So now that I finished DMC5, which was great by the way, I have a question. Why did we ever like this half finished piece of shit again? It also sold like shit because of that and was directly responsible for DmC's existence. The other thing that really rustles my jimjams is the SE. Instead of actually trying to finish the game Capcom just shats out 3 characters to play as and calls it a day. What were they thinking? And Dante's design looked like ass.
So now that I finished DMC5, which was great by the way, I have a question...
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DMC fags are a cancer. There are two good games, two bad games, and two mediocre games.
All this time I've been trying to tell DMCfags that 4 isn't good but they never listened
because you can do anything if you're good enough, as bad as that game is, its freedom in a way that might never be topped
>It also sold like shit because of that
It's the best selling game in the series, you dumbass.
>There are two good games, two bad games, and two mediocre games.
Sure it's dated by now but it was the hottest shit when it released and is still a good game.
>two bad games
>implying DmC is a DMC game
Actually itsuno and capcom have both stated the game sold incredibly close to projected sales. The game sold exactly as much as capcom wanted it to
Sure, but it was still bellow Capcom expectations. Why didn't we get the reboot after 3 selling like shit then?
It's mediocre.
And DmC is a fucking DMC game.
4 is a great game, it is in no way half-finished, and your revisionist history is obnoxious.
God I fucking hate revisionist
good - 1 and 3
bad - 2 and reboot
mediocre - 4 and 5
The only defense this game has is
which highlights the exact problem with the mouthbreathers who like this game; if it had proper development time, TRICKSWORD wouldn’t even exist because Styles are half-assed turd in 4 compared to 3. And now because this shit is so iconic, Itsuno saw it fit to leave Dante untouched instead of fixing him like they did with Nero and we have yet another underwhelming Dante that people who are afraid of fighting games will claim is the best thing ever.
Who said 1 was the mediocre one?
It literally WAS half finished you newfag. Go read interviews and what dantes missions were supposed to be
Get a load of this retard. Dante was added last minute which is why his styles are trash and his levels are Nero’s in reverse
4 isn't bad, its just disappointing. "Unfulfilled potential: the game". That's why it leaves such a bad taste in the mouth despite being competant, because you can see from every angle all the corners that were being cut and ambitions that had to be put aside in order to meet a release date or keep it in budget or whatever. It reminds me of MGSV, they apparently spent so much time on a new engine and making the gameplay that they never got around to making the actual context around them worthwhile.
I only finished 4 after 10 years of having the game just this week because as soon Dante comes up I usually lose interest. It was such a bad joke and not something any games should do. Not to mention it took me this amount of time to finally deal with the fact that Dante is just trash if you don't Claw
I still like the game and playing all 20 missions with vergil is still pretty cool at least.
>Underwhelming Dante
Explain? I get if you don't like style switching or whatever but you never HAVE to do it, you can keep locking on Trickster or Swordmaster the whole game just like DMC3 if you want. Hell, they even let you run with fewer weapons in your inventory if you find swapping between 4 to be too complicated.
Otherwise, he has nearly everything you could possibly want, outside of guns being kind of underwhelming. But they sucked in DMC3 as well.
>Why did we ever like this half finished piece of shit again?
Because you're a memeing retard who listens to ecelebs.
>It also sold like shit
It's the best selling DMC game of all time.
DMC5 is likely to outsell it though.
DMC4 is an incredible game. Honestly, the "hate" for it truly began a little bit before the SE release, when a bunch of Youtubers made videos about the supposed cut content of the game.
After that, every single sin in the world was blamed on the "le unfinished" meme, including the objectively retarded ones.
guns have always been combo extenders more than anything
>Styles are half-assed turd in 4 compared to
Except styles are better in 4, you absolute utter retard.
The only style that was actually nerfed in DMC4 was Royal Guard, which was perfectly justifiable as, unlike in DMC3, you don't have to fully give up a damage source just to run RG.
>It also sold like shit
It just didn't sell western numbers
>Why did we ever like this half finished piece of shit again
Because it was fun but flawed
Vergil was not shat out. his animations and moves were fantatic & he's an OP but fantatic character. trish and lady were tho they used a lot of moves from sengoku basara. and trish using pandora instead of her lightning spells is just weird.
I bought it when it came out and didn't read anything about it or watch faggots on youtube and beat it and thought it was mediocre as fuck so go fuck yourself.
They are actually really strong in DMC1, especially in Devil Trigger, and in 2 they are outright overpowered for most of the game. DMC1's balance was appropriate, some enemies were best fought with swords, others with guns, and the strategy was figuring out which were which. But they still felt like useful and dangerous parts of your arsenal.
