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Sorry bro were afk firing up my bong
You never really hear that line anymore, he goes down too fast. Then again I didn’t really run that dungeon after the stat squish
Fuck TBC, the only real WoW is Vanilla.
Maybe if you held aggro better we wouldnt have killed your healer buddies lmao plz drop the sword I really need it
this remix is the only decent thing we got out of that whole garbage raid
FOOLS! Our cause is righteous!
>get quest/dungeon boss down to 1hp
>stuns everyone
>enough! we'll finish this another time
>flies off to be a rehashed boss somewhere else
Men, women, and children.
None were spared the master's wrath.
Your deaths will be no different.
It's even worse when you actually kill the boss for real and he still comes back next expansion with some bullshit reason for still being alive
this pear...so delicious
>Playing on a 7x WotLK private server
>Decide to 4-man heroic Ramparts with basically no gear before we depart for Northrend
>Every pull is an effort, but beatable with proper CC and callouts
>Then there's Gargolmar
>Sap the 1st healer, DPS the 2nd down, but Gargolmar just does cosmic dick damage to our tank and cleaves melee DPS without warning, we wipe 6 times
>Finally give up and recruit someone, anyone
>That someone, anyone is a Blood Elf paladin who keeps insisting he's "done this before" and clearly doesn't know what heroic is
>Pulls a pack of random trash nowhere near the boss and nearly wipes us
>While the priest drinks we brief him on the plan
>Says nothing except "go"
>Pull, plan is going well, tank pops all defensive CDs because it's still just too much
>As the other DPS and I desperately try to down Gargolmar and I hear the tank and healer popping off, all I see is the paladin sitting there getting hit in the face with Gargolmar's bladefist, not even auto-attacking
>eats 2 hits and dies
>those 2 hits give us enough time to down gargolmar
>Blade of Wizardry drops on the next pack of trash, which the paladin pulls without warning and instantly dies to, he rolls 93 need, says "im mogging this" and we kick him
this is the kai leng e-mail of wow.
i most likely have shit taste, but wailing caverns is one of my favourite dungeons in the game
>tfw no cave full of greenery and running water
>remember that you're playing WotLK and the BC gear doesn't matter the second you step into Northrend
Fixed that for you.
Who dares interrupt-...? What is this? What have you done!? YOU'LL RUIN EVERYTHING!
Anub was ressurected by Arthas
Merely a setback
>even in private servers RNG favors the braindead
this is why i stopped playing MMOs
we did it for the fun, would've been nice to get something we could sell to pay for all our flying training put together.
>Queue for a random heroic because our tank and healer are busy, get the most braindead replacements possible
>The tank nearly kills himself on the final boss of Forge of Souls even after explicitly being told what to do
>Healer stands still for 30s at a time, doesn't heal any AoE damage so DPS wipes every other trash pull
>Only drops go to the tank and healer
it's just fucking depressing
What is this? You must forgive me, but I was not expecting company. As you can see, we are somewhat preoccupied right now. But no matter. As I am a gracious host, I will tend to you... personally.
>tfw polite, well mannered villains and bosses are always so charming and likable
"Unannounced visitors? Preparations must be made..."
>playing with new garbage models
You deserved it desu senpai.
>"Forgive me friend, your death only adds to my failure..."
Damn, fuck Wrath and its shit easy dungeons teaching people to mass pull everything
Old models are trash.
""Back in business! Now, to execute an exit strategy."
Fuck man, Ethereals are the coolest faction/race in wow.
I think he says it no matter how fast he goes down, it just gets replaced with his death quote immediately after.
I hate that they crunched it down when the original was only slightly more complex and was still essentially a straight line, but for some reason didnt bother changing the lord cobrahn backtrack at all.
depends on the race, male orcs for example got a huge upgrade, but races like undead/fem orc got downgraded
tbc was a fucking dogshit expansion. vanilla gets a pass because it was the first, wotlk was when they really got their shit together. tbc was just the devs experimenting with a bunch of dumb shit at the expense of the players
true, im playing on a tbc private server right now and i had more fun playing vanilla/wotlk
tbc classes are incomplete and imbalanced as fuck, the only good raid is karazhan, the rest is trash, and its more casual friendly than vanilla, you can get gold so easy, also flying mounts sucks
agreed. hallway dungeons and rehashed raids were truly the peak of wow
>Blood elf paladin
Thats what a problem here. Stay away from blood elf paladin (Especially retribution) as far away from your party as possible.
back in the day these guys caused the most player deaths out pf all enemies
Proof once again that only retards play Alliance.
I really like vanilla Maraudon user. Huge dungeon that feels like an actual adventure. Looks amazing too.
>only good raid is kara
>in tbc
this is how you detect a shitter
What would the other alternative be? Black Temple? The rest are fucking hallways or bugged shit
It is, the rest is pretty much the same design as 5mans, Kara reminds me of brd.
WotLK is peak wow. Any other opinion is wrong
I like how WoW looks worse than most f2p cartoony KR MMO's, and yet it's WoW players that mostly complains about how silly KR MMO's look.
*ruins your run*
If there is one thing I truly miss from the old days it is the massive complex dungeons. I remember spending four fucking hours in Gnomeregon my first time through and we still didn't get to everything. That run was definitely when WoW actually hooked me.
I really wish HotS didn't fail.
daily reminder we got cheated
I always liked how heroic shitmobs could two shot any non-plate and three shot a Paladin healer. Any Cleave or aoe would instantly 10k anyone in range
I miss when retarded DPS that pulled would actually get punished by getting their shit kicked in. Now every DPS can pretty much tank heroic mobs.
Who are you? What do you want?! Stay away from me!
Would agree with . The problems with most other raids is they don't feel like the location exists for anything other than raiding. Remove the players and try to imagine the use for each area.
Bolster my defenses, hurry curse you!
I wish wow was still God
Will we ever get an alternate timeline where the Black Empire still exists?
