So "Gaben"... he's unbased because he doesn't allow you to play rape simulation on your pc?

>So "Gaben"... he's unbased because he doesn't allow you to play rape simulation on your pc?

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Other urls found in this thread:!TM4A1YKK!hrQONn3c3ZDCuMB0eu44QOdPhlQbDnvONS-LCm_yBzw

Why the hell hasn't someone just made a Porn Steam? Yeah, no, Steam doesn't want your porn games they just see some extra money dripping into the bucket but with so much controversy a purely dedicated platform for shitty porn games would be the best course

Not """unbased"""!!!! I said CRINGE!! You're just like the fucking roasties they keep forcing into my video games!!!

Because for some unknown reason, pornographic or even just lewd games are looked down upon by the general audience.

The problem is that Steam is ridiculously strict on content from English speaking developers, but allow Chinese trolls and Chinese de...trolls to put whatever stolen/warped content they have.

Quite so, madame. And now, I must needs do it in real life! Mylady, prepare thine vagina!

Slipped my mind who exactly but someone did try, starting with an officially translated Honey Select. Everyone shit on them for being a jew with shit translations before it happened because of their history though so I'm not sure it went anywhere.

>Tell me more about why you wanted to return this game after reading the developers twitter page

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>you mentioned another man
>yes, Chris. Why does he want his sister to get pregnant?

>not just creating a stable, reliable platform before pulling the sheets out from under everyone


>good thing i have all of these non steam non 3d rape vns

>You think they put black soldiers in your videogame to brainwash the children?
>yes, and it's obviously a scheme from the jews and the swedish cucks!
>I see...

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it has more to do with hypocrisy at one hand we murder people in video games all day but at the other we act as if sex is something horrible

Gaben probably has an elaborate rape dungeon under his mansion, why not let us plebs have a virtual one?

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>This fuckin' guy, he's posting about painting his fuckin' nails like a little fuckin' girl. And I'm supposed to be shooting aliens, and in the back of my mind I can't stop thinking about the little fucker behind it all. It's fuckin' sick!

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>Why the hell hasn't someone just made a Porn Steam?
Because everyone is dying to play the next meet n' fuck.

Because the same SJWs that want to have drag queen story time, will pressure payment processors to shut that website down.

Call me an "ist", you're only mad because I speak the truth.

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I'm dying to play the next Rance game. A porn steam would actually do good getting more porn games translated.

How can a man who holds back free expression that does no impinge on the rights, duties and obligations of another man be called based. That is not based, that is a jailer, that is a censor, that is a detriment, that is to put quote Decartes "most uncool.".

more like dr. milfi

I saw a therapist in University like three years ago and as a joke I decided to be 100% honest with her just to get her to do me and see her reactions.

I told her about normies, and Yea Forums, and my internet friends, and how the university was full of sluts and degeneracy and that I hate women and a bunch of other stuff. It was funny stuff I think. She really obviously didn't like me but I unironically think she got slightly redpilled on some things during the course of our sessions before I dropped out and went home.

Just to get her to dislike me* shit.

>I unironically think she got slightly redpilled on some things during the course of our sessions

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>I unironically think she got slightly redpilled on some things
lmao in your dreams, r/the_donald

We need fewer people charging for downloads, not more. It should be illegal to charge for a download. Most people who play games these days, especially on PC, are non gamer casuals that wouldn't play games without easy access granted by digital distribution platforms like Steam, they wouldn't even pirate, these same casuals are the ones that want censorship. By paying for a download you are voting with your wallet for censorship and voting with your wallet to give those casuals a voice and are a casual yourself.
Either buy a Japanese physical copy or pirate. Shit like this is and the Epic Store is a perfect time to start demanding DRM free physical releases but you drones are too busy praising le gaben
The fat kike was always unbased, Valve has done more damage to gaming than any other company.

>she got slightly redpilled
She was just pretending to gain your trust probably because she recognized you're a potential school shooter.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Nothing wrong with drag queen story time.
You're only mad because you're an authoritarian cuck who doesn't understand the difference between "harmful to society" and "harmful to my feelings".

psychiatry is at best a protoscience

>for some unknown reason,

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>she got slightly redpilled
Bet she thought you were mentally insane because you likely told her all these things in the most sperging out of ways and freaked her the fuck out. You dropping out was probably a relief for the faculty

explain the huge market for degenerate patreon porn games
no sjw would turn down the idea of having a centralized store for quality assessment for these, unless you've washed down the term sjw so much that it's meaningless

this but unsarcastically
i consider free speech a human right and people who try to take this away immediately go on my shitlist

SJWs shut those down.
"le degeneracy" is a rightarded buzzword used exclusively by double digit IQ subhumans, but it's actually the woman rights defenders who stop things that trigger the purists.

>no sjw would turn down the idea of having a centralized store for quality assessment
Having a store for any kind of adult material propagates pornography and pornography is rape.
Heterosexual sex is rape because women have no power in society and thefore cannot consent even if they say yes.

so sjw means terf and right wingers in your current definition
good to keep myself updated

Who gets to decide what's harmful to society?

It already exists, it's called nutaku/dlsite

>wanting to play this low effort daz3d renpy shit
even illusion games are better than this

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Researchers who eventually find that out after years of crunching data.
Certainly not shrieking "no fun allowed" cunts who use their "common" "sense" to paint everything they dislike as causing undefined events such as "downfall of the society".

Fakku. People don't like him because he sells fan scans and made sadpanda take a ton of shit down.

You got fakku and that sucks

>rape simulator
Why when you can go outside and do it IRl?

