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you know I have none of these things, OP.
I only have water
I can't believe someone actually made this fucking image thinking it would make anyone not be depressed. Jesus christ
well i have a diploma...
>tfw I don't even have cookies
posting this constantly doesn't make you cool, or even "self aware" because the person who made that comic sure as shit wasn't.
End me
Jesus that was fucking fast.
I don’t understand what this means
Thread just got deleted lmao
>goals achieved
... I have tea I guess.
I only have one of those things. Guess which one.
Definitely on the cringe tranny side of the gamer spectrum
>family put me in massive debt
>have to put all the leftover money innto fixing my crumbling house
>no money leftover for my incurable disease or other health problems
>no money to get kids
>no money to go on vacation or anything or cultivate hobbies
>no money so i can get training so i can at least make more money
i have all the things in this picture and they don't mean shit
I only have food and vidya. Shit sucks.
>mods deleted my last off-topic thread, what does it mean?
>probably a mistake, guess I'll just post it again
Drink bleach faggot.
couldn't even graduate college, that's how retarded I am
Water provides everything a girlfriend provides without the drama
Funny, I have none of these, not even cookies or tea.
As if a diploma gets you anywhere nowadays.
why the pokemon hate
You've never set your goal to pay 100 bucks to south east asian university just so next time someone calls this place a malaysian basket weaving forum as a joke you can out meme them with your bullshit diploma from a mill?
>Speedrunning in the middle
Single worst image I've ever seen on Yea Forums. You should feel like an absolute retard for reposting it.
Well at least you have the internet
>has incurable disease and shit health
>wants to breed
>Someone who loves you
I closed all my Yea Forums tabs and had no idea what to actually do, so I had to open them up again
A loving pet is all you need to keep going. Animals can't disappoint you and depend on you to keep going.
What's your illness?
what kind of garbage is that
you can have a worthless diploma, most of these are. You shouldn't rely on food to make you happier. Pet is just a captive life being with no feelings. Someone who loves you doesn't mean shit there is always ups and downs in any relationship, and you shouldn't rely on other people to make you happier.
you should feel glad for what you have but if your happiness depends on your environment then you're fucked
>tfw achieved some goals but am just going through the motions and don't find meaning in life
>tfw I'm gonna grow old and die and be like "eh"
>tfw no form of entertainment, music, traveling or socializing fixed my mindset
>no money to get kids
africa? china?
>old good
why the grump hate?
>no money leftover for my incurable disease or other health problems
For what, treatment? Nigga you dead, might as well keep a hundred bucks for a hellium canister or w/e the cool kids use to off themselves when it gets too unbearalbe.
Its a shitty party jrpg that caught on because "muh cute" got progressively more dumbed down until we got Lets Go.
Sun/Moon are the worst games i've ever played period.
i'm indifferent to everything
This is psychopathy at its pure form. Is this supposed to be ironic, right? RIGHT?
have you tried just not being depressed lol just look at all the things the person has in the picture lmao loser
honk honk
Post-Jon grumps is poopoo.
I don't even have tea and cookies
in 33 years i only got shitty cookies
why im such a huge coward who cant end it
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stay mad
Psoriasis and fucked up spinal discs so i get sciatica often