Korea time

it's korea time boys and girls

tonight is the matchup everybody expected to be the grand final, if not for one helluva surprising Round of 4. So kick back, and relax and watch the best zerg in the world take on the best protoss in a completely consequence-less series with nothing at stake except the shame of defeat and a couple of grand in korealand funbucks

RAIN (p) vs. EFFORT (z) bo5


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Other urls found in this thread:


shit i was about to go to sleep

first for effort taking it 3-0

>was upset effort lose so I wont see him playing against rain in finals
>rain lost too
>still got to see them play against each other

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tastosis always delivers, make sure you put tasteless' wrists in your prayers

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I like both Effort and Rain, and kinda don't which wins. Hopefully we get 5 games tonight. Pretty excited, tbqh. Even more so than the Mini vs Last finals.

Attached: flash_zipper.webm (1280x720, 2.33M)


*ting ting ting ting ting*

Ladies and germs of Korea Time, before the Third Place Match gets underway, I'd like to make a little announcement...

Attached: tuxedo hydra.png (1366x1193, 976K)

Are you ready for a new age of protoss domination?


>morphing hallucinations in to Archons

Ayo FUCK daylight savings, bros. Also, tonight's the night, I can feel it.

Attached: Protoss_Scout.jpg (343x308, 29K)

Fuck, one of the archons was a Hallucination and a real Templar and it didn't vanish.

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tossbab cheese knows no limits

dishonesty levels off the charts

how can effOrt even compete against this man?

Attached: my autism is getting stronger.png (1920x1080, 1.15M)

He used 8 high templars, 8 hallucinations and got out 4 archons. All he did was waste energy on hallucination.

thank fuck I chose now to look at Yea Forums.
should be a sick match.

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Between this and the total recall that was discovered in the last few years, the protoss just grows stronger and stronger as the years go on.

I'm entertaining my normie-friends and can't watch koreatime aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Please tell me it's rapid or something casting it, whisper me sweet nothings /koreatime/.


Attached: hydra tuxedo sticky.png (1366x1193, 980K)

Take this cancer out of this thread.

Literally stick it on TV and make them all watch it you fag.

This still blows my mind. I wonder if he's going to inspire some younger players to learn to play in windowed mode too.


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I remember making my friends watch a Korea Time match back in high school in like 2008 or something and they all just thought I was insane.



>They got rid of Tasteless

Oh no

I have regrets

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i can't believe tasteless is fucking dead

I sleep


>total recall that was discovered in the last few years
what's this?

At least it isn't Rapid.

I'm sorry!
Admonish me ;_;


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goddamnit tasteless you no-good drunk bastard


Attached: Horang2 JUST.jpg (775x684, 53K)

>No Tasteless
>NoRegret as his replacement


This is probably one of the most JUST moments I've seen of a pro player. He legit looked like he was about to hang himself.

i fucking hate this idiot noregret. who even is this little shit?

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come on now

>babys first RTS
No thanks

I honestly don't understand why these thread dickride tasteless so much. Most of the time he can't even remember the players names, he is by no means a good commentator. He doesn't know dick about the game either.

I had a feeling this might happen, tasteless was asking for audiobook suggestions yesterday, which he usually only does when he’s traveling somewhere

>Artosis supporting scalping

looks like i get to sleep after all

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3rd place matches - PvT
1st place matches - PvT

Feels good guys.

What is this music.

Whatcha eatin' while watching Korea Time, Yea Forums? Rate my meal out of 10.

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>PC Principal: no regret is actually a better caster than tasteless, but I still love him

t. guy who hasn't been watching any bw

Get lost NoRegret, pay attention to the cast

korean cast it is. only english casting i can stand is tastosis desu.

>Basket Case

>That was before my time

Holy shit fuck off, NoRegret

It's because the duo of Artosis & Tasteless is legendary.
Artosis & anyone is great though.

Look at the far left morph

I made a post last week complaining about WCIII not being on the Blizzard store but I have since made a few discoveries
Apparently if you buy the Remaster you get the originals for free, but it's still not on the battle.net app
You have to go to an obscure Blizzard forum post with a download for the game and then sign in with your Blizzard account (or use a CD key if you still have one)
Fuck Blizzard for being so obtuse

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Did you mean PvZ for 3rd place?


Yes, theyre my two favorite matchups to watch.