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>Yes, because since he won't let me rape fake women, I have to rape real ones now.
>I see "Sips water"
>You shouldn't have done that miss

Are you implying that researchers or science itself is outside the field of politics or ideology?
You want me to give you articles of scientists getting fired cause they tried studying politically incorrect stuff?

>even illusion games are better than this
need i remind you what happened with rapelay?
i dont want anyone telling me what i can or can't play, or what can and can't be made because enough people bitch and moan.

>Buying porn

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>it says here you enjoy killing and torturing people in video games
>and you think it's okay because they're "not real"

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You have to go a step above and stop relying on "one true proof that we're living in a conspiracy".
One of the hardest hurdles to cross from a normaltard to someone who can actually comprehend science is realizing that science is probabilistic. Every research is an approximation and they all have some errors, but they converge near expected value.

Edgy conspiracies about boogiemen controlling science and suppressing free thought work for few tries, but the truth eventually gets out, even if there are multibillion dollar interests to keep it contained.

There is a lot of idiotic, politically motivated research.
Religious loons trying to bend science to their worldview, insincere tycoons wanting to optimize the way they gain money.
Most of this shit gets stopped by peer review and only affects sciencelets who want to believe. Mainstream science is much more resilient to this shit.

definitions are worthless these days unless you know the person or organistation that is using them. TERF might mean a feminist who says that transwomen aren't women, it might be someone who even dares raise the issue of transpeople in regard to anything like the pillioring of various 2nd wave feminists who dared say that women are those with the XX chromosome in genotypical adults.

What up with you meme loving fucks and the inability of communicate WITHOUT memes?

I never said anything about a conspiracy, you fucking retard. I'm saying that science and scientists don't operate outside the field of politics and they're just as biased as the general population.
Do you trust any scientific research on the Quran from Saudi Arabia, or political science of communism from China? Then why do you trust "science" from lefty countries on the damage exposing kids to trannies/drag queens causes to them?
You expect American scientists to come out and say how niggers have a low IQ for biological reasons any day now? Are you really this fucking stupid?

They're not, and if you can't mentally seperate the two you have more issues than the fuck playing them

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Think about when you were 15 and had friends.... of wait, that's impossible. Just because you don't understand people doesn't mean you're wrong. You just have autism.

>So why do you want to pull this "Devil Trigger" and "Get Motivated"?

So basically, science doesn't come out with results that validate YOUR beliefs, so they're all wrong and delusional.
Them, not you. A whole field of learned experts and universities extant for decades, not you.
I see, that explains everything.

>next you'll call me a tranny and say I should kill myself

Stop being an angry retard, it's not helping you with anything at all.
>Do you trust any scientific research on the Quran from Saudi Arabia, or political science of communism from China?
If their methodology was right, there could be valuable insights in their work.
I get that you can't rate methodology because you're a brainlet, but there are plenty of people much smarter than you making sure that stupid crap doesn't get published in respectable journals.
>Then why do you trust "science" from lefty countries on the damage exposing kids to trannies/drag queens causes to them?
Because successfully hiding the truth from someone with even just my level of knowledge would require a massive conspiracy to explain why correct methodologies get wrong results and loons in shitholes get correct ones.

I don't even know why I'm telling you this, you clearly displayed inability to understand probabilistics and peer review. Are you underage? If you are, there's still hope for you.

it says right here my 5 makes you all my bitches

if you cant mentally separate rape in video games from rape in real life then you have much bigger issues

post Japan's reply to UN about UN telling them to stop making lolis

No, I'm saying that no matter how badly I wish the scientific community was purely motivated by objective truth, they are not. How can you even disagree with this?
Everything needs to be approved first. If you're a professor, you need approval to research something cause otherwise you get no funds. You only need the rights to be your paper published.
Tell me the place where I can publish my "scientific evidence that niggers have low IQ cause of their small brains" paper and I'll agree with you.

pretty much

but steam is exercising it's rights to not sell games including rape. the game itself isn't illegal you fucktard, gabe isn't having it removed from the earth

>Tell me the place where I can publish my "scientific evidence that niggers have low IQ cause of their small brains" paper and I'll agree with you.

>"scientific evidence that niggers have low IQ cause of their small brains"
Nowhere. And before you ask, the reason you can't publish that isn't because (((they))) control the world and hide the truth.
It's because that theory was already discredited, i. e. PROVEN WRONG, by peer review. You can't say niggers are stupid because of their small brains for the same reason you can't say bad air causes autism or that vermin spawns to life spontaneously if you keep trash around - it was proven not true ages ago.

Proven wrong by what?
Nice, but as proven by the autist that replied to me afterwards, that's largely ignored and dismissed.

I don't think he's asking about whether it's true or not, just about being able to be an edgelord.
Science has tolerance for bullshit and being wrong, you just have to use the correct methods to make sure it isn't obviously wrong.

You asked for ability to publish edgy shit. You got that.
Being able to convince people that your edgy shit is right is not a part of "the science". If you can't do that with merit alone, you won't convince scientists, only normies.

In this specific case, everyone ignores it because IQ being heritable doesn't imply much.
It doesn't mean "hurr niggers are subhuman", it means "low IQ people, regardless of race, will most likely have low IQ children".

And since IQ varies by race, that means some races have inherently lower IQ's.
This piece of science won't dictate policy because culture and ideology is rarely decided by scientific fact. That's the issue I'm pointing to.

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Ahem Ahem,

Gentlemem Gentlemen!

May I have your attention please!

