>25 games in the series
Holy hell, how are you supposed to get into this series?
25 games in the series
They're divided in trilogies and some of them are easier to get into than others (due to older games being more archaic and/or untranslated), so just pick a recent game at the start of a trilogy to get into it. I started with Rorona a few days ago myself.
Definitely don't play the one you posted for starters
Just play any one of them. Even though each is part of a series, all the previous characters are introduced and it's not like anything major happens in Atelier series main stories anyways. I sank 30+ hours into Firis and enjoyed it a bit.
>There have been nineteen main games in the Atelier series which are subdivided into seven sub-series. There are three games in the Salburg series, two games in Gramnad series, three games in the Iris series, two games in the Mana-Khemia series, three games in the Arland series, three games in the Dusk series and three games in the Mysterious series
The spin offs are bad, all of them.
They're all pretty much individual stories so you can play whichever you want anyways
You don't. If you really must, just play Sophie and Firis. The older ones are clunky and have zero QoL fixes, and the newer ones have no dubs.
It's easier if you play the first game in the trilogies. Atelier Sophie will throw you for a loop because it's the best game on the PS4 (including the Arland collection) while the other games in the Mysterious Series are awful.
Imagine listening to shrill, over the top Japanese voices and enjoying it. Lydie & Suelle was a mistake.
Based. FUCK Japanese voice """""""acting"""""""".
Am*rican voices make me puke, I'm glad I don't have to listen to any spoken English anymore because in my daily life I speak my native and in my free time I listen to Japanese. I actually pity EOPs who are stuck with listening to this God forsaken monkey language.
This is a huge concern for me. With KT charging full retail, there is zero excuse for running the text through Google Translate and calling it a finished product. What's worse is that review sites in Japan are as corrupt as IGN, so you can't even get an accurate idea on whether to pre-order or not.
>Monkey language
>The most commonly spoken language of countries with working sewage systems
Nobody cares about English speakers anymore, 90% of overseas atelier sales come from China. If they gonna release dubbed atelier games then it'll be Chinese dubbed.
Don't forget the $90 season pass
Seethe more EOP monkey, I only pity you because you'll never escape the mutt world you live in.
Really wish I could "finish" L&S, but I'm not paying $80 to do so.
>wasting money dubbing a game when your consumer base is 95% weebs
Anyone crying about no dubs would never play the games anyway
>responding to bait posted by a wapanese who despises his non-asian upbringing
C'mon son
I don't despise my upbringing but I despise a*glos and their mutt language that makes me vomit.
oof, muh dick
when the fuck are they porting ayesha to steam reeeee
should just bring back Judie since she had thebest voice. Too bad they wont have more mature girls as a mc because the series now market towards smelly japanese men
Gee OP I dunno.
If theres 25 games I wonder where you would start...
Most series don't go beyond three consecutive games. Atelier is a minor exception, some of its arcs go to four but that's it.
It's not like Kingdom Hearts with10 consecutive games or Trails in the Sky. Mor like Final Fantasy instead.
It's not good business to alienate new players so that's why story continuity is constantly dropped in video games.
Just play Ayesha, the others are not worth it.
>should just bring back Judie since she had thebest voice.
At fucking last, a poster with actual sense and proper taste
Redpill me on this game
Is it a cute game about cute girls doing cute things?
Is it available on PC?
some of them are
They're kind of long and boring, just watch the cuts enema on YouTube desu
>cuts enema
>that scared as fuck black one
Cute I wanna keep him
>fall for the sub meme
>realize that english is both better sounding and far more indepth than japanese
I mean, I applaud their storytelling abilities, but they're working with very crude tools. It's like looking at historical japanese art. Some of it is very beautiful, rivaling some of western's civilizations finest, but it is unarguably crude.
The simple fact is that an amateur in English produces better dialogue than a master in Japanese.
Your mistake was to assume Japanese voice actors used in anime and games are masters. They're mass trained to produce exact same emotions in exact same way upon request, not to act.
>I only speak muttlish but it's more indepth and better sounding!
Pathetic EOP.
Can you make viagra in this game?
What about meth?
Yet you subcuck faggots repeatedly claim they are better. Superb hypocrisy my dude.
>The simple fact is that an amateur in English
Stopped reading in there, Ayesha had some very talented and experienced actors in the dub, you've clearly never played it and are just trying to stir shit up.
I was playing Rorona and at one point the protagonist read a book about how a homunculus can be created through alchemy by using human semen.
It doesn't matter how familiar one is with something. They can just tell if it sounds good or not. Degrees produces a difficulty, but not absolutes. My sister wanted to speak Japanese, so I spent several months studying with her. I'm probably more qualified than you are. It's just an inferior language. It is much easier to debate the merits of German or French vs English, even though both are certainly inferior. Only the most braindead of weebs would argue Japanese is superior.
Whatever you say EOP mutt.
>responding to wapanese bait-troll
Just stop senpai
>spent several months studying Japanese
>thinks his opinion on the language actually matters
Mana Khemia 1 and 2 are the only worthwhile ones.
My ancestors came on the Mayflower. Yours we busy being raped by whoever happened to stop by.
Better than your zero.
imagine actually thinking a language with 26 letters in more deep than fucking japanese
>My ancestors came on the Mayflower
>Better than your zero.
Not everyone is an EOP like you. I learnt Japanese years ago
>Sophie is the best
>better than Arland and the other Mysterious games
Yes, that's what it said, are you retarded?
All the new Atelier games are shit
My apologies. You should have learned Arabic for your day to day life, or German if you wanted to actually improve yourself.
>still responding to the samefag waoanese troll
redpilled vn
start with Mana Khemia
>fail to learn a language after months of study
>"I didn't really want to learn it anyway"
Cope harder.
Oh, it's true. It's damn true.
what the fuck lol what is this called
You will be missing out on understanding the gameplay basis of the series if you haven't played the first ones.
Damn look at those titties.
lol ofc clever japanese dev can critique american outrage culture
if american devs do this they will just get lambasted and lynched on sns and wont ever be able to release any game.
sad america doesnt have freedom of expression anymore
If you are actually scared of time limits then you're a literal babby.
By only playing the best ones, which is like what, 4 games?
What's with this series' obsession with barrels? Is it an inside joke?
tist too big