TF2 can't survive unless we bridge the gap between competitive and casual.
Just trust me on this one.
TF2 can't survive unless we bridge the gap between competitive and casual.
Just trust me on this one.
comp tf2 was a fucking mistake
Remove comp n casual
>competitive team fortress 2
Meet your match ruined tf2. Fuck competitive. Fuck screwing up server hopping. And fuck niggers.
Valve cannot handle making a competitive scene for TF2. What they can do is attract more players into casual via weapon additions, balance changes, and some new maps.
More casual people=Bigger audience with more branching off to play "competitive" TF2 from competent 3rd party sites like
Prove me wrong.
>TF2 has been consistent in population for 10 years
>The biggest hit that made a lot of the older players leave was the comp update Meet your Match
>Still argues that what a game built from the ground up as a casual game needs is an esports scene
>This even after Overwatch's esports scene, a game built to be an esport, keeps failing and making Blizzard lose money
Fuck compfags and fuck TF2tubers
>game needs muh esperts to survive
I'd like Casual 6v6 match making, just to give it a shot. Would give me something new to do after all these years.
I don't think TF2 is ever going to actually become a big e-sport though. Bridging the gap would just be to give casual players something new to try.
If you want a Team Fortress e-sport you're honestly better off hoping for a TF3, as hopeless as that sounds. Or a major overhaul that makes it feel like a new game, TF2's too stale at the moment to draw a big enough crowd in e-sports players or spectators, it's age would put off too many people.
Valve should make competitive viable and popular enough to bring new people into the game, by without fucking up casual.
-t. comp player tired of niggers accusing him off bring responsible for MyM our other faggotry
Nigga it's already dead and has been for years.
comp should be 9v9 no repeated classes allowed, then Id give it a go maybe
So. Highlander?
>other 8 classes get invalidated by sniper
>spy and pyro players are free kills for everyone else
Its been 6 months non-stop posting this photo, wish it caught on
Also fuck danelet
dont care, gitgud
infinetely better than soldier soldier soldier soldier medic demo teams
Make joke-comp. All weapons are allowed no matter how op,balances hit only have casual in mind but comp still gets hit by it nonetheless and every comp match is 9v9 no matter the mode, so no more shitty 6's
Except highlander matches are literally decided based on how good each team's sniper is.
Who gives a fuck about comp lmao
Just remove it and pretend it never happened
They have ruined Valve pubs along with community servers with casual matchmaking.
Old system
>can stay in a map for hours
>anyone can call for a votemap at any time if things get boring
>faster autoscramble to even the odds, especially if pubstomping is going on
>no queues
>you could switch teams if you got tired of your turtling 6 engies team
>thanks to its system where you had many matchers per rotation, there was less importance on absolutely being ready in the first round
>thanks to how teams were fluid, and you could be in both teams at any time or as you wish, there was less emphasis on having to perform 100% to win, since this is pubs and team organization doesn't happen very fast
>community servers were filled to the brim with people
>after teams scrambled, suddenly playing with that pubstar you had sort of a back and forth mini rivalry going was a great change of pace
Casual Matchmaking
>best of 2 rounds system sucks for teaming up with randoms, it's not enough to get good synergy going
>first round often is a mess with one team having more people ready than the other one
>being stuck with retards makes people ragequit because this system lacks the fluidity of old valve pubs
>enjoy your queues
>autobalancing is too slow and sometimes when many people ragequit the weaker team is doomed anyway
>to top it off, the shitty experience system has made it so community servers became marginalized since people want the carrot on a stick experience bar
Whoever made the casual MM system at Valve is a complete drooling idiot, has no clue what pubs are about, and the system is pretty much fundamentally flawed.
>community servers don't make up 100% of the servers
Fuck this
All this guy does is bitch about fun parts of the game and try to get valve to nerf everything
>Whoever made the casual MM system at Valve is a complete drooling idiot
Some fresh marketing employee thought process was probably
>TF2 number low
>CS:GO number high
>Let's make TF2 like CS:GO
The original developes fucked off anyways, and the ones remaining are free to scratch their balls all day long
welcome to casual matchmaking, this will be your match for today.
have fun!
>0 anime icons
Fake picture.
are the is the top player being pocketed by the next one down?
>no spoiler
Unbased and ugleh
this, fpbp.
thought it would act as a containment game mode for the tryhard tourneyfags but they spilled over into casual and now everything is shit.
Threadly reminder to upvote xer war paint.
>here's your war paint, bro!
that would unironically be better than this shit
revert MYM and the game will be saved
fuck valve
>bragging about how UncleDane lives in your head rent free
Based ugleh poster
he's not the one obsessed with some eceleb
Post another wojak, user! That'll really show him!
wait hold up, dane is that you the entire time
i always find servers with bots, i didnt think any humans played this game anymore.
Just make unranked 6v6 itd both be fun and let people start experimenting whatd be fun for ranked 6's too
>t.uncle dane defense force
Everything in that image other than obvious ad hominem to try to devalue his sentiment is valid though. >le eceleb is your only argument faggot
Competitive is literally a third party custom game mode that only 100 people play at a time.
Might as well bridge the gap between casual and vs hale.
fuck off soundsmith
The difference is that game mode being played by 100 people barely reflects what tf2 is in a 6v6 environment because of all the weapon bans. 6v6 has the potential to be a less cluster-fucky pub. It actually is very nice
it actually can and will survive, and the comp mode should be implemented by the community
but we need the source code
tf2 should have a beta build again, and the repository should be on github
I just said eceleb drama is your only argument and you unironically respond with that lol. Uncle Dane mains cuckgineer and said what I've been saying for over 5 years now and suddenly f2ps associate the argument with a youtuber.
You really are a projecting, self hating, hypocritical eceleb loving cancer
Highlander is boring as fuck
>everyone who isn't a sniper spends 90% of the match idling around the cart waiting for the snipers to finish their duel
>stalemate city because perma-engineer on defense means that an uber is literally required to push
>heavy is completely useless 95% of the time and his only role is to babysit the combo from bombing soldiers
>the offense is now forced to move at the slow-as-molasses pace of the heavy
>soldier's one and only job now is to wait around for a moment to suicide bomb the medic, die, and then respawn to try again
>scout can do fucking nothing 95% of the time against the guaranteed wall of damage on the opposing team, he just sits around being useless despite being required to have on the field
>pyro gets to spend the whole match waggling his flamethrower at random pieces of scenery looking for the spy except for those lucky moments where he gets an opportunity to suicide while airblast stuffing an uber, aside from that he can't do shit without getting eviscerated
The only point to Highlander's existence is to show why 6v6 is the superior comp mode
This is your irrefutable rebuke. Even though the competitive format of TF2 is much more fun for people that like to play objective, the percentage of guys that know that minuscule compared to the grand scheme of things.
What worsen the issue is the size of the TF2 team.
Serious question, when did Yea Forums get tricked into thinking that comp players don't like pubs? Because some eceleb said they didn't? Literally not one single competitive player asked for Valve's official comp mode. If for no other reason that Valve's 6s format ignores the class limits and banlists usually associated with the format that allow it to work smoothly, so Valve's 6s matches are a broken clusterfuck of bullshit.
except for midfights invite level 6s is very stale too
TF2 is "le silly game XD" in it's purest form, adding a competitive aspect doesn't do it any good
Have fun playing in only trade and 24/7 hightower servers
>"dude tf2 is just silly for laffs lmao"
I'm sick of this faggotry. People like playing tf2. People like playing tf2 for long enough to actually get good at tf2. People who have gotten really good at tf2 get bored pubstomping people on 2fort and dustbowl. People who have gotten bored pubstomping people on 2fort and dustbowl naturally gravitate towards playing with others of similar skill level. This gravitation will naturally and spontaneously form competitive leagues. You cannot stop this from happening. It exists simply because people enjoyed playing tf2 and wanted to get more out of the game then what the devs intended. When you complain about competitive tf2 existing, you are literally just complaining about the fact that there are people out there who are better at tf2 than you are, which makes you a faggot.
There is nothing wrong with playing a relaxing round of tdm on a 24/7 hightower server
can somebody post the smash one?