In DMC 3 they decided guns shouldn't really be more than combo tools which completely threw this balance out the window. I think the Blood Gargoyles are the only enemy that really requires your guns to beat and even then you still use the sword to finish it off. It was probably pushback against DMC 2 and how stupidly OP guns were in that but imo they went too far in the other direction. And it's just sorta stuck since then. Though the entire series has shifted its design and priorities since DMC1 it still disappoints me that they've never really tried to recreate that experience.
The only reason we even got the reboot was because Inafune's obsession with letting westerners develop their games. See: Dead Rising 2, Lost Planet 3 and probably more. Sure, slightly underperforming might also have something to do with it, but that didn't stop Capcom from making sequels to even less popular franchises before.
You know what thats fair, its been well over a decade since I've played 1 and I try to block out 2 from my mind, maybe down the line they'll take a good long look back now that they're saying they're back and shit
Yeah DMC1 is still my favorite and I hated all the le epin crazy wackiness of 3. But fags think that's what the game is supposed to be.
After playing DMC5, I kinda feel like Dante's pretty weak compared to other incarnations. His styles feel kinda nerfed.
If I remember right, Capcom's projections for DMC4 were that since it was releasing on two systems, sales would be double what DMC3's were right away. Never mind that it sold 5 million by the time they were deciding whether it was going to continue back when, they wanted 7 million. At least DmC was helpful in showing them what a true sales failure is.
Yeah, no, you're either retarded or a lying piece of shit.
There were pretty much no people who've seen DMC4 as "mediocre" on release. There were people who actively disliked it for various reasons, but no one thought it was "mediocre".
You mean "Grenade Launcher" because you only press the gun button for either that or Air Raid lightning strikes.
Capcom's expectations were entirely too high. They wanted Cowwadoody numbers for some ungodly stupid reason.
LOL I'M LYING. Dude after playing 1 and 3 it's fucking mediocre as fuck and you play the fucking game twice. Yet you're calling it "fantastic" which means you must be fucking retarded. Don't (you) me.
They also heavily banked on 3 almost automatically causing sales to explodes (Comparatively, they weren´t entirely wrong.) but at the same time 3 turned out at its biggest problem since topping it would have been a difficult task.
>imagine buying dmc for the story
>imagine not playing only for the combat + bloody palace
Is sengoku basara more like dmc, I always thought it was samurai warriors but extra anime?
>He doesn´t buy DMC for its crazy moments AND the gameplay.
The story at times got its moments, both together is what really makes it shine.
Sure. the combat system never seen before is mediocre.
Massive graphical improvements running on a toaster are mediocre.
Huge-ass and varied levels are mediocre.
Yeah, fuck off. If you aren't lying you're fucking retarded. There are fucking two option, you moron.
The best case scenario for you - you've played DMC1 and 3 during your childhood, but you've grown out of games by the time you've played DMC4. You can't fucking criticise the game for you not being a nostalgic faggot for it.
>and you play the fucking game twice
Haha, no, you don't, you fucking retard.
No one was complaining about the backtracking "on the release" because it felt very different compared to running through the levels for the first time.
People only started noticing the bullshit during the consecutive replays.
DMC4 has WAY less backtracking than both DMC1 and DMC3, it just makes it more obvious than those two games.
>imagine buying dmc for the story
Nigger, by far the main reason for buying DMC3 is the story.
can i skip 1-2 & donte and only play 3-4-5?
You can, but playing 1 makes 4 and 5 better.
It's a fairly short game.
Amusingly enough, DMC4 makes DMC1 better too.
Nah, Ebony and Ivory due a ton of damage in DT and are your primary tool for dealing with Griffon and Shadows (and Volts too, sometimes). And the Shotgun is really good against Sin Scissors and bullying Marionettes and Lizardmen. The GL is kind of OP, I rarely use it because it just isn't very fun, and Air Raid is safe but its not very stylish. Good in a few specific instances but if I want to cheese enemies I'll just use Vortex.
>varied levels
That you have to go through 2 times because game is half finished.
It's got a more in-depth combo system than the Dynasty Warriors games, though its the same basic premise.
>Massive graphical improvements running on a toaster are mediocre.
Didn't apply to me because I was playing it on 360 and I was 14 so still the age where I was heavily enjoying video games. And yes I beat 1 and 3 when I was like 9 to 12 years old.
The rest of your points are fucking delusional.
