So I just heard from a friend who works for Disney that a Disney/FF7 project in the works...

So I just heard from a friend who works for Disney that a Disney/FF7 project in the works, supposed to be two animated series for their new streaming network. Anyone heard anything about this? The email was accidentally forwarded to her, apparently the rest of her section received the email as well.

Pic not related, just found it while searching for any more information about the leak

Attached: disneyff7.jpg (876x556, 61K)

That would be sicccc, hope they focus on different character's and their back stories, would love to see a series about Barret's past with Dyne etc

oh my.. squeenix what is this??

Fuck looks like I have subscribe to another streaming service now, probably would have anyway

Come on Square it's time to stop.
I was the most autistic FFVII fan for years when it came out, it was all I talked about and I even clipped magazines to fill my wall with FFVII screenshots.
But it's time to stop. Advent Children, Dirge of Cerberus and Crisis Core literally destroyed my childhood, don't shit on it again.

Fingers crossed for Tifa shower scene

This was on here the other day.
Fuck me it could be real

Excuse me while I have a panick attack..

OP here.
Wow yup, that lines up. I can’t beleive this is actually happening!

I extremely doubt it. Disney would never allow anime tits as big as Tifa's.

Someone's getting fired..

Attached: disney leak.png (1585x248, 68K)

Wouldn't be surprised if we get an official announcement about this soon, they've announced the Marvel series on the new streaming service already

First the uncovered 'leak' and now this? What's real, what's BS

Wait what?

I just heard from a SquareEnix developer friend who works at ATLUS that a Splatoon/Danganronpa crossover anime is currently in the works by studio Shaft, and directed by Yoko Taro.
Concept pic related to prove I'm not making up stuff.

Attached: (sizma) 661 x 800.png (661x800, 758K)

Square isn't going to turn away from an opportunity to make hella bread just because some autist wants them to.

Seeing as they are hiring industrial engineers (jobs posted 3-15 days ago) from experienced to entry level, I can believe this as well.

t. Entry level industrial engineer who just applied to one of those jobs.

Attached: Hinomaru sumo ep 1.gif (444x250, 1.76M)

Glad I saved this pic, I never thought it would unironically become relevant some day...

Attached: Disney - Final Fantasy.png (999x1432, 1.18M)

Disney takeover of SquareEnix incoming

So multiple people know about this currently?? More to come then surely if true. Wait and see..

Awesome this has the potential to be amazing, 100% would get my sub

I thought they bailed on owning vidya studios though, Iger certainly doesn’t care about doing anything in-house again.

>Anyone heard anything about this?
Now that I think about it, Zeal once said something about an FF7R anime project being in production...

Who is zeal....

>a Disney/FF7 project
Why would anyone above the age of 12 care about that? Fuck, it's not even game related.

Fuck yes!! Pleaaaaase be real

the one who leaked Verum Rex years before KH3 came out

Attached: DzK6_MEV4AAHMdn.jpg large.jpg (1419x2048, 511K)

Oh God no...

Shut up

Square Enix has been doing good on their own

Attached: 1480454348138.webm (1280x720, 2.25M)

>tfw no Disney gf

Attached: elsa from cold.jpg (850x1252, 112K)

Let's just hope they don't fuck it up by adding ridiculous shit to the story aka Crisis Core

Mine's Alice
and pic related
but neither are princesses

Attached: 1527068608542.jpg (250x350, 14K)

This game had more genuine charm than any recent mainline FF and thats a goddamn shame.