Except that Hightower isnt a very good dm map. Dont get me wrong it's better than shitfort but that's not saying much
You still haven't responded to this
>bridging the gap between competitive and casual
They tried to do this but it wasn't good enough for compfags because making the game "competitive" to them involves banning basically all of the non-stock weapons and only using 4 of the 9 classes
If engineer got the minigun, the sentry gun was replaced with the sandwich and heavy was deleted from the game, how bad would it be?
tf2 comp
>halves map selection (at best)
>half the cast is viable
>only vanilla load outs (possibly a good thing)
>benefits include ???
why the fuck would anyone push for comp TF2 when the game is blatantly not designed with that in mind
fuck off dane
That's because the inclusion of sniper and engineer and heavy all at once turns the job description of every single other class in the game except the enemy sniper to "sit around and wait until their sniper is dead," and most of the unlocks Valve added over the years break the game in a context where teams communicate efficiently and can also aim. TF2 is balanced around the assumption that nobody on either team regularly uses the mic (Spy specifically exists solely for this reason) and can't aim their guns. The whole flow of the game "as intended" breaks down completely when these assumptions are negated.
I'm still mad
Because people who have played the game for long enough to want something more than playing against Brazilian f2ps in quickplay queue want an environment to feel challenged in.
Competitive tf2 is what fucking killed tf2 for me. that matchmaking system is absolute garbage and i would rather search for servers. sadly there are no other custom servers in my region besides 24/7 2fort and trade servers so the game kind died for me.
they can keep playing their 5s then
hey /vr/
No, what TF2 really need is a Battle Royale mode, trust me on this one, the shareholders will love it!
>using the new models
But that's what they continue to do because the comp community never asked for Valve's official comp mode, and Valve implemented a butchered version of it anyway.
Eat shit, the new models not only are better but they are also canon
I fucking hate old Heavy, looks straight from star wars
>We need ideas on how to make the game more balanced for competitive purposes
How about making it so that more than just 4 out of the 9 classes are the only classes people use in comp?
>More weapon nerfs you say? On it!
don't say uncle dane actually respond to why you keep associating the argument that random crits/spread should be removed etc with a cuckold engie main eceleb shitter.
are you really that new or just stupid sweetie?
Make a spy item that lets you disguise as props
Because people are terrible at the main game and can't deal with 9 different classes in a single game because it would nullify the 3000 hours they spent on one single class.
Replace every weapon's secondary function with a shove mechanic
Replace every weapon's primary function with a shove mechanic
you literally have no idea what you're talking about
Let the sniper shoot through walls so that you're constantly dying from an enemy you can't counter
Fuck you buddy, I main spy for at least 30 minutes, you and me 1v1 on Hightower!
Nobody wants Heavy in comp because he does absolutely nothing but make the game less fun to play. Nobody wants Engineer in comp because he does absolutely nothing but make the game less fun to play. Spy will NEVER be useful in any organized setting no matter what. And Sniper is broken.
Isn't Uncle Dane an engi main? Why does he push for 6s to be the default for TF2 so hard? Engineer is cucked hard in 6s.
This, MYM litterally made TF2 unplayable.
>Nerf banned weapons into uselessness
>They remained banlisted by compfags
Give me my fucking Ambassador back, and no don't fucking nerf the wrangler into some useless bullet jumping meme.
How long do you think before they start nerfing weapons primary function to balance them for 6s?
>implying that compfags are what got the ambassador nerfed
Sniper is actually fairly balanced in 6s. He only gets super broken in 9v9 and 12v12 where you can guarantee that there are a lot of people on the field who aren't mobile enough to be hard to hit.
Ow is a comp design for casuals. Comp. Casuals.
It was doomed from the start. It was trying to ride off tf2s success and eliminated the fun factors it had. I just want tf2 with waifus that aren't chink shit.
So why are classes viable and unviable in competitive play.
t. Casual
I'm not quick to blame compfags, but one thing they're 100% responsible for is scout's secondaries. I mean geez, the state of scout post-JI is "you're using the pistol and you'll like it!"
Based opinion.
OW is a shitty competitive design, though. Nobody likes "comp" formats that are based entirely on rock/paper/scissors team selection. The point of a competitive scene is to showcase how good you are as a player. In OW teamfights are 90% decided from the start by team comp and anyone at any time can just press Q and instantly win the teamfight, making your player skill invalid. It's shit and feels like shit.
Remember when competitive matchmaking was just a mod developed by they guy who made 2F2F? I member
Because comp fags keep adding in restrictions to prevent use, and valve keeps catering to them with nerfs and bans.
Pyro for example will never have a viable weapon set as long as comp revolves around demo and soldiers rocket/sticky jumping across the map in mere seconds, if pyro got a viable weapon that punished that playstyle, aka counter play, compfags would cry for nerfs or bans asap and relegate pyro back into 24/7 2fort where his 'ambush class design' actually works.
It depends on which comp format you're talking about
>essential at all times
Medic, Demo, Soldier, Scout
>good in many contexts but not in others
>useful for defending last point, then switch off
Heavy, Engineer, Pyro
>only good to surprise the enemy team every once in a while
>completely broken
>essential at all times
Medic, Demo, Engineer
>important to have as a deterrent but you're not really doing anything at any given moment in time
Heavy, Pyro
>suicide bomb then respawn, this is your only job and you will wait and do nothing except this
Scout, Soldier, Spy
>comp is the reason why Pyro hasn't been buffed at any point in the entirety of the game's 12 years of existence
holy shit this delusion, Pyro is shit because if he was strong then he would dab all over the shitters who think he's good because they can't aim and press S at the same time
As someone who used to be big in competitive scenes in games, the current esports trend has utterly ruined competitive gaming.
This whole ranking/mmr/matchmaking shit makes it impossible to really get into, it turns competitive play into a massive fucking slog of a grind in every game its implemented in.
All matchmaking does is create a frustrating game, if you're good at the game, you're stuck waiting for 10+ minutes, or even hours in the case of low pop games like TF2, pretty much turning it into a fucking job.
Fucking shazbowl was the last thing remotely competitive that I cared about, and it was a massive fucking meme, now everything is just a boring shitty slog of a ranking grind.
>Pyro is shit because if he was strong then he would dab all over the shitters who think he's good because they can't aim and press S at the same time
So Soldier?
what do you guys think about highlander 9v9 and do you think it will ever make an appearance in official competetive mode?
No, Valve hiding the option to find community maps in a cascade of menus is what ruined TF2
I had no problem with people joining highlander servers or whatever, just so long as my beloved wacky servers with alternative gamemode remained active
Sucks that nowadays the only way you can play balloon race, wacky races, dogbread, etc. is only when the stars align and Yea Forumskend gets enough people to show up
Highlander is the most balanced form of TF2 but won't ever see competitive play in competitive mode because competitive mode is based on matchmaking, and you'll be stuck waiting 5+ hours for people to fill slots that aren't demo or soldier.
but you get overwatch, we dont need another copy
the formula of letting players dick around in a 12v12 scenario with max customization in-game and with maps made tf2 what it was,
catering the comp fags and more standardize approached to the game separated a already dying community (bots dont count fags.)
>Highlander is the most balanced form of TF2
No, removing the option to switch classes when it isn't necessary is fundamentally not "balanced" TF2.
Highlander sucks because basically the whole match is 16 players waiting around for the snipers to kill each other so they can have the privilege of suiciding against the enemy sentry nest+heavy/demo/medic combo before resetting to repeat the whole process for 3 hours. This sorry state could potentially be fixed if teams were allowed to stack classes to break a chokepoint but the format bans it, so defense is rendered permanently 99x stronger than offense and the game goes fucking nowhere every time.
>no argument
comp anything was a mistake
please bring back the fun
this is a bad opinion
Fun? Sorry user, we'll have to nerf that to oblivion. What about spending money so you can pretend to have fun instead? Isn't it better that way? You'll thank me later.
friendly reminder
Correction: nobody wants heavy or engineer to be constant picks in comp because they make the game less fun to play. Most people I've heard talk about them mainly stress that they are viable picks on defense and only become a problem when they're allowed to reach mid quickly because of how much they slow down the pace of the game.
Arena re-added as an official gamemode fucking when?
>why you keep associating the argument that random crits/spread should be removed etc with a cuckold engie main eceleb shitter.
Because that eceleb made this video:
Which has 1,000,000 views and started an organized campaign among the eceleb dickriders on r/tf2 and other places to get random crits removed in the name of making the game more comp-friendly.
>Battle Royale with 23 other plays max
No thanks
9v9 is simply impractical
>comms difficult since you're listening to 8 people screaming into their mic
>casters can't showcase where all the action is happening, meaning you'll miss a lot of plays
>difficult to get 9 people to come to a lan
>prevents good players from getting game changing plays because they can't have too much of an impact of the other team
Ideally it should be 5v5 with one of each class maximum, all of the long lasting esports have had a 5v5 format, and the class limit would allow for me strategizing than the current 6v6 or 9v9 meta.
Also reminder to watch the RLG NRL, it's pretty much going to determine the future of the game.