*Clink clink clink*


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>Its the "anyone who has lower score than me on a test about matching patterns and shapes should be erased from the gene pool, but only if they're black, episode"

These reruns are getting out of hand

Asshurt nigger spotted
Pick my fucking cotton you smelly darkie

>And since IQ varies by race, that means some races have inherently lower IQ's.
No, it means that once you group population in arbitrary clusters, some of them will end up with lower IQ.
Race is not a useful measure outside sociology and certain specific guesses about health state.
>This piece of science won't dictate policy because culture and ideology is rarely decided by scientific fact. That's the issue I'm pointing to.
You'd need to invent a policy that could use the facts for it to matter.
Just saying "but niggers r dumm" doesn't point towards any policy. Especially when you consider that the policy would have to cover dumb whites just the same.

Normies being unable to accept science is a totally different issue. Global warming, obesity epidemic, tobacco - all this shit has been known to science for decades before normies started catching up with it.

I respect trannies.
They may be weird and want things done to themselves that I wouldn't want, but they aren't harming me or you in any way.

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Yes they are, and they're poisoning society with their delusions.
Fuck them.

Sorry dude, let me rephrase my post in a less offensive manner for you.

Nigger nigger.

>Race is not a useful measure outside sociology and certain specific guesses about health state.
And criminology, the health industry, pharmaceuticals, etc.
Also, very interesting to note that this "arbitrary cluster" shows the same pattern everywhere.
>Just saying "but niggers r dumm" doesn't point towards any policy.
Well, lowering the IQ is a form of dysgenics. Segregation sounds like a pretty good way of combating that.

Tards gonna tard, doesn't matter the race.
>the health industry, pharmaceuticals
Overrated as fuck. The differences here barely matter and are mentioned more in "but niggers" context than in actual discussions regarding health.
>Well, lowering the IQ is a form of dysgenics. Segregation sounds like a pretty good way of combating that.
But racial segregation is a retarded way of combating IQ drop.
It's not race, it's IQ (g actually). Dumb whites are closer to dumb blacks than to smart whites.

Racial segregation would only ensure that the problem is never fixed.

This. All the complaints that
>it doesn't matter, why do you want to see that in a game!?
Could be said about violence, if SNES Mortal Kombat came out today these idiots would defend that censorship too

There is no such thing as harmful to society, only harmful to cultures that make up society which change over time

>Tards gonna tard, doesn't matter the race.
You seem like a tard yourself. DNA evidence still determines the race of the culprit which is used in catching them.
>Overrated as fuck. The differences here barely matter and are mentioned more in "but niggers" context than in actual discussions regarding health.
Overrated according to what?
>Dumb whites are closer to dumb blacks than to smart whites.
Intelligent black immigrants have dumb black children on average.

Tobacco is the prime example of this shit, scientist lying to get grant money, all through the 1900s your pure objective scientists were lying through the ass to get morr money. Why should we believe them with something as subjective and backed by interest groups as video games.

Are you really this dense or only pretending?
For a while you managed to keep it down but now you're back to screeching like a subhuman.

He's right though, you should work on your nigger naggin fetish, it's affecting your cognitive skills.

You're doing the same

Go get a job you bum

This was meant for you

Scientists knew about tobacco long ago, it's just that normies and lobbies kept it down.

Retards love to pretend that "science isn't settled". The problem is, it often is settled for decades before normies start to realize it.
Anthropogenic global warming is a massive scientific consensus comparable to evolution. It has been like this for a decade. Doesn't seem to be swaying normies all that much.

Not an argument.

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>No, it means that once you group population in arbitrary clusters

No, he's unbased because he doesn't make good games and he instead uses lootboxes to encourage literal underage gambling.

>can't use genetic distance because it won't cluster "properly"
>can't use IQ
>can't use anything measurable because amerimutt-specific clusters won't cover yuro racial splits, african racial splits etc.
>b-but skin colors differ
>muh skull shapes, I bet we can use that!

Itt: triggered manlets that never touched a women

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I like videogames

Yeah, he does.

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What the fuck are you mumbling about? Race exists, and is most certainly not skin deep.

Think they changed the name to fly under the radar.

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>as a joke

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the market for porn games is very small and the people that play them are looked down on (rightfully)

Scientific concept of race doesn't exist. It hasn't been defined in a measurable way.

>it's ok for (((them))) to include rape, sex, drugs, violence, death, murder and much more in movies and tv shows
>it's ok for (((them))) to take advantage of literal retarded girls like Hannah Hay and turn them into pornstars
>it's NOT ok to make a VISUAL NOVEL about rape, sex, murder unless you're one of (((them)))

>because im an insecure manlet with no friends

>can't use IQ
Why do you accept such variations in dog breeds but not people? Are we not animals?

Attached: IQ test race.jpg (900x1140, 378K)

the state of incel pol

It has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt that there are human sub-races within the human species. This is a universally accepted fact amongst the scientific community.

But the thing is, we never needed the scientific community to know this. Our instincts are enough, we've evolved to identify these markers which tell us whether someone belongs to the same race as us, or not.

>try to use IQ as a proxy for race
>turns out white nationalists are closer to black average than to white average

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this is what the schools are teaching kids now

>This is a universally accepted fact amongst the scientific community.

You're the one claiming race isn't measurable, when it clearly is, and that race "isn't accepted" by scientists. The burden of proof is very clearly on you, especially considering we're discussing a topic which has been very well established scientific fact for many decades.

Anyone recommending Sealed Room Breed 2 yesterday, thank you. Now that's quality rape game worth defending.
Fuck maidenhood ending, I can't get it no mater what I tried.

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>I unironically think she got slightly redpilled
that's how therapists work in the first place retard, gain your trust

Steam has plenty of games already with rape, but the rape in those is handled either as punishment for failure, or as a story development element. Rape Day simulator being turned down to be sold on the platform isn't really surprising considering how it handles the rape premise compared to those other games.

