What are you expecting from Halo Infinite?
What are you expecting from Halo Infinite?
didn't they already say it was a reboot?
I'm expecting them to dress it up as a "we've learned from our mistakes" game, but ultimately its going to be just as shit as all the other 343 Halo's because they dont know how to make a good Halo game.
"They" have said literally nothing except for the game is running on a new engine.
343 are the most incompetent company I've seen and I'll have joy when I know all their staff are unemployed
Never played a game that isn't Halo, have you?
He was unironically one of the few good people at 343, jesus christ what a cunt. This basically confirms that sprint and advanced shit will be in Infinite, my hype is lowered immensely - still have hope for campaign, custom games and forge
This was said before the announcement of Infinite
Like a year before that
The art style of Infinite seems to be an indication of going back to the fundamentals of Halo
Hes right, why wold they make a game that feels outdated to the new gamers?
All the new old school styled games on steam dont sell anymore than 100k copies
>why doesn't this indie game sell as much as one backed by microsoft's advertising budget
Doom 2016 performed well. It's not pure classic, but at least it has no sprint.
Classic style multiplayer similar to Halo 2 but with better graphics and slightly faster speed, if its not like that then fuck them.
they only put Sprint in Halo because CoD did it, fucking faggots, if we didnt have CoD FPS in general wouldnt be nearly as cancer as it is today,dumb niggers invading gaming.
The only thing they've said is that the art style is going to have more semblance to older halo games. They never said anything about gameplay. Looks like this French guy is going to ruin yet another halo game. Cant wait until 343 shuts down. What a shitty fucking dev company that does not understand the series it handles nor its fans.
>if we didnt have CoD FPS in general wouldnt be nearly as cancer as it is today
This is the pot calling the kettle black.
>the dates right on the fucking tweets
Oh wow I'm a retard, that's weird I'm an autist with Halo and always on top of news - somehow I missed this
>The art style of Infinite seems to be an indication of going back to the fundamentals of Halo
They've been talking alot about and referencing CE and have t-shirts with the Halo 3 'Believe' slogan so maybe it is going to classic gameplay, on top of that it's a launch title for Scarlett which seems like they are trying to emulate the launch of the OG xbox. Jeez, the wait is fucking killing me - I just want to know if the gameplay is ADHD e-"""sport""" zoomer bullshit or classic gameplay
this, just make the base movement fast as fuck and remove sprint, clamber, boost, aim down sights, ground pound etc.
pretty much, i like the art style they are going for in Infinite as well, its just that the gameplay needs to reward skill and not copy CoD Shit.
Cod is just another version of halo, the shooters before halo feel the same way about halo you feel about cod.
>playing Halo past Reach
Halo is just a slower version of the shooters before with dual wield and vehicles on maps. In fact the only "influence" halo had on console fps games is fucking control schemes and 2 guns only, other than that I dont think there was ever any games jumping to be exactly like halo, but half a dozen games wanted to be the next CoD. Nice false equivalency.
Another 'we listened' game like Halo 5.
343 making an honest attempt at proving they can create a real Halo game at its core without tossing it away, or burying it under bullshit like Halo 5.
Sometimes I wonder how certain people hold their jobs positions
Halo invented DLC and matchmaking.
I love Bungie Halo.
343 Halo isn't bad because of sprinting. Sprinting is fine.
I give. Tom French has earned the right to talk a little shit. He produced the most incredible Forge mode the series has ever seen.
But fucking hell something tells me it's already gone to his head.
>and have t-shirts with the Halo 3 'Believe' slogan
Really? that's a bit on the nose
Why does she look like a guy in a wig?
Sprinting is far from fine, but there are bigger issues in the game.
>343 Halo isn't bad because of sprinting
You're right, it's bad because of the shitty balancing and map design decisions they make because of it.
Clamber hurts the game much more than sprinting ever could.
Yes really, probably just to rope in people into a false sense of hope for classic Halo
Note that I said "hold", not "earn".
I'm not gonna deny he made some neat shit, I too spent hundreds of hours at Halo's forge.
But there's a point where people makes certain statements that the first thing I think is "how many cool features might we lost due these poor point of views"
I just want games to be better, and the more vocal people became and easier it was to jsut post something online, the more I realized a lot of people are either one trick wonders or can't deal with the fame and they think they're big shit.
>take the biggest gaming franchise of the 2000s
>make it into a niche franchise that only some people play
How do you fuck up this badly?
I defended Clamber for a solid 2 years, until the customs browser was added and I could play launch maps with increased jump height.
It fucks up everything about the pacing. Everything.
At least with Sprint you are always facing the direction you want.
