Attached: everyday-life-comics-guada-scribbles-5-5b1134ce5fb70__700.jpg (700x644, 95K)
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I have a foot long penis
thanks doc
post it
I don't have any of those except a dog
a dog provides everything a girlfriend provides without the drama
I have two feet user
Can someone edit this and add stuff like "foot long penis", "respected by peers/colleagues", "nice new car" etc
I have only tea and pets. I'm basically a cat gentleman at this point.
Fucking your dog is a cruel thing to do, user.
>look at all my unplayed games/unwatched movies/unread books
>"it will take too long to finish playing/watching/reading that"
>go back to browsing Yea Forums and youtube
I have none of them and the image is retarded. You can be a millionaire with a loving wife and still be depressed. There could be literally nothing wrong going on in your life and you could still be depressed
Literally the only thing I have is my family and my dog.
>Implying that shit matters in a case of Depression
but out of those I only have a diploma
even that's not much of an accomplishment
Agreed. The only thing keeping people depressed is their lack of religion.
fucking dogs is gross.
Is he a good boy?
I have good friends.
>The only thing keeping people depressed is their lack of religion.
Christcuck pls leave.
Why do normies think it's acceptable to sanesplain to mentally ill people?
>just take a walk bro, just work out
God I hate you Canadians.
you people dont know what its like to have a foot long penis.
It hits the toilet water when i sit and im a hyperchondriac!
I have none of these but this image is insane (or deceptively brilliant but I extremely doubt that) in itself considering all of the things it points out are typical distractions from one's own sense of self-worth and security, the lack of which is much more likely to cause depressive tendencies than the lack of anything else.
based canadanon
Not everybody can believe in things with 0 proof. I couldn't be religious even if I wanted to be, I think logically and believing in religion makes no sense
Found the Canadian.
He's been a good boy for 15 years, thankfully he's still full of energy, despite having lost most of his eyesight and hearing
just take a walk dude
dont work out though
faggots like you dont deserve the power
That’s just a straight up lie you can have fucking everything and still be depressed
oh look it's another retard who thinks canadian law allows dog fucking because he read a /pol/ meme
Normalfags think being depressed = being sad.
and two more
OK, you retards:
This comic is a straight up bait. The fact that this shit needs to be explained to you alone is fucking sad. IT'S A BAIT. DESIGNED TO MAKE STUPID PEOPLE ANGRY. EVERY TIME YOU REACT TO IT SERIOUSLY, YOU ARE PROVING THE AUTHORS POINT ABOUT YOU BEING OUT OF THE WORLD STUPID.
honestly, truly achieving your goals can be the single worst thing you can do, depending on what they were
without a proper goal or anything to guide you everything starts to feel meaningless
why do you think so many rich/successful people take up hobbies of collecting extremely specific shit, or just take up 'incomplete-able' Hobbies in general
I don't have any of those beside my mom who loves me very much.
I'm gonna go work out now, get jacked and shitpost on /fit/ how it did nothing but waste my time because I'm still depressed
fuck you gymcels
haha, jokes on you, i have none of that!
I don't have any of that except someone who loves me (male) but I'm happy anyway.
So youre doing it illegaly then?
stupid canadian
i hate women
>arbitrary external things vs real internal things
Perception, rationalization, coping, whatever you think would help, is all worthless trash if you just feel bad. Nothing can defeat a sustaining experience of pain over time.
Daily reminder that depression is not real, it's the equivalent of some tranny faggot saying he's a girl just because he feels he was born the wrong sex.
Double reminder that the only real condition outside of crazy people shit is shellshock and calling it PTSD makes you a huge faggot.
How is it b8 exactly?
I have none of those on top of having a shit body full of health complications
i can suck my own dick
switch it to a deer and you've got a deal
kys furry shit die
Why do normalfags equate depression with "xDDD i'm having a down day today i'm so depressed lole"
go back to jerking it to mein kampz hans
What if the dog is doing the fucking?
I have none of those lol, fuck off
What the fuck?
