Why did our daughter's game fail so badly?

Why did our daughter's game fail so badly?

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Hate to break it to you. But nobody likes this franchise after the anime series made us hate it.

I never liked this. Don't know the appeal.

Who cares, post Akko or Akko gets it.

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The gameplay was awful. I really liked early SoL parts, bur the moment action started and i saw how clunky it is, i uninstalled immideately despite me being triggerfag.

The devs didnt bother making the gameplay fun. They only cared about modeling the school and characters.

Harry Potter with cute lesbians
The series was shit, though. Movie is pretty good.

The OVA was good, the movie is awful and even the TV show is better.

It was shit. Outrageously shit. Not even diehard fans could probably justify the gameplay.

The anime sucked, all they needed to do was a magic school SoL and they didn't.

because it was bad


because it didin't come out on switch

There's a god mode mod that lets you blaze through most of the gameplay shit

she was seasonal shit

Fuck already.

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I only watched the OVA's, why did everyone hate the series? What happened? I kinda want to see it but people always shit on it.

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They're not lesbians tho

Garbage plot, garbage characters (specifically garbage main character), just complete garbage all around.

Close enough for me.

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Okay, I get that but why? I'm not trying to bust your balls but I need more info.

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Not everyone hates it, it's main fault was that it was really inconsistent and rushed at parts (on part with the usual Trigger anime really). People still like it because it's charming and has good character design

Not really

user, I remember when the best yuri we had was implied yuri in the 90's and early 00's, it's good enough for me.

One of the plot elements is that Akko must learn whatever virtues to unlock the power of her donut steel magic rod. First of all, this is only an actual plot element because Akko is an insufferable retard whereas any other normal person would've just unlocked the rod by default by not being a double digit IQ idiot. Secondly, one of these virtues was patience, i.e. she had to learn to be patient and the rod acknowledged her growth, yet 1 or 2 episodes later she goes back to being impatient to the point of it negatively impacting major plot points. Now imagine an entire show full of this type of garbage writing. At least when something like jojo goes full retard it's done in an entertaining manner, whereas in LWA it just pisses you off.

But this doesn't even have the bare minimum for implied yuri

Two female characters smile at each other occasionally.

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Which isn't enough for implied yuri. Face it the whole Diana/Akko thing is fanfic garbage

They are fucking, just not each other

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Post Akko's butt.

Thank you based user. It's always the people that scream and rage that are the loudest like: .
Makes people forget there are a good amount of people that did actually like it.

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I wouldn't know, I pirated this game just so I could rip the witches' models, I still haven't booted it once
I liked the anime though

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>The OVA was good
The parade one? Why do people say this, it was total trash, the series was at least enjoyable though the end was badly rushed.

It was the only good show that Trigger made, so I'm not sure.

It could've used a second season, put all of the techno magic stuff in s2.

Has anyone posted a source to download these rips yet? Trying to get all of the lead character models.

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Did you do anything with those?

>It was the only good show that Trigger made, so I'm not sure.
But that's Gridman

Too much drama and not enough cute witches doing cute witch things. Granted, it was a neccessary evil of going from movie to a 2-cour anime, but even then, it was executed in a very meh way. Also, 90% of the cast was useless/discarded for Diana, which made fans of the other characters rather resentful.

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Well it's enjoyable only if you're already a fan of the series, I mean the amount of effort that went into the voice acting alone is amazing, really highlighting some background witches, plus the whole setup of actually exploring Luna Nova and the time loop is great in theory but it wasnt capitalized on all that well so all that we're left with is a kusoge beat em up

No Linux support

Even the first ova is awful.
I still want my time I wasted in that day watching this boring shit.

I love LWA but Gridman was just a better realized series.

some of the bones are fucked with the version of assets bundle extractor I'm using so I didn't get to do anything with them yet, I'm too lazy to fix everything manually, I guess I'll wait until I find an alternative that works

There's one on Steam Workshop

Akko is such a cutie

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Lost all interest in Trigger franchises as a whole when they decided to pussy out of the romance to pander to incel waifufags.