Dumbest thing I've read
Those are not good things my man
Yup. A map designed for sprint can still be traversed without the ability. You literally cannot play Halo 5 without clambering or making the jumps even floatier than they are now.
But it's right. Overpriced map packs were unheard of before Halo 2, and making multiplayer easy for normalfags killed server browsers.
simply make walls higher so you cant use clamber. Clamber solved
With sprint you cant do anything to nullify the ability, sprint is objectively worse
>shitty balancing
>when halo 3 and reach balance was shit tier
It's not about nullifying the ability, it's about clamber ruining map design even more than sprint ever could. Sprint is least bad in 5 because at least the pistol can shoot instantly out of it.
good video
Failure and excuses, Frank.
Reach's balance was firmly "okay". There were enough weapons with a purpose, but all of the bloat meant plenty of weapons were useless.
You don't need any more than 10 weapons to make a good weapon set for Halo.
not a halo fan what's wrong with sprinting
>goes from "invented DLC" to "they charged more than others for new content"
Wew. And MM existed well before Halo implemented it
When Infinite is released there will be more Halo games that have had enhanced mobility options than "classic" Halos.
>making multiplayer easy for normalfags killed server browsers
Server browsers continued to exist well after Halo's popularity, it wasn't until Overwatch that they died. Now everything is run on dedicated servers that are owned the by company and everybody has to play by their rules.
>>goes from "invented DLC" to "they charged more than others for new content"
DLC expansion packs didn't exist before Halo 2.
>MM existed well before Halo implemented it
Prove it.
yeah still dont think so.
Its not always about map design either.
The whole sandbox has to be designed around sprint, guns are more precise and the player has a huge hitbox, vehicles like the scorpion are less of a threat because players can just sprint up to it and plant a grenade, enemies have to move 1.5 faster and shoot faster projectiles because they need to be balanced somehow around the players altering speeds and etc.
>still cryin about "ads" in halo 5
You can tell when someones never played the game when this complaint comes around. The "ads" in halo 5 was just cosmetic change for zoom. It doesnt even slow you down and the time to the scope is the same time for the previous halo
Halo's TTK is too slow, so it turns into a defensive ability. It takes away your ability to shoot, forces you into a single direction, and unnecessarily elongates map designs while filling them with dead space.
because you have no tase
343 shills on suicide watch
halo is unreal tournament at half speed without the ability to air steer so you have to be intelligent about your jumps
its a shame 343 is this bad at designing games because i would legitimately buy an xbox for a new halo title that's even half as appealing as halo 3
Halo has always been scope in
It took a while for the seeds to germinate, but they were planted by Halo.
Reachs game breaking abilities threw the balancing out of wack. The person made armor lock and jetpacks deserve a noose
Nothing, they just cant accept change and want the same game over again.
I started on reach and didnt even finish the previous games, way too slow.
>simply make walls higher so you cant use clamber. Clamber solved
No. NO. Holy shit.
It already feels like you're a toddler trapped in a baby crib as it is. Decrease the height of ledges. Make the jump mechanic adequate again. Improve ease of vertical motion out of the box, it does not hurt the game to have smooth elevation changes, christ.
Sprint however comes with one big flaw that carries over to Clamber, it's not a substitute for adequate base movement. Jump height, strafe acceleration, movement speed, player gravity. These MUST be adequate out of the box.
I'm going to say it. Fans demands ruined halo 5. The story was weak but the multiplayer was fantastic until 343 started making changes based off fan feedback. The pro scene died because of pro players forcing shitty changes.
>guns are more precise
Good. They should have been to begin with.
>vehicles like the scorpion are less of a threat because players can just sprint up to it and plant a grenade
Also good. Vehicles should never be an easy Unfig for whoever gets it first.
classic gravity (high jumps, soapy movement)
simplified visuals
funny writing
actual memorable characters
tone down the shitty forced drama
no ADS
none of the above
"diverse cast"
At this point, 343 should just stop shitting all over the Halo legacy and just start a new franchise. They've done so much damage.
Don't tase me bro
the "pro scene" died because Halo 5 died
Halo 5 died because it aimed for e-sports bullshit from the start
>In fact the only "influence" halo had on console fps games is fucking control schemes and 2 guns only
>regenerating health
>slow movement speed
>cinematic story campaign with a.i.-buddies (fps campaigns before halo were more akin to dungeon crawlers, with minimal story and the player left by themselves to navigate a hostile environment)
Halo 4 died faster and it catered to casuals exclusively.
fuck off boomer
Corresponding post end number is how the game will play.