>No one was complaining about the backtracking "on the release" because it felt very different compared to running through the levels for the first time.
Delusional as fuck. If you truly believe this in your mind I'm just going to stop now because you lost all credibility with that lol. Holy fuck you're a retard.
DMC4 apologists are almost as bad as DmC and 2 ones.
1 is the best one
This isn't true. The game was about 80% done.
That being said, you still get more true variety than in DMC3 where you "have to go through" the same locations over and over again or DMC1 where you "have to go through" the same hallway about a dozen of times. And both of those games were finished.
>zero arguments
You are welcome to fuck off, you "delusional" retard.
Learn to make your own opinions instead of listening to Yea Forums and ecelebs.
>Capcom just shats out 3 characters to play as
you mean like they did with the new one?
He's not, trust me. The only place he really feels underwhelming is in Devil Trigger, since they removed a lot of the DT-specific moves and put them in Sin DT, so they are less readily available. Otherwise, King Cerberus and Balrog are two of the most flexible and useful weapons in the series since Agni and Rudra and Cavaliere is fun and strong in a kind of unga bunga way. The only "weak" part of his arsenal to me is Devil Sword Dante but once you beat the game you can swap back to Rebellion or Sparda if you want a more traditional DMC sword weapon. The best part is that they finally designed a bunch of weapons that actually all feel good to use even without swordmaster, so you don't HAVE to spend all your time locked into it while they significantly buffed trickster. But since you can swap at any time it doesn't really matter and you can just use everything at once!
I'm pretty sure he meant 1 and 3 are the good ones.
zero arguments because you're fucking delusional so there's no point arguing with you.
Oh no, user, I think you misread (or I didn't make it clear enough). I was actually talking about DMC4 Dante.
>Instead of actually trying to finish the game Capcom just shats out 3 characters to play as and calls it a day
Reading comprehension much?
I like 4 for Nero's grab attack. I really like reaching out and grabbing enemies with his attack. Really fun for combat.
1 is mediocre. Even compared to 4 which at least has good combat.
Not a DMCfag, only played 1 and 2. I pirated 4 when it came out and thought it was bad within the first hour. I wanted to play as Dante but he was just acting weird as fuck fighting me as I play as this new faggot Nero who looked waay too similar to him. Never continued it.
>Ebony and Ivory
No, it didn't. Were it to do "a ton of damage" I would've not used Air Raid over it 100% of the time.
>Shotgun is really good
for knockback. It's mediocre, though. Grenade Launcher is far better in that regard.
If you're talking about the critical hit - it's easier to hit with E&I anyway if you know how, but it's not really worth going for most of the time.
Relying on guns to actually deal damage in DMC series is always akin to cheese, so you omitting GL or Air Raid in favor of E&I doesn't really change much.
You can argue E&I are really good in DMC3 because you can just cheese Cerberus with them.
Nice retarded statement, user.
Ah ok. I'm not sure I agree there either since Dark Slayer and style swapping still made him a beast but his weapon selection definitely felt shallow compared to DMC 3. Lucifer was a poor man's Nevan and Gilgamesh only really had DRI, otherwise it was just speed-nerfed Beowulf. Pandora was a cool idea for a weapon, it's just a shame guns in general were underpowered in DMC4.
>for knockback. It's mediocre, though.
Kind of like DMC4 huh?
You, sir, I believe indeed played the game on the release.
Pandora was pretty powerful for a gun, the laser was great, especially as Trish
Yeah, Coyote-A is kinda eh in DMC4. It's good against Chimeras and is an option against Mephistos/Fausts if you don't want to DT, but that's about it.
To be fair, it was even worse in DMC3. People used to JC it like crazy to pretend Gunslinger doesn't suck ass, but it never worked.
E&I do their damage in DT, they are situationally more useful than AIr Raid because they drain the meter at a slower rate, meaning you get less burst damage but higher DPS overall if you are willing to mash. As for the cheese arguement, it's all personal preference. I find the GL cheesy because of its attack speed glitch making it either boring or overpowered depending on how you use it, and I don't like Air Raid because I find its ability to make you fly around kinda breaks the game for most normal encounters. If you find that acceptable, more power to you.
4 was not bad, 4 was disappointing. The game they wanted to make was much closer to DMC5 but Capcom rushed the fuck out of them which is why the game is half finished.
Sure, 4 pales in comparison to 5 and now there's almost no reason to replay 4 other than the Special Edition characters, but at the time 4 was very fun. 4's combat system is still incredibly deep and good.