>Age 60

Holy shit, based Stardad

Is there some alternative to the TL events calendar to finding when this shit is on? I'm sick of having to check every night and the next match for KSL/ASL will only get added onto it the day before its going to take place.

Can't you get them for free without buying the remaster?
Same place you get diablo 2 and the other blizzard classics

who the fuck is this bored caster god damn where is tastosis

Got here just in time

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>Age 60, APM 40
He'll be fine if he plays Protoss.

If tastosis isn't casting the finals I'm going to riot

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It's the famous SC2 player, NoRegret. Known for sometimes maybe getting to the Ro32 in GSL, and for delivering commentary like he's almost passed out on drugs.

Nope, you have to buy it
You have to buy Diabolo II as well

It'll be solo-casted by Rapid.

Good on you. Get something to snack on, it might be a long match tonight. Also stay hydrated.

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Shucks, good thing I'm a starchad

I just go to liquipedia.net/starcraft/Afreeca_Starleague_Season_7 and click on the info icon for the match. TL seems not to bother updating the events calndar any more for some reason.

He really couldn't cast 3 days in a row? What is this lazy slob even doing half of the time when he's not casting

Ironically that's the best kind of cast involving Rapid

Rapid is unironically good as a solocast.
It's Rapid + anyone that is the problem because you get to see just how brown shit is when its smeared across white walls
Rapidregret is where people genuinely consider muting the sound

I look there too but a lot of the time there's no date on the future matches. I want to put the dates and times in my calendar and once you get past RO16 you can't because they diddle all over the schedule

i wish they could get diggity to cast again

an artosis solo cast would be better than a two man booth with rapid. this is indisputable. however a star2 tournament nobody gives a fuck about will surely happen across the ocean somewhere on the same day as the asl finals therefore artosis and tasteless will flake on us because of course they will because they always do always have for literally the last 2 years of asl - and we are going to be stuck with rapid. today artosis is training the boy for the trial ahead.

I hope one of the player decides to cheese so I have 5 minutes to go downstairs and cook something up

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Is it just me or is The Music freakishly loud

shouldn't you be training mong

I love how perfect that name is

>that muta split
no tossbabby has the micro required to do that

Rapidregret is still one of the funniest portmanteaus I've ever seen. It perfectly describes exactly how you feel when you see they are the commentators.

i've never seen competitive starcraft, what's the minimum i should know

fuck off we're full

>Yo leme just fuckin' dive with all these mutas into a million goons and cannons and storm

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Protoss players are dishonest

spent 1000 gas to kill one high templar. effort sucks. he sucks. sucks. how did flash allow himself to drop a game to this guy. fuck.

If in doubt, read the wiki.

Just remember that Scouts are the best unit in the game.

Ordering some pizza but to get max comfy

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protoss is easymode
you can play starcraft for free on the blizzard launcher

nobody here actually plays competitively lmao
but you should probably learn some build orders and study replays of pros

comfy is just a code word for boring desu

If I want to get into bw is it worth playing the original campaign or should I skip straight to the bw one?


Rapid solocast

Attached: KSL dance.gif (280x158, 928K)

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for singleplayer experience you should play both

What the fuck is this game?


What about Wolf nigga

It's a good time, and will set you up for the bw campaign as it's a continuation of the original after all

Do they still cast qualifiers? Their descent into madness from s1 was hilarious

same here bro

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i maek hydra

>artosis + noregret
weird combo

holy fuck


cute kot

Money Storms by Rain, but effOrt saying fug you

he switched to overwatch

wait, it's over?

Doesn't that dude cast Overwatch league or something? Or am I mixing up my similar sounding esports white dudes?

I maek corsair


>effort is going to the military after this

no regret solocast would be hilarious

dishonest protoss got punished

>caught only the last literal 20 seconds of the first match because i was distracted by watching summit mafia

Attached: angerplank.gif (360x360, 2.51M)

Attached: Mini after his shuttle fuck-up against Effort.webm (386x224, 238K)

Your fault for watching garbage

Reminder that Rain is smarter than other Brood War players since he got out of the military simply by giving his father a liver. He can continue to dominate while all the top players go to be slaves for their country.

