Game's story is told through notes/audio diaries people left everywhere

>game's story is told through notes/audio diaries people left everywhere

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Jesus fucking christ

What did he mean by this?

I mean this is kind of understandable

99% of girls who go out partying always end up getting fucked


Bitch needs to leave the fag and get herself a gun

oh, your one of those

>Hot Stud Muffin

Just go with her lmao

It's not. That's clearly a creepy stalker boyfriend.

Going by the description this isn't some neet loser, this is an abusive chad who could get any girl he wants but specifically chooses weak willed chicks he can manipulate into needing him for everything.

Like maybe 10% of people at a party will get laid. 20% at most.

it was nice in alan wake

Cue all the armchair psychologists who will do entire character profiles of both sides from just one single message

Ok? So if she goes to 5-10 parties, there is a high chance she cheats

>want to go with her
>no user I want to go to the party with my friends I need my independent time
>grow paranoid about it
>she end up fucking guys anyway
>do it as a man
>get shamed by everybody else for cheating

Jesus you don't need to be a psychologist to work out this picture. Must be tough literally having autism.

how are you today reddit cuckolds

I can't remember the full story but I think they had been dating for like 2 weeks or something.

Do people go to parties not wanting to get laid? I can't see why people would ever go to one and put themselves through that otherwise.

If your girl goes to 10 parties without you, then sure. But what kinda fucking relationship is that ?

>tfw you wanted to stay at home to play video games instead of going to the party where she was getting fucked.

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I got to parties to hangout with my bros who I love spending time with.

I bet she cheated on him immediately after

i'd say he was more insecure than anything, either that or she's done something in the past that has made him talk to her like she would go out and cheat on him

Ouch, can smell the incel from here

I would, just for spite, and I’d make sure it was the ugliest dick in the room

The only solution is not playing the game.

If she was attracted to him, that would have already been the case.

>armchair psychologists

How exactly is some retard who went to college for psychology necessarily better at analyzing human behavior than someone who hasn't?

Psychology is a non-lucrative pseudoscience, people actually going to college for it are almost all retarded and can't even analyze themselves.

I have zero respect for psychologists and psychiatrists, but at least the former can't ruin people's lives with drugs.

You give them handy for ol times sakes right?

>>get shamed by everybody else for cheating
Only if they find out, faggot.

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>Not giving your bros a handy for ol times sake

Oh I was simply suggesting if they do end up talking about it like the message imply they could

>>tfw introverted but handsome
aren't we all?

My fiance from day 1 never wanted to do things without me. Her friends would want to go out and she'd always say she'd rather just chill with me. I'd even encourage her to go. I know some would say thats unhealthy and shes a clinger but i kinda like it. I had previously dated a chick who was always busy or out with her gfs who i found out was cheating. Basically, it only works if she chooses to do it, not if you force her to.

>tfw introverted but handsome
>ex was a partygoer who only pretended to be the homey type to get with me
>got pissed that I never wanted to go party with her because those are fucking awful
>cheat on me with a drug dealer
can't say i was surprised.

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>gf (not really, but she thinks she is) says she's going to a party might not pay attention to her phone
>say okie dokie, smokie
>get dressed
>go to the bar
>have a good time
>pass out
>wake up to a barrage of texts from her wondering where the fuck I am and why I'm not answering my texts
No one is truly innocent. My current fuck buddy is a self-described "brat" and it drives me up the fucking wall. I just go away for a bit until she stops being an idiot.

i messed that post up a bit, sorry.
Yes I actually am pretty good looking.
Not that it helps sonce I fucking hate women for everything but sex

Why does the youtube generation leave a line space between each sentence? Is that a reddit thing?

Paying attention to older couples the ones that last are the ones where the wife only wants to chill with the husband. Like at parties she is always hanging out next to her husband.
A girl who wants to constantly be finding other people means she doesn't want to stay with you.