I miss him. Shadowfang Keep just isn't the same.
Fucking based.
Fuck alliance, all unoriginal retards playing nelf hunter.
Alas, brave, brave adventurers, your meddling has reached its end. Do you hear the clatter of bone and steel coming up the tunnel behind you? That is the sound of your impending demise. I shall not fail the Lich King, come and meet your end!
the fuck is this?
fable 3?
More orcs, boring encounter.
More nagas.
Same as gruuls.
More belves.
More trolls. Literally Zul'Gurub 2.0.
More demons and legion shit.
Same as hyjal, only cool fight is Illidan.
More demons, literally silvermoon remodeled with bosses on it.
That's why Kara is the best raid in the TBC, it has all kind of fun stuff, the feeling of going into a haunted castle, opera event, chess, cool fights and the atmosphere is comfy and doesnt look like a remodeled 5man dungeon.
You know what they say about curiousity
i meant more ogres
Incompetent leads. The mechanics of the game shit on every competitor but that doesn't matter when
>refusal to add bonuses for playing well (really fucking simple, just add bonuses for hero killing blows, fuck last hitting)
>horrible engine problems, and reconnect
>completely unfunctional ranked system
>completely unfunctional matchmaking
>retarded monetization
and of course being late to the party
last multiplayer game I genuinely enjoyed and put 4 digit hours into. fucking incompetent leads, the actual team was based.
I want to fuck a dragon
Better descriptions:
>Gruul and Mag
Hallway Onyxia clone
>SSC, Hyjal and TK
Cancer shit no one likes
Alright, but not memorable
Boring hallway in Silvermoon with cancerous later bosses
I still remember the original ytmnd.
his old shoulders were cooler
Waste away into nothingness!
I remember being a horde dude being right in the middle of the bridge and slaying any flagged ally scum that tried to pass
Perhaps you should have stayed IN THE MOUNTAINS.
I am the lucid dream
The monster in your nightmares
The fiend of a thousand faces
Cower before my true form
retailbabs, user
>retarded monetization
I think this was one of the core problems, back then it had a system similar to the weekly and midweek offers that lol had on skins/champions. There were excellent offers so even casuals like myself would go out of their way to buy some cheap stuff just because it was cheap. Adding lootboxes and changing the system to and extreme grind without competent discounts or cheap rotations was a deal breaker to a huge number of players.
I think he's talking about Gamer-District, I used to play there. They have a mogging system which is kind of impressive if a bit jank.
Men, women, and children... None were spared the master's wrath. Your death will be no different.
yo fuck this dungeon as a prot warrior during wotlk
>warrior tanking in ICC
Why? Pallys and DKs were all anyone wanted
I was pure, once...
beer... so exhilarating!
As you wish, my lord.
Don't remind me
That's not ICC numbnuts it's HoR.
This asshole was ridiculously hard in heroic pre-nerfs.
I meant the whole ICC patch. HoR was part of the ICC patch. At that time, Warrior and Druid tanks were ignored for Pallys and DKs
HoR was part of the 3 5-man dungeons released during the same patch. They're all located within ICC.
I loved tanking this dungeon on my warrior. The trick was to make everyone hide in the closets so you could LOS pull.
best raid since bc
It's alright, but no Ulduar.
You think he used them as his personal sex slaves?
>tfw no female mogu sfm smut
Rexx did one ages ago.
Back off Pup!
Formerly Chuck's
Pleb opinion. It literally had a sewer section. Terrible.
>no females in Lei Chen's own race
>Lei CHAD created two sluts just for himself, an uguu cutie and agressive tsundere
Closer... Come closer...
All realities, all dimensions are open to me!
Aren't all of these bosses a little underwhelming when the vanilla game has you literally killing God?
I still don't know how those adventurers defeated C'Thun. In lore, adventurers becomed stronger with time, but it's like you've fought a lvl 98 Boss before going to Outland to defeat lvl 50 Boss Illidan.
you never killed Sargeras
It's only supposed to be a part of him. And wrath era lore (through the comics) implied that they don't die even when they're killed.
Old Gods aren't actual gods.
>ICC patch releases
>run through it with friend + couple others
>HoR takes an hour, I tank it in the dead center with the group CCing the range ghosts
Felt good actually CCing shit again, and since then I would tank it in the entryway rather than the alcoves folks preferred. I liked the space.
he was only "resurrected" because people were mad as shit that he was some shitty dungeon boss instead of a raid boss like he should have been
The only old god that's really dead is the cuck whose heart got shattered
It's the loot that makes that place great.
>most players get their first shoulders
>that blue staff from the main quest that's awesome for pretty much every class for leveling, even warriors
>cool ass viper set
>TURTLE shield, how cool is that?
I'm tired of this faggots fucking face fucking 600 pulls blizzard going full retard with mechanics because they can't think of anything new so it's just dozens of "all this instantly kills you" not to mention uldir which is full of fights you're supposed to cheese and literally nerfed a boss because they nerfed the way EVERYOn wwas killing it and then fucking ghuun which isn't hard it's just hoping your other retards can play literal catch (protip: they can't)
Reminder this happened
I remember you... In the mountains... But you... what is this?
___ ____!
I find his voice memorable due to how unfitting it is, imagine Cthun's whispers in Yogg's shouting voice. Really dumb.
Really liked his voice, it's funny since it's the same VA as Yogg, all comes down to the image presented.
BC really had a lot of great boss voices.
yep, I remember getting armor of the fang on my hunter. got to walk around orgrimmar looking like a complete faggot while some night elf on the other end of the map was rocking a defias set.
Kino raid.
C'thun was super weak and damaged
stupid fucking "top 10 most insane wow facts!" youtube watching zoomer faggot
i never played anything past wotlk, what happened with garrosh on this pic?
>stormpike bowmen
Azjul'Nerub was supposed to be an entire zone in WotLK with quests and NPCs. Instead we got a couple dungeons while you can still see the remains of the entire zone.
