DMC thread

>Sweet Surrender is referenced in exec file as キリエブレイカー (Kyrie Breaker)

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Other urls found in this thread:

because Nico designed it for Nero so he can "massage" Kyrie and she doesnt even hide that innuendo

That is fucking great

What would you add to Vs playstyle?

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I'm motivated.

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What happens if you kill all the demons during the credits?

Sounds about right

What the hell else would a vibrating hand be for?

did you even equip it end activate it to see what it physically does?
its a vibrator

>source: my ass
I remember this pic, ur a faget

>There are people that got below an A rank on ANY mission.
Honestly one of my main issues with 5 is how easy it is to get A and S rank for missions. You can fumble fights horrendously and take ages, and you'll somehow still get S as long as you don't use a continue like a pleb.

give him a proper tutorial instead of "lol press X for ranged press Y for melee press LB to win the fight"
he is very intuitive at beginning and really requires you to practice to get gud
game however doesnt signal that well because its too easy to get SSS with him

Something like SDT which merges you with your summons so you can wreck shit by yourself for a bit

>Tfw still having trouble with Furys

Why didn't they just give Dante vs Vergil the Cavaliere Angelo theme?

>Press LB to win the fight.
I hated played as V, but I will admit that summoning Nightmare was the most satisfying single button in the game for me.

more moves, summon able phantom because we just can't have enough fan service...aaand a swing mechanic.

You remember it from me posting it a few minutes ago? You can download HxD, open DevilMayCry5.exe and search for "playervergil" right now.

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I dunno, can't seem to understand style ranking in 5. In one mission I get stable 4.9-5k pts every fight, in other 3-4k in general. What the fuck

>choosing hell over this

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A default control scheme that doesn't involve two adjacent buttons that have to be pressed completely independently of one another

Can somebody please explain how to use Tomboy for styling? I fucking love it but holy shit it's super hard to get style with it

you dont have to kill all them, but youll get some bonus cutscenes if you do good

>Make Urzien my bitch in SoS Prologue since now I'm finally using more charged blue rose and jumping to dodge attacks
>got DmD without even doing SoS

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Are you ready for Bloody Palace yet?

Kinda weird but it doesnt matter for nero, you get the bonus cutscenes by killing more demons than vergil

I find it amazing that DMD Vergil can jump cancel judgement cuts like in 4SE.

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You just completed the game so you get another difficulty.

More demons referencing enemies to summon like Phantom

I know I'm getting ahead of myself but uh

Let's be real, are we getting a DMC6 with both Dante and Nero gameplay? DMC5 is selling way too well for them to just end the series here, but they were going on about how this is the "end of the sons of sparda story" and it might as well have been the MGS4 of Devil May Cry, so I'm kinda worried about Dante coming back

How the hell do you complete Dante’s credit sequence fight? I did Nero’s fairly easily, but I can’t beat Dante’s in time for the life of me.

God he looks good.

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Come again?!

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Use it a little bit and then stop using it. It only has like four attacks plus Blue Rose.

>Dante at his happiest in hell fighting his brother all day arguing over who's winning

Why are the sons of Sparda so fucking autistic

By bonus cutscene do you mean the one with Dante and Vergil still fighting in hell? Because I'm sure people have been getting that one without beating Vergil's kill count in the credits.


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It probably means that the storyline will stop focusing on them at last, but they'll still be playable characters.

I hope.

same rule as other breakers apply: its expendable
get some hits in, and then overload it to rock on with another arm


>the way he fucking vibrates in the model viewer
he has two fucking jet engines on his god damn head

I unironically like Subhuman now

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M-maybe it'll be like 2 intended story, where dante brcomes a side character for lucia's main story

It's weird because I didn't do very well as far as I can tell (Nico said "you can do better than that" and Dante said "looks like you won this time, but we're just getting started") and I got both cutscenes assuming they're the Trish/Lady scene with Morrison, and the Jackpot cutscene. Didn't get the unlocks though

I genuinely think Vergil has a problem and he's infecting Dante with it

Its unironically good at battle music


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I miss this fun, autistic poetry lover

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Lady and trish getting a new job from morrison, who now owns devil may cry

The thing you do in dmc4 where when you're in midair and press the trick button at the right moment vergil continues doing judgement cuts.
He can do that in DMC5

Gotta go fast!

Photo Mode is just so much fun. I'd be sad if future games doesn't have it one way or another.

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She's been ignoring other boys because she wants the Dante so much that making her wait longer is just going to make her thirstier. Besides, now he gets to hang out with his brother.

That’s part of the fun though I feel like that’s going to be kind of akward for V to go from summoner to Dante/Nero and back

>Still clearly referencing the Kazuma Kaneko design
I love it and wish Dante's did the same

He looks like he's about to fuck some Nerolets up.

>when the S rank chorus hits

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remove him and replace him with Vergil, or just add more summons

>you can fight any boss with any character
>V vs Vergil

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I just really wish Photomode converted the models to cutscene quality LoD
That would be amazing and probably could be modded in

Head ups. Went through the hex files of the .exe to see if the Vergil stuff was real and it definitely is. I also found some stuff on Bloody Palace that indicate a possible boss rush mode and a no time limit mode

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Why is Nero 'fuck you' sound so fucking amazing compared Donte LE FOCK YOU?

I see, I've just finished watching Maximillian's playthrough and he seemingly failed both credits scenes, but still got both cutscenes, weird.

I wish all those extra songs that come with deluxe edition could be put on shuffle instead of being able to choose only one per character

>when he says he has all the power he needs, right there

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Use DT.

I'm just happy with the lobby thing which is likely for BP

The files already include a V killing Vergil animation

Donte's FUCK YOU was edgy dribble thrown out on a whim to a terrible boss.
Nero's FUCK YOU is a result of literally an entire game's worth of built up frustration being unleashed at once.

>Griffon & Shadow absolutely break the fight, not to mention Nightmare

I don't think they're two cutscenes, in the sense that I don't think you can get one without the other.

Its because they changed vocalist, Suicide Silence version was really bad.

The buttons being pressed independently of one another is fine, but having them right next to each other is stupid. They should be on different fingers.