A legitimate point could be lack of clear guidelines for developers to develop around, to be featured on the store. On the other hand is it really possible to describe in detail all the possibilities a game can and cannot be? What themes it can and cannot feature and under what context? Due to the diversity of possibilities in the medium it probably would be difficult to make a future proof list. I'd rather they'd be curating case by case basis, than ban games based on broad stroke guidelines.

big woop. I move on.

You can determine what race someone belongs to by a single strand of their hair. And this guy is claiming there's no such thing as race, what a fucking joker lmfao

>Why the hell hasn't someone just made a Porn Steam?
They have it's called Patreon

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>cry about white nationalists
>while saying blacks have lower IQ than whites
well ok

Give the scientific definition of race then.
Note: scientific definition can't be based on a set of examples, like "those are black and those are white".

Holy fucking autism. How can anyone be this delusional? Enjoy being on every list imaginable. What a retard.

>Give the scientific definition of race then.
A group of people whose genes and DNA cluster more closely together than another group of people.

Pretty damn easy.

this new meme is pretty funny, better than wojak edits ar least

No, he'd be based if he kept porn off steam entirely, period. Same for guroshit. Gaben has always been "unbased" because he allowed valve to shit on the legacy of HL1 by releasing garbage like HL2, let TF2 become a mass full of furries and other mentally ill retards obsessed with their pretty pixels, took Portal 1 and turned it into a reddit pandering shitfest, let Artifact came out, fought for two fucking years straight to not give out refunds despite EA's Origin, OF ALL PEOPLE giving out refunds for games first, bullied the shit out of the Vampire the Masqurades devs because Gabe was too stupid to not use the same password for everything and got their magnum opus leaked, let Half Life Source come out as a buggy, broken mess despite the unfinished beta leak of the game being more stable, forced players into using DRM to play singleplayer only games (HL2, Portal) and much, much more.

So no, fuck valve, and fuck steam. Not letting rape shit on the store isn't anything to care about unless you're a total degenerate. You should care instead about how Valve has been gladly taking your money and consciously fucking consumers in their favor, not about getting your rocks off you stupid faggots.

First off I'm not a white nationalist.
Second obviously there are variances within a group, I'm not denying that. There are plenty of black people that are more intelligent than your average asian or person of jewish descent.
I'm not who wants to divide races or whatever, I just think in trying to deny those people ammunition they would use to oppress, we've stuck our head in the sand about our own biology. People vary by race and there's nothing wrong with that, nor should we act on it, only those who fear natural selection would do that.

I heard patreon start cracking down on porn?

>family is a race
Are you baiting or really this retarded?

I'm so sorry that you don't understand that there's more than one gene, or more than one strand of DNA. I'm so sorry that you were born retarded.

Real question now: What is the problem with simulating rape on fictional characters?
I dont play porn games but i really dont she the issue with people who do.
Can someone please answer me?

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you're already on a number of lists if you browse Yea Forums

Valve doesn't want that shit on the store, simple as that. While they're at it, they need to remove all of the other porn games too. The moment you allow porn games, you have to start allowing either all of them, or none of them. You can't arbitrarily draw lines, or else it's retarded.

The internet is populated by soccer moms now

It is disturbing.
Reminder, napoleon thrown that sado guy to prison because he thought his novels sucks and disturbing.

>Hey gave, wanna play the rape game.
>that's the spirit.

He was asking for it.

...Well, I guess you're perfectly sane, mr. GigaCHAD. Have a nice day.

Most online payment gateways will refuse transactions for pornographic content

Because people hate DRM and having to use additional launchers. Steam is okay because Valve was first in most people's eyes. It's hypocritical but most people are retarded.

I think it's just a slippery slope argument.
But then I've just been stabbing people in VR and still literally don't want to hurt an insect.
We're both a logical and emotional species so it makes sense we would have some weird dissonances like this in our society.

Probably basic human decency. Plenty of games with rape on steam, but they're handled more tastefully and are not strictly molestation simulators. I play porn games, but i'm not surprised steam doesn't want this one. Makes sense to me.

>I just think in trying to deny those people ammunition they would use to oppress, we've stuck our head in the sand about our own biology.
It's not about denying ammunition, it's about actually using science instead of trying to shoehorn intuition into places that aren't intuitive.
There were many attempts to establish scientific definition of race. All of them were rejected due to being too blurry and failing too often.

People vary in certain clusters, but whenever someone tries to name those clusters, they end up trying to shoehorn them into their own ideas of how things should be, not what they are.
If you dumped human DNA sets into a typical statistical algorithm, you wouldn't get neat, separable clusters where for vast majority of points you could say with high certainty that this is white and this is black. You'd get a bunch of point clouds that mesh heavily and don't translate into phenotypes all that well.

And the clusters that do exist aren't really useful for science.
They "are there", but the only people who try to use them for policies are always incredibly biased loons.

I did something similar, although I was conflicted at the time because while left leaning on most issues I do support gun rights and tired of left rhetoric about free everything

I got told if I wasn't going to take counseling seriously that I should leave, which surprised me because they were the ones asking me all the questions

>If you dumped human DNA sets into a typical statistical algorithm, you wouldn't get neat, separable clusters where for vast majority of points you could say with high certainty that this is white and this is black
Actually, you could absolutely do it and it is absolutely being done

Haplogroups are race

There has to be gameplay for it to be a simulation

A PowerPoint is not a game

A good rape game is this

> and tired of left rhetoric about free everything

We should start by getting rid of free speech

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Read the rest of the post.
The clusters are a mess.
It only works if you consider "90% chance to be black" to be a race. And then you get obvious whites categorized as blacks.