There are prenty of servers with balloon race the fuck are you talking about?
...and? the tf2 community has been begging for it for years, albeight it's been contentious. now you just realized you're a contrarian faggot with no actual opinion outside of you are a contrarian faggot because now the normies and children are vocalizing their opinions.
>the tf2 community has been begging for it for years
>the tf2 community as a whole
>the tf2 community has been begging for it for years
Has there ever been a game that benefited from focusing on competitive first instead of fun first? All I can recall are mistakes
TF2 is obviously horrible now
Halo 5's basic multiplayer lost vehicles because of competitive (and to encourage people to play the microtransaction mode)
Gears 4 lost a lot of the more fun weapons that 3 had or made them a lot more rare
Overwatch's fucking horrific balancing means that you have to play the most unfun team composition in the world
I guess Smash 4/Ultimate's matchmaking is an improvement from the 4 player FFAs in Brawl?
i see both of your initial "argument" was to ignore that immediately after was the disclaimer of contentiousness.
really makes you think which side of the argument is on suicide watch
>all long lasting esports have a 5v5 format
what fucking fps esports are you talking about
What about the thousands of other people who have been saying the exact same thing for fucking years whose videos in total account for more views than Dane’s? Oh wait, they’re not nearly as recognizable so you can’t make le epic based funny reddit wojak rage face memes out of them. You tell people who disagree with you to go to leddit and yet here you are lamenting that your forced glorified rage comic hasn’t caught on yet you dense fucking neanderthal.
Says the guy who who had to admit that his own argument was bullshit in his very own post
>the tf2 community has been begging for it for years
>"albeit that it's been contentious"
aka "I want to pretend that this is something the community has agreed upon but I can't get around the basic fact that the community hasn't actually agreed on it at all but I don't want to admit it." Fuck off.
>my turn on the broken mechanic type balancing
There's a reason your game is dead.
Can we just banish all competitive fags to jump servers already? Nobody gives a fuck if your eyes are glowing
>say an absolute
>then say not really
>>le eceleb is your only argument
check the picture again
you might be retarded, so i'll just type it instead
he thinks he knows more about the game's design than the people who actually developed it
not him, but tf2 is a game for burnout stoners who are all around losers and in fact not chad
TF2 isn't necessarily horrible it's just no longer interesting
Heavy mains, Engineer mains, it's come time for you guys to face facts: Your classes suck. Their gameplay is boring as shit, they take like 40 minutes to hit the skill ceiling, and they contribute nothing to the game besides making stalemates even harder to crack than they already are.
>jill says matchmaking update will be neato
>same jill keeps playing on his 24/7 dustbowl server instead of the matchmaking mess he created
really neatos my joggin
>admit that his own argument was bullshit
>say an absolute
imagine being called out and then doubling down this poorly with this ad hominem.
Not him, but the people who originally designed tf2 are long gone and the current dev team has no idea what they're doing.
Did the OW comp scene start to add banlists like in a moba?
Are you stupid?
Competitive players clearly do not find what you find fun. To have the delusion that you have a grasp on what people feel with only your experience as evidence.
You are beyond dumb. Get tested.
your next argument will be a diversion of the definition of ad hominem, then i will explain it to you then you will convince yourself i'm wrong further
project harder faggot
Their "banlist" is Blizzard actually banning you from the game if you play off-meta heroes.
Reminder that the only people who actively support the existence of random crits are provably bad at the game since people who are good at the game are exclusively negatively impacted by their existence. No one who supports their existence will contest this, they will never 1v1 you, they will never post their hours.
>since people who are good at the game are exclusively negatively impacted by their existence
t. faggot who taunts when he gets a crit kill
Random crits should be removed on valve servers only and almost every weapon with no random crits reworked to account for that
rainbow 6
doesn't have to be an fsp to encounter problems, even mobas like LoL or DOTA are 5v5.
>rainbow 6
Suffers same problem as TF2
Retarded nigger community of manchildren who want their "I win" buttons
>gets good players kills they were already going to get anyway
>gets bad players kills they did not deserve
Explain to me how this does not negatively affect good players
As a cigarette smoker for 12 years, God damn I fucking hate smoking. So glad I switched to vaping this Jan.
>Only shows up to play Dota games and fire people
>The whole flat management thing is marketing bullshit
>Ideas get left behind because of not being profitable enough
Welp, we know what the future of the game is anyway. Pack it in, boys.
their skill stays unaffected , every other good player vs bad player the good player will win everytime
>gets bad players kills they did not deserve against better players
preventing them from getting stomped and making the game onesided
first of all you can't apply non fps's to same comp meta as fps games and rainbow six while has been out for just over 3 years hasnt even become popular until a year after release, so your only example of 5v5 meta is csgo which i can agree with but looks like it's finally hit it's expiration date for comp
>make new account to abandon stalkers
>get achievement cauldron gift
>get the furry medic head
nvm i take back how csgo hit it's expiration it still has a fuck ton of players
Any other game in the world where bad players can just sometimes win a fight because of a dice roll and everyone would say that’s fucking retarded game design but in TF2 it’s fine
Based pybro
>We now need to argue about random crits because Valve fucked pubs up so hard with MyM
This used to just be a small fucking tag at the end of some server descriptions and nothing more,
people barely payed attention to it. There was no need for some giant community splitting war since everyone could play how the fuck they wanted, fuck matchmaking.
Either way I think 1v1 and 5v5 will forever be the best number for Esports, 9v9 is to much of a hastle and esports don't have nearly as much funding as futbol or r*gby.
Remind me again why Valve relegated Pyro as the "training wheels" class instead of making his weapons and movement have depth?
>Pyro gets the ability to airblast himself
>This effect ONLY applies when Pyro is already in mid-air
>Range of a single self-airblast is small, of similar magnitude to a self-boost from the FaN while airborne as opposed to a rocket jump
>Intent is for meaningful jumps to require several blasts in quick succession
Good idea or bad idea?
i thought the "uncle dane the toilet brain" wasfunny so i saved it
today i will remind them
>being this desperate for (you)s
it's people like these that are proof
A: tf2 shouldve never been f2p
you aren't welcome here. please leave.
B: remove random crits and spread
If the containment actually WORKED it probably would've done just fine but holy shit Valve dropped the ball with the implementation, the map-pool is garbage for competitive and the forced initialization of graphics settings means somebody is going to disconnect trying to get into the match, the entire match is forfeit, and there's no point in continuing since it doesn't count for statistics or ELO.
>being so retarded the population is dying because they can't navigate through a simple UI change
the average intelligence of a tf2 player is revealed
>people are now trying to win pub games
Stop the fucking presses and call the national guard we have a crisis on our hands people
what's wrong, it worked before did it not? not to mention that you're still responding but not defending that pathetic attempt at defending yourself lol
>>every other good player vs bad player the good player will win everytime
>>prevents them from getting stomped and making the game onesided
Pick one
And only one
Yeah dude. It's totally not and not that competitive tf2 players are "that guy" incarnate. Most mentally well off people don't give a shit if someone is better than them at a game but they do care when those same faggots suck all the fun out of it.
>september 2018
i played tf2 from when it came out to like 2014 before bailing entirely, i came back recently and the community servers were almost completely dead
i'm sure both people who play with no crits and all five people who play with crits on are very heatedly debating this issue
with respect to the point itself, most people don't care either way, myself included. we play with default settings because that's the way most people play. crits are part of the game, maybe if it was something i could just tick off i would, but i'd rather play with people. except nobody plays the game anymore apparently except in the shitty matchmaking mode and that shit's not fun.
>competitive players sucked the fun out of tf2 because a bunch of ecelebs who don't play comp and Overwatch convinced Valve to implement an official competitive game mode
fuck your stupid boogeyman, faggot
i've been in the persuasion of removing random crits for years and i still only play pubs.
Now that image is what i call desperate. pathetic in fact.
>member of the vocal minority attempts to convince others that he's not in the minority and thus should be catered to
pathetic, also not how it works
Why are you mad that people play the game differently than you in a game that is so open to customization that there are fucking warioware servers?
>thought it would act as a containment game mode for the tryhard tourneyfags but they spilled over into casual and now everything is shit.
Stay mad cupcake. Boo fucking hoo, people try to win in an arena shooter. Blame Valve for executing the competitive mode horribly and taking no feedback on it. Or blame yourself for being shit.
TF2 is fun. Sorry you're just a jaded faggot who goes on autistic tirades who screams HURRR TRYHARD whenever someone kills you in a shooting game.
community servers are complete garbage nowadays, and people would rather get in a game quickly. noone wants to have to sift through a bunch of shitty servers in order to find a decent one.
community maps that aren't in the matchmaking system have a similar issue.
