What we know so far:


What we know so far:
>Developed by 3D Realms and some Arcane Dimensions fags
>Cyberpunk 2077's Audio engineer
>A former Blizzard writer doing writer's things
>Uses a modified version of Darkplaces
>Deatmatch and Coop at release
>Metroidvania influences
>Inventory and items
>Items as in "drops his health down to 10% but makes him invincible"
>Quicksave is replaced by a consumable item
>Secondary fire
>A machinegun wich shoots teeht

Attached: 1.jpg (1920x1080, 489K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>It was in late 2012, maybe early 2013 when the idea of creating this game came to Fox. He was just getting back into “Quake,” the original “Quake.” The more he played it, the more he noticed a problem with the engine, something that was wreaking havoc on some of the maps he was trying. He hopped into a forum to see how to fix it and discovered the still-thriving world of “Quake” map modding.

>“I dove right into it and it occurred to me that making games was possible,” Fox told Variety in a recent interview. “I always wanted to make a game.”

>“I left my job and dedicated all of my time to it,” he said. “I sold all of my stuff, drove to the Florida Keys and that’s where I’ve been ever since.

>“I started by living out of my car and just moved my way up. I met the woman who would be my wife there.”

>“Wrath: Aeon of Ruin” was always meant to look like, play like, and sound like the way it does, Fox said.

>“It’s basically been this from the beginning,” he said. “It’s meant to be absolutely authentic.”

>Authentic, Fox said, to the sort of shooters that came out in the 90s. While recreating the experience of playing those classic shooters seems to be on the rise with the like of titles like “Dusk,” Fox said he doesn’t view them as authentic experiences.

>“I think these other games tend to pick a single element of those games — they’re pixelated, gory or fast, but they almost end up being a caricature,” he said.

>To create “Wrath,” Fox looked to the entire library of games from the era to cherry-pick the best of each.

>“I looked at all of these games and picked the best art,” Fox said. “It draws heavily from the combat of ‘Doom,’ the interactivity of ‘Duke Nukem 3D,’ the spatial awareness of ‘Quake,’ and the darker theme of ‘Hexen.’

"Dude old school graphics"

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first non-shill post best post

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Not like modern graphics looks much better

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>implying this isn't a budget issue
Based retard, let's have every game be a multimillion dollar failure

you forgot "voodoo support" twitter.com/3DRealms/status/1104032249194926081

I'm sure Gggmanlives will give this shit a glowing review.

Feels more like Blood than Quake. Which is good.

It was stated it was just a joke, but I wouldn't be surprised if LGR tries to run it on an actual Voodoo 2. I mean, he made it with Doom 3

>3 hours long

>also on consoles

This is the most worrying part.
In the old days devs made a PC game and then made changes to make it work on consoles somehow.
Nowadays this is taken into account from the very start and crippling the PC version.
Look at nu-doom and its gay cutscene finishers, lack of manual melee and enemies which will give you big openings.

Attached: DUSK 2018-07-21 20-55-41-44.webm (700x392, 2.95M)


dont mention its name

>“It draws heavily from the combat of ‘Doom
Fucking dropped. Shot yourself there, shill.

he gives basically every game a good review
usually along the lines of "You'll enjoy this if your head isn't up your arse" because he hardly reviews games and more just recaps the events of the game

>Hating Doom combat
You are wrong and you should feel bad about yourself

gameplay is quake to a T, the good shit
it's not unreal just because it has a biorifle ripoff
it's not blood because of some gothic horror themes
It's very obviously not designed for consoles first
also dusk and amid evil will be on switch at some point

the movement speed it way to high for the incel playing it

depends if he's talking about the new doom or not

Looks fun and although the graphics are shit it should tide over my desire for the hell aesthetic until Scorn and Sucubus come out.

They're purposefully making it look like shit, just look how pixelated the textures on the weapons are and compare them to the ones in Unreal for example.

Honestly, I've been waiting for retro-3D to make a comeback, I've had enough of pixelshit.

Now, if only we can get a nice early 3D RPG like the Breath of Fire games again.

it's gameplay looks nothing like quake
I'm not saying that as a bad thing it's allowed to play however the fuck it wants, it just doesn't play like quake


Confirmed garbage. They slowed it down so much that gamepad aimlets can feel badass for hitting walking pace enemies and collecting things. The fastest enemies in that video were the floating cyst things and nothing but zombies and thicker zombies.

