I have to say it's a breath of fresh air to see a AAA game with absolutely no online component...

I have to say it's a breath of fresh air to see a AAA game with absolutely no online component. Almost every one of them these days has to hamfist some unnecessary online feature in, but not this one. It's just you and the game. Pure solitude, the way it's meant to be. No season pass or downloadable content bullshit either. You just get the whole game, straight up. This is how games are supposed to be made.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Still literally the same game as other FROM games.

Remember when people were giving Activision shit for releasing the same game every year? FROM is doing the same thing and still not called out for it.

Well the reason for that is because From isn't doing it with a boring ass genre like FPS. They're doing it with an action RPG, the most compelling genre of video game ever made that never gets old no matter how many of them you play. They could release the same game twice every year and it would still be better than half as many CoDs.

Deracine was very different from their previous games, and Sekiro also seems to also be very different.

>it's okay when FROM does it

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>Still literally the same game as other FROM games.

no you can jump and swim

it's fundamentalyl a completely different genre

Also has anyone ever played Evergrace? Because what the fuck is that game, is it any good? It was a PS2 launch title and nobody ever talked about it even though it's a From Software game and I think it got a sequel. Nobody ever talks about any of From Software's old games.

Yeah man that shows by the sales amount


Oh, you're just a memer. I bet you were waiting excitedly to use that line. Why did anyone even waste time on you? Pointless.

I don't see how it's the same game as their previous titles when the cornerstone of their combat, stamina management, is gone and the game is heavily focused on stealth and a posture breaking mechanic.

>even though it's a From Software game
Aside from Dark Souls From's games are complete shite user.

Deracine was their best game since the first Dark Souls.

Then why did it get mixed reviews?



>tfw when you will never be retarded.
Since Demon's Souls they've Armored Core V and Verdict Day, Gundam Unicorn, a Steel Batallion: Heavy Armor, Another Century's Episode R and Portable, Monster Hunter Diary Poka Poka Airou Village, Yatsu Hakumira VN, and Deracine.

>no dlc
I doubt that

You literally could not sound more like a paid shill more if you tried. Jesus Christ, at least you fuckers make yourselves so obvious so it's easy to dismiss your opinions.

reviewers are idiots as per usual
shut up faggot

Calm down incel. Take your pilsl, honey.

Bloodborne is easily the best game they've ever made.

its not an action RPG retard.

At least do some proper research before you spout your mouth. I thought the same when I first saw the trailer at e3. It's a lot different from any soulsborne I've seen.

>how do I get out?
>let's call him incel, that will show him

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Bloodborne is very good, but unfortunately has a virtually pointless stat system and is generally afflicted by rehashing Souls mechanics. Deracine is a much more mature and interesting game from that studio.

Why are you quoting yourself?

Did your boss tell you that word "really riles them up" or something? It's extremely obvious from how you post that you're a shill. We won't take anything you say as more than the words of a paid mouthpiece and if anything it will drive us farther away from purchasing this game.

and never come back, Stacy

Apparently it really does rile you incels up.

It's dark souls except
>instant kills
>grapple hooks
>wall jumping
>different level design to accommodate all the new methods of getting around
>no blocking
>no leveling
>no coop
>no builds
>no shield
>no iframes
>different controls
>different respawn and death mechanics
>no stamina
>new fatigue bar
>different currency mechanics
>different exp mechanics
>voiced and named protagonist
>different setting
Seriously the only thing this game shares with other from soft titles is r1 to attack. What do you think this game has that makes it like other from titles I'm struggling to see it

Honestly all the shitters are derailing, as OPs point still stands. A single player game doesn't need online.

The action RPG is also alive, compared to FPS shitter stories the West loves so much. Hope you all wear your knickers while you play through all the sjw pandering elements now too. Looking at you Gears.

Oh and I forgot 1 weapon the whole game

Long love single player. I like online games once in a while though.

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I meant to reply to this guy oops

Damn your collection is as big as I am given to understand your dick is.


Sekiro is literally published by Activision isn't it?

>It really does rile you incels up
>when called out as being a shill he gets mad and further separates himself from actual userbase of Yea Forums by referring to them as "you incels"
I spotted you a mile away but just for anyone too dumb to see it, he just outted himself again.

Was considering buying a this game, but you've cemented my decision to pirate it instead. If you have to shill it on Yea Forums it must not be strong enough to survive off it's own strength like DaS, so I don't think I'll be wasting my money on it. What's even better is that there's no online component, so I won't even be losing out on anything by pirating. Thanks for the help, shill.

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But my dick is big too

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Damn look at how much this angry incel typed lol.

I agree

Looks like a turd.

one single color

Rehashing mechanics doesn't effect game quality. This would be like saying an FPS can't be good because it's rehashing shooting mechanics. Also, the stat system certainly has a point. Innovation also isn't tied to quality.

Only zoomers care about multiplayer.

You fucks really made 2 threads in a row for this shit? Shill-kuns must be out in full force today. What time is it in Japan?

That's what genital mutilation does user it makes dicks look like burn victims from the scar up. Keretenization is disgusting

>not a new IP
Obsess harder, Sonyboy.

Why do Americans still allow jews to freely practice this barbaric act on their children?

The stats detract from what should have been a very focused action title, and it's entirely thanks to their rehashing those mechanics.
The quality of Bloodborne is also affected by a weak second half of cobbled-together assets, shoddy online, lack of variety in aesthetics and enemies etc.
I know that innovation isn't tied to quality, since Deracine is an old-school adventure game through and through and is very good. In themes and narrative it's a just lot more mature and thoughtful than prior FROM games.

Iits not a souls game fag

Since you have a VR device, is VRChat as good as it looks?

