Games for this feel?
Games for this feel?
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Feel of being right wing? Because lefties have no problems murdering babies irl.
every game since quicksave is a thing
MMO Healer
surprisingly good answer
Mass Effect
Except the awful thought is [/spoiler]curing the genophage
none of you did such an awful thing right Yea Forums? I know you may have thought it but you didn't do it right?
what the fuck is this post
In the US people on the left think abortions (even late and post pregnancy) are okay.
>tfw fail spoiler
wow really? wow so much babies are killed there then? wow dude thats fucked up bro woah i bet there are dead babies all over the place in lefty cities such as nyc and san fracisco like everytime you open a trash can theres a dead baby woah dude thats so fucked up bro
Dabbedupon Kingdom Switch port confirmed.
haha oh wow
>That creepy ass speech about "keeping the child comfortable after birth while we decide".
I always thought pastor Howard was a nutjob but I dont know anymore.
begone discord tranny
Did Heavy Rain have a bunch of short flashes of potential upcoming choices? Or maybe it was Until Dawn. I'm sure I played some adventure game like that recently.
>post pregnancy
Not sure how great this article is. New york legalized late term abortion, and if she goes into labour during it they kill it post birth
Technically, it's more post-failed-abortion, unless there's a completely different one I'm unaware of.
abortions are okay though
if half this board had been aborted the internet wouldn't be such a shithole.
Okay but really, who hasn't been driving and just think to themselves "I could just swerve into oncoming traffic at any moment"?
nah, bro you're just schizo
Its normal and healthy to have these thoughts
People that have these thoughts and dont question them or think "damn if i push this woman holding her baby the baby probably dies damn thats fucked up" are the dangerous ones.
Hell, there are a lot of people around that dont have inner dialogue at all
>Hell, there are a lot of people around that dont have inner dialogue at all
But, how do these people then question themselves?
I have these thoughts too
I’ve also thought about
>tossing my phone/wallet/gameboy outside the window of a moving car
>driving into traffic
>what would happen if I stabbed someone/my dog with the kitchen knife I’m holding
>jumping off when near the edge of a cliff
>what would happen if I suddenly lost my mind and went on a killing spree, GTA style, while shopping for groceries
Yeah the french call it something gay like the appeal of the void.
the chad npc operates entirely through instinct
we virgin thinkers have to consider our viewpoints, beliefs and actions
They dont
It's super weird. Sometimes I think about throwing my things from the car or hurting my dog which I love so much. It worries me.
Oh and I’ve also thought about opening the car door from the driver’s side and jumping out while driving
There is literally nothing wrong with abortions. Are you incels too scared of giving women a choice?
Call of the void.
The thing about some people not having inner monologue was in a study. i can't remember where to find it tho. /pol/ used it as a basis for the npc meme made to criticize unthinking liberals. Ask around there if you want to find it.
It's a funny meme, but it isn't so interesting really. The thing is that people perceive thinking differently, and don't necessarily share the same vocabulary for mental phenomenon. I guess that some people consider thoughts more passively, while others feel them like as in an active mental conversation.
I am fine with abortions provided they are for eugenic purposes.
So in your ideal world you would have never been born then.
>talking to a girl I’m not attracted to
>Lol what if I just randomly kissed her, she’d probably think that’s weird and freak out
>don’t do anything
>continue on with my day
>There is literally nothing wrong with abortions.
Even post-birth, when's babykilling ok to you?
You'll change your mind if/when you will ever get kids.
>Are you incels too scared of giving women a choice?
Oh, this has to be b8, right?
Indeed, my life is miserable because of my genes.
But my bestest buddy suffered from the genophage. And he is kinda reasonable, except when he is not. Maybe his whole species is just like that?
Unronically kill yourself
I dont have these anymore now that Im a neet and have plenty of sleep
really makes you think
holy fuk literally me
>hug dad before his business trip
>in my thoughts explicitly say "hope your plane crashes"
>why the fuck did I think that
>would never wish that
That's what we call right-wing projection. Conservative ideology is deeply rooted in insecurity and hypocrisy, which is why you'll often find these neanderthals clacking rocks together and screaming some barely-related bullshit any chance they get.
Why are lefties so obsessed with death?
That study was grossly misinterpreted by dumbasses who instantly thought it gives them some kind of intellectual high ground. It was about differentiating various kinds of idle thought. Some people think by talking to themselves, some in images and some just in concepts.
Found the incel lmao
Unironically based
>have laptop at work
>urge to fucking throw it as hard as I can at someone
>don't ever do that
Not even sure I actually do want that. But, I can't stop that thought sometimes.
>This is why decisions such as this should be made by providers, physicians, and the mothers and fathers that are involved. When we talk about third-trimester abortions, these are done with the consent of the mother, with the consent of physicians, more than one physician by the way, and it’s done in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus which is non-viable. So in this particular example, if the mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen, the infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if this is what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physician and the mother.
t. the Governor of Virginia
Malvin Weisberg's Woodland Hills california 1982
I'd rather get bred by Krogan than killed by reapers, so yes.