1)Halo CE
3)Titanfall 2
4)Black Ops 3
5)Destiny: The Taken King
6)Halo 4
7)Fallout 76
8)Gears of War 3
9)Halo 3
Dubs)Arma 2
Trips)Unreal Tournament 2000
No, just Halo.
Okay, so youre actually a moron.
Opinion discarded.
>tone down the shitty forced drama
THIS. The halo 4 and 5 campaigns tried way to hard to be moody and epic and just ended up shitty. You can make cutscenes where people aren't screaming at each other you know.
Its funny because its true.
Fucking explain yourself.
They died because they catered. They should make the halo they want to.
>wanting to move away from halo 3's slot machine makes you a moron
could work if you play as a marine instead of a spartan. Wouldn't work at all playing as a spartan.
slot machine? What are you on about?
The only slot machine halo has had is that P2W warzone mode from h5.
Slow, outdated console shooter with overly simple mechanics.
Warzone wasn't p2w tho.
The BR was designed to be random.
Simple mechanics is not a negative.
It is for longevity.
Nah I want my shooters lookin like WoW UI playing an enhancement shaman in WOTLK
Have a 0.1% chance you get a super powerful weapon vs just outright being able to buy them with real money
Never said anything about h3 in the first place.
But you did say, or at least imply, that accurate weapons are bad.
You can't buy weapons outright. The only way to get them is through the packs. And you can easily earn enough to unlock everything.
1. You slow down using ADS.
2. Your accuracy improves using ADS.
Fuck your mother, 343fag.
If you were alive in the 90s youd know "expansion pack" was the term for DLC back then and a shit ton of games had them. Regardless: en.m.wikipedia.org
As for matchmaking, I guess halo 2 was one of the first to not use server browsers
>1. You slow down using ADS.
Not in Halo 5
>2. Your accuracy improves using ADS.
Zooming in improved accuracy in every Halo.
Yes it was.
He means Halo 3 has too many coin toss elements to it, which is kinda true. Vehicles are OP as shit when Laser is on cooldown which causes a huge snowball effect if even one vehicle is kept in play (they easily dodge the BR). Most weapons don't shoot straight at all, regeneration field is complete bullshit and lets players instantly turn around a fight they lost, with no way for the opponent to tell it's being held.
Simple =/= shallow
>"expansion pack" was the term for DLC back then
An "expansion pack" didn't sell 3 maps for $10.
yeah, but zooming in wasn't available for every weapon, retard
Yes, its bad when someone can snipe you with the plasma pistol a kilometer away, this isnt Battlefield.
Pretty sure i remember 343 shilling packs that included like 10 norfangs in them that you could buy with real money to gain an advantage.
Good thing Halo is both.
Go ahead and try zooming in with the SMG in halo 2, 343fag.
And zooming in 5 doesn't increase accuracy on every weapon.
>its bad when someone can snipe you with the plasma pistol a kilometer away
You could do that in CE.
>The only way to get them is through the packs
Which you instantly have more of if you pay real money.
halo ce had health pick ups and plenty of games featured regenerative health before halo 2
I already mentioned movement speed, but I fail to see how halo is the first game to feature slower movement, or how them opting for not having 40mph movements is what shook the industry.
Again, wrong, and not even an awful thing. You were even alone for like 90% of the campaign in halo ce.
You still haven't said how it is at all.
So were arguing over your emotions over some paid bonus content and not the actual facts, got it.
Confirmed 343fag that has never played Halo CE. If you think sniping with a plasma rifle was possible in CE, you have never played CE.
>You could do that in CE.
A bit different when that game didnt have the magnetism that the sandbox in 5 created.
Each Halo's gameplay is stagnant, they're all solved within 1-2 years of launch, with the only real change in the metagame coming from shuffling around item spawns.
It was perfectly accurate and had an uncapped fire rate. If you lead your shots, you'd melt someone.
Every Halo has magnetism.
No, we're arguing over Halo introducing cancerous practices that have put video games into the spot they are now.
Okay so every game had magnetism and capable sniping sandbox from the get go anyway?
Why not revert back then?
Halo 5 did revert it, by getting rid of the RNG on weapons meant to be accurate. Halo 3 and Reach were absolute cancer because their main guns were designed around randomness.
We arent talking about the BR variants, were talking about the whole sandbox. Which 5 fucked up
I don't see why you people are so determined to blame Halo instead of Microsoft.
>they're all solved within 1-2 years of launch
So what's the problem here
It takes about a month to master powersliding in Crash Team Racing, and only about a day or two to master web-slinging in Spider-Man 2, yet those are still two incredibly deep mechanics.
