Despite all its flaws I just can't stop myself from liking final fantasy xiv
Despite all its flaws I just can't stop myself from liking final fantasy xiv
I have the opposite problem.
I started playing for one reason and I still love it for that same reason.
have fun registering twice hehehe
stockholm syndrome
Im the same, I love most of the game but stormblood has me considering dropping my sub until shadowfingers. The only thing Im really doing right now is grinding gil for the eventual ishgard housing. I really wish there was more things to do that dont get boring after the first time through it but the flavour of stormblood is just so bleh. I cant wait till we drop all the weeb doma shit.
>create fun worlds with great music, cool fights, nice looking abilities and tons of lore and promise of adventure
>use it to manufacture the most mind-numbing, tedious gameplay imaginable to psychologically browbeat you into playing as long as possible as often as possible
MMO devs need to be hanged.
>03/08/2019 12:12 AM
>[Important]Regarding FINAL FANTASY XIV Steam Version (Mar. 8)
>In order to align closely with Steam policies, we plan to implement a restricted login check process for Steam service account users.
>FINAL FANTASY XIV Steam version clients can currently be opened directly without going through the Steam application and is possible to use the regular Windows version client application for Steam version service accounts.
>After the change:
>For Steam version service accounts, the FINAL FANTASY XIV client application will need to be started up from the Steam application's Play button. Any other method of direct startup will no longer be available.
>[Time and Date of Implementation]
>Late March 2019 (tentative)
>We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Despite all of its good points, you can't stop yourself from hating FFXIV?
This doesn't affect me at all, but I can see how it would inconvenience others. Shame.
XIV wasn't like that until Eureka was added though
>deep dick dungeon
Yes it was
So wait a second, does that mean instead of using their native launcher you'll now have to launch it from steam bypassing that? What about updates?
why don't you have the best recruit yet
I cant understand what's the appeal, and I want to like it because I fucking hate modern WoW but FFXIV seems dead as fuck in any aspect regarding raiding or high-end pve
all there is to do is boring leveling and dressup, so basically inferior to WoW in every way, but since I mentioned the W word, now I'm gonna get shitposted to shit and not a real answer.
I got a summoner to max level and literally closed the game and haven't touched it in half a year.
Quests are fucking hideous too.
I have four others. Stupid cunt never showed up. Can't wait to replace some of them with bunnies.
>Complaining about the MSQ
An MMORPG is still half RPG. Why even bother playing if you don't want to be bothered with the story?
Also what dailies? This game doesn't have dailies outside of the fucking Beast tribes.
Fuck Palace of the Dead though.HoH was slightly more tolerable.
>Au Ra
>best anything
I still wish XIV wasn't an MMO but instead a single-player traditional Final Fantasy game where those characters we see in the trailers were like actual characters and not stand-ins for all the randos you played with that one time.
>An MMORPG is still half RPG. Why even bother playing if you don't want to be bothered with the story?
What the fuck kind of brainwashed retard you are if you think RPGs are about a "story"?
Not him but the MSQ is the shittiest excuse for a story and gameplay I have witnessed in any MMO, it's just tedious and boring.
>multiple instanced zones to do your solo relic
>requires 100+ people to do anything
>will be 101% impossible to do in 3 months
>au ra
>not best
>want face 4 with horns 2
>cant because of shitty excuses
What's a solo relic?
I wanna be a shota bunny!
The relic yoshit promised with eureka
I haven't played in months, link me to something that goes in detail pls
do you also complain about singleplayer games having a story? are you expecting every single game to be dorf fort?
Yeah, you play once per day for 30 minutes for 4 days of every week and you cap out your currency. that's pretty much the opposite of a grind
>deep dungeon
>wants the down syndrome alien face with the paper horns
but why
Huh. I thought this was already the case.
Me too. I've always launched through Steam anyway.
>do you also complain about singleplayer games having a story? are you expecting every single game to be dorf fort?
It's not a story that's bad you fucking retarded autist, it's the gameplay. MSQ gameplay is horrid, padded and unengaging, you go from hot spot to hot spot clicking on things so it shows you the next part of the movie. Sometimes they want you to kill an enemy that cannot possibly put up a fight and has less mechanics than any random mob in Eureka. Wow. There's like a couple dozen of quests in MSQ that just tell you to go to the other end of the map to talk to one NPC and return back. It's a complete waste of time and it says volumes that the patch that people praise the most out of the whole "story" is 3.3 which had the least amount of that bullshit and the most gameplay.
So just like every other FF game
Well FF is a trash franchise for girls lmao
wtf im a girl now
based tranny
I can't deny that, the franchise is pretty shit and I am a girl
>I hate going somewhere for quest, every quest should be killing mobs in location you picked it
Ff11 fans, everyone
I don't think you've ever played FF11.
I did, game play was mindless lineage style grind
idk. the Ultimate raids are harder than literally anything WoW has ever put out.
Plus the savage raids are infinitely more fun than WoWs tank and spanks. Look a lot nicer too
can i use your lap as a pillow
It’s the closest thing we will ever get to having proper traditional medieval Final Fantasy in HD, I am not one to obsess over the post-game in mmos; it is just nice to see the world of S/NES type FFs finally translated into a modern Finak Fantasy, it is worth playing for the main story and that. Unless FF16 turns out to be what I want it to be, this is the only option we have for a newer proper Final Fantasy game that sticks to its routes and it isn’t at all bad if you look at the countless hours of main story you have until you get to the post-game that everyone complains about.
I know that this game is in subscription, but mmo autists need to realise that everything before the post-game is still part of the actual game
Gordias and Midas were also harder than anything in WoW
Arguably second coil savage too
>Using the steam version
Funny because I actually do live in London, so I am obliged to ask if you live in it too due to the coincidence of the meme alone.
I'm also awaiting for the weeb expansion to die out
No but my sister does
>he bought the steam version
There was and still is no reason to ever buy it off steam
>but mmo autists need to realise that everything before the post-game is still part of the actual game
Isn't that why WoW classic fags liked Vanilla so much? It wasn't a rush to get to endgame? I wouldn't know since I never really played WoW. But going through the story stuff in XIV is always the most enjoyable thing for me to do in the game.
she's married
I am too
With an extreme amount of luck, maybe in 6.0.
Yeah, it’s a good game for that alone. I don’t care that much if it holds up as a mmo, but if it holds up as a game then it’s worth playing.
Also, why did she have an Australian accent?
The suicide rates in males are very high you know...
And why exactly i should care about that? I mean i am fine with launching it through steam and buying shit for it on steam, i already was doing that in the first place. Like literally nothing changed for me so i don't understand the outrage.
it's an mmo, that's because you have no life outside of that game user
which race or clan ellipsis the most
tie between au ra and miqote
I wouldn't worry about it, odds are they'll just nerf the shit out of it once the new steps for a relic begin. If not, then i'm not to bothered since I would rather do books then eureka.
It's such an honest game. That's what makes it good.
>he actually unironically prefer insanity that was rng atmas and spending fuck you amounts of seals, tomes and gill over afk fate trains for his relic
Absolute madman.
>afk fate train when no one is in the instance
Welcome to the sunk cost fallacy you and WoW addicts could start a self-help group together.
Congrats, you've won the "Most retarded and meaningless post of the week" award.
I haven't spent a dime on this game and I still like it more than the current WoW.
You can do it right now with almost negative amounts of effort. You can even skip the kettle duty in pyros if you don't want to bother with it. Hell if you get to hydatos right now you will have more than enough crystals to make half of the all available relics, granted you need to do shitty pagos step, but still.
SB relic is the most accessible it ever was and involve the least amount of bullshit busywork.
I'm happy for you, and honestly envious
I wish I could get into an MMO nowadays but all of them feel like they desperately want to be played by retards
hehe sore anus
Nigger this was just a game on sale 5 years ago for me.