Yeah that's pretty much why Pandora stands out and is the only reason why Gunslinger is worth a damn in DMC4. I wish it had come over into DMC5 (maybe with Trish DLC or something), the dual Kalina Ann meme weapon is fun but its not the same.
The frog/angler fish boss is my favorite DMC boss. The concept design is just really cool.
Because despite the levels being unfinished, the combat was fucking godlike?
>Gilgamesh only really had DRI, otherwise it was just speed-nerfed Beowulf
That's incorrect, user.
Gilgamesh is the main source of DMC4 Dante's damage. You don't have to RI to access that damage.
Gilgamesh is far superior to any gauntlet weapon in the series for the purpose of being "slow but powerful", because charge levels and just-frames actually made charging attacks viable outside of DMC1's gimmick scenarios.
Distorted level 2 just-frame Straight takes off 40% of DMD Berial health. There are always opportunities for level 1 just-frames distorted or not.
DMD Echidna can be killed in sub 30 seconds, and she can't be properly Real Impacted.
>sold like shit
It is the best selling DMC though. Well at least before 5
1) You know, I think only now I finally understand.
DmC has killed mainline DMC series for good. At least as far as Itsuno is at helm. He just managed to hit it right between the eyes, where it hurts the most, dead on. The main idea of DmC was 100% on the spot.
Everyone in DMC5 is a tryhard, conscious of his/her attempts to look cool. Donte is not a tryhard, Donte doesn't try to look cool, Donte is the actual real deal who just exists the way he does, completely indifferent as to whether someone happens to consider him either cool, obnoxious or whatever. Looking at all these clowns makes me appreciate what I didn't the first time around so much more, it's not even funny.
For fuck's sake, the entirety of DMC5's prologue sounds like gay melodrama would probably sound. That's facepalm material.
Tameem knew what he was talking about. Itsuno doesn't.
2) Calling it a bait would assume I am not being sincere. I actually am. What I see in DMC5 is utterly clueless and embarassing after what I saw in DmC. What I am witnessing is a bunch of poseurs.
In fact, that is exactly what DmC was. A deconstruction. It didn't leave a single stone unturned. There wasn't any point in going back. They just leveled everything in series that came beforehand, barring, possibly, DMC1.
3) And my point is that looking cool and being cool are different things, and that DmC emphasizing on that exact difference lead to it now being apparent, that mainline DMC characters are not actually cool, they just try to be.
>I am not being sincere
Misunderstood, more like.
So is it acceptable to skip 2 and 4?
>Skip 2
>Skip 4
Eh, it's got plot significance now. Plus its still a good game.
Barry are you ok?
It's a good fucking game. I've had hundreds of hours playing it, I don't care about how the areas in which the fighting happens are repetitive since the fights themselves are excellent.
Not a hard concept to understand unless you're into DMC for all of the wrong reasons.
this except the exact opposite
>not finishing every DMC game out there despite it's flaws
>this except the exact opposite
I think they just figured that running away and spamming shots would be too easy and underwhelming.
And I agree with that.
haven't played 5. Can someone who has played 5 and has the same opinion as me fit it in that ranking? And not some retard who doesn't think 1 is the best one - not interested in your opinion.
>I actually am.
then you're simply a shit taste retard lmao.
Does dmc 5 have any puzzle elements like 1 and 3? Is it babyshit easy?
Think third time's the charm?
It has no puzzles, just roadblocks here and there that require you to destroy something or kill enemies in a certain amount of time.
The closest to puzzles are some secret missions (kill scissor ghost with one shot).
if you think 1 is the best, than you think a game like DMC requires more than good gameplay to be the absolute best, it requires motivation for the hero, interesting villains and an unique atmosphere.
In that regard, you’re out of luck, cause DMC5 has very little outside of the godlike gameplay.
>1 is mediocre
Elaborate. Use specific examples.
I don’t get the multiplayer component, I’m on mission 15 and I only see people in the distance doing their shit, the only mission I thought with a guy for a bit was the Proto Angelo one with V and Nero... is it supposed to be like this? I’m almost disabling network data cause it does a 0.2 seconds long freeze when people get connected and I suspect it impacts on performance a little bit on the PS4 at least.
>motivation for the hero
>interesting villain
the fuck
only athmosphere and setting is agreeable.
Yes, I like how it was basically resident evil with a different combat system and wasn't too embarrassingly crazy. Also loved the spooky setting, cool areas you go and enemies.
If you disagree with me like this faggot:
You're not like me so go jerk off to Dante's shirtless skin in 3 or something bitch.
