speed I have
>can't stop thinking about that naruto soundtrack when seeing my guy and the ninja run in the wilderness when there is just a half meter between them for a long ass time

Damn I love this game.

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>Hungry Bandits
user, I've fought Hungry Bandits. My guy can take maybe 2. They travel in packs of at least 6, usually more. The math isn't hard.
You mean the stat that almost only trains from fighting unarmed? So something you can only level by intentionally suiciding against those same hungry bandits rather than in some legitimate skill-appropriate way?
>I do, in the great desert
They sure don't anywhere in the center of the map, so I highly doubt this one biome somehow has their AI different than anywhere else they spawn.

How the hell do people lose to hungry bandits? If you have any armor at all you and aren't encumbered, you have a huge advantage over them and can easily run away any time you feel like it. They aren't even moderately threatening. You can just micro your way through all of their attacks since it takes them ages to move or get a swing off it you don't care about missing out on toughness xp. Hell, you can just stalk a group of them for skill ups and just take a break with a bedroll every now and again.

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>You can just micro
There you go user, people aren't sitting there baiting their attacks through the rubber band AI your character has and hitting them on the downswing. Because that's annoying as fuck.

just use a notebook? like a physical one. an in game one would be cool though i agree.

Witness to see the mind of the Kenshi-boi. He considers exploiting bad AI and animations to be "strategies".

The Kenshi fan-base is truly amazing.

Sorry or blocking. Blocking works too.
>They sure don't anywhere in the center of the map, so I highly doubt this one biome somehow has their AI different than anywhere else they spawn.
One of us is full of shit, then arent we?

>exploiting bad AI
>When the guy who made it says it's intentional that you can move your character away from enemies swings while running.

sorry thats for prisoners not guards

My guess is people keep their character stationary as all 8 of the skinny fuckers with twigs surround them and stun lock them. But of course those same people claim moving your character is exploiting the AI so you can't win.

You were talking about exploiting enemy animations, my comment on bad AI is just a general Kenshi fanboy comment.

Being able to infinitely dodge AI attacks by running away/recharging enemies is bad combat.

Is the modding community active for this game? And if yes, how moddable is this game? Bethesda tier of modding?

Blocking doesn't work against 6+ bandits long enough to kill them all, certainly not at level 10. As for the liar, everything you're saying directly contradicts my experiences and relies entirely on the only 'low level' area I haven't gone to, so I'm putting the lies on you. Meanwhile anyone who's even touched the game has been to The Border Zone/Hub and seen the Hungry Bandits move in packs.

It's not exploiting, I called it annoying. Because it is. Your character desperately wants to run into the bandit's attacks and get their face smashed, so you pretty much have to constantly move the mouse around to keep him running out of range, but not too far out of range to run in and attack.

Yes and no

It's not really exploiting the AI if it's an intended thing. Besides you can't dodge attacks by running away when you face the stronger tier enemies of the game because they're faster than you, swing faster than you and hit harder than you. So you know, you generally want to attack them from the sides and behind while they're attacking someone else. Like the AI does to you early on.

It doesn't matter if you micro on that level or not. Starving bandits don't do enough damage and aren't fast enough to kill KO anyone who is paying attention or isn't damaged before the fight starts. If your idea of fighting in Kenshi is just to attack more your characters into the enemy blob then you're too shit to even have an opinion.
Starving bandits move at crippled speeds, all they have are short ranged clubs (aside from the leader who can have a rusty saber IIRC), they don't have ranged weapons, they have little to no dodge, defense, athletics, or dex. If you lose to starving bandits then you are a fresh player getting accustomed to the game or you need to just be more careful.

So what the fuck do I do in this game? I just started it and killed a few of those dog shits and ate meat.

Is there a fucking story or something??

>*attack move your characters

So long as player is fighting approximately within their level, the Human players can infinitely dodge through tedious micromanagement, an advantage the AI never has.
Sounds like a bad system.

Ah yes the old "just run from all combat, beat up lonely cripples till you're ready" solution.

Suggest reading through the thread, sorry you wasted 30 bucks like the rest of us.

And how do you dodge when their swing animation is quicker than your pause-move order?