>Stormpike Bowman
Pillagers were when they first released that data.
>random elite NPC who'll fuck your shit up at first chance
>has d e e p e s t lore
They turned him from a misunderstood lad thrust into a position of power he didn't want into full blown comic book villian in MoP because the trannies and gays that were taking over blizzard thought he was too yucky to be a leader and wanted him gone
They had him turn into a Dr. Doom/Hitler hybrid so they could kill him off. In that pic he literally steals the heart of an old god and fuses it with his body to get stronger. The same Garrosh that in Cata called Sylvanas a dumb bitch for using undead hoodoo to make more undead because he was so anti demon/scourge
how much do you wanna bet they're gonna make all the mobs that were elite in vanilla they had all over the place normal mobs to cater to the retard zoomies that are playing it cuz LOL ASMONGOLD
>Impure thoughts lead to profane actions
Kara had the best boss lines
God i miss coming back from school and playing TBC. Exploring durotar, running dungeons, just discovering things. I remember the summer that i played the most I'd wake up early just to be able to play more, watch shitty G4 and eat frozen pizzas. Fucking comfy.
Argus was really good boss
thats sad
Zul’Aman is an extremely underrated raid
For the longest time my retarded ass thought the trash in his room saying not to let him loose and that he'll kill us all was referring to Kelidan, and that maybe he was channeling Magtheridon's power planning to take over Hellfire Peninsula. I later realized they're just talking about not letting Mag loose. I'm dumb.
ROFL Argus wasn't even the hardest boss in his own raid you stupid grey parsing pile of dog shit
mythic guldan and kil jaeden shit all over argus, they made him easy as fuck on purpose because of how hard the final bosses for the past 2 raids were
The best thing to come out of Legion
>do my best to keep an eye on and avoid him while questing
>stitches sneaks up on me
That graveyard was one of the best places in vanilla.
heereee is my beloved?
I love tirisfall so much. If i play classic i'm playing a troll but im hopping on that ship and going to tirisfall
Can anyone give me a rundown of the story since the Saurfang cinematic? That is where I stopped following this train wreck
Please, my son, he’s gone mad!
Undead used to be my favorite class until WoD. They just don't look like corpses anymore, but like some dude wanted to dress up for Halloween.
>Black Temple is the same as Hyjal
Confirmed for never being in either raid. Hyjal is the worst raid blizzard ever designed, while black temple is one of the best
When can we get HOTS models into WoW?
That shit started the warforged fiasco
You rang, user?
made for Big Tauren Cock
your guild should disband if it struggled with argus or any of uldir
No one did. Illidan locked him up and no one ever will be able to kill him now
Never, and even if they were willing to try, they would be full burqa mode unlike the HotS team. One of the lead art directors at BlizzCon even said “well we can’t have plays bikinis, since that might be offensive,” to a WOMAN no less.
ffs, Dragon Soul is so fucking bad
Blizzard ruined a great villain, instead of fucking a huge fucking dragon you kill some red wet noodles
I thought that was Metzen?
i wish user, i wish...
Lmao how did loltyler1 get in the game?
Every guild struggled on Argus, it took like 2 weeks to get a world first
made for Big Wrynn Cock
easily the best quotes and voice
The chest has strength tho and the set bonus is only useful for shamans and druids.
>get quest/dungeon boss down to 1hp
>stuns everyone
>don`t like a true chad
>parrys and dodges fill my screen while i rage for my dead comrades and activate last stand
>finish him 1 second after last stand ends
>become the tank of the people
aaah the memories of a true and dead mmo
"Sneeds seed" trinket: +2 agi and chance to heal for 5 on melee attack.
"The feeder" 1h axe, +2 str, 2 crit
I want Whitemane to pee on me
Counting Vael isn't fair, it's impossible not to lose players in that encounter.
>o boy finally my 45 minute dps queue popped now i can do my dai....
Formerly Chuck's?
Watch from 48:28.
[The Nicker]
>enter twin emps room
>the game says c'thun is a god
>lol jk they actually aren't :)
Got the dragon from my bonus bag for tanking, fuck that dungeon.
Absolutely based.
Literally anyone or anything can be called a god.
>Thinking Occulus is worse than Shadowlabs HC or, may allah forgive me for uttering this word, Stonecore HC (pre nerf)
I wonder if blizzard will change his name on classic to blackrock slicer.
>Stonecore HC (pre nerf)
>one of the few dungeons where the tank gets a retard check
Oh boy, the memories.
... Redridge, my man.
I'm so fucking pumped for classic boys. Yes it will be hard. Yes it will be a grind. Yes it will suck forgetting to farm soul shards pre-raid.
But fuck me it's gonna be fun
>hey anyone mind tanking HC Arcatraz for attunement quest?
Come on man that AOE 1 shot was some ole bullshit.
Bottomless + tabards
Why are priestess like this ?
Fuck I'd forgotten the Arcatraz
They want ALL their champions to arise ;)
healers are cum dumpsters who get wet while healing chads
at least in that canyon full of crazy dwarves yogg talked like c'thun. but since then anything old god related has just been forced cryptic exposition.
how the fuck are we supposed to hear "oh yeah there was this really cool evil city of klghluikluiaeg! death everywhere!" and think that's enough for mortals to join their master plan
Shoutouts to that one rogue who intentionally opened the fight with an Ambush crit and blew everyone up when Vael turned around and slapped people's shit.
Ease of access.
Be grateful you faggot. Green Jesus saved you
>Classic becomes a huge success
>Blizzard develops it further
>Implement only the most beloved features of subsequent expansions
>Finally the World of Warcraft 2.0 we deserve
how was battle for azeroth? I only played the first patch of legion and bailed after
Apparently shit.
Honestly I'm hoping they add some features from classic into 9.0 since they'll be much better received than more AP grinding shit.