Who knew I'd almost end up failing college for this
yes, you're called a fanboy
WoW has those too, you aren't special
Me too, I really wanna like it and on paper it seems nice but I just don't have any fun with it.
>make her a face 1 ingame
It's funny. I was so bored with this game that I was actively looking for something else to play to scratch the itch.
Then I got banned for mass murder in Eureka and now all I want to do is play this damn game and nothing else. The fuck kind of hook does XIV have that can do that to a person?
In any case, I'll find out if it's a permanent ban or not by the 16th.
The fuck how did you manage that?
I got tired of seeing AFKers getting cassie earring while I and others grinded nonstop for weeks to get her to pop as much as we could.
So when the next blizzard came, and the AFKers took their spots in the arena where she pops, I would drag marlboros in there and instakill them by letting them get hit with the Vine Probe aoe as I stood on top of them. Also bad breath.
I think i ended up racking up to 130 deaths.
It got people to stop afking though and folks were actively avoiding spots where I dragged the marlboros. Some of the AFKers started dpsing as well as mass reporting me.
All I want is an MMO that I can play 24/7 and never get bored, but also has no grinding, no time gating, no unfair RNG, no padding, no caps, and no repetitive content design. Just a continuous stream of fresh, original, revolutionary, meaningful content faster than players can consume it and which constantly introduces new systems, features and styles of gameplay that push the boundaries of the genre and technology itself. Is that too much to ask?
yes, you asked to much from the start, i don't think theres any kind of activity you can do in this world that you wouldn't get bored of constantly doing 24/7
You can play it without steam you know?
That shouldn't be ban worthy, just kill the marlboros
>Just got my 5th stat for my Eureka Relic
So glad to be done, never have to go in ever again.
FF14 isn't a pvp game, so getting someone killed on purpose is uh toxic or something. There's a proper word for it idk.
I think AFK'ing is what they do on Japan's servers and they would not pk each other, so what he did was against a previously-unwritten, now written, code-of-conduct.
Everything in this game is bannable. I got people banned for a day because they called me silly. I got people banned for not attacking a boss because they were still buffing up. I even got someone banned for telling me my character is cute.
Literally just make up some LGBTQP lifestory and write dumb faggotshit in the report.
user, these sound like lies...
You could be getting much more annoying people banned like the cunts clogging up the party finder with RMT.
1.23b >>>>>>>>>> 3.0 > 2.0 >>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>> 4.0 > 1.0 >>>>>>> steam version
If he did it on purpose it is absolutely bannable and always was. Especially if he made it clear in chat that he did it on purpose.
They are not. Try it out yourself, the tools are at your hand.
A friend received a 24 hours suspension for calling some miqo'te "generic catgirl". Meanwhile I've been reporting bots for days and they are yet to be banned.
Is this worth starting now or is it in a shit place at the moment?
expansion is coming out in early July, you might want to hop in and get up to date before then, there should be more than enough to sink your teeth into until then.
You will always go through the same quests regardless
Unless you buy skip potiions you have a lot of catching up to do anyway, now is a good time 3 months before ShB.
Free trial up to level 35. Get the base game free with Twtich Prime.
probably one of my most enjoyable MMO experiences leveling up and questing, the real problem comes with the endgame and it's a problem with all MMOs.
>can't join unless you have logs from a third party site showing how much damage you do
>can't join unless you have exactly XXX gear score because we want everything to go perfectly despite it just being a normal raid encounter
people turn into elitist cunts. call me a shitter if you want but at the end of the day i just want to play the game for fun and not have to worry about cunts being passive aggressive because i did X dmg wrong or accidently wiped once. problem is i don't have any IRL friends who play the game so i'm kinda fucked regardless
Alright resubbing. Where's the Yea Forums linkshell? I want to play with people.
Transsexual Troglodyte detected, Activating dialationvision. Complete. Beep Boop.
>try to get into it
>have to spend 200 hours on the original questline before I get to the "fun stuff"
Alright. I'll have to make a new character. Reinstalling now. See you there, I hope the server is open.
This is the main reason I never shill this game. To all my friends who want to get in I remind them every 5 minutes "dude you will have to put up for like 9001 hours of cutscenes", some don't listen, some do, and only a small percentage who refused to listen continued playing because they wanted to see "waifus"
Logs and parsing are explicitly against the rules and only accepted when people are using them either in a closed group with their friends or to view their own performance. If someone is publically recruiting and requiring parse logs, screenshot and report it and they'll get banned.
you'll get fran buns and loli buns but men are a never ever
enjoy roe 2.0
I've reported one of those RMT sellers 3 times. Same one. Still up there. Trading content for money.
xaela au ra with additional -_-
>implying they would ever make a race where the males are smaller than the females
normalfags can't handle something like that
That looks as good as the actual art from the book.
Those poor giraffe children.
Two more weeks of furious denial.
The areas and quests in the pre-endgame are at least 90% of the game. If you don't enjoy them, you might as well save yourself the punishment. You'll have to see them all again when levelling another class.
Thats the problem with this MMO and others that are geared towards hyper-casual play. People at the endgame have to come up with some contrived bullshit to seem superior.
Otherwise take a look at FFXI of old. The entire community was welcoming, because the game was an actual challenge. Shitters would typically be given the boot right away, and people would not seek them for parties because you HAD to form a party and not rely on a system to do it for you.
Thats the real difference, sure FFXI had shitters worried about gear you had end-game, because it was actually needed, but despite that- there were always more than enough people happy to attempt to help gear you out. The end game was grueling, so any extra people able to make it was worth being helpful towards.
Meanwhile you have FFXIV, which I play daily, but is filled to the brim with stupid ass people pretending there is any actual challenge anywhere in the game- and thus becoming hyper-elitest over any content that can be perceived difficult in the slightest when they clear it.
I'm an old man, I miss when games were just for societal outcasts. Fuck this gay earth.
I just came back from a long ass break and can't get more than 90 with 380 welfare gear as DRG. Kill me.
what is this? I just see a tranny-cat and a tailess galka.
This, would play the shit out of it and recommend to all my friends if all the good content wasn't shackled to the awful MSQ
>the Miqo'te from CT is coming back
does anyone really care?
>Gunbreaker starts at 60
>all of the shitters who never tanked before will be flocking to it
Do you honestly think they won't nerf the absolute fuck out of Eureka once Shadowbringers hits or something?
The Trust system won't just be for people who want to play solo. It'll be for people who want to avoid groups that are worse than NPCs.
Eureka is fucking garbage, and I'd honestly would rather farm umbrites again
>absolutely zero variety between the steps, all 4 zones are the same "grind trash for chains or afk inbetween zerg rushing NMs"
>zones and steps are completely divided and can't be combined after finishing them
>you have to sit in eureka, there are no alternatives allowing you to progress on the weapon on the side while doing various other contents normally
>RNG pyros stats means you can actively waste progress
>the finished weapons look like shit
Holy shit dudes. I've tried soloing Levi ex and it's so fucking annoying. All I want is to craft my Lord of Levin lamp :(
get people to farm it with you in PF, make it a mount farm, those usually fill up fast
They'll definitely nerf Eureka a shitload but who knows by how much. It would need really brutal nerfs to make the relic anywhere near soloable. At the very minimum either making NMs soloable or adding a way to get crystals without killing NMs. Even then that'd still preclude all the extra items from lockboxes and BA and stuff. BA will probably never get run again after June.
GMs now accept discord screenshots as evidence. All you gotta do is join the content sellers discord, get them to admit they sell content for PayPal money, and then take screenshots and add them to your report along with their PF advertisement.
I'm a bit discouraged from seeing someone else take the orb after x amount of runs.
I really hope you meant Ramuh Ex.
unless you plan to buy one off the marketboard, this is literally the only real way, solo'ing it is way too slow
you could always get friends to help
....holy shit. I'm a fucking dumbass.
just wait until next year when you can get your relic weapon in a lazy afternoon instead of doing the shitfest eureka is now
It means the later leak is legit and genderlock is confirmed.
