What is the vidya's weapons equivalent to infinity gauntlet?

What is the vidya's weapons equivalent to infinity gauntlet?

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playing games on easy

>playing games on easy
that's a weapon?

you think i actually read posts?



Enchanting some ridiculously powerful weapon in TES games seems close

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Microtransactions that aren't cosmetic and give you an advantage over other players.

David Duke approves of the new Dems.

The infinity gauntlet has been in a few games

got damn, why is it that a garment designed to promote modesty piques my interest more?

she looks ugly as fuck what's wrong with you?

Playing GTA SA with hesoyam

She looks pretty good for 40

is the reason extremists hate horseshoe theory so much because it actually turns out to be true?

fortnights infinte guantlet

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She's in 40s IIRC that's generally period when women start deteriorating.

i want AOC to give me a prostate orgasm

apparently pelosi was quoted as saying "we are against anti-white supremacists"

they are the only ones who are unironically against israel and jewish run companies
except they dont chimp out about "muh joos" like /pol/

AOC is my American Politics Waifu.

it's a low res pic and as i mentioned the whole forbidden fruit angle that comes about from the hijab amplifies attraction

Yeah the say it in arabic

shes 40? i thought she was in her 30s

These women could genuinely mark the downfall of the US.
Kinda sad, but at least I have somewhere else I can go.

maybe your just a dumb muslim.

> Young socialist muslim and latina being based as fuck and politically incorrect

> All conservatives violently convulsing in full meltdown triggered mode for literally fucking days because someone pointed out AIPAC, including Trump who was falsely accused of this antisemitism bullshit multiple times

What's even going on. When did muslim socialists became the cool guys?

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Omar and aoc are against big money in politics in general. Omar just called out Israel buying out politician via a Pac. causing both sides to chimp out because they get money from them

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That is el presidente Cortez of the islamic states of americano comrades

A katamari

do they say anything about all the muslim money?

is she anita but from /pol/?
i dont get what the fuck she is doing and everybody talks about how she is soooo strong

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Well Omar atleast

commie muslims were always based

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/pol/tards don't understand the the "pendulum" already swinged and it's swinging back, Trump had one term and he completely failed on every fucking level.

Unless the DNC rigs the primary again America is going to have the first socialist president

Social Democrat isnt a Socialist.

maybe but in reality no. something about a headscarf, I dunno man

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It's hard to name ANY equivalents to the infinity gauntlet. Not many weapons can blow up the universe, shit is pretty OP.

nobody gives a shit about your ugly mudslime women, mohammad

/pol/ and old-ass boomers are united in being insanely horny.

would nuking Israel save the world?

tankies go home.

better than the US becoming the 8th distric of israel if you ask me

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The Vector cannon

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In Ameritard speech it does, anything beyond that is "literally communism".

/pol/ learning that politics isn't 1D, socialists were always based

Because she's wearing it wrong

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>Take back control of your country in 10 easy steps

maybe, if you nuke both israel,the us and england tho
that will definetly change some things

>"as long they are anti-semitic i'll support them"

Both have called out Saudi money. More aoc than Omar(since aoc is more of a talking figure). One of the big things about these nu-dems is that they see big companies and foreign influences buying politician as corrupting democracy.
The reds and blues splerging and screeching anti semitism is years of them taking kike money from aipac
Trump sold out Israeli money years ago

How did it fail in every level?

dob geg la creatura
t. green eyed brown haired celtoid

anything to the left of their lord and saviour ronald reagan is literal gommunism

you can literally tell who all the arabs are.

this is why we need to bring back segregation

You only like them because they're not white.

here's the thing
they don't chimp out about going around shooting random civilian jews like /pol/ wants or fart out nazi propaganda
they are against major entities with israeli/jewish influence (and also those that dont have that)

Illhan Omar literally executed Rosa Luxembourg ISIS style

well if they were white they'll probably be one of the many that lick israels ass

Hello newfag

>no wall
>no asylum or immigration overhaul
>record budget deficits
>record trade deficits
>only 3% of jobs created are American born men
>now says he's fine with troops in Syria
>there's a "plan" to remove troops from afghanistan in five years, likely Trump won't be president
>democrats didn't allow him to fix relations with Russia, things are actually worse than ever

The only thing good was a week long democrat meltdowns over supreme court judges. But Trump is an objective failure

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>/pol/tards don't understand the the "pendulum" already swinged and it's swinging back, Trump had one term and he completely failed on every fucking level.
Failed? The stock market is way up, unemployment is way down, we're not fighting wars in the Middle East, the Supreme Court is conservative, taxes were cut, Obamacare was gutted, and nobody trusts the media any more, and Trump has done everything he possibly can to get the wall built--if it still doesn't happen, it isn't his fault. It might be a failure to a leftard.

