ITT: The exact moment once great franchises became reddit
ITT: The exact moment once great franchises became reddit
Other urls found in this thread:
>Stylish hats bad because fedora meme, me make no opinion of me own and just spew memes back up.
No it is you who is reddit
I've always associated DMC with Reddit. Before that, tumblr. Before that, the myspace emo scene. It hasn't changed in my eyes.
I've never played any of the games btw
This is in line with Dante's personality. If you bothered to play DMC3 you wouldn't be surprised by these antics.
Dmc freinds defending their purchase in 3... 2...
it's really annoying seeing these faggots dedicate their entire lives to defending this shitpile
Have you ever played a DMC game before?
People actually like this cringe weebshit? Yikes!
Reddit hates MJ now though so it's cool.
Todays episode of: The Sad Miserable OP Who Had No Soul...
Who's bad?
What does that actually mean
The only thing shit in this scene is the choice of music, doesn't fit the dance at all.
Crapcom are faggots. The game is full of autist memes.
You must be so angry then cause I'll always defend it. Stay mad.
Yea Forums and gamersriseupgate
What a fucking loser.
Not as much as a retard who's bashing a game they didn't even play.
the exact moment Yea Forums became reddit
>autist memes
Thats literally us
Oh so this a (you) harvesting thread.
Too bad, not gonna give them to you.
It all went down hill from here
At least I'm not as big of a loser as someone that can't stand for anything and is angry somebody else enjoys it.
>western style dancing is weeb
>not Nevan
>not Lucifer
>but a MJ hat
Come on, at least try.
Michael Jackson is too problematic for reddit tho.
Why does Nero want Vergil not to die after he killed millions of people in Redgrave city. it feels like Dante and him just forgot about that towards the end.
Fuck Man. Don't expose Yea Forums that hard.
>boring, edgy, repetitive button masher
>muh wacky silly japanese """""""""""humor"""""""""""" xD
You weebs need to be fucking gassed
GIVE IT TO ME! I haven't got a (you) since 3 days! please
wash your hands dude
Credo. Protecting family and there was no reason to kill Vergil anymore. A punishment to make him atone for his sins was appropriate. Something the game barely brought up. I guess they're stuck in the Underworld as punishment.
>Hating on summon and kill part
Damn, i am sharing this board with a bunch of faggots.
I dont like :
Guard doesnt cancel most animations
Weapons swapping doesnt cancel animations
No rolling guard
No inertia
No reversals
No turbo
No distortion
DSD fucking up Swordmaster
Sin DT pretty much gives Dante a no effort I WIN button
Dantes Devil Arm selection is kinda lackluster
My custom battle music only works on like the first 3 levels per character then gets replaced by the game for muh story
Vergil cop out boss
No vergil theme remix for boss vergil
I like:
All the guns
I enjoyed it.
3>4>5 >1>2
5 would top 4 if it had turbo.
M13 is pretty much my bloody palace for now.
You still haven't argued how dancing like MJ is being japanese.
>not liking the one armed chad
Case closed; Shit opinion.
Sudden dance sessions is Bollywood tier weird.
Nice copypasta blog.
I don't hate it. In fact, I love it. Faggot from the OP says that the game went "reddit" when Dante did a silly dance when franchise had silly things since DMC3, some might argue it was like that since the very beginning (you know, dark souls with light).
Fuck off, Barry
its because he doesnt know how to have fun and enjoy life user, just stop giving him (You)s, he doesnt deserve them
>nero now reminds me of one armed boxer
amazing how outside of dmc threads this game gets only hate in this board
it barely gets hate here suprisingly ie this thread is already dead
>If you bothered to play DMC3 you wouldn't be surprised by these antics.
I did play DMC3 and I'm still surprised by these antics desu. I don't know why Dante has devolved into a character that tries really hard at being so cringe. It's baffling.
>it barely gets hate
You faggots are fucking delusional.
>devolved into a character that tries really hard at being so cringe
theres only like two moments with that type of feel, most of the game is him just being half serious half joker, no?
Vast majority of Yea Forums has shit taste so the patricians need their containment thread.
Then you're cringe and you don't know it. You know the complaint that marvel movies are one quip after another? Literally Dante/Nero. Game has always been cringe but for some reason now it's "Reddit" because you can only parrot the shit you read here. Faggot.
I thought this was reddit? I see the same shit cross posted constantly.
>devolved into a character that tries really hard at being so cringe
DMC 5 Dante is probably the most serious he has been since DMC 1. Then again you probably haven't played any of the games and are just bullshitting.
Reminder that the DMC franchise is older than 80% of Yea Forums so this is likely
Is this the buzzword that defines Yea Forums these days?
>pirate the game so I can say I played it when I shit over it
>fall in love with the game
>40 year old boomer likes MJ
I work in a primary school and it's a word I hear a lot of kids in 3rd - 5th grade use.
Makes sense
I'd say that he was more serious in DMC2, but I'm not even sure if that counts.
It started with 3 desu
DMC1: Yea Forums circa 2005-2007
DMC2: digg
DMC3: reddit
DMC4: 4chsn circa 2014-present
DMC5: Yea Forums circa 2008-2012
Your hand look 80 years old
He's pajeet
>My custom battle music only works on like the first 3 levels per character then gets replaced by the game for muh story
This what the fuck. I can understand bosses but why the fuck does the music you set as battle music only play very rarely. Waste of money to buy the deluxe.
Ever single video games on the market always get influenced into reddit, i dare you to name a video game that hasn't yet
>the king of pop is reddit
fuck you OP
>DMC1: Yea Forums circa 2005-2007
Why are you trying so hard to lie about history? 2005-2007 Yea Forums was the definition of goofy crazy shit.
Playing it right now, I'm on a mission eight. So far so good.
Also this looks smoking hot.