>user talks about how you can fight starving bandits
What's with the one faggot in this thread who won't let go of the beating cripple meme?

>sorry you wasted 30 bucks like the rest of us
>the rest of us
>implying everybody has to share your opinion

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>I've never seen a good counter argument,

Great Combat Mechanics,
Great Progression
Great Narrative/structure

Look man, Kenshi combat has a big focus on movement and positioning. Why do you think the dev added a bunch of weapons with different speeds, swings arcs, and ranges? If you don't position your characters, you're just gonna get zerged and lose.
This is sounding like the classic RPG scenario where someone complains about "necessary" grind, but when you see them play the game they make constant mistakes and compensate for their poor play with stats.

He didn't give advice to beat Hungry bandits, he said they were slow, weak, and can't KO anyone. So the solution is to kite the AI, or run...

And I'm not dropping the "beating cripples" meme because it's real despite what people in this thread pretend. It's just one example of a ll the weird grindy shit people do Kenshi and for some reason still promote this grind fest but whatever enjoy your thread.

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I just finished my first 8 hours, I can see what you're saying. I couldn't take on any bandits for mostly the whole time as I only had 3 guys, after running away for awhile I tried twice against 8 bandits having someone block but the leader put up a fight and the pipe bandits powered through the block eventually. I can see how it could be a grind2win skinner box as you just replace bandit with high level guard and match your stats. Some active options in combat could help. I've still got to see how the whole world/economy aspect of the game is still.

Just started, looted some bodies for a katana and some clothes, what should i even do? I suck in fights because my stats are so shit

>He didn't give advice to beat Hungry bandits
I'll break it down then. Hungry bandits are slow and have really shit stats. Their strategy is to surround single targets and overwhelm them. Move around so you can funnel them into easily dealt with groups and pick them off since your characters hopefully aren't starving hobos wearing rags reinforced with a piss and shit coating.

find a dead body, pick it up, carry it around to build strength. find groups of baddies, lead them to the guards, help the guards beat them up to raise stats.

B-B-B-B-BUT user! That's exploiting!

Honestly I want to like this game but I have a hard time with having anything to do. I started with the recommended "kite bandits into town" method to at least get some cash and shit, put together a little band and started killing stuff for money. I leveled up 2 dudes martial arts to max and they are really good, but idk what more to do. I guess kill one of those leviathan things just to say I did? idk

>swings arcs, and ranges
I think this is the one thing I need to make use of. Is the main strategy to pile enemies and splash kill them? When I started I really wasn't expecting splash, does every weapon have it?

>does every weapon have it
Yes, but for some it's so minuscule that you'll almost never see it. Also for anyone who cares, here is a comparative list of weapon length.
Combat Cleaver: 17
Desert Sabre: 22
Falling Sun: 25
Flesh Cleaver: 16
Foreign Sabre: 20
Fragment Axe: 32
Guardless Katana: 21
Heavy Jitte: 21
Heavy Polearm: 26
Holed Sabre: 18
Horse Chopper: 18
Iron Club: 18
Iron Stick: 18
Jitte: 18
Katana: 21
Long Cleaver: 25
Longsword: 20
Mercenary Club: 18
Moon Cleaver: 18
Naginata: 28
Naginata Katana: 26
Ninja Blade: 21
Nodachi: 25
Paladin's Cross: 23
Plank: 30
Polearm: 28
Ringed Sabre: 20
Spiked Club: 18
Staff: 26
Topper: 25
Wakizashi: 16

You're death will be even more heartbreaking. Excellent


cool game, bought it a few days ago, really enjoying myself so far, reminds me of Mount and Blade and a little bit of the Guild 2.

can anyone share their modlist and tell me what they think the best economy improvement mod is? I'm currently running '' let the cats out the bag '' and '' trade routes intensified ''

also using the Advanced Training Dummies mod but I lowered the training limit to 35 so don't make fun of me.

So what are small weapons good for? Does it have to do with permastunning people? Because I'm thinking about when a pack of goats slapped my shit in like that other poster. They just permastunned my guys with rapid headbutts once they got a surround.