Back in vanilla you actually had stats to worry about like hit and expertise. The old talent system actually felt like gradual character progression while you levelled to. Not just a new thing every 15ish levels.
Idk who thought that was a fucking good idea
Blizzard is going to fuck it all up long before that point.
Unbelievably incompetent developers.
>be a paladin tank through the entire expac
>everyone suck your dick because undead mobs everywhere gotta cast holy wrath fast
>Classic bombs like it should
>WoW finally dies
>Millions of agonized wallets cry out in sweet relief
>”is it...over...?”
At long last...
>Help me get to Naralex, user.
Worse than WoD.
I'd rather suck on those fat titties
>Legion stripped out ablities
>added a lot more to classes via artifact
>makes for good gameplay
>BoA strips artifact abilities
>literally does nothing to combat this
Fucking Blizzard what are you even doing
tfw no tankslut gf
how so? explain
>Blood Elf with a Human bodyshape
The best thing about classic is that Horde will once again be free of BE menace. It should have never had any non-monstrous races.
elves are flat as boards, too bad
Sadly this. He had a very interesting character development especially during that quest where you bomb a druid school.
flat + wide shapely hips are just as good as(if not better than) any cowtits
Are you serious? They definitely will.
This. Finally we'll be free of those faggots, let them play Nelfs or Humans, if they can play Classic without their barbie doll dressup at all.
You know the artifact system in legion? Imagine that but complete shit.
Yeah old gods got pretty bad since then. I always found it funny that the Herald Volazj guy in Ankahet spoke the old god-ese phrase really guttural and throaty like it was foreign as fuck, while Yogg says the exact same quote completely phonetically. Uulwi ifis halahs gag erh'ongg w'ssh
Vanilla factions were retarded, too.
>Humans, Dwarves, High Elves
>Orcs, trolls, tauren
Undead should be a non-playable threat to the living.
Night Elves should be a non-playable ally to the living (think of all the druid factions and major lore characters we interact with).
Delete Gnomes. All their engineering and gadgets can be rolled into Dwarves.
>Be Horde Hunter
>Tame Bellygrub
>Rename him Bellygrub
>Eyes of the Beast
>Run around attacking flagged lowbies who thought the NPC went rogue
Man, those were the days
BE don't need cowtits
So, you want a human with pointy ears?
We posting lewd elves?
>Classic becomes a huge success
>when sharding already been confirmed
True, that's why playing human is always better
>tfw his cause it actually righteous
Still one of the best quest lines
For the thousandth time Garrosh was always a full blown comic book villain, he was a rabid asshole for 99.99.99% of his screentime, including the books where he was portrayed as wrongfully accused but still a massive, arrogant and rabid dick. It was 1 quest which gave him humanity. A single quest.
Maybe but he was still murdering innocent farmers and shit who had nothing to do with his cause.
I'd be completely down for them simply adding new raids and other content to Classic.
>They add new end game classic content in the form of Mount Hyjal and the Emerald Dream.
>Deleting best alliance race
Delete yourself.
Only problem is a reason they had Night Elves and Undead is so each faction would have a major city on the opposing continent. Could keep Gnomes, give Horde Goblins, but still not sure about that continent balance. Goblins start at STV, High Elves at Theramore or some shit?
And the glowy green eyes !
You underestimate blizzard.
>More trolls. Literally Zul'Gurub 2.0.
not a thing wrong with that
>classes homogenized even further
>writing has gone from shit to a complete dumpster fire
>PvP is still a complete afterthought despite BfA being the “world PVP” expansion
Among other things.
BfA is just a culmination of all of the problems that have been wrong with the game for the past two expacs. Its not remarkably terrible, just incredibly boring and unrewarding as it is now. The game is on life support and it shows.
he didn't delete dwarfs though?
He became Sailor Moon
>dps pick the red drake EVERY SINGLE TIME
>got a group of 5 friends on Cata release
>having a fucking blast doing heroic dungeons, challenging and fun
>a week later they nerf everything
>game is now boring and we stop playing
I 100% legit do not get the hate. WOTLK was a rundown AOE feast, having a break from that did feel nice.
my nicker
>classes in bfa are simple as fuck now
>the class balance is still fucked but every class is also boring now
God, the faces on the new models suck.
Word for word the exact experience I had with my 2 buds. With how piss easy WotLK was the Cata launch heroics were a breath of fresh air. After the nerfs I started healing as a Boomkin in heroics and immediately quit the game the next day. Fucking retards didn't know what they had.
It was from before blizzard made vehicles scale with gear so people hated doing Oculus because their gear didn't matter for the last boss and people become retarded when they're on vehicles. The hate just sort of stuck even after the change and tanks/healer who had instant queues just didn't feel like bothering.
Also as a tank in wrath I miss when the dungeon finder would tell you if a dungeon was in progress because I would just spam decline invites until I found one in progress.
How did they simplify shit?
Every class is a 3-4 skill roation snoozefest with almost 0 resource management.
It's basically "use whatever comes off cooldown".
At least we got Cata release forums. Did you browse them back then? Holy shit, it was filled to the brim with tears.
And our group was perfect for running heroics, I played prot pally, one of them played resto shaman, and the others were a mage, a lock and a DK. I only regret not taking more screenshots.
I do wonder what'll happen with Classic when they get towards the end of Vanilla content. If they'll just leave it there and only maintain it until the end of time or actually move on to TBC or something.
Wasn't the troll dungeon supposed to be the entrance to a big raid? I remember seeing a giant temple in one area and yuge snake tail next to the golem boss
So both his hands are blades?!? That's retarded. How does he function without thumbs.
Does he say, "FEED ME, QUICKLY!"
Most specs are more or less 2 to 3 button rotations; maybe an extra button thrown in if their azerite armor trait allows for an extra, free of cost button press.
On the flip side, you have specs like Mistweaver Monk which has too many buttons.
>We just want classic servers without everything Blizzard fucked up!
>Classic better have most of the features from modern WoW or I’m not playing!