People have also just gotten angrier/grumpier in general too. The point treadmill and their desire to become the next esports star has made the average player into a seething asshole.
Half its playerbase are bots and traders
In the rare event valve does a purge the playerbase dips by half, it's kind of insane.
why does tf2 need to survive? Didn't it have a fantastic run?
move on
>have option to play without crits
>join regular server instead and whine for years
your mind on anticrits
How many more times do you need to be told that's nonsense? With current key/ref exchange rate, running a bot for weekly drops is a net loss on electricity. Traders no longer sit with the game open either since all trading is done via Steam api.
people can't let go of their virtual hats
it's really sad
>is told that their argument is misleading because the implication that people who want no crits only play on nocrit servers is invalid because most people who like the vanilla game will play valve servers regardless
>proceeds to say that calling this out isn't how "it" works
at least pretend your articulate enough to say what "it" is, low iq nigger.
yikes and seething-pilled
i used to think like this, but then saw what a trainwreck overwatch became
i just need some love from valve
hey remember that "1 million dollar tournament" they were going to hold for artifact (lol), hold it for TF2 instead
>Unbased and ugleh
should be unbased and pretteh?
that actually looks alright, unironically upvoted
>yeah man fuck crits
>oh btw I only play on crit-enabled servers, don't mind me silly boys
Whatever you say chump
>Didn't it have a fantastic run?
still is having a fantastic run since it's one of the highest-played games on steam and has been since its initial releases, it's been "dying" for almost ten years at this point
>competitive tf2
There is literally nothing wrong with competitive tf2
>but spy and pyro
Useless because their class designs are inherently useless, blame Valve
>but heavy and engineer
Boring and unfun and are inherently designed to be that way, blame Valve and not the comp scene for exposing this
>just change the core gameplay of several classes and competitive will work guys
tf2 is designed around 12v12 pubs and the only way for it to really work in a 6v6 environment is to make it a completely different game.
His helmet reminds me of the Security Officer from Marathon
tf2 is objectively designed like shit. Balancing your whole game around players being retarded is a terrible decision because eventually your playerbase will stop being bad if they play it for long enough.
did you know it's possible to enjoy something multi-faceted without having some of the things that could be improved ruin the experience, but rather write to the developers of the game of how you think the experience can be improved? in fact i would go far to say that someone that who is incapable of thinking of this without the need of having it spelled out in front of them should know humility.
pic is very VERY related.
I mostly agree with that, but if the community prefers the game to stay 12v12 unbalanced shitfest instead of being changed into a 6v6 competitive class based shooter than it should stay as it is.
Pic related is you because random crits are never getting removed from the game no matter how much you bitch or how many videos Dane makes about why tf2 pubs need to turn into comp matches.
Why does Valve want my phone number so much?
Reminder that literally no one* was complaining when random damage spread was removed. It's the same as random crits but not a big stupid sparkly team-colored attack.
>Loch-n-Load occasionally 1-shotting 125hp classes
>Machina occasionally 1-shotting 175hp classes
>Grenade Launcher occasionally needing an extra shot to kill classes with >200hp
>Rocket Launchers occasionally needing 1 fewer shot to kill Heavies
>Melees occasionally needing 3 hits to kill 125hp classes
15% random damage deviation caused enough damage thresholds to break that counting your damage on a player less useful -- a core beginner skill in any arena-style FPS. The only people who wanted random damage spread to stay were shitty players who relied on getting random spread in their favor: Loch demos who don't know how to deal with scouts, Spies who need to survive 2 melee smacks before they even bother attempting to get a lucky facestab, Machina snipers hardscoping for 3 minutes until someone walks into their sightline, and others.
Damage spread is a microcosm of random crits, and I'm sure most players didn't even realize it was a thing since damage numbers are turned off by default.
>no u
>then proceeds to going back to uncle cuck memes
it's all so predictable, people like you. You aren't capable of thought, just engineered to respond to things in a flowchart pattern. enjoy this last (you) :)
Except that random crits disproportionately benefit good players since your crit chance goes up with damage dealt, meaning that it's WAY more likely for the crit machine on the server to be the top scoring soldier or demo who's pubstomping during his UGC offseason than the 20 hour f2p who lucked out and got an underserved kill or two. People who want random crits gone are the shitters who are getting bullied by that one scout who lands every single meatshot he takes and racks up a 70% crit chance every few seconds
The comp system is terrible and doesn't work
If the system was good, and the games classes were better balanced i think it would help longevity
Soldier and demo are cancer and any mouthbreathing retard can play them and do well on them, so yes, they shouldn't also have the benefit of one-shotting every class with zero damage falloff.
>Medic is already the most fundamentally overpowered class in the game
>Get to the backline and corner him into a 1v1 situation
>Gets an almost guaranteed ubersaw crit from barely attacking thanks to pseudo-RNG
>One shots you if he isn't a bumbling retard that never checks his surroundings periodically
This isn't okay.
If you’re a good player what fucking difference does it make if you kill your target the vast majority of the time anyway? Most primary weapons kill most enemies in 2 shots assuming you don’t suck so all that does is reduce the amount of ammo you’re putting into someone by a total of 1 for 2% of fights. Meanwhile a good player can go the entire match dying to nothing but unearned random crits.
>spam pills at a chokepoint until i get a crit and half of the enemy team instagibs
look mom im a super comp pro tf2 playa
I want TF2 Battle Royale
>2+ people switch to medic/engi/heavy
>game becomes a 4 hour long snooze fest
Could only work with a new cast set in the TF2 universe.
Isn't Arena Mode basically Battle Royale?
like with wow, 90% of those are chinese farmers, in this case chinese hat farmers
>try to go on a community server to play with people
>there are a total of 5-10 servers that aren't trade servers or empty
>of these, you're lucky if one is on a map you want to play
that hasn't been the case since the changes to how idling/trading works were implemented years ago, bots standing around doesn't do anything for farming items
The point I was making wasn't in relation to damage output and how it disproportionately favors classes that deal their damage in bursts rather than streams. Just that the random variation in your damage output makes your efforts less meaningful -- spread is just a lot more subtle than crits.
Good players do high damage which -- with the way that crit rates are tabulated -- allows them to do more damage which feeds into this cyclic feedback loop of just doing tons of damage for long periods of time. Crits were designed in this way to favor "high streaks where you get 2 or 3 kills in a row" when players aren't shitty enough to need crits to do that on their own merits.
Good players don't need crits but they are given to them more often.
Bad players need crits to kill good players, but their low damage output means they have a minimum crit rate and their bad aim means they probably won't even connect with it in the first place.
What TF2 needs to prop bad players up is a better way to learn how to play, not a crit system that does nothing but patronize
It’s a team game, you nig. Just dogpile the better player.
>Played a game of sunshine full of good players that thanked me for healing them.
>this was followed by several payload and cp krtiskrieg shitfests
I just want to play casual and not get on or against stacked teams
When are we realistically going to get a new tf2 update?
>soldier and demo are cancer
The asshurt of your average heavy player never ceases to amaze me
This week
TF2 competitive matchmaking is like if Nintendo stepped in to make rules on how to officially play Melee. The community has already decided how they want to play comp, it's not like they're going to start playing by Valve's rules, with or without matchmaking.
So we all know that Demoman is inherently OP because he has two primary weapons. I propose that we fix this problem by breaking the Demoman into two distinct classes:
Class 1: Demoknight
>Primary: grenade launcher of choice
>Secondary: shield of choice
>Melee: sword sword of choice
>HP: increased to 200
Class 2: Demoman
>Primary: sticky launcher of choice
>Secondary: all existing shotguns + gunboats
>Melee: all existing demo melees except swords
>HP: kept as-is
This would fix the Demoman problem forever
>with hitscan
Fuck off, retard
>shotgun as secondary
Both comp and casual should be removed, quick play was much better
>bridge the gap
Remove the shotgun from Soldier and slightly nerf the medic. Buff heavy and pyro and buff the spy even more.
bit of a dumb thing to say
cs go is basically just arena mode, and they got a br mode that brought in over a million new players
>durr I’m fixing the problem by giving him a shotty on top of stickies
Kill yourself
nahh you just alter the way the classes work for the mode
like how medic is altered in mvm, given a sheild and is able to revive
Or nerf the soldiers hp down to 175 and slightly reduce the splash damage of the rocket.
quickplay was dogshit since it killed all the good community servers.
Guys I have a problem I'm addicted to 2fort, I keep playing it because I know what happens no matter what, how do I start playing more maps?