This would mean something if half the threads on the front page since release weren't DMC threads.
Why is "lol so random" humour popular again? It's pure cringe.
If you use the word cringe, you are Reddit.
i got it for free so there is no reason to defend it
but its pretty radical
I think that originated from other sites
Devil May Cry? more like Devil May Cringe
Rape Day, the best game ever
>japanese """"""""""""humor""""""""""""
Only three complaints so far:
1. Why did they switched Split to stick backwards instead of stick forward? Damn you, muscle memory.
2. Nero swears a bit too much. You don't need to swear to own your opponents, with words, pal.
3. No fixed camera makes it hard to play on a keyboard. It's a shame since DMC4 was my go-to title for the fast-paced laptop play. But it's an overall improvement, so it's ok.
Oh, and the game is too generous with the mission ratings.
I'm just an old fart who can't play for shit, but I've already got a number of S ranks.
They will still work in bloddy palace, so there is that
I guess, I would like it more if it just plays all the time outside of bosses. Even better would be if you could make a shuffle set.
>Why did they switched Split to stick backwards
Because new move
stop copy pasta-ing your shitty review blog gaylord
It's fucking impossible to play with mouse and keyboard, especially Dante and the big part of that is that the skill moves are relative to the camera which fucking moves everywhere and you have to hold the lock-on button the entire time instead of it being a toggle. DmC was a shitshow but at least the combat was decent and actually playable. Had to use Auto for Nero and Dante especially since keyboard inputs just don't fucking work, the game displays a Left Stick instead of WASD for fuck sake. Glad I didn't pay for this shit. Fuck happened to Istuno? Dragons Dogma plays perfectly with mouse and keyboard, especially ranged classes since you can fucking aim with a mouse. Cutscenes also lag and stutter and audio gets desynced, especially in DX12. Still happens with DX11 but not as much. Meh PC port.
Dante has always been a stupid goofy mother fucker who just loves having fun though.
You grew out of jap humor
Don't know anything about the series but I watched a streamer play it. How the fuck does anyone enjoy this cringy anime shit? Are people seriously that delusional that they think this edginess is cool? I guess it really is okay when Japan does it.
I'm on mission 13 and so far I've only been taken below half health once. I picked normal because I'm not even good at these games, but holy shit this is braindead. I'll have finished in less than 10 hours at this rate. Tell me devil Hunter is harder. Gonna have to replay to come close to getting $60 out of this.
Don't you have a controller to use on your PC?
How is jap humor edgy?
And believe it or not people don't play games for the story, shocker I know
Devil Hunter is normal...
DMC is literally psh nothing personel kid edgelord fatso flabby tits manchild core
It's only tolerable when its all around self aware like the intro credits scene in DMC5. Vergil is literally pic related
Devil Hunter is normal
It really didn't. Vergil is absolutely an edgy person but not DMC as a whole. Dante shit talks demons and makes fun of them, Nero just goes at them without really paying them a lot of respect. The games are far from edgy, except for the characters who are, that being Vergil.
Don't you have a mouse and keyboard to use on your console?
Shit controls aren't excusable.
I'd blow her cervix out through her head,and snap my dick off inside her. No regrets
>It's fucking impossible to play with mouse and keyboard
>mouse and keyboard
I didn't even try. I tried keyboard only, then switched to my 360 gamepad.
It's okayish if one uses the center camera button extensively, but nowhere as comfy as DMC4/3, which were 100% playable on a keyboard:
>Cutscenes also lag and stutter
Yet to encounter.
> and audio gets desynced
One of the first scenes. It gets better.
Name and the description are the same.
>picked Human
>thought it was normal mode
I was just asking and you can obviously just use any controller on your PC to fix that issue, though I agree that DMC's K/M controls are shit since the game isn't really designed around them it's like playing a fighting game with K/M, it just feels retarded
Haha yeah dude. Don't forget to call him a virgin incel and Reddit!
No, I mean that Nero has a new move called Payline that's input is forward and attack, that's why split's input was changed
Dante just loves life. In his own fucked up little world he finds ways to make himself smile. That is the ultimate superpower anons. Seriously. That is his best fucking quality as a person. Bad times happen, so do sad times. Devils may cry, but he gets back up there and starts improv on the lords of hell. I respect that.
>bought this shit
>1st game is ok but hasn't aged well
>2nd game is absolute trash
>3rd game is the only somewhat decent one
>Wacky humor is a weeb exclusive thing
>I don't like something
>call it reddit
Zoomers: The Movie: The Discussion
ITT: The exact moment once great OP became reddit
Thank you for posting this. I have seen far too many newfags who clearly never played the others---claim that the MJ dance sequence was "out of character".
You know for a fact that someone is reddit if they imply the scene is also in "poor taste". Bitch people have been joking about MJ fucking kids before this series even began.
Ah, I see. It still fucks with my muscle memory, though, since the split is a basic vertical manoeuvre move.
When dmc1 released and got popular kids didnt get the ironic funny character because it didnt have any of it. dmc1 dante is serious edgy badass, and dmc3 kids (10 year olds like you were when you played it) liked because he was badass and smug. Dmc4 and 5 are all around cringefests. Only when you grow up to be a cringe infested manchildren you actually like the anime dialogue and jap humor, i dislike anime and that kind of shit so i realised how cringe it's always been.
Not making fun of you guys just pointing out the truth, i'm deeply sorry for you weebs
>it's only tolerable when I say it is
Okay, so why are we listening to a non-fan give his opinion about a game?
DMC has and will always be the wacky wahoo pizza adventures and if you don't like that then you just don't like DMC and you should stop talking about it desu.
DMC has always been reddit.
>triggering the t b h censor
Newfag indeed
Reddit hates MJ, the fuck you talking about?
Dante's always been /ourguy/
Reddit existed back in 2001?
Not him but I trigger it all the time to see if I can bait newfags ngl.
