What does Yea Forums think of Haunting Ground?

What does Yea Forums think of Haunting Ground?

Attached: haunting gr.png (1152x647, 977K)

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Great game, really captures the feel of being a hysterical bimbo

never played it but looks like a resi 4 clone so no thanks


Its much more akin to clock tower. Nothing like re

why are the graphics so similar? it looks just like re4.

A lot of games like max payne 2 look like this. Dnt read much into it.

I like that Fionna's titties bounce like crazy
I like Fionna's cute feet

You might be the most retarded Yea Forumsirgin on Yea Forums right now.


you are fucking retarded

I forgot this board is the dumbest fucking place on the internet when it's not school hours or late at night.


it was re4 at some point in development

well there we go. thanks for proving my point to these assholes in this thread

Is this the game where she can get raped by that down syndrome manservant thing in a game over screen?

Never got to play it and the prices are fucking stupid to buy it used now, it would be nice if they could release it on modern hardware but i guess emulating is my only option

You voiced an ignorant opinion and got called out on it. Nothing is more annoying than everyone comparing every horror title to resident evil. Its not the only, or best, or even close to the best, horror game/franchise out there.

DMC was resident evil 4 at one point too
does that mean it's a RE4 clone

This and Rule of Rose are girl with dog kino.

You are the asshole, moron

I think people are misinterpreting that game over screen. To me it sounds more like he's eating her 2bh.

Attached: fionab.jpg (1280x1024, 119K)


he thinks of fiona as a doll to play with
and you can see him rubbing his dick all the time

You DID unlock her alternative costume sand the german shepard, right?

Attached: alternative costume.png (205x500, 71K)

Same engine, maybe?

Attached: 1550930461623.gif (192x224, 42K)

>Some critics highlighted Haunting Ground's sexual themes surrounding the objectification of Fiona as one of its best elements. Jeremy Dunham of IGN stated that "Haunting Ground's success comes from making the player feel like a desired and endangered object." He found the plot was kept interesting due to the disturbing suggestive behaviors of Fiona's pursuers. GameSetWatch's Leigh Alexander stated that "disparaging Haunting Ground for its copious objectification of women is a facile task...it’s precisely that off-putting sexuality that makes Daniela terrifying, that makes Fiona’s circumstances so explicitly repugnant, that sharpens Haunting Ground’s fear factor to a knife in the gut." Alexander praised the game's voyeuristic themes and presenting of Fiona as "an object of desire." She notes that "Fiona is both a sex object and a victim...a fragile little woman...both male and female players can distinctly feel the threat to her person, the disconcerting wickedness of her enemies, thanks to her overt sexualization throughout the game."

Wtf I love game critics now?

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I think i want to be fiona in bad ending

Her getting pregnant was hot

Back when game journalists wrote for magazines so it was preferable to think a bit about the game first, instead of the knee-jerk reaction "this game made me feel uncomfortable and that's a bad thing (here's why)"

it was a different time

I want to breed with Fiona.

Dude end your life

why not both

I think it's too fucking expensive.

Shame cuz I want to play it.

Consensually I hope!

Attached: fionabb.jpg (528x1200, 169K)

Nobody cares what u want dude

>state opinion
>get told to kill myself
you need to get a grip. jesus another user already proved that this game is a res4 clone.

another thing I wish I invested in like bitcoin

You wouldnt be so smug if ur twink ass was being pounded

pls do

much better then Clock Tower 3,now that Capcom is doing well i hope they make a spiritual successor, also good to see we can still discuss the game

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What is she doing with Jill's boyfriend?

Holy shit those graphics look like a PS2 game.

If you weren't retarded you would know it is a PS2 game, or at least check before making this post.

If u make a dumb post u have to show boi pucci

ironically hewie the dog is from haunting ground so...


One of the best games from the best era of survival horror games. I really like the idea of a dog being your companion in a survival horror game because it encapsulates both something you can use to protect you, but also something you want to protect. It's a bit clunky and unwieldy, leaving you with just the right level of vulnerability for a horror. It also looks fantastic for a PS2 game. I miss that era of survival horror.

Attached: hauntingground.png (1280x716, 839K)

seems fair

Are you stupid? Its teen Jill with her doggy

god I wish that were me

I wish I was the girl

My dog is a chow chow she never cuddles

There is a new game remothered. Not as good but recaptures some of the flare


Are u gay

me on the left

I think I watched someone play a demo of that. It looks really solid, yes.

>I miss that era of survival horror
I miss that era. Period.

I want doggy cuddles

Reminds me of that comic with the little girl and the retarded manchild

You know which one I'm talking about
The one where the bad things happen

The literal manchild just wants to play with her akin to a doll, he harbors no sexual feeling whatsoever for her since he has literally the mind of a child.
Her uncle who is the third stalker, however, does rape her in the game over screen and actually also both rapes and impregnates + mindbreaks her in one of the endings.