>make monster designed to kill players
>monster kills players
>get banned for monster killing players
nigger what
yeah, thats gonna be a yikes from me dawg
im looking for an mmo to play would you suggest xiv to me?
how easy is it for new players to learn and get up to speed with the ui and mechanics? xiv doesn't have classes or one person can be every class or something?
big oof for me dude.
The guy made the monsters kill the players. He had the monsters chase him all the way to where the players were waiting, and while those players weren't looking: AFK, they were killed. And when you die in Eureka you lose levels.
Its not like dying in the normal overworld. What that other user did was shitty. The afk players were annoying, but they didn't make anyone lose progress.
It's easy to get up to speed.
You can be every class on one character as long as you put in the work
>Do expert roulette
>Actually get something that's not Ghimlyt Dark
>Have a momentary mental blank on what these other dungeons actually are
It's always a shock when you don't hear that Stormblood theme loading in.
people who play eureka should have their accounts terminated for having shit taste
don't forget the french client fuck up which heavily suggested the new race will be Hrothgar
not all that excited for dancer, would have preferred something like Chemist instead, but eh
>No, male Viera do not exist as playable
how many threads are gonna see on the OF crying about this?
If it's not male viera or a fuckboy fujo race then Japan is going to be mad.
Most people I know that enjoy Eureka are boomers. The people in my FC that go through it are in their 30s-40s.
>4 tanks
>3 of them use swords
gay desu
I want to breed with a cute and lively miqo'te
>>how many threads are gonna see on the OF crying about this?
The genderlock thread is already 272 pages of denial and moving into bargaining "B-but we'll get them in 6.0 won't we, if we whine hard enough?"
They waited until JP fanfest because JP audience is too polite to boo or pull "is that a late April Fools' joke" antics.
If it's anything but male viera then everyone is going to be mad, and it's not going to be male viera, so everyone is going to be mad.
It really reeks of a decision that Yoshi made by himself despite everyone telling him it's a bad idea. Anyone could foresee the backlash from genderlocked races. Probably even Yoshida sees it. I dunno how arrogant or stupid you have to be to go ahead with it anyway.
I'm still surprised that we don't have another blunt damage focused job. Monk is the only one and it suffers because of it because they have to keep up dragon kick by themselves while Samurai can rely on 2 other jobs to keep up slashing and at least DRG can buff BRD/MCH which are often guaranteed group slots.
Fanfest is only a week before April Fools so it'd be an appropriate joke.
>play Eureka
I completed it by literally afk'ing the entire thing, except Pagos, which actually requires some input.
I just leeched off everyone else, the content practically encourages you to do this
my expectations for Eureka were laughably low after Diadem and I was still disappointed, I'm actually impressed at how empty and dull it all was
They're meek in person but very savage online. They're going to rip apart the forum and in-game chat channels.
The idea is probably to market ShB as the biggest expansion yet by making it have "2" new races for the resources of one.
Why would this retard post his CURRENT WORKPLACE while simultaneously outing himself as an untrustworthy individual likely to leak information? And the try hard broken English obviously pretending to be Japanese. All of these are easy, lucky guesses while others are parroted from somewhere else. And why the fuck would a Japanese person know who MrHappy even is? Fuck off with this.
Eureka could work if FFXIV combat was as dial up pace slow as FFXI so you could chat frequently during combat. But as it is now you can't afford to chat during combat because you have to be mashing those GCDs constantly and dodging things.
to be fair you'd have to be retarded to risk leaking in the first place
if my last digit is a odd number, Shadowbringers is a massive flop for critics and players.
if my last digit is a even number, Shadowbringers is a massive success for critics and players.
If they could just convert the story and raids into something singleplayer like I would buy 10 copies.
You already did this twice and desu you got an even number twice.
This poster in 2 weeks: "Of course male viera were never going to happen. That was obvious as soon as Hrothgar were found in the game files. They'd never do 2 full races in one expac."
Can you properly level up a second, third, etc. jobs through the world and questing?
I have picked the game back up after stopping in 2014. I hat one job at 50 and now I started going for another job. But it kinda sucks that I have so few undone quests left. Is the only option to grind dungeons or trying to solo public quests?
What the fuck are you talking about, I never said anything they said was wrong. I’m saying this person probably isn’t who they say they are and just made it for attention.
The most efficient ways to level another job are squadron missions, palace of the dead, daily level roulette, or spamming the highest level dungeon. Fate quests are dead on most servers and sidequests don't give good exp they only exist for lore development or unlocking other content/things.
That's unfortunate, I was looking forward to combine fleshing out my character with some chill world questing. I like the world zones and it's such a waste that you are rather forced to grind the same thing again and again
I can't imagine doing raids with AI unless they dumb down the mechanics so hard that a bot can do it.
Most players are 10x shittier than AI bots.
Well even if you could quest for lots of exp you'll just end up doing the same things really. Kill X amount of Y, collect X amount at Y spot, deliver X to Y, etc. The only difference will be the text and textures around you.
I've had actual bots in DF groups and that's definitely not true.
It's not like they can't design content around bots, they have done it before for SB story duties.
That might be true, but I'd be glad for any good excuse to just roam through the world, visit all the places and have that adventure feel. Fetch quests might be stupid, but they achieve at least that.
I leveled my second job ever mostly through sidequests, but it was like, ALL the sidequests. Wouldn't be able to squeeze in a third.
Since I've been leveling a bunch of jobs simultaneously, I can add that Alliance Roulette is better exp of itself than Leveling (though Leveling can take the lead if it puts you in the highest level dungeon you can do) and Main Scenario Roulette is roughly a Leveling (but requires you sit through all the cutscenes). Level 50/60 + Trials is around that vicinity, too.
I noted this with the three Tank jobs which I have at nearly the same experience count (like, within 5000 exp of each other at ~55).
There's a huge difference between story duties that are nearly impossible to fail from super buffed echo versus savage/extreme/ultimate bosses.
I can definitely believe that considering all the promo materials for Blue Mage market it as a "new job" with little to no mention of its limited nature.
I don't personally parse but I've apparently been parsed by others and uploaded.
What's good for sch? I have mostly green and some blue.
Not really, it's the same concept except more precision on the player's part to master mechanics.
I've never touched the dps classes, but I wonder if finding groups would take quite a bit of time with them. Would make leveling them even harder.
Well maybe you should get into roleplaying then because that's what people do what you said on a daily basis. It's gonna explode even more once cross world visiting becomes a thing next month or so.
The only way they can get AI to work in raids is if they give them super echo to make them not die or they dumb down the mechanics to MSQ difficulty.
All they have to do is make crystals drop from chains like in Anemos and make Elemental stats scale higher. If they scale the stats enough to allow efficient solo chaining you'd also be absolutely swimming in Light for Pagos/Pyros due to how Light gains are calculated based off the mob's EXP value and playing solo nets you far more EXP per kill.
The solution is to party up with a tank or healer and you instantly get into dungeons. Novice Network chat channel on your server is perfect for finding noobs or veterans to help you.
Or you can just wait for June for Shadowbringers to come out and DPS will have the instant queues.
this and also fucking put logograms in the first two areas
I'm sorry that people actually want to clear content instead of wiping at the same shit for hours upon hours because one special retard want to "play for fun" and is too retarded to understand how detrimental he is to the group, go and fucking do dungeons if you can't handle end game content, parsing exists for a reason, so we can get rid of special fucking retards like you and actually stand a chance at clearing the content.
The brown aura recruit is cuter
hello greylets.
I never liked cat girls until I started playing ff14, fucking kill me
I thank god for parsing because I've been in so many groups in party finder where 1 person is holding back the entire group from clearing and by kicking them we clear. Without a parser it's almost impossible to tell who's pulling their weight and who's not so the group ends up falling apart as people point fingers at each other but not to the one quiet shitter that's parsing low.