You want to know how I can tell you're a zoomer? This is a Capcom game.
Define "Reddit" clearly and without opinion.
>DMC1 Dante is serious edgy badass
I get the feeling you didn't play DMC1. He was serious in like, 3 scenes (Griffon's death, Trish's betrayal and her "death" scene) in that game.
Stay free, newfagling
Dan really is handsome
In what was dante EVER edgy? Show me a single fucking line where he's edgy. If anything he's a confident, corny guy who says stupid shit. Also the funniest stuff in the game actually comes from Nico, Dante's lines are more about being cool than being funny and Nero was never a particularly funny guy to begin with.
Don't you have a >dad walks in thread to get back to?
I played dmc before you were born and before reddit existed.
Don't open this, user. It might spook you.
Post that fucking Judgement Cut webm
Okay, just making sure that I already knew your answers ahead of time.
I did.
underage shitters should be gassed
This explains so much.
so what's the difference between this thread and one of those "ohnonono" threads
I'm surprised so many people defend '*holds up spork* LOL SO RANDOM xD' the character
bro we get it you're an enlightened individual with an evolved sense of humor
here's an upvote for your blogpost
It's just a bit more veiled, but it's the same thing.
epic board culture
post some cringe reddit funny memes
so fun
This but unironically.
>calling people weebs as an insult
>on fucking Yea Forums
What, did you come here in 2015?
You act like this place isn't just reddit without voting. You are naive.
I love deep mature characters like Joel
i'm really starting to enjoyHATE the endless ironic posting on the board
the fact that people just never stop and do it relentlessly for weeks at a time is an added bonus
all the upvotes--sorry, (you)s that the obvious bait threads get make me realize that this place is obviously inhabited by people who had ZERO concern for the election
The worst part is that the game itself is even self are enough to laugh at the fact that Dante behaves like an idiot. After he does the dance, Nico is clapping like an idiot and laughing (representing the Dante fanboys) while Trish is just looking at him blankly. The game is aware that it's being silly, while also being able to enjoy the silliness for what it is.
A game where a guy does a Michael Jackson dance with a spotlight and sparklers that appear out of nowhere is more self aware than you retards, it's remarkable, truly.
I just find it hilarious on a meta-level that they had Dante doing a Michael Jackson dance at the exact moment that a ton of backlash started happening towards MJ.
Do you even have to ask?
>taking anything that happens in DMC first degree seriously
How autistic can a person be?
Imagine being so fucking soulless and bitter that you go out of your way to shitpost about the humor of a game.
My goodness I love this board but it exposes some of the saddest examples of people possible.
DMC was always postmodern. You just missed the point.
I don't even like DMC, but if it became reddit at that very moment, what was it before then?
Nothing on this board is ever posted in earnest. Every single thread is someone falseflagging in an attempt to stir the pot, pretending to have some opinion or other on a topic that will make people mad. Pretty much every following reply is also somebody falseflagging, pretending to have an opinion right back at them, and this may continues for 500 posts because nobody is real it's all just a game of ironic pretend.
Is seriously one guy posting all these threads
>Don't know anything about the series but I watched a streamer play it.
Nu Yea Forums in a nutshell
100000% based
Please go and stay go.
Zelda was always Reddit
Some of them. Usually when one guy posts the same thread a lot and it gets lots of fake discussion replies, a bunch of random redditors start reposting it later to feel like they're contributing to the board
Dante's reached his cringe peak 2 games ago though, and he's still kicking. hell be fine.
You people are too angry about stupid things
Have some Yuri to soothe your soul and butts
This, it's probably tied with Souls as the most reddit series.
I know there is zoomers who do nothing but shitposts literally all day. But always curious what will happen with them after 2-3 years? I noticed how dedicated shitpsoters just disappear from the board. Where are they now?
>Where are they now?
They probably committed suicide.
botw was the moment they fully sold out by becoming a combination of reddit-core like skyrim and far cry.
It's not just zoomers who do nothing but shitpost all day, it's everybody on this board.
This is Yea Forums in 2012, but even worse, and minus some of the porn.
Everything is reddit.
You're not wrong, but Souls and Zelda are exceedingly reddit.
Is loli reddit?
Pro MJ: High IQ, second guessing everything as they should
Anti MJ: Sheeple. They will believe truly anything the media shits into their heads
>Fallout over Witcher 3
This isn't reddit
At least those are good games. I would argue if they are GOATs tho.
New Vegas is even more reddit than Witcher.
If they're goats you can go right back to fucking them
Fallout 1
System Shock 2
Come at me.
I want a curahzy action game with yuris ASAP
I dont understand why you guys shit all over this. Its a really fun and charismatic scene
I'm just gonna start filtering posts with the word "reddit" in it.
I've made the decision anyone who has such a big hole in their brain that they can't talk or listen without scanning for reddit then they aren't worth my read anyways.
Gotta give respect to the king of pop.
fun is reddit
fun is embarrassing
Literally Nico and Lady
>calling things you don't like "reddit"
>allowing redditors opinions on shit to directly influence your own opinion
how to detect newfags who try too hard to fit in.
I bet you faggots can't even define what it means for something to be "reddit" other than "people on reddit like this"
>dad walks in
You can just say you didn't play DMC1, child.
No one is shitting on it, it's just shitposters trying to get as much attension as possible
So does Capcom and the DMC fanbase just try to pretend that DMC2 doesn't exist or...?
Shallow, lowest common denominator appeal, mainstream mass recognition, pretense, participating or perpetuating reddit culture.
It's really not that hard you
>Not Nico and Kyrie
You can get your shit taste out of my board any time now
Kind user.
So, Dark Souls?
Honestly this. on my first playthrough, I S ranked almost every mission save for 3 of them. 2 As and 1B Fucking bird faggot gave me more trouble than she should have.