Fusing with your summons
fuse with birb to become Sephiroth
fuse with cat to become ferrofluid Black Panther
fuse with golem get ye gone to become Optimus Prime

>replace him with Vergil
Why would you do that when he’s better than Vergil?

Because Nero's use of it was actually fitting and pretty well-done. Nero was incredibly unhappy and was lashing out at his dad with an angry FUCK YOU as opposed to Donte's LOL I'M YOUR PROM DATE HAHA FUCK YOU LOL

do you have any tips for beating him in the prolouge? did you just spam charged shot? what did you do?

It's that true? This game is amazing

It makes sense in context and his VA does a good job at sounding like he's really fucking pissed off at his autistic deadbeat dad

>Even Lady's pre-viz girl is the cutest of them
4 may have been dark days but Lady is best girl.

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>practicing royal guard in training
>put faust hat
>get red orbs

People who played it, any jabs at the donte reboot?

nice argument there
play the game come to me later

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I know what it is user, I'm just amazed that he apparently does it in the DMD fight

>Be Nero
>be so unga bunga you haven't broken your wife yet
>have to rely on some lesbian to build you a fister-5000 to do it

Only problems I've had with his so far are
>staying locked on is a bad idea since you'll just keep doing the forward/back + Y/X attacks and it feels like you should be locking on with V
>Demons can be a bit unresponsive at times
Also what's the best buttons to remap shadow and Griffin to? Having them both so close together is really fucking me up.

no he isnt? fucking shit gameplay style that drags the game down, it didnt even surpass DMC 3

>giant fucking V on his chest
Phantom, because he doesn't deserve to be forgotten even if he has no core

They don't carry over once you leave the void

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There's actually a lot, Dante even says not in a million years

To be honest Dante really needs to be thrown into the trash bin. He already got relegated into "cool mentor" role in 4 and it's mostly the same in 5, with Nero being his successor and the new main character. Dante's character arc ended a long time ago. Vergil also needs to stop being a cheap recurring villain.

We don't need to bring the entire cast back for every single game in the series. If they're going to continue the story I'm sure it's going to be about developing Nero further since his asspull DT without Yamato doesn't get explained in any way and the ending has him and Nico wonder about who Nero actually is supposed to be.

An extra summon or two and a couple cane moves akin to Royal Fork. Maybe expand the summon's moveset a little.

How do you S rank mission 10? Even if I get As on all the criteria it still ends up being A total. Do you have to beat Urizen?

Leave the void and be disappointed
Hello plebbit

Map Griffon to L1/LB. Way easier time.

Reposting evidence that we might be getting Vergil and 4 PLAYER CO-OP along with Bloody Palace. Too good to be true?

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>Be Vergil
>son is a complete brainlet that stopped his quest for POWER
>he tries to unga bunga me with a motorcycle sword & a yellow robot arm
>destroy him because unga bunga doesn't work against me, and Dante learned that the hard way

Cowboy hat weapon that gives you Michael Jackson powers. I shit you the fuck not.

I charged shot him when he starts to spam and then go meele when I have a chance, you won't be able to meele him on the floor for more than a few second by how many attacks he spam, also his time slow shit is so easy to dodge since it goes fast to you, you can just jump then let yourself fall and it will completly miss.
Honestly full charge blue rose will break the shield quickly, I didn't even use a single devil breaker.


>fucking shit gameplay style
It’s good to know he’s the pleb filter

>Mission 13 is fun as fuck pure combat with your bros
>over in 5 minutes
God I really hope Bloody Palace has co-op

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>asspull DT without Yamato
nero is 1/4th demon

What's your favorite line in the game?

I don't care about character arc or someshit, just give me decent interactions and good gameplay

1 weapon slot: boring
2 weapon slots: patrician
3 weapon slots: brain damage
4 weapon slots: tryhard
6 weapon slots: why does this even exist

wasn't one of the deluxe edition breakers supposed to randomly change the equipped breaker or something?

Who cares, if they disable timers and then we'll talk about co-op

>mission 13 on DMD with three bros
that's the good shit right there


fuck you


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Vergil is not really a surprise. Co-op is.

Why are you guys okay with WUB WUB Final battle theme?

>This game does not support or condone smoking!
>Cowboy hat after NT said Dante isn't a gay cowboy
>FUCK YOU but it's actually really good this time
>The entire ending being the literal opposite of DmC's, down to Nero saying "there are other ways to settle your differences" feeling a lot like an insult to how DmC had Dante and Vergil immediately trying to kill each other over nothing more than a misunderstanding/disagreement

vergil won't be free though, guarantee

>It’s good to know he’s the pleb filter
try again retard i got all S ranks on his missions, shit is shit


This would be amazing. Though I'm wondering if it would just be Vergil, Nero, Dante, V or if you'd also get Lady and Trish in on the action.

It's true, I'm S ranking and had to re do the prologue, then got DmD

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>Be Dante
>get bitch slapped so hard I dream of pizza
>mmmm, pizza
>did Nero just say "fuck you"? foul mouthed brat

Why do people want him to have more demons? Griffon and Shadow both fill the role of being your melee and ranged well, with Nightmare being your "fuck everything up" guy. What role could Phantom fill? though I would have liked if Phantom replaced either Nightmare or Shadow.

>creams herself at the thought of Nero flirting with her
She's bi.

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>decent interactions and good gameplay

Vergil is fucking seething because Dante says Jackpot

Nero is fucking seething because Dante said DEADWEIGHT

Dante is fucking seething because based birb told him he could kill himself later, and that the birb would help him to do it

I think you misreplied, bud.

He's actually pleb BRINGER! There is a reason why initial journos praised V as best gameplay, but shitted on Dante and Nero due to being "too complicated."

The whole sequence at the end when Nico was jerking Nero around and saying 'DEVILS CRY' was fucking hilarious to me
I ended up liking Nico waaaaaaaay more than I expected initially, she was the best

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audio mixing is bad and character themes being bugged and overwritten by stage music made me not remember a single song i nthe game

But Dante’s EX is Donte colors

I can't wait to fight Malphas, Cerberus, Urizen, and Vergil with V. Imagine how hard they're gonna wreck your summons if you don't play attention.