Wrath had so much cut content it's actually insulting. You can blame the Activision/Blizzard merger for that.
I checked my class, ret pally, and things seemed the same. Did they get lucky or something?
The only issue I had with Cata heroics on release were the over reliance on One Shot mechanics. Like there were plenty of great mechanically fights but for everyone of those there was a "LOL you screwed up once now you're dead and the group wiped" mechanic, which is just super boring and not fun.
>>Classic better have most of the features from modern WoW or I’m not playing!
Who is saying this? The only "new" feature I wanted (but wasn't a deal breaker) was the better UI for options and keybindings that they added in TBC, and its been confirmed that is in.
mommy lite
If you are comparing it to Legion, then yeah Ret got off relatively well. Ret is doing pretty poorly in sim fights at the moment however.
Blue and purple are acceptable, everything else is heretic. Yes including the white one
>ret paly
>60%+ of the damage comes from 1 source
user, why do you always have to rail track everything to the one thing
infertile dragon mommy
>complaining about Legion and Illidari factions in an expansion which focuses on these two armies
I bet you moaned everytime you had to fight undead in Wrath.
Disgusting tummy.
Nothing comes close to WoD in terms of cut content
It wouldn't be awful to have the classic gameplay and the QoL changes of retail.
Truly the Jordan Peterson of before times
We don't talk about Warlords. It had zero redeemable features.
>hots model
Big yikes
>QoL changes of retail.
Than it isn't classic anymore what you faggots have been screaming all the time
Blackrock Foundry
Not entirely true.
We got Yrel SFM porn
This one is a downgrade from Wow model.
Just look at her face.
Someone please post some Chromie
is a male dragon faggot
Not canon.
Not canon.
>don't talk to me or my son ever again
This asshole was by far the hardest unless you went with two healers. Thank God he didn't have an enrage timer
No, he wasnt.
He wasn't even the hardest in that dungeon.
In the US statistics drekthar lead by like 15k kills because he pounded those alliance faggots while they won the rigged bg
>is a male dragon faggot
WoD had the best leveling experience.
This shit was so lazy
Pretty sure she was confirmed female a while ago. She just has an unusual dragon name.
>cute fem gnome with the mind of a male dragon
Issue 2 of the official magazine:
Q: Is Chromie male or female? 'Cause Chronormu sounds male, and Chromie appears as a female gnome..."
"A: Chromie is indeed female; she's just an oddity when it comes to naming conventions
>You face not Malchezaar alone, but the legions I command!
>All realities, all dimensions are open to me!
>How can you hope to withstand such overwhelming power?
This is what a 10/10 boss looks like
No that's just some random mob Demonology Warlocks can summon now
I want a modern graphics toggle, everything else can stay the same.
It sucks to not have expansion races too but them's the breaks, it's expansion content and not vanilla content.
Nobody used Darnassus and barely anybody used Undercity. Hell, all of the cities besides Org, Ironforge and Stormwind (how did that happpen that alliance players used two capitals) were a wasted develepment effort
I want real nights back.
It should have been Teron Gorefiend.
>it's not useful therefore it's a waste
is my discord servers logo :-D
>Auction houses are only in Ironforge for ally for a long time
>Two tiers and a couple endgame dungeons are a short flight away from IF/SW
>Wow why isn't anyone using darnassus
no cause lei shen / hanzo from ow / malthael is voiced by a h0m0faggot married to another guy
We gonna bury you here
>teron became a tank and spank with a gimmick
Everyone was in Ironforge during vanilla it was the only city with an auctioneer. People were in stormwind a lot because humans were the biggest race and most of the other races went to the human leveling zones and it was the closest major city to those zones
I think what the game really needed, and never got because it doesn't fit the Horde vs Alliance focus half the game's systems are centered around, was a third, neutral faction that could help either the Horde or Alliance.
Goblins, Night Elves, Pandas. They all would have made sense being neutral - and Pandas technically ARE neutral, they just pick a side at the end of their introduction zone.
Wotlk is definitely the worst looking expansion
Forty lions.
>running there as an undead rogue at low level for that mask
>the absolute horrors and countless deaths on the journey
>the confusion of the alliance players when they saw me farming
>the constant messages from other rogues asking me where I got it
Trying to make it through STV entirely in stealth while avoiding alliance players on the road. Like my own personal Heart of Darkness.
nah MoP is by far
Terrible taste
King's honor, friend.
The Horde's "partnership" killed more of our men than the Scourge! I'm done with your Horde... May this "death god" take you all.
>not swimming by Yojimba island
>not doing the Lighthouse quests which were neutral to the Horde
>not killing murlocs for the captain Sanders quest for the red shirt, belt and free gold bar
Tiananmen square massacre
blizzard had the exact same thought, then gave us kungfuu pandas
They weren't used because they were too far away from anything, TBC cities had the same problem. Why go to Silvermoon or Exodar when they're off on some fucking island or at the ass-end of nowhere?
But that doesn't mean they were a waste. People appreciated the aesthetic of Darnassus, Thunder Bluff, Undercity etc. and liked to hang out in them or idle there. Thunder Bluff is not a useful city geographically and is a pain to navigate, but it was a relaxing place to chill, level fishing and fuck with the auction house.
Elwynn Forest, home.
Stormpike filth, in MY keep?
He's correct though. MoP could have looked more than just a generic Chinese MMO, but it failed on all accounts.
The only vaguely interesting location was Dread Wastes, and that's only because it had a funky looking skybox.
If only. That was in the first few months of release, I didn't know dick about shit.
>no Azjol-Nerub zone
>instead here's a crystal meth forest with no quests in it
>couldn't even put the tournament in it as intended because Dalaran lag would kill people's connections
I want to go back
>you're walking around Orgrimmar when this guy Judment's your gf's ass
What do you do?