Anyone else having a glitch with dante where the controller will randomly disconnect? Having this issue even with other controllers.
>low common denominator appeal
>mainstream mass recognition
lmao how old are you
it doesn't pretend to be anything but DMC tryhard
>reddit culture
oh nice another vague answer
Got it dude.
>dude fedoras are awesome! Who hurt you??
Cringe, neckbeard
Nice comeback. But I am 100% slav.
You guys seem obsessed with Reddit, are you sure you don’t just want to ask them out to a date?
They literally addressed it in the before the nightmare prequel novel, Lucia appears, Balrog destroys Cerburus, and Dante remember Jack shit of it's events
sounds like everything
This guy gets it. Dante is legitimately one of my favorite characters for a reason.
>t. Schlomo Shekelgoldblatt
She exist's in novel form.
I'm sure one day you won't be a retard
Dmc turned reddit from dmc 3
Because wise cracking dante was awesome, stoic Dante was my favorite (yes dmc 2 has alot of issues) , and 3 and after yikes.
Im talking about how dante behaves, 3 is still my favorite in terms of gameplay.
Is there any way to recognize reddit game without using internet browser?
Good bait. Almost got me.
Since when did characters having fun = Reddit?
just ironic posting
fokin baited XD
If it's developed by Obsidian.
Dmc despite being bad in alot of areas, it did alot of good things to.
The dance of a child molester yikes ...
actually cringe kys
Miss me yet?
this isn't any different than him fucking around with lucifer, making a heart out of swords, and throwing a rose to make them explode, all while making innuendos
>projecting this much
People joke but I consider this a personal low point in the series. It's weird how I appreciate DMC5 pulling Dante back a bit rather than having him the CUHRAYZEE XDDD WOOHOO cringe fest he is in this one. I love jokey Dante, but he was straight Flanderized in this one.
>I consider this a personal low point in the series.
As do most people. The game is literally unfinished.
Yea Forums is such a shithole
They are, it's trilbys that are shit
How did they manage to turn FUCK YOU into the best line in the game after DmC tainted it?
>literally underage
Ah yes I too love best Dante one liners such as
>Don't talk, Just die
Both of you are wrong, for the sheer fact that DMC2 still exists
He's about as edgy as Spider-man. In fact i think Spider-man has gone through more edgy phases than Dante.
It's weird. Pre-release I loved the FUCK YOU bit, but seeing the build up to that fight. It feels kinds outta place. Nero shows up all stoic, straight faced and serious. Then becomes some angry emotional mess during the fight again, it's weird.
>DMC2 is garbag-
It is honestly the worst of the bunch, but when people always talk about the "good" ones, no one considers 2.
I just think 4 is a boring, dull game.
5, 3 stand on the mountain top of great games while we get a kind, fatherly smile from 1 slightly in the distance.
Cringe and yikespilled
Is this supposed to prove me wrong or right?
Have you ever played Devil May Cry before? It's always been cringey.
Take DMC3 for example.
If this isn't reddit, then i don't know what is
>stylish hats
is pathetic, and dante looking so old while still acting like this is even worse, looks like a desperate boomer who can't accept his teenage times are gone forever
I'm so very tired of people labeling things reddit.
not him but I think it pretty obviously proves you right, DMC2 is pure trash
>3 entire missions are just boss fights.
Did the other games ever do this? It feels so lazy.
This is peak cringe.
>that period of time where Yea Forums doubled down on this, Bayonetta, and MGR, acting like this was peak hilarity
>Did the other games ever do this?
Boss rushes are a staple of action games, it's not just a DMC thing.
Stop using "reddit" as a buzzword for things that offend your sensibilities. The only thing i would call "reddit" is Borderlands 2, it's pre-sequel and Terraria.
I wish more missions were just boss fights. The levels are a real slog.
No I mean an entire mission that is just one fight, sorry. The boss rush with V was neat since you had to pick which demon to use but 17, 19, and 20 just don't work as they are. DMC3 had mission 20 but that was a really great fight that made sense at the end. Having two vergil fights back to back is just bizarre and the urizen one isn't that much different besides maybe two new moves.
he almost killed capcom
>I mean an entire mission that is just one fight, sorry.
Oh, no I don't think so, but there are some missions, like level 4 from DMC3, that are pretty short and end with a boss.
Complaining about Yea Forums being bad is a bit like going to a high school cafeteria as an adult and complaining you can't have any interesting discussions.
>there is probably a good portion of /v who cant recognize the most iconic dance of all time and think its cringe.
Yeah i know this is a bait thread but the fact this is possible makes me sad.
Op isn't reddit, he's textbook Yea Forums hivemind.
>watch MJ dance
>be like "classic dmc" while remembering the dozens of crazy wacky moments like that
>Yea Forums shits itself multiple times over multiple threads
The real question is: are you underage or are you ironic? In both cases you're a flaming faggot
>he's textbook Yea Forums hivemind.
Which is reddit.
Remember kids, you have to be ironic and have cynism over EVERYTHING, genuine emotions are not allowed on the internet.
its even say that Human is for inexperienced players.
>Yea Forums is reddit
The worst thing about the last 2-3 generations is the culture of being jaded fuckhead who cannot be sincere about anything. The media promoted tons of shows and characters that try to sell this idea that being smart = being an obnoxious snarky dickhead.
If this sounds anything like you, re-evaluate your life. No one likes an opinionated know-it-all dickhead. No one wants to be around such a person. And no, you are probably not particularly intelligent or talented, chances are you are slightly above average and there are literally millions of people like you (and more intelligent and talented than you) in the world. Get over yourself and fix your shitty attitude before it's too late.