>Inventory and items

well at least Switchtards will enjoy it while sitting on the shitter

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I just played a lot of Amid Evil and while it's not bad, I'm starting to see a LOT of issues with it and I'm just in the fourth chapter.

I would really, really like to see some more light-hearted shooters out there. Between Amid Evil and Dusk, I am finding that I'm increasingly tired of super dark super edgy retro-FPS. When is Ion Maiden coming out?

>It's very obviously not designed for consoles
The shown footage does not reflect that.
The enemies are avoided by very minimal movement and don't move much themselves, looks like ideal console design where the player can stand still and do popshots at stationary targets.

You can turn on the texture filtering, if you have shit taste

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Looks like Hexen except the map designer hit his head and ended up putting hordes of zombies all over the place. Pass.

>When is Ion Maiden coming out?
Q2 2019. They got a bit delayed due to porting the game to console being harder than anticipated iirc.

The shown footage was played by a journalist, which should tell you all you need to know, and with an obviously limited/unfinished enemy roster.

It looks a little too drab and uninspired, and the level seems way too large and lacking tight design. Which is a shame because we could always do with more good retro FPS games.

Have you watched the video past the seven minute mark?

>The shown footage was played by a journalist
That's the problem, he managed to stay alive for longer than 10 seconds.

>obviously limited/unfinished enemy roster
What's there doesn't fill me with confidence, that's all I can say.
I'd like to be proven wrong, but time will tell.

My favorite part from what we got so far is the shotgun, I fucking love everything about it, specially the sound.
However what worries me the most is how much bigger will get the weapon and monster variety. I hope they didn't show it all with the screenshots and gameplay.

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Am i the only person on entire internet who is bothered by how poorly enemies are animated? There's something just wrong how statically the move and idle in same position.

Attached: zombie.png (345x513, 88K)

you fucking idiots couldn't be more wrong
when did you last play unreal? the weapons models and animation are just as good as the more animated weapons in unreal like the flak cannon or minigun

>What's there doesn't fill me with confidence, that's all I can say.
>I'd like to be proven wrong, but time will tell.
This is still early and the devs have said it's from an older build. The game will be playable at PAX East in a few weeks, hopefully this has changed by that time.

nah I've been DMing people and making posts about how dreadful the animations are
it's exceptionally bad for the zombies and those hunch back ranged enemies

How should they be animated then?

>Classic FPS on Quake engine
Alright, sounds goo-

>>Metroidvania influences
>>Inventory and items
>>Uses a modified version of Darkplaces
>>Items as in "drops his health down to 10% but makes him invincible"
God Fucking Dammit. Why is it so difficult to make a good classic FPS these days, without adding a ton of useless non FPS bullshit that doesn't belong in these types of games?
I mean, Dusk did it, and it turned out to be a pretty good game, so why other devs have problems with it?

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There's video evidence of what I'm saying, not sure how you can delude yourself this much that you honestly believe this looks like a classic FPS designed for PC first and foremost.
I like the current FPS revival wave but this does not seem like a good one.

yeah there is video evidence that the gameplay is fundamentally quake and the design isn't compromised in any way for consoles.


What part of this engine is supposedly being used? I don't see any anachronistic pixel shader shininess or projected shadow crap, just maybe better static light maps.

All doom combat is shit, crappy shallow point-and-click CoD-tier crap where the more "Advanced" stuff is solely comprised of exploits and developer oversights.
fuck off back to pre-2003 and don't come back, take your "old game good" boomer nonsense with you.

Attached: Pure+hatred_dae21b_5250370.gif (500x281, 2.69M)

Dude, you want to talk about classic FPS but you have never heard of Heretic, Blood, Shadow Warrior or Hexen? REALLY?

Jesus. Even after twelve years, this board does not stop me being fascinated with how low it can drop.

Maybe you need to replay quake, your memory seems rather fucked

>standing still means taking damage even from regular zombies

It's a custom version of Darkplaces. Anyway, it's not about the engine but how you use it.

I thought 3D Realms went down in flames when Take Two sued them for lying about Duke Nukem Forever development? From what I remember it was revealed to be a sham of a company back then anyway

yeah they have a ranged attack but that's not the point you were trying to argue, feel free to name these compromises for consoles/gamepads though.

>but that's not the point you were trying to argue

>The enemies are avoided by very minimal movement and don't move much themselves, looks like ideal console design where the player can stand still and do popshots at stationary targets

Not sure if shill or brain damaged at this point.

>2020 for consoles


alright, you've got nothing.