They'd need to be very different to be able to function, and at that point, might as well just add to the universe instead of repeating it.
>buff heavy
post disregarded. heavy is not bad. heavy is actually quite good at his job. he's really effective. he doesn't need a buff because he is already strong, it's just that nobody likes playing as him because he's boring and requires no skill, and nobody likes playing against him because he makes the whole game move as slowly as he does. but you wouldn't fix that problem with buffs, in fact you would make it worse.
>TF2 without ads screaming at you every other round killed community servers
what a loss
Why play 2fort when the superior turbine exists
Oh yeah, genius, and what would you suggest? Pistol as secondary?
>has never played in a good community server
i dont think they would need to be very different, only a bit different.
the point is tf2 has the best gun play that shits all over all BR games, making a new world might also lead to new gunplay and physics that suck ass
>Remove the shotgun from Soldier
How about sticky launcher as secondary?
And he can have grenade launcher as his primary.
Leave Demoman as-is.
His weakness is that he's shit if you can get in on him. So just get in on him. Giving him a hitscan weapon means getting in on him isn't that big if a deal since he could just whip out a shotgun and deal with you normally.
Judging by your shitty suggestion, you just want a Soldier that's faster, has less health, but has a sticky launcher.
Most of TF2 is based on projectiles. Heavy is the only one that doesn't have a weapon unlock based around projectiles. Imagine a Apex Legends sized map. Now imagine a soldier shooting a rocket from one hill to an enemy. The enemy would have all the time in the world to dodge.
Might as well design new characters specific for a BR game instead of trying to force the mercs in.
>bitches about pistol or secondary as being OP with stickies
>gives him his 2nd primary weapon back
good laff, m8
The game definitely isn't balanced around 12v12 because having more players inherently limits your individual choices.
I understand that and have thought of that
you just design the maps to not have such open spaces like every good map in tf2 has already done
or you have open spaces, but then have alternate routes with cover to close the distance like some maps
You're clearly a complete retard if you think the grenade launcher is what makes demoman good.
>remove pyro
all valve lets pyro do is w+m1
>nerf reserve shooter because soldiers cried about it
>nerf degreaser so there's no reason to combo pryo
>nerf dragon fury into a worse direct hit when there was finally a pyro weapon that required aiming and timing.and still keep the airblast penalty
>buff the phlog
The game launched with 8v8
>completely different game.
nice hyperbole
>I inherently don't comprehend what's wrong with giving a hitscan weapon to a class whose primary weakness is having poor means of dealing with close-range threats due to slow projectiles and self-damage
You could save everyone some time and admit that you're retarded.
>His weakness is that he's shit if you can get in on him. So just get in on him.
Classic case of a weakness that sounds potent on paper but is actually bullshit in practice. 90% of the time the demoman is flanked by a heavy and a medic and so just gets to vomit out 12 rockets for free before needing to reload. Maybe in a 1v1 setting this would matter but in practice he's broken.
>Make Casual 8 vs 8 instead of 12 vs 12
There, TF2 is fixed.
Why not? Why should the Soldier have one of the best secondary gun despite having the best projectile weapons? Soldier should have a hard time against its "counter" Pyro. All you do is, switch to shotgun and gun him down because your health pool enables you to tank his hits.
restrict comp mode to default weapons
>RS because soldiers cried
nice historical revisionism but the RS in the hands of the pyro was actual bullshit, and don't try and defend it.
>be pyro
>airblast once
>receive free kill because lmao 4 minicrits in a row
>don't even have to think hard enough to get in close for axe kill
Valve turned their brain off when they gave that weapon to him
the dragons fury was fine af before, now its useless.
>Flare, Scorch
>melee weapons except powerjack
>Letting a pyro that close
>expecting to survive against an ambushing class while getting ambushed
We all know, valve balances all classes around the soldier.
>I went into a 3v1 and lost, the problem is demoman being too strong
If you're going headfirst on your own that's your own fault. Demoman has specific ranges that he operates at: either get past his bubble and make him uncomfortable (you should know how to close the gap with special jumping skills by now) or get a sniper to deal with him from outside of where he can reach
Also he has a pretty hefty downside of the longest reload times in the game. If you're paying attention, you can catch him when he's not prepared to deal with you.
Because the soldier's effectiveness relies on him rocket jumping in and out of places so in any real situation he's only got one, maybe two rockets in the clip so if he's going to do anything else besides suicide bomb medics he needs an extra source of damage besides the rocket.
>but soldier vs pyro duels
pull out your own shotgun you fucking scrub, the soldier's almost certainly operating on 2/3th HP max due to self-damage
>reserve shooter because soldiers cried about it
i imagine is was scouts and other 125hp classes
or even other pyros
>hurp a durr muh soldier boogeyman
The classes most likely to get fucked up by this were the scout and the spy you stupid faggot. Soldiers will just splash damage you to death from outside the airblast range.
>he doesn't jump with 300 hp
>he doesn't jump into a medpack
>compfags ban weapons because it might disrupt the meta that they themselves created
>compfags also complain that some classes aren't good in the meta that they themselves created
>nerf reserve shooter
>nerf axtinguisher
>nerf degreaser
The problem was the stunlock airblast, not the weapons that did the finishing blows. They overnerfed those 3 weapons and it wasn't until Jungle Inferno came along that airblast stopping popping you in the air in a simple and easy trajectory to follow up on.
Current airblast has its own problems but it's not as awful as it was in the past.
Spy is utter shit atm, needs a rework or a buff.
Scunt vs Pyro is a risk but the Scunt is able to kill Pyro faster when he doesn't fuck up his shots.
>splash damage
literally admitting by yourself that Soldier needs adjustments.
>compfags complain about spy and pyro being useless
>"ah yes this is obviously due to the fact that spy and pyro are being held back by the 6s meta, and not due to the fact that they're inherently useless against anyone with functioning brains!"
who are you quoting?
I like using the scorch shot but how do I git gud with it seems like a gimmick weapon
No because if the soldier tries to splash damage you then you pull out your flare gun and win the dps race, dumbass. Pyro vs Soldier is a complex meta that relies on which specific secondary weapons the two classes have equipped and the specific terrain that they're fighting in.
Still seems like it'd be too big an effort for a disappointing result. Some classes would just inevitably be more useful than others.
The only time you should play pyro is when you respawn and see a sapper on the teleporter. Quickly change class and hit it with the homewrecker.
only difference between a scout dying to rs pyro and a shotgun pyro is 5 seconds of afterburn
and scout can jump out of an airblast so there's really no excuse
>compfags complain about heavy being useless
>ban every weapon that would make him useful specifically because it makes him useful in the meta
>and scout can jump out of an airblast so there's really no excuse
Too bad he's still airborne and will still eat the RS crit :^)
no game is perfectly balanced, but like i said i would expect changed to make them more equal
How on earth would you think I'm a heavy player considering heavy is the one class that actually beats soldier?
>and scout can jump out of an airblast so there's really no excuse
This revisionism is great, you should write for the History channel.
Old airblast robbed the target of all of their momentum and sent them into a slow and predictable arc. Not even a doublejump would've helped there.
>Winning a dps race with a 90 hit which requires a switch and also has a great risk of missing it vs splash damage and 112 dmg on direct hit
>175 hp vs 200 hp
Yeah, win that race.
>He doesn't know how to double jump and bait a miss
Drink that Atomic Punch before you leave your spawn.
TF2 is a 12 years old game, let it die already.
Use it to annoy people from a distance
Use it when trying to get into flamethrower range would be suicidal
That's pretty much it
>losing to splash damage when you're spamming flares
Holy shit he only has 4 rockets and the splash will not kill you
>but you could miss
Learn to aim
>but switch speed
shotgun has more range
airblast would stop momentum
as soon as they were in airblast range they were instantly dead
but with flames they can outrun them
>tf2 but without the fun
that already exists, why dont you go play it?
>Soldier 200 health, RL has 112 dmg/0.8s
>Pyro 175 health, Flare Gun has 90 dmg/2.0s
Nice DPS race bro.
>i used to think like this, but then saw what a trainwreck overwatch became
Why do people still play overmeme? it is a mystery
>Use it to annoy people from a distance
That's all I manage to do but I feel like I'm not helping the team by doing pitiful damage
the good player getting killed once or twice by the bad player means less for the better player than the bad player going 0-10 or some similar result
stop posting pictures of hoodo
But then it defeats the purpose of the mercs' personalities. Their whole character is an extension of the gameplay. If you make their gameplay more similar to each other, then their characters get affected as well.
I'm not saying that a BR TF2 couldn't work or that the mercs couldn't be in it, but I think Valve would be better off making a new cast.