>the best basic enemies in the series, everyone is enjoyable to fight
>best bosses in the series, only competitors are the greats of DMC1 and the vergil fights in 3, again has zero bad bosses
>best gameplay mechanics in the series, best and most fleshed out systems for Dante/ Nero
>artstyle is back to DMC1/3 horror roots
give me one reason why this isnt the best DMC game
>again has zero bad bosses
Gilgamesh is a setpiece/ gimmick fight and looks so good that I cant be mad at it. Its gigapede done right
nigga u gay
>Mission 19
>Vergil summons his shadow clone
>Die for the first time ever
Jesus fuck what are you supposed to do during this. I had to do SDT and Laser spam just to beat him there. What the fuck man.
>There wasn't a single boss I didn't need a golden orb for
When did I become so fucking bad at games lmao
>retards enjoy cool stuff too so you can't enjoy cool stuff anymore
>retards mimic actually cool characters/things, but they are just obvious pathetic pretenders. This somehow makes the cool characters suddenly not cool anymore
why did this retarded mentality get so fucking popular
why don't you realize how retarded this way of thinking is?
DMC is cool, get over it. It's an amazing overthetop powerfantasy game. No amount of bitching about how "it should be more realistic and tame" will change that. Not every video game has to be some pretentious realistic bullshit or a straight up comedy that doesn't take anything seriously.
A Bollywood action game would be kino beyond kino
I just noticed is his hair fucking wax?
Its like a plastic mold that barely moves.
This but unironically.
I liked it.
We need a modernized version of this statue with the DMC5 counterparts.
see, this type of shit would fit in perfectly in a DMC game
that counts because DMC2 he was still gloomy because of Vergil's 2nd death.
DMC4 he regained hope and fun after He met nero
your bait doesnt make sense because reddit hates MJ. because of muh pedophilia charges
just look at the darkiders threads, old Yea Forums loved 1 and 2, oldfags kinda loved 3 besides some designs shemanigans like the Dork souls combat
nu/v/ would bash the game and call it a WoW ripoff
What a fucking retard
Do they know you're legally not allowed to be around children?
Worst part is, back then in like the early 2000s era, this would have been considered cool and funny. Only now in this hopeless timeline do you fucks have a reason to complain about something as funny and harmless as a Micheal Jackson dance.
DmC is responsible for this, they ruined actual DMC.
Dante is an Enlightened being and can do whatever the fuck he wants
>People have now hopped from making fun of KH to making fun of DMC
No series can be genuinely silly anymore
Yea Forums and reddit are functionally the same
It's almost like Yea Forums will shit on anything for (You)s.
It's like it has more weight if you don't say it every other minute.
Fuck you was the best part of DmC, the fuck are you on about?
We're not getting any younger.
Well, I've used continue on a first real boss several times during the first attempt. Second attempt - once. Third attempt - close win. Little by little my touch returns.
>Let's add a tribute to a known pedophile
Dante never really reached half of this pic's edginess.
How is it relevant?
What a reddit opinion
the best part about DMC5 is that its been six years but journalists and wannabe cool kids are still fucking ass mad that they're garbage reboot didn't get a sequel.
it's still cool and funny
People that believe he was a pedophile are more wrong than flat-earthers and 9/11 inside-job nutcracks. Pull your collective heads out of your assholes.
refer to
who cares?
refer to
but 9/11 was an inside-job tho
Can't separate art from artist.
His songs are still well made and catchy and his dance moves still memorable.
Everyone knows he wasn't well in the head.
>"yes goy there is nothing wrong with pedophilia goyim"
Forgot my meme arrow at the start.
Poor man's Prince, t b h.
Refer to
It's been Reddit trash for years even since it became cool to jump on the DMC5 hype bandwagon.
>guy made bad thing so let's delete all his contributions from history and never speak of him again
You sound like a SJW, mr /pol/tard
>You weebs need to be fucking gassed
After the years of slander they have never been able to prove any paedophilia at all.
The recent documentary presented 0% new evidence.
MJ literally did nothing wrong.
Anime is peak reddit, retard.
Reddit is such a fucking buzzword, please come up with actual arguements if you don't like it you fucking spergs
fuck off zoomer
Yea Forums is peak reddit
>Reddit is such a fucking buzzword
so is breathing you better not breathe or else you're reddit
>9/11 inside-job nutcracks
How do people like you even function in the world? I don't think MJ was a pedo but holy shit you 9-11 official story believers are fucking braindead.
Explain to me how it isn't
go back
This but unironically.
it’s fucking zoomers man. they think everything is cringe because iPhones give them the social skills of NEETs
Just finished fighting with the knight using Dante. That was awesome.
They really ramped up the parry mechanic, aren't they?
This is the best Dante ever and I love him. Nero can fuck off
Yes it's awful. Trish scenes are especially bad because she has long hair and sometimes they just float in the air like dry starch
Can we all apreciate the "FUCK YOU" in the last fight? I giggled
I mean, the chance of MJ being a pedo is infinitely higher than the chance of the Earth being flat. Not saying he was, but you can't really compare mistrusting people to flat earthers.
He's dead, who cares?
i recall at least two cutscenes where dante dances in dmc4 (lucifer being one)
nothing about this is out of character or off.
In the end...we are all satisfied.
Anyone think Faust was disappointing? Thought'd there'd be way more JoJo posing.
Kek. Conspiracy theorists are literally the most retarded people on the planet. They always crack me the fuck up. Best part is they always proclaim; "do your own research" and then proceed to "research" YT videos. True definition of brainlets.
>actually believes that jet fuel can melt steel beams
How exactly are people using Dante atm? It seems like some of the "pro" community is at least currently using loadouts that arent maxed out while donguri off the top of my head had all of the options equipped in his small video
On one hand I figured it might be better to just go all in and learn the muscle memory/ cycling order perfectly with everything but I dont know if its going to be close to literally impossible to even make any serious use of 4 devil arms at once if turbo ever drops since its already a clusterfuck whenever you have to go from the first one in the list to the last
Please provide me with some of your YT research so I can snicker to myself while playing vidya on my second screen. The retardation of conspiracy theorists amuses me to no end. I was too busy laughing at flat earthers lately that I completely forgot about 9/11 and moonlanding people. Is there any new material?