>tfw on Zalera and saw a huge group of people doing the Svara FATEs last night
All gray/green parties can clear any content except maybe ultimate. Most of the jp parties are like that, and guess what they have higher clear rate of most content.
I would argue that clearing ucob or uwu, or hell even o12s to some extent would be pretty much impossible without an parser, yoshi-p need to stop sucking the cock of redditors already who is too much of a snowflake to handle being told what shitty players they are and just fucking add official addon support to the game.
Looking at that picture I will wish tana could have finished his vision of the game without Wada forching him to release to compete wioth Cataclysm.
Tell that to the fucking Samurai doing thousands less than the Ninja or the Bard that's doing less than the tank. Not even taking into account when they fail a mechanic and wipe everyone (wheels mechanic in seiryu ex)
Show me an all grey seiryu ex clear.
I wouldn't mind if it actually showed people how to improve and shit, but that will never happen. Yoshi just wants to keep churning out the same tired formula until this game dies.
Parsing is never going to be officially endorsed or supported specifically because of posts like yours.
>we have to become dark to stop a flood of light
>yet another evil is good and good is bad dlc
>not one expansion after HW, aka "the church is evil, tips fedora" the dlc
Fuckin A. I can't wait for the last trial to be us confronting the true villain of the series while Diabolos is in the background on electric guitar with a voidsent band playing heavy metal while screaming "HAIL ZODIAAAAARRRRK!!!" while me and the scions take a fucking sledgehammer to Hydaelyn and the game ends with us taking the Choas route SMT style. Yep that sounds real fucking neato.
you'll never fight hydaelyn
Official add-on support is postponed indefinitely because of Sony. They have strict rules on how addons are handled and SE doesn't want to make them PC exclusive because it would break their console parity agreement with Sony.
Finally at level 70 and am grinding through all the raid and dungeon content available. Looking to finally level a gatherer/crafter in time for SB
Is there any generally accepted gather/crafter that is considered to be the most useful/most lucrative? Earning a whole chunk of Gil before the next expansion seems like a good idea
That's because you clearly don't understand how parsing and logging works, FFLogs is an tool to compare yourself to others who have cleared the fight, parsing grey means you did the fight far worse than other players, it's also an analysis to see what your group and you as a player did wrong.
Parsing in itself is a tool right at your hand to see who isn't pulling their weight or not right there and then, if some fucking samurai pulls about the same dps as a tank, you are not going to clear any relevant content in this game, because every end game content requires a certain amount of group dps.
(o12s is like 34k or some shit? dont remember)
They clear more, because they aren't autistic about strats and actually communicate you fucking shitter.
J'rhoomale definately got the best design upgrade from 1.0 to ARR. So much better than her looks in
Faggot redditor spotted, was i too toxic for you?
It doesn't even have to be parsers. Just make stone sky sea completion mandatory for high end duties or give a grade ranking to each player after each wipe/clear based on how much damage they're doing, DPS shouldn't rank less than tanks or healers for example.
I would breed Alisaie so hard
That's because you have very low standards and that is a problem for us all. You're the reason video games are shit, do you not see?
No, just explaining why you'll be mad forever and never get what you want.
I've run Ifrit for literally hundreds of times for that fucking Blue Mage spell, I've been doing this shit for weeks, I'm unsubbing, fuck everything
Why would i be mad? I can still use parser, and i still kick shitters who is too much of a brainlet to play this game correct, and i have yet to be banned for it, after years of doing so.
Miner>Botanist for gil, decent to make early cash in an expac too
Fisher is its own bullshit category
Neither of them are great at tail ends of expacs like right now but it is consistent dosh, more or less.
For crafters, it's a get them all to 50 minimum sort of deal. If you're going to do 1, do Alchemist but guaranteeing higher level items as HQ can become a chore if not difficult. It's going to depend on the skills they do add on the trip to 80 if it's really viable to focus one. As it is right now, it's kind of not.
All 3 of the slashing jobs keep their debuff up regardless of someone else using it or not, it's just part of their rotation. Same with DRG. Monk doesn't get punished because there's not another blunt weapon damage user, and if they added one in, they'd change Monk's rotation so that it has to use the debuff itself even when someone else provides it.
Sorry you missed the train, nobody is going to do BLU so you're never going to be able to do it, same with eureka in a week or two.
don't ask me why yoshi-p waste time and money on shit content like this that becomes irrelevant after a month or two and nobody is able to do it anymore because it requires groups to carry you.
Unless you want to spend an month or two farming the same shit over and over that is.
So, SB story theory time. What do people think caused the Scions to have all changed jobs? From what we see in the trailer, each one we see is currently rocking a new Job despite none of them previously having any suggested aptitude for job changes.
And where are Alphinaud/Alisaie?
I love catgirls and I am never switching to Viera!
I hope all the ERPfags that gives cats a bad name goes to Vierra and leaves us to being cute
>For crafters, it's a get them all to 50 minimum sort of deal
Yes, I've heard people say that before and that is always what puts me off. What kind of time investment am I looking at if I wanted to do this? And is it possible doing this on the cheap without having to hoover up mats from the Auction House?
They also have strat macros, actually use chat instead of discord and respect mechanics instead of expecting others to adjust.
3rd party tools, including discord and parsers is what actually killing multiplayer games as anything and everything relevant is done outside of the game. You are expected to watch some faggots hour long youtube video, you are expected to join discords for all the content to the point that most fcs communicate entirely through it, you are expected to have portfolio of parses to join statics, even newly formed ones for the fresh content... And after all that shit we have bi daily threads about how social activities in mmos are dead, where the very same people who killed it whine and moan and pretend to remember good old times.
Same. That being said, if I am able to make an absolutely stunning Viera in the character creator when they release it ahead of SB I may consider switching
I'm switching to Viera because I'm sick and tired of tail clipping. It looks awful, but the current tailless races all have horrible animations.
Would be nice if we're getting those "young Elezen-like" Viera though, regular ones are a bit too tall and lanky, but I'll take what i can get.
After the initial wave of mass fantasias and the populations settle down, my prediction is that female Miqo'te will lose about 20-25% of their population to Viera but female Au Ra will lose 40% or more.
Anyone here suggest a good Macro for Dragon Sight?
Having to manually click on the nearest melee DPS to give this shit to is giving me cancer
don't be silly user
you couldn't even protect her smile
Guarantee that they're going to fuck up those ears somehow, even with their "helm redesign"
Will Vierra be the new tranny race?
If there was another job that can apply blunt debuff then Monk could do more damage trying to prioritize crit/directcrit bootshine over dragon kick. But since Monks are one of the least used DPS jobs at endgame they're forced to keep applying dragon kick thereby lowering their potential DPS. This doesn't even take into account how later fights punish Monk with their positionals (Seiryu Ex) where missing a flank or rear on all of their main weaponskills causes an immediate potency loss that's apparent to everyone while at least SAM loses -5 kenki here and there missing their combo finale positional but nobody notices the DPS loss until much later on the fight.
as long as you don't admit to it, you can kick or ban people based on their performance, I've done the same, its easy, just don't say anything in the chatlog, mark it as "difference in playstyle" and you will literally never be punished.
Haven't played it in a year or more. Content is too quickly blazed through. Raids are jokes are a joke of an experience. 24 man content and dungeon running is so boring.
When I played XI I never felt that it was a time sink. XIV is so blatant in it's execution. Design is wasted on a two minute run through and something that should be inherent in an mmo; exploration, is completely missing.
I just wanted my cat girls and chipmunk midgets.
Time investment can be low if you're willing to use leves and have someone to craft the items for you. Can do 1-50 for a class in about 50 leves.
I'd just craft random shit until 10 (exp bonus for first time crafting an item, focus quality since it increases exp) and then leve from there for each.
Other than those it's Ixal beast tribe for ARR then Moogles for HW, they're a bunch of crafting dailies with decent exp.