>fox v fox
wow how interesting
its damage is super low
it only works if there are no pyros, medic, despencer, water or anything else
>Learn to aim
You can't have 100% accuracy, even the pros don't have it. Missing a direct flare shot is much more costly than with a rocket launcher since the launcher has splash damage and shoots much more frequently.
Setting crowds on fire is excellent, remember that your job as Pyro is to sow panic and get the drop on faggots trying to roam. Afterburn is hellishly good support even with Scorch Shot's low-damage burn, a Medic can only focus on so many targets at once unless he's one of those rare ones that uses the Amputator, Pyros that airblast to extinguish teammates are a rarity and most Engis are too stupid to have a dispenser nearby. If there's water in the map you're fucked though
use the phlog
>hit group in a chokepoint with scorch
>phlog builds up fast
>free crits
>Secondary: all existing shotguns + gunboats
stop thinking so extreme
the characters could still be like 95% the same
By new cast you mean different gameplay. The whole point is that tf2 has good gunplay and physics
>What is jarate or the cum bottle
>hold it for TF2 instead
would unironically be amazing
I'd like to see how many "overwatch" pros come scrambling back to reclaim the throne
t. tryhard soldemo main
>use the phlog
I stick to Backburner, but I could give it a shot
I just don't see how it would work without having to be extreme in changing the gameplay. You can still keep the good gunplay and physics, and the team wouldn't be restricted in trying to be faithful to the characters.
Heavy is a weak class who has a stupidly overpowered unlockable gun. By giving him natascha, you invalidate both scout and soldier since they have absolutely no way to deal with it.
So it's either make one class relevant at the expense of 2, or let the other 2 classes always be relevant while still letting heavy be a niche defensive pick. It makes more sense to do the latter.
>people still get confused by player destruction
Glocknades sound great
Buff pyro? Wtf
You can often get whoever you hit to leave the front line for a bit in search of a way to put out the fire.
But really, with the exception of the standard flaregun, and then only if you also have the degreaser and cyborg accuracy, flareguns are not very strong. They're long range harassment tools, and a way to contribute somewhat to the fight if you know running in would get you killed instantly.
If you want power, you should be using the shotgun.
>heavy beats soldier
Why is blacked box soldier so annoying? I feel like the weapon should lower max hp
>I must feel good
what's wrong with wanting to feel good?
do you intentionally seek things out that make you feel bad?
there's something wrong with you, buddy.
That's literally what I'm talking about you stupid retard. The meta isn't allowed to change no matter what, and it's arbitrary to begin with.
Self-heal weapons in general are cancerous and there's a 90% chance a Black Box soldier is also using the Concheror as a regen crutch
>I just don't see how it would work without having to be extreme in changing the gameplay
use your imagination
because +hp on hit is a retarded mechanic
+hp on kill would've been better
But what amount of -hp would be balanced? Soldier is already a low hp class
>proceeds to do nothing to try and influence the game
if you want something that you think is best for the game, get fucking vocal about it. as much as i despise compfags, at least they know how to get change out of the devs (pushing for it relentlessly.) send the devs a message via their contact page at the very least, or debate compfags at every turn if you really wanna start turning heads in your favor, but don't just wallow in your despair about MUH RUINED WEAPONS
Black box was designed when the battalion's backup needed you to take damage from enemies to charge it.
No amount of bullshit will make a 3-shot rocket launcher worth using for any soldier that isn't a shitter or explicitly going out of their way to pubstomp with a medic up their ass and a conch on their back.
>Soldier is already a low hp class
fuck you also like -25
Really the problem is that people who go "compfags reee" honestly don't have any real footing to start with because they're attacking strawmen.
They think comp players are some big scary boogeyman trying to take their casual gameplay away. They're not, they just want the game to not reek of design decisions made literally over a decade ago that are relics of the past. Valve does get a little heavyhanded with some nerfs but I'm sure more people would rather tolerate weapons that are mediocre rather than having it be the end-all-be-all pick that is constantly a pest. No one in their right mind has argued that Valve's balance attempts are infallible.
Nothing will change because people have already made up their mind about the (((other))) and will bitch and scream until they think they've won an argument against this non-existent person while accomplishing literally nothing and convincing no one.
Competitive isn't built on what TF2 actually is, it's built off of some autistic preconception of what it should be.
Who the fuck gives a shit about Dane? stop obsessing over everything that moron says.
TF2 will not survive if people keep deluding themselves that tf2 comp is good.
anti comp fags are way more autistic
Comp are just people playing the game, and using what they think is the best strategy. They dont get angry at you for being a casual gamer.
But you get so angry at them playing the game, that's autism
>tf2 is one of the worst teams at valve
honestly not surprised
robin please come back and fix things
I care about uncle ddonger i watch him everyday
>Every server has dude with a bot helping him
>Constant sniper hackers or interp abusing spies
>Ran into the current owner of the dueling hat
>His steam profile name is different from his in-game name and his profile is private
>The fucking top dueler is a hacker
dane triggers Yea Forums because he's right
How to improve scout aim?
I hit about 60% of shots but man the ones I miss? I really miss them.
Unironically because you're shit and you've heard other people complain about it so you think it must be something that's bad and needs to be complained about. Like people who whine about how strong and unskilled pyro is despite being the second worst class and not even the least skilled class, solely because they've heard other people call it the w+m1 shitter class.
25% less damage potential per magazine is a pretty big loss for up to 20 hp on hit (less than one hit from basically anything). A soldier equipped with basically anything else is far more effective, but you don't think anything about it when one kills you.
>online servers full of hackers, bots and tryhards
>comp full of autism
>casual full of even more autism
shit we gone
CaptanPootis (Dead): wut
>200 hp
>"low hp class"
Mother fucker it's the second highest HP class in the game by baseline HP you dumb idiot
play on tf2center
compfags explode when an update somehow affects their arbitrary meta
>corner shot rocket man vs fat slow bullet man
>fat slow man wins
he has to have a corner to shoot behind to stand a chance
I have some questions for people who hosted their own servers at some point.
What sort of server specs I'd need for 24 players + some plugins + few extra maps? Any providers you'd recommend?
Removing auto scramble was one of the worst decisions for casual play. Its so awful to get into a match and your team is like 6-2 in points and the score differences between teams is gigantic. It just encourages people to leave while the demo with a pocket medic stomps your team further.
Fuck off and die retard. If you don't like getting stomped you should get fucking good kid. Removing scramble was a great decision and autobalance should go back to being optional. Punishing players for being good (i.e stomping the enemy so hard they rage quit and autobalance goes in effect) is absolutely retarded game design, just like random crits and damage spread (and the entire class of pyro)
Casual games only last two to three rounds. By the time it becomes evident that a scramble is needed, the match is over and teams are naturally scrambled when placed in the next map anyway.
The jungle inferno short sucked
it didnt have the humour of earlier shorts
It felt like a post season 4 spongeob episode
just lay back and accept that you have three players on your team now and we have 12, good goy
Autobalance is even more necessary in casual when the other fucking team empties from being stomped so bad
>ban weapons that invalidate a classes primary weakness for free
>ban weapons that turn the game into a slow stalemate heavy meta
Yeah shut the fuck up
And heavy isn't useless, he's a specialist that only gets picked when defend last.
Heavy is a close to mid range hitscan class and soldier has to get close to heavy to start wailing on him. A soldier can outplay him but a well played heavy will always win provided neither side gets crits. Natascha also completely kills soldier's mobility if he packs that.
>The meta isn't allowed to change
and that's a good thing. unlockables were a mistake.
Thats cus autists want to play their stupid forced meta.
literally never happens because the team im on is always the one stomping meaning the enemy team is with the rage quitting virgins. nice try tf team employee trying to justifiy your dogshit design.
>played in 2013
yikes. even my 12 year old cousin played before him
That faggot can fuck off. Random crits are fun.
only if you have low iq
Maybe, but in a more realistic setting with players of more equal skill level, a loss is psychological more significant than a win. Statistically speaking, the emotional highs caused by killing with a random crit won't be as significant or long lasting as the psychological low if dying to one.
I wish cunt valve would just give me some new gameplay already
childhood is wanting heavy update
adulthood is realizing that it will be jungle inferno 2.0 and every server having 8 heavies that instakill people due to some bullshit bug that won't get patched for 6 months minimum
What if I want a Spy update
>wow his team’s good teamwork is covering his weakness WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW
Nice brainlet post, tard
>every server having 8 heavies that instakill people due to some bullshit bug that wont get patched
>8 heavies
Just backstab them
The difference though is that heavy isn't pyro.