>overly sexualized frail female main character is abducted, raped, impregnanted and mindbroken in one of the endings
Things you'd never see in a current year mainstream vidya.
it's what those who are mean to doggos deserve, anyways

It was a different and better time.

Why is Debilitas so cute?

how did they make some PS2 games look so good? it had many ugly games, but the best looking ones were unchallenged throughout the entire PS3 generation

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Japanese magic.

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Who' s bigger?

Fiona or Jill circa RE3?

buttmad boomer


Finish rule of rose not a while ago and damn it was awesome. Guess haunting grounds is next i should try.

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it's made using a similar engine to DMC & RE games at that time.

Does she take the knot?

No. Fiona is pure.

Did somebody say thicc?

Attached: haunting grounds2.webm (480x540, 2.92M)

Brown was an excellent Dog. RIP Brown.

you could just emulate it
it's not perfect (has some of the same lighting problems as emulating DMC3) but it works well enough

I like Daniella

Attached: Smiling.webm (450x450, 1.79M)

*steals ur uterus*

That cowboy outfit makes me melt. Same effect on the SFV version!

The dog in this game is the same exact one that appears in RE4 to help Leon. Look it up. It's canon.

i believe it

the game wasn't that good desu...it isn't on the same level as Clock Tower at all

Attached: Haunting Grounds CUTIE.webm (853x480, 72K)

Attached: A big fluffy dog.webm (720x720, 1.5M)

HG is a lot more "playable" than RoR. The dog mechanics are more fleshed out and you don't get forced into miserable combat situations. Hope you enjoy it.



I liked the general concept, and really genuinely miss that age of experimental psychological horror that the PS2 had, but after all this time I find the actual game mechanics more frustrating than scary, and the ending was a bit lackluster when compared to the first few big chase sequences.

Solid soundtrack though. Really great visuals for the time. But I'm not gonna lie, the jiggle physics were weirdly out of place for expressing the atmosphere that they were going for.

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The used a bit of the magic team silent used in Silent Hill 3.

Rule of Rose's combat was god-awful, but Brown was pretty solid for the simple tasks that he was expected to do.

I still vividly remember a puzzle sequence in Haunting Grounds where Hewie was needed to just sit still on a button, but he wandered off on me instead, triggering traps that immediately eviscerated me.

Attached: Jennifer Rule of Rose.png (540x377, 107K)

>I find the actual game mechanics more frustrating than scary
This is a problem for me with most hide and seek style horror games. Playing Haunting Ground for example becomes less of a series of frantic escapes from a pursuer, and more the player mentally cataloging the game's scripted hiding places and returning to them when needed. By the mid-point of the game, I'm invested in exploring and uncovering more of the story, but the appearance of the pursuers is more like, "Oh, this shit again," than anything really startling or anxiety-inducing.

I do like the way the first two Clock Tower games do it where there isn't much punishment for fucking up, so you're kind of encouraged to see how different hiding place options play out. There again, though, it's not really scare and more like exploring variations in an interactive movie.

if no one else is going to post it i will

Attached: naughty dog studios.webm (480x480, 1.95M)

Talented Japanese people overworking themselves I guess.

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That's what I mean about it being more fleshed out, though. I could be misremembering, but Brown doesn't give a shit about how you treat him, right? You have to establish a rapport with Hewie or he'll frustrate the shit out of you

the commands from Haunting Ground and the two RE Outbreak games will probably be burned into my memory till the end of time.


It may have spawned countless low-effort clones, but I think Amnesia is still one of the few games that really nailed the feeling of frantic hide-and-seek chase sequences for me.

You're defenseless, and juggling finite light sources, but there's still enough freedom to keep finding ways to keep moving forward, and enough variability that you can't predict where the monsters will pop up. So there's levels of risk without being so severe that you feel like you're constantly being set back by bad luck.

Attached: amnesia_the_dark_descent_wallpaper_by_shezeu-d54fndf.jpg (900x407, 80K)

I think you had to keep Brown healed to keep him useful, but Hewie behaved more like a dog through the praise/scold system. For better or for worse.

I think I over-praised him on my first run, so he simply wouldn't listen to me during some key moments.

>to think a bit about the game first
Because they actually played the game before writing about it

Realizing that the entire conflict of Rule of Rose could have been avoided, if Wendy was simply a dog person too...

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A more attractive version of Jill, yes.

>fiona is pure
>wears this

why is she pumping her back into it

shes white

Isn't she forced to wear whatever outfit you're playing the game in by her captors?

Underrated game, hope it gets released in the ps store in the future. Hewie best dog along with Missile.

the rule of rose opening was pretty kino


wouldn't that cause a shitstorm on social media?

Good survival horror, but those panic visuals sucked.

I think it's on JP ps store.