What's your excuse for not staying /fit/, Yea Forums?

What's your excuse for not staying /fit/, Yea Forums?

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I'm lazy

I'm also lazy

Exercising is boring

no motivation and commitment

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I've lost my will to live

not vidya

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I'm too scared of getting injured

I don't care.

i can't maintain elite smash status if i keep going to the gym.

kind of disgusted, don't know why

That ass tho

this is the ideal female body

>don't know wh
lacking tits


Natty cope

its because youre a mentaly ill tranny

>No ass
>No tits

I'm only 24, 180 lbs, and I'm gonna have a heart attack one of these days simply because I don't move unless I have to. To everyone younger than me that is also sedentary: seriously make an effort to do at least minimal exercises every day before you slip too far into laziness and depression. Please, spare yourself of this. I went out to the store at 4am yesterday morning to buy aspirin because I was worried about my heart.

>2/10 wouldn't bang

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Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free


No need for motivation, check youtu.be/AdKUJxjn-R8

>have big dick
>is /fit/izen
>have fortune
>have many business I inherited

I'm still kissless virgin at 24.

t. incels

I went to the gym fucking 5 days this week. I lost almost 2 lbs. I am running 2 miles a day for warmup, coming in at 19:30 most recently

I have added 4 pull ups since January but I haven't lost a single pound. I just cannot stop eating peanut butter.

You can still save yourself, man. Just see a doctor. Eat a little less. Vegetables sauteed in some oil are also fucking delicious. Please. 180 lbs is not unsalvageable

Isn't that public exposure/indecency? Wtf is wrong with people

I’m 85kg, active and have no health issues, just stop being fat lmao

Because no matter how much I tire myself out during regular workout, I never see results on my own body. I have accepted the fact that I will always be a skinnyfat manlet skeleton.

Wow. A borderline teenage boy. You homos

>You are not allowed to criticize if you are ugly

fuck off jealous roastie

Little girls dont care.

I'm an autist who likes swimming tool much because I feel safe underwater. After years of swimming almost everyday i'm actually pretty /fit/.
It's scary because sometimes women try to make a move on me and the anxiety kills me


You haven't accomplished anything for yourself, that's why you're still a virgin.

i play games

Motivation is overrated. Build a habit. Jog outside every day, even if it's just to you car and back. Go lift a weight, even if it's just one rep. On days you're feeling up to it, do more. Eventually those days will outweigh the ones you do a little. Anything worth doing is worth doing half assed. Nobody does things on motivation alone.

Not sure if actual underage or just an unlucky hungry skeleton

Arthritis and also VIDEO GAMES

>all these roasties and trannies absolutely seething

good post user

based Oingo Boingo

Staying "fit" is all about breaking your muscle/joints so they rebuild themselves stronger, so yeah no thanks.
Also it is an incredibly normie thing.

No, you aren’t. Criticism is meant to pursuade a person into changing. Why would an 8 give a shit how the look in the eyes of a 2.
Your criticism is wasted or you just want them to feel bad about themselves, but either way you are still a 2

Oh they do.

no, but your criticism carries considerably less weight.
A girl that looks like that would never even look twice at your ugly ass

This, you're all retarded for thinking any straight male on Yea Forums is insulting the girl in the webm

Because it won't bring anything to my life. All that'll happen is that I'll grow more hairy and instead of a baby face I'll just have a man face. The benefits are health related, which are nice... if you care to live longer than 40 years.

But I'm not talking to her but arguing with some losers on a imageboard.

ain't about being ugly and more to do with being gay, a tranny or a jealous woman that men are more attracted to her than another woman which usually incites such posts as yours and i would know because she's hot and it makes me mad that i'm not as thin and attractive as her

This is honestly me. I got a 24 hour membership back in november. It has been 4 months. Ive done weights, the heaveist things i could lift, many times. 4/5 times a week. Milk + fruit + protein powder shakes after for easy calories. Lots of chicken, eggs, beef, fish, potatoes. And yet im still 135 pounds and if i dont exercise for a few days, then any progress i have is lost or shrinks significantly. I look nearly the same as i did when i started and have cancelled my membership. Not all of us can make it brehs

This is why parents should be able to send their young males to manliness camps where they have to live like men. No video games, no porn, no degeneracy. You'd become fit and healthy man and you'd be sold to women who want a fit healthy husband.