DMC4 Dante had the perfect mix between DMC1 serious and DMC3 crazy, look at the Agnus scenes, before the fight he's hamming up on the theatre, after the fight he gives Agnus a speech on humanity then executes him with a shot to the face. Or Berial "You can stay and die, or you can walk your ugly ass back through that gate".
9/11 was an inside job end of story
die mad about it :)
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I'm on Mission 10 on SoS now and I can only get an A rank, just missing the S. I'm playing well and getting SSS ranks all the time but I just aren't getting enough points. I've S ranked every mission on DH and so far on SoS but for some reason on this one Dante mission I'm just shy of it. How do the points work for Dante?
I mean, that's kind of exactly what he is, except age hasn't slowed him down at all. You're talking about a man who eats nothing but pizza and is so unwilling to get a real job that he'll willingly sit around in the dark with no electricity or water.
yup, and it feels great.
>Dante and him just forgot about that towards the end.
Dante forgave him in DMC3 for the massacre on the city that unleashing the demons brought. It sucks but desu if Dante wants to forgive his bro he can, not really anyone's buisness.
That was always a crappy excuse by Capcom since he wasn't gloomy at all during DMC1's ending and epilogue
I get near 6000 points on the first fight but then they just fall progressively lower every fight.
DMC3 would have too.
Think there's only one mad user in this reply chain my dear friend.
Gilgamesh may have been easy but it's one of the best giant boss fights I can remember.
Imagine being this buttblasted. Exactly why I love people like you. Bet you're visibly frothing at the mouth right now
Don't even bother. You can spot the lowest tier of troll when they deny you of your (you). He's a one-line, one-trick pony.
Remember when people said Donte was better because he was more of an 'actual character' like ANYONE played DMC3 and said 'what this character needs is more realism'
>if people talk about it more than I think they should, it's reddit
I know user, but I enjoy taunting them. It takes no effort and I keep a DMC thread alive at the same time. I haven't played it yet, so I can't contributed much, but at least I'm bumping it.
Name a scene where he wasn't serious then? Because the most DMC3 like I can remember him being in DMC1 was dunking on Phantom 1.
I'm not even going to take the effort and check who you're replying too, but did he fuck your mother or something? Dear god you're buttblasted.
Not him but here is some advice
When trying to samefag dont use words that are kinda unique more than once like "buttblasted"
Dont worry soon you will get to shitposting efficiently in no time!
So, whichscene did people prefer? This or the DMC4 "summon and Kill" scene?
But I am, just because some of these 10 year old girls are legitimately sexy doesn't mean I'm going to fuck them.
>When trying to samefag
Yes, because buttblasted is a incredibly uncommon word on Yea Forums. Is this your first day?
Let me guess, if I show a screenshot with only 1 (You), you will claim it was edited?
Some serious projection going on.
Fuck crapcom
To name a few and without going into much detail
>V's play style doesnt really work in this series the way it's presented here, he feels barebones compared to nero and dante and just gimmicky overall
>the game is way too short and the enviroments are incredibly uninspired considering there is only like two locations
>also level design is straight out of the ps2 era. I dont want open world i just want the series to keep going forward and dont stagnate, dmc3 is not going anywhere
>Dante's weapons are a major letdown, cavaliere is a cool concept at least but the rest of them are just the same from past games and not really strong or fun to use honestly
>it lacks content and vergil is clearly cut from the game to milk some dollars people are so thankful the game is even real they are not giving capcom shit for this as would have hapenned some years ago
>the story is shit. It's always been bad with dmc3 plot being the most decent but we are in 2019, the plot it's horrible
It's a fun game just not memorable or anything, it's more of the same with fancy graphics
I don't think Reddit likes anything related to the king of pop anymore
Awful lot of pedo-apologists in this thread.
>"Yes, he was attracted to young boys- but he made good music!"
>"Yes, he spent months in a bedroom with young boys and never left for any reason and no one thought to check on what he was doing- but that was just his personality, he was always a bit strange!"
>"Yes, he forced young boys to suck his penis and nipples and masturbated to their naked bodies- but he invented the Moonwalk!"
Did OP want Dante to be some gruff old man all of the sudden like Kratos in nu-GoW? nu-Gow is literally the most reddit game of all time.
What are the odds having 2 people in the same thread mad about the same user who only beefs with 1 person, 2 people who all use the word buttblasted that only that user used in this thread before, 2 people replying mere minutes away?
Very low.
What does being a disgusting pedophile have to do with enjoying cool music and dance moves?
This is a direct attack at DmC though, in one interview the devs of that game said dante "wasn't a gay cowboy"
DMC3 dialogue was cringe as fuck and it was fine. Stop trying to make games so serious.
Normal people wont be able to listen to his music without thinking of him as a child diddling FREAK. I mean all the plastic surgery and shit was enough fro me but fucking kids too?
KH is actually awful though, dmc has good gameplay and a plot that's mostly internally consistent.
He wasn't sexually attracted; he believed himself to be a child at heart, and enjoyed friendship with children. There's nothing illegal or morally wrong with that, but people in the US refuse to accept that there wasn't an ulterior motive. The man was chronically shy - you could hear it in his voice - and didn't have many adult friends. Yes, he had issues, but pedophilia was not one of them, no matter how hard you want it to be.
Normal people are retarded. I can admire a van Gogh painting without thinking about how he cut his own ear off and offered to a girl as a token of his affection.
Pretty salty that Trish did more in DMC4 than 5, and less said about Lady the better.
>he believed himself to be a child at heart,
Congratulation you just described pedophiles!
you call people that chop their dick off and pretend to be women normal?