Deepest mechanics in Halo are jumping and crouching. If you learn the map you can go from one floor of the map to the next in the middle of a gunfight and seriously throw someone off, and while crouching you can dodge the radar and clear higher ledges, but only if you know the game, and know what you're doing without even facing the ledges.
Except map packs are a thing of the past now because weve moved on to fortnite tier battlepasses and freemium methods. And again I linked you proof that halo wasnt even the first, even at those prices.
To be total garbage like the last one and the one before that. Imagine actually getting hyped for Halo lol
There's nothing wrong with higher accuracy across the board.
>So what's the problem here
Every game plays out exactly the same, there is nothing to learn or improve upon.
You just said that the sandbox was always accurate anyway though? What the fuck?
You're not willing to substantiate this at all. Stop expending the effort for such a weak stance
>Except map packs are a thing of the past now because weve moved on to fortnite tier battlepasses and freemium methods.
And map packs got people comfortable with the idea of paying more for a barebones game to begin with.
What is ADS and Sprint? I only played Halo 3 aka the best Halo game.
Why do I need to hold your hand and tell you that stagnant games are boring? There's nothing to learn, it's going to be the same shit until a developer comes in to change things and force progress. It's shit.
>Why do I need to hold your hand and tell you that stagnant games are boring?
On the contrary, I need you to prove to me that's the case.
It was in CE, with Halo 2 being less so. Halo 3 was where Bungie decided that aiming was too OP and nerfed it.
Well again, Halo didnt start any trends that weren't already happening.
And expansion packs didnt do that to people to get comfortable with map packs? And old RPGs and MMOs that let you buy armor didnt do that? What about versions of the same game that had new content? Face it, you're fucking biased and are okay with some forms of butt fucking because they were before an arbitrary date by companies you like to think are more generous and friendly.
aim down sights, aka iron sights
>Halo didnt start any trends that weren't already happening.
It did, though.
It didnt, good job deflecting the rest of the post though faggot. You have no argument
Lmao not only is HE the one in the wrong here he clearly thinks hes better than everyone and is gods gift to halo.
So glad I didnt buy a Bone. Almost did twice.
You still haven't shown me any of these games with matchmaking before Halo 2 was released.
>Every halo thread that isnt lorefaggotry turns into the same sprint debate
i like sprinting, but i can see why people don't like it
how about making it so you can't sprint if your shields are down?
you can't fix ADS, it goes against what halo is designed to be, remove it
>changing the subject
Well at least you can admit defeat on the dlc aspect. Also why dont you give my post a quick read where I already addressed matchmaking
I won't, because DLC was included in free updates. It wasn't until Halo when maps became paid.
>how about making it so you can't sprint if your shields are down?
Making the abilities that were supposed to make your game more fun unfun is a terrible idea.
All of the abilites in 5 are just unfun because of restrictions.
Then why were you do quick to change subjects? Why did you not even try to address my post? Dumb faggot.
How about just increase the fucking run speed instead of adding sprint?
Because the rest of your post is meaningless. You can't get over your own biases of defending your favorite childhood game and the practices it introduced and popularized. You killed video games.
Halo isnt even my favorite fps game, it's just a simple fact that none of what you are saying is true.
There are multiple, multiple pictures, of MULTIPLE 343 industry devs, basically SHITTING on the playerbase. They fucking -hate- master chief. The community, has turned 343 against him, asking for cerrain things. anybody who expects anything out of infinity is delusional
Blaming Call of Duty solely/mostly for the state of FPS games is ridiculous given the influence of other games like Halo (See pcworld.com
There's nothing inherently wrong with Sprint and ADS in a Halo game, as long as the mechanics are balanced and the rest of the game preserves it's identity.
>halo ce had health pick ups and
It's a moot point anyway, as the next Halo game already had regenerating health.
>plenty of games featured regenerative health before halo 2
What FPS featured regenerating health before halo 2?
>I already mentioned movement speed, but I fail to see how halo is the first game to feature slower movement
Halo isn't a military simulation, it's an arena shooter. The fact that it had such slow movement for a genre all about fast movement is the issue here.
Sprint and ADS do nothing but slow down gameplay. Sprinting puts you at a draw first disadvantage, meaning it's worthless and rarely used at high level play. So you either sprint and die first, or don't use it and now you're moving slow as fuck. ADS hinders your movement speed, FOV and response to external threats,
Both are cancer and need gutted.
>Sprinting puts you at a draw first disadvantage
Depends on the delay before the weapon can be redrawn. On paper: sprinting is a risk/reward mechanic that allows players to either advance or retreat more effectively, which makes engagements more dynamic. Also: sprinting *needs* to have a drawback, inability to engage for a few moments after makes it risky.