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How did you feel the first time you activated Nero's DT in mission 20 and then the music starts kicking in then you performed cinematic DB moves on your daddy? Personally i though it was fucking based despite being an easy fight. It surely has to be one of the best DMC moments ever.

The entire cast is back because it’s a celebration of DMC and Vergil and Dante are going into the back seat permanently. In the case if a DMC6 I doubt Dante would be there prominently if at all, if there even is a sequel later down the line. Itsuno said he’s done, didn’t he?

So anyone else fucking suck at exceed? Hate the damn thing, even though i know its my fault

I miss Griffon a lot, man. His vulgarity and shittalking made him really likeable.

It was fucking horrendous and almost ruined the final boss fight for me

I got a B in the prologue but in my defence using a Ps4 controller remapped the taunt button, and I thought I was just not allowed do it. Plus I fucking suck at Nero when you've got fuck all moves to use.

Jesus why is this so funny?

>What role could Phantom fill?

Defensive/parry options. The only defense being dodging to call back your summons can make certain bosses and encounters with aggressive enemies a chore.

And he pulls off the color scheme better than Donte.

thanks user!

But all reviews now say V is the weakest even if he is a meat concept

Who said I was? I fucking hated it.

Urizen is a motherfucker on higher difficulties

>Devil May cry-Fuck!
Got a good chuckle

i fucking love based birb

Getting S ranks on your first play through is easy for anyone though
Nobody shit on Nero or Dante, don’t be so retarded so early in the morning

His bants with Nico really was amazing

Dante probably fucked Lucia

That's less of a jab and more of paying homage to a line.

The game pays a LOT of homage to DmC, the only jab I can think of is the beginning of the game where it says it doesn't promote smoking and the fact that everyone dislikes it.

>picking some 18 year old thot over chilling with your brother in hell fighting demons together and each other
Lmao loser.

Definitely one of my favorites.

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itsuno is a fan of the reboot you retards

This makes me happy user

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I want to switch between Phantom and Nightmare for DT.

I hope that music mods come out because Jesus Christ are some of the boss themes bad

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I kind of don't like Dante having summoned swords.
They make my combos look ugly.

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>Griffon shit-talks with Dante in the way that Dante told said featherface to flock off.

>Getting S ranks on your first play through is easy for anyone though
SoS mode too, dude he is a boring character, why cant you just admit the game is flawed? he drags it down fucking hard

aw fuck I royal impacted like a hundred thousand

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I would watch the fuck out of a post-5 slice-of-life-and-the-occasional-small-job DMC series.

Are you kidding? Most were and still are bitching about it.

Why do people think DT Nero is stronger than Sin DT Vergil/Dante?

1. More summons. Probably via capturing/taming demons, so every demon in the game is 'playable'. Also means they don't have to make new animations and shit.

2. Melee attacks don't bounce off. Give V something to do other than stand back and read the book. Letting him hit shit, even if it's not strong, would go a long way

3. Sin Devil Trigger equivalent that lets him merge with his demons or something.

>though I would have liked if Phantom replaced either Nightmare or Shadow.
That's basically what people want. Dante has four guns and four swords, Nero has one gun, one sword but eight Devil Breakers, while V only has one gun and one sword. He doesn't have anything that lets you change up his playstyle, it's just Shadow and Griffin all day every day.

Just remap them. It made V so much more fun for me.

Don't forget Dante vs Vergil

>Think you can beat me? Not in a million years.

I thought character themes being overwritten was intended for some missions. Either way it's retarded, if it's a bug it needs to be fixed and if it's not they need to add an option to always play your characters theme.

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All of his lines during the Nidhogg fight were gold

>devil may cryFUCK

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New vocalist and better sound mixing

He's great
Honestly all the new characters are pretty good

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Cause he kicks both of their asses one after the other?

>boss themes
did you even get S rank?

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>nero is 1/4th demon
Yeah, but even Vergil is baffled at Nero's mysterious strength and all the characters treat Nero as a weakling without his arm or Yamato's power, as if Nero's DT came from somewhere completely else than just demonic heritage. I mean Nero himself ponders to Nico at the end whether he's actually a demon or not, even with him already knowing Vergil is his father, as if the writers were setting up something more.

Nero's going to be revealed as 1/4 human 1/4 demon half-angel Nephilim, lel.

Does anyone else have issues with vertical camera control sensitivity? It's really slow and it wasn't like this on the PS4 demo

Do you really think Itsuno would just say "yeah DmC is a terrible shitshow and an insult to my series" in an interview because there's no way

Control over nightmare without being riding him.
Make it easier for the panther to actually be in range to attack the enemies you're targetting, the among of times he's just swinging like 10 meters away from the enemy is retarded.
Remove bird's explosion move for something more interesting, already have that move on the panther.

The main problem with him is the lack of control you have when it comes to the positioning of the panther specifically.

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You mean you don't like disco dog rave after being teased with Suffer?

>tfw S rank and "YOU CANNOT KILL ME" plays

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cant wait for the v cover

The game is flawed but that doesn’t mean V is shit, he’s a better addition than Vergil with gauntlets and Yamato again that’s for fucking sure

>love playing V
>Crimson Cloud can only be listened in like 2 missions
why Itsuno?

Because he wants revenge on the faggot who took his arm, who then wipes the floor with him and gets called deadweight by Dante, then does slightly better but still loses in round 2 only to find out later the guy was his scumbag dad he wasn't there when he was a orphan. Plus Dante refusing to give him a straight answer up until the last minute
>"You listen, deadweight."
Got a laugh at how absolutely assblasted Nero was at that.

I'm the opposite. I'm indifferent to her in the beginning, but through out the whole game, all she does is keep being rude to Nero for reason (which Nero himself calls her out for it) so I'm kinda iffy about her.

It's Japanese name is actually-


Disappointing lack of best girl in this thread.

Post Lady.

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If you're anything like me and get slaughtered by Furys, try using rawhide. It absolutely destroys their ass

Need an "All Smiles" version on this

poor catto

>Bloody Palace won't have multiplayer

For what fucking purpose?

Because it was able to stop both at the same time, plus Nero knocked both out easily. You could say Dante and Vergil were tired from fighting each other, but the point still stands that Nero's got wins over both with his newfound DT.