How does that need to be explained? What fucking reality do you live in? Aside from being LITERALLY THE OPPOSITE OF A DEFINITION OF CLINICAL DEPRESSION, telling depressed people that they are not depressed is NOT A BAIT HOW?!
How the fuck do you live you fucking cretins?
henlo canadian
Because their social circles do that.
Remember that normie is a herd animal.
Get outta here, /k/.
Anything that is experienced is an objective sensation. Any bad sensation can become a "condition" if it hinders functionality.
I have tea but nothing else in that picture.
at this stage I have absolutely nothing in common with anybody on this website, so mostly all I do is make them angry by pointing out how awful their lives are
and the absolute worst they can come up with is THEN WHY ARE YOU HERE HMMMM and it's like, i can go to a website any time and do whatever I want.
Feeling sad is actually a massive relief when you're depressed.
At least you can feel something. Managing to cry once was a highlight of my year.
Great taste.
Leafpilled af
Well tea is pretty good. I like tea.
Degenerates who drink it with milk and sugar not welcome.
It was written by some dumb spic woman so I'm going to assume it's legit and she's just an ignorant retard.
Implying I have anything of that.
good for you faggot
>the state of 2019 Yea Forums
Oh yeah?
I don't have either of those, you fucker.
My pet died when I was in high school, I don't have friends, nobody love me and no goals were archived - I gave up on drawing to study physics and Im finishing phd right now and don't think it was worth it, don't have money to do photography (everything costing 4x more than for US/UK people) and once I finish this phd, life wont have ANY goal for me.
This is how it looks without boomer-o-vision goggles:
>distant friends
>student loan debt
>abusive girlfriend
>fast food and obesity
>vet bills and constant cleaning
>no computer with him endlessly waiting for (You)s in five separate threads
It's useful to reply honestly to stupid shit because most people believe in stupid shit anyway. Get over yourself my man.
Youre egotistical and elitist, just like everyone on this site. Also youre gay af too
Wtf why I can't I deselect this
>when you forget to open your windows and your farts accumulate
fuck, this is me
how do I stop
have some dopamine
The only thing from there i have is goals achieved.
>Dipolma is your goal
My goal is immortality
I have only one friend who I'm slowly drifting away from me because he's becoming more adult and has to work
The only person who has any real deep feelings for me is my mom and it's mostly because she wants me to succeed and take care of her when she gets older
My cat is cute I guess but she doesn't like to sleep with me
do not fuck your dog
Who is that midget in the photo? Is that his sister? What kind of pet is that? Also what if that diploma is for being the biggest faggot in the universe
I need to know
>good friends
>someone who loves you
>pet happy to see you
I have no answers, buddy.
But here's a (You)
Do you know how many morons like you are actually shambling around here?
The funny thing I achieved almost nothing, I'm a hermit in his 30's, literally nothing I dreamed of as a kid became true. The few friends that I have I see maybe a couple times a year. But I'm not particularly depressed, while people I know living objectively far better life than me are down in the dumps, going through divorce or dealing with its aftermath, and lamenting how they keep failing. I think somewhere along the way I got in terms with how things had played out and stopped chasing pipe dreams. I just played with the cards I got and not too well but the best I could.
Pic related is how I used to feel, but I got better by accepting being a failure.
yeah, thats what cats are for
after all , why else would they call them pussycats
her name is emoji?
>women being capable of love
why is this meme still alive
I forgot where I read or heard this but apparently a lot of people are getting misdiagnosed to have depression so the therapist can earn more money.
>It was written by some dumb spic woman
Jesus you faggots really don't fucking know ANYTHING, do you? It's
how do i get a gf
Thanks now I got used to it and require more endlessly. The body was not built to be happy.
2010 Yea Forums: itty bitty baby itty bitty boat
2019 Yea Forums:
I think you're got even more depressed, that's why your feelings are numb now.
The big Prozac scam?
Yeah, that's making the rounds. About time they got called out hardcore for it.
Be born with good genetics or in a rich family
it's her nickname for her in her mind because she usually looks like this
Wether it’s bait or not is irrelevant their no point being proven if it’s being called out for being a stupid thing in the first place
2010 Yea Forums: TWINKIE HOUSE!
2019 Yea Forums: that feel when white geonicide and collapse of cilivisiation tomorrow, my brain is ful of memes and ladies with penises
Fake quote
They're too busy for anything.