Really? Based mini doing what he said he’d do

i maek corsair
i maek storm pew pew

how many careers have been destroyed by compulsory military service?

that was when he gg'd, not when he fucked up his shuttle btw

I swear to god, NoRegret cannot look good in any jacket and tie on Earth. He always looks like he doesn't fit in them.

yeah well ur a faget

Attached: megasmug.jpg (523x512, 47K)

Damn, I was out on a walk 30 mins from home and I forgot korea time was on. Luckily I could watch the first game on my phone on the walk home. Shame about no tasteless but Regretosis isn't too bad, they've kind of like an expert/newbie thing going on as noregret is perfectly ready to admit he knows fuck all about bw and makes zero effort to learn. Unlike Rapid who tries to learn and fails anyway.

Anyway, I just wanted to say hmmmm drobes, anybody get a clip of that lurker spine? that was juicy.

That fatty looks so out of place

>tfw no korean qt gf to watch SC with

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I'm cooking German Haxe while watching. Gotta pour some dark beer over the roast every 30 minutes or so

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its plays really different to what I've seen on ksl/asl though
No medics for example


>popularized psi storm

What an absolute god.

You are just going to mass battlecruiser/guardian/carrier for most maps anyways so it doesn't matter

Trump will make peace with North Korea which will have the compulsory millitary service be removed and push Starcraft into a new golden age. Thank you based orange man.

this one?

Attached: tasty probes lurker edition.webm (1280x720, 2.26M)

solo rapid is great

Dude doesn't fit in his own body, he's so far on the spectrum the world doesn't fit him. He's good when he's got his rhythm going, he's quite entertaining in a spazzy way.

>Tasteless ducked out so he could snort coke and fuck whores so we get the fat guy instead
>not even based Rapid "the little caster that could"

No it isn't. At least NoRegret is a timid fatso that lets everyone else talk over him. Solo Rapid means you have to listen to a retard shout out everything that is happening as it happens because he has no idea what is even going on.

>Mini after his shuttle fu(...).webm
I love how you can't tell which match this truncated filename refers to until you expand it. How many shuttles will Mini lose next week?

mutas coming up

all of them

Attached: sweet effort and hella mini.png (1280x720, 843K)

Even NoCharimsa shuts Rapid down when they cast together, his rapid fire autism causes Rapid to fail every "joke" and show just how shit his casting is. It's entertaining in it's own bad way. At Least Regret seems to have listened to people who have tried to tell him how to improve his commentary.


jesus christ Rain what are you doing

3 0 incoming

>play a gamble on the next game being cheese
>make food
>come back to two base muta

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>Effort shoving his big meaty zerg cock down rain's protoss throat.

I think the original campaign doesn't let you make battlecruisers until the last couple of missions

enough to make him full emotional and destroy last

Looks like it's going to be a short korea time

We're gonna be done early tonight, boyos

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holy shit that cutie hiding behind the sign

anyone got a screencap?

Rain is a hack and the worst of the best players. Never have been impressed with him.

>the absolute homeworld of protoss right now

this the best protoss in BW right now?

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Even 40apm man knows scourge muta is bullshit.

>that zoom in on the old white guy

not by a longshot

>break is almost as long as the game

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boomer in the audience

>didn't know to go to sleep in time because fucking tl didn't update the calendar
fuck everyone who doesn't have to get up at 5am to watch this

>they call her Big Suzy now

Attached: Big Suzy.jpg (1080x892, 158K)

Just got here, are the games good tonight?

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Ah broodwars, now that was a good game

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Remember who the real winner is here. Effort has to go be a meat shield for his country while Rain is exempt from the mandatory military service.

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Based and ESTpilled

I still would.

Attached: LilSusie.jpg (435x580, 27K)


Rain will win 3-2

who here
>humming the ad music while doing other things during the day after a asl cast
>shouting the thing that korean caster shouts when they play the recaps

who else? Don't say Mini.

I missed the first game but the second game was a 6 minute steamroll, featuring zerglings and mutas

Please no 3-0 sweep. That'd be boring ;_;

Attached: gotta_go_fast_(justly).webm (720x404, 2.96M)

protoss getting absolutely SHITTED on
huge dissapointment compared to previous godlike matches


man Last vs Rain was such a dishonest shitpost series, it was great


>Please no 3-0 sweep. That'd be boring ;_;

We're at 2-0 at just 45 minutes in. We could potentially be looking for a 60 minute series, the quickest EVER.

I've seen this posted in other threads, what is the name of this chinese animated entertainment product


Fight until you die by the blade of the one you hate~

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Are there cute beautiful angels in Korea?

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Akanesasu Shoujo.