In what way do they "detract"?
The weakness of Bloodborne's second half is grossly overestimated compared the absolute abomination of Dark Souls 1 second half. It is never so bad that it's distracting.
Deracine I found to be dull frankly, which is the most common criticism of the game.

It's alright

Other recent games that are like this (you get a full SP experience with zero microtransactions, lootboxes or DLC)

God of war
Red dead Redemption 2 (multiplayer feels like a completely different game, like if bethesda released a fallout 4 + 76 collection)

>In what do they detract
They take something skill-based and turn it into a game about finding items for weapon upgrades, and the game allows grinding/farming. This is also true of previous Souls games, but the level of build variety there made it more acceptable, and Bloodborne is actively a more action-oriented title.
Dark Souls' second half is relatively weaker but but still has good levels and bosses. Bloodborne still has good (but iffy in places) levels as well as bad ones after the first half. Almost all of the bosses are lacklustre past that point, though. I would say they're both equally poor in that department, though Bloodborne never has anything quite as bad as Izalith.
Calling Deracine dull says more about the person playing it than the game itself. You'd have to be a joyless ADHD retard to find such a short and compact game dull.

Kill yourself, faggot.

Call of Duty also adds more shit every game.


>he calls samefagging "not a new IP"
Not him but it is starting to seem like you haven't been here long

Souls MP is full of cancerfaggots

I know you're not him because it says you're a new IP. You didn't need to clarify.

If I simply called him a samefag he'd be able to deflect it easily with the old "Everyone who disagrees with me is the same person!" defense. I made sure to point out I knew exactly what he is doing so he couldn't weasel his way out of it. And it worked, because he tucked his tail and ran away.

And the weird red and blue glows completely clash with the aesthetic of the game. I have no idea how anyone can stand it. It's like a constant reminder that you're playing a video game.

this game is gonna be the king and i cant way to play it.

all of you anti from-soft babbies need to step down and go back to playing your casual shit

No season pass or downloadable content bullshit either
Yet. You see that logo in the bottom right corner?

theyre just a publisher

Frankly I am surprised to hear that Gears games are still being made, I thought that series was long dead. Who even cares about it anymore? The only reason people even talked about it back then is because they were desperate for games to play on 360.

>weak second half
The Nightmare of Mensis was incredible from both a design and gameplay perspective. Every area seethed with tension and horror. The finale with Gehrman was just flawless. And don't get me started on how great Cainhurst and the Hunter's nightmare were, although they don't really count as "second half".

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H-how can you see IPs on Yea Forums

4chanX has an optional feature that tells you if a post was made by a new IP. You can't actually see the IP but it's enough to tell you if the person is samefagging.

>The Nightmare of Mensis was incredible from both a design and gameplay perspective
It was a good enough level, but it definitely still feels like stitched-together assets, especially with that spider room. This is true of the other Nightmare level. And Micolash would be a great boss if it wasn't for that retarded spell that instakills you.
>Every area seethed with tension and horror.
Bloodborne's "horror" is really just a cartoon version. It's undeniably an atmospheric game, but it doesn't compare to the melancholic subtleties of Dark Souls or Deracine. There are parts of Deracine that are far more unsettling and eerie than Bloodborne.

One thing's for sure, when the game is out I'm going to have to create a thread that says "It wasn't too good" because it's a proven fact that people feel more compelled to express disagreement than agreement so if I want to see people praising it then I've got to pretend I didn't like it.

Now you understand how Yea Forums works.
Start a thread with "this game is shit" if you want a discussion about the game's merits, and start it with "this game is good" for its issues.

So it's worse than dark souls

the only ones that are mad at sekiro are mad cuz they cant grind levels to beat the game and then go on Yea Forums and talk about the game is "pretty easy bro"

That's because most games have shit gameplay

You don't really need to grind when you just respawn in the same spot you died. You can brute force basically anything this way.

The thing is user, the whole point of that mechanic is that you can die very easily in one hit to enemies and certain traps in this game, so you're allowed the ability to resurrect once and once again provided you get a visceral on another enemy. You can't "just brute force" things because you only get viscerals if you play well.

good try, but you can't grind the revive cuz there are repurcussions to doing it too much/getting killed while doing it, but go ahead keep lying

The things I'm upset about are
>no weapons
>no builds
>no invasions
It's probably a good game but it could be twice as good

I actually didn't know how the feature worked and needed some clarification, thanks for the info.

>I'm upset because it's not dark souls

It's bloodborne with swimming and jumping, less shit overall. fite me

I'm the biggest fan of rehashes. That's not what Call of Duty did they. They changed shit every year until it became an unplayable mess. MW2 was the first one I really hated. You really think this is just another rehash?

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All it means is that the experience will be more focused and challenging, because the game will be oriented around a single skill-set and won't allow itself to get cheesed by tank cunts with great shields.
It's like comparing Castlevania 1 to Symphony of the Night. Symphony of the Night has hundreds more items, stats, familiars -essentially more fluff - but is it as satisfying as a challenging, focused action platformer like the original?

>wah wah it's not Dark Souls enough!
>wah wah it's yet another Dark Souls!
so which one is it retards?


Bloodborne did not have a posture mechanic, stealth, and level design oriented around the player moving from lower to higher ground seamlessly.

there are plenty of single player AAA games and this game will most definitely have DLC unless it sells like total shit

Autism: The Post

>Sekiro lacks features and this is a good thing!

I'll play it, I'll probably love it, but it's lacking all the things I enjoyed so much from the other games.

>same game
Literally half the community ,especially the multiplayer niggers are mad the game is so different from the soulsborne games.

>this completely new IP "lacks features" from other games
I know what you mean senpai. I too am disappointed Sekiro doesn't have a Battle Royale mode.

>AAA game

all the more reason to pirate it