I used TB extensively because it didn’t cause my toaster to turn wow into a slide show. Same with my brother and Darnasus. Both those cities are great.
only a few months until classic release
They could have easily instanced off Dalaran, or stuck if off the coast somewhere so it wouldn't have conflicting lag.
Last time I tried to level a character in BFA the dungeons were all scaled as such that bosses had way too much fucking health. Probably takes like a minute for a RDF group to down him.
It's never gonna be the same. It was the playerbase that made the game what it was and the mentality of people back then will never return
next expansion
Not even close wotlk had awful cluttered models, shitty textures with shadows made into them and and overall style that tried to be realistic but fell on its face. Mop was actually rather nice looking
>Classic releases during uni time
>gaming PC took a shit long ago
>downsized to a lenovo T540s
Going get to play on low settings to keep me above 25 FPS. It's going to be just like the old days.
Don't tease me like that, user
>he likes chinese panda shit
Yeah, I agree with that. Pandara was not a very diverse landmass - half the zones looked the same. The two endgame zones, Townlong Steppes and Dread Wastes, were a fucking palette swap of one another.
Northrend, despite being a smaller area that would understandably have less diverse areas because it's a frozen wasteland, is ironically one of the most varied and interesting landmasses in the game. I remember people saying it was just "snow, snow, snow" but they did a lot with 'snow.' Each zone was identifiably different from the other with its own interesting twist on winter wonderland, and even had a couple zones that looked and felt cold as shit but weren't covered in snow, instead reflecting the chilly winter forests of northern hemispheres.
i've already been playing it for a year and a half now illegally but okay
>2nd expac has you killing an even stronger old god
>and then has you fight the god sent to destroy the world sent by an entire order of gods because the old gods fucked everything up so bad
how in the actual fuck was Ulduar so good
No he wasn't you just needed to watch what you were doing.
Expansions ranked by looks
Yogg-Saron was a more interesting encounter.
If they take the oldschool runescape approach to classic I really REALLY want a vanilla blackrock style Azjol-Nerub.
The true endgame of MoP was Golden Lootus dailies and the fucking Tillers farm.
>not just a paper pusher
nostalgia fags will finally realize what they are chasing is their youth and that's never coming back
>became a total pussy when it finally came time to end the horde
Varian was as shit as his gay son
>tfw got the dragon from the bag on literally the first day they rolled it out and continued bailing out of OCC pops as always
Sucks too because OCC is unironically easy as shit and really quick if you actually know how to fucking use your drake. A 5 amber party literally three shots the final boss if everyone actually knows what to do (which even 2 people knowing what to do is too much to ask of WotLK players)
The only bad zone for Northrend (not counting Crystalsong because at least its pretty) is Sholozar Basin, because it contradicts every piece of lore we knew about the place. Arid, tundra like regions are fine. Thick, redwood forests are fine. Mountainous terrain, dotted with titanic structures are fine. A fucking jungle, surrounded by wintery environments on all sides, is not okay.
Honestly they should have recycled some of the designs from Borean Tundra and used that for the basin. Borean Tundra is a mess of different nature styles and it just comes across as sloppy as a result.
I miss WoW.
>WoD the highest
>Cata not dead bottom for all the zones it ruined with its unnecessary changes
Shit list.
They really ruined his character just to push the narrative that Jaina was now a strong guuurl power "kill the horde" woman. In my eyes she'll always be an orc loving traitor.
>Howling Fjord - just 2 mountains with snow
>Borean Thundra - 1 island with snow and 1/4th of zone in the east snowy
>Dragonblight - mostly snow except few shrines
>Grizzly Hills - just 2 mountains with snow
>Zul Drak - about half of the zone is snowy
>Scholazar - snow only in one border area
>Crystalsong - who gives a fuck, not a zone
>Storm Peaks, Icecrown - snow all over
You have 3 zones that were very snowy, 2 that were half and half, 2 that were little snowy and 1 that wasn't snowy at all
He was if the healer got impaled twice in a row, that rng would almost always wipe
Every day lately I think about how I spent my high school years playing and essentially dropped out of school to play more often and not regretting it at all because the game was just that good.
Now I can't even bring myself to look at the shitshow it's become. I don't even go to MMO-Champ anymore, it's just depressing learning that Kul-tirans and Zandalari trolls are six months late and the game is content starved and that everyone hates how classes play now.
Classic can't come out soon enough.
which worthless shit mobile mmorpg advertised in qtorrent sidebar is this? who designed this aesthetic, a cerebral palsy retard?
>you now remember all those dungeons forever changed by Blizzard's stupidity
I would have settled for "old is normal mode, new is heroic mode" variants so players can experience both.
Karazhan I noticed got away with this, because I think even Blizzard realizes that if they removed classic Karazhan, they would have been crucified for it.
t. faggot with no taste
>got his raptor before cata
>never got the tiger
Shame that I played Troll, Mandokir's rapotor color is meh, I wanted that sweet tiger instead
Im hyped for classic and im only 20 i was 5 when it came out and never got to play vanilla, TBC or wolk because my parents wouldnt let me. It was cata when i first joined. It feels like im finally going to be able to play the game ive always wanted too
zul'gurub gives me bad memories when the tiger mount dropped, a shitter got a 100 roll on it and he didnt have the epic riding to use it
Where did you get that?! Did HE send you?!
There should be no modes at all since it destroyed the game far more than any dungeon finder. There should be one mode and one kind of tier gear, nothing else. Having different tier gears for 10/25 man and normal/heroic was a huge mistake.
Male orcs all have the same fucking face now, it's embarassing
Top soulless
Bottom soul
It's perfectly fine it's a climate controlled Titan research landmass like Ungoro. You even deal with the issue of the climate control pylons failing/being destroyed. Northrend didn't exactly have a massive amount of lore pre WotLK except for areas like azjol nerub or icecrown glacier
Normal/Heroic was fine but it just completely snowballed out of control.
How many difficulty settings are there in raids now? Like 5?
Why even debate this?