>surprised that Trigger would pander to waifufags
>when they're the remnants of Gainax's (notorious otakus) last great animators

Fuck off

>Two female characters smile at each other occasionally

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I named my puppy after Atsuko

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>Telling the straight shipper to fuckoff but not the yurifag he's replying too.

Diana and Andrew together is fucking stupid
So fuck off

Here is Akko's butt

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They're both equally non-canon, Andrew belongs to Akko.


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Artstyle was cool and so was the concept, but the gameplay mechanics was lazy.

Seems to run well enough on wine though

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The gameplay kinda sucked
Which sucks because Akko is a qt

>Andrew belongs to Akko.
Yeah, so much he waiting weeks just to see her again and give her her hat back.

I know you virgins lack social experience but being nice with each other doesn't mean people are a couple, it's just basic friendship, but you clearly don't even know about that
consider going outside and stop being a loser jerking off to lesbian cartoon fantasies

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dumb normalfag

Buy Akko's game or the loli gets it.

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gets what?

>muh pathetic loser secret club

Because it was a fucking bad game. I like LWA a lot but Chamber of Time is not worth 40 fucking dollars.

But I did. It wasn't that good but it gave us mob witch content which is great

Too bad no one in the west played it so there's barely any content with them here

Yeah, why are you here?

Yes, and you are in said club. Better go somewhere else unless you want your normie friends to think you're a pathetic loser as well.

Or maybe you already are by virtue of being here.

Did this ever get a physical release in the west?


the actual fighting gameplay, it was crappy and stages were so limited. Online co-op gameplay was even worse since it's limited to one stage. Then you have to sometimes farm the same stage over and over for that 1% drop rate item for some quest.

Tho it did have the school atmosphere and did that very well. Story was good tho very very repetitive going through the same day over with minor differences until you get everything done. For the fans of the game, it does the story and lore very well. Even tho it's repetitive at times but that's part of the story.

Only play if you're a major fan of the series. Otherwise you'll get burnt out too quickly. And don't expect most of the game to be some fighting stage thing. It's mostly through the school in a nonfighting setting.

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Shame the game sucked because it's concept is really damn strong (tho not unique since Grim Grimoire does the story premise almost exactly). Should've been given to a good dev (is treasure still alive?)

sadly no BUT we're getting the manga and even the short novel. hopefully we eventually get an english version of the art book.

Watching this right now, it's not bad, but I've seen better. I'm just confused why fucking chariot didn't tell the principal and rest of the staff that Croix was doing some shady shit.

>why fucking chariot didn't tell the principal and rest of the staff that Croix was doing some shady shit.

because she had no proof at the time even if she suspected it.

I never kept up with the reception/community but I guess I wasn't an outlier for liking the OVA/Movie?

The TV series was a drag and Akko was unbearable in it. I stopped it six episodes in.

Akkos development as a person is the entire point of the show.

The ova were better.

I was so disappointed at how non-trigger the ending was, I was totally expecting something crazy like that by the end they were going to use the world changing magic to delete Croix from existence and reconstruct the world so the OVA and movies become the canon timeline and then the second season would start from there

The game has a good story, but the gameplay is bad and people get tired of the repetitiveness of doing the same day over and over. Like going through the entire day a few times just for one quest.

It would do much better if they just made this into a 3-4 episode ova instead of this game. It's a shame. Lots of nice animu cutscenes tho.

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So if she told them Croix had attacked her with all the statues, wouldn't have at least looked into it? chariot seemingly doesn't even bring it up and that's just retarded.

Akko felt kinda refreshing as an anime MC imo. You don't see girl MCs like her a lot.

They had a space battle, and that counts as a trigger ending.

It should've been a manga really. Get the same guy that did the licensed manga and let him lose.

I got that much, but she's a little shit for way too long with no consequences. It's a cliche/trope/whatever I can't stand in story telling.

It was rather shit from the demo.

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>how non-trigger the ending was
Trigger has bombastic endings but no real mind fuck stuff like Gainax.