Very mundane life isn't it?
Path of least resistance and coping methods till the end of days. There's no standards to it.
How to fix?
Huh. All I have is my dog. How about that?
Religious belief is not a cure for depression. It is not a difference in the opiate used, but rather a difference in the users; the kinds of people that don't tend towards depression are also the kinds of people that will more readily believe in religion. Belief and faith come easier to the blessed, the innocent, and the self-loving, and yet the depressed that so lack these characteristics will not gain them simply by belief and ritual.
t. orthodox christian
One out of five isn't bad.
Sign up for a dating app, theyre meant to increase the number of date-ready candidates you encounter so that you will likely eventually click with someone. Women like personality more than looks typically, so obviously dont be an antisocial asshat but you can still be yourself assuming you dont suck to be around. And put care into your appearance, you can make yourself look better.
no... really?
>girls being introverted and shy instead of being dumb annoying cocksluts
only in japanese media. god i hate women
>a fifty thousand word essay screenshot
With my Saviour Jesus H. Christ as my witness I am not reading that shit
PM me when you've published it as an audio essay on Audible
>Goals achieved
No. Unless you consider not being a NEET a goal.
>Good friends
Just internet friends
>Someone who loves you
My family makes me feel like shit just for being born no less than 4 times a day. I am 30 and haven't had a girlfriend since highschool.
>Pet who is happy to see you.
My dog died two years ago
>Tea and cookies
Well I guess that's something.
I have none of these things, and my dog died on top of it.
Yes, I have seen this posted a billion times but I still get heavily depressed whenever I see it.
Yep, exactly, if you got it rough, it's hard to believe that you deserved it.
>you're not allowed to be depressed because there are people in worse situations than you
>you're not allowed to be happy because there are people in better situations than you
>called out on it
>I wasn't presenting it as real or anything!
>cant have pets in apartment
>only my parents love me
>I dont have any cookies
>I failed out of college
thanks god I still have friends
Give so little of a shit that chicks mistake it for confidence and hit on you.
Fucked perspective
because that's the worst thing they've experienced
people with easy lives cry about the smallest things
>oh no i have a cold reee my life is literally the worst wtf omg
>Women like personality more than looks typically
Hey YMS.
Yea Forums: the website that thinks it's the feared, respected final boss of the internet, but is actually fundamentally-wretched idiots who spend too much time online and have medicalised Fear Of Literally Everything as 'it's everyone else's fault I'm sad and angry all the time'
this place is a joke and we're all the punchline, the sooner it's deleted the better
i didn't post it dumbass, anyone who's dumb enough to take something posted here as factual deserves to be duped
I was kinda like this until recently. I was afraid too meet friends or other people because I kept telling myself what a failure I was. I kept thinking "what if they ask what I do for a living, what if they ask this and that" I couldn't socialise at all, it felt impossible for me to get anywhere.
I pushed myself to get a decent job and started working out and things are looking up. I can hang out and socialise because I don't have to constantly hate myself
The comic can actually be read as a strong case for how powerful depression is if you just ignore the caption at the top and focus on the drawing alone. I don't know how they missed the point so hard unless they were just straight up trolling.
>Belief and faith come easier to the blessed, the innocent, and the self-loving
It's not those.
It's about not doubting.
Faith is the opposite of doubt and verification. If you don't default to trust, you won't have much of it.
You'd be suprise
It's okay so long as you're a woman and you're acknowledging that your very good boy is the alpha male of the pack and rules over your dumb human life.
Why are we here?
I dont mean to say looks are inconsequential, just that personality is really what makes the difference
by personality you mean "social status" and "amount of money you bring in", right?
I don't understand.
Someone you click with, sure, but why torture yourself lusting after someone who's out getting fucked by someone else?