This is literally what we need to fix young men and society.

I am.

Turns out getting fit doesn't magically fix your life.

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>their young males
What shithole 2nd world country are you from?

I can't gain weight, I mean it takes me months to gain a little bit of muscular mass but then I lose everything I gained the moment I stop and is too much of a hassle so I quit. I don't have much problem being skinny, if I were fat then I'd care more because that can lead to heart attacks and what not, but being skinny is not much health risk.

By that logic, you shouldn't be able to criticize videogames if you're not an elite videogame developer youself.

There's the army in finland for that, but I left within a week.

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>I can't gain weight
Stopped reading there. Just eat more but do it right, you dumb hungry skeleton.

female poster

US. There's literally nothing wrong in that sentence.

>I can't gain weight

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2nd world countries are all the ones that belong, or used to belong, to the Soviet bloc.

Yeah, you clearly stoped right there, because I elaborated about it in the next sentence.

If I'm
A) supporting myself and my wife
B) own my own business
C) happy
then why the fuck should I care what you think? Why should I adhere to your idea of masculinity? Fuck yourself, you know nothing.

video games are hand crafted to be good, humans are not. when a human looks good it's extra good and it makes people like yourself extremely jealous because unlike video games, the comparison you're trying to make, you can't be fixed and that makes you seethe to the point you're seething at right now. unbased retard making comparisons where comparisons can't be made.

>dat visible stain of butt sweat

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this image makes me mad, i have a friend online who complains about being under weight and for years we thought he really had a health problem. we've all known each other for about 7 years now and eventually his older brother started playing games with us too, turns out our friend ears just like this. tiny meals, throws most of his food away and lies about what he eats. i just don't get it

No it means uggos like you just need to shut up.

Are you like 5 feet tall? I don't think there's any salvage for you.

anyone that complains about not being able to gain weight, if they say they don't have any allergies or digestive conditions, they'll full of fucking shit, everytime.

It IS a health problem, and as well as a mental problem

Isn't that Broteam boyfriend?

>then why the fuck should I care what you think?
Which is ironically the manly thing to do.

>sold to women
my fetish desu

I'm trying but the fat is taking fucking forever to come off.


>being healthy and/or having small tits means underaged
Damn, then my 32 year old cousin is a child with 2 kids, I must alert the authorities about my cousins husband and his illegal affairs!

Why you didn't want to be fit?

I'm a /fit/izen that believes in strong men. Why you think men should be weak?

>81 kilograms
>somehow this is considered fat
Nigga what the fuck.

Can't be fucking bothered to get up and spend 30 minutes in the squat rack I bought

>Why you didn't want to be fit?
I'm lazy, hedonistic and scared of people.

Men should weight 60-70kg.

>where they have to live like men
>No video games
>no porn
>no degeneracy

so take everything away that makes a man who he really is and fill it with something else that only a woman would care about? no thank you


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I used to do martial arts over a decade ago, but now I can't even do 10 squats without my legs get so fucked up I can't go up and down stairs for days. I spent four weeks trying to get back into a regular exercise routine, but the end of the first month still felt like the very start - so much pain, soreness and stiffness that I couldn't function. Maybe I'm just getting too old.

>That body is a healthy body

Damn, why can't I find girls like this around where I live?

>then any progress i have is lost or shrinks significantly
But if you're typing this then it means you're making some sort of progress? Your post doesn't make sense. Of course you're gonna lose muscle if you don't exercise regularly.

if he is shorter than 6 foot, thats quite fat

It is, fatass

im doing about 1:30h of gym, 3 times per week.
exercising is not difficult, diet is.

Probably laziness. being in a state of exhausting blows and kills motivation.

