This is the average Dark Souls 2 player
This is the average Dark Souls 2 player
is that his hitbox
He looks mad as fuck
Why is his hitbox like that?
The more you know about the world the more you hate existence.
nothing was better than the fun that was launch ds2 especially when the dlcs where launching
Maybe his internet connection hurts.
>that wafting scent
Surrounded by shit?
How come your mom let's you have a tumor that size?
Dark Souls 2 is unironically the best dark souls game
is that his power stance? launch ds2 was fun, trolling in rat world was the best using overpowered one shot magic in pvp
>why yes, I do use a Mundane Santier's Spear, how did you know?
Yeah, only somebody with a gigantic brain tumor clouding his judgment would enjoy that piece of shit.
I once made a fat chick and power stanced ladles. Shit was fun.
Pack it up boys, shit was over from the word go.
>remake with all the shit actually working as intended never ever
based and fpbppilled
what a chincel
>Santier’s spear
Why do people like this weapon? Can’t you faggots repair shit?
this one is better
why? someone start a gofundme i'm sure it would hit and defiantly profit
Dis nigga looks like he prefers asian women
Like he has a yuri folder
This contest is over.