>the "pendulum" already swinged
Haven't we reached the point in today's society of information where the pendulum oscillates in GHz?

bernie was the one who killed rosa

>Yea Forums now supports great evil Hamas socialist fascist infiltrators
>Yea Forums now hates the only democracy in the Middle East
What the F*CK happened?!

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imagine being this deluded to reality

They're 100% globalist regardless of their views on Israel.

I honestly wished you were joking. But I've been told way too many times that Canada is a socialist paradise by the average /pol/bigger. Despite them being a notch above Obama in leftism

GAMERS rose up

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pick one, Iran is more democratic than them

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People will start to realise why people hate anti-semites.
If you throw out everything you claim to believe in just to hate jews you arent rational.
Look at all the "white nationalists" that drop white nationalism because a black muslim hates some hebrews.

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>Yea Forums now hates the only democracy in the Middle East

It isn't a democracy if you systematically disenfranchise the majority of people who live there in order to maintain your rule.

>People will start to realise why people hate anti-semites.

After spending years calling liberals triggered snowflakes, all conservatives went into a collective meltdown mode over factual statements about AIPAC. People don't like hypocrites, and rational people don't like lies and smearing

Omar was singing praises to allah as the nasheed was blasting over a cheap sony stereo system in a clay hut, bent on her knees and eyes wrapped in a black cloth in front of the islamic state flag socialism was cancelled once and for all

in their defense, usually they dont want to just "adopt those policies"
usually they want to start with the straight up communist ones of gun control, censorship, more guberment fucking up everyone's life, before getting to anything that would in fact make people's lives better

unironically inshallah

>it's not his fault the wall couldnt be built!
He had control of the senate and house for 2 years. How can one cope this hard?

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I would never vote for aoc, support the lion of Damascus and want to fuck thicc muslim hijabis. am i Yea Forums?

Wonder if Omar is an Islamic Bolshevic

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still too liberal

Disgusting mullah puppet
Anti-semite rabble
Jew-hating Hamas scum

>All these fags talking about shit they don’t know and it isn’t even video games
Just another day on Yea Forums

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Norway is communist and doing just fine.

>foreign influences buying politician as corrupting democracy
So, the US will stop doing that at some point in the future?

benjamin nyetenahu can blow raspberries on my ass

Norway has oil and is also overwhelming white middle class non criminal/lazy people. Different policies work for different people, like in Lybia Gaddafi held it together better than the shit they have now. The US can't handle Norway's policies because too many lazy low tier people live in the country.


get lost imperialist kike

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thanks for your input
that helped a lot the whole conversation and clearly proved your point
could as well just close the thread after such a rich and informative argument you just presented

You can run the most ridiculous societies on oil money. Just look at Saudi Arabia.

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go live there

What do you mean "it's not his fault"
>Hey I'm one of the most powerful president in history with control over both the house and senate while also being able to appoint a judge
>Should I use this once in a hundred year opportunity have to easily do everything I promised to faff about and do fuck all until I don't have the same opportunity?
Trump is either an idiot or he never wanted to build that wall to begin with.

I unironically would If I could, but it's not easy getting citizenship. I had a female friend that married in there, probably won't see her ever again

Powerful stuff. I'm very interested in her topics...

>thinking a welfare capitalist nation will become commie overnight because people can afford education and medicine

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I thought we were talking about immensely powerful weapons in games, not kikes and mudslims in congress?