He's much more likely to get something that's actually good rather than something that's only good because of a mistake on Valve's part that arose from slapping together some garbage to give to their least favorite class because they were obligated to provide an update for him.
I played TFC from like 2002-2007, and then I've played TF2 ever since.
Competitive Team Fortress in any capacity is fucking dumb.
Exactly. Anyone who whines about getting killed by a black box conch because Soundshit said it's a crutch needs to git gud.
because it is a crutch. that "25% less damage because 1 less rocket" means nothing because soldier 2 hits everything in the game with a rocket except a heavy but oh wait no one plays heavy, especially in comp
meanwhile blackbox give soldier way higher EHP than anyone else in the game
"the only way to counter a decent sniper is with your own sniper"
"the only way to counter (pre-nerf) GRU heavy is with your own GRU heavy"
>heavy gru gets nerfed
>sniper doesnt
>"the only way to counter a decent sniper is with your own sniper"
Just scorch shot them
*sniper gets razorback which invalidates the only class that counters sniper*
>STAR_ uploaded a new video to his main channel
WTF you arent lying?
balance changes are always good that for sure but whats really killing tf2 is the lack of updates or even just anything from valve
they havent even really updated their lore in forever I forget whats even going on in it anymore
TF2 doesn't need to have competitive pandering anymore than it has, if anything that pandering served to nearly kill it a couple times with the meet your match shit and so on
TF2 is played hugely by casual players and thats that.
Honestly it makes the game way more fun anyway competitive gamers are fucking annoying entitled try hards a lot of the time, they suck the life out of communities
weapon rebalancing is fine but all TF2 really needs to survive is some fuckin updates from valve that arent just hats and some actual communication on their part
Good thing they gave sniper an item that passively nullifies fire damage, huh?
Yeah but why would anyone use that?
While I think it would be neat if tf2 could have a pro scene, the game wasnt designed to have one, too many of the maps are too large for 6v6, a lot of the weapons favor mechanics that imply you're killing a lot of people, it would need a huge overhaul to be an actual esport game
And no one wants that because the game is just fine as it is.
The best thing they could do is to kill Casual matchmaking, bring back quickplay+Valve Servers, and focus all efforts on making competitive matchmaking not shit by adding things like betting matches, a proper report system, and whatever else.
It'll never fucking happen, though, because dumb fucking retards would cry about M-MUH MATCHMAKING COMMUNITY SERVERS ARE SHIT UNCLE DANE TOLD ME SO
I dunno, maybe, for instance if someone is trying to use the scorch shot to counter you.
Like every sniper since spies are shit?
List of shit nerfs that were only done because of whiny compfags:
BFB Getting nerfed as hard as it was
Amby nerf
The YER cloak drain nerf
Most of the post-pyro update shit
Natascha nerf
Absolutely this
Why does phlog always kill me when I use Back Burner
>it was pretty decent
Is star coming back lads?
I've got a nametag lads, what should I use it on and what should it be called?
I still don't fucking understand the YER nerf. It was already basically a joke weapon to begin with. The buff of "you can disguise once for all of your cloak" is nice, but the cloak drain shit basically forces you to use it with the Le'tranger or you're fucked sideways.
Hats caused the first tf2 cancer. People played for fun then played for asthetics and communities fell apart. People are such vain creatures, competitive or not.
He no longer hates jerma so yea
It's the game trying to tell you that you should be using the phlog instead of the backburner.
the negro smasher on the necro smasher
Reserve Shooter named "This is a stick up!"
>Get down on the ground!
But backcrits?
>oh no someone called me the n word on a video game what am i going to do
Matchmaking was a mistake and almost killed the game and the people that asked for it should eat shit
Backcrits ain't shit compared to anyanglecrits and pyro has no good way to get into position for backcrits anyway.
>*lose game*
>"I just joined" in chat
Double jump used to reset the airblast condition. So no, he wouldn't.
>Demoman's biggest weakness is getting right up his ass
>Give him a fucking shotgun
This, everything was so simple and fast before. Lets not forget how they tried to catter to babies that hated autobalance and it backfired when matches were allways a 2 v 10 or worse
>gives actually good engineer advice
>get's cocky
>large amount of fans that shill everything he says at the tiny tf2 team
One man shoulndn't have so much power
he was originally supposed to have a shotgun, along with the spinning stick of dynamite that explodes into smaller dynamite from the alpha trailer back in 2005.
tf2 is the rodeo burger of multiplayer shooting games.
i named my sticky launcher the boston marathon finish line 2 hours after it happened so thats my suggestion
So all that proofs is that even back then they realized it was a bad idea.
>yfw you realise uncle dane was in this
Nobody realized that a game as fun as tf2 doesnt work with a "competitive" setting, its like asking for a half life deathmatch competitive scene. Also 6s faggots are absolute braindead retards that only want 3 clases viable and ban anything that counters them
who is this chocolate goblin ?
yes, exactly. being able to 2 shot splatter scouts apart with hitscan while covering one hallway with rollers and another with a sticky trap he can detonate with any weapon out may in fact be slightly overpowered.
This guy can say anything dumb and id still thank him for how in pubs ill see players switch to engi to upgrade the tele near spawn. Never seen anyone do that till he made some video that mentioned it.
You're right, comp tf2 as valve has it is a fucking mistake, just go back to how things were before mym
>he was originally supposed to have a shotgun
Yeah back in the quake mod where it barely did more damage than the fucking axe. Even the single-barrel shotgun in TFC was hardly better than the goddamn crowbar meanwhile his actual weapons did 4x as much damage with way less effort. It was just there as a fallback tool in case he ran out of ammo since both his pipebomb weapons shared ammo.
If you want something to be on that tier of useless you might as well tie a bunch of wrap assassins together and call it a shotgun.
>heavy and engi cant be viable because scout, demo, and soldier fags doesnt want actual counters in their games. Medics dont give two shits and actually ask for bans to their own weapons like vac and quick fix
as a compfag i don't see why people want random crits to be removed from casual servers that shit is fun as fuck
Why is widowmaker so strong
>wait for snipers to kill eachother. Then suicide into the nearest sentry nest, heavy/demo-medic combo
So your average pub game?
>half life deathmatch competitive scene
u wot HLDM was fucking sick
TFW all my ancient soundmods and lightwarp aesthetics are basically dead :(
This tf2 youtubers are pretty bad most of the time
>says they want comp but keep playing 24/7 servers, their own servers or casual MM where its all just deathmatch
>most vids are just they pubstompping gibbusvision snipers with some meme loadout instead of actually making one about an interesting match
>*gets random crit* "s-sorry, d-d-didnt d-deserve that"
If you want community servers to come back, keep playing on them instead of accepting casual and being cucked. The high population community servers have, the better they do.
Go play on, or Weeabootique when it's on during the weekends.
thanks bro
Does anyone know why I can no longer download maps from community servers anymore? I get the missing map error, but in my maps folder the map isn't there. It's killing community servers for me
Additionally, join the group on steam. The times when the servers have the most population is when an admin does an event, which they always announce there. It's fairly frequent, too.
Those people just hate crits period and when they fucked up they blame it on random crits. They are extremely retarded and i dont know how do they even function
shut the fuck up retard. There will always be someone or some team dominating. There will NEVER be completely balanced match nor would ANYONE ever want to have a perfectly balanced one. This has nothing to do with "casual matchmaking", or do you genuinely want K/D-based matchmaking? This garbage would cause good players to end up playing with hackers and bad players with friendlies.
How about you actually get fucking good or play with friends?
>should i play and support this server that catter to me?
>no ill keep being a retard and play in places that have random crits while complaining like a baby about them
>1 million dollar tournament
What happened to that? They dropped it or just moved it to the TI?
What is the best gamemode and why is it MandrillMaze
Hardly matters, the average shitter will take clicking a big "matchmake" button over taking ten seconds to actually locate a server browser, and Valve continually shitting on plugins ruined the biggest advantage of community servers anyways
Get over yourself. Nobody likes perma-Heavy because moving fast and jumping is fun, whereas waddling everywhere at Heavy's speed is not fun. This is why 6s (which does not have permanent heavy) is fun, whereas Highlander (where heavy is mandatory) is extremely boring. Your class is boring, and nobody likes it (it is the least popular class in the game). It's real simple.
>Yea Forums: fucking compfags not wanting to have fun
>also Yea Forums: noooooooo why don't compfags like heavy you aren't supposed to want to have fun :( I want to use my braindead hitscan weapon to turn the game into an eternal stalemate
t. pocket medic
go suck off your buddy, useless retard
t. jill "neato" trannypills
>MVM added
>Waah, tf2 will become a coop pve game only now! Fuck mvmfags, tf2 was NEVER meant to be like this!