>Normal people wont be able to listen to his music
Smooth Criminal will always slap
Then you're a hypocrite.
And here is all the proof you have:
People hate on every game to ever exist here. It isn't anything new. Gamers are literally the worst demographic in existence. Fortunately games are serving a great service to society by compelling losers to self select into a group with low reproduction rates so they don't pass on their genes.
There's literally nothing wrong with liking someone's music despite knowing they're a horrible person.
You can simultaneously enjoy something a horrible person made while acknowledging that they're a horrible person.
You think he showers? He has no running water that stuff is steel wool
Are you from ResetEra by any chance?
Guess anyone that visits theme parks, watches cartoons, or plays games and is over the age of 17 is a pedophile. Damn, this is a widespread disease after all.
that's a dude isn't it
Are you willing to admit you hold other to standards that you're willing to overlook for things that you like? To the point of being a pedophile apologist?
No I'm pretty sure the criteria for being a pedophile is being attracted to and fucking children.
All I'm stating is that I can separate the art from the artist. Are you one of those trannies who try to get games like Kingdom Come Deliverance banned because one of the creators holds views you don't agree with?
I bet he smells like when you dont shower for weeks in the summer and open your legs and that ballcum smell hits you
I'm using Dante in small brain mode (2 weapons, 2 guns, only using Swordmaster). It's insane a character this deep exists in a game alongside two other characters.
Sure. And your proof as to MJ doing that is where?
There's nothing more "cringe" then people who unironically say cringe.
Michael Jackson was a public figure and entertainer, Van Gogh wasn't. You're stupid.
daily reminder
>people consider donte "real"
A real asshole I guess.
Summon and kill easily
This all started because of the documentary where he outright mentioned he slept with the kids right? Why would he even say that if he was a pedo?
Liking his music doesn't equal being a pedophile apologist. You're either being stubborn for the sake of just wanting to win a stupid argument or you're an insane reset/pol/era.
It's what all the underages spout these days.
The dude was obviously unstable and had the mannerisms of a vert disturbed indivudual. Not to mention his absolute obsession when his appearance. I don't need him to be a pedophile to dislike him, unlike yourself, and I don't need to prove anything to anybody with such low moral standards.
You're posting meaningless drivel. Go cry to your fellow trannies.
Jesus, our shitposters are mods on ResetEra?
You're actually retarded
>Ninja Theory emofags still seething
>Liking his music doesn't equal being a pedophile apologist
No actively shilling for him in the context of him being a pedophile because "you can separate the art from the artist" makes you a pedophile apologist.
no, the pic was posted as proof that leaks were legit from "other sites". but they do post here for sure.
Fuck me, is this what Yea Forums has become? Just delete the site already, Hiroshimoot. There's nothing of value left.
There's also the fact he has been knocked the fuck out for a month covered in blood and dirt. He properly smells like shit.
They also forget that Dante became more human in DMC3 (it's like the point of the game) we just didn't need AAA TLoU levels of cutscene characterisation.
>became reddit
What does this even mean? This site is nothing but using the same few words and phrases to describe everything. Nothing has any meaning anymore.
>implying this isn't exactly what they wanted when 98% of all threads are deleted
>but they do post here for sure.
Resetera is a fucking dystopian hellhole, even the most ardent SJW tier fuckboy would feel gagged down there.
How can you shill for a dead person?
That is not an act of pedophilia, as was proven in court.
>no proof, but I believe what I want
Every time. Gee, I wonder why he was never convicted? Thank christ people like you aren't involved in the legal system.
>Dante's not allowed to be fun and stylish
truly it was OP who was reddit all along
>the absolute state of nu/v/
Nice moving goalposts retard and good to know you had zero proof like everyone else.
He was also a massive civil rights activist and did a lot humanitarian / charity work.
If anything he was the one abused by his shitty family.
By saying that you don't mind if he fucked children because he made good music.
reddit = something I don't like that other people like and is popular
That's not what shilling is.
Also, no one in this thread ever said they didn't mind if he fucked kids because the music as good. Seems you're mentally ill.
Reddit is ironic post-modernism with large helping of self-importance and a dash of narcissism.
>this is a man worth defending
There's literally zero proof of this.
What does that even mean? What is wrong with you people?
Absolutely, considering he's being slandered for doing no harm to anyone while having suffered his entire childhood and still coming out as charitable talented human being.
>I am now going to redefine words to continue to argue
>Also, no one in this thread ever said they didn't mind if he fucked kids because the music as good.
>I can admire a van Gogh painting without thinking about how he cut his own ear off and offered to a girl as a token of his affection.
In the context of "I can ignore MJ being a pedophile because he made good music." Fuck off loser.
>What does that even mean? What is wrong with you people?
You people are pathetic
Did you get diddled by a pasty black man when you were a little boy?
>t. can't separate the artist form the art
Uuhhh.... yeah, you can safely ignore MJ being a pedo while hearing his songs. Are you actually
>Became evil and angry because his mom liked his brother more than him (Seriously)
>Uninspired black trenchcoat
This image did not age very well, now that 5 is out.
I legitimately don't understand why every major game release has to be a huge shitpost spree regardless of the quality of the game. Do you have no joy in your lives whatsoever? Do you depend on (You)'s to get you through the day?
>my feelings are more important than facts and logic
Only you are pathetic.
Hitler was a good painter, do you think so?
Why is Halo sad?
Not particularly.
Hitler is proving to have done wrong.
MJ is proving to be innocent on all accounts.
Get some better arguments retard. My argument is not about separating art from artist.
But Dante has always done performances. Ever since DMC 3, there's always been some sort of show after getting a weapon. This dance is literally in the same spirit of the last two games. I get that this is bait, but mass appeal != reddit, and more importantly, not super niche != reddit
He was, he had talent for someone who wasn't formally trained. Most people can't even draw good stick figures.