I am



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burn your passport and claim you are a refugee

it works for africans that had nothing to do with syria

>small, obscenely wealthy country can afford an expansive welfare state

>The US can't handle Norway's policies because too many lazy low tier people live in the country.
In all fairness after we tax the useless failchildren of wealth into taking on burger flipping jobs instead of sloppily maintaining political and wealth dynasties this issue should solve itself

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Scrolls of Genocide in Nethack

then stop pushing for what other countries have to do with their laws

enjoy yours and shut the fuck up about it

Needs to be a civil war or something going on already to claim refugee status user, your side is pretty hungry for it anyway give these cucks what they want

>muh stay in your lane

did you even read what I posted ?

the civil war was in syria, refugees were from africa
the requirement is moot
all you need to do is claim, there is no need to proof

there is always a civil war going on somewhere in the planet

I wish the civilized world would come together and make anti-semitism illegal, like many forward thinking countries have already done.
So your neo-nazi, Hamas, anti-American, Jew-hating. Jew-stabbing, Islamofascistic, anti-semitic, socialistic, freedom hating, anti-Judeo-Christian, "Palestinian", communist, Iran shilling, Mullah serving. white nationalistic, Holocaust denying, fake Christian, Jihadistic, unpatriotic bile rethoric can be purged from the public sphere.

*there is always a civil war going on somewhere in africa

extremely based

you can blow my ass too while we're at it

>niggers, asians, furry,ADHD,generic music from fruity loops, fat ass retards
what the actual fuck?

I keep forgetting this place is full of Idiots that know nothing of what they talk about

What about Denmark?

What's stopping the US from being shit?

>tfw you're anti hamas and anti palestinian and pro bashar al assad in his campaign against islamists and murica hegemony, and get called anti semite
post your nasal dimensions

That flag is not an insult to the Saudis, but an insult to Israel, its people and all the brave men AND women serving in the IDF to protect the very existence of Israel from that very flag

>Stop bullying my me and my country

>mods leave up a political thread as long as its halal.

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your mouth is a butt that shit escapes from, hopefully you're an excellent blower of ass if that's the case

make semitism illegal and there will be no need for anti-semitism

The mere fact that you have to fall back to nose jokes tells me all that I have to know about you

the brave idf that serve to protect israel from children and terrorist AP reporters with PRESS written in large white letters on their bulletproof vests

wtf I love islam now

What a garbage Insult

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was he right tho ?

he was, wasnt he

OP is pretty vidya related but he had to be edgy faggot and put pol tier pic so topic gets ruined by other fags.

Propagandists and demonisers are a greater threat to the Jewish people and Israel than a hail of Qassam rockets.

Political shit really has rotted people’s brains

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>name the jew
>Washington goes into suicide watch
LMFAOOO Ilhan Omar is my fucking hero

I disagree in that I believe giving low tier people money will just result in them waisting it. I believe being lower class in most cases is a genetic thing, money can't increase IQ or impulse control. When your average poor person gets money by chance they blow it on drugs, gold jewelry, car mods, etc... and the same will happen with welfare money. I am not going on a rant as to what will help the middle class because that would be writing a novel, but lower class people cannot be monolithed via free money, case and point Haiti.


Denmark gave all their oil to Norway?

>Elect brown scarf person
>She's an anti-semite like all Muslims
Wowwww how could this happen WTF


Professional basic bitch Megan McCain crying on The View is def worth a $300 million dollar fortune she did nothing to work for I agree

>calls out AIPAC and politicans pledge of alliance to Israel
>is being smeared as an anti-semite

How do you conservacucks not explode from your own hipocrisy. After half a fucking decade of calling liberals out for being easily triggered snowflakes that use identity to smear people. I used to watch Ben Shapiro or Jordan Peterson on youtube, but I now realized you people are fucking worthless

>its anti Semitic to call out a foreign ran Pac that has been flooding money into politics

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Chelsea Clinton is such a qween for name searching herself on twitter to own podcast hosts, so brave and worthy of a massive half billion dollar fortune she did nothing to gain

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If you can't see the inherent anti-smitism in the very opposition to something like AIPAC, you can't be helped

but what does that have to do with this bug you posted?

>If the capital crumbles to the ground , the only thing that would remain is our commitment and aid to Israel

- Nancy Pelosi

>God has sent me here to be the protector of Israel

-Chuck Schummer

And remember this is the slightly less cucked Israel party, republicans are lot worse

>get called anti semitic despite being pro Israel
>make a less obvious nose joke
>still seething over nothin
grow the fuck up my man

and what is wrong with that ?
aipac is anti american

are you trying to imply anti-semitism is bad ?

It's antisemitic to notice patterns and ask about dual citizens (outlawed everywhere else) in your country's government, goy.

the muslims in the middle east are so anti semitic they think jews have magical powers.
They actually fear jews can teleport through walls and kill them from kilometres away.