>So what are small weapons good for
For swinging faster
>Does it have to do with permastunning people?
The toughness stat gives you a threshhold of damage you can tank in a single hit before your character gets stunned. So yeah, fast weapons are good for keeping people who can't take a punch in hitstun.

Expanded Cities mod, yes/no?

the game runs like garbage and there's no excuse for it. Looking around is weird and jarring as well.

What you call poorly designed I call atmospheric and alien. In terms of sheer scale it's amazing what the game manages to express. It makes me feel like playing fallout for the first time as a kid. It helps being an old fag and appreciating that. It's something I haven't felt in a long time.

The combat is amazing when you think about die rolls and the physics, it makes things a lot harder and makes you think about what weapons you bring to a fight, the fights you take and your placement. Once you figure the game out progression is easy and gets easier even in vanilla. You just need to get your ass kicked a few times with no armor and be able to revive. Do some exploring with a light inventory and in no time you're able to out run everything but beak things. If you want to power level your strength you just find some ruins load up and walk it back. You're never going to be a one man tank even if you can get close and that's where people seem to lose it. It's not min max friendly.

The narrative is locked away and a mystery until you start really exploring and taking people with you. Different people reveal different things as you enter areas. Walk into a bar and you can hear some stories at random that leave you wondering about the world. It's not spoon fed, you have to seek it out if you want it and even then it still leaves you with questions.

It's a damn good sandbox and is creatively out of league with the slop people are used to getting served

What stats should I have when I break free from slavery boys?

What do i put in shop counters to make money? No ones buying my ore

If you're playing vanilla NPC's are retarded and tend to mostly only buy food. There's a mod called shoppingecon that can fix that

Will report back later, thanks user

I have a not-too-good CPU but an above average GPU, can I still run this game well or will I have to wait until I upgrade my CPU?
I've heard that the game is heavily reliant on your CPU.

>the greatest game to come out in a decade
>it's in the apoc setting I loathe more than anything
I feel like I got monkey paw'd

Get the compressed texture mod and it helps performance.

>buying up all the property in the Hub
Is this the right move, or am I better off building my own town?

How do I play dead? I put passve and hold and my little bastards keep wanting to fight after being unconscious.

The hub tends to get mega spammed with dust bandits and starving ones especially as they come to dislike you. In my run even the shinobi ninjas got overwhelmed. If you need a bed there I just use the small shack in the back but other towns are better for little outpost. Mongrel tends to be a great place to set up and do research and fog islands has a great place for a base.

Is this game worth getting?
Are there any lewd mods yet?
Is it fun?

yes, no, and yes

No, no, and no

How to organize my portraits and groups?

is the Enhanced Shopping Economy mod even working? latest comments on Steam says it isn't.

>South east is filled with horrible monsters and the Beast master
>South west if filled with Skin bandits and South-Hive hostile faction
How do we even beat these guys? the skins bandits are a bit overpowered

Not sure if it still works. But I found saving and reloading in a bar would give you ownership over all the items in the bar.

then you get an arm or leg ripped off.

which by late game, if you can afford it, is definitely worth it for the improved prosthetics.

So can this game be played normally without doing cheesy shit to artificially grind stats like beating the same dude unconscious over and over again? I'm interested in this game but not if it's just pure inorganic grinding.

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You getting beat uncouncious over and over again is the natural way.

>Black Dragon ninjas can easily overrun 2 teams of Mercenary guards in the outpost
>Cannibal faction will increase in numbers of cannibals in the raid the longer you stay in your base, eventually they will reach 100+ and at this point your base is done
>Vegie farm is easiest and faster way to produce food
>DON'T Fight the wild life in early/mid game, these can easily take down your people.
>Crossbows are overpowered
>Animal backpack >Trader wooden backpack >>> All the others bagpacks
>Don't bother trying to make the city look nice, focus on the defense. And one gate only
>Random starving hobo npc can easily kill 6 strong characters if you are not giving the orders to your characters.
>NEVER go to the hive without constantly looking out for the green giraffe
>Green Giraffe can be exploit by luring them to the hive. The hive will eventually die if you lure too much Green giraffes .
what did you learn from this game Yea Forums?

big black ninja backback is best, only -2 attack, if you arent a baby thats nothing. Not the best for carrying ore but thats for chumps

Should i bother hiring someone for 3k cats? or should i just tough it out by myself

can anyone confirm this?

