Keep it vidya

Keep it vidya

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no, fuck off

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Post the original and not the forced unfunny wojak garbage you found on Reddit

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Fuck off with this reddit wannabe meme shit you dumb faggot.

because representation mater for women and poc, specially for little kids and man-childs
Whites have a billion characters representing them, they don't need more.

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bu why ?

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people are still too mad at this meme, its literally banned from twitter, and with how bad this sites gotten expect nothing good from this thread

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but, why ?

ok this is epic XD

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>: ^ |

you tried

Hang yourself

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I think representation in videogames isn't fucking important at all. What is important is teaching your children at a young age not to exclusively sympathize with people of their own race.
Differences, be they cultural, genetic, historic, or otherwise should be dismissed when interacting with an individual of any sort. You should afford every person you meet with the same level of respect afforded to you.

Deliberately making minority protagonists for minority children to look up to is only teaching them that they should relate to their own kind more.
A white kid in a black panther suit or a black kid in an elsa dress shouldn't be told by functioning adults to look up to characters who look like them, and yet this happens every year, often by their own demographics. I don't understand how this is even remotely okay

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you wish

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riggitty rollan

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Stupid bugman
People should only sympathize with their own race, and only when they have sympathy for their own race should they even think about extending a fraction of syphathy they have for their own people towards other people

popular enough to get banned

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97 please

great thread


but, why?

really makes you use your noggin

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Nobody says they're not good, Everybody knows however that their inclusion is in no way beneficial

Cope harder.

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gimme borgar

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Only funny one in this thread

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I don't dislike reddit but so much of the content on subs there is "check out my cosplay" or "I can barely draw but look I drew [videogame character]". When it comes to actual discussion Yea Forums is MUCH better, even if 60% of the discussion is peppered with insults and slurs.


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you're only proving him right, just don't respond

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Did you miss E3 for the past 2 years?

very nice edgy meme haha me a nahtzee

How new

i read the 2nd panel, then the first, then i minimized the image, then i maximized it again and read the last and then the third

I don't get it.

Lets go

please nigeria

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Didnt even read it first and if I did it wouldn't mean much because it's positioned higher and technically begins in the first panel

People should sympathize with people.

You got me entirely. I'm retarded, I guess.

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>I'm to dumb even for /pol/ aka the double digit containment board so I'll post my inane "political"discussion on the video games board.


Because it makes people feel better when they see that they are accepted in a culture. The fact that you don't understand that shows that you have been represented in your culture all your life.

Someone post that /pol/ reaction to npc meme. The "this meme got legs" one

your colorblindness is so vintage, goodwill probably wrote it for you. stop being such an le enlightened centrist faggot
see: racism doll test

you son of a bitch

god help me

People should sympathize with people worthy of sympathy. Sympathy is earned. Stupid cucks.


I will never forgive /biz/ for forcing this shit. FUCK that board.

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t. retard

Appropiate NPC response.

>Nobody says they're not good
have you seen this place recently?


There wider the subject the less chance to actually discuss shit cause circlejerking gets cluttered on top for hours cause the upvote system

NPC wojak is a proof that wojak has reached the terminal Rage Comic phase.

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the reality is you got everyone with this
anyone saying otherwise is just a mad npc
here's your (You)

360 roll scope

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We don't want representation, we want fucking good characters. Characters who exist solely because of representation end up being a boring piece of shit because they now have to prove to the audience that they're powerful or "cool" or "badass" as opposed to having/dealing with their own virtual issues which results in a stale plot and an unlikable character. This goes for movies as well

That's not what kirby's arguing for

The red text needs to be bigger or more center focused, as it is I read it like a normal comic and was slightly confused for a moment, maybe you're just easy to manipulate

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>Nobody says they're not good,

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mmotherfucking based AND epic AND redpilled
AND fucking based AGAIN AND high test AND high energy AND high in SODIUM GLUTAMATE AND

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i noticed that people who constantly whine about reddit somehow always know what's happening there at any given moment
now that's strange

let's go


where we droppin boys


See, this is why Yea Forums is fucking dead. There's like 3 content creators in this thread and 90 faggots who refuse to add to am actually original OC meme, but just shitpost.

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Don't forget that one whiney bitch.

Kys faggot

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because due to the voting system they all self censor their posts to better appeal to what they think the masses would approve of, couple that with the mods being puritan christian values types and the fact that a lot of people use downvotes as a form of revenge for people acting even slightly condescending or attacking and you get what is basically the most child friendly place on the internet that also allows you to post porn.
case in point: any time the admins ban something and overnight everyone goes from really liking it to turning against it, a la nonsexual loli art, hating fat people, etc.
You cant be yourself there for fear of social exclusion so once you realize that you're subconsciously doing that and find an anonymous alternative such as Yea Forums, the most common reaction to that is to go on said anonymous alternative to talk shit about reddit. Its like when people who were raised by super religious families decide to go atheist and end up religion bashing all the time. Or when guys get rejected by women and end up talking shit about roasties all the time. It's a normal part of growing up.

I don't get it either. I mean Yea Forums anons literally invited us two times, during the GG wars and the election. Only thanks to our alliance did both of us win the wars, yet they now pretend we weren't friends nor invited here?

>actually original OC meme

kill yourself


The retarded "EPIC GRAY WOJAK XDDD" meme that was forced by one retarded spammer on Yea Forums and became a meme only because it allowed other sub-80 IQ brainlets to pretend there were other people even more retarded than them out there was never fucking vidya you absolute niggers
Not an argument

why would it be strange? why would you give a shit about how bad it is over there if you yourself werent also over there?


based thread saver, rolling

Gottem, you could say it's as easy and predictable as an unconscious AI controlled character...

Wojack>low effort stick figure memes.

Cringe, yikes and oof

based and barapilled

fuck you

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>have to change the wording just to lay the "argument" out in your favor
Blindly opposing something that doesn't hurt anyone because the media told you it was bad is much more NPC-like.

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I will not be reborn

gimmie something good

Liking popular things doesn't make you an interesting person

>one retarded spammer

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