In some missions you straight up fight with another guy and its cool.
In others they just take over another character that you'd meet in the story like when Nero runs to Dante fighting Urizen but you only see him fight in the distance until you trigger the cutscene.
>Why did we ever like this half finished piece of shit again?
because DMC4 SE exists
Well the motivation is pretty clearly shown when he realizes his dead brother is back fighting him, he's trying to find out more about his family and why this bitch looks like his mom and stop the world from being destroyed by Mundus, so that's enough motivation for me. Also, the villain is probably the coolest boss fight in the series to me because you're fucking flying through another dimension fighting him and he keeps transforming into giant crazy shit. I thought at the end of 3 Vergil was going to have a 2nd form or something but it was just that fight so it doesn't really top it for me even though it was pretty hard. I beat it on my first try anyway though...
Not him, but:
>Constant backtracking.
>Little variety between the levels, even when counting the most dramatic differences.
>fighting the same bosses 3 times with marginal changes
>the entirety of Griffon
>the entirety of Nightmare
>Frosts are a gimmick enemy
>the Mundus fight is utter shit
>Shadow work as a mini-boss, but gets old extremely soon. "Use your guns" isn't that thrilling.
>underwater sections
>gimmicks over mechanics
>some enemies are balanced around being bypassed rather than challenged so fighting them fairly is a chore. See Frosts, Sin Scissors.
>ranged weapons are garbage except for the grenade launcher which is broken
>Sparda is an utter meh
>voice acting is bad
>the story is mediocre albeit important
>pacing is bad
>characters are linear and stereotypical
>taunts are broken
>Air Raid is broken
off the top of my head
kill self
Either bait or zoomer.
one of the developers said "Dante is boring"
There you go.
>was directly responsible for DmC's existence
no you stupid faggot
DmC was the result of CAPCOM being almost bankrupt in general for ruining every franchise they had under the sun and trying to lease out their IPs to western cucks
Thanks man!
I like DMC4, but even you have to admit the second half (or a large portion of it) was just playing the first half backwards but with Dante instead of Nero
And fuck that forest. I haven't touched it in a while but I still remember that stupid fucking forest in the second half.
>dumb frogposter
>I like it BUT
meanwhile Itsuno made a commentary where he says dmc4 plays exactly how they wanted and the backtracking was part of the design since day zero, it's not unfinished it's LITERALLY BAD
1 isn't a bad game but it's a bad DMC game
>combat is simplistic trash
>no cuuhrayzeee
>Dante is a boring cunt
>final boss is abhorrent
>various garbage design decisions like underwater section
Kamiya is a bit of a hack
very wrong
user, I was admitting that part was pretty bad. Maybe you should think about going back to school.
Very true.
Kamiya is a hack. A talented and creative hack, but a hack nonetheless.
Completed Bayonetta recently. It's an amazing shit game. Or a shitty incredible game. I'm not sure which it was, but Kamiya is a hack for sure.
Because it's fun.
>It also sold like shit because of that
No it didn't. Why do you make arguments that can be disproven by a simple Google search? Fuck off retard.
>And fuck that forest.
I enjoyed the forest.
During my first playthrough I wasn't bothered by the backtracking at all, because
1) You play as Dante
2) The levels are changed
3) You get new enemies
4) You take different routes
It's still far worse than getting actual new levels instead, but it isn't as bad as people try to make it look.
There are several million people on this site at any given time, and most of them are normalfags who just watch video games and streamers. Don't trust anyone's opinions on here. Make your own decisions by playing games yourself, and maybe sharing with some close friends. DO NOT make opinions from the words of others.
>Not trickswording in DMC 3 with Style switcher.
Imaging beign that unmotivated.
fags that don't think 1 is the best one shouldn't even be able to play the games or consider themselves fans. you're fucking gay posers kill yourselves.
>old game best game
you only like it because it's old and muh soul meme
I don't think there has been even 100,000 people on Yea Forums, at ANY point in time.
no, faggot
End yourself.
It's great that people are still using Atlantica music.
keep lying to yourself
Amazing argument, make another one after you stop chocking on Kamiya's dick please.
Literally played them all the past few weeks to prepare for 5 and 1 was my favorite out of all of them.
DMC5 Dante is fucking incredible. Even if you're a mouthbreather who gets triggered by the d-pad, all of his weapons and styles got buffed significantly as well as his devil trigger. You have no excuse anymore.