>VS Saxton Hale added
>Waah, tf2 will become a one versus all game only now! Fuck halefags, tf2 was NEVER meant to be like this!
>Prop Hunt added:
>Waah, tf2 will become a gmod copy only now! Fuck prop hunt fags, tf2 was NEVER meant to be like this!
>Zombies added:
>Waah, tf2 will become another zombie game copypaste only now! Fuck zombiefags, tf2 was NEVER meant to be like this!
>Competitive added
>Waah, tf2 will become another competitive esports now! Fuck compfags, tf2 was NEVER meant to be like this!
Fuck retards that think that making competitive viable will ABSOLUTELY lead to TF2 being dead and completely remove ALL the fun and that competitive being properly implemented MUST MEAN that all the casual gamemodes will be removed FOREVER!
The competitive scene did not receive a single cent from VALVe.
Competitive players have ZERO direct contact with VALVe.
People putting the word "casual" right before the word "Sixes" are COMPLETE RETARDS and should be laughed at by BOTH sides.
Some people like BOTH competitive AND casual.
Anyone that says TF2 is MEANT to be "this" or "that" or that "this" or "that" can NEVER be implemented in the game are complete CRETINS.
>Hardly matters, the average shitter will take clicking a big "matchmake" button over taking ten seconds to actually locate a server browser
Then counteract at least one "average shitter" by playing on community servers, you stupid faggot. Even more if you can get friends.
>and Valve continually shitting on plugins ruined the biggest advantage of community servers anyways
Custom maps still work. Plugins still work. Custom gamemodes still work. Look at the aforementioned, which is literally just SLAG 2.0 in terms of custom content. Go looking for community servers instead of throwing up your hands and going
do i reinstall tf2 bros
i really have nothing else to play but seeing that matchmaking is fucked and i need shitloads of macros to play normaly tick me off
why would you need macros to play
Go find a community server and help keep it alive.
>game is already good as it is
>being enjoyed by lots of people and has a comp scene separated from the main game
>valve listens
>games goes to shit and almost dies
Gee, i wonder why are they treated like the retards they are
Sixes being the competitive format made it worse. Highlander should be the only way to play TF2 competitively.
Verify game cache.
>implying that the comp scene asked for Valve to make it an official mode
I have an amazing spy disguise script that basically gives you the concise disguise menu (with obviously the ability to disguise add your own team) without bringing up an UI.
So you can be sapping a sentry while disgusting and it'll be much quicker.
To bad I never play spy.
Highlander is awful, though. It's too slow.
Check multiplayer options and make sure you have "Allow all custom files" enabled.
I agree in the sense that if TF2s competitive scene was bigger than Valve would focus more attention on it like they do Dota 2 and CS:Go
I've done that, i've uninstalled and reinstalled the game, edited settings in console, nothing is fixing it. I've submitted a support ticket but it's just been the copy paste "check the forums lol" answer they give without actually trying to help me out.
This really sucks, community servers were why I played this game for so long
All these arguments about Heavy and Engineer, how do we actually make them more fun to play?
>watch random crits video
>"yeah, these arguments make sense"
>find out there are actually plenty of more serious servers that remove random crits and weapon spread, he just wants it to be applied to TF2 at large so "casual is closer to competitive"
What the fuck lmao, are TF2 fags this retarded?
Also the game looks like a fucking clown threw up on it, damn shame it had such a good aesthetic.
I would still be playing TF2 if they had either
>official matchmaking for Highlander mode
>active Arena servers
I'm still pissed that Valve just dropped Arena completely
But why a madrill?
merge the spy and sniper into one class that is less effective at both of their jobs
I'm glad you're not in charge of anything
>>official matchmaking for Highlander mode
Why is that not a thing? Fuck 6s.
Sorry sniper/spy main, your class is cancer.
>being this retarded
Compfags are trully out of this world when its comes to stupidity
Highlander is literally never ever happening because the only thing that the devs hate more than 6s is the ability to change classes as the situation demands. They consider that a non-negotiable part of tf2.
They actually were planning 9v9 (not sure if it was Highlander specifically) in the competitive beta before MyM came out, but it was never implemented.
Seriously fuck 6s. The game feels like it's MADE for Highlander mode. It feels like a good hybrid of casual and competitive to me.
>getting threatened and upset by fucking Spy of all things
ppffahaha is this the true power of heavy mains?
*Valve hates BANNING the ability to change classes
Most of them did and most retards that wanted a comp mode and MM did screamed for it to be added. Even some e celebs bandwagoned that shit as if they have any idea about how matchmaking works
No arguments? I mean when I think about it or makes sense.
>ecelebs are the comp scene
He has genuine talent. But he got super butthurt that his high effort videos didn't get as many views as his low effort game commentary ones did so he kinda stormed off from making videos for a while.
You can only make them shittier and a shadow of what they used to be, you know, so the compfags dont cry about it and ban them anyways
n-no ur just dumb isn't an argument
Trying to force esports autism into the game is what took the life out of it, and the reddit personas refuse to admit it
Tough Shit and Meet Your Rage is all the proof we need
(X) Doubt
It's never happening because the game is too far in its waning period, not because of some arbitrary limitation. It's highly unlikely that more than a few devs are blind to the concept of "teams with one of each class"
>non-negotiable part of tf2.
Would be entirely different if they wouldn't listen to autistic 6s comp fags.
>the video I wanted to make only had 700,000 views while the videos you wanted got 1.2 million views.
>i'm leaving, fuck all of you
I'm thinking he's back
>It's highly unlikely that more than a few devs are blind to the concept of "teams with one of each class"
They aren't blind. They know it exists. They also know that it fundamentally isn't appropriate for a game like TF2 that was designed from the ground up under the assumption that you can and will change your class at any time to fit the specific situation that your team finds itself in. Forcing teams to run 1 of every class no matter what is anathema to the core idea of TF2. Disregarding literally everything else about how logistically impossible it would be to queue players in class-locked 9v9 matchmaking, this is why it will never happen.
When your argument is "me have no fun with this, this bad. You have fun with this? no care" there is not much to say.
And the other guy was retarded
>people losing their minds over community gamemodes
Never happened. Not even to mvm, only happened to comp and MM being forced to catter a handful or tards
They didn't listen to the compfags. Valve's 6s has no weapon bans or class restrictions. You can do silly shit like make a team of 5 demos and a medic in Valve's 6s, which is something that no league would ever let you do. That is Valve's official stance on competitive: absolutely 0 tolerance for class/weapon restrictions of any kind. How well do you think Highlander fares under this attitude, brainlet?
>Doesnt know how to read
Oh my poorr child
who /top scorer/ here
I keep getting rank 4 how do I top score?
>lenny face
the meme died long ago with the mlg montages why is this still a thing on tf2 jesus fuck
even that shit is considered spam in here
You know this is kind of a dishonest "damned if you do, damned if you don't" arguement because if a sizeable portion of the population DID play on no-crit servers you'd be saying that anti-crit people should stop complaining and play on their own servers
How dead is MVM?
okay user, you can relax your butthole. I'm not expecting it anytime anyway.
BTW matchmaking:
>Set which classes you're willing to play
>Offer lobby to enter.
>can accept or deny and keep looking
I could work out any logistics if it were my actual job, but something like that might work
dead but ironically more alive than competitive matchmaking
you need to get more generic lvl 4s out and then use rank-up-magic
He's coming back lads, ster's older brother STAR_ is back from the dead.
That's because Valve is pretty much hands-off and doesn't have a reasonably-sized team of people working on this shit. Either way, the lack of restriction actually affected the rest of the game in a negative way, as they balanced weapons for 6v6 as opposed to allowing for fun and frivolous weapons that aren't OP in casual play. I still can't believe they fucked up TWO weapons at once with the Sandman and Cleaver nerfs
Every single weapon that you ever though got nerfed in MyM because of comp was nerfed because snipers on 2fort cried about getting stunned/amby'd/etc while they were trying to idle on the battlements
Anti-critters need to fuck off back to League of Legends and Overwatch. You're all soulless jews who can't play any vidya unless you can profit off some e-sport scene or some shit.
Like 99% of online games these days are built around e-sports and TF2 HAS competitive stuff like no-random-crits vanilla servers and the whole fucking competitive mode, yet somehow it isn't enough for you faggots because you want to look cool towards your fellow leddit normalfag overwatch friends while playing le so much more challenging epic TF2.
TF2 is a relic of pre-competitive final destination shit multiplayer, maybe even the last standing one.