Remember me?

Remember me?

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not only i dont remember anything other than her ass, but i just recently discovered she is supposed to be black.

she's like 1/8th black at best
t. actually remembers this game.


Isn't her mother fully black

no she was half black, half indian

Is this worth like a dollar

completely forgot I had it from PS+ lol

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No wonder she was so damn ugly

Spelled it wrong, you fucking weeb. You should take a sip first.

No, that's because you're in the closet

Absolutely, I would recommend playing in french though. The game is nice but suffers from a bunch of little faults here and there, the combat system's customization doesn't ad anything meaningful or fun imo but the combat is overall enjoyable.


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Cool setting, interesting concept, unfortunately ruined by developer's inexperience and ugly niggers

Don't pretend that buzzcut was anything but revolting.

Didn't even pay attention

Yes. Very nice environments, the take on combat was glorified Freeform with "I win" buttons and the story was drop-dead fucking retarded.

I didn't have a problem with the blacks, unlike some in this thread. It is Paris, after all.

Remember Me was pretty interesting, just too little of it.

The customizable combos where certain attacks did certain things like regain mana or stun easier was cool, whole games like Absolver were based around systems like that. It was just too little, there was only like two chains to customize with a dozen moves.

The environments were the best part. I found this to be like Enslaved: Odyssey to the West. Both these games' best part was probably the artistic design of the levels and backgrounds. But again, too little of it was explore-able. It was really on rails.

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Absolver's combat was experimental and skillbased. And assigning different attacks actually assigned completely separate attacks, it didn't just change the animation and effect.

The only thing separating Remember Me from the likes of Bamham is the cool-downs and "effects", that which had little overall effect and Bamham let you push the combat with more agency.

I said 'systems like that', not the exact same thing. I won't go to any length to defend the gameplay in Remember Me past compliments to what it was trying to do. I didn't like hacking, I didn't like the following missions where you go through some memory's steps, and I can't remember any other mechanics. I don't know what bamham is.

All I liked was the chick's ass and the environments.

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My last screen from the playthrough.

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>pirate it on release
>like it a lot
>few months ago buy it on a steam sale
>current steam version has debilitating memory leaks that the pirated version didn't

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ya its underrated kino

>I don't know what bamham is.
batman arkham asylum, beat em up with widely copied gameplay

>The only thing separating Remember Me from the likes of Bamham is the cool-downs and "effects", that which had little overall effect and Bamham let you push the combat with more agency.

And like Bamham's combat, Remember Me's combat is serviceable.
The main selling points of the game are the environments, the music and, if you like it, the story. It's all packed up in a game with basic combat and platforming that have no major flaws and feature enough variety to not become a button masher. It all worked for me. It's become a meme to say that it was a terrible game or that it was forgettable (haha, "Remember Me"), but it was actually very good at what it focused on and serviceable on the rest.