They crossbreed more than Americans.

I done with steam. I see they ban fictional characters in pornographic situations. When actually sex crimes are being commited, the crickets chip and the tumbleweeds blow on by. All that damn virtue signalling will save nobody.

You really think someone who’s into rape will just keep it on the web? Really?

Honestly I’m all for this being a thing cause it’ll create a database for rape apologists that the NSA and FBI can track. Maybe then we can gas em all

>The clusters are a mess.
>It only works if you consider "90% chance to be black" to be a race. And then you get obvious whites categorized as blacks.
Your inability to translate numbers into reality doesn't disprove the existence of race

>You'd get a bunch of point clouds that mesh heavily and don't translate into phenotypes all that well.
Eh kind of? No more than other animals that we're happy to divide into subspecies.
I just like biology and feel annoyed when we need to tiptoe around humanity because of racists.

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>that graph

Its confirmed European whites are lower on the graph than africans, and americans are barely higher than africans.

Take that racists.

>PCA, known for fragility to component selection ie. cherry-picking
>850 samples
>non-african samples still meshed despite that
Now define race from this.
Where does race start and end on this chart? What to do when this measure is in obvious conflict with observed phenotype?

>"Excuse me, miss. I'm looking for a game for my grandchild, Thomas. He's done so well in middle school just like his father at that age. It's no wonder though. They got all the smarts from my late husband, god bless him."
>clerk: "What kind of game are looking for, madam?"
>"Oh yes, the game. It has to be a computer one. A computer game my grandchild Timmy would like. Yes, a computer game for grandchildren."
>clerk: "Okay. How about a Steam gift card? That way he can pick the game himself and -"
>"Steam? Oh no, I heard all about that awful place of Fox news. You know, the big scandal about the - may god forgive me - R A P E they did of that computer girl. I do hope she ended up alright, but Steam is out of the question. Besides I'm pretty sure Alexander has an electric computer. Just show me where the games about Jesus, bless him, are. I'm sure a modern girl like you can help me out. I must say times are changing. Back in my day a pretty girl like you wouldn't grow out her leg hair. Honey and sugar would do the trick-"

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Jesus fucking christ, this guy

>Now define race from this.
Why do we for other animals then?

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Free speech has done nothing but give a voice to subhumans and ruined society

Shutup China, stay on your side of the wall!

>muh PCA plot proves race

Because other animals have greater genetic distances between clusters, aren't so interbred, cluster neatly.
Dog races are somewhat of an exception, because those are defined by cultural means, not science. Yes, including pitbulls - especially those. Pitbull isn't a breed, it's a broad, unspecific name describing the look more so than anything else.

>tfw went from incel to goodboy
Self loathing hurts less people than loathing

Attached: 1425940305990.gif (235x240, 1.25M)

Cringe Cringe Cringe
Cringe Cringe BASED
Cringe Cunny Cringe

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Your post is not true.

Attached: le biased truth about race.gif (2970x2400, 851K)

How is her (male) post not true?

you're committing a fallacy, just because the boundaries are fuzzy does not mean they don't exist.

where does green end and blue begin? yet no one tries to redefine what blue and green are. try again.

shut it down

>no cum shot in Rapeday
and to the trash it goes

Attached: into the trash.jpg (300x400, 31K)

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>the Lewontin's fallacy fallacy
A definition for "color" has to cover green, blue and everything in between.
If you try to define color as "green or blue", your definition is shit.
So far the offered definitions for race break down. They expect green, blue or teal and pigeonhole red into one of those.

Race is not measurable, not provable. It's intuitive and results in arbitrary clustering Texas sharpshooter shit.

There are plenty of fuzzy definitions that produce workable examples.
For example, in linguistics. Language is incredibly subjective and inherently fuzzy. If you tried to "measure language", you'd end up with something retarded. That's why there are no pushes to enforce language boundaries, unlike with race.

You are speaking complete and utter fucking garbage that in NO WAY disproves the existence of race. You're fucking coping, mutt

Unless you come from a long line of inbreeding you aren't "pure" yourself faggot.

Nigga chill
I only wrecked your worldview by using science, I didn't fuck your mother or anything like that.
Use it as a chance to learn and become less brainlet, not as an invitation to screech.

how can you be depraved and wholesome?

>Race doesn't exist because you can't clearly define colors.

What do you mean? He finishes inside each time?

Any normal human being can clearly see the difference between a MUTT and a pure human being whom may or may not have an ancestor or two once going back hundreds or thousands of years, there's a BIG difference.

>different groups of people
>separated by mountains, deserts, oceans
>breeding among themselves with little to no breeding with other groups of humans
>all of them living literally under the whole spectrum of environments and ecosystems
>building different cultures and ideas
>for many, many generations for some millenniums

>"there aren't any differences between races"

Attached: wojak hmm.png (645x773, 11K)

Depraved doesn't mean evil, it means you offend someone's sensibilities.
In an evil society, good would be depraved.

Therefore it should be easy to wrap it in a measurable scientific definition. Right?
Then why hasn't anyone managed to do that?

Can you clearly define the difference between red and green?
Checkmate nazi.

I only extracted the pictures and there is no cum even if he does a creampie

Attached: StripingBeach1.jpg (1280x720, 416K)

>B-b-because my f-friends from /pol/ said he's a g-globalist who wants to kill the w-white race

Good thing your kind are at the bottom of the society and in no way have impact on anything that matters.

It has been, numerous times.
A group of people whose genes and DNA cluster more closely together compared to another group of people.
That is the definition of race.