>can swap Phantom or Nightmare before starting
>less powerful offensively but more mobile
>lava pillars
>tail stinger
>can ride him fast
>while he angrily makes quips like in DMC1

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Holy shit I wont have time to get into the game in full until tomorrow but this morning I played up to cutscene.

This game had me literally shaking with excitement this is fucking Devil May Cry at peak execution I bought air hike overdrive 2-3 and max and gun upgrades. How crazy of a ride am I in for? This shit is so fucking fun. I was sort of bummed about demon hunter having so few enemies though are there harder difficulties to unlock?

Yeah, they managed to turn it around surprisingly.

Just finished the game, I know I'm late to the party but

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Read the thread loser

They also make combos feel bad because they're independent of Dante. I missed my swordmaster combos and can't wait to use Rebellion/Sparda instead of Dante for the sole purpose of those combos.

Is there any difference between Rebellion and Sparda gameplay-wise?

>couldn't get dmc5 on release day
>now it's out of stock everywhere I look
>can't resist looking at people enjoying the game

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>he’s a better addition than Vergil with gauntlets and Yamato again that’s for fucking sure
but the thing is that if vergil was properly implemented into the campaign he could have gotten new devil arms and weapons

Your not going to tell we WUB WUB for cerbrus was the worse decision Itsuno has ever made

best lady here

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I think they have some potential.

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Seething Vergilfujo spotted

Do the blue and purple fragments I already collected in Devil Hunter respawn in Son of Sparda? Or do I have to actually chase down the ones I missed to max out my HP and DT?

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>that lingering riff when you end the fight at SSS

Boss rush mode fucking when

A summoned monkey

okay, that i accept it, but the intro was kino tho, with the original leitmotiff

He fought a tried Vergil who just fought Sin DT Dante to a standstill. A Vergil who wasn't even really fighting for anything against Nero to begin with.

> b-but being tired doesn't c-count

See Arkham beating Dante, Vergil, and Lady and a not fully powered Mundus beating tired DMC3 Vergil

Dante and Vergil even knock him on his ass after the battle anyways.

>And then it grew both day and night
>Till it bore a apple bright

bro what the fuck are you on, im just trying to critizise the game, i understand you guys have been spamming hype threads and already made up your mind that it was going to be the GOAT, but dude its time to admit the game has a lot of problems

That absolute unit of a V in the back

Reminder that the only people who complain about V's playstyle are diehard combo autists from 4 who can't adapt to anything new because of their autism. Kinda wish those spergs would stick to NG instead desu.

They carry over on SoS

Instead of exchanging DT to make Griffon and Shadow autonomous, give the option to exchange DT to make attacks like hedgehog, skewer, double check, round robin come out instantly empowered. One bar equals one charge, and being charged makes them more fragile (or at least if they're attacked holding the charge they lose it, no refunds). Outside of areas with wall break, give V the option to choose how Nightmare is summoned; meteor from above, emerging from below with a laser, Juggernaut style rush, stuff like that. I'd also prefer it if directional attacks were based on Shadow/Griffon's placement rather than V's.

Overall I don't really understand why they had a summoner character but didn't let him use enemies you face in-game (outside of story reasons). Back before we actually met V that seemed like an absolute no-brainer to me, you'd get a shit-ton of variety with much less extra modelling/animation work.

>Why do people want Dante to have more weapons? Alastor and E&I both fill the role of being your melee and ranged well. What role could Ifrit fill?
I'm still kinda bummed out V doesn't get a major powerup like Nero and Dante do. Imagine an exceed-like mechanic but instead of reving a fiery Phantom-limb breaks through to hit enemies.

Dmc5 has very bad story and level design. 5/10

how do people like V, his gameplay is boring as fuck compared to the other two, it's literally just mashing buttons because he's safe as shit constantly and your familiars dying barely matters

I love Dante and Nero but Nico, V, and Griffon were the characters I liked the most in 5.

>audio mixing is bad
Turn down volume of the sound effects. That's what I did, so I can actually hear the music.

Yeah it was, but I just wished that he actually used a good remix of the song

That's why I'm talking about the exec, not the in-game name.

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Who else got hyped when this played? Caught me off guard.

>Got a laugh at how absolutely assblasted Nero was at that.
>seething for the entire game about that one line

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So he would have been something pretty much brand new right? Kind of like V wouldn’t you say? Nero and Dante already exist, no need for yet another swordsman

I fucking love King Cerberus' theme

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Meaning what? I need to find the ones I missed regardless of difficulty?

Not to mention that in this very game Vergil tells Dante to get some rest after his fight with Urizen because he wouldn't be at full capacity.

>No Bloody Palace
>A few quality of life features regarding menus
>Game ranking is a scroll
Agreed, these issues are annoying
>Story in an action game
5s level design is the best in the series, although your post was bait

The trick is that you're supposed to fight up close with them and READ A BOOK NIGGER

If your battle music isn't the following you might be retarded.

Devil Trigger
Fight For Your Life
Vergil 2

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why are they back?

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Why doesn't Dante use styles in DMC1 and DMC2? What is lore reason?

>finally reach Vergil in SoS mode
>eh I've beaten Vergil a lot in DH mode, this shouldn't be too bad
>motherfucker starts off with that chest swordstab

This fucking guy.

I want to impregnate lady

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>have to play like a retard to make the character fun

Nero getting his Devil Bringer back is quite a cop out, to be honest. It also doesn't make much sense visually, he gets a new normal arm but can also use Devil Breakers which just replace said arm. Not the most polished or well thought-out development they could've give him, both conceptually and visually, but I guess animating the Devil Bringer would've been a pain in the ass when used with Devil Breakers as well.

I just want one game where Dante and Vergil aren't enemies and just fuck around together, all their conversations when they're not going 'muh power' are so good

the easiest boss in the game imo
>gs kalina
>trick the transformation

it was fun doing it buy it sucks that most bosses attacks dont tag you when you are too high

looking at you uriziel 3

but you know vergil plays different to dante and nero, they could have expanded upon the concentration system, also he has dopplegangers and SIN DT now, also new devil arms isnt comparable to a fucking brand new summoner character

Can't wait for the doujins

>try mapping face buttons to triggers and bumpers for Nero
>can't keep track of what to do
fuck this is like playing as Dante for the first time

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except not shit and colors actually match

If anyone's running a toaster like me: go offline.