>"he had a kid suck him off!"
>"I don't need proof if I believe it!
>that's what I thought
>"l-look at this youtube video! See? Total pedo!"
>where in the video does he out himself as a pedo?
>you people are pathetic
Do you know how many times I've been through this conversation with people that have a poor grasp on psychology? Read a book for once.
I think Hitler was a great painter, it's a shame he was slandered by the western media.
Yeah, that looks alright.
Hitler still was a bad person. Now what?
>No inertia
>No reversals
Yeah, like you can even do it in the first place faggot.
>he actually thinks this argument makes sense
Keep doubling down I guess?
His composition is lacking compared to Romanticism art.
Mental gymnastics. The dude admitted to taking little boys alone into his bedroom at night. Why are you so eager to defend an obvious pedophile?
Now he has a mental breakdown.
>great painter
>clear perspective errors
This. So much this.
Do you have any proof that Hitler was a bad person? Why can't you just enjoy his art?
Honestly this.
It happened to KH3, RE2make, now DMC5. It will happen to Sekiro too. People that obvisouly aren't fans of the series and/or haven't even touched any games at all start talking shit and making bait threads. It was funny at first but it devolved into maximum ultra cancer really fucking fast. The weird thing is that this didn't happen until 2019
Yes, im sure thats exactly what an actual pedo would "admit" and not the other way around
You're just doing this for (You)'s at this point, aren't (You)?
>Do you have any proof that Hitler was a bad person?
Yes, it's been extensively documented with empirical evidence.
No. There's proof Hitler did a lot of dumb and bad shit.
His drawings weren't one of them though, so why is it bad to look at them?
Oh so you don't have any proof, typical. You're just mad that he made good art.
Hitler loves dogs and painting and he hates kikes, he's pretty alright in my book
>durr I can't cancel animations
Wait hitler liked and owned dogs?
Fuck dogs, why do people still own them?
Man I know you're just baiting but now the people who actually unironically think this will come out of the woodwork.
Reception to REmake 2 as largely positive.
KH3 was actually mediocre at best and bad at worst.
Sekiro will bring in shitposting because the Souls community are the easiest people to bait in the entire gaming community.
That's not an argument, retard. If there's really "no way" a pedo would say that wouldn't it be the best defense against it? Of course not, because it indicates the exact opposite and it takes some pretty mind blowing mental gymnastics to pretend otherwise.
>Fuck dogs, why do people still own them?
So you zoomers realize they were referring to that concert when michael jackson did the first moonwalk?
I mean everyone here understands that you are just shitposting but pretending to be retarded that doesn't make you any less retarded user.
>game is great
>check Yea Forums
>le ebin contrarian thread
You're the one going through mental gymnastics, clinging to circumstantial evidence that does not prove MJ was a pedophile. When you get called out, you declare "I don't need proof!" Keep playing Ace Attorney games. Maybe one day a ghost will appear and present photographic evidence that proves MJ was guilty. Until that day comes, feel free to dislike the guy as much as you want, but know that he was not a pedophile.
I don't recognize the UN's authority nor do I recognize you ability to dictate what is good and what is evil. Therefore you have no proof that Hitler was evil and the only reason you don't like him is because you're jealous of his paintings.
>you can't like mj if you don't endorse pedophilia
Why is that?
I'm gonna keep replying so you have to keep posting paintings, user.
How does it feel to lose an argument this bad to resort to this level of shitposting?
How fucking stupid, underage and sheep are you? Michael Jackson was an extremely traumatized abuse victim who was character assassinated by the actual pedowood since he was too redpilled and free from their chains
That's the second time somebody has tried to misrepresent what was said. People claimed they don't care if MJ was a pedophile because he made music that they liked, which is morally questionable.
Can you dumb motherfuckers stop giving 2 shits about reddit for 1 fucking day.
There are people in this very thread that didn't believe Devil May Cry was always cringy and edgy. I feel like these are the same people who enjoy Metal Gear games, and maybe 40K.
If you let morals dictate your taste in entertainment and politics, then you might as well lock yourself in solitary confinement for the rest of your life, because no human on earth is free from sin. Yourself included.
>consumes red orbs
why does this piss me off so much I already unlocked everything but not having 999999 orbs feels wrong
That's also wrong. Simply stating that you recognize that MJ was a freak and probably diddled kids BUT he still made good music would be enough. But for some reason fanboys can't admit that he was even a little bit off.
San Andreas was the worst game though desu.
Okay so everyone know this thread is either shit or bait, now can you give me some pics where you shit on DmC, Yea Forums?
That's because the media told them to hate him. And antivaxxers. And anything Trump says even if they previously supported it. They don't think for themselves.
>you're okay if you like his music only if you admit he was a freak and a potential pedophile
I can admit he had psychological issues that were rooted in the way his family treated him, followed by the character assassination, and then the mistreatment by Sony, but I will never cede the point that he was a pedophile without concrete evidence. Proof. A fact.
>People claimed they don't care if MJ was a pedophile because he made music that they liked
Can you link me so I can read them?
Having Peter Pan Syndrome or being off doesn't matter if you are crime free.
The same way just being a pedo that will never act on his sexual attraction is not a criminal.
MGS is the thinking man's series, though.
>I can admit he had psychological issues
Ok, we're done here.
put that trip back on
How did people fare against Vergil in Mission 19? I fared fine through the rest of the game but this fight was tough as nails and I lost track of how many times I retried it.
>everything I don't like is the Media and Trump
Look at this confused faggot
>psychological issues=pedophile, got 'em
By that same vein of logic, I'd classify you as one too.
What? I just said I don't like Reddit and how they're braindead. I don't give a shit about Trump.
>Mentions anything political
>"Get a load of this retard! Am I right boys?"