A normal level grind is cancer, don't attempt it.
Honestly they should just hide the ears on helmets and be done with it. There's no way I can see something like the DRK AF helmets look good with ears poking/clipping through.
It helps if you have a friend to low level you either for free or on the cheap. Otherwise expect either MB bumming or lots of time swapping between gathers and crafters to make everything solo.
You can do it basically without mats at all just by doing beast tribe dailies. It'll take ages to level every crafter that way though. Fastest way is to do leves by just outright paying someone to craft the leve items for you. Second fastest way is to just gather the materials yourself and level your gatherers simultaneously.
I can't remember how long it takes since it's been years since I leveled my crafters to 50. It's shouldn't a multi-month long debacle though. Besides it's not like you have anything better to do.
You can either create a mouseover macro for it or use one that targets the closest party member. For the latter its:
/micon "Dragon Sight"
/ac "Dragon Sight"
Seems kind of unfair to the void ark 24-man series if the other raids are going to be included in the storyline. I'd be down with allying with remnants of Mhach or somesuch.
whats with this tranny aura meme?
do a bunch of tranns exclusively play au ra?
>Besides it's not like you have anything better to do.
T-that hit harder than it should but thanks amigo
Cheers doods
Legend, cheers brah.
Au Ra will remain the tranny race (Viera are too tall) but Au Ra will lose a lot because my theory is that a pretty large portion of people who play Au Ra play them because they wanted a cute girl but are too much of a snowflake to pick Miqo'te. None of the other options are any good so they were stuck with Au Ra but they hate the scales and horns, so they will jump at Viera.
Between levels, beast tribe quests, and GC turn-ins, not very long. Even less if you take advantage of the various ways to cheese crafter xp gain like food, manuals, and fc buffs.
when I played XI I felt that I was a huge clunky and inconvenient time sink not worth getting into because it only leads to depression and sunk cost fallacy.
at level 80 you'll be able to solo NM's easily
by then the relic will be useless, of course
but thats just how it is
You degenerate scalies wish you were this cute.
I'd rather do instead of with no waits and just reorder the party list by priority.
Aether and soon Crystal datacenter has a high amount of trannies due to it being labeled as the safespace RP place and they tend to flock to Au Ra.
Au Ra are weird for me.
I fucking adore all the Au Ra NPCs. Yugiri; Sadu; Cirina; Mikoto and so on are all hot and cute as fuck in design. However player made Au Ra's often just look like shit
i've reported multiple people who treat the game like a job and post parsers and got them banned thankfully, i go out of my way to bait them into posting them to get em banned. we don't need to turn the game into some tryhard elitist shit.
you guys are the reason people don't play MMOs as much now, i shouldn't have to show my parses/gear/achievements just to get into a simple raid i just want to have fun playing the game and worrying about people constantly judging me is not having fun, if people ask for parsers i just leave instantly, i'm not dealing with toxic players and i've had FAR better groups who just accept anyone and clear the content easy.
unfortunate it seems most guilds nowadays require your logs and i quit the game a while ago due to this i just don't have fun anymore being constantly monitored
Don't like it?
Start your own groups
I think people are completely misinterpreting what she said, if there was a short variation of the Viera the dramaturge would've mentioned them. As far as we know the only differences between clans is skin tone like basically every other race.
It's a stereotype that mtf trannies play female Au Ra because they are the most dainty, petite race with the most feminine, meek emotes and animations, which is the exact image that trannies wish to project.
Au Ra is the ultra feminine race(barring Hyur, but Au Ra are somehow more feminine than them even)
Miqo are more tomboys than anything else. Don't see why some people play them and then make them look like painted whores
Someone has the same exact name as me, but on a different server and it keeps giving me their logs.
ie. I don't play SCH but I have all of their God kills.
Anyone know how to fix this? I feel like it's because I transferred off Balmung years ago, and someone reclaimed my name. My fflogs profile still says I'm from Balmung.
those are the zodiark scions and the hydelin ones are still in coma
fake news. nobody gets banned for parsing unless they specifically act like an ass about it using offensive words or something. If they really did banned for parser use only then they would have banned all the world first raiders since the devs watched their streams and they clearly have parsers up.
That's the same for all races. It's effortless to make a cute looking miqo'te but like 99% of player miqo'te are disgusting bimbo abominations with mismatched highlights, heterochromia, cash shop hairs, dark lipstick, heavy blush/eyeshadow, and slut glamour.
Reregister your character
the insert random text string on lodestone profile thing and link it, that'll fix it
if you don't care about parsers, get a group together who don't either
its not rocket science, some players want to perform at their very best and play with like-minded players, you aren't forced to join them, so you don't need to shit on them just because they enjoy the game differently to you.
you play for fun? so do they, getting high logs is fun for them, you don't have to treat the game like a job to get good logs
In te name roleplaying maybe?
I would like to get orange on o12s too, but i've stopped raiding for now so fuck it.
There is an FFlogs discord, join that one and you can ask kihra directly
How about you stop being a faggot who needs everyone to carry you on their back instead.
They could either differ in more ways, or Rava and Veena would selection-wise be one clan with the tiny variant being the other one.
It's hard to misinterpret what she said. If they were talking about anything else Yoshida would have had no reason to shush her.
I hope they release the Shadowbringers benchmark early. I like it when game studios release PC benchmarks.
why do homosexuals call the miqo when their name is clearly miqo'te?
because it's faster to type
>this is what people want
>this is what people think we're gonna get
>what it will actually be is a sea of au ra tranny and catgirl secondaries parading around their pasty ass light skinned bunnies
I can't even wait.
There's literally no point, the last one we got was because of DX11. Dropping 32-bit support doesn't warrant one.
Except it's easy to misinterpret what she said because there isn't a clean translation. The word she used can also be translated as combination, not just variation. Yoshida likely shushed her for exactly the reason we have, idiots taking what she said to mean something that it didn't.
Viera already look like elezen and we've already seen they have a pretty wide height selection. They already look like young elezen, there won't be some drastically different sub clan.
Not getting it before May.
I fucking hate these people.
Nigga you think they would have left it so ambiguous if the rava and veena were the subrace? it's obvious that comment wasn't about face or ear selection or some shit.
Yoshida wouldn't shush her about getting people's hopes up.
why is the automatic response to someone not liking parsers "GIT GUD SHITTER", you do realise even people who get good parses and have cleared all content think it's a fucking terrible system that promotes toxicity towards others/ starts guild drama.
a girl i knew IRL had recently got to max lvl, she wasn't the best player but during dungeons and raids was usually only 5% below other people, the toxcity she got was fucking crazy. people telling her to uninstall and kill herself etc over a fucking parser in a video game. i've seen it multiple times too just makes me sick of this community
i really wish they would actually follow through and ban anyone using them
Benchmarks come out in april dumbass.
I'm just hoping there's a greyish option like the FFT Viera. At least we're getting their tufty ears.
They already confirmed a shadowbringers benchmark is happening.
Assholes will be assholes regardless of the tools available. It's a fucking cop out.
No shit, that doesn't there's a reason to have one.
Maybe she should have stopped being such a fucking shitty ass player that other people had to carry her sorry ass then, or does she get a free pass because she was a womyn? Fuck back off to tumblr nigger.
You're free to do your own shit in your own shitty groups, good fucking luck clearing any relevant content, but stop shitting up other groups who do give a shit about clearing said content and playing at their best.
So what's the secret for a decent parse as dragoon on final? Uptime strat?
tell me what you've accomplished in life, nobody gives a fuck about your parses in the real world
DX11 was added in the Heavensward benchmark. The Stormblood benchmark added better transparent lighting and updated the system requirements to accommodate the fact that more people are playing so things will get laggier.
Late April at earliest. Stormblood benchmark was April 30, and ShB drops a week later than Stormblood did.