I guess being connected to other players fucks things.

To sponge way too much damage.

It wasn't a standstill though, Dante clearly states Vergil lost and Vergil all but admits defeat since he stops going against Dante and does what Nero wants

The theme sounds like something that belongs in Madness Combat, not DMC

>using one of the most iconic character themes in the series for generic mooks
>doesn't even fit with the character you chose it for
You're doing it wrong bruh.

Fucking cane attacks I mean holy shit.

Only being able to execute is lame.

Is Lady transgender?

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Why the hell does Nero get so many new abilities for 2 fights at the end Dante is way more powerful for the whole game

One of the greatest pleasures in this game

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Holy FUCK I love it.

No respawns, they get replaced by red orbs once you've found them regardless of difficulty.

Ironic nickname, from Vfujo.

You say that as if DMC doesn't have a history of using a wide variety of genres and music styles for boss themes

I bet you stand back and use guns only then complain the game is too easy and the fights take too long.


>5s level design is the best in the series
lmao, is this a fucking joke, Generic tree levels taking up 50% of all the levels.

So post-game no one can complain that Nero got downgraded compared to 4.

It's growing on me, and I slightly hate that.
I think if it never teased me with some of the old Cerb theme, I wouldn't be as mad about it initially.

>been rejecting all offers of romance in spite of being super popular.
>literally saving herself for the person she loves.

Post video fucking proof right now

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Yeah, but the difference is that those themes were actually good

why the fuck does he turn into a jet

Also, I like Disco Doggo now. Don't bully.

Didn't Itsuno have to stop working on Dragons Dogma for a while to try and fix the mess ninja theory made? Is DmC part of the reason Dragons Dogma unfinished?

>you can fuck up "Lady" boss fight with charged punch line when she's lying on the ground

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What if Nico felt up sleeping Lady haha wouldn't that be funny?

Are you autistic?

Genuine question because its CLEARLY banter between the two and they're friendly.

He's surrounded by Lady and Trish and lord knows who else. Patty isn't even going to register as female.

I'm really curious as to what the front of this model looks like

Reminder that you can cheat engine Turbo Mode on PC.

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>Dante and Vergil are in Hell
>Vergil kinda knows the place and can guide Dante
Devil May Cry 6: Dante's Inferno soon

how do i git gud at royal guard

Compared to what? Generic stone tower? Generic Medieval Castle. DMC isn't know for its inventive level design

>seething for the entire game about that one line
That shit was hilarious, the world was falling apart but all he could think about was Dante calling him that

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>Using the lava pillars to launch enemies into bird lightning while Griffon and Phantom talk shit about the demons/boss/V

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Does Dante only have two taunts?
>and now I'm going to play with you
why can't I get him to do anything else

Vergil does play differently to Nero but he’s nothing new and is still very similar to them. Yes, he does have Sin DT, like Dante. Doppelgänger Vergil and an expansion of the concentration meter would have been nice. You’re right, brand new devil arms aren’t comparable to a summoner which is why I’m glad they went down the route they did

fuck off "suzi", just cause you cosplay as her doesn't mean she's transgender

How do i get a Lady GF, fellas?

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>>Yeah, but the difference is that those themes were actually good

Spend more time actually playing the games and less time shitposting on Yea Forums, loser.

What? You mean completely destroy her or the game can bug out?

I just realized Nero DT'd on pure moitivation alone.

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cum on female passers-by while shouting YOU CANNOT KILL ME at the top of your lungs

some user called it "9/11 attack"
I think it's pretty funny

What are you trying to prove user?

>demons gain power from human blood
>nero has more human blood than either of them.
really though, it's not like vergil was in the dirt or dante had any reason to go all out against nero.

They were literally rushing each other for their final attacks. It's the equivalent of the condition they were after their second battle in DMC3 when Arkham took advantage.

Let go of lock-on dude

The lore reason is that they weren't invented yet, Stop asking dumb questions.

Kill demons and have money

The enemies fight back in NG, 4fags wouldn’t last in Ninja Dog mode

I can somehow charge square while spamming triangle. Must be all those Megaman years paying off or something.

Finally, the Urizen battle theme.
I think I honestly mostly like it for that bit that's in the trailer, but it gets me going regardless of why.

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>Dante and Vergil in the Divine Comedy also have a blue/red color scheme
Literally the perfect setup

Truly the son of his father.

>dante gets dt after losing to his brother in a fight
>nero gets dt after a phonecall

Can you interrupt Vergil's Judgement Cut in SoS? I can do it in DH but in SoS, he pulls it off really fast, I barely get any hits off of him.

Do a "cinematic" attack for a big damage.

As opposed to generic castle/tower levels taking up 90% of all the levels? DMC's levels were never its strong suit. At least city in 5 looks great.

yea im glad he died, thank god that shit wont be in DMC 6, fucking drag down that game too

Fuck, that intro for the song during the cutscene got me so fucking pumped for a remix of OG Cerberus' theme, and then the trance started.
Shit got me mad I tell you what.

>he doesnt like subhuman
subhuman detected

>royal guard the whole fight with no problems
>fuck up one guard
>50+% of my health gone
And the fucking worst part is that it happened like thrice so I just gave up and used Trickster

>Cavaliere Angelo

Dante was rent-free.

daddy's son

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Same way you git gud at anything. Practice.

I fucking love them, especially as an option. I love how similar they are to Vergil's summoned swords, but used in a way that Dante would like.

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>royal guard cant melt demon beams

The conversation between Nero and Kyrie on the phone before he fights Vergil.

>You will never ever have someone who believes in you to that extent

It's a really great contrast to why Vergil became the kind of person he did, after his mother died he didn't have anybody. Nero would have turned out exactly like his old man if he didn't have Kyrie.

Also the end of the secret Dante/Vergil cutscene was kino.

If we count songs then the entirety of "Legacy" is 10/10. It's on par with all the other best songs in the series.

I hope you're not trying to imply Frozen Frog is bad.

>no more DMC games
How we will ever recover DMCbro's?