You'd spend all day with knots in your stomach. Best make a move or move on.
way 2 based for vee 2bh
What else would it mean other than "not being a complete asshole"?
because people are fundamentally stupid and would rather stew in concentrated, dank autism rather than risk leaving because of basic fear of the unknown
unironically: the reason people stay in bad, unhealthy relationships despite knowing on some level it's bad for them. see also: reeeeeee reddit is bad reee
let me help you
Being chad is more important that being handsome.
>This post is sponsored by The Ministry of Work and Pensions
the moment you get emotionally attached to a woman you'll become a spineless shell of yourself, too afraid of doing something that would make you lose her. and considering you're asking how to get a gf, you'll get emotionally attached pretty easily. i'd say don't get a gf, you can't miss something you never had. and heartbreak is a real thing
>I dont mean to say looks are inconsequential, just that personality is really what makes the difference
Not got a bigger version, this is blurry as shit.
Is it because i'm on phone?
>ITT: me so sad because me have no gf
Man I know that feel, i've been this way since I was very young. I tried talking to a therapist about it and he said it had shit to do with being relentlessly bulled and ostracized in highschool and my dad being a self-destructive alcoholic who hates his job.
It's a cliche I know but I well and truely hate and fear people and don't really want to live, it's not that I want to kill myself but I wish that I was involved in an accident or a terror attack or something, so I don't put as much of a strain on the rest my family.
im not even lusting for her
and she's not even getting fucked by someone else
in fact it's the main reason i cling to her
I got only pet. But I feeling good.
Depends on the girl i guess, but overgeneralizations and stereotypes probably wont help on the personality front
jesus christ
I imagine the joke is that she's getting fucked by someone else in the cropped portion of the picture.
>Agreed. The only thing keeping people depressed is their lack of religion.
That's actually true. Religion gives your life purpose, motivation and teaches discipline. It also gives you community of kind, like-minded people that will support you and let you support them. It's hard to imagine a depressed follower of the true faith.
i want things, things should just happen to me without me having to do or try anything. why don't people find me interesting or likeable, like my anime protagonists
not for long
V-video games?
Religion is for the insecure. You physically CANNOT be religious if you're not unstable enough mentally. Not in today's age. You have to surrender to it.
>Haven't read Watamote in a long time.
Since when did Tomoko turn into a normal fag? And is the manga now boring because of this?
Yes, your phone resolution is too low most likely.
>Having no purpose or discipline without believing in fantasy stories
Christcucks really are pathetic
Just to suffer.
we're currently peeling back this website's psyche. soon it'll be 'well i fucked up my life, it's everyone else's fault'
Its usually the people who think they have stellar personalities who blame their physical appearance for their inability to effectively communicate with women
Mating is one of basic human needs.
Hello newfriend normalfag who found out about this site from the news. Yea Forums never thought itself to be like that, that image was one forced by the media. Yea Forums has always taken pride in the fact that it is full of self-hating weebs who watch anime all day, and who dream about fucking little girls, it is an anime website after all.
Just breathe it in and all your troubles will slip away...
Make a move, user. Or she'll get bored of waiting for you to. They always do.
Figured so i switched to pc anyway, thanks senpai.
I've been mildly depressed for some time. You know what really helped me (and apparently doctors seem to sometimes prescribe it as well)? XTC. My GF proposed we do it sometimes, since apparently you can have crazy sex while using it (she was right on that regard), but the serotonin overload made me genuinely happy for the weeks that followed. I didn't really realise I was depressed (well, I kinda did. Didn't look forward to anything, wanted to sleep all dat, stopped doing what I love), but the weeks after I used XTC I could genuinely say I was happy and started doing the shit I loved again.
It was like my brain needed a kickstart of serotonin to get back to normal production or something.
> gives you community of kind, like-minded people
Neet christcucks really believe that.
Every community, religious or not, is a microcosm of social drama, cutthroat darwinism and backstabbing.
And also your children get diddled.
>well i fucked up my life, it's everyone else's fault
'it's everyone else's fault for not just giving me a gf and a reason to live and basic happiness. what is happiness. why do i feel so disconnected from other people. why are normies so cruel and neglectful and hateful' (spends sixteen hours a day being angry and screaming at people online)
>It's hard to imagine a depressed follower of the true faith
If you feel that way then you just don't understand what you have here. Your body does though.