To be fair, the only reason to go to a party is to find someone else to fuck. Kids don’t realise it at the time because they’re delusional but that’s all they’re doing.

Hopefully you're polite to her, take interest in her hobbies and are worth staying home with so she stays that way.

100% he changed his contact name to that himself

>my opinion is worth more than studying human behavior

first one was better, nothing parsonage kid

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>this psych major thinks he is a scientist

I hope you still didn't answer her clingy texts when you saw them.

how can you be handsome but still an introvert who hates women?

Most people go to parties to see friends, drink and dance.

>drink and dance with other men
Yeah, that's not healthy for a relationship.

hahahaha no they go there to fuck and get fucked up

>it's "another JRPG that tries to look smart by incorporating Gnosticism into the storyline" episode

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Read Goethe.

you're a degenerate my friend
and i want you to know that i hope bad things happen to you and your family
have a nice day

my pretty face saved me from incelhood and that's it.
It's not like women become super chaste and virtuous when you're attractive, they're just faster to fuck you.

Most men let their gf dance with other men.

That's sad for both parties involved

Sorrows of Young Werther is my favourite book.
Doesn't the protag shoot himself because his girl cucked him? Refresh my memory.

I did because I don't ghost people. That's chicken shit.
Plenty of bad things have already happened, a few more won't hurt.


This. Neets on here don't understand, but nothing usually happens after a party or wild night downtown. Sometimes you get some, but most of the time I get drunk, can't find any good chicks to relate to, and want to go home.

Next you'll say real alphas let other men fuck her too.

That's a rather shallow interpretation. I think he shoots himself because he can't express the pain of rejection in his art.

Anyway, Goethe's first play was about letting go in a relationship, and he wrote it precisely after his then love interest rejected him for being too overbearing.

most men are cucks

becausr you're a guy dimwit.
Women get laid through no effort by existing

This crap only really happens in western games because developers are lazy and uncreative.

>TFW healthy weight and body, ok face (But messy frizzy hair)
>Try to dress in well fitted clothes
I look nice, but that doesn't fix having autism.

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I didn't say you should ghost, you should just bully her more.

You're a male, almost no female is trying to fuck you.

As a female almost all males are trying to fuck you.

Dancing doesn't lead to fucking, virgins.

That isn't how it works for women. They get to choose whether or not to let a guy fuck them. As long as they are at least average looking.

but he does get cucked and an heros, is my point.

>John Freeman who was Gordon Freeman's brother...

It literally is. To make a newline
like this in plebbit you have to hit enter two times, so when they try to make a simple newline anywhere else it will look like


>His younger brother, Isukiri

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She was already engaged to someone else.

Why? I'm not small-dicked misogynist who thinks bullying women is manly.

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it's literally a part of the human mating ritual dude.

i forgot what this thread was about

I can't be bothered, I just shut down.
That isn't me.

They CAN, but going home with a complete stranger can be dangerous.
It's not like dudes can get pregnant, among other things. Also estrogen makes them see se and arousal differently, unlike testosterone, that simply makes you wanna fuck everyone.

lmao @ the basement dwellers in the thread analyzing and ridiculing two people based on a text, that may or may not even be real or as if they have any real life dating experience to begin with

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Boys and drinking is the only reason to ever go to a party though?

bread in toilets

Because it's funny, my chivalric hero who fucks whores.

What the fuck do you think people are going to clubs for?


Dancing is fucking, cuck.

This, some of the girls I've been always want to go out and different people get thrown into our "group" then go out and socialize with strangers. I stop dating them because they're more likely to cheat.

A good girl that just wants to stay with you and largely chill is a keeper. Just gotta find the right balance. I've had one that became clingy and possessive, to the point where she would become jealous if I spent time with my own goddamn mother. Those girls are also bad.

You actually think women think about that shit in the moment? Women love living in the moment.
>women don't want to fuck like men do
Oh boy.

>It's YET ANOTHER incel thread
For the love of god leave this place already fucking idiots. Go make some forum or discord and stay there.