Said the american fastfood worker trying to pay off his student debts after studying "Gender and race" in collage.

You guys realize your muh dick attempts to feel superior is the reason the scientific community can't risk acknowledging human races to the plebs right?
Do you sperg out when dogs are cross bred?

Attached: fiEF1Y6.jpg (400x466, 99K)

Jokes on you retard, i'm unemployed!

Where in my post do you see any "muh dick" attempts at "feeling superior"?
Are you schizophrenic?

What about this asian/slav mix?

Attached: 019 - Sw0xI0W.jpg (1280x853, 123K)

So you are the bottom scrape of the barrel of society then?

Throwing rocks, glasshouses etc etc . .

It can be inferred through your capitalization of mutt, you feel threatened by a natural process

You can have a definition of red that is measurable and verifiable.
It won't always "map" to the same intuitive understanding, but it can always be repeatable and objective.

For example, if you define red light as "containing 90%+ of photons with wavelength from range from x1 to x2", you can repeat the same experiment over and over and most likely get the same results of "is this flashlight producing red light".

So far race doesn't have nice clusters like that.
Maybe someday some edgelord will figure out a way to classify everyone into nice boxes.
Until that day, racialism will stay a pseudoscience. already exists

Creating artificial societies where racial interbreeding is promoted in order to create more easily exploited consumers is in your view a "natural process"?

That's not a scientific definition.
It's not verifiable for one. It doesn't even hint on what clustering method should you use to get the rightthink results.

>So far race doesn't have nice clusters like that.
Yes it does.

>we murder people in video games all day

Maybe you do. I don't play barbaric subhuman games like that.

>That's not a scientific definition.
Yes it is.
>It's not verifiable for one
Yes it is.
>It doesn't even hint on what clustering method should you use to get the rightthink results.
This sentence doesn't mean anything in the english language.

Define "subspecies", nigger.

maybe if you're into normie shit lmao

Attached: olgkmojsIs1tydz8to1_500.gif (500x500, 256K)

Great, present your research to scientific community and become known for finally achieving what racialists have been trying to do for decades.
I'm sure that peer review will find your works flawless of methodological problems.

>human races don't exist because you can't define races in the exact same way you define different colors

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It's only able to be promoted because people sperged out.
Immigrants are primarily done to continually increase population to counter the population growth decline that all developed nations go through as child mortality decreases, to accommodate our consumerist economy.
It's not all just those weird self loathers in Sweden.

>Implying the fatass incels that play rape sims could ever catch up to a girl, let alone physically force one to do anything without suffering from cardiac arrest

It already has been, by many people, many decades ago.

Here's an example of work that has resulted from such scientific knowledge:

What game

The best dog races started out of cross breeding though. (pic related)

>I can't define it but it's real and can be measured
>source: dude believe me


>so you want me to prescribe you not pills, bit a picture of an alien fucking a guy on a rock?

Now it's time for you to present it to the scientific community in such a way that it has no major methodological errors and actually implies what you say it does.
That hasn't been done yet.

Is anyone actually interested in the game? It looked awful. If I want to fuck my waifu, I just play honey select or sims4

Why are /pol/cucks so obsessed about genetic purity when our ancestors were literal fucking apes and cavemen living in shit huts?

I can define it.
A group of people whose genes and DNA cluster more closely together than another group of people.

Yes it has. Pretending it hasn't doesn't mean it hasn't. Now fuck off and continue studying for your upcoming gender studies test.

Its called a joke dumbass. No wonder you appear to be on the spectrum.

>he believes the now heavily questioned "out of africa" theory
>he believes the fact that human beings utilized caves makes them worse compared to modern humans
one of your ancestors from 20k years ago would single handedly crush the skull of 100 of your most recent ancestors

The point being it's not to dumb down the masses, it's for economic reasons. The elite class doesn't care about pol's cuckold fantasies, we're all dumb enough to do what we're told as it is.

You throw jokes around like a woman then, nobody is able to tell that you're joking.

That was my point, it's not always bad.
Pugs absolutely withered under inbreeding.

Lmao let that nigga try

Yes, a daily dosage too.

"Politicians" creating a situation which results in shrinking native population, which then gives them the "justification" for non-native immigration in order to decrease the economic power of the natives, in order to increase their own economic power, is in your view a "natural process"?

I don't even understand why you're replying to me. You're right about the things you write, you're literally explaining to yourself why racial interbreeding isn't natural.

Wow I'm sure a visiting million year old civilization would be more impressed by the angry cave nigger than any of his recent ancestors then
Basically the "muh dick" argument lmao

>Pretending it hasn't doesn't mean it hasn't.
Oh so it's a conspiracy now.
All the biologists who demand actual rigor are just brainwashed leftist chads and roasties who study gender studies.
The gender studies pink-haired man-dyke brainwashed them with SJW terms like sample size, linear separability, reproducibility, confidence, distribution, prior and posterior.

If they only knew that cherry picking data mining results leads to true understanding of the world!


>Oh so it's a conspiracy now.
No there's no conspiracy at play here. The existence of the various human races is mainstream established scientific fact, you're simply pretending it isn't.

Speak for yourself, nigger.

The interbreeding part is even if the importation rate isn't, we weren't just going to massively increase the operating range of our species without spreading genes.


????????? yourself you stupid might makes right nigger

>we weren't just going to massively increase the operating range of our species without spreading genes.
This isn't true. You can decide whether you want to increase the operating range of your race by spreading your genes to other races, or by other means.