Click M and go to squads

>Not buying a house and researching/ placing a prison cell in it
>Not stealing an unconscious bandit from a town raid before dragging them back to a cell, removing all their weapons and armor in the process
>Not starving them until they are weak, closing and locking the house doors, before releasing them from the cage
>not beating them unconscious, bandaging them, before throwing them back into the cage to fight again once they heal
>Not getting stronger in tandem with your enslaved punchbag over the days, weeks, months
>First fighting them only when they are unarmed, naked, and starving
>Finally fighting them when they are well fed and fully equipped while you are naked and unarmed
>Not releasing them back into the wild as a bandit god among bandits once they can help train you no longer

You're not doing it right.

It depends on your play style.
If you are a trader then just keep 2 character (scout/runner + merchant) and 1 beast. Hopefully you will never need to be rescue or healed up.

If you want to create a city, then yes hire as many as you can. But always save 20k+ cats for hiring mercenaries to guard the settlement.

It feels so cheap to manually move my character out of enemy swings but it's just too damn effective

In my experience they don't follow you too far out of the lab. They also fight beak things. So you know, good luck. Wait for night time.

You can't steal while paused.

>Holy nation will give you no problem unless you are with an alien. If your alien character is Alone the holy nation will attack you without warming
Based and redpilled

>day 30
>finally have a base

>feel like im finally getting stronger
>decent weapon
>decent armor
>been training like mad
>have my nigga hobbs and Ruka with me
>find a single adult bonedog to fuck up
>it rapes our collective ass
>have to get bailed out by a wandering Shek patrol
brutal. need more gains.

Animals can be rough in you're not rollin in decent armor. Polearms are pretty good at dealing with them.

Well if you do have an alien with you, you can try to convince them that they're your slave. Unless of course they're a skeleton I believe, then they'll straight up kill them.

>Day 0, gather resources, sell for money
>day 2, Buy the cheapest item in their inventory
>Day 3 sell all my items in 3 city away were my items are expensive. Buy more cheap things.
>Day 6, buy An animal Because they have the best backpacks
>Day 11, buy 50k of luxury items from the hive. Avoid the wildlife, sell all electric items.
>Day 13 travel the United kingdom were the luxury is sold very well. Buy all the electronic possible
>Repeat what I did in day 11 and day 13. Sometimes stopping by the holy cities were they sell -50% alcohol

>Day 20
>620k cats

>It's a slave I swear!
>>The holy nation doesn't accept slavery. We are taking it to the church rape dungeons were we will make him docile and civil again (kidnap him)
Lol, that didn't work

There are multiple nude mods

This game needs more late game content than just 'raids'

what are the raids? idk what to do at endgame besides kill leviathans

Raids are mid game, late game is raiding other factions

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>first time playan
>find guard in full armor fighting a boar
>time to raise my fgtngskilz
>boar does a 180°, puts a hole in my stomach, knocks me unconscious and proceeds to fuck up the guard
>boar goes away, merchants pass by and say things like "let him be"
>slowly bleeding
>guard stands up, goes away
>night falls, still bleeding
>two scrawy bandits come to steal some animal carcass that was laying next to me
>they charge at the nearby city and get obliterated by firepower
>die bleeding 50 meters away from a center of civilization

Thus far loving it

welp a wandering pack of giant mutant spiders just devoured my entire squad
recommend me a start

Where in the slaver camp do the guards have the most tendies?


Can you tame animals?

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No. But they can eat you alive just like IRL

waifu and dog rdy

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>just like IRL
How do you know?

fug thats a big bug

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how do YOU?

I don't. Now answer the question!

This game needs co-op

Is this fun to play? The derpy graphics are making me not want to play it.

a wondering group of samurai violated me

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late game is conquering the world, activating berserker raids, and moving into the ashlands

If you don't enjoy suffering and grinding then you won't enjoy kenshi. If graphics are an issue I wouldn't recommend it either.

if you are a fan of dwarf fortress, mount and blade, rimworld, and the Sims, absolutely.

delete yourself.