Attached: asuka_vs_wild_west_clutter.webm (720x404, 2.86M)

friendly reminder that BLIND AND FROZEN was kino and nothing since has compared


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That depends, how much do you like plastic?

>mysterious third cheer



i always mimic the "always on, olleh tv!" girl because she says it in such an obnoxious way

IntoTheRain looked like an actual anime protag.


I had the friends theme stuck in my head because of those fucking ads

low test faggot

End of reason~
End of the game!



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>Korean cast numbers way down

Are people watching it on Olleh TV now? Please say yes.

I showed my friends TITTY SAMBO back in 2008 or something and they thought it was the funniest shit.

Dude have you heard asians wear makeup and have cosmetic surgeries unlike women everywhere else in the world?

Too plasticky!


What day is the final?

Tasteless missed out on making a podcast. It could be on normal non-Korean starcraft topics. Normies would eat him up. He's talkative and charismatic. He could have been Joe Rogan before Joe Rogan.

God, even NoRegret knows he has nothing interesting to say.

next sunday. it's also a couple hours early

based on her slightly chubby face, I think she's actually a little less plastic than average.

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nah, the game is just dead

Anyone remember an old GSl ad that just ended with a black screen and "I hate you" in simple white letters?

on the 18th local time

He's been too busy eating Korean girls' asses out.


Is Rain throwing or something? This is really sloppy play compared to his recent games.

>keeping them honest

tasteless is with us in spirit tonight boys

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cape boi DENIED

He wants to give an Effort a win before he goes to the military to die in the Second Finno-Korean Hyperwar.

gg soon

>3-0 in an hour

Is Rain fucked up on Xanax or something? Is he being forced to play in fullscreen?!

shut up!

>This DT... has a dream

Every so often NoRegret says something that actually makes me laugh.


Holy FUCK those storms

Mmmmm hybras

zergs a meme

I want effort to win but I also don't want to see a 3-0

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those were some fruity fucking storms
I hope rain takes this so we get more games

I don't usually mute the stream, but I would for a NoRegret solocast
I don't think he's awful, but it's clear that he doesn't fully get BW and he can only say what he's been told or try and compare it to SC2

He would actually have a breakdown halfway through. When they cut back to him after the first game he would be drenched in sweat.

mmm draboons....

Its over, Rain didnt do anything this game.

This is gonna be a 3-0.
No question about it.


well that was kinda disappointing

Short night


Welp, at least Effort got to win his last game before going into the military. I wish that ayy lmao didn't have to leave right now. He's still so dominant and now his skills are gonna dull for a couple years.

welp that was shit
when are finals bros?

shamefur dispray

wow, I'm glad we didn't have that as the final, rain got fucking dominated, that would have been a boring final

Good bye Effort, we'll miss you.

EZ 3-0

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Well that was a bit of a disappointment.

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this was some max depresso shit by Rain, especially after how he manhandled Horang2 and the great series against Last

Mini is gonna be good for the finals because he's so emotional. Whether he loses or wins, it will be fun to see his reactions through the series.

Dissapointing, its like it was a different toss playing.

Calling 3-0 Finals win for Last. Gonna be over in 1 hour nd be disapointing like all the finals other than effort vs Flash.

Last will 4-0 Mini. Screenshot this.

Maybe Rain just can't be bothered for anything except the finals and the path to them

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>Korean military has both Bisu and Effort in their ranks

Could any military on the planet even hope to stop them now?

huh well.. now we can see why these two aren't in the finals.

seeya next weekend lads.

Attached: 1542508912911.png (1000x1600, 630K)

>finals are usually shit
>3rd place matches are great
>this year 3rd place matches are shit




Attached: 1525816820808.gif (600x338, 350K)

>no tastosis
>shit 3-0
Today was boring.

One last "ayy lmao" in honor of Effort's last tournament

Attached: ayy lmao.gif (220x328, 795K)

GOAT finals incoming. Max dishonesty from Last and ultimate honesty from Mini.

The south Korean military is a Terran army though

Bitter zealots 2.0 soon

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Mini looks like a different person in his ASL photos compared to how he looks in the booth. Maybe it's just the camera angles.

Its what the germans would have us believe

This means we'll get finals that go to game 5.
We'll finally have Mini.

Okay, Korea Time's over. I sleep now.

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Effort had to return to his home planet.

You're used to seeing him hunched in half like an arthritic old man.