Tell me what you have accomplished while you sit there on an anonymous image board whining and moaning about "toxic" people in a video game for trying to play the best they can and expecting others to not drag them down.
thanks for the Final Fantasy XIV video game related video
people should only use parsers on the hardest content available, not easy shit that anyone can clear regardless if 2 or 3 new players are slightly below DPS, it seems the majority of people use parsers to be assholes what a great "community"
>assmad greylet
I can lick the tip of my penis and shoot cum up and catch it in my mouth.
Your move.
I'm not even in a static, I just PuG a lot.
nobody cares about you in the real world lol
The game never had a great community, pretending that only players who use parsers are the assholes is a blatant fucking lie, the cracks is everywhere.
From the fucking erp'ers to the BA discord servers, the community is full of fucking niggers and autistic shitters.
kill yourself, nobodys going to care about your orange logs when mom kicks you out the basement and you have to get a real job faggot
Start posting medians you padded sons of bitches
"LEL GREY LOGS" is this the only response your tiny brain is capable of? off yourself nigger
Yeah if "nobody cares about u being gud at vido gams" is all you can come up with
Stay salty greylet, how is those savage and ultimate clears coming along LOL
>orange parsers are no lifers
I dunno senpai, I can have a job and post good logs because I enjoy doing well, maybe stop being a toxic asshole and trying to ruin everyone's fun
Imagine being this mad that people enjoy a video game and want to be good at it while sharing their achievements with other anons in a non-toxic context. Wew lad
If Yea Forums doesn't like you, you must be a tranny. Especially if you say you're a girl.
>who are the Warriors of Darkness
>who are Fray and Sidurgu
>who is Elidibus
did u pay attention at all during the game
My static is/was PLD/DRK/WHM/SCH/BLM/RDM/SAM/BRD. Not hard to get purple as long as you know even the most basic functions of your job. Orange then comes down to just having better gear and using food/potions.
Having raid buffs only pads numbers for players who already know how to post results on their own. Trashboys who don't know their own rotation, and die a lot, will always be gray and no amount of Balance will fix that.
It's not ambiguous though. He explicitly says there are two clans, Rava and Veena. He didn't mention height at all and you'd think that'd be too important of a detail to just leave out. And if Rava and Veena are put into one 'clan', why were the short ones not at all hinted at?
>Think to myself that I'll try savage for once this time after unsubbing for a long time
>Focus on gearing up because every group expects you to have 390-400 or some shit by now
>Finally make it after a little more than a month of grinding
>Stare at PF for a couple of minutes
>Realize that my motivation is gone and let my sub run out
Anyone know this feel?
t. cutscene skipper
Darkness != evil
Light != good
and vice versa. WoL brought too much light to the world while there weren't any WoDs able to keep up with him. Now WoL has to switch sides and make up for it himself
>No clean translation
>Literally have someone who is speaking japanese translating for you
What do you want Hrothgar to look like, assuming bara lion people is the base?
i want to leave humanity behind as a Hrothgar
this is some prime bait, you got a few bites and you almost got me
Reminder that Yoshi considers Eureka a big success and think that most of the playerbase loves it. We will get even more Eureka type of content in Shadowbringers, and the worst part is that this content will(and has) take resources from other content.
i've never played this game, what the fuck are parses and why are people arguing about them?
I want genderlock to happen just to see this cunt's 100% prediction btfo again.
Why do Miqo'te look like they have fucking downs
What I want: Ronso looking dudes
What I'll get: Roes with manes
I'm surprised people still pay attention to this guy
Why use the word "considers"? It IS a success. You sound like one of those reporters that say "ALLEGEDLY" while there's a video with proof playing the fucking background
I'd like for them to not exist because they've had no foreshadowing, build up, or hints to their existence so they will come out of complete nowhere.
Yeah he simply mentioned one that was dark and one that was light. The viera trailer didn't even show race differences IN THE ART. In the same way they did for the Au ra. It's obvious we haven't seen the second subrace yet and it hasn't been announced yet.
>He doesn't say there's any differences besides darker and lighter skintone
>Why were the short ones not mentioned
For the same reason that an in depth explanation for the rati'ka greatwoods, location names, and other shit wasn't mentioned. It's to keep hype and speculation going you dumb niglet.
>Quit some weeks after clearing o12s
>This shit game has been out of my life for 3 months now
>Feels like a huge burden has been lifted
>Everyone else is fucking slaving away in Eureka because there's nothing else to do
Anyone else know this feel? It's like getting clean off drugs I swear
I'm guessing that they'll be living in the northernmost points of Garlemald or something, so it may make sense them coming out of hiding when the garlean empire has been reduced as a threat.
>Haven't played in 2 days and don't feel the urge to, though I'm still hyped for new content
Wow that was hard truly a weight lifted off of my chest seek help user
FUCK beastmen
Applications that extrapolate pre-existing combat data already present in the game, and renders it in a manner that is then able to be parsed by players who can then in turn interpolate that data into the game and use it to optimize their gameplay experience.
Been clean for a good year now. I don't miss trade skill or raid grinds at all.
so like damage meters from WoW?
i can kinda see why some people are arguing then, i know that causes a lot of problems in wow with some people
They legit look like they were ripped out of TERA or some other shitty KMMO. I'm getting bad vibes for what's to come.
>have to level three fucking dps I don't really enjoy to 70 for the Mastering War III achievement since I want the title
>can feel myself burning the fuck out
if I don't do it now, I never will.
>It's an alternate dimension time travel expansion episode.
>Nothing you will do will even matter in the end
Didn't WoW already do this a few years ago?
Can't I just hug them instead?
I could buy the whole "darkness and light are just forces of nature" thing if it wasn't the case that proliferating darkness apparently means causing wanton death and destruction while the "flood of light" is brought about by stopping aether ghosts from ruining the fucking planet and killing people.
It's such a fucking bullshit stupid copout to go "ohhhhh actually all things must be in balance, you fucked up by making things TOO peaceful and nice, the world needs awful bullshit for some reason :^)". Absolutely no one over the age of 14 is going to be impressed by that kind of writing. It's not any kind of commentary on the real world at all, and it's not even especially interesting as a fantasy setting, so what's the point? "Duuude bad things are actually good and necessary, that's so deep."
No, fuck that. That's dumb. The idea that people need to be regularly killed en masse to appease a nebulous concept of "balance" is not clever, cool, fun, or interesting. It's edgy trash.
i can't wait for their ears to clip through every helmet in the game
just like shitty cats and shitty lizards
Yes, but they're not officially supported by SE, which from my understanding Blizzard has official clientside support for certain add-ons.
titles are meaningless, don't bother, you shouldn't put yourself through something you hate for shit that doesn't fucking matter
reminds me of all the people crying about Eureka and doing it anyway
in WoW DPS meters aren't banned
in FFXIV they are against ToS and you can actually report people who throw up parses in dungeons/raids, i think if someone called out another player for having terrible DPS they can get banned for it.
The flood of lightness as I understand it is more like the scene from evangelion. All things return to the lifestream leaving a blank void.
tbf we don't exactly know how darkness works in FF14 yet, it could be a possibility that the ascians are perverting zodiark's wishes or something.
nothing new bro
Why do the beastmen summon primals anyway? I've heard that it's a defensive act of desperation, but if an unchecked primal will suck the world of it's aether, then the tribe is dooming itself anyway.
wait so they get banned for using a DPS meter or being a cunt in that situation? or both?
i don't think people should get banned for simply looking at their damage, but if they throw it up and humilate other players that should be a ban
Only the thralled ones do, becuase it's the will of the primal itself to be summoned, but primals can only get a grip of the actions of their thralled subject when they are under stress and their prayers are stronger for some reason.
You can't get banned for parsing as long as you keep your mouth shut.