She was way worse in Enchanted Parade tho. Like she was actively unlikable rather than just annoying.

I guess you could argue she's refreshing for an anime, but you see lots of characters like her in Western media.

>but she's a little shit

ehhhh.... She doesn't act like a little shit. She tries hard to do the right thing most of the time.

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>but you see lots of characters like her in Western media.

like what?

No sexual content.

Nah she's a little shit, which is why Diana's initial frustrations with her are valid (plus her apparent jealousy which is why she was kinda OK with Hannah and Barbara bullying her)

>which is why Diana's initial frustrations with her are valid

No, it's because she idolizes Shiny Chariot without really knowing what Chariot has done that is considered bad. Seems everyone knew except Anko. So that misunderstanding went on for like most of the anime.

I have literally never seen a single image of gameplay from this thing, and I've seen threads of it spammed here constantly for almost a year.

The fact that the gameplay is so boring even you waifufags can't bring yourselves to care about it probably has something to do with it.

I hope my daughter isn't that dumb

The magic stealing thing? No one knew except Chariot and Croix. Everyone else just hated Chariot because she made magic look showy and not serious.

Thinks of the gameplay as a crappy version of Dragon Crown or Muramasa Rebirth. Tho that combat part is like 20% of the entire game.

Most of your time will be in the school doing quests. Every 2 hours in game, changes the position of every npc and what can be done in game. Basically you have to solve a curse where the day repeats over and over and over. And only you group retail their memories every time the day repeats.

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I didn't hate it. It's just not as good as it could be. The biggest issue is that too much focus was given to Akko and Diana in lieu of other characters. Even the other two members of the main trio we're shoved into the background.

>No one knew except Chariot and Croix.

what? No, the entire magic society knows. That's why Chariot was ashamed and had to hide her identity. Diana especially knows since she had to work hard to get back her powers.

The fuck were you watching, because it wasn’t LWA.

>That's why Chariot was ashamed and had to hide her identity.
That's because she nearly blew up the moon. The only person that knew about the consequences of the magic energy Chariot used was Croix and because she developed it. And Diana didn't know what caused her to lose her magic when she was little until Chariot told her herself.

Yeah, she does. Good intentions don't excuse bad decision that constantly put you, or your friends in danger that requires someone else to save you, or clean up your mess.

I know that's not who she remains throughout the show and the point is that she changed and grows, but across 20+ episodes I'd rather watch something else.

retard. You claim nobody knows and yet Diana clearly knows. Also ties into why Diana initially hated Anko which you also claim is false and that she's just a "little shit".

You didn't pay attention to the story.

No she doesn't. Akko was practically a delinquent on top of being a baby back bitch that constantly whined about her circumstances while freqeuently looking for shortcuts to avoid having to work.
Having guts and a kind heart doesn't change the fact that she was an entitilted little shit.

Is the girl on the left the "Am I Retarded?" girl?

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Akko is a fatty!

Imagine wanting this goddess to be a filthy dyke

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the game should've just been a straight forward platfomer or a VN.

Pretty much every LWA doujin is centered around magical dick growth anyway.

What's the problem? It's not like she's real and even if she were she wouldn't associate with any of us.

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They probably would have arrived to find the tower back in tip top shape. And to report the attack fully in a way that made sense, she'd have to explain claiomh solais and Akko's relationship to it.

Which is a shame really.

i usually hate her kind of character but i liked how it was done with her. plus the weird bleached seaweed hair color is pretty unique to the usual blonde.

I'm watching the show for the first time mind you, starting ep 24 right now, but the claiomh solais is the actual name of the shiny rod right? Why would that be an issue to explain anyways?

Best one doesn't. Pic related.

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That's not Little Bitch Academia or xxx.
Plus I'm personally not a big fan of that doujins Sucy.

>Andrew X Diana

Now that's a rare pairing.

Constanze is so cute!

it's good porn fodder but no one's really taken advantage of it for that. not even for threesomes with akko outside one pic.

It's an interesting crack ship. Not one I'd ever truly back but it's fun to think about. Essentially reconciling through Akko and realizing they have feelings for each, other in addition to their own feelings towards Akko.