You're the only claiming mainstream accepted scientific fact isn't the case, the burden of proof to disprove the existence of the well established scientific fact of human races lies on you.

no, gaben is unbased because he has his head stuck in his ass. People ask for valve games and he produces a ducking card game. Publishers want a higher share and leave and gaben expects his army of loyal fanbois to shill everywhere
That 30% per sale is very high and archaic. There is no reason why it should still be this high. Hopefully he'll get his head out of his ass in the coming month/years

Alright, that was interesting. Now I'm off to have dinner with some white people, whom I can easily identify as belonging to the European Race by the way they look. And seperate them from people in our surroundings which are not of the European Race by the way that they look.

As any human being of average intelligence or more, can.

Oh no, an mspaint comic, now we lost the argument

In fairness it's easy to convince people when you contrast African IQ's to a gorilla that can do sign language. There's a lot of stuff that's just not easy to argue against.

>No he's a fucking hack who lied through is fat mouth for over ten years about hl3 and just laughs about it in the fans' faces. No one at Valve even gave a single fuck about Half-Life's 20th anniversary.

Attached: chainsaw-guy.jpg (1134x1693, 634K)

We all came from a fucking fish user

>another rape day thread
>devolves into something completely off topic
Every time. If valve didn't allow porn games on steam this all could have been avoided. Allowing porn games and greenlight has been nothing but pure cancer for the quality of the platform.

You should start looking at europe first you obsessed moron. The females there bitch about the same shit.

>implying i would ever go to a jew liberal psychologist to feed me bluepills

fuck off. i wont be convinced to dismantle the white race by some fucking jew.

Dunno if you noticed but our ancestors went on to create the internet whilst Africans are still literal fucking apes living in shit huts.

So did rats. You're one of them.

We aren't related directly to rats though like our actual common ancestor. You know nothing user.

I don't come from niggers either.

Yes you do. All humans come from Africa, we evolved lighter skin after moving into Europe.

Attached: c2O_RwPU_400x400[1].jpg (400x400, 24K)

European culture is just exported american culture these days

>m-muh ancestors
>meanwhile you're sitting in a basement, trying to feel better about yourself by bringing up shit you had no role in

You're implying the niggers of today = niggers of 100,000 years ago?
That's pretty racist, user.

It's getting hot in here doc, i can't focus

What bothers me most about this whole situation is Valve has been banning and censoring games that don't deserve it for 2 years. But this Rape game that DID deserve it (it was a shitty Ren'py Daz3D troll using shock-value to money grab) somehow gets all this fucking publicity and is being held up as an example of games Steam shouldn't ban? What the fuck? I swear it's an SJW hit-job. Like they were deliberately waiting for a game that couldn't be defended to start ghost-writing as non-SJWs trying to defend it.

This whole situation is fucked up. What about all those other games?? The ones that were rating Teen and Everybody? The ones with no sexual content at all?

Nah it is fair to say that the people's that migrated out of Africa are evolved forms of Africans.
Selection based on environment as well as Neanderthal DNA has lead to significant differences for Europeans and Asians compared to Africans.

Enlighten me what are your ancestors then? Aliens?

>Fuck Chinkoids
>Has one in his "based" pic
Improvisation isn't your strength, buddy. Just stick to the template.

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No, white people were first.
Adam and Eve were white, their children microevolved darker skin after moving to Africa.

You can't prove that nigger :)

Just move the thread to pol at this point

It's more about how he said Valve would stop policing what king of content was on steam based on moral outrage and then within like a month backtracked and they policed content based on moral outrage again. That rape game is only notable compared to all the weebshit already removed because it's got such an incendiary title.


>Adam and Eve
Is this nigger serious?


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Nah I'm sitting in a comfy apartment shitposting on the internet but only one of the two of us leads a life so miserable as to earnestly play for superiority against people doing the exact same thing so it's w/e ;).

Don't you have global warming to shill, gaytheist?

the layers of irony in this thread stacked would reach the ISS

Attached: nut.jpg (640x362, 38K)

Do you believe the earth is flat as well?

>another thread ruined by /pol/

Well obviously the more intelligent, courageous, and ambitious migrated out of Africa leaving only the very worst of their kind over the course of that 100000 years but the environments those migrants found themselves in and the Neanderthal DNA they ended up with played a much larger role in their development such that ye, Africans are essentially unchanged.

they literally live rent free in every single board in the website

>off-topic shitposting thread
>ruined by /pol/
Okay champ.

>he believes the earth is round too

but the shitpost was funny whilst pol is just tiresome

bruh like this thread wasn't pol bait from the start
it's like saying 9S threads aren't gay bait or any waifu isn't posted to start an image dump

pilled and redbased

One of those is not like the others:
>belief that nothing magically exploded into everything
>belief that the earth is round, like it can be observed to be
>belief that dog can turn into a cat
>belief that natural cycles of earth have been hijacked by gas emitted for thousands of years by volcanoes, except this time it's humans so it's unnatural and thus worse

Who even uses Steam anymore except Chinks and third worlders.

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Because everyone knows porn is degenerate and also everything it touches is filled with malware.

Attached: eb2.png (600x579, 257K)

>but the shitpost was funny
Wasn't tho.
>whilst pol is just tiresome
Not tho is it? Makes for more entertaining discussion for everyone involved than the handful of replies the OP would've gotten before falling into the recesses of the catalog otherwise.
It's obviously compelled you enough to stick around after your initial post, just sit back and watch or take part in the shitflinging. Either way it's the very best that could've come of this thread. Stop being so boring and cynical.