Attached: mini's smile and optimism gone.png (737x420, 414K)

Sleep tight

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Bros, Rain threw the series as quick as he could so that we wouldn't have to listen to NoRegret for too long. He died for us.

>this awkward talk trying to end the show

I'm looking forward to some panicky shuttle play/abuse from Mini

truly a hero

remember friends, next week is finals
and starting 18th April we get KSL again so mark your calendars for more Ultra Autism Gook Craft

>I think Tasteless stole one of those

Between this and last week's "joke" about stealing things, I imagine walking into his place you'd see piles of stuff he's stolen from GOMTV, Afreeca, and Blizzcon.

Back to DMC5. Have a good morning/day/night, guys. See you at the finals.



Attached: 1530556513855.png (620x640, 260K)

>mini says he will use scouts
>he does

>rain is the best protoss in the world
the absolute state

Attached: Mini vs Last.png (1278x1308, 1.1M)



>Sleep in 1 hour
>It's already fucking over
What the fuck
Is it even worth watching the vod

Tasteless would definitely be the kind of guy you'd see walking out of a party carrying leftover food, for sure. He'll take anything he can get his hand on.

Not really. Disappointing games tonight.

would've been a better match if Rain just stayed at home

not really

Honestly, nah. It was a one sided domination and unless you like those there's not much to watch

he ain't called mini for nothin

>but little did they know the games would end before they finished their meal

If you enjoy watching protoss getting absolutely dominated by zerg, yes.
Nothing really exciting even happened, he just got outplayed.

sadly true.

if you're not here in person for korea time then you're basically an idiot faggotron and i wouldn't even 1,1,1 (You)

When does it normally start

An hour and a half ago

7pm local time.

remember that Mini 3-0'd Last in KSL 6 months ago, then got 3-1'd by him. And that was last at his absolute peak, This final will be a lot closer than people think.

You faggots better tell me that whoever is responsible overseeing these games is looking into matchfixing right now

Because there is no way Rain didn't play this bad on purpose

Thanks friends

>devastating loss against Last just last weekend
>only a week to prepare
>for a 3rd place match that he doesn't give a shit about
>plus winning would mean staining the end of a man's career

The 3rd game was especially bad.

Rain is that bad, and Effort is that good. I've been saying for ages that Rain is the worst of the good players. He can win a tourny, but he can also get swept really easily too.

I think effort probably prepared better than Rain did since it's his last hurrah and he had to prep for ZvP last week anyway

BW is kind of weird how somebody playing good versus somebody playing very good makes the worse player look fucking garbage even though they're only fractionally worse

I'll say it time and time again, Rain is the kind of play who looks dominating until he gets dominated. It's very, very rare to see him go to full games, he usually either 3-0s or gets 3-0d

It kinda felt like Rain was trying to play SC2 instead of BW.

well if the prizepool breakdown is similar to last time, winning tonight is an $1,800 difference. that sounds worth it for a week's worth of preparation to me

>viewership numbers way down
>players going to military
>others have wrist problems
>few new players rising in the ranks to replace the old ones

Can Korean BW survive?

>>viewership numbers way down
Is it or was that just today because it was a shitty third place match?

I checked last game too and the Korean numbers were like 20,000. I don't know how many are just seeing it on Olleh TV.

You're posting a match too early. Come back when the finals have been played.

Rain seems to sometimes just fall apart against top tier zergs.
He got 4-0'd by Jadeong in season of 1 KSL as well

Why is it that when I unload my dropships sometimes it only unloads 1 or 2 vultures and then just stops? How do pros consistently almost instantly drop all their units out at once despite using like 10 dropships in TvT?

Attached: 1524297780112.png (284x240, 95K)

isn't that an issue of running out of space for the units to fit? might just be their superior positioning

I am so angry I am gonna give this thread another bump

Angry about what??? Subpar games?

Yes. I literally haven't seen worse games past group stage ever.

It honestly was quite bad, I agree. I throught Rain would do better. And it was a bummer since i already bought snacks and prepared tea to watch 5 games. Like I said above, game 3 was especially bad.

Attached: seriously_CUTE!.jpg (2560x1600, 269K)

>I throught Rain would do better.

You thought wrong.


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How long has his wrist been fucked up now anyways?

Years. I'm wonderign if it's something else.

He keeps reinjuring because he can't stop masturbating. They tried teaching him to jerk off with his other hand but he's only a protoss player.

Only thing that was good was the first hydra drop in which he swung the first game around hard in his favor.