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Their reason for making it a beat em up was sound, they just didn't have the budget/skill/time to execute it well.

Read the official manga. It's a bit more balanced with it's screen time between characters. Akko and Diana still get the big moment at the end but it's better handled than how it was in the anime.

>You didn't pay attention to the story

More like you're the one who didn't pay attention. is right, only Chariot and Croix knew, Diana only knows when she goes to confront Chariot after finding there is no Ursula in the School's registry and that's when Chariot tells her about stealing others' magic.

Diana initially hates Akko because of how she claims she's gonna be like Chariot yet she half-asses everything and gives up really easy. Meanwhile Diana had to work really hard to be able to do magic as well as she does, while Akko complains that Diana can only do that shit because she's from a family dedicated to magic.

join le nice [s4s] serber if u're nice, like cute things and want to be frens

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Sounds stupid

>mfw people constantly complain about the anime and I can just enjoy it

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Akko is a dirty cumslut
this post was made by sucy gang

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Because this shit looks like My Little Pony mixed with Harry Potter

Every ship is stupid to a degree except Chariot/Akko which will be the true end game after all is said and done.

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I mean, you're not wrong

I love the series too but it had a lot of major flaws that are worth discussing. But really I just want new content already (or at least scans of the concept sketch books that one artist puts out every couple of months)

Just finished the show and this comment rings true. Probably why I gave it a shot, more the mlp vibe than Harry potter. Never did care for Harry potter. Also can't say I'm surprised that they let Croix go free in the end. That reminds me of how mlp villains tend to get reformed in the end.

I really didn't need to know ponyfags watch this show.

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But breaking lesbians is fun.

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There is nothing wrong with my little pony

They probably like that one thing you like as well

Haha, s-so who would akko's favorite pony be?

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no Switch version

Getting back on topic, is the lwa movie worth watching or best left alone and forgotten?

You mean the Enchanted Parade? I'd say it's better than both the OVA and the anime. It's a little under an hour long.

Its literally the best part of the series

It failed because it was dull as befitting and adaptation of one of the dullest franchises in the history of anime franchises. Each episode following the girl witch and her pals from Luna Nova as they fight assorted magical creatures has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the forced animation, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective storytelling, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Trigger vetoed the idea of Kobayashi directing the series; they made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for figmas. The LWA series might be the anti-Kill la Kill (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Tweeny Witches series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the OVAs were good though
The writing is dreadful; the films were terrible. As I watched, I noticed that every time Akko found herself in a pinch, the author made her overcome it by "believing in herself."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that solution was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Yoshinari's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that he has no other style of directing. Later I read a lavish, loving comment of LWA by the same Hayo Miyazaki. He said something to the effect of, "If these kids are watching LWA at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to watch my Kiki's Delivery Service." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you watch "LWA" you are, in fact, trained to watch Miyazaki.

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I'll have to watch it then. You say it's part of the series, is it a continuation of the show or a retelling that's closer to the manga? Going to go dig out the external drive and watch it tomorrow at work.

>that tier list
kek whoever made it need to neck himself.

Sure it was X Omega but I can't believe it still happened

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What is this shitty pasta?

Enchanted Parade is trash and the show does a way better adaptation of it

That tier list is actual garbage.

Its fun

VNs are not games


The first 2 movies are basically pilots to the show so they're separate

Fags like you is the reason why Yuri never improves.
They know it has a low quality bar. They can feed you literal shit and you would still consider it yuri because it had two females in it.

It's not a VN.

first one yes
second one no, enchanted parade SUCKS


This is a great list, these shitpost list are supposed to be bad you know

You're using 'literal' wrong.

yuri doesn't sell anyways

Your dedication for rewording this pasta has been noted and you are to receive honours worthy of it. Well done sir!

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shame there was no story moment with akko and noriko since she has the same seiyuu as chariot
but yeah i totally headcanon akko as someone who totally watched ttgl growing up so i'm glad she interacted with that crew


I still have NO idea why they tried to emulate how Xrd looks but in fucking Unity. Was it really that hard to just do normal looking models?

