Claims to be Persona fan

>claims to be Persona fan
>all his skits only reference Persona 5

Is it fair to say that Persona 5 is the FFVII of the series I.e. The only one that mainstream know of let alone have played?

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>All 1 of them

Or perhaps it's the only Persona game that came out ever since he started making videos?

that guy(?) is really fat and ugly.

Xhe is a girl.

Wait what? Is his entire storyline with Lysanderoth and Archebald just a persona 5 reference?

Eh, who cares. tons of people only played Persona 5.

I really don't care.
>but you cared enough to post
I care about you wasting time thinking about worthless shit like what some fat chink or what the "mainstream" does or doesn't. You are allowing their petty actions to influence you.

That's the average Persona fan, yes.

i seriously wish i knew what persona was. i don't understand if its a game or an anime or movie i just keep seeing threads about it. im assuming its vidya.

P4 fags make fun of P5 fags.
P3 fags make fun of P4 fags.
P2 fags make fun of P3 fags.
Nocturne fags make fun of P2 fags.
SMT fags make fun of Nocturne fags.
Who makes fun of SMT fags?

I know Sungwon personally, pretty sure he's played 4 at least

WRPG fags

>Who makes fun of SMT fags?
Persona fags

it is an autistic multimedia experience, apparently about high school kids who have adventures in a virtual/video game world or something. I really only get what I've seen from Yea Forums and have no desire to play it but I know there is way more than just vidya. also apparently there's a character who has to shoot himself in the head and "die" to transform into something else which looks cool if a bit cold steel

>Who makes fun of SMT fags?
All of the above

Posts like this are literally plebbit incarnate
>I don't know what this popular thing is, look how non-mainstream I am guiz xD

I like 4 the most, the small town vibe really connected with me a lot more and the personalities of the friends I liked best.

I guess you could care less!

>i seriously wish i knew what persona was. i don't understand if its a game or an anime or movie i just keep seeing threads about it. im assuming its vidya.
It's an extremely long anime movie.

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Etrian Odyssey fags

Nocturne fans make fun of all of the above. Even SMT4 was disappointingly lighter in tone.


People said that about persona 4 and before that they said it about 3

Just admit that each game is more successful than the last and draws more fans in. You do not have to have played p3 and p4 to be a persona fan especially when atlus leaves them dead on handholds or ancient consoles instead of porting them forward

People with sexual experience

>On a limbo because Nintendo stopped with dual screen gimmick.

Not so fast boyo.

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Don't know who this ugly gook is but that would make sense because it's the only Persona game to get released since the PS2 died. If you were a poser you wouldn't own a PS2 and are probably too retarded to emulate.

>>On a limbo because Nintendo stopped with dual screen gimmick.
Why would that place Etrian Oddysey in a limbo? The DS screens are what, 240p? There's no reason why you couldn't have all that information on one modern resolution screen.

wizardry fags and anyone else with taste

“fan” in zoomer parlance means “I’ve beaten maybe a couple dozen games total in my life and kinda liked this one“. Being a “fan” is simply a way of joining a clique of other retards.
But mentioning this hurts their delicate feelings and means that you’re some big bad elitist gatekeeper, “gamers rise up amirite”.

It may surprise you to know this but Persona 4 was released over 10 years ago. It's not exactly relevant.

Who still remembers enough of other Persona stuff to laugh?

The problem is all these "huge fans" of Persona 5 couldn't even tell you about its psychological themes and why they think the story is good. All they care about is the quirky characters and memes surrounding them.

Have you ever played a single damn EO game?

Switch has touchscreen.

It'd be kinda shitty but they could restrict drawing maps to handheld mode and have it autodraw when docked. That way old players can always go handheld and have the DS experience and new players who don't want that have the option to bypass it.

What even are these posts? These are seriously the most bizarre opinions/falsehoods I've seen on Yea Forums. It's like someone asking if Lethal League is actually a video game and not and Indie comic, only worse because Lethal League had next to no advertisement/hype compared to Persona.

>mfw I've bought every single EO game, including the remakes and the mystery dungeon games and haven't played a single one of them

I've never understood why I do this

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>The problem is all these "huge fans" of Persona 5 couldn't even tell you about its psychological themes and why they think the story is good.
Welcome to every Persona past 3. P3 was the last game where its theme and psychology were noticeable and important to both the plot and characters. Then again P3 beats you over the head with it, but its far better then 4 or 5.

Go play 3, it's the best in the series. Don't look anything up, just go in blind and strategise as you go.

The game can be handheld mode only.

I don't think Nintendo would allow that. Isn't docked mode a requirement since it's a core selling point?

P4G is the FFVII of the series.
P5 is the FFX of the series.

>P2 is one of most acclaimed game for story and characters dynamics.
>Atlus even had plans for anime.
>Now Fatlus do the best to pretend that it don't exist.