>dad been asking for funds for his non profit endeavours for years
>5th week that he says that they are coming next week
>electricity bill unpaid since January getting cut or reduced in 4 days
>felt unmotivated to properly search for a job, nobody calls back.
Unless you want to waste the next 20 minutes of your life reading what is basically a /r9k/ user bitching about how he has no social skills thus no normies want to be friends with him, you're not missing much.
>tea AND cookies
hu ho we have some millionaire among us folks.
You have to go back.
Patrician taste
Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb
The problem is this world. There's too many people, everyone is expendable, almost no one is essential. We care too much about results and not about methods, we made everything into a system including ourselves, ruining any kind of sense of purpose men had.
I'm a prime example. I'm just expendable trash, just a small cog in this giant dumb worthless ugly system. If I die the system goes on, if 10000 people die, the system goes on. It's a boring and ugly word to live in, full of cheapness, facility and cynicism.
does this person understand what depression is at all? do they understand why analysing your material achievements and possessions wouldn't actually help you?
Because of combined failure of hundreds of generations to properly ask themselves the question you're asking and failure to answer it without fallacious deflecting.
she still doesn't have a bf
her friends are as autistic as her and fight over her attention
it's pretty /u/
>a /r9k/ user bitching about how he has no social skills thus no normies want to be friends with him
unironically the second-worst board on this website and i've no idea why the owner keeps it around. it adds nothing of value and i wouldn't want the kind of people who post there on my website if i owned one
>tfw just accepted my fate
>No desire to be successful, have a gf or friends
>Happy with being a poor loser with anime and vidya for escapism
>VR will be amazing in a few years
Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb
Just passing the eternity. Enjoy the ride which never ends.
this nigga knows
What if I am a (woman)
This. Most of these people life drama is about forgetting to recharge their ipad one day, or finding a fishbone in a piece of fish. They actually literally believe that capeshit movies are real emotions, and that the sadness of losing a loved one is about as intense as making a fart face for 10 seconds then swearing to god to save the world.
>and i've no idea why the owner keeps it around
It's a ticking clock until the red boards all get nuked, though.
Yea and in the scale of the universe the whole earth is expendable. Bring your frame of reference a bit closer to your perspective and you may see them as a bit more significant.
>I can afford a VR headset
Fuck off, first world oligarch
t. same settis, but third world
it's weird how the only arguments for keeping pol and r9k are 'what if they spread to other boards instead'
like pepe and wojak and GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW tfw no virgin white waifu ;_; garbage doesn't appear anywhere else on this fucking website
unironically: blue boards are the best boards on this shithole. it's not saying much but still
Imagine the smell
Thread theme
normies is a legit word, that only facebook words started to hate because it made them sound unfun and pathetic, a hard truth they wanted to ignore on social media while posting the same pizza picture their mom and clique posted in the same week at the same place.
*government stops giving neetbux*
Just save up money and migrate?
Even if there was just 10 human beings why would that make them at all important? We've never had a sense of purpose. From the moment we were able to use reason we were lost. Because at that point you have to lie to yourself in order to pretend what you do makes sense. Don't idolize the past, you can't escape to it. It holds no solutions.
I'd feel bad abusing a dog instead of my girlfriend.
W-what's that thing in the dark?
Congratulations. You are a literally average user of this website. Most likely your elitism and honest opinion isn't tolerated on other websites so only option you have is anonymous sites with scumbags.
>Religion gives your life purpose, motivation and teaches discipline.
Only the single one of those claims has any merit to it.
Christtards are one of the least disciplined people around. Both less religious people (atheists) and more religious people (muslims) are more disciplined and stricter on themselves than christtards.
Jesus Tap-Dancing Christ that is fucking long. Even if I'm generous and saying each post averages only 1900 characters, that's 47,500 characters.
Average word length in English is 4.5 characters, making that roughly 10,556 words.
Call the average reading speed 250 words per minute, and that's gonna be nearly 45 minutes of my time gone for some fag's whining.
(You) really expect anyone to read all that shit?