I am staying fit

Staying healthy is expensive. Even 2 Eggs and one glass of milk feels expensive for a breakfast

You mean hobbits

Obesity is only one small factor of many to heart complications. Much larger contributors are physical activity and diet. You can be 300 lbs, and have less than 1% risk of a heart attack over 10 years if you're active (ie, move around regularly, not necessarily exercise) and eat well enough.

That post was meant for virgins and incels. You have a wife already so that means you at least used to be husband material at some point, but to keep her attracted to you physically you still should pay attention to your body.

I just bought this

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I don't have a reason to be.

have you left humanity behind?

i hope you're a woman because your reaction would make sense, such insane jealousy because a man would prefer a slimmer girl than your over weight self. if not then i feel sorry for you that you've been corrupted into thinking that being healthy and attractive is a negative and being fat and ugly is a positive

Testosterone doesn't help if you masturbate more than twice in a week. Masturbation removes testosterone.

>you'd be sold to women
So you want to make strong /fit/ individuals so that they get sold to entitled hamplanets and uggos? Why don't they also have camps where they have to live like women or at least not like overgrown petty children and where they can become healthy voluptous women?

you got scammed. lol

I get more pleasure by doing coke and beer

You've got some ass-backwards ideas about relationships

Cool I'm not gonna bother with exercising. I'm on my feet 8 hours a day at work, that's enough.

>TFW you masturbate ~30 times a week

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that's a boy desu

Go syringe or go home

>bought this

Just let a buff guy fuck in the ass and shoot his load into you, instant testosterone and its free

i dont see you complaining about women turning into fatties after they get married

1) I have the attention span of a newt

2) I don't feel connected to anyone enough to be bothered trying for.. including myself

3) Comfort food is my drug

4) I don't know

no it isn't, stop trying so hard to fit in.

I'm underweight but I just eat whenever I physically feel hunger, usually once or twice a day. If something's good or okay I'll finish it all. If it tastes like shit fuck no I'm not finishing that garbage.
It works out pretty well for me since I'm homo and my skinny waist makes my ass stick out. Guys love having a petite ass they can just throw around and fuck
I'll probably look more seriously into gaining weight in my mid-late 20s but for now I don't really care much beyond doing squats and legs at the gym.

35, I'm staying /fit/


You don't seem to understand that men don't care if woman is in a relationship. She will get approached sexually and young fit men will flirt with her even more if they see a fatty husband.


>Masturbation removes testosterone
false and confirmed a lie, i've masturbated 1-2 times every single day since i was about 13, 27 right now, and i'm about as manly and hairy as they come the only problem is i'm a bit fat for my height

>puts shirt on just to lift it up

You wanna know why I know your uncle raped you day in day out as a kid?

you are nothing else but an animal, purely driven by instincts.

I can't gain weight even tho I eat a lot.
my doc told me I can't digest about half of my diet, that's why I poop out perfectly recognizable pieces of food.

what's the point if you ate nothing but junk food every day
switching diet is way harder than working out, to me at least

I'm getting there. Losing weight everyday. already down 65 pounds

I have been getting fit, I left school when I was 16 and I was really fit then but I became a shut it for years and got extremely lazy and depressed, I am a NEET who lives off disability allowance. At the start of the year me and my sister decided to go to the gym, I felt sick after workout and drained but kept at it and now I still go 3 days a week and have lost about 8kg. I am feeling a bit more confident in social situations now too, I used to never talk to anybody and would need people to go to the store and shit for me, but now I even go to the gym alone when my sister can't make it and I speak to people if it arises. It is never too late anons, I used to think I could never change but I was wrong. You will all make it.

>He doesn’t lift for little girls

I have a job and a woman, both suffice to keep me in shape.

Humans are animals with instincts. They aren't robots.

>agree to do a set of squats or whatever exercise for every time I die
>eventually get good and never die

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That there are actually people like this, dont get it really

Tits too small


That's fine if you see yourself as an animal, nigger.

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>all these fatties wasting their good bone structure because they are lazy sacks of shit
Having a disgusting face despite being healthy is true suffering

And you don't seem to think of women as people with free will or opinions. So what if she's approached? If you got a proper woman she's not gonna respond to it. Again, you don't seem to understand relationships or even women.