If you are a PCfag you have the privilege of betatesting it

Why does every game need to have some sort of subtitle these days, is it because of copyrights?
>GAME: afsaedfsd whatever, pls dont sue

Have you actually played Arcane Dimensions? Half the Metroidvania/hub stuff is likely just (((marketing))) spin for some of the backtracking/central area designs already used very successfully in levels like Hoard of Zendar.
I would honestly at least consider paying for a simple AD2, but Wrath has even more potential upside in my mind than even that.

None of AD's levels have encounters and architecture this fucking boring and forgettable. The gameplay footage so far looks like padding you'd expect in a half-assed metroidvania

Oh you mean like Turok and Hexen?
>Metroid Ania
Oh you mean like Powerslave
Oh you mean like Duke and Blood and Shadow Warrior and Heretic and Quake

Do you even fucking playing old FPS you dumb faggot?

We already have games like Doom and quake
theres no point in making it again you might as well do something new

The metroid aspects fit retro fps perfectly and there were plenty of 90s shooters with inventories

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>A former Blizzard writer doing writer's things
>retro-style fps needing something other than AN ANCIENT EVIL AWAKENS for writing

when the fuck are they going to get dusk on gog

The console versions are coming like 7+ months after pc. So it's clear they're designing for pc first and porting to consoles afterwards. I wouldn't be concerned about that.

They have to rework the MP part nobody really cares about since it relies on steamworks, should be out soon.

>>A former Blizzard writer
into the trash it goes
also looks like utter shit
all environments looks the same shitty dark&edgy catacombs
noty wont even pirate this shit

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I know, they shoul've get a Bioware writer instead.
No, seriously, they just want to put lore. It sounds like they'll get the Dark Souls style for that.

The guy playing gives me eye cancer with his garbage fucking movement.

>A journo playing on easy mode
Missed opportunity

The demo gameplay does look trash, but it's not believable that the real game will just be 90% populated with slow, low-HP, melee-only zombies.
I agree that the levels aren't on the level of AD for aesthetic polish yet either, but the overall nonlinearity and verticality seems pretty spot-on so far to me.

Mostly because of the lead director who could never make up his mind.

I tried nudoom with a controller once and it was unplayable, you're talking out your ass.

Wait I thought Steamworks was just DRM.

Not exclusivley, it's also used for hosting servers.

>Leaved his work
>Sell all his shit
>Finally making his game and found a gf in the process
What's your excuse, Yea Forums?

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>he never played hexen 2

Why don't you zoomers just fuck off? This game isn't for you and that's okay.

It just feels wrong

And Hexen 2 sucks for a reason, what is even your point?

So it's quake graphics but none of the gameplay that actually made quake enjoyable in the first place?

Sounds kinda shit.

plenty of old FPS games had hubs

Few did user, and for good reason.

that poster was saying it can't be a "classic fps" because of those things yet hexen 2 has those things or similar things, also hexen 2 doesn't suck
>none of the gameplay that actually made quake enjoyable in the first place?
are you blind?

What do you mean by that exactly? What "gameplay" is it missing?

mite b cool
hopefully its not another strafe

This. Getting tired of this trend already

>arcane dimensions

looks cool, getting it on the switch

Not out until 2020 on consoles though.

You getting Turok 1+2?

>A former Blizzard writer doing writer's things

dropped before I picked it up

explain please what made quake good and what does this game does not have

probably, have some time since last play them on the n64

Not super interested in it specifically but happy to see people actually doing indie shit other than 8-bit or 16-bit for a change.

I don't mind old school graphics, I just wish we got more quality golcsrc goodness.

Implying there is going to be any story beyond "go kill the big bad"

you put it out with splitscreen and i'll buy 100%


low poly is the new pixelshit

One thing I don't like is that the dash attack with the blade looks like the player can't turn left or right with it.
That's more of a Dark Souls thing, being locked into a movement/animation.

Gameplay looks extremely dull.

After a certain point graphics detract from a game's development.

Don't apply your own shittyness to everyone, retarded pleb.

>asking the consumer to come up with a solution to a problem with a product
how much do you love gargling corporate cum?

These stupid ''retro'' trends need to fuck off and stay gone. These games wouldn't even be considered good in 1996. If this game was released back then, it would flop and it would become as obscure all the other 3D shooters that you can't name anymore because literally no one remembers them.
Fuck these gimmicks.