As soon as you mention having a parser, if someone decides to report you, you can very well get a warning/get banned. Now if you add bullying on top of that, you're gonna get fucked real hard possibly without lube
Heh, minge.
heres ur hrothgar bro
basically they do it for various reasons. For one, it brings an apparition of their god to them. If you could bring down a version of your own personal god, you might be very willing to keep doing it. Second, in both 1.0 and 2.0 it's to protect them from various aggressors like garlemald and even the city states themselves. Some leaders of these tribes got more radicalized and thought defense was not sustainable and were using them offensively to stop the problems all together.
Just resubbed after a break since 4.1 and Eureka soudns fun, a lot like FFXI, so I wonder, what's not to like? Why do everyone complain about it?
DInd't everyone wanted FFXI 2.0?
>Another cat race
Christ almighty this is fucking stupid.
Square operates on a "don't ask, don't tell" policy regarding parsers, you can use one with no repercussions as long as you don't mention you are using one, especially if you are using it to shame players
among like minded players, its fine, but if you mention it to someone who could report you for it, you could get in trouble.
play it and find out
imagine the sheer fucking confusion is Hrothgar look like this and male Viera look like hulking slabs of muscle
just for being a cunt
you don't get banned if you use parsers and keep it to yourself, but if like you said someone threw it up and shitted on someones DPS then it's "toxic" behavior and can get you banned
i mean recently they changed ToS where if you incorrectly identify a trannys gender you can get banned for that, you get banned for a lot of shit in the game since they succumbed to the SJWs
Opinion time:
I quit the game midway through HW and only got back into it last month. Just before stopping in HW I managed to get the Zu mount from the Airship FC fuckery. Its practically my only rare mount
Is the Zu considered rare these days? Is it considered cool?
Yeah..I'm thinkin' they're in.
nothing fucking changed you idiots.
>DInd't everyone wanted FFXI 2.0?
no, a handful of people wanted that, that's how we got 1.0, which tried very hard to recreate XI to a modern standard, one way or another, it fucking sucked.
Eureka is very much an XI styled grind but it still works under XIV's combat system, which really doesn't work well with XI inspired grinds
take that as you will, give it a go and judge it for yourself, I myself can't fucking stand Eureka, but hey, you might, though catching up might be a bitch, it isn't impossible
It's ff1 expansion with you finally fixing everything, all bad shit being undone and no one remembering warrior of light existence
I see, I'll have to find out then, first I'll go get up to date on the MSQ.
Is there any point in doing the Snake/Kojin daily quests now if I have only just hit max level?
Wasn't wings of the godess this?
I mean I didnt. I got the shit they give you and got out of there. And it looks like relying on beast tribes for random shit for relics is a thing of the distant past. Good for leveling alts (somewhat) as they are usually quick quests and you get challenge log completion for doing them.
You can just buy it off the MB but I have never seen anyone use a Zu mount on my server.
Ironically the easier it is to get something the rarer it is to see someone using it.
I've seen more Ultimate weapon glam than I've seen airship minions.
it's decent exp for the small effort of the quests if you have alts to level between queues.
Been playing since 2012. I want off this ride.
i'd play it
i just want cute boys that are small and normal proportioned
Their story mostly, as with other tribes. Exp is fine too i guess, although you get poverty amount of current tier tomes if you do them with max level job.
user-sama! Don’t forget to do your fashion report. You want to take a ride together on our cactuar mounts right?!
>the less rare something is the less value there is in showing it off
No way
Don't crop someone work please.
literally fucking obsessed
Absolutely SEETHING
Posting superior version.
its fucking gay how they shill their character but this is just petty, don't fuck with other peoples work, make your own if it bugs you that much
Now this I can follow, thanks user.
Its parroting at this point. That was the case when HW came out but a lot of them don't play au ra now and its spread out across all races.
Someone post good striking helmets.
>No Dye 100 pts
>Easy 100 pts
Just merge them, why even have choices?
I'm just saying it ironically makes common shit rarer
I had someone once stop and ask me what my glamour was because I made it mostly out of vendor gear and they'd never seen it before.
Nice I followed her on Twitter and upvoted her profile on Reddit.
no dye items aren't necessarily easy tbqh
It's a fucking dude why are y'all defending some HRT chugging cat scum? Unironically go to reddit or somewhere else if you hate seeing someones ''work'' stolen.
>i mean recently they changed ToS where if you incorrectly identify a trannys gender you can get banned for that, you get banned for a lot of shit in the game since they succumbed to the SJWs
You are making it sound WAY worse than it actually is, fucking no one gets banned. Sure, the ToS says this gets a ban, that gets a ban, but does it ever happen? No. The only ones banned in this game are gil bots, and not even all of them.
They are one of the most prominent community leaders of the game. They worked hard on informing the playerbase OK?
so what the fuck was the point of BLU in the end? it can't do shit except the carnival and that is a one and done kind of deal
yes user, everyone's a tranny in ffxiv. including you.
13 days left until fanfest.
>It's a fucking dude why are y'all defending some HRT chugging cat scum?
No one cares about the dude or his slutglaming, chances arethat you are even lower scum than that guy if you steal peoples work and call it your own.
No one wants to see your obsession with this reddit shit every week, just fuck off.
To show people what happens when you annoy the dev team about jobs.
Anyone who defends BLU comes down to two types of people:
>People who are idiots
>People lying for brownie points to get MUH VIP PASS FOR 5.0
Everything about BLU was a lie. You can't solo content so therefore you can't get all the spells solo. Lacking actual tank stance and a shit heal while unable to do relevant content. I honestly think they gave up half-way.
The guy who made BLU is the same person who made our ultimate fights and having him work on BLU seems like an insult to me.
Completely useless drama goes to with the rest of your kind
well there are multiple challenges. Unfortunately allied seals are a worthless reward. inb4 muh aetheryte tickets.
People wanted counted without roulletes and lots grind
Based Yoshida gave them exactly that
Big surprise, it was case "You think you do, but you don't"
There is a shit ton of grinding involving BLU what the fuck are you talking about?
I like how anons complain that “she” is stealing information from people and then cut out the source at the bottom she supplies and then if you actually go to the source you find she actually contributes to the source.
Dev team found it uncomfortable to work on the male animations so DNC will be the second limited job available to only female characters.
What a dickhead. Puts effort into content he likes, but fucks up shit on purpose the things he doesn't. Needs to be fired.
So what do you think they meant by "everyone will be surprised by Dancer"?
>Spamming unsynced fights with level 70s to learn a spell is "grinding"
Everyone secrelty wants to slit their wrists with anything pertaining to BLU.
>cat tranny plastered on a guide for no reason
I wasn't the one throwing a bitch fit about having someones ''work'' stolen though.
Uh oh user. Do you play a female character? I think you might be a tranny, too!
Have no friends that really play it; bosses are fun though
Not that it won't be a healer at least. It'll probably have some unqiue mechanics that set it apart from the other healers, maybe something like NIN mudras.
Some user has some theory that DNC will be based on a jester because the Chocobo Mystery Dungeon/Dippin' Dots shows a jester Chocobo.
That'd certainly surprise people thinking it'll be Thav glam: the job.
LITERALLY the definition of grinding
You don't see that user shilling his character, twitter and reddit though
I hope dancer doesnt get in purely because none of the healer gear would look good on the class. It's an endless parade of frumpy robes. It would be even worse than samurai.
>pup and bst also mentioned as possible limited job candidates
Please god.. I can't believe I'm saying this, but never add these classes to FFXIV if that is their fate.
Whatever makes you sleep at night, limited.
I dont play the designated tranny races, au ra and miqote
I think him playing a female character and pretending to be a girl in game definitely lends credence to him being a transsexual. It speaks of his true desires.
You'll get limited pup and beastmaster, it's fated. The moment Yoshida mentions it it will happen.
So about those egi glamours...
People will just slut glam over it anyway regardless of how ridiculous its animations are.
I figure the options for dancer being a "surprise" are
>It's not a healer
>It has some sort of drastically different gameplay mechanics
>It has some weird aesthetic that no one is expecting
>It has an unusual amount of effort put into it e.g. different animations for male and female
Source? If true, I'll be getting a lot of those fuckers banned.