MoP is the first expansion that started the ginormous dropoff of subscribers that is still going on to this day.
The mop trailer is one of the most disliked trailers on youtube.
If people want to sit here and pretend that turning a fantasy genre game's main focus into literal kungfuu panda bears to appeal to the eastern/younger market(stated by blizzard)was a good idea, they're just fucking wrong. Visibly and measurably.
>but kungfuu pandas are super unique and well done
it's a dumb overdone western trope that has been going on for hundreds of years, usually as a joke. If you disagree with this, you're just fucking wrong. There is no argument here.
Before one of you faggots (you)'s me the dumb Gnome argument, there was never a time where blizzard spent two years solely focusing on Gnomes and their lore for an entire expansion.
Fuck off pandafags, furry containment mmo when?
bad example, male orcs are one of the few who didnt got downgraded with new models
femdead for example were cute as fuck on old graphics
RNG is a bitch.
>helping druid buddy get epic flying form in TBC
>running heroic Sethekk with him, another guildy and two randomers
>mount drops and me and our randomer paladin both roll 99
>he gets it and I don't
>become obsessed with Fiery warhorse after seeing it drop during a Mirkblood run before Wrath launched
>farm it every week in Cata
>Cata baby IRL friend gets the mount after two runs
>he's quit now
>finally got the mount, some 3000 runs later (across multiple characters) last year
I dropped the game because of the model change. My main was no longer the same character that I loved and spent so many years with.
It still ruins a lot. I remember seeing a guy with full dreadnaught and thunderfury the same week I started playing and that really left an impression on me and I wanted to be able to get gear like that one day. If it had been today I would've seen the gear and then see 100 other people with different recolors of the same model.
I don't get it, the top ones just look like HD versions of the bottom ones with less emo eyeliner
Okay but it was a good expansion and pandas are a good race. That wasn't what I was saying. Yeah the zones were pretty samey and it clashed with the rest of the game but it's still one of my favorite periods of WoW's life and frankly one of the only times post-WotLK WoW has been worth playing.
ive never seen baron rivendare mount dropping
Night Elf males got screwed over more.
I agree, I much prefer the Ulduar style "optional hardmode for extra loot" options over normal and heroic variants for raids. Dungeons it fine, because it prevents dungeon drain which plagued vanilla.
>Okay but it was a good expansion and pandas are a good race.
It's an expansion based on a joke. That shouldn't be the premise for an entire 2 years worth of gameplay.
MoP was shit in general and the big focus on dailies probably made a lot of people quit the game. Throne of Thunder is still one of the absolute best raids in WoW though.
Yeah the Ulduar model was literally perfect and I hate that they didn't keep that.
>or, may allah forgive me for uttering this word, Stonecore HC (pre nerf)
So you're one of the fags who ruined what could have been the best expansion ever
I think the WoD models were overall good for the game but some of them got the short end of the stick, yeah. Nu-Femdead look fucking terrible.
I'll also never forgive them for what they did to female draenei. WoD launch patch they looked fucking INCREDIBLE, but then people complained they all looked like Yrel, so they changed their faces to be uglier and have basically no animation. Completely fucking ruined them.
>Okay but it was a good expansion and pandas are a good race.
based on what nigger? your autistic feelings? my entire point was the majority of people disagree with you and it's pretty fucking measurable
Vanilla models are literal garbage
wotlk babby
never quested and only did dungeons runs
played them a million times
then we can finally play the game...
Did you lose it to a tauren druid?
Meh, Ryolith is maybe the one heroic nerf I felt was justified. The window for moving out of his one shot AoE was really just too small.
Like I'm all for having a strategy and being able to apply it but mechanics that take millisecond reaction times are too much.
I thought drop mounts had no racial restrictions?
Classes were fun to play, raids were good, there was a lot to do. I'm not saying it didn't have its problems. It had a fuckton of dailies and its launch patch sucked and its final raid patch went on too long(what was it like 16 months?). But ToT and Isle of Thunder were some of the best content the game's ever seen, and the game just felt so much better to play than it does now because the class designer wasn't a sperglord that plays on a tablet and thinks every class should play exactly the same.
>it has more polygons so that means they're betterer
No i'm just asking because that exact situation happened to my big brother, he was a tauren druid and got it before having learned epic riding
it's definitely up there
I had a turtle from there as a hunter pet, once
>tfw no human gf
I miss shitposting on the official forums and watching those music parodies and machinimas that everyone made back then
>they got rid of the skull face
absolutely unforgivable
you're aware you're playing on the exact same engine as in 2004 right?
>bro corners are sharper now tho lmao
I want a Human wife to start a family with
>new models
fucking amazing boss
>Blue proto drops
>roll need because of fucking course I will
>rest of the party are all shitters with poorfag flying and they can only roll greed
>get kicked from group for not rolling greed out of solidarity or some shit
don't care got my mount. All greed will always be the dumbest and funniest shit to me though.
>tfw no old human female model gf
she looks like she fucks orc guys
>dude what if we made another stat that was just hit rating again
Dropping some of those stats was for the better
so fucking glad they finally got rid of those disgusting trash old models and gave porn artists objectively better ones to use
Fucking love him.
>More belves.
>That's why Kara is the best raid in the TBC
Not even worth a (you)
Not really, expertise could counteract PvP players with more avoidance unlike hit.
why was he such a bitch, this trailer made me so fucking hyped
>roar and wings is enough to shatter docks and dams
nice 5man mount bro
best machinima
>tfw no elf gf
>not getting it in WotLK
lmao casual
H Occulus was fucking fun. Doing 5 bronze drake runs and finishing the dungeon inside of 10 minutes was great. Hell, all the heroic dungeon achivements were my favorite part of that shitty expansion.
>I dropped the game because of the model change.
You know you can enable old models in the options, right?