>quicksave is a consumable item

Attached: 220px-Daikatanabox.jpg (220x284, 21K)

They told they have split-screen and they want to do it up to 4 players, but I don't know what versions will support it.
Anyway, LAN mode is confirmed wich is tre true retro experience

Hexen 2 does indeed suck. It has been shat on even by boomers who grew up with 90s fpses because it is simply fucking shit. You have shit taste if you disagree, that's on you.

Go plug a controller into your PC and then boot up doom.

What a magnificently shit game.

The problem with Daikatana was the AI and the poor level design. Romero's idea of making assets for each chapter didn't help too.

Mixed feelings
It looks like Painkiller and I didn't like Painkiller.

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and the new game lacks that?


Looks fucking ugly.

Not gonna play.

I dunno, feels like it needs music
or maybe I'm mixing up my DOOM and QUAKE memories again

>Not gonna play.
of course you're not
it's made for boomers

might as well just say soul and souless meme cuz that trash you spew means the same

And that it was buggy as shit, even 20 years later with the 1.03 fan patch after hundreds or not thousands of bugs were fixed by them (and NOT by the original developers lol).
And also it was simply not satisfying to use the weapons and kill monsters. Quake fucking 2 was a better game, and Daikatana was released AFTER Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament.

I don't think there is a bigger disaster out there. The hate is completely justified.

calm down kid

>no motion controls

I dig this pseudo-Unreal look. It looks way better than OP's video.

Attached: D1JOEm_WwAAgGTr.jpg (1920x1080, 193K)

>fps 666

Is the actual limit of their engine. Good luck finding a monitor with 666Hz, though

texture filtering on old games should be a crime it just smudges all the detail

>Uses a modified version of Darkplaces

id Tech 1 or fuck off

it is idtech you doofus

great, you won a purchase from me

So it’s just a Quake engine mod. It’s not even a real new game

Kinda funny how at the time filtering was considered a pretty huge step up in terms of graphics fidelity.
That said most older classic FPS's were made with it in mind and look better with it, I do agree Quake itself looks better without bilinear filtering.
Though this one looks better with it on since it was also made with filtering in mind.

What is that even supposed to mean
>Blood is just a Build engine mod
>TF2 is just a source engine mod
>DMC5 is just a RE engine mod

You could say the same about pretty much anything.
A game is just a total conversion mod that's sold in stores.

It was a deal when the usual resolutions was like 800x600. Texture filtering at 1920x1080 just feels like you had lost your glasses

Quake engine or not, this is low effort.

3Dfx was more about the higher resolutions and cleaner image so it makes sense but now you can have higher both

>Romero didn't aknowledge this game yet
He's afraid

>He's afraid
Of what?

Also, wasn't nu-"3D Realms" already making a Duke 3D clone? Whatever happened to that?

in what way is it low effort?
it's coming Q2

>Though this one looks better with it on since it was also made with filtering in mind
Then why is all the media they've shown featurning no filtering? Looks like the game is made with filtering off in mind to me.

He's afraid because he's announcing Blackroom this year. I hope so

Idiot, why would he go trough any effort to do so when he can just port it and idiot's will buy it

>Also, wasn't nu-"3D Realms" already making a Duke 3D clone?
If you mean Ion Maiden, that's still coming out. Different devs.

nah that shit has been abandoned, he's got that Doom wad, it only really exists to sell some lootbox crap though

Who the fuck want's to play a pure fps game, you can just play quake levels, making your own game is a fucking waste of time. Metroidvania influences is a 1000000 times better idea than copy pasting the same shit again. And may I remind you, nobody buys your garbage anyway.

Easier to market to the zoomers because it looks more retro. When you look at the textures it's fairly clear they they were made with filtering in mind.

Granted that could also be a shitty artist.

Texture filtering made sense when you was playing with a CRT monitor at 640x480. Just play regular Quake at 1080 an compare any level with filters on and off.

Sure but Quake actually looks decent when unfiltered, Wrath does not.

It's just your (shit) taste. Im actually playing Half-life and it indeed looks better without filtering

get a load of this guy

>When you look at the textures it's fairly clear they they were made with filtering in mind.
How so?

There is nothing wrong with this and it is not a trend.

>hardly reviews games and more just recaps the events of the game
oh, those people are the worst

I'm definitely buying this game

Are GoldSrc and Build open source? Because if so, why dont people just push those to their limits with modern tech to make a super fucking top-tier classic FPS?

Shit, I'd kill for a classic Quake style FPS with a Heretic/Hexen twist, but with RPG/Roguelite elements

Total conversions and 3rd party expansion packs for retail games were actually released in stores in 90s. Look no further than Final Doom where not a single id dev were involved in production but it was sold anyway.