You got em, u like carbuncle?
limited jobs are such a fucking failure its unreal, you know that saying? would you have preferred nothing?
yes, I would literally take nothing over what we got, I wanted to see the teams take on BLU fitting into XIV, but they half assed it, shat it out and fobbed off a bunch of excuses about what a "real" blue mage is
They've pretty much confirmed they're already working on the next limited job and they've brought up beastmaster and puppetmaster repeatedly so it's going to be them.
I'd honestly be okay with beastmaster as a limited job if it had a PvP minigame where you pit your beasts against those of other players.
>Not that it won't be a healer at least
Keep coping.
Here is you dancer(jester), notice how it is lined up with rdm? It will be physical ranged(support) dps to bump the amount of those jobs to 3. Healers will have a job next expac. Please look forward to it.
>more shitty novelty jobs
cool I guess
They happened (as shit as they are just being buncles), and instead of adding the skins for each primal they went and turned the work they'd done on it into minions.
Faster servers actually. When a patch drops it's much faster to download it from Steam than SE.
Nah, he's actaully good and here's some insight on ultimate.
making BLU into a real job wouldn't even be hard either. Tweak some values, add some kind of buff/debuff to more of the skills (IE water skills make the next lightning skill crit automatically or something) to give it a modular rotation of sorts, done.
pls no
they'll just merge it into Verminion
nobody wants that shit
>dnc is a healer
>uses scouting gear because robes are too restrictive to dance in
>healing power scales off dex
screencap this
Dps players are always in denial
How long have you been on HRT? Do you play a female character?
>move away from linear solution fights
>create the most linear solution fights in the game
It has the best Soundtrack in all of gaming.
>What the fuck kind of brainwashed retard you are if you think RPGs are about a "story"?
He's twelve and has never played anything but Final Faggotry grames.
I still don't understand why or how they haven't designed a system to transfer a Steam account to a regular service account. Fucking useless Japs.
An RPG is an RPG. You can't say it's only a half.
Name a single rpg that doesn’t have a story. It wouldn’t be a fucking roleplaying game.
>n-no, but white wind is so OP! muh missile! muh tailscrew! its too overpowered guys!
like they wouldn't just adjust the values to make it consistent with the rest of them
This guy isn't a tranny or anything. He's married and has a kid.
over what?
ok """""Anonymous""""", whatever you say
Just make their % to work based on enemy level relative to your level (or i-level so you can keep those overworld kills when you're geared) so that it wont work in dungeons that are current.
Unsynced fights don't give xp user, you still need to grind for levels outside the dungeons.
You usually learn the spells in just one run.
what the fuck was his problem?
>Faster servers
[citation needed]
Why would it be faster when you're downloading from SE regardless if you're on steam or not
There's really no benefit on having the steam version of 14 when all steam does is open the launcher
>steal shit from Reddit and post it on Twitter and claim it as your own
>i-it's not stealing guys, this person totally came up with it all on his own!
>thanks for the likes and retweets
Likes and retweets are the (You)s of Twitter.
you don't grind for exp in those instance, you grind for the spellbook
>You usually learn the spells in just one run.
no, it can take much longer than that, some players spent hours trying to get the primal spells, the only good part of that is that when one player learns it, you all do
It's gonna be a healer you nugget. They always keep the number of tanks and healers the same because of Yoshi's autism.
>actually being retarded enough to think on the fly translations are 100% accurate and that there isn't different ways to interpret and translate what was said, especially with a language like japanese.
Neither has the vast majority of shit that comes with every expansion. Everything just pops out of thin air and the game acts like it was there the whole time.
Anyone who thinks a new player race has to have groundwork placed before it is retarded.
Gilgamesh or Cactaur?
>Literally has someone who knows and speaks japanese fluently telling you what someone who is speaking japanese is saying.
>Thinking the person next to Yoshida who speaks and has studied japanese since he was a teenager and has lived in japan for an extended period of time would not interrupt or correct her.
Do you speak or have ever studied japanese user?
Just like you can't help being a giant homosexual with your fag posts right?
Cactaur, Gilgamesh is full of trannies
You guys seem to call everything a tranny when it isn't.
Don't bully Aimi-chan!
Are you retarded user? you can never literally translate japanese, it's all about context. Of course she's translating with the CONTEXT of the sentence. It's why manga translations take liberties because translating something word for word is often not what is trying to be said.
Soken is god.
Hey I got this off of Twitch Prime. Haven't installed it yet, but can I make a gyaru character in this game or no?
Didnt you know user?
Anyone who i don't like that plays a girl character is a tranny
It is possible for sure. I have seen some in game.
Sounds like latent homosexual desire. I know it is in my case.
Are you suggesting everyone is a tranny?
you mean
>Anyone who I don't like is a tranny
Anyone who plays a female character is a diaper tranny user
Really wish I could move my account off steam but o well
>Beastmaster next limited job to be added
>You can capture beasts in the overworld and add them in your party
>You can battle NPCs or players
Not even gonna lie a ripoff of pet battles would be pretty cool
>Wanting more limited bullshit
You can fuck off right now.
Yeah, easily.
When everyone is a tranny, no one is
Masked Carnivale was genuinely a lot of fun tho. I just feel they need to fix the ability acquisition bullshit for BLU.
>friend i know from work plays 14
>constantly fantasias from femroe to cat to lizard almost every other week
>all her glamours are nothing but slutglams
BLU is fine, just because you autistic manchildren can't raid with it and have to actually TALK TO PEOPLE to do it's content doesn't make it bad.
user, I......
Honestly the only limited job idea I'd actually like to play is freelancer
>Has you be able to slot abilities you've unlocked across all jobs
>wake up late on daylight savings day
>FFXIV thread is already at bump limit
>probably won't be another good one for a few hours
fuck off east coast. stop playing my game
>98% of the playerbase forgot it existed
Right there with you user, XIV is an incredibly hard sell to new players. It's not that the MSQ is perticularly bad (Though in some parts, it's horrible), it's simply that all the content prior to what's the latest release is steamrolled and without challenge because everyone overgears everything, so you're essentially watching someone play catchup so they can do difficult content.
Not that it'd completely solve the issue, but I kind of wish they'd put in a minimum item level alliance/normal raid queue just so you had difficult content to clear at least when you hit 50.
On a fundamental level, the game can be represented in ones and zeroes. Which kinda look like penises and balls.
Except we were all lied about what it can do and everyone forgot about BLU in a couple of days, hitting Lv50 in an hour and a half. It's a waste of resources currently.
eh, you didn't miss much. not really a great thread.
>tfw a padjal is willing to fight in the frontline when the pirate wench didn't do anything
That's hot.
And whhy the fuck would you not use slutglams in this game when many of the important story NPC's even use slutglams?
Yeah? just like how 98% of ff fans forgot it existed. BLU has been a gimmick job in every game it was in, it was never viable.
Khimari is useless.
Strago is useless.
Quistis is useless.
Quina is useless.
The only time it was ever even remotely a job was in XI and that was only due to it's dhurkadhurka lore. You got exactly what you wanted a true blue mage.
The content is fine as it is and will only get better with more updates.
is it actually worth discussing or are you just going to call anyone who disagrees with you autistic manchildren?
Give me Alisaie lewds
I don't know much about the others though, other than the time I grinded Siren to max level so I could learn Shockwave Pulsar on Quistis and hit for 65000 damage five hours into the game.
Did that pirate bitch even appear anywhere in the dungeon?
Clearing as fast as these 3 other shitters can go to notice
What does that have to do wih anything? BLU was 2 days worth of conent, it's already limited, if it sucks in combat doesn't matter at this point. What matters is that everybody dropped it and forgot it even happened
>Comparing SP RPGs to an MMORPG
Your intelligence truly is limited, just like BLU.