Best maze/Dungeon crawler games?

Best maze/Dungeon crawler games?

I just want to go around a maze and kill shit

Attached: mechamouse.webm (996x560, 2.41M)

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Legend of Grimrock

Done the first one, 2 any good?

the witness

dont play any rogue likes
most rogue like dungeon crawlers have some auto explore button so you're not really "exploring a maze", you're just moving between enemy encounters

the rat thing knew the layout right? no way it did that real time
where's the fun in that?

>5th try
Of the same AI or 5th candidate ? The former is cringe

Baroque, chocobo's dungeon.

How many different ways of making grid dungeon crawls are there? There is this style, where the walls block certain movements, and then there is the "walls take up full tiles" approach, like this

Attached: 42736.png (330x400, 4K)

It learns it in the first few runs
Then does it's attempt

>5th try
Are you retarded?

>being this retarded

Wizardry is the first style

Attached: map1-01.gif (560x560, 33K)

Diablo 1, Ehrgeiz's Brand New Quest mode

Toejam and Earl 1 and 4

Ru Haf Fon?

Burried Bornes. As stupid as it sounds it's a straight foward Dungeon Crawler with alot of deph and Rouge Lite elements and it's free.

Would the secret dungeon in FFXV count? It was painful but I genuinely enjoyed it. The game has nothing like it at all and jumping/movement play no part in the entire game then out of nowhere is a dungeon that relies only on controlling your jumps and movement

But i'd have to play FFXV for one part

thats pretty fucking impressive.

dragon quest 11

Strange journey.

AI learning how to do tasks is always impressive.


>that straight fucking line

why, a laser sensor is enough to bypass that part

Etrian Odyssey's the peak. Everything else is secondary but fun in its own way.

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The point of AI is making something that can learn to solve problems in an intelligent way, so instead of manually programming into his memory the layout of every labyrinth you just tell him to learn.
Emulating how humans or any intelligent being behaves is really fucking hard, it's not magic like people who shill this technlogy want you to believe.


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That straight line is a bait, as you can see it's not part of the optimal path. The point of this competition is not getting to the end, it's getting to it as fast as possible.

>baby's first dungeon crawler
>the peak

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of course it did, mice learn mazes pretty quick

Daggerfall has you covered. Enjoy never finding your way out of a dungeon without an anchor/recall spell.

>1 run to know the layout
>1 run with a copy pasted navigation algorithm

Wow these students are so good.

Ultima Underworld
Ultima Underworld II
Arx Fatalis

if you ever worked with robotics you'd know that coding is the easy part

The second one is even better.

>little nintendi"s casual handheld baby game for 3+ and up
lol good bit

Shhh, it's the only way they'll impress the boomers and get their funding.
Don't ruin it for them.

Persona q is great(haven’t played EO but heard it’s like thoses)

What is the peak?

>"learning" through trial and error with a million tries

Deep Learning is a dead end.


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Press For to pay respects to Algernon


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Codebullet pls go.

>Etrian Odyssey
>the peak of anything
lol way to out yourself as a dungeoncrawler newfag

very good, it'll make you fear the taig

Attached: ulster taigy.png (851x314, 564K)

Diablo 1 just released on GOG, updated for full W10 compatibility.

I wrote a paper on how one can fool NN with a GAN

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