Chelsea clinton works hard for her $440 billion dollar fortune by being mad at comedians on twitter who didn't even at her, so brave..........


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Imhar wasn't talking about Jews. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schummer, Trump, Cruz they've all pledged alligeance to Israel and are doing it yearly.

Maxwell's Notebook

what does this mean

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>This Jewish-run lobby is bad for America!
>But Jews are great!
Mental gymnastics champion

>supports an Arab anti-Jew dictator coming from a long line of anti-semites
>makes racist nose jokes
You ARE an anti-semite
Being pro-Israel is the most pro-American a person could be. Every great patriot was and is a avid Zinoist, look it up

Yeah and chloe Kardashian such fine young self made (hard working!) Billionaire!

zero dmg webm. lol

>oy vey if you dont swear allegiance to israel and give us all your money you are anti-semite!!

It's an ultra-orthodox weirdo sect that says some OT prophecy about Israel wasn't fulfilled, there's like less than a 100 of them so it means nothing


>ask why should you pledge allegiance to a foreign nation
America, everyone.

If you listen to Ben cuckpiro, those are all "self hating jews'

>support this desert shithole on the other side of the planet! do it for the gipper!
nice try, JIDF.

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Normal people don't like nations that slaughter children who knew

but still pro Israel how does that work?
also sage

No such thing

>Mr. Kahane...I don't feel so good..

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You are a shizpophrenic anti-semite

those are the "brainwashed self hating jews"

>[muffled Hava Gavila playing in the distance]

I want to go back to how things were
I want people to stop giving a shit about politics
I'll even accept memes and off topic threads as long as it's not fucking politics and spam threads

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Its a meme created by the Arabs and Nazis on /pol/, you have been clowned

There is potential within the lower classes the only problem is that the people in that pool exist in a self fulfilling cycle. They come up realizing they're worth nothing so they grow up being worth nothing. Just to spawn children who also grow up realizing that they're worth nothing. They kill each other to get what little the next guy has and the police stationed there don't care because they're so inundated with cases that every unsolved case is a drop on the bucket. And if by some miracle they do come into money they waste it. Because they have no fucking idea what to do with money, they've never had it. And it's not like the people living there have teachers or parents to teach them what investment or planning for the future means. Because their entire existence revolves around living until the next day and that's it. And fuck getting the government to teach them because, in their eyes, they're the enemy. Since there's almost no positive relationship between officials and the public the people don't trust the officials. And the officials hate the public. Blue protecting its own only really gets attention in low income areas because many officers there tend to bend the law to cover any acts of spite done since the war on crime is translated to war on literally everyone in town. Even though most of the people there are burnouts just trying to survive either the police or the nigger gangs. And any enterprising person with designs out escaping are either encouraged or ousted as a sellout traitor to a system that oppresses them. And that shit is not fun and a lot of times ensures the new generation will come out just as shit as the previous one.

t. Someone who started there but got out and moved into the middle class sector. Hopefully upper middle class sometime soon. Solving this is really fucking complicated. It entails not only changing the public zeitgeist towards government but also educating 3 generations at once about money and what it is

impulse 101

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>Being pro-Israel is the most pro-American a person could be

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I still can't believe that only one muslim black woman had the balls to call out the AIPAC

For me, it's Social-Nationalism

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>it's not a yellow banana, it's a banana that's yellow REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

elites wanting everyone sliding into a numb political isolation is exactly why politics today is so violent user. It's inevitable no matter where you go

I love how Muslims are turning the democratic party into a jew killing machine...and most jews still vote for it.

It's like an exterminator killing rats by making them make their own poison.

>"pendulum" already swinged

The cope is palpable.

PS: AOCs voice sounds like a knife.

Socialist want a absence of capitalism

Social democrats believe capitalism works but needs major restrictions to keep it from screwing the general public


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>being based as fuck and politically incorrect

What happened now?

Shitskins and kikes.

Yeah let's "restrict" capitalism, which by the way has made the US the most powerful country in history, so we can import more brown people and give them handouts.

Sounds great.

>muzzie calls out alpaca
>aipac is basically a pro isreal pac that has been stuffing money into politicians pockets for years
>kike boot lickers like trump and the rest of swamp he loves in get triggered and screech anti semitism

>Anti-semite rabble

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