>pressed start during Nero's (I wanted to check out DT moves and how DB binds) so I skipped it completely
>during Dante part Vergil said something about being sorry and backing down or some shit
>still got Morrison cutscene
I have no idea how it works. Maybe that's because I got no continues on 19 and 20 achievement?

It’s the end of the sons of Sparda story line so the autistic blue blur is taking a back seat permanently, so he’s not getting off the hook so easily either

I don't like your reply. I only want funny replies. Thank you for your time.

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Devil Trigger
Ultra Violet
Devil's Never Cry

>"Devil May Cry-fuck!"

This is selling super well, so I'd be surprised if they don't announce DMC6 in a few months

>JCEs without having to charge for a decade.
YES. That's exactly what I wanted.

>Even before the last battle he STILL brought up the "Deadweight" remark

fair enough, ill trade off V not being in another game for Vergil being relegated to being in the special edition of that game, also dont think that Vergil and Dante wont be back soon, you know how capcom is with bringing characters back

Seeing dante get backhanded across the arena was satisfying as fuck, dante was being a huge cunt in this game, i actually didn't like him.

Dante and Vergil will be playable in DMC6.
Itsuno himself said that he added Nero do dmc4 to give players more variety in gameplay, going back to only one character after the massive content and upgrades every main character receives in this game would be a massive step back.
The "sons of Sparda" Arc is just about the battle of Dante vs Vergil, now they can focus on other threats, Dante and Vergil will still be there for the new saga.

>It's my turn to play with the demon sword

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How much sold already?

how was he a cunt?

Jesus fuck thats beautiful

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They're setting up a Nero vs Vergil sequel he's mad that he lost to his kid now


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Why, cause he wanted to stop his megalomaniac brother who murdered hundreds of thousands?

>we get a new DMC game
>but it's not directed by Itsuno
Would you accept that?

Even in death, V bullying will never stop

Why was he so fucking mad?

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He has all the power he needs right there

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What's the best button for Devil Breaker/Explode? I put Bringer on O, gun on R2, Breaker on L1 and Explode on Square but it feels kinda weird

>implying Vergil will even be in SE and not Dante
At least the superior brother will still be around

Yes, if that means Kamiya comes back as a director.

Why is he so cute Yea Forums.

We need to protect Itsuno at all costs.

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Urizen was a bit of a letdown for me. That line was delivered excellently.
Then he was mostly disinterested in anything but muh power. He was evil in an boring way. Which I suppose is fitting for his origins, but still. I liked Mundus with his personal investment into the Sparda family.

More like another year or 1.5

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DMCVI with Nero and Patty going down to hell to get Dante and Virgil out to attend his wedding, and to kick Dante's ass for missing her birthday party, when?

>Next time I won't lose.

They never said it was the last DMC game. They said it was going to be the end of the Sons of Sparda story arc. It was.


no way fag

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If Dante needed to be stabbed by Rebellion once to activate his DT in DMC3, how did Vergil activate his?

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Post combos

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I don't get this mentality, so everything should be a remix/remake now?

It's gonna be Matt. But maybe they're will remake old DMC so normalfags can catch up to the history

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V will never be in another game
I liked him
>JP only

Maybe. I like bantering, but not when one character keep being overly forward while one character is probably having their head elsewhere. Like in the last van scene, Nero is understandably still confused about a lot of things, but Nico tries to cheer him up by saying stuff like "So are you gonna cry bitch ass tears", it just seems overly friendly, to the point of coming off as rude to me.

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did it myself to check it out and yeah

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>vergil's alternate weapons will now be summoning demons. he'll play like normal with yamato but can switch to controlling a summon.

>two stingers after judgement cut instead of just trick up

>A few months

Lol, definitely not. Itsuno is going to make Dragon's Dogma 2 before he makes another DMC. Try 2-3 years earliest.

He tried to commit sudoku with Yamato.

>original costume
Yes, YES! That black coat kinda threw me off balance.

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Practice. I think being a dark souls faggot gave me a slight edge.

I'm trying to no damage the fight with royal guard but it's tricky yeah. Especially when he teleports right next to you and does yamato combos, the timing is weird as hell.


He was motivated.

>Why am I here
>This seat is uncomfortable
>I could be out gaining power right now.

>you can buster Vergi's PREPARE TO DIE flying shit

Holy fuck

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Unparalleled motivation and pure autism

> so everything should be a remix/remake now?
I didn't say that, I said I expected one because the intro sounded similar, and then was disappointed because the actual song was, in my opinion, bad.


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I was shocked they didn't let us play as either Lady or Trish. They just kind of threw them away.

They can bullshit him back if they really want to, but I'll be happy with him as Bloody Palace only in the future if need be.

Ruins the point of a summoner if you can do the heavy lifting yourself, why would you even use them?

As much as I love playing with the live action cutscenes on, the normal in-game ones are just so well-made I feel slightly bad for not keeping them on

If the manga is anything to go buy, he was skewered by a bunch of demons when they attacked the home, including Yamato.

double kalina ann is sick

>you finally woke up user
>i-i was just watching you sleep

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I’m really hoping on them being added later. I really want to play as a good Lady

Because he hasn't been a usable sword since DMC1 even though he's by far the coolest devil arm in the series and every other sword (force edge, Sparda, Rebellion) have been in multiple games.

No you actual autists, by being a dick to Nero throughout the whole fucking game.

It doesn't matter that what he said was (at the time) true, it matters that he was saying it in such a cunty way.

>this doesn't concern you faggot
>btw he's your father lol

No, but this is the second best selling game after MHW for Capcom


>get hit by his yamato stinger as nero because of no trickster
>dt out of it
>fuck you

highlight of the fight for me

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Oh, sweet jesus that's insane. Vergil's really gonna make us feel the motivation. Time to put my Royal guard skills to the test.

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I used them to make human more bearable, I had some good laughs

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It's doing well enough that it's the second most concurrently played Capcom PC, despite the fact DMC4 on PC flopped back in the time.

because he avoided using it the whole game. there was build up to it.
Honestly, the whole game feels like itsuno going "here's how to properly execute what DmC tried to do, also, I'm giving dante a cowbow hat"

Ending hints at DLC for them. Not sure if that was the intention, but considering they made up two entire movesets just for a (fairly recent) DMC4 rerelease, I'd be surprised if they didn't do something with them whether it be a DLC story for them or bloody palace or DMC5SE or something

I really don't trust Matt.