Mind, I'd choose getting bred by Krogan either way.
you guys need help, I never had such thoughts
The Last of Us
Quite literally Harvester.
Unironically sometimes. They throw them in the trash. You naive child. You truly have no idea what a shithole San Francisco is these days...
Is this someone talking about babies on life support machines being taken wildly out of context or something?
I was mostly reffering to the fact that not having the ability to think through your own thoughts is rather dangerous and that people often react way too instinctively/emotionally. Let your intellect be your katana and the pretend-friend in your head your mentor
heh... henceforth you will
you will remember my post
you will not forget
That's funny. So you're really saying that women have literally no agency getting knocked up and their only choice lies in whether to kill an unborn being. wow, how misogynistic.
that you have to jump to this shit with no basis, makes it seem like projection, bro.
Reminder population control is left wing and must be done to save the planet.
Also, brown people have the most abortions. If righty-retards knew this they'd change they're stance on abortion, but more righties can't read so what can ya do.
>I was mostly reffering to the fact that not having the ability to think through your own thoughts is rather dangerous
But this is precisely the misunderstanding we pointed out, user.
>people often react way too instinctively/emotionally.
We don't know whether this has any bearing on how people perceive the thinking process.
This incel is SEETHING
Jesus. My favorite part is when he invokes "men shouldn't be telling women what they can and can't be doing with their bodies" in reference to an already born child that is in no way a part of that woman's body anymore. It's kind of funny that feminist types run around complaining that men treat them as property when that seems to be exactly what they think of children as being.
Population control is already done by the people themselves though (mostly white people) as they go for smaller families over time as life stabilizes and grows more comfortable.
It's people in third-world countries that breed like rabbits as their instinct kicks in to have their race survive
>You'll change your mind if/when
Had kids already, wife got pregnant again despite taking precautions to avoid it. We agreed to an abortion, thank fuck.
Reminder this kind of rhetoric comes from retard in echochambers who think having kids is some kind of feat.
As soon as living conditions would improve there, they would also stop having as many kids.
>Reminder population control is left wing and must be done to save the planet.
population control done by whom. The corporate elites and banker dynasties? That's literally who the general left is working as pawns right now. They've discarded their populist platforms and are almost entirely co-opted by globalist interests.
>Also, brown people have the most abortions. If righty-retards knew this they'd change they're stance on abortion
This is actually true to some extent, in murica. But most righties take a principled stance against killing babies.
>but more righties can't read so what can ya do.
top shitlib
>fat hambeast at work says she had thought about killing her kids and that it's "normal"
Funny, I never had thoughts of killing people I like. Are people seriously this fucked up?
Nice argument, bro. gtfo meme spouting retard.
>It's people in third-world countries that breed like rabbits as their instinct kicks in to have their race survive
Do you love in the 80s? Have you seen the birthrates of most Latin America? In ME countries such as Iran or Turkey? It's not even third world countries, but the absolute most miserable places that have increasing birthrates, it's why Syria's birthrates went up after the war.
>Have unprotected sex for reasons
>Get pregnant
>Not sure if you want to have a baby for 8 months straight
>Child is born, screaming
>"Yea I dont want it anyway kill it"
Babies are the parent's property, you should be able to do whatever you want with them.
Sorry that Alex Jones got deplatformed, I know that was a blow for you
You prolife faggots really are this autistic huh?
This. Sputnik did a reportage on the evils of USA and they found literal baby corpses in trash cans. All white, innocent babies...
It's not an argument, it's a fact, my sweet, innocent incel.
>Reminder this kind of rhetoric comes from retard in echochambers who think having kids is some kind of feat.
No, it comes from an incomprehensibly long line of thinking that life is sacred. Not something people should allow or discard on a whim. Whether or not it causes some perceived inconvenience in their hedonistic lifestyle.
>Having to make shit up to fit your narrative
Y I k e s
>no argument
>not knowing that people just 5-6 generations ago in europe had like 9 kids of whom probably 3 survived till adulthood..
Is that red wine?
>but the absolute most miserable places that have increasing birthrates
But its unfair that the civilized world has this fortune. why work towards self-improvement when you can just take it?
Do you have any evidence against that?
>I would never wish harm upon you
Why did you force him into a terminal structure full of frictions (translation: place where you must suffer and die) then?
Parents sign a death warrant the moment sperm combines with an egg.
fuck having children
I've never watched alex jones, besides the jre show. It was hilarious btw.
I've merely applied critical thinking and read some news from non-msm sources.
>it comes from an incomprehensibly long line of thinking that life is sacred
Fucking lol.
The police force exists. The army exists. Self defense exists. Capital punishment exists.
You're living in a an echo chamber. Killing people is par of the course. Of course, the only ones denied the right to arm themselves or kill have historically been the peasants, so it figures you'd hold such beliefs.
