DMC censorship controversey

Seems it's Capcom USA fault, not sony's. Japanese pc version was censored, ps4 wasnt. Meanwhile Metro exodus had topless strippers and it wasnt censored anywhere

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I would at least understand if they were somewhat consistent about it, but how the fuck does that make sense
>show a butt from behind, something thas has been done for ages and no one bats a mind
>censor it
>but rescuing Lady out of Artemis with full fledged frontal nudity even though she has no nipples is A-OK

Metro exodus is western.

nigga no one gives a shit about light flares on a butt crack outside of this board

You got a link, by any chance?

I don't know how to take this. It's so stupid. It's not like it's particularly tasteless or overly gratuitous, or even gratuitous at all. It's not even that big a deal. It's not essential, either but it's dumb to censor something so harmless. It's a pair of asses on an M rated game. La di da.

Im totally fine if they dont censor japanese versions

dont give a fuck about western SJW versions. they wont ever be uncucked

Literally no one cares faggot

>Japanese PC version was censored

What? Why? Why would they cebsor that but not the PS4 version? Why is Capcom USA only censoring the western PS4 version? What is going on? I'm confused.

I'm 100% certain that the light not being there in the base version is just a bug, considering that Lady is censored in the same way in all versions.


omg can you imagine caring this much about it;
like okay fine I get, we talked about it yesterday, and the day before that, but is it still fun to keep talking about it

it's Sony USA that's causing censorship in Sony, so point stands

xbox and pc were fine. so its clearly snoys fault even if its a chilling effect. the cali sjws pressure devs.

Is this really a controversy?

The only people who care are nolife virgin losers who masturbate too much. People with sex lives or even anyone well-adjusted doesn't care.

go read some books on how to be a functional human being a stop masturbating to drawings

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only you are offended by some shit butts in games, stupid obese white fatfuck
the problem is the censorship itself

>oh no, how dare they censor my asscracks

No one really cares though...outside of this place at least.

No, only Japanese games get censored.

Nobody cares here either.

what lmao


lol at these white pigs shilling

kill yourselves, you white obese sjws

im starting to notice only white pig sjws are offended by these things and trying to censor them

The sad thing is that if you force this meme enough people will actually start to think anyone cares.

Why dont you mod it if you PC turbovirgin weebs want to see this butt?

Is European version censored too?

>game is on pc
>which allows you to have nude mods if you want to motivate your dick so much while playing
>still cry and whine on Yea Forums for hours
I don't get it

her buttcrack was concealed for 1 seconds what am I going to do bros how can this be happening to me

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Based. Yea Forumsirgin incels BTFO

not weeb. poc, you stupid white sjw fatfuck. say "im racist to poc"

im spreading this fact only you white sjws are easily offended by shit like this garbage. white fragility is real, especially for white sjws

asians and blacks dont care at all. none of them tweet "anime is pedo" "weebs" blahblah, even sjws ones dont do that. get fucked, you fucking white hypocrite

Wasn't censored for me on PC. I didn't mess with options either, everything's maxed.

So let me get this straight
>Western PS4 version censored
>Japanese PS4 not
>Western PC not
>Japanese PC censored

Yes? What a clusterfuck if true lmao

There was a patch that adds the flare, I saw it last night when I got to the scene.

What controversy? Did anyone seriously care about that?

isn't it only the American version of the ps4 also why is Capcom fucking around like this