Is Vergil the prime sword autist?

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Holy shit, all platforms?

>Yeah, but even Vergil is baffled at Nero's mysterious strength
Have you forgotten the fact human blood is what powers demons up?
The more Sparda's blood will get diluted with human blood the more wild and crazy powers Sparda's bloodline will wield.

I'll turn them off for the rest of my SoS run and use them for Human too

I do not like the font they chose for the subtitles

Buy Kamiya is a hack. He didn't even want to put a jump button into 1 until one the devs convinced him.

>You will never ever have someone who believes in you to that extent
And their connection. Kyrie didn't even have to ask for any further details. She just knew what Nero needed.

>It's a really great contrast to why Vergil became the kind of person he did, after his mother died he didn't have anybody. Nero would have turned out exactly like his old man if he didn't have Kyrie.
I didn't quite think on, but you are absolutely right. Vergil is defined by loss while Nero have been defined by love.

That's what boosting with DT is for, it makes the summon go on auto.

He was impaled by Yamato when the demons came and killed his mother, which activated his DT and allowed him to escape.

pasta breaker

>that JCE

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d-pad feel like it should do something that lets you reposition shadow better

I swear I remember seeing Alastor in some promo art or some shit. Was it referenced in-game at all?

why is Nero DT so ugly tho
wings are ok, but his face

I am calling dibs on that headcanon.

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Some Griffon/Shadow combo attacks where they work together. Like say during some of Griffon's charge moves there's a small delay before the attack releases, and you can input some kitty buttons to have shadow do some lightning rod shit.

I'd say Shirou has an edge in the sword-loving.

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are Yamato and Rebellion actual devil arms? Did Sparda defeat demons called Yamato and Rebellion?

Could of had God hand a few years earlier.

>DMC without jumping

so playable vergil will allow this too

He's Itsuno prodigy, don't you watched the toco toco documentary?

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What does Vergil's Devil Arm look like?

if you're having trouble, that means you're getting a challenge, and THAT means you're having fun.


It's not headcanon. it's in the manga

I thought the implication was that Yamato separates Man and Demon while Rebellion combines it.

>the most powerful devil hunter is just some guy with a tiny fraction of demon blood in them

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i just want an entire monster taming game with V's gameplay honestly
V is the best summoner gameplay a game has had

Yamato and Rebellion are just counterparts to the Sparda sword itself. The three of them come fromm Sparda's power

A Sparda game would be extremely casualized. Legendary Dark Knight? All he'd do is fart and an entire army falls down.

They're devil arms, but they're like the Force Edge, different parts of his power seperated from him and put into physical objects.

No. They're Sparda's power made into swords. That includes the actual Sparda blade as well.

Evidently that doesn't happen simply by impalement alone. Probably something to do with intents or channelling demon energy or some other shit.
Don't forget that Dante was also impaled by Yamato in 3

What does the Divinity Statue say? I can only make out "Heavy, heavy"

>Summon Nightmare
>A fucking meteor flies out of the sky and crashes into enemies, then starts beating the shit out of them
Oh man, I love it too

Yeah, but wouldn't that make Vergil and co.'s reaction even weirder? They should know that sort of shit firsthand if it's the reason for Nero's DT.

>at some point there's going to be a mage with Sparda's blood in him raining meteors down and commanding his own demon squad with even more power than V

Well, then it is of no question of how he awoken it now is it.

sparda spin off will be a bdsm porn game

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I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to fuck his mom

They were shocked by the fact that Nero's DT sucked them out of their own Sin DTs

Do the upgrades to Griffon and Nightmare carry over to their boss fights?

I never said I wasn't having fun of course. I worked out using Rawhide and going full Castlevania works so well against them

How is anyone supposed to pose a threat to a united Dante and Vergil now?

Main hero of Fate/Stay Night. The only magic he can even cast is literally "make sword", and his ultimate spell is "make even more swords".

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>Cavaliere Angelo theme
Now that shit was fucking baller.

Neither of them could've predicted how Nero's devil powers will develop. That shit is unique, he essentially has two more limbs now and some sort of space altering abilities for his own body even outside of DT which also boosts him with demon magic.

Dante' didn't just absorb rebellion (also only a fragment of it), he absorbed Sparda too.

did you mean protege?
anyway he posts on trannyera so I don't trust him either

>I mean Nero himself ponders to Nico at the end whether he's actually a demon or not
I think he meant it in an abstract sense. As in do you consider me a Demon or a human kind of deal. Not "Am I some sort of special creature".

Probably Mundus reborn.

Originally Nero's demon hand was Vergil in devil-arm form after being shattered by Dante in 1. That got retconned though.

I don't judge.

You know, I think only now I finally understand.
DmC has killed mainline DMC series for good. At least as far as Itsuno is at helm. He just managed to hit it right between the eyes, where it hurts the most, dead on. The main idea of DmC was 100% on the spot.

Everyone in DMC5 is a tryhard, conscious of his/her attempts to look cool. Donte is not a tryhard, Donte doesn't try to look cool, Donte is the actual real deal who just exists the way he does, completely indifferent as to whether someone happens to consider him either cool, obnoxious or whatever. Looking at all these clowns makes me appreciate what I didn't the first time around so much more, it's not even funny.

For fuck's sake, the entirety of DMC5's prologue sounds like gay melodrama would probably sound. That's facepalm material.

Tameem knew what he was talking about. Itsuno doesn't.

I'm going to go with he's not the most powerful and Dante/Vergil were weakened from their fight.

I thought it was Gilgamesh that used UBW, but I'm only vaguely familar with F/SN and I'm a filthy secondary, having not read the VN

throw an army of cloned Dantes and Vergils
throw an army of cloned Neros mixed with Dante DNA
throw daddy Sparda at them and tell him they broke his swords

Wait, Cavalier R has one extra move compared to Cavalier vanilla?

>Originally Nero's demon hand was Vergil in devil-arm form after being shattered by Dante in 1

also can somebody explain Rebellion's gimmick to me?