>crash every 30 minutes
>pathing fucks up and your guys stop moving constantly
shit's annoying

fug im done for
man with a dog start is ruff

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What's the best start for my first playthrough?

oh fuck rescuers, save me honorabu samurai

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What mod?

His sword is stuck in his wrist.


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What's the best start for a beginner? I picked the wanderer for my first one but I'm kind of lost

Wanderer is fine.

Unless you like autistic base building there's nothing to fucking do in this game

Theres lots to do. Whiny zoomers need to be forcefed fun or they start crying.

If you are a graphics whore, how do you respond to my 10 inch graphic?

>fall for martial arts meme
>get dodge locked every fight
I hate you fucks.

>there's lots to do
>Autistic base building
>Killing things for no reason other than to kill things

Go ahead. Correct me. What is there to do in this game, user? I'm listening.
>inb4 mining and skilling up
>two of the most boring fucking auto grinds you can do

anyone play with reactive world? how do i go about purging the dust bandit remnants after the king is taken care of

Martial Arts excels at 1v1. It's ass at dealing with multiple attackers.

you need a group of MA to take on packs
like 3 minimum or else you get that

>cant enslave people
How are you going to make a game like this without that feature? Come on, son.

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Muh balance is why.

Mods try and fix this

they look pretty ugly and there's not really anything you can do with them

>somehow have duplicates of recruits
why did this happen?

Is the progression in this game similar to something like mount in blade, in that you and your merry gang both progressively get stronger whilst you do whatever the heck you want and try not to die?

playing this game only makes me want another Jagged Alliance game

Both games are Sandbox RPGs but M&B is action focused, Kenshi is very grindy with combat you don't control. Sorta like Runescape but nobody else is playing with you

Why is it called Kenshi and why are there katana everywhere?

I've never played either, but if I'm more into Thief than Sims would M&B be better for me I'm guessing?

It's called a theme.

Me n my bugboy out for a swim, what could possibly go wrong?

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Mount & Blade has great combat and I've probably spent double the hours in multiplayer than in the sandbox campaign (which is still semi-active even though the sequel comes out in next year or so).

Would definitely recommend M&B over Kenshi, it has a more narrow scope but it executes it really well.

>sequel comes out in a year or so

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faster dodge mod is cool

>even though the sequel comes out in next year or so

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>sequel comes out in a year or so

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>Doesn't install matrix martial arts mod
>Doesn't name his character kenshiro and makes him the master assassin of Australia
So many casuals in this thread

So is there a proper way to escaping the slavery start that isnt "level sneak to 900 and recruit a bunch of slaves at night and run like hell"?

Also if I kill all slaves will new ones generate?

any tips on the slave start?

Will there be a sequel? This game would be a lot more fun with multiplayer added. A sequel with a new engine could do that.

>sequel comes out in next year or so

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Beat the shit out of your fellow slaves to level martial arts
Break out of your cage and KO guards and prisoners in the night to train assassination
Steal food whenever possible
Become an overleveled god and then walk out of the place like you own it

There is none, but as a slave, you are kept barely fed.

>even though the sequel comes out in next year or so

pretty sure he meant to reply to

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what do I do in this game

literally nothing. There is nothing to do past make a base and pointless combat with no end goal

beat people up
carry their bodies across long distances to gain strength
become kenshiro

I'm 98 hours in and I'm starting to lose steam, mods helped keep me interested but I think I need to take a break and go try it vanilla again

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>start slave
>live in the second floor of the guard tower
>train all day and go out at night to steal food and beat up other slaves
>go back to training as soon as day starts

my playtrough so far

It's sandbox user, if you're interesting person or have autism you will easily sink 300h into doing something completely retarded while enjoying every second of it.

Beep is fucking great.

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>This annoying idiot keeps mocking the holy nation, forcing them to attack me
>Strip him naked, send him to the dessert to be eaten by skimmers

based beep. fuck the holy nation. if you cant handle a couple religious cucks you deserve to lose

Why cant my bonedogs eat dead people.

I like that one mod that makes you earn good weapons

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