Okay, now THIS is based
Having inner monologues sounds like autism desu. Besides, you can't just think things through like a math problem, that kind of thinking (like OP's image) is useless.
Just fucking imagine condemning a perfect innocent to die. Sends shivers down my spine.
Have sex
More like being a centrist normalfaggot. If you're against murdering babies you're a filthy moderate and should keep your political opinions on Facebook where your grandmother and sister can "Like" them.
>get raped
>rapist gets you pregnant
>oh noes abortion is wrong better live with this unwanted kid
you're retarded
Have sex
Try again, faggot.
>All white, innocent babies...
>Life is suffering, no ammount of happiness will ever compare or justify the act of living
I always wonder why people who think like this havent killed themselves yet. Not that I wish you death, but it seems like the logical end of this argument.
>30 minutes later
>this incel is still positively SEETHING
>his NPC logic gets stuck in a meme loop
Absolute LMAO
He's unironically right though. You pay for these burdens. It's just natural that you make them pay off their debt to you by doing what you want. Sell it for sexual pleasure of strangers? Make it till the fields? Beg? Whatever, you're not obliged to pay its living cost, it should support itself.
Ok, so you're incapable of distinguishing between necessary violence and killing defenceless beings because they might inconvenience your hollow life.
>makes a strawman
wow, truly epic feat my dude.
Based and redpilled
That article says you can abort only if there is an
>absence of foetal viability, or the abortion is necessary to protect the patient's life or health
Calling that post pregnancy abortion is like calling self defense murder
You aren't technically wrong because you killed someone making what you did murder, but you only want to call it that because you want to give it an unjust negative connotation
>necessary violence
All violence is necessary as long as it benefits the perpetrator of violence. That's what violence is for.
Deal with it, wuss.
Real life
Oh fuck, took me a second
>calling someone out on meme-looping while calling the other person incel for the nth time, with zero substance.
Are you ok, user?
>le edgy nihilism
I truly hope you lied about having kids. If not, I feel sorry for your family.
for everyone who has these thoughts and is afraid of them, note that they're just mild OCD and you wont actually act on them unless you consciously make the choice to do so. You're not a bad person, they're just thoughts and they cant control you. This level of mild OCD is really common.
Found the pedophile.
>Are you ok, user?
More memes from the NPC database LMAO
Wait are you saying a conservative is massively misrepresenting facts to spin a narrative? What a shocking and completely unexpected event!
ITT psychopaths thinking they are normal.
wtf I hate /pol/ now
I don't think you know what nihilism is.
I'm not nihilistic, I am pro life. Pro my own life, that is.
This is so funny, because you have literally shown no capacity to reason. Instead your every post is composed of a single maymay.
I just want to see the moment you realize this, or your brain starts to produce actual thoughts.
lmao based and redpilled
>cutting carrots in kitchen
>see pet dog roll over on its back in the living room
>watch the knife in my hand
>"i could use this knife and just cut their belly open, one slow and long cut accross that fat stomach of theirs, watch the guts spill"
>mfw random thoughts
>there are now people on Yea Forums who believe retarded boomer pundits
Why the fuck do I even come here anymore?
>reeee just let me murder babies in peace muh body muh rights!
Fuck off Zeke
that's your caveman side telling you he doesn't like the unnatural 9-5 life you lead
Having no consistent philosophy can be regarded as rejection of it.
And your post makes me assume yours is in a pretty shitty state.
Tanner get off the computer honey your mac n cheese is getting cold
My philosophy is pretty consistent, though.
It's yours that's inconsistent.
>Violence is wrong, except all of these other cases that keep me safe and prosperous in a nation that utilizes violence to keep its borders and streets safe
>but I also get to climb on a moral high horse by denying others the right to violence that would benefit them
Now that's inconsistent..
Pro life is the same kind of basic bitch bleeding heart political stance as gun control.
>boo hoo muh dead babies/niggers
Nah, faggot
When me and my lady get high and listen to acid rock, we always go for the classic California cheeseburger.
no it's beetle juice
>You pay for these burdens.
It was your decision to put these burdens upon yourself, 0% of the decision was in the hands of the "burden". It's like hitting a pedestrian on purpose and then whining that they scratched your car paint because of it and categorically demanding them to pay it off.
>It's just natural
Nature is evil.
>that you make them pay off their debt
It was not their decision to be conceived. It's not a debt, it's a kidnapping and burglary.
>to you by doing what you want.
Making a baby was exclusively your and your partners' want.
>Whatever, you're not obliged to pay its living cost, it should support itself.
You are the one who cursed THEM with needs.
It's the other way around, parents are morally obliged to support their offspring from conception to natural death (which was another of their curses).
Funny how you had no response to this:
Self-awareness is really important in order to solve any kind of problem to understand in what position you are.
OP pic is a meme but that train of though is necessary (the final panel one) from time to time to get a hold of yourself.
Else, you end up with impulsive people who mean no harm but keep fucking everyone.
Based and Zekepilled