Thank fucking god they added Male Sentinels to further illustrate that Night Elf gender roles haven't been a fucking thing since WoW itself began
So fucking sick of pathetic ERPers talking about how "Night Elf women haven't seen a man in thousands of years" as if Night Elf men are all Druids
Oxhorn, Nyhm, Ember Isolte, Sharm, Cranius, Gigi, Summergale
I miss them bros
Night Elves are for Orcs, Tauren get Draenai
Not anymore. And in Legion they forced the new animations onto the old models with just broke most of them.
traditionally sentinels are entirely female, priests are entirely female, and druids are entirely male
lore wise anyway. NE has something like a 70-30 distribution of F/M
>furries and gayshit
absolute state of alliance
>tfw got every proto drake except the time lost
Black Ulduar one is probably the best one. Coolest mount put into the game, loved my flying T-Rex so much
Only humans and dwarves are part of the Alliance (true)
He could be talking about how your characters now twirl their arms around like fucking idiots when they're done casting a spell, which I kind of agree with. When I found out it wasn't a bug, I felt I was being trolled. I'm still 90% sure whoever implemented this was laughing as they did it.
>has plagued, black and Galakrond mount
>doesn't have time lost
Traditionally gender roles haven't been a fucking thing since vanilla because both genders were always able to pick any class available to night elves
Yes they do, and visible abs.
>tfw got every proto except plague and black
why was my guild so fucking shit in 3.0
why did blizzard decide to remove those two mounts and (pretty much) no other raid mounts
>BC release
>every thot runs around in that 24/7
Always thought there should be a third faction with all the races that don't really belong to either side.
>Night elves
>Blood elves, but less gay and more corrupted
>The real Draenei and not the Eredar retcon
>More savage worgen without turning back
Also wished there were more faction specific classes, with only Alliance and Horde it would be something like:
Alliance - Horde
>Priest/Witch Doctor
>Paladin/Runemaster or DK
>Druid/Shaman (with shapeshifting)
The third faction could have some overlap like getting both mages and locks but no pallies or witch doctors, and with their own unique classes or a different flavor of the same class.
Egg faggotry was infinely times more difficult
This is clearly a modern picture because the shoulders and belt are hidden
Most of them were shit but the entire culture surrounding WoW at that time was very comfy
you can just buy them, who gives fuck? this is why retail wow is a joke.
>buy wow-tokens with irl money
>head to BMAH
>get the rarest shit in the entire game by doing fuck-all
>"Just spend $1200 on gold bro what a fucking joke lmao"
Don't have that pandaland one either since I quit in Cata.
Got plagued because it wasn't hard to get at Wrath launch, but Timelost was the bitch that I never found
>Warcraft universe wasn't already established before Wow era
>you don't have to buy it!
holy fuck
uniornically kill yourself
>just devalue my shit up
>I'm GM and RL of a midly successful Mythic Guild
>I've learned more about management and leadership from this than my Public Administration degree
>I can never add this to my CV
It's weird but I actually think managing a somewhat serious progression guild might have been one of the things that have taught me most of what I apply in my job to be honest.
get some psychiatrist help.
Are the KTs and Zandos even out yet? Last I heard they were still on the PTR. I quit BFA a few months ago when I realized the shit they promised on launch still hadn't come out yet and I wasn't gonna waste money on a sub to a game with no fucking content.
They release Tuesday. It’s Pathetic. The sandalari were teased in blizzcon 2017. Fuck blizzard.
>msn messenger
>forum signatures
>chain emails
>linkin park
>pvp montages
>savoury deviate delight
Night Elves are Tauren have been friendly for thousands of years
Night Elf women have 10000 years of tauren dickening
Something similar happened to me while playing in WotLK but it was retail and a long time ago. Was playing Drak'Tharon Keep and one of those cosmetic world drop items dropped and I actually win the roll, this one turned you into a gorilla with some purple disco sphere surrounding you.
>Suddenly a DPS in our party completely flips his shit in the most autistic manner possible and can't shut the fuck up for the next 10 minutes completely grinding the entire run to a halt.
>I eventually just decide to give it to him for what amounted to pennies just because I was concerned about this guys mental health.
>As soon as I do he leaves the party and hearths
>Still think about him from time to time and wonder what his life is like.
I honestly can't imagine what circumstances in his life led him to have a near mental breakdown over a cosmetic item in a video game.
>>I can never add this to my CV
What? Why not?
Yeah it's ridiculous. Blizzard's just sitting on their fucking thumbs wondering why their game's dying while doing nothing to fix it.
Forum signatures have been and always will be trash.
Grom already said night elves were the ideal females while getting a chub, he knows best.
I killed Vaelastrasz before he was nerfed.
He originally had a 1-hour reset timer.
One of my most proud WoW achievements
Goddamn it
>Experienced leader and manager of an online videogame team
I can't put that if I want to apply to a government job in finances or proyect evaluation user, I would get laughed at.
I want a Night Elf wife, bros
Leave out the video game team part. Reword it to like "experienced in leading and managing groups and telecommunications". Like 50% of writing a resume is knowing what to bullshit.
true kino right here
I liked WoD, had one of the most fun class designs ever like Gladiator prot and full sudden death warrior, also the holy paladin was extremely fun to play
gladiator prot was so fun that it literally didn't even last the entire expansion lol
Kill his king, oh wait
I can't believe that in the current forums you can't even post a picture if your Chinese overlords haven't gave you enough points to mark you as worthy of citizensh- I mean posting
>play WoW since BC
> didnt play Catactlysm and Pandaria until towards their end
>everything feels distant and oversimplified
>:cant enjoy myself and dont wanna play everyday
>skip WoD and Legion
>got a job, can pay for games now
>bfa announced, seems really interesting at start
>reluctantly resub
>play for a couple of months, still feel distant, gameplay doesnt feel right
>content gets released so fucking slow
>its been 6 months since i quit BFA and they still havent released the announced alloed races
>story has gone nowhere
>always feel a mixture of nostalgia and disgust towards the game