Co-op is a shitty separate thing and not part of the campaign like Dragon's Crown.

the dialogue moments are pretty nice at least. kinda makes me want a full vn with that style of presentation.

It's presented as the dungeon from the OVA so it gets points for that, I guess?

Gridman was crap.

Did anyone even play the co-op mode?
I never once saw an open lobby back when I played at release.


This, these four series are what I call the wasted potential 4 of Trigger, they had gold and they ruined it with bad writing

Akko got away with way too much shit, Croix was a stupid villain
Ryuuko was a bad main character, Satsuki was 100 times more interesting til they made her a siscon
Gridman was unredeemable after they made Akane a didn't due and Yuto nothing but Gridman's meatsack
Luluco didn't mean shit because Nova had no personality and even his own will is just Luluco mind raping him to love her rather than him doing it himself.

It's stupid and the fact that people can't see that is why Trigger wil never be anything but a mediocre studio that rides off the coattails of it's one hit wonder, Gurren Lagaan til the day they shut down, even Panty and Stocking wasn't that good because they never fucking finished the story.

And another thing, tthey are way too into self referral humor all four of these series jerked themselves off the game even had items and locations from the OVAs in them and Akko/Loote and Sucy get their big attack they used in the second OVA as well despite not having the outfits they originally had for it

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Trigger peaked with Inferno Cop

Turning girls is the only good thing they ever made and it was done by their janitors who all quit.

Lets not forget Kiznaiver was complete ass

Character designs aside, the anime was hot garbage
Anyone who says otherwise is a delusional waifufag

It's PS4 only. PS4 players prefer playing movies.

It's on PC tho

Nothing wrong vwith that :^)

I liked it but I have a thing for magical day to day school stuff. Like I'd heckin love to see a harry potter based TV series.

why do i want to fuck my daughter

>Harry Potter
You have to go back

>Licensed anime games

Name a single instance of a licensed game being actually good and replayable.

That's what she's made for


Reminder that Akko is for Andrew!

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Akko is for all men
Amanda got her hooked to anonymous sex

Sweet Home
SpongeBob the Battle for Bikini Bottom
Not as good but SpongeBob: the movie
Budokai Tenkaichi 3
DB GBA and DS games
SpiderMan 2
Capcom NES, SNES and Genesis Disney games
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo: Sailor Moon edition
That Super Famicom Sailor Moon JRPG

>no TMNT tournament fighters SNES or Endless Duel

>amazing character design
>barely any decent porn
Every fucking time

First two bamham games, sam and max, simpsons arcade

Make or buy your own. That's what I'm doing.

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You're not looking hard enough.

the series is dogshit

Most of what's on the boorus is shit tho. Not to mention mostly western.

>Angel's Egg, LotGH, Ideon, Reconquista
>Utena, Eva, 0079, that shit that Yea Forums likes, Yamato
>FLCL, Texhnolyze
>Gurren Lagann, the SDF Macross, Akira, FMP
>Cowboy Bebop, Monogatari, Madoka, Stein's Gate

That's all I recognize from this list

>Ywn be a cute witch

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Woah, when did UABE support exporting rigs?

How the fuck can I learn how to draw my own porn? Serious question, give me the deets.


is the game any worth?
also this + comedy would have been 10/10

>high tier
I mean I like it, but not that much.

2.2 beta 3 lets you do it without any noticeable problem besides the skeletons being mirrored, 2.2 beta 4 seems to be broken though and doesn't recognize any of the LWA models as valid assets

Why do magical girl anime always have a heavy yuri subtext? Aren't they supposed to appeal to girls?

Pirate it and look for a cheat engine mod so you can experience the story without wanting to kill yourself from playing it


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Because it lets the girls be "pure" for the inevitable adult male audience that will latch on to the show

>Haruhi at shit-tier

I hope Asakura stabs you and actually finishes the job this time.

>Cowboy Bebop on the same tier as the shitty Bakemonotgari harem


Why can't she be real

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