No need, f95zone exist

It can be explained:

Sahara used to be green. Then it becamed a desert and people went either into north or south. South ones becomed/stayed black while the northen ones stayed as it was and all the other ones skin progressively becomed lighter.
South guys also was completely cut off the world by Sahara, due the eventual stagnation

>climate change isn't real hippies
>well climate change is natural
>well climate change is unnatural but it happens in nature sometimes so this one is ok too
lmao the slope of the corporate bootlicker

Find a 9S thread where Anons don't start RPing about how much of a cute boy they are, you can't

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There was one yesterday.
Newjanny helped to keep it pure.
It was contaminated with shotashit and eventually succumbed to cancer at 400+ posts, but otherwise it was a pretty wholesome vidya image dump.

And what exactly was the cause of people in the 1970, saying that we're going to have another Ice Age? Just curious, btw, not here for war or anything

>hah ok so there's evidence of it right now but look at these bad predictions!
>It's not the oil and gas CEOs that need to stay competitive that are lying, it's the nerds who take sea and soil samples and geek out over them!
Bruh how did /pol/ get so good goy'd?
I'm the one who posted before you call me a discord tranny

Didn't NASA recently change their old data without even stating why?

Are you all really this retarded? The game was going to be a shitty Visual Novel, aren't you the fuckers that say that Visual Novels aren't really video games?
Go fucking play Rape Lay or Play Home if you want a rape game.

One time in school I said rape was cool and a girl sitting at the table just got up and left and I always think back on that moment like yah get dabbed on!

Girls only don't like rape because that means it isn't Chad *dabs*

valve has to host what I want them to or my peach is being impeded

Based but you should've put your leg on her way, so she would've trip on and fell on the ground, LMAO!

Steam allows porn games. There are a lot of them there. But a game called Rape Day, with incredibly cringe dialogue, crappy Daz3d design and forced controversy just for the sake of standing out is clearly pushing it too far. It is always 8 or 80 with incels.

Learn moderation and common sense. At the end of the day steam is a mainstream distributor. It is a private company with sponsor and shareholders. Anyone with a brain knows that "RAPE DAY" is clearly too much. It didn't even have the decency to be good enough to be worth the shitstorm it would bring. It was a cheap VN.

Doesn't totally explain it as it doesn't account for the Middle East although that can at least be partially explained by an extremely anti-intellectual culture following the golden age in addition to practices of inbreeding being encouraged among the general populace for a millennia.

Regardless the reason I keep on bringing up Neanderthal DNA is that it's something so often overlooked, it's accepted now that contrary to popular belief Neanderthals were much smarter than Sapiens, and the two populations with the most significant proportion of Neanderthal DNA are also the two most successful racial groupings on Earth.
Sub-Saharans were very much given the short end of the stick with desertification but it's not the full story.

It's not patreon per se, Paypal is the one who refuses to accept payment for porn, but patreon uses paypal as their main payment method, so yeah.

Not all porn, more like the cringe fetishes like loli shit and rape. But even then creators can still make those if they're smart enough to not name it "LOLI RAPE STUFF"

Third positionist here but the reason why the right has taken a climate change denialsm stance is the same reason the left has taken a pro-globalism stance, because the other side beat them to the other stance first and made it such an integral part of their platform that few people on either side want to concede ground on the point for fear of appearing to support other policies of the opposition.

It's comes down to neither the far left or far right having fully transitioned from half a century of neoconservativism and neoliberalism. Give it a decade.

Middle-East people used to be the most intelligent people on Earth, because of their territory being in the middle of Europe and Asia, allowing them to trade, etc. Emphasis on "used to", because Genghis Khan and islam burned all of this down in several centuries.

Whites and asians breeded with some neandarthals and drove them to extinction/assimulation. In some sense, black guys are more pure "homo sapients" while whites/asians are breeds between neandarthals and homo sapients. However, paradoxally, black people have lower intelligence than any other race, despite them being "purer".


Attached: Political Extremism.jpg (1790x1304, 284K)

Here you go.!TM4A1YKK!hrQONn3c3ZDCuMB0eu44QOdPhlQbDnvONS-LCm_yBzw

Attached: 20180714_FBC232.png (1280x634, 93K)

but they released rapelay 3/4 like 2 years ago under the name playhome
its still about raping a family

>People were more neutral 20 yers ago, with more extreme republicans
>now Democrats are MUCH more extreme that republicans, who're in turn more extreme than those from 20 years ago


Attached: 091935711eba853d46d069ba250cedbb0c227d79cb611a36ae49e074fad2e194.png (1447x1286, 1.15M)

>Yea Forums : Rape, Race-mixing and global warming

What game it is? Don't want to download something I don't know



>now Democrats are MUCH more extreme that republicans
Democrats are just closer to "live and let live" golden standard that is so absent from 'murkan politics.

Not really paradoxical at all. Neanderthals were smarter than Sapiens and purity is a modifier, whether it's positive or negative is entirely dependent on the given thing that's pure.

Yeah both sides are basically REEEEing at each other
I used to go to /pol/ but it went from geopolitics to dabbing on le triggered libtards 24/7

>extreme republicans
zoomers pls go.

Looks like modded CK2

The solution is that more sites need to be not US-based so they are not liable to US laws & morals.


if that was the case why did your president give ICANN "away to the world" instead of having it be based in the US under the protection of the constitution

>So you feel it's insane to believe videogames can influence you to become more violent or sexist... but also you strongly believe there is an agenda being pushed in videogames that risks brainwashing the players? Would you care to expand on that?

Attached: ENFP-Psychiatrist-Career-Photo-200x300.jpg (200x300, 14K)

ten creds if you post this in

Why don't you be the hero you want to see in the world? It's not like it's risking a ban

Because it's your OC user I'm not a thief
Unless it's to pirate vidya