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It’s just general JRPGs, but I’m fairly certain it was Pokémon X and Y
Lysander was the name of the villain and that vid came out around the same time

P2's theme and psychology are really good and hold up even better today. The idea of If a lie is told enough times it becomes the truth. Basically P2 is essentially Fake News Simulator 1999.

i never got into persona, but i got a playstation mini and it has "revelations persona" on it, is that the first one? and if so, how is it?

Never played any persona games, just sayi ng from an outsiders perspective, p4 was way bigger of deal than p5

Only in communities like Yea Forums and gamefaqs. P5 reached the masses.

This is what the gay chubby chasers find hot including me.

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CRPGs are extremely ugly, have shit music and aren't memorable. Thats why they died. Sorry wrpg kun.

Tbh his voice kinda hot

thats the first one but its the butchered americanized dub version with content removed and story altered to appease burgers or some nonsense (they made a character black because he dances as one of his battle skills)
if you want to play persona 1, play the psp remake (which i think you can even get on a ps1 classic if you hack it).
Keep in mind though that modern persona games are totally different from the first two in terms of gameplay structure. When people mention persona they're usually talking about Persona 3 and onward.
If you want to play one, I'd suggest Persona 4 Golden if you have a Vita, or Persona 5 if you have a ps3/ps4/pc that can emulate ps3. Persona 3 works too I guess, which exists as Persona 3 FES on ps2 or Persona 3 Portable on psp.

I hate how literally everyone keeps parroting about Persona 1 having "bad plot, characters and gameplay" without even having played it themselves. It's the only Persona game that does its Jungian themes justice, characters are very charming, and gameplay isn't even that bad, sure, it has some retarded decisions, but it's not hard to figure out the way around it and negotiations are really fun due to variety of dialogues.

>even had plans for anime
Fuck, really? Was backlash from idolshitters that strong?

Fuck no. That's the original localization, which is known to be really bad. Just emulate PSP version, even if soundtrack sucks, it's better than that.

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Reminder why Asian chubby guys are best chubby guys. It’s proven with SungWon and whoever played Not Ganke Lee in Spider-Man: Homecoming

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he was born when his YouTube channel came out, he was a fetus in a vat and when his parents hit the "Create Channel" button he rapidly grew, started playing Persona 5 and reviewed it

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cowboy Archibald > young Archibald

I didn't really know anything about him but the Arby's whining made me assume he was a standard issue SJW.

he is he just hides it well
let it slip out that time though

P1 definitely has an underrated story and theme, but its theme is also its downfall. Most people have no idea about the works of Jung and Freud (who's ideas are also present in P1). So to most players the idea fly's right over there head and the game ends up being mediocre. To those who are familiar with there work the story ends up being much more satisfying. When it comes to P1, you either get it or you don't.

Yeah, but I'm talking more about its reputation, people brush it off as the worst Persona game without even trying it.

presentation isn't an argument when it comes to rpgs and you are wrong about them being not being memorable, they just don't force feed you shitty cliche story like jrpgs do

Yeah he's anti Vic too. I like his skits and I can respect he has a different opinion, but holy shit come on dude.

Do you know why no one talks about any Zelda before Skyward Sword? It's because they're clunky and outdated. People want to have fun and you aren't going to have any playing nes

Thats what people said about Persona 3 when it got popular. And then what they said about Persona 4 when that got big too.

No but for real will Prince Horace ever be saved?


You know whats even worse?
>claims to be SMT fan
>only talk about persona 3,4,5

Weebs would buy Persona 1+2IN/EP if it were remade with the Persona 5 engine. Personally, I wouldn’t mind holding back the inevitable release of Persona 6 for this.

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>June 24th will be the 20th anniversary of P2IS
>Nothing will happen
Its now or never.

Mugen tensei fags

You mean the new thing? The new thing that people know?
The new thing that people will know and will get a kick out hearing jokes about it
The new thing that people will know and will get a kick out hearing jokes about it because its also the most popular one to date in terms of masses

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ecelebs go in

He has a persona skit about his cat way before p5

It's a good idea to read Campbell, too. Persona is particularly wary of archetypal themes in mythoi and legends and categorizes those things through social links and the major arcana. And, naturally, tarot has been superimposed specifically with the monomyth (and Kabbalah). I'm curious how a rendition of the Fool's Journey would look with social link arcana ordered thematically. And, like the Jung Campbell adored, between the changes in a person's life come a death and rebirth. I imagine true ego death (not drug culture memetics), the trial of facing and mastering death to face and overcome life, the current self dying to be reborn as a new self, etc, make another side of 3's suicidal imagery.

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>be OP
>be mouthbreather
>have trouble understanding why a person trying to make money would cater to larger groups of people rather than smaller ones
P5 has the largest fan base. If you make money from you videos, why make them for games that would get less views? Regardless of which ones he likes, he knows what he's doing.

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This guy is famous because "non Japanese Asian likes anime".


what I want to know is what made 5 so popular compared to the others

South-Koreans are soulless and always chase the latest trends and shit, if it wasn't for P5, it would've been P4.

Imagine being this mad because someone liked something

>p4 wasn't mainstream