>So you either sprint and die first, or don't use it and now you're moving slow as fuck
This dilemma is exactly why sprinting can be a good mechanic when balanced properly.
>ADS hinders your movement speed
In it's current form of implementation, not always, however. ADS can also make weapons more multifaceted, the choice between spraying and praying vs laying down controlled fire is an inherently interesting one.
>how about making it so you can't sprint if your shields are down?
Sprinting shouldn't 'disable' anything.
The biggest problem with the mechanic is that it keeps disabling other mechanics.
>aim down sights, aka iron sights
Still don't get it.
>A shield and full health = a shield and 1 bar of health
You are an idiot. And it's not moot because you retards are trying to say halo invented it or was the first to use it.
Those don't sound like a big deal.
>sprinting is a risk/reward mechanic that allows players to either advance or retreat more effectively, which makes engagements more dynamic
It adds 'randomness' to engagements. It makes teamshot even more ridiculous and less easy to predict, the player is not able to turn around as quickly and there is a handicap to firing their weapons or throwing their grenades, engagements. All for NO REASON.
There is nothing this adds to the game except make sprinting less enjoyable, and shooting less enjoyable. Both are fucking the player over at random.
>This dilemma is exactly why sprinting can be a good mechanic when balanced properly.
Error 404 - example not found
>Also: sprinting *needs* to have a drawback, inability to engage for a few moments after makes it risky.
It doesn't *need* a drawback in Halo. Nothing has drawbacks in Halo. That's what you and 343 are not getting.
Because of shields the TTK was high in every Halo game. The maps were designed for this and worked. Halo Reach introduced sprint as an ability that you could have like jetpack, hologram, dodge and more. Halo 4 just gives everyone sprint and you can have those other special abilities aswell. This leads to the gameplay becoming boring because every idiot can just run away from gun fights.
Imagine this
>A mode like the old Battlefront games
>You select a class and are dropped in to large scale battles with tons of bots and some other players
>Factions include Humans, Covenant, Flood, Forerunners, and Banished
>Pilotable scarabs and drop ships
Everyone just runs away when getting shot. It makes Halo become like CoD where no one shoots while moving. You are either sprinting or camping.
No one fucking dies, ever.
Halo 4 had like 6 game modes at launch and 2 of them were removed within the first weeks from matchmaking. Halo Reach had over a dozen game modes you could queue up for. Add to this the DMR just outclassing every single main gun in every single category apart from damage. It took the developers almost a year to fix this mess and have some "decent" matchmaking. There was no competitive game mode you could queue up for while Reach had Arena and MLG. Almost no fun game modes while Reach had more than enough of those in matchmaking. Spartans looked like power rangers and all the armor you could unlock was just so damn ugly that there was no point in trying to get it.
The game was unbalanced which made it not fun to play.
The game had no competitive mode which gave it no competition.
The game had barely any fun game modes which meant whenever you had a round it was against DMR abusers.
The game had no worthwile unlockables which gave you no reason to grind.
Everything 343i has ever done is shit, this includes every single one of their projects, including the Reach patch, Halo remakes, books, multimedia, apps, etc. Halo4 was a very good game because it made my decision to ignore the Xbone that much easier and permanently cemented the complete death of Halo.
Now, I understand the sprint meme (which fundamentally ruins the whole point of Halo) but it's a popular thing in shooters so the retard designers over 343i include it.
HOWEVER what I don't get _at all_ is the ADS, by which I assume it means bullet spread is affected by it (since technically ADS has been on every Halo in certain weapons, but didn't affect anything other than zoom). I don't have shit tastes do I don't own a Xbone, but from what I've heard ADS'ing actually affects bullet spread. Why include this? Why even further ruin Halo's core design? I mean, what's the purpose of it? Why not include ADS on every weapon but leave bullet spread unnafected? I see people with shit tastes complaining about the lack of sprint in old Halo games, but I've never heard anyone saying "FUCK! I WANT TO HAVE WORSE BULLET SPREAD WHILE OUT OF ADS!!"
4 campaign was garbage but the multiplayer admittedly was solid and I actually enjoyed playing it. Halo 5 introduced all this new shit which made it feel like a totally different game and the new shit wasn't even good shit so the game felt stale and boring. The multiplayer with the jet packs was un-halolike as fuck and definitely shouldn't have been added.
I have faith in Microsoft as a whole to put out good games now but I don't have faith in 343 specifically making a good halo 1-3 tier halo game.
>4 campaign was garbage but the multiplayer admittedly was solid and I actually enjoyed playing it
Fucking based, usually the lot the suck on 4's titty excuse it for having "such a great story" When it was the worst part about the game.