You know there's more to life and dating than just sex right, anons?

What if they meet?

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Neither does kissing by your logic

You sound like a kissless virgin incel desu.

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In the realist terms? Not really.
If you don't reproduce you literally fail at life in the strictest terms possible.

or you can fuck off back to facebook where you belong?

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1: what happens on Reddit if they only hit enter once?
2: how do you even know this?

In pure biological terms, I guess not.
But I'm a complete nihilist, and yet to me a lot of things matter much more than meaningless sex.

just because you're an ugly tranny doesn't mean you're a litmus test for real women.

You're not a realist, you're a naturalist, a position that was disproven over two hundred years ago. Few positions get disproven, but this one actually did. Yet here you are, in the 21st century, allegedly educated, and still don't know a single thing about Hume.

oh look an anti-natalist.
You're a failure billions of years in the making and your genes die off woth you forever.

Human mating ritual is inviting female to your private place and giving food to her, then there might be dancing and fucking. Public dancing is completely different from that. If you think dancing with a woman in middle of other sweaty men is how sex happens, you're a cuck.

No you absolute retard, your kind does not belong here. You are just cancer that spilled from r/incel into /soc/ and /pol/ and then spreaded over the whole site. Abandon this place.

I'm not an anti-natalist.

>No nerds allowed in my Japanese image board.

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>women aren't interested in sex because they aren't fucking me!
No, I just know women better than you.

I hope she left him.

nerds != incels

why does she not want him to be with his male friends? does she think it could be a cover of cheating or is she so far gone to the point of
>the only other person you should know is me

no, you don't call girls to your place for kebab and ficki ficki first, Ahmed.
There's the whole going out phase where you establish atttaction, by dancing and stuff.

Are you retarded? How new can you fucking be?
And why do you even know that, you fucking faggot?

that's pretty ironic

>Gets booty blasted
Good job.

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how are you even alive
your posts are the most retarded shit i've read all year

Fake and gay.

I have not once used reddit in my life unlike you.
I've been here longer than you've been confused about the contents of your undies, pal

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>Human mating ritual is inviting female to your private place and giving food to her, then there might be kissing and fucking. Public kissing is completely different from that. If you think kissing with a woman in middle of other sweaty men is how sex happens, you're a cuck.

holy fuck i just got it

Because some girls hate the male friends and doesn't want him to spend time with them.

Because a lot of antisocial virgin types like and play a lot video games. And the demographic is largely male so of course you're going to expect resentment towards women.

I don't know why you're confused that there's a lot of overlap between Yea Forums and /r9k/ the anons of this board are called Yea Forumsirgins after all.

its probably fake but some women are absolutely jealous when you dont give them attention 24/7 even if they dont want the attention

In 2D this would be really cute and I would smash her hips the moment I read that message but imagine some disgusting 3DPD doing that.

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Thanks, Tranny.

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I'm not saying women don't like to have sex retard.
They obviously do. It's just that in a random hookup they have more on the line than men do, so acting like a total slut can be dangerous.

I feel like this is actually her gay friend and not her boyfriend

If we had apd, we'd have more success with women.

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It's written by a guy.

how come the vast majority of women are in fact sluts then?

Nerds are largely incels or cucks that raise another man's son.

Not really many nerds with a well-adjusted mindset and social life.

To think this thread got derailed by one post... How the fuck is this board about videogames anymore?

Yeah, that is why up until recently women having promiscuous sex was so low, right?
Women love feeling like something spontaneous is happening that is out of their control. In a fun way not a scary way obviously.

the absolute state of this thread, nothing but incels and cuckolds

No, its just proper prose and paragraph structure you stupid fuck.

yeah user this totally happened to you, an expert on everything girl related

>watching anime

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Why would you ever go to a party if you're in a relationship?
The only reason to go partying is to hook up with other people.

because if they're you're real friends they'll convince you to drop that cunt as hard and fast as possible

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[citation needed]