Fair enough. Maybe I should grab 4 SE once I get internet at my new place (I'd use my phone as a hotspot, but the signal is I get there is passable at best.)
The site as a whole. Regardless, everyone needs to stop believing strangers who don't even play video games.
DMC4 has so many
>"that level"
missions that I just can't bother ever picking it up again. I don't have a problem with either Nero or Dante in terms of gameplay, but it's the combination of those fucking puzzles, the horrible map design, and the 2nd part of the game which absolutely makes me hate this game.
this, even the Bloody Palace feels like that level for me now because of the timer(sue me, I’m not that good to completely ignore it).
DMC3 SE is still the best package, DMC1 is still the best original and DMC5 has the best gameplay and likely the best BP too, soon.
I hated it so much when I got switched to Dante because I had gotten used to Nero's devil arm (which I really liked even though he screams "SLAM DUNK!" CONSTANTLY) and now it was gone and I was like, "How the fuck do I play again?" Then you have to do the fucking shitty bosses that I hated AGAIN where a lot of it is just waiting and waiting for an opening like the frog and plant thing have soooo much WAITING before you can do damage to them it was suffering. Mostly I was just like wow the same fucking areas again, blatantly. Even though in 1 and 3 you go through the same areas again it's mostly just passing through to get somewhere new or place an item somewhere to open a new area. But no in 4 you just fucking play the entire levels again backwards with a few differences. Then finally get Nero again and do the final few areas. Fuckin sucked. Yeah I get some people in this thread are jacking their fuckin pencil dicks to the combat of 4 but you have to beat the fucking entire game like 3 times to fucking unlock the moves and the first time around is fucking underwhelming as fuck so that's BAD DESIGN. YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE TO BEAT THE SHITTY HALF-GAME THREE TIMES FOR IT TO GET FUN. I didn't even know you had to do that so I just beat it once and I was like "Well, damn. That was underwhelming" and never played it again.
You see, user. You hated the bosses. I loved the bosses.
You hated losing the ez-mode arm, I loved getting overwhelmed with Dante's options.
You like the padding of "walk across the map, get an item, walk back, repeat" I'm not a big fan of it. I'm more likely enjoy actually replaying the levels with switched up gameplay and progression than to pointlessly walk through the same locations over and over again without gameplay at all.
Its DMC3 but with zero "that enemy" enemies which DMC3 was full of and with a more fleshed out combat system that fully embraces the direction the franchise went with 3 (aka style on sandbags)
It doesnt have the intense back and forth/ efficiency focus that DMC1 does but you should still play it anyway if you have 1 and 3 that high due to the last two bosses for Dante alone
I cant rate the games on one scale since their gameplay focus is different in every title but out of the "combo focused" games id put 5 the highest in terms of overall quality with the single exception of the 2 latter Vergil fights in DMC3 which are still incredible
then again ive only fought vergil on devil hunter in 5 so far
+ by the time you unlocked everything you already played the game 3 times (doing the same shit in the same areas 6 times essentially) just for what? To fucking grind enemies in Bloody Palace? You already did the story so many times but I guess you might as well fucking do it again.
>pointlessly walk through the same locations over and over again without gameplay at all.
that happens like 3 times
More like 30.
In DMC1 you walk through the same hallway about a dozen times.
In DMC3 you walk through the tower about 5 times, and every big tower section has a location you'll be revisiting 2-4 times.
Thanks a lot for your opinion, man. Yeah I have to say I really enjoyed the Vergil fights in 3 and even though I like 1 the most because of the atmosphere (creepy spooky shit - you might be able to guess I'm a fan of dark souls as well because of this) and I don't really like the craziness of 3 because it just seems lame to me, I have to admit there's nothing really like those 2 fights in the first one.
Still better than the first DMC
Is it just me or did they nerf royal guards damage? Not that it matters, they made the timing much better
I'm going to replay them and actually count it but I think it's due to the fact that it was still heavily similar to Resident Evil at this point so it's more like your exploring an area which is a little more than walking through the same hallway dozens of times. There are still plenty of areas to go to.
DMC3 makes you go through the tower again which was pretty bullshit,DMC was better in the backtracking department
Capcom is a publisher that swings between genius and full retard. Around the time of DMC4 Capcom decided it was going to try and be a western developer and made themselves irrelevant for nearly a decade.
4>>>>>>>>>>>Stop your shitposting
Who did Vergil fuck? I played 4, but I don't remember if it said who Nero's mom was or not. Also, when did he get a chance to fuck her... He was a teenager when he died in 3 and was a nerd...