I managed to do alright in Ziggurat when I was adjusting to using gyro. Couldn't hack it past normal, but it's a lot faster than master chef goes to hell. Couldn't hit the broad side of a barn if I was just using sticks though, whoever thought to implement that scheme for shooters should get charged for being offensively stupid.

>can't talk about oldschool shooters without at least one retard bitching about graphics

>ANOTHER "Classic PC Shooter" bogged down by a console port.
Jesus fuck, when are PC devs gonna learn. Console peasants can come later, like back in the 90's.

oh for fucks sake
can't wait to see how console-ized this "cLaSsIc Pc ShOoTeR" is

Based and gl_texturemode gl_nearest pilled

Attached: 2.gif (1920x1080, 1.02M)

>muh graphics
eat a bullet

It's amazing how much better gyro is than stick, it might not be as good as mouse but it still shits all over stick, I don't get why only switch games have it when PS4 has a gyro controller as well.

>Roguelite elements
Fuck no, that's one of the worst things you could do to the genre. you can keep the mild RPG elements, it was neat in Hexen 2, but keep any 'Rogue' shit out.

Yeah I'm actually using the DS4. It's fine. If not for the need to re-center the camera constantly, and either doing drag and drop or using a stick and gyro at the same time for wide sweeping movements it's not too far off playing with a high sense mouse. And those are intrinsic problems, not the DS4's fault.
Guess dual stick is just too entrenched after almost two decades, gyro is a definite improvement.

Being available on console doesn't alter the PC version, dumbass.

Splatoon does it well with having a recenter button, but more complex games can't afford to give up an input to have that readily available.

Ceiling and floor look much better filtered.

Fuck me, it does? That just solves fucking everything right there and then for third person games. Wish there was an option to map a button to at least re-center the vertical axis on steam of DS4W. If there is I haven't found it.

If they are having problems with the console ports what they probably means. Is the game designed for mouse is no good with sticks and they will have to go back and consolfiey the game.

I believe that's the only reason Splatoon's controls work in the first place. Thankfully Dusk has one too so I was able to play through that with a pro controller.

>they will have to go back and consolfiey the game
For consoles, not PC.

>games dumbed down to be playable on a controller


evil death nightmare looked really promising, but they've hardly posted anything for the 6 years it's been in development

In splatoon, does it center horizontally towards where the left stick is facing, as well?

Yes, it moves the camera to be behind where the player is facing.

I forgot about that. I check their youtube channel, last activity was 4 months ago showing a level made with their editor. It seems it's not completly dead.

Arcane Dimensions was ass

>the customer has no idea what he wants
>but they are still spouting "i-it's bad..!"
yep, lovely

This shit was acceptable in Dusk because it was made by one guy, having a team of people making a shitty low poly "retro" fps is pathetic. Serious Sam, Hard Reset and Shadow Warrior were both made by small teams and look like modern games. Even EYE looks better that this garbage. Anyone who buys it is a zoomer in a Nirvana shirt who complains about being born in the wrong generation.

the customer already stated what he wants: better animations. fuck off you shill

You know it was made on a modified quake engine right? It looks as good as it can

It's not that the devs can't or are lazy, it's that they want to use this old look. Why is this so hard for idiots to understand?

So what's actually wrong with it?

I can't fix it if you can't tell me what is wrong with it.
How do you expect me to deliver a product that would fit your liking if you don't tell me what you want?
>not shit animation
is not really a good description

btw I don't like how weightless the enemies and the player movement feel in the vids shown so far

so what's the deal with this game? it looks like something that's been done better a hundred times before, 20 years ago

There is a team of people working for an established developer churning out something that looks like it was made by one guy in his bedroom and they expect people to pay for it.

literally says that he's bothered by how static they are. it looks awkward and rigid, like there's barely any effort put into it

Shadow Warrior 2 looks like shit, though. You need to turn off almost all the filters if you don't want to catch a cancer.

it seems then that I was confused by the greentext
>asking the consumer to come up with a solution to a problem with a product

I admit I've been wrong, sorry

water under the fridge, man

you mean bridge?

come on now, user

Attached: ricky.jpg (750x549, 68K)

wow we already have quake 1 and 2 why do idiots feel the need to make these games besides cashing in on the le old school graphics bandwagon?

Runs on console. So much about switching weapons from 0-9.

Why did we need Quake when Doom existed?