>tfw nero is just cell saga gohan

>that SDT abuse at the end

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I'm more scared by the fact he used to work with Inafune on the Capcom Globalization Department that led to the outsourcing of many of their IPs. Also we know nothing about his skills as a developer, let alone as a director.

Why's there cooking in fate?

Isn't the point of bait to make people angry? This shit is so obvious that the only reaction you could possibly expect is a bunch of people pointing out that it's bait

I'm more surprised that I can't be arsed to respond to this despite you going through the effort to type it out.

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yeah its faster

How long until the PC modding community makes a "Play any character in any mission trainer/tool?

Make the demon world endless.
That is why Sparda had to seal it away, because it's armies have no end.

I don't get it
does Human Blood enhance demon blood or something? why is Nero so stronk
If Dante had a daughter and it fugged with Nero, would that be the ultimate hybrid baby?

Yeah they don't really do much in this, but its not really their story tbf. Regardless, the ending kinda hints at a potential future DLC with them so I guess we'll see.

>had to use 2 gold orbs on mission 19
>final mission is baby mode
I may be a scrub, but something's fucked here.

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Mundus is still kicking. Just throw in some plot device mcguffin that makes him stronger and you have yourself a whole game. Dante and Vergil playable, going through hell to finally put an end to Mundus permanently and get vengeance for their mother.

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I bought the Deluxe edition just so I could get rid of Subhuman. The fact almost every single unlockable is tied to DLC is pretty shitty.

Dante literally knocked the motivation out of him.

>Mission 15
>that room with FOUR Nobodies

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>everything about this picture
I still can't believe somebody at the top looked at this and just "yep, that's what our audience wants, here's the money"

Matt Walker, producer, said in an interview to Easy Allies a few days ago that Itsuno is a big fan of Chuuni media (in Japan, stuff that looks cool to high school teenagers) and thinks DMC is a series for chuuni lovers, so he always designs the story and weapons with that audience in mind.

Mundas couldn't even beat DMC1 Dante and wouldn't have been able to beat young DMC3 Vergil if he wasn't hurt. He stands no chance against both of them especially since they're at the peak of their power and constantly getting stronger by fighting each other nonstop

Obviously he's not on Dante/Vergil level yet but he's around the age of DMC3 Dante and instead of lame-ass DT that needed a crutch in a form of other devil arms he uses his own fully formed DT with magical abilities already.

> Imagine all the fun the reboot Sparda is having.

Why would you want Nero to fuck his cousin wtf



>inbred demon rednecks

Gotta keep it in the family

Man I would love a playable character that just smashes the living dogshit out of enemies.

why didnt the Devil Bringer grow back, why did a human arm grow in

but what is the extra move?

yeah, compare it to Bayonetta’s unlockable stuff, it’s a joke

But he was a dick to him in DMC4 as well. He even jokes around when Credo is in his dying breath.

>implying inbreeding isn't a demon tradition

Calling it a bait would assume I am not being sincere. I actually am. What I see in DMC5 is utterly clueless and embarassing after what I saw in DmC. What I am witnessing is a bunch of poseurs.
In fact, that is exactly what DmC was. A deconstruction. It didn't leave a single stone unturned. There wasn't any point in going back. They just leveled everything in series that came beforehand, barring, possibly, DMC1.

>Vergil can actually glitch out if you use a certain combo and devil arm on him and you can loop him like this infinitely as Nero

This game felt rushed but now I know it was for sure.


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Because the Devil Bringer was just his arm stuck in perma DT.
Now he has a real DT and control over it

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In terms of lore?

Yamato is the weapon he used a lot before his war with Mundus. It represents tradition and literally means "death". Tradition is the separation of human and demon.
Rebellion was the sword Sparda used during/after Mundus. It obviously represents retaliation but also unity between humans and demons, which is why it has the effect it has when Dante stabs himself with it.

>does Human Blood enhance demon blood or something
user, this is LITERALLY the point of entire DMC5.
Whole tower ran on human blood.
The apple was a condensed power of human blood.
And half-demons have human element present at all times.
Itsuno did a perfect setup for any later DMC entries since it allows him to write any number of Sparda's descendants with any bizarro powers he wants.

Before all of Nero's Devil Power was condensated in the arm, now it's spread throuhout his entire body with DT

He's presumably been building power in hell for a good decade or however long between DMC1 and 5. If Vergil can be resurrected for DMC5 through some asspull, Mundus can be brought back for 6 via one

>DMC6 is Dante and Vergil tearing through hell to kill Mundas for good
>DMC7 is back to Nero
>Demons are now screaming DANTE and VERGIL instead of SPARDA after how hard they kicked hells collective ass

Are mod a thing yet?
Fov mod please

Fuck off Tammeem

the effects is what I'm confused
it combined his demon and human side?
why does he suddenly have access to himself?

Final mission is a victory lap similar to last Mundus fight or crushing Saviour's head, only way flashier, thematically perfect and still giving at least some challenge, especially on replays.

>a wild Vergil appears
>"Stay out of my way NERO!"
>"what the heck dude, I'm still trying to process this shit"

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Well that's the side her face is on, so not great.

Just increase the FOV in the ingame options you idiot

Redline, a fast diagonal dash.

>Fov mod please
Literally camera distance setting.

The actors for Dante, Vergil and Nero will be too old to do the voices for the sequel in 10 years.


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Mundus would definitely have beaten full power DMC3 Vergil. Dante needed Sparda to stand a chance against Mundus and he was already stronger than he was in 3, which was stronger than Vergil.

Mundus isn't in hell. He's trapped in the void between the underworld and the human world where nothing exists

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I'm just going to think that rather than 1/2 or 1/4 demon blood bullshit it's just a binary thing like Demon blood:present or Demon blood:absent when it comes to hybrid power levels.

In-game I honestly think she looks fine. Trish and Vergil grew on me too, I don't think either of them look perfect but in-motion they're a lot better than just screenshots of them

>an entire game's worth of built up frustration
tfw his frustration got bigger and he BANG BANG BANG pulled his devil trigger

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>they tried to change this for Kat


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1 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 2

And my point is that looking cool and being cool are different things, and that DmC emphasizing on that exact difference lead to it now being apparent, that